A fearful MP Wimal Weerawansa pin pointed the exact location of the mass graves related to the last phase of Sri Lanka’s civil war.
MP Weerawansa exposed this exact location when he met the Malwatte chief prelate Ven. Thibbatuwawe Sri Siddhartha Sumangala Thera in Kandy a few days ago. He feared that under the new government’s policies the former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, his brother Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa whose self-claimed accolades of the war victory and other top military brass could be charged for war crimes.
Weerawansa went on to spill the beans in his attempt to create a fear psychosis among the prelate which was published in a video clip by Ceylon News.
According to Weerawansa, the removal of a military camp in Kilinochchi recently is bound to create a huge problem as thousands of LTTE cadres buried are bound to be unearthed. If and when that happens it is going to be difficult to identify the bodies to be those of the LTTE or civilians. This may create a huge problem as it could be alleged that war crimes were definitely committed by the government forces.
Further emphasizing Gota’s mass graves a fearful Wimal Weerawansa said “If this happens, the United Nations could declare the North – East as a separate country like how Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in 2008”. (Janaka Ranaweera @ Colombo Telegraph)
Mallaiyuran / September 16, 2016
War crime was committed by all Appe Anduwas. Weeravansa need not be witness for that. All location in North has to be dug up. UN and Appe Andu has to pay for that. If Sampanathar got a secret solution from Ranil before that all, he may want to keep it also secretly. Tamils don’t need it. Investigation have to be the first one.
jim softy / September 16, 2016
War crime was committed by all Appe Anduwas.
Who was the other warring party.
what was the issue ?
Native Vedda / September 16, 2016
jim softy dimwit
“what was the issue ?”
Wimal Sangili Karruppan Weerawansa says:
“According to Weerawansa, the removal of a military camp in Kilinochchi recently is bound to create a huge problem as thousands of LTTE cadres buried are bound to be unearthed.”.
He does not need to worry too much about unearthing skeletons in the army camps.
Army has strategically erected Buddha statues everywhere in their camps.
Digging under Buddha statues would amount to desecration and sacrilege only for Sinhala/Buddhists.
Therefore no politician/judge/police would dare dig under Buddha.
Digging will not happen.
Has Gota already started digging a grave for Wimal?
Thiru / September 16, 2016
Do you remember Wimal Weerawansa inciting the Sri Lankan air force to carpet bomb Tamil villages just to kill the LTTE cadres: In other words, he was inciting the Air Force to kill Tamil civilians also indiscriminately when he visited Jaffna during the war in 2014-7 period.
This was reported in the Sri Lankan press at that time when I read his cruel advice.
He is also, therefore, guily of inciting war crimes with possible genocide intentions.
The truth has a habit of outing it when people go systematically after it.
Let’s pray that the whole truth of what happened to Tamils during the war comes out soon, so that justice can be done to the innocent Tamils who perished and those who are suffering still.
timbuttu / September 16, 2016
you better find the graves that CBK and MR2 made first because the new constitution she is proposing is sinhala buddhist state with 2nd tier for the rest.
“Buddha said that everyone is equal. So why are we against giving equal rights to everyone in the nation?. Our effort is to compile a constitution which gives priority to Buddhism and gives equal rights to all other religions and at least try to convert Sri Lanka into a semi-secular state even if we are unable to convert it into a totally secular state,” she said.
timbuttu / September 16, 2016
from 48 the sinhala buddhist Bandaranaikas never knew how to live with forbearance not she is saying like her mother I have best Christmas cake and you eat alla battala.
Aia / September 16, 2016
Isn’t it treason? We will hang him!. How could he do this for our war heroes?. What a turn around, Mervyn looks amateur in his harshness on MR. Is it because MR left him behind n his last overseas trip?. Why Mahanayekke was taken for a ride?. Probably he didn’t see any one more patriotic than the thero. Is he really has genuine concern for SL or NE?.
jansee / September 16, 2016
Why is revealing the truth a treason? How can murderers become war heroes?
