21 January, 2025


Kill The Buddha

By Jagath Asoka

Dr. Jagath Asoka

Dr. Jagath Asoka

Shedding the blood of a Buddha is a heinous crime. I am not trying to be a provocateur, but imagine for a moment, a Sri Lankan Buddhist monk saying to his devout lay followers, “If you see the Buddha coming down on the road, kill him!” Of course, a Zen master used these words “Buddha, road, and kill” metaphorically, when he warned his disciple. This metaphorical Buddha can be a Buddhist monk that you venerate or your own self, if you have been striving to achieve nirvana. I think, it is much easier to understand this metaphorical road: your life or your chosen spiritual path. The Buddha is not a final point but points beyond himself to that ineffable being, virtues, and powers that is in all of us. If you have concretized all the virtues and powers on a figure, like the Buddha, all fix ideas must be killed, dissolved, or disintegrated. You must kill the image of God as well.

What is the insurmountable barrier for a Buddhist? Is it the image of the Buddha that we worship every day, the images that are so ubiquitous in Sri Lanka? When you have an image in front of you, you can worship this graven image, thinking about its inimitable virtues and powers. If you continue this activity every day, morning and night, without realizing that you, too, have these virtues and powers, what would happen to you?

Since Buddhism is not only an elite religion but also a popular religion, Buddhism provides bases or tools for meditation. Relic worship is very common in Buddhism. All these great stupas in Sri Lanka are reliquary mounds. Each one contains a relic. These stupas and Buddha statues are just tools for mediation on the Buddhahood and the Buddha powers within each one of us. For over two thousand years, we have been worshipping the Buddha statues, stupas, and relics and participating in rituals that are supposed to transform us spiritually; Even though the magic and majesty of all these sacred places and activities speak of exaltation of the spirit, furnish a base for mediation, and make the transcendent transparent, I am not certain whether we have any tangible evidence to show that we are spiritually any better now as a nation, compared to the inhabitants who lived before Buddhism was introduced to Sri Lanka. There has to be some correlation between religious activities of a nation and its spiritual growth. Even though there are so many Buddhist activities, discussions, books, and rituals in Sri Lanka, it seems like we—Sri Lankan Buddhists—are craving for something that we have not found, yet. Finding the Buddha within yourself is probably a Sisyphean task. We can meditate on the virtues and powers of the Buddha in front of a granite Buddha Statue, but if we do not find these powers and virtues within us we would remain without any spiritual transformation, just like the granite statue in front of us.

In a place like Pennsylvania, finding a Buddhist temple is like finding a Zoroastrian fire temple in Sri Lanka. Even though I have experienced numinous feelings in sacred places, I cannot say that sacred space is everywhere, because I have not experienced what the sanctity is, through lifelong meditation or the experience of living in sacred spaces; however, I have created a small sacred place for myself, the room in which I do my writing, a reconstruction of my childhood neighborhood where temples, mosques, and churches provided a symbolic environment, where spiritual life was possible. When I was a child, playing with my friends created timelessness and made me forget everything else that was happening in my life. I still play with my friends, and the writing I do for living and for fun has become another game that creates timelessness.

When I was a kid, Buddhist literature for lay people was not as ubiquitous as now. I think there are so many books on Buddhism, and most Sri Lankans are capable of reciting sutras and verses. Even though it is true that everything I know is what I read in books—with a little bit of reflection; however, I am not very good at memorizing things. Reciting what we find in sacred texts is somewhat similar to a person going into a restaurant, looking at the menu, and eating the menu without eating the meal that it describes. Even though I have not seen people eating menus at restaurants, menu eating is pretty common when it comes to religion.

Most of us do not seek illumination as a man whose hair on fire seeks a pond, do not participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world, do not believe that the kingdom of the father is spread out over the earth, do not do our thing without any attachment and worrying about the outcome, or live our lives that when we die, the people may mourn, and while we are alive they long for our company; however, most of us worship, read some sacred texts, participate in rituals, and hope that there is some continuation of life or heaven after death.

