18 February, 2025


Facing Pressure To Withdraw Decision To Implement Death Penalty, Sirisena Lashes Out In Anger

President Maithripala Sirisena lashed out at a whole host of politicians and even foreign nations, for raising objections on his decision to proceed with implementing death penalty.

Maithripala Sirisena

Speaking at an event, an upset Sirisena first dealt a blow against the European Union. “The EU says they will withdraw GSP concessions if the decision to implement death penalty is not withdrawn…It is a threat! It is not ethical to threaten a sovereign nation!” he said.

Sirisena went on to state that he will readily welcome any assistance extended by a foreign nation or an international organisation to develop the country but will not heed any interference made against the autonomy of the country.

“I saw even a top officer of the Government had noted that death penalty goes against his party principles…If party principles and policies were adhered to during the past four years, this country would have been in a better position than this,” he said.

He also lashed out at the Opposition objection and questioned steps they took while in power to combat the menace of drugs.

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe addressing an event on Sunday (30) spoke of the President’s determination to proceed with implementing death penalty, stating it is against the UNP principles to destroy a life and therefore the UNP is wholly opposed to the move.

Latest comments

  • 17

    What more can you expect from an uneducated ‘gama rala ‘ who now likes the high life profiting from every foreign junket even at lower ministerial level gatherings !

    • 1

      The Audience.

      Sirisena Teledrama, a new episode. Sirisena lashes out in anger.

      Next episodes. Sirisena approves executions.

      Will there be an episode where Sirisena is executed?

  • 2

    Well Said, President. Don’t allow those foreign bastards to influence our domestic policy decisions. Ask them to mind their own fricking business, especially that American woman.

  • 17

    Disgusting shameless power crazy lunatic who doesn’t care two hoots for the Country or the Citizens but would do anything to grab power.

  • 1

    Good luck.

  • 14

    Like those Russian dolls, our Prez. is an sanctimonious idiot wrapped in a fool wrapped in a hypocrite.

  • 0

    Ranil says killing 18 people or may be another 18 is against International Geo politics and their local chapter UNP. On the other hand, 100,000 drug addicts, destroyed families of 100,000 and 200,000 parents are negligible. President must have reminded about that. I think the president is not saying that because he knows Ranil has been hit by every side.
    It is hilarious when tamils were killing for 30 years, Ambassadors in colombo were asking for political solution to the Tamils and those countries were supporting financial collections by tigers. They were silent and went against Sri lanka when Zaharan et al blew up. Now they say they are against killing the 18 Drug barons. IT looks they are for destroying the world. PRESIDENT MUST NOTICE THOSE.

  • 2

    ”……If party principles and policies were adhered to during the past four years, this country would have been in a better position than this” Principals & policies? Sirisena must be joking. He doesn’t seem to know even the meaning of Principals.

    The country would have certainly been better off if not for a dumb uneducated crass yob as President. SL had good for nothing leaders, some even ruined the economy but this punk takes the biscuit as worst. Another term for this SOB would be curtains for SL.

  • 4

    Hang all the prison guards. Without their knowledge and help how can these guys operate from prison cells?

  • 0

    It is important to Bash Maithripala Sirisena to get to the size of National Candidate Karu Jayasuriya. Bash Ranil as the Decoy. This week, Karu Jayasuriya explains his program for the next five years when he becomes the president.
    What does the National Candidate says about Killing 18 Drug barons. Ambassadors have asked Ranil to says He does not like the Death penalty (may be via CPA or Sumanthiran).
    It looks they have more human rights than the 100,000 families and 200,000 parents are who are affected by the 100,000 drug addicts. 20128 October Scandle or COUP is occurring again. Peoples fundamental rights are inferior to that of 225 and the election official.

  • 0

    When weak backboneless Sirisena is in power everything will be opposed. When strong Rajapakse is in power everything will be supported including the revival of the death penalty! If Sirisena is keen to have the death penalty reintroduced, then allow Rajapakse to take over as President and to his surprise, he will find all including the EU supporting the Death Penalty and praising him for his wisdom and courage for his timely action!!

  • 3

    Imposing capital punishment for ‘possession of or dealing with drugs’ as offences is itself somewhat questionable. The person who possesses or deals with drugs does not forcefully thrust the drug onto people. It is the people who go for and get it from drug dealers. It is their voluntary act; not forced act by the drug dealer. On the other hand, a murder carrying death penalty stands on a different footing. There the perpetrator intentionally takes another person’s life and it is not that the person killed on his/her own got into losing his/her life. These differences must be understood by all. Why don’t the President order the execution of those offenders; instead if the drug offenders? Just because some other countries are executing is not a justification for our country to do so. We need to study the principle which underlies the justification for execution!

  • 2

    Cancel Them: Selling drugs is considered as a serious offense for which the penalty is death. But is this justifiable? It is just another business. The freedom to buy anything one wants is a topmost freedom. So is the freedom to sell what is in demand.
    If someone wants to buy drugs and use it, it is his business. Who are we to say no? President Sirisena should look the other way and ignore such offenses. The signing of a death warrant is by itself Pranagtha, an Akusala Karma of the highest level. By doing this he is liable to be sent to Avici Maha Narakaya. Let me tell you man, AMN is not exactly Shangri La. Nor is it the heaven described in Islam. There are no 72 virgins awaiting your arrival with open arms – or even open legs.
    What awaits you are huge vats filled with boiling oil. After the initial induction course, you are thrown in to one of these, the way your wife throws rotten Karavala in to the frying pan. The vats are so huge, you take thousands of years to sink to the bottom and a similar time to float up. On these up and down trips you will meet many sinners like you going the other way.
    Once you reach the surface you have brief few seconds to send a message. For example, if you are trying to say ‘Ayenam Marana Danduvam Denne Ne’ (I will never pass death sentences again), you will sink back after uttering ‘Ayenam Marana.’
    What I want to say is, It is not worth it man. Cancel it while there is still time.

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