Aia / September 16, 2016
Agreed with all what you say. What I did was, borrowed some words from Gota that he uttered about Sarath Fonseka, when he was the Secretary of Defense. That burst from Gota was just for SF saying, if there were allegations about forces, it is good to find out the truth. If SF spilled the beans what WW does is he spills watermelons (going by size). The way he presenting the issue to the Ven. thero exposes his mindset: which is, there was no regret what so ever about killing people during MR reign but concern of WW is about the IC seeing it and consequences. Now, I can guess the reason as to why SL army shows a great deal of reluctance to release the private lands that they encroached. The secrets of the war victory was buried there and we should ensure not only the preservation of these but without letting any one to dig deep and open these graves.
Sinchuappu / September 16, 2016
First world prodcue all chemical nuclear or diverse other physical weapons to stay tuned be like or not.
Poor countries also have weapons in their forms. Some men and their radical thoughts are even worst than weapons. They always make every efforts to pass their views across masses and tie them up with their thoughts. THis has been the culture of srilankens too.
People like Wimal Weerwanse, Dayan Jayathilaka, Nalin De Silva, Udaya Gamnpila and the like are these most powerful weapons in our society. Their wording are filled with more negatively set vocabulary but to manipulate easy targets. Their thoughts are so powerful someties even more than a Xray traverse through matrix, those wording outreach masses.
This game has been the case inthe country over the decades with leaders direct mediation this has become even more radicaal alone the few years passed. BBS, Rawana or the like and some muslim organisations were known to us as a result of the activities of above men. The nature of human beings is if they are beaten to see alternatives to protect themselves from their enemies. In the country, if MR regime continued, no doubt, there would be an another LTTE-like organization built by muslim youth would take arms to go against radical lankens such as BBS caricatured srilaken sinhalayas.
This is why we need to strengthen law and order systems to the levels of singapore and germany – just right at this juncture to safeguard the rights of all citizens.
We dont want to go for wars again – never will that be the case if we the politicians and people would see them een more sensitivities by fulfiling the timeworthy steps necessary to take
To my eye, Wimal Buruwanse should be kept in a jail for his rehalibitation. That can save masses becoming violent.
Simon De Silva / September 18, 2016
These extreme elements will have to find their silent mode – as sure as eggs is eggs.
Samuel Jayaweera / September 16, 2016
This drag queen is the greater problem for the nation today. For him almost every visit could be seen as an invasion. Always living with fears and turning anything and everything filtering his highly deficient international knowledge. But for the majority folks, he is seen as the know-all since Rajakahse media unit do the job still today in favour of WW s political surivival.
Udaya Gammanpila and this man re the most abusive rabble rousers of the day.
Ranjan Fernando / September 16, 2016
This statement by Buruwanse on record will make him an important witness for the assassination of those who surrendered with the white flags.
timbuttu / September 16, 2016
its like the buruva Lankan castigating BBS as terrorist in a short period and sobita hijacking CC then idiot Tamils voting MR2 when he did not ask for vote then complaining that he is dishonest, war criminal etc etc- he is so why did they vote??
All the politicans are in it- How do you flush the whole lot into one watery grave is the question??
Big boy on highly advance nation (a1st to have aircraft carrier)japan and no sound for 70 years
KA Sumanasekera / September 16, 2016
Wonder where Mahattaya and his one hundred odd mates are buried.
TNA will pin that also on our poor Army Soldiers..
Wonder what happend to the 12,000 Soldiers in Elephant pass.And the 1500 in Mulative Jungles who disappeared.
Surely Pirahaparan and Pottu Amman are not darf to allow them to be buried with their Dog Tags. let alone in Army Uniform.