Perhaps, now is also the time to build our own sacred space where we can experience numen, find activities that create timelessness, stop eating the menus, kill the Buddha that we worship, and search for his virtues and powers within us.

Latest comments

  • 7


    Very good article.

    buddhism can not be learned by reciting sacred books.

    Need to practice in order to understand it proper.

    We can meditate on the virtues and powers of the Buddha in front of a granite Buddha Statue, but if we do not find these powers and virtues within us we would remain without any spiritual transformation, just like the granite statue in front of us.

    when you do breathing meditation you meditate on you. You try to understand you.

    • 8

      Dear Jagath Asoka,

      thanks for the Article.

      We missed your kind of articles to forum all the past few months.

      Yes, those who call buddhists and make every efforts to return to power in the name of buddhism is the current day problem in Srilanka.

      • 6

        This is a very good article – thanks Jagath.

        We have well identified your unique talent in writing from the previous articles.

        Please bring an analysis about the Rajapakshe men and their intoxicated political mind sets – struggle to comeback by hook or crook to date. That can help the many – since you are definitely one another that raised the voice against the dictatorship of Mahinda Rajakashe.

        • 6

          Seelawathie (and other pseudo-named heroes before her)must have cow dung in her brains to praise this idiot’s attempts to come to recognition through devious means.

          He is an idiot who has managed to learn some English and he does not seem to know what to do with it. So he keeps writing worthless bullshit, trying to attract attention.

          It is only the anti-Sinhala Buddhist conspirators who are all over this website who praises this stupid idiot.

          TO HELL WITH HIM.

          • 4

            We would rather avoid you in the process of going to hell.

            No doubt Sinhala buddhist of your stupid nature- promotors will not find it right. No criticisms are permitted in your world, but ours.

            I really dont think JAsoka s pieces are worthless bullshit. Btw he has been a POST DOC – to attack him this way – you should have not even Olevels.

    • 1

      Dr. Jagath Asoka

      RE: Kill The Buddha

      “Perhaps, now is also the time to build our own sacred space where we can experience numen, find activities that create timelessness, stop eating the menus, kill the Buddha that we worship, and search for his virtues and powers within us.”

      The “Buddhists” have been killing the Buddha… and distorting Buddhism and converting into Buddhist Tribalism and turning Buddha into a God, to be worshiped, which Buddha did not want.

      Buddhism as philosophy,Buddhism as religion and Buddhism as a tribal badge of identity, so that they can kill the non-Buddhist Tribals.

      Three Buddhism & The Isolation Of The Philosopher


    • 3

      Would you attempt to write a similar article where the Buddha is replaced by
      Allah? Even in Sri Lanka?
      That is where Islamic Wahabism funded by the Saudis has brought us to.

  • 6



    I am not certain whether we have any tangible evidence to show that we are spiritually any better now as a nation, compared to the inhabitants who lived before Buddhism was introduced to Sri Lanka.


    Its here -> 2 most generous countries in the world are not rich but Buddhist.


    • 3

      To Jagath Asoka. Very interesting topic and thanks For the thought provoking article. The subject heading is, I daresay arousing, and Gnanasara Thero may blow a fuse if he reads that. But as usual, your writing borders the lines of controversy. Not quite there, but almost.

      To De Silva. It is not only about the charity per se, but about how much you strive to live your entire life in accordance to the teachings of Lord Buddha himself, following his examples, his messages and virtually understanding his spirit and soul. Even though Buddhist folks in SL, despite their worship of massive (larger than life) granite statues and chanting of Sutras and Manthras, lighting of oil lamps and listening to all that preaching (Bana), transformation is not visible nor forthcoming. The big question is, Why? Which is what needs to be answered and what the writer is trying to address.

      If it is charities that interest you, there are 100% Muslim countries (42) of which 10 are the most richest in the world which give away much, in terms of charities. The only thing is their charities are never publicized since it is discouraged by religion to give such publicity, if they truly wanted to benefit by it, spiritually. In fact publicity reduces the merit of the giver who gets all the spotlight in this world, and receives nothing in the hereafter. It may also put the receiver in an embarrassing position. The popular Islamic saying goes ‘What the right hand gives, even the left hand must not know’. So it will always remain this way. Based on that, it is hard to decide on what basis, of all countries in the world, Myanmar can claim that top spot.

      • 8

        “If it is charities that interest you, there are 100% Muslim countries (42) of which 10 are the most richest in the world which give away much, in terms of charities.”

        You are talking about zakat. Zakat in countries like Saudi Arabia is compulsory; the State will collect it, regardless. Also, the zakat assistance usually goes to help other Muslims, not non-Muslims. So, it is not charity in the traditional sense; it is an obligation under Quran. For Shias, zakat is voluntary.

        • 0

          It is not only Zakath (compulsory tax of 2.5% of one’s wealth held by an individual for one complete year, eligible receivers are also very specific from those who are in need), but there is also Sadaka (optional charity of any amount, which can be given away to anyone at any time). Both types of charities emanate from the core teachings of Islam.

          On the other point, when the richer (Muslim) countries give aid at times of calamities to the affected or sometimes lesser privileged friendly countries, or interest free loans for infrastructure development like in military aid, the laying of roads, construction of bridges and upgrading (Sapugaskanda) oil refineries, those funds are not religion specific, but rather country specific, irrespective. Of course there are instances of religion specific aid too, in the form of date distribution to Muslims to last a whole month of Ramazan, aid received from Muslim countries for Muslims. Even the support and helping with funds to build Masjids to conduct congregation prayer services, etc. However those are mainly people to people aid, rather than government to government. When the government receives aid from any Muslim country, it definitely does not come with any strings attached, such that it must go to Muslims only.

          • 3

            Ali joot boot jhootha (liar)

            “When the government receives aid from any Muslim country, it definitely does not come with any strings attached, such that it must go to Muslims only. “

            you are liar and liar and Saudi builds mosque even at Japan but will not permit other faiths to have it on their soil.
            The burka is the cover up for polygamy and harem. Because anything common has no value. The english had to protest at Buckingham palace to Queen Victoria to take over EEIC Nawabs and Nabobs.
            Till the Beatles period there were no condoms in the world.

            even the staunchest Muslim or chair of a mosque in the uk or lanka lends money on interest but through 3rd party and secretively.

            We live in a practical world not your theoretical world.

            • 3

              Because Islam forbids all forms of idol worship. Before Muhammed conquered Mecca, there were Jews, Hindus, Christians etc. and synagogues, temples, and churches. These were destroyed, since they are considered forms of idolatry. Some even say the Kabaa is a Shiva Temple. In South India, the Shiva Temples are called as Kabaalishwaran temples. Kabaali, therefore – refer to Lord Shiva. The crescent moon that one sees on the flags of many Islamic nations can also be found in depictions of Lord Shiva. What about Ramadan? Look at the first four letters, is it possible the origins of this festival lie in a devotion to Lord Rama?

      • 3



        transformation is not visible nor forthcoming. The big question is, Why?


        I saw you siting Gnanasara Thero then comment relative to his behavior.

        Its a bell curve like any other society. The extremes are there and visible than the bulging middle order.

        The figures I cited points to the middle part of the curve that constitute the largest section. It not only points to generosity in terms of monetary giving also things like helping a stranger.

        Do other Islam nations do the same? Well, that’s good too.

      • 8

        Catholic has three theological virtues: faith, hope, and charity
        long before advent of I_slam humanity
        Faith Hope Charity for all. no other faith has it.
        Lanka buddha god is begging bowl.
        Latin Caritas ( irrespective of faith caritas has built many tsunami homes in the south of lanka)
        English Charity.
        From the time EU commenced it was possible to see north african Arabs cross the see to Spain and live on numerous outlets of Caritas- they were getting money from everywhere to have sex drink and drugs and they are pious muslims praying 5 times a day. I have heard that most of those men are jihadist too and bombed madrid. Gunne natthe ballo.

        Ali tell me practical things in life than your stupid theories. Muslim charity is only for muslim but look at the poverty of arabs in the holiest place on earth for muslims Saudi. Gaddafi Saddam money that was sent to lanka was specific `islam only`.