The same way as our Mahavamsa Field Marshall, who is the no. one prosecution witness for the Batalanada , Mangala War Crime Trials, wanted General Kamal to do to Mr Pirahaparan..
shankar / September 16, 2016
1200 soldiers ,not 12000.are you saying nearly half the armed forces casualties died in elephant pass.Can you tell us what hapenned to prabhaharan,kamal says he found his body,Are you saying kamal is a downright liar?then his book is not worth the paper published on,don’t you think?
KA Sumanasekera / September 17, 2016
Just be patient mate..White Flag dobber Mavawamsa FM is writing a new book, because of the same reason which you have mentioned.
Grab a personally signed copy at Sirikotha if you are in town.
Or order on line ..
Native Vedda / September 16, 2016
KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera
“Wonder where Mahattaya and his one hundred odd mates are buried. “
I too have been pondering about this for many years. Its a good point.
Now if you were so interested in Mahattaya’s body parts, you should have asked your mad mates in the military to find it out from VP when he surrendered to the army and before he was being hacked to death.
Kamal may have some clue. Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa may have known the exact spot.
Ajith / September 16, 2016
Dear Sumanasekaram I love you now. Do you mean 12,000 soldiers surrendered to LTTE in Elephant pass. If their body was buried in there, didn’t you find when you were digging to bury Tamil civilians in May 2009 or you buried 12000 Tamils in Kilinochi. So, It is now clear 100,000 figure is correct.
KA Sumanasekera / September 17, 2016
You seem to be an okay dude, but misguided by the likes of Tamil from the North..
Google can now show the house number even where TFN lives in Scarborough,
Don’t you think Diaspora mate America and Milliband didn’t have their best Satellites over Nanthikdal, with the highest resolution cameras which they use in their Stealth Bombers in Night Flights focuse on General Kamal.and his brave troops?.
All will be revealed to the OMP soon..With hard copies of IR photos..
And Kamal will be dragged like a dog by Mangalan to be handed over to Bunky Moon..
Tamil from the north / September 16, 2016
Sumanaya, nobody can understand the crap you write. Are you retarded?
KA Sumanasekera / September 17, 2016
Mate, Don’t stress.. I understand..
Have a Dosai feed from one those Tamil boutiques and read LeNews..
BTW I love their goat curry..
But I don’t think Tamil from Scarborough will fork out extra 6 bucks even if it is in Canadian Dollars.
Native Vedda / September 17, 2016
KASmaalamKA Sumanasekera
“BTW I love their goat curry..”
How did you con(vince) a Tamil man to pay for it?
KA Sumanasekera / September 17, 2016
Dear Native
Tell me about it buddy…..
No way Goni Bothal will pay for a serve of goat Curry.
He may settle for a bit of gravy, if it is free…
Gramberg / September 21, 2016
Tamil from the north
Analyst / September 16, 2016
ARe you really fearfull for them or for yourself.???
At least we can remove you from the MODAYA LIST FOR NOW.
rajash / September 16, 2016
…and the Malwatte chief prelate Ven. Thibbatuwawe Sri Siddhartha Sumangala Thera…sits smiling and listening and acknowledging and nodding his head.
Dankotuwa Manike / September 16, 2016
You are mad.
You are not a positive thinker and is a fault finder.
What is wrong in the Malwatte Chief’s smile. Modawanse must have been a laughing stock for him.
Pl. come out of your toilet thinking and go beyond to make meaningful comments.
Rajash / September 16, 2016
Dankotuwa Manike
did I miss something ?
has the Malwatte Chief’s made has made any statement condemning
Weerawansa or Gota
why didn’t he get up walk out
or demand Weerawansa to get out
CT can you please find out
Dankotuwa Manike – perhaps you know?
Sam Fernando / September 16, 2016
Those Chapter monks make no public statements but they dont share the view of Joint Opposition fully. They though believe that MR should be respected but they also want to go against them when it come to high profile abuses. That is clear.
Rajash / September 16, 2016
So they are worse than the Sri Lankan Muslim politicians?
sitting on the fence?