        You defend the satan of islam. BBS was right and it was a small gang warfare which the opposition picked up and blew it up to brand ( a small org of non govi class) BBS as terrorist. how long did it take the international community to brand suicide bomber LTTE??

        From 1948 Muslim immigrants along with sinhala buddhist have ruled the island so your time is up to stop eating 20% minority shares when you are 10% and hold 50% of all business.
        if you don’t put the faith as front foot i am always there to help.
        Gujarat 1000 dead because they asked for it saying the western press is with us. US wanted control of the new PM so it shot mayawathie on the foot. etc.

        Why so because Harry Truman was never elected. He ordered Churchill to take away 1 million square kilometers of Hindu land and give it to i_salm humanity. Roosevelt had won the war but died 2 weeks the bomb that Truman dropped on Japan.

        Obama Hussein has killed more Americans and others worldwide than Bush the christian.- fact (like Filipino pres said son of a bitch) mum was social worker marrying a man in every country she served. his half brother lives at china. (liberal democrats survive on the rich mans money like parasites and run away when the money is over- oh yes they are the spin doctors of the world.
        If a message posted is understood that is the main thing on these forums-and anyone who can merely highlight spelling mistakes and highlight grammatical errors needs to get a life.

        The main funders for Trump is Shalli Kumar – watch the space.


    • 6

      scumbag vibushana de silva,
      the bigot is back.

      the reference is a marketwatch real estate agent
      Ha ha good for buruvas to suck on.

      during Tsunami Bush informed the largest givers UK (no strings attached) that USAID is 100% defense related. today most Americans write a last will for animal welfare. Bill Gates himself gives it to homeless men in gratitude for the assistance he received in his breakthrough.

      Burma?? political move to buyinto the vaste mineral resources.

      there is nothing like a free lunch at London.

      its a game of beggars trying to be choosers in Asia when Asian don’t need freedom and democracy like the nomads of the west but it need honest, effective and efficient government so that it may be the Singapore and not have begging as a government profession to start bonds scams, money laundering, offshore funds etc and slaughter of its own people on ethnic, and faith differences.

    • 5

      Dear Mr. De Silva/ Vibhushana,
      As usual your website links are quite misleading:

      “The results of the annual World Giving Index are out. And, this year, two countries share the top spot as the most generous in the world — the U.S. and Myanmar.

      Myanmar and the U.S. shared a 64% generosity rating, followed by Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia. The U.S. is the only country to rank in the Top 10 for all three kinds of giving measured by U.K.-based charity CAF-America for the World Giving Index: Helping a stranger (No. 1), volunteering time (joint No. 5 with Tajikistan) and donating money (No. 9). Myanmar ranked No. 1 for money, No. 2 for volunteering time, but only No. 63 for helping a stranger.”

      Sri Lanka is at 9, even below Muslim Malaysia and . So what are you trying to prove? You haven’t resorted to Photoshop this time.

  • 7

    [These stupas and Buddha statues are just tools for mediation on the Buddhahood and the Buddha powers within each one of us.]

    These are according to Modaya Army are great (s)tools for oppression and suppression of Tamil in Tamil lands.

  • 14

    sinhalese have killed the bhuddha long ago.

  • 5

    Scholars of Buddhism are many however it is something you experience within you that makes you a Buddhist not so much the knowledge. Any wonder why even Monks participate in vandalism specially against minorities? Listen to the 10 discourses on Vipassana by S N Goenca on YouTube if interested. No insult from non-Buddhists (or even from so called Buddhists) will bother you one bit if you are a true follower of Buddha’s teachings on how the immutable Universal Laws of Nature operate.

  • 4


    Reading your article after a long absence. As usual, superb and refreshing.

  • 8

    Buddhism is more a philosophy than a religion.
    It is a ‘way of life’.
    Any rational man knows the difference between right and wrong.
    If one strives to do ‘right’ always, it is ‘good’ religion.

    Organised Religion has divided mankind more than anything else.
    Today, wars, invasions, killings and persecutions of groups of peoples go on in the name of religion.
    Groups hate each other, due to religion.

    Man is a rational/intelligent animal.
    Man has but a finite number of years on this planet, before he merges with the universe in the form of molecules.
    These few years should be spent in doing ‘good’
    This is not thought of, by most of mankind.

    • 2

      Excellent comment and words are straight out of my own mind.
      All the prophets and great men who presented the religions and beliefs and faiths are ordinary humans of a time now forgotten. Over this period of transition the successive teachers of the respective faiths created an identity
      and division among humanity to the extent that today we stand divided with hatred within us. My God is stronger than yours and My faith is above yours attitude is the order of the day.
      What people fail to realize is that the faiths are a guidance to good living in this world which will be rewarded in the afterlife.
      In other words the faiths are preparing one to life after death.
      I am yet unaware of an after life and none of those near and dear to me came back (even in my dreams) to say there is an after life.
      What we need is not faith but understanding within the human race.

  • 2

    Excellent article! It is evident the English speaking crowd has taken this well. Much work needs to be done among the Sinhala speakers as the only Jagath Asoka’s they have are politicians!

  • 5

    Here one thing Jagath did not understand is that Buddhism is interwoven with the country’s culture.

    Now, muslims, Tamils and christians are changing that.That is why Sinhala buddhists are required.

    Sinhala civilization and culture have very high influence of buddhism.

    Eventhough they need to kill buddha in order to be enlightend, they cannot kill buddhism if they want to exist.

    • 5

      jim softy ,

      your freedom fighters all were converted to Catholic then Christianity

      it runs in your genes to convert for a few bob.
      after all what is faith but an emotion- no more.

      havent you heard the song money can buy me love that is how one gets rid of ISM the idea.

      You would find peace of mind when you educate your senses and emotions rather than be a slave of ideas- ism.

      Have you got a record of the number of atta pirikana sevura that have given up and got married? some of them become private tuition masters.

  • 3

    Kill the Buddha within Sri Lanka Sinhala Buddhist. They seems to be having a different Buddha.

    Like ISIS having a different Quran and Allah

    • 2


      Agree, the fact is that Buddha was/is different to different people depending on their moral standards.

      Majority of Sri Lankan Buddhists including monks are non Buddhists and there’re non Buddhists who are really Buddhists.

  • 1

    Mr. Jagath Asoka

    Excellent; so inspiring, Thanks a lot

    Have a delicate feeling inside, to see Northern people get inspired to kill Buddha, to bring harmony

  • 6

    Bullshit writer must be a member of avengelican church worshiper of keralist CBK and Ranil. Tamils have been historical traditional enemy of Sinhalese. practicing Buddhism is one thing but your own survival as a nation is an entirely different thing. it is two hundred fifty million against nearly nineteen million. just like few millions against more than one billion as far as Palestinian Zionist dispute is concern. through out history Tamils or darvadians lived in south India did was to killing Sinhalese,looting their wealth, destroying their heritages, great civilization built and occupied their land.as such any dealing with Tamils is a live or die situation for Sinhalese although elite class can not understand it.

    When Baktiar approached NALANDA chief incumbent advise was to others to retreat to their respective rooms and start meditation but that did not help.result was Holocaust or mass murder.burning down of entire university.But in Tibet Buddhist monks took different approach.practiced martial art base on evasive actions of human body and went for offensive.Ambushed Baktiar in Assam and forced him to retreat only with handful of soldiers.

    offensive is the best form of defensive.it is valid for everybody in every aspect of life for survival. nothing to do with religion ideals.own survival as nation is the key for every nation or every individuals.

    Therefore killing Buddha is bullshit theory. Enemy must be treated the way that prescribed. if killing needed you have to kill.

  • 1

    Go for a drive man.. on a Sunday morning..

    You can see Buddhas sitting in the manicured lawns as garden Norms, in houses

    Or check in the Do it Yourself Warehouses, and you may pick one up for less than 70 Dollars.

    That is where your mate PM Batalanda Ranil puts all his Chips. to give our Sinhala Buddhist Inhabitants Yahapalanaya, with Bacon on the Table.