Panini Edirisinhe / September 16, 2016
Dear Rajash,
You and I have been exchanging ideas on many subjects, so you know that I am one who does NOT approve of people like Wimal Weerawansa. I certainly hope that he will be held accountable for at least some of his evil deeds.
However, I have seen your exchange of views here with “Dankotuwa Manike”. She is right. All human beings have certain public roles to play, so they have to be careful to comment only when it becomes really necessary. Think of the transformation brought about by the late Ven. Sobhitha of the Naga Vihara.
As for us, we know how un-Christian the conduct of the clergy of Uduvil has been:
I wonder whether you have seen that very balanced article that has appeared today?
If you want to get in touch with me, please look at the last comment here:
I have written clearly and honestly about that situation. I have given my e-mail address at the bottom of that last comment – after which there will be no more comments. I’m hoping that I will be ungagged, because the issues are important, and nobody has been able to call me names for writing about corruption in high places. What I was hoping for was that the points made by me would be challenged, leading to serious discussion. But no. I have proved my point beyond reasonable doubt, and the important personages have not been able to say anything in their own defence.
Rajash / September 16, 2016
Hi Panini Edirisinhe
I understand your comment and Sam Fernando also says that the Chapter monks don’t make public statement.
If Weerawansa is exploiting that and ranting about mass graves…surely the Chapter Monk should do something about it?
Call police and hand over him. Atleast politely ask Weerawansa to leave.
The video of Chapter monk taking such action would have gone wiral towards reconciliation and racial harmony
Dankottuwa Manike / September 17, 2016
Your IQ level is very poor.
Please keep on asking questions and then find the answers yourself.
You are waste of time.
Mano / September 16, 2016
Oka,y now start digging and investigating this claim….there are thousands of poor Tamil civilians who have yet to get answers as to where their loved ones are. If this was one of our family members, we would be just as desperate and anxious. There must be closure for these people, so that they can get on with their lives.
If indeed these people were slaughtered as some claimed, then hold the damn war criminals accountable.
No Sri Lankan leader should murder civilians and allowed to get away with it – like Bush and Cheney.
Let us show the world we are better than that.
J.Muthu / September 16, 2016
What a sinhala brilliant brain….hooray…
Taraki / September 16, 2016
Typical moronic comment from the resident gon demala. Can’t you see it is all a game? These are politicians. Nothing will come of it.
Native Vedda / September 16, 2016
“Typical moronic comment from the resident gon demala.”
I thought you are being tough on max moron.
Then I realised it is our Demela speaking Sinhalam Jamis Muthu Banda.
Native Vedda / September 16, 2016
Could someone tell me whether Thibbatuwawe Sri Siddhartha Sumangala Thera listening to Wimal Sangilige Weerawansa intensively or dozing off most inventively.
Burt / September 16, 2016
Maj. Gen. Kamal Gunaratne conveniently forgot to mention the massacre and burial of innocent civilians in his book.
Now you know why Gota prevented anyone other than the military and Rajapaksa yes men to the north even years after the war.
jim softy / September 16, 2016
Fearful Weerawansa Spills The Beans, Tells Exact Location Of Gota’s Mass Graves
big deal.
AJ / September 16, 2016
Exactly, it is a big deal. Well said.
Devil / September 16, 2016
“The fears come true.”one day The wolf will come actually.
Peter Pan / September 16, 2016
The sooner this despicable piece of excrement is put away for his crimes the better for Sri Lanka!
Why is he still free?????
CHANAKYAN / September 16, 2016
When the Romans were raised to a pitch by Mark Antony, after the murder of Caesar, they roared “The Will, the Will, we will hear Caesar’s Will”.
Now that Wimal Weerawansa has let the cat out of the bag, as reported by Colombo Telegraph, Tamils will thunder “Mass Graves, Mass Graves”. No need to ask where? because even the location is specified by an insider
In chorus will be shouts of “War Crimes” and inquiry.