    BTW Didn’t the Diaspora Thavailar who used the TNA as his Political Wing under Batalanada Ranil’s CF , blew up the Temple of Buddha’s Holy Tooth?.

    Just imagine if Buddha was living there….

    Your wish (is it the right word ) would have come true…

    • 4

      KA Sumanasekera,

      16th was harvest/autumn moon and continues to 22 when …

      Pooooya sumane is sloshed awaiting kandy lamisse.

    • 1

      Pleae have you check going to an ORTHOPAEDIC if a tail is making in you.

      Anatomocal changes should already be detectable the manner you behave by today.

      Else, I cant see any reason why the men of your kind to continue polish the shoes of the former… even with all is beocming clear to this date him to have abused the nation as other in entire DEVELOPING WORLD.

    • 2

      KA Sumanasekera :-

      As a Learned Bhikku once said, “It is not what you put in your Mouth, that is important in Buddhism, But the Words that Come Out of it!”

  • 7

    Dr. Jagath Asoka,

    “Since Buddhism is not only an elite religion but also a popular religion,”

    only 7% of the worlds population are buddhist and over 50% live at mainland china (go visit than tell us elite religion) -487,540,000 Buddhists (7%), of which half live in China.- No dana bana commission kakka.dansal pansal.

    Sanskrit Buddhu means Widom. Puddu means Stupid.
    Jagath can you give me an algebraic formula for `wisdom` as concept.
    Reality+….(Its very simple)

    ” Each one contains a relic.”
    The one at kandy is a canine tooth. Are you aware of and when Hinayana became Mahayana and the sculptures that depicted it close to Bombay by HariSena who finaly overcame the Pala Dynasty of Bengal?? as to why the sculptures were made into oversize humans, hair, ear lobes, bindu etc?? Travel or google it on Indian culture buddhist period just after Alexander the great 327 BC.

    “In a place like Pennsylvania, finding a Buddhist temple is like finding a Zoroastrian fire temple in Sri Lanka. “

    Because Buddhism is a philosophy and Hinduism is not a religion. Lankans see buddha god because they are Puddu- shape shape okkama shape.(shape -conceal the truth with canine relic buried in a dirt mound)

    “however, I am not very good at memorizing things.”
    So you use xyz method like us??

    “Reciting what we find in sacred texts is somewhat similar to a person going into a restaurant, looking at the menu, and eating the menu without eating the meal that it describes. Even though I have not seen people eating menus at restaurants, menu eating is pretty common when it comes to religion.”

    you will find that in the 7th path or 4th Gem that the sinhala buddhist are sitting on not most Burmese monks. In Biochemical terms its called dietetics and nutrition.

    ” or live our lives that when we die, the people may mourn, and while we are alive they long for our company”
    I still remember my rinpoche in my minds eye (I have no pictures of him) though he attained nirvana 30 years ago.- a man who had never plucked a flower in his life- Bhutanese royalty.

    “kill the Buddha that we worship,”
    if you mean Sinhalese Buddhist – there are 40 k of them, so how to get rid of these scum bags?

    When you give us the algebric formula for Wisdom then you know better than buddha.

    Please do not confuse wisdom with knowledge. get a life and make a life.

  • 0

    If No Buddha, there will be no DJs,Wimals, Malindas, HLDMs and many other likes.

    If no Buddha, no UNP led governments, no SLFP led governments with the help of JVP, JHU and so on

    • 1


  • 0

    “In a place like Pennsylvania, finding a Buddhist temple is like finding a Zoroastrian fire temple in Sri Lanka. “

    Jagath – not sure where in Pennsylvania you live. I think there is a “Buddha Bar” in Pittsburgh. Go and have a beer* under the overbearing Buddha statue and Kill the Buddha within you.

    *I suggest Heineken – as they use to say “the beer that refreshes the parts other beers don’t reach”

    • 2

      you are asking someone who perhaps would be having wine with meals
      to go for beer? it will not work.

      • 2

        but wine doesn’t refresh the parts that Heineken reaches :)
        He needs some refreshing :)

        • 1

          its custom (for wife)to have table wine instead of water.Brits are learning it from the concept of bread and wine like they are into Starbucks coffee than traditional tea.

        • 0

          ““In a place like Pennsylvania, finding a Buddhist temple is like finding a Zoroastrian fire temple in Sri Lanka. ””

          This 1/2 baked Kochi boy said he lived at flower road so its good for him and nothing against him but its the froth in the tea he serves that bothers minorities. the individual is the smallest minority.

          But then he never wanted to reason where and how the 25 parse families of Lanka had the Zoroastrian fire temple. they know their `sugar` better than Kochi.

    • 2

      We dont have the difficulty in Europe. Zurich, Frankfurt, Berlin, London and everywhere we have buddhist temples.

      • 1

        Seelawathie Jayasinghe “We dont have the difficulty in Europe. Zurich, Frankfurt, Berlin, London…”

        I thought you were referring to Buddha Bar when I read your first sentence….

        I think these cities may have Buddha Bars too….if you want to kill the Buddha within you….

        • 3

          No there re locals of each country to stand against even if they use buddha statues as showrooms decorative objects. Recently, some known to me in Germany went on protests asking to remove Buddha statues being abused in unnecessary places

      • 0

        hinduism is not a religion and you find a private meditation center in almost every place there is a yoga center even though the center is commercial. That is how it has stayed alive for 1000’s of years.
        Its like linux operating system and others borrow from it freely to create own.

  • 4

    I am a retired engineer. From day one I attended Christian schools right up to A levels and then went abroad and completed my degree in engineering in one of the British Universities, and then worked 38 years in various countries. So, I never had the opportunity to learn even Basic Buddhism. Also 75 % of my school life was spent in boarding schools. (Please note that during our school days Buddhism was not taught in Christian schools)

    So in a nut shell my knowledge of Buddhism was Zero. But after retirement and coming back to Sri Lanka I started to learn Buddhism. I found that the temple Buddhism didn’t agree with me and I went in search of the real Buddha Dharmaya and found it with greatest difficulty. Now in a way I am grateful that I was not brained washed with Laukika Buddhism. I believe something like 99.9 of the Sri Lankan Buddhist follow Laukika Buddhism which will not lead them to Nirvana. This is the reason why none of us ever achieve or see Nirvan or Marga Palaya (the path).

    All religions tell us how to get to heaven or Hell but no one has told us how to Achieve Nirvana except Buddha. History indicates that this procedure has been modified by many people who invaded Sri Lanka including Buddhagosh Hamuduruwo who formulated a ‘Tripitakaya’.(Who actually put the final nail on the coffin of Nirvana). Now there are few priest who have done lot of research, studies and with divine help are coming up with exact DHAMMA that Buddha preached.

    If you are interested please visit http://www.sirisaddharmaya.net, http://www.helabima.sirisaddharmaya.net, http://www.utube.sirisaddharmaya.net, http://www.deshana.sirisaddharmaya.net and you will appreciate what I am on about.

    I am happy to say that there is a large but a very silent transformation taking place in Sri Lanka within the Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu and Christian communities with the re-surfacing of real Buddha Dharma as preached by Buddha himself. They are all beginning to appreciate Universal truth and laws of Nature.

    Please check the above web sites to obtain information about Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death too.

    Theruwan Saranai

    • 4

      A great comment, thank you Mal

      • 3

        Thank you Samuel

    • 5

      “”All religions tell us how to get to heaven or Hell but no one has told us how to Achieve Nirvana except Buddha.”???

      Hinduism and Buddhism, nirvana is the highest state that someone can attain, a state of enlightenment, meaning a person’s individual desires and suffering go away.
      Gautama was a Hindu and Sanskrit was not his mother tongue.

      You do not know Samsara but are promoting Hinayana which is outdated many moons ago See Ajanta fresco’s and understand the full meaning of the sculptured buddha or longman caves china where the max number of Buddhist in the world live and the max no of statutes in the world are.

      They all love the fat and laughing buddha

      Mal means chick/sexy. Why So??