Rohan / September 16, 2016
Wow… Weerawansa should not get anticipatory bail, but should admit himself to a prison or a remand, where he would be safe from the Rajapakses.
Let’s go and dig up the place!!!
Amarasiri / September 16, 2016
RE: Fearful Weerawansa Spills The Beans, Tells Exact Location Of Gota’s Mass Graves
“A fearful MP Wimal Weerawansa pin pointed the exact location of the mass graves related to the last phase of Sri Lanka’s civil war.”
There is no more reason for Wimal Weerawansa to cover Mahinda Rajapaksa and his cronies for crimes committed.
“He feared that under the new government’s policies the former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, his brother Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa whose self-claimed accolades of the war victory and other top military brass could be charged for war crimes.”
One thing to be charged for War Crimes. Another thing to be punishing for War crimes. Even after WW 2, the Allies only hanged about 260 War Criminals. They were responsible for millions of killings.
Matta / September 16, 2016
Booruwansa becomes a Gonbooruwansa by the utter rubbish he speaks here.
KA Sumanasekera / September 17, 2016
Matta ,,,Are you from Battcoloa…
Shan / September 16, 2016
Brilliant reasoning by CT. It looks like Gota stole CT editor’s lunch money as CT tries to associate Gota to every possible incident. If it is Gota’s mass graves then it is Gota’s war victory.
Gota may have done something right to command respect of all the commanders of the divisions who finished the LTTE terrorists. Latest been Gen. Kamal Gunaratne.
Justice & Fairplay / September 16, 2016
We’ve just about had enough of you. You’ve been a pestilence we could well have done without. Be done with you and may the sun shine on the rest of us, Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim, burgher… the lot, as Sri Lankans, FULL STOP.
People like you have no place under the sun. Take that Gomanpilla with you as you go.
S B Lokuge / September 16, 2016
It seems some idiots are happy if these mass graves are found. They do not care they live happy lives now, without any fear of getting blown into pieces on their way to work. Should we care if some terrorist were killed and buried in mass graves now that the war is over?
Japwatch / September 16, 2016
You have revealed your primitiveness by your comment. Are you living in a cave? Rather than sitting and typing some nonsense, go get out of your cave and do some hard work.
AJ / September 16, 2016
It seems like some idiots don’t know that the court decides if somebody is a terrorist or not. Not the paedophile safrons.
Ben Dover / September 16, 2016
All I can say is, “AIYYO WEERAWANSA”!!!
Dankottuwa Manike / September 16, 2016
Wimal Modawanse must be arrested immediately and taken to Kilinochchi to identify the mass grave in the army camp. He must be interrogated to find the source of his revelation for further investigations.
Hinniappu / September 16, 2016
Dankotuwa Manike,
if the corresponding authorities had due care on protecting the nation,
I really dont think that Wimal weerawanses would become the rabble rousers of the day.
Those who promoted for their own political survivial should be made accountable for this. Rajapakshe no doubt never thought it twice, but enjoyed himself the instant joliya – to keep the UPFA intact. But the consequences today are – those consituent parties such as of WW continue making every efforts to break the SLFP for their survival.
These men will never find their political establishments without grand parties.
Shrikharan / September 16, 2016
“According to Weerawansa, the removal of a military camp in Kilinochchi recently is bound to create a huge problem as thousands of LTTE cadres ……..Further emphasizing Gota’s mass graves a fearful Wimal Weerawansa said “If this happens, the United Nations could declare the North – East as a separate country like how Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in 2008”
If that is so it is so, people who committed such terrible things should pay the price whatever that penalty it deserves even if it amounts to division of the country. Remember the Government had harmed their own citizens and not people from outer space.
If a cover up of such grave injustice is fine by Wimal Weerawansa then he should accept the same injustice to him and why should he be making such a noise when he is accused and investigated for any abuse of privileges committed by him when he was a Minister under Rajapakse’s rule. Why should he complain from roof tops when others cover up their sins? This is the politics he plays.