    • 5

      Point of clarification. Could you please expound on what you mean ‘there is a large but a very silent transformation taking place in Sri Lanka within the Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu and Christian communities with the re-surfacing of real Buddha Dharma as preached by Buddha himself’. Do you mean a kind of Buddhist revivalism is taking place with Gnanasara Thero with his Bala Sena, also with Ravana Balaya monks at the helm to take down the Sangha Sasana through their bad behavior? That is the only thing that has created high visibility to Buddhist values in the recent past. Also, please explain what is it you imply in your quote, ‘silent transformation’ is taking place in all of the other major religions mentioned, including Buddhism. There is a lot that can be inferred by that statement, but my humble request to elaborate the point.

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        Dear Avid_Reader,

        This silent transformation has absolutely nothing to do with BBS and the Ravana Balavegaya or those persons who are directing them. Nor is it a violent organization or a terrorist unit of any description. It is personal thing and is based on ones understanding only and you just can’t force it on others.

        It is happening in individual homes on realisation or fully understanding what Buddha actually preached based on Anicha, Dukka, Anatha … This is the foundation of Buddhism. what it says is …. Not a single thing in this world that you like can be kept the way you want … if you try, it will only cause Dukka to you … therefore the conclusion is nothing in this world is worth hanging on to as it causes Dukka… Total satisfactoriness of the world. This is what Buddha Preached (for us to get through to our thick heads) and whole of Buddhism is based on it. If you understand this you have the Pragnawa to get on to the marga pala road or Hi-way.

        We know of people of other religions who are following or practising Lokothar dharmaya after understanding how we get on to the Sansara cycle undergoing Dukka. I highly recommend that you check out the web sites I have given in my comment above for a better understanding. I wish you good luck.
        Theruwan Saranai

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          Should read as ” Total un-satisfactoriness of the World” … and not ‘total satisfactoriness of the world’

          One last word …

          Buddha Dharmaya is not a religion but today majority of the Buddhist have converted it into a God Fearing religion calling it Buddhagama looking for a trouble free existence …

          Dharmaya is actually a Procedure for someone to follow to lead a successful trouble free life without being born again in any of the 31 planes of existence (That is disrupting the Sansara Gamana or cycle) and liberating that person out of Dukka by leaving the Maraya’s 31 planes of existence.

          • 1

            ¬Mal Abbey`

            mal also means rotten up north where buddha philosophy comes from. Is that what you meant coupling it with abbey ( Abhayamudrā)? (foot soldier Abe? of CT)

            some years ago I met a sinhala buddhist civil engineer living at waters edge with same profile of education as you but wrote better stuff.

            He found the buddha at devils island down under.

            Do you kill a mocking bird??

    • 4

      “”(Please note that during our school days Buddhism was not taught in Christian schools)””

      Hingannage Thuwale – Engineer Engineer at UK even the plumber or gas man calls himself an engineer.

      Christianity is Faith, hope, Charity for all irrespective of faith which no other religion has.

      O/L we had 8 subjects 6 were taught as common and 2 optional’s and if there was a quorum then it was taught at the same time catechism.

      i learnt hinduism from lankan buddhist monk (privately)
      I learnt buddhism from rinpoche (privately)

      I listend to the brothers who taught catechism (seated in the last row)
      but the 8 subjects I sat for did not include religion.
      Religion is an emotion, as opposed to a rational thought process.

      Happily Pagan.

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    Lord Buddhas teaching was simple an short,just as in all religions but it has been distorted,exaggerated to suit some people and lot of myths and nonsense is being practiced,just as all the religions.
    They write as if the likes news papers,TV had being behind these prophets,covering up every day of their lives.
    Religion and the present practice impedes daily life where Poya day adds to this nonsense,making a country less productive.We must blame the crooked politicians for imposing the religion down our throats,religions that they themselves don’t respect.My evidence is the recent appearances of people facing justice in courts.Religion these days is big business.Truly shameful.

  • 1

    The heading is quite eye catching . Would the enlightened author however, dare to use such a heading in reference to other religious leaders ?

  • 0

    [Edited out]

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    poya sil,other days kill the bhuddha.

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