He wants justice to him but he is fine associating with criminals and prevent justice when it comes to the others and they are dispensable. He calls himself a radical socialist, what a humbug hiding behind various attractive labels and slogans and hiding his own bad and cruel mind.
Pygmalion / September 16, 2016
The most venerable Mahanayake Thero has obliged to allow Weerawansa to beat his Drums[Bera];And that too with the articulation of his hands and wrists!
At the end of it he has been given Beans by the Mahanayake!
Gune / September 16, 2016
Wimal is a pseudo nationalist who is a lover of western living standards, business class travel, fancy phones and and holidays in Disneyland. Frankly there is nothing wrong for anybody to love these things. It only becomes completely wrong when you profess something different to the gullible masses by projecting yourself as a nationalist and then act contravening those values. He survives on instilling fear using ethnic and divisive methods. A discard from the JVP ( a party I am coming to respect so much lately) this man has a huge chip on his shoulder and is a serious threat to national interests because he looks for means of his own survival. MR is not strong on his own, Wimal, Dinesh and Vasu are members who are also individually weak people who thrive on each others political insecurities and the easiest tool they have is to instil fear fear in the majority communities using the minority community. Short as he comes and with a “chip on the shoulder” this man is complexed and needs to be dealt with severely.
Dunken Leutheuser / September 16, 2016
My elders taught me- the background you come from is really important.
We perfectly know where Wimal W is coming from. What social class he belong to, what education he has earned ( just a school droper only).
Not being able to get on with ones sharing more according to their backgrounds, Wimal Weerawanse and the ilk have been isolated in our society today. So the voice he shine is representing the fraction.
This became to me even clearer after moving to Europe in late 80ties.
We the students came from different culture diverse walks of lives got together. Some I got to know are from asian coutries. More or less most of them bear the mixed mind sets since most of them except thai candidates were colonised by european masters.
Colonialsm should have done lot more dividing the culture during the centuries. Some folks being able to communicate in English overestimate their nature while the others not. Sure knowing an european langague well make it very helpful when getting on with them today, but still remains as one another medium only. What brings a langague without having proper education ?
Many from former colonies behaves even today – English, French language skills can make them above everything. This is what I myself felt having known to some people coming from Colombo even today.
Bushto / September 16, 2016
LTTE terrorists didn’t always come in uniform, they were the average citizen who joined voluntarily or was forced to do so. What Weerawansa says here is that foreign busy bodies can label some or all as ‘innocent’ citizens thereby making it their business to breakup the country (based on their assumption). Cannot agree fully with the interpretation here
yakshaya / September 16, 2016
misleading title . whose side are you, manufacturing consent?. for the predatory nations? . wimal is saying what is what.Monk has no brians, he is UNP sold out?.
yakshaya / September 16, 2016
are you a British paper, coughing on behalf of your queen?.
AJ / September 16, 2016
It is a Southern based media, so it has to be misleading. well spotted
Burt / September 16, 2016
This is why you don’t need to do anything to destroy a fool just give them to speak.
Agnos / September 16, 2016
The NPC should use the powers vested in it to the maximum and seek appropriate technology from aid agencies to identify mass graves in the North-East without having to dig everywhere; such technology may be helpful even close to SLA camps.
The international community and the Tamil Diaspora should make parallel efforts of their own to bring out the details of all the mass graves and war crimes methodically; the GoSL is unlikely to cooperate, so while there should be sustained pressure on the GoSL to cooperate, if they give the runaround–as they have been doing all along–, there should also be unilateral international efforts.
There can never be any reconciliation until the full extent of the mass graves and the details of war crimes are brought out and justice ensured.
Analyst / September 16, 2016
Here here , well said.
This should be the beginning of the War crimes .
Those who have lost their relatives will never forget their loved ones., there need to be a healing process .
Healing process will never end until the truth is found and that the perpetrators are punished.
True nature of humans as we know ones love for your loved ones never dies.