13 September, 2024


Former Law Student Requests CJ To Disbar Namal Rajapaksa

Former Law student DM Thushara Jayarathna has today written to the new Chief Justice, requesting him to disbar Namal Rajapaksa.



In a letter to the CJ, Thushara who is currently residing in Switzerland upon seeking asylum, has requested for a disciplinary committee to be summoned and for the allegations he has made against Namal to be examined, so that a probe can be carried out into the irregularities committed in the process leading up to Namal giving oaths as a lawyer.

Thushara who had written for the final year of the Bar exams in 2010 along with Namal recalls the manner in which NR was facilitated to separately sit for the examination inside a special A\C room complete with a PC with internet facilities, in violation of regulations set out by the Sri Lanka Law College.

He also stated that the paper was leaked to NR and has drawn the CJ’s attention to the complaints he had made in this regard, to all relevant authorities including the then Law College Principal, the then CJ, the Justice Ministry Secretary, Keselwatte Police, the Human Rights Commission and the Bribery and Corruption Commission.

He has further pointed to the special oath taking ceremony facilitated to NR by the then Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake and the photographs he took inside her chambers upon giving oaths – an opportunity that is not given to other students.

Thushara was compelled to flee the country when he started receiving death threats and was intimidated due to the complaints he made against the irregularities that occurred at the Law College with concern to the examination and oaths ceremony of NR.

However, he has stated that he is willing to testify both verbally and in writing concerning the allegations he has made.

Related posts;

Sinhala Video: Thushara Speaks On The Scandal Of Namal Rajapaksa’s Law Final

Namal Rajapaksa’s Law Exam Cheating Case Goes To Geneva

Two stories:Namal Rajapaksa Took Oaths As Attorney-at-Law And Two Students Arrested For Exam Fraud

Namal Rajapaksa To Get A ‘Dodgy’ PhD In Gaddafi Son’s Way

Questions To USJ Senate On Namal Rajapaksa’s ‘Dodgy’ PhD Attempt

Rajapaksa Dynasty And Their Qualification Saga


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  • 38

    There will be no doubt of of what this student is saying. But, it will be very tough for the new CJ to make amends in here at this stage though we are very fortunate if there is a way to ascertain all this shady deals and how this idiot became a lawyer.

    • 17

      DM Thushara Jayarathna

      “Former Law student DM Thushara Jayarathna has today written to the new Chief Justice, requesting him to disbar Namal Rajapaksa.”

      To be fair to Namal Rajapaksa, make him take the exam again and pass without cheating. Surely he must have learned something about law besides cheating.

      Go to U Tube. Search DM Thushara Jayarathna Namal Rajapaksa

      Namal Rajapaksa and Sri Lanka Law College

      Boston Lanka


      Published on Jan 22, 2015
      Namal Rajapaksa and Sri Lanka Law College

      • 13

        I agree. It is very fair to let Namal do the exam again. If he fails how many attempts are allowed for him. ( OR will the pass mark be brought down like suggested for O/L maths by Bandula Gunawardena)

        • 6

          The Commissioner General Can Inquire into the corruption on the exam date and do justice to the other students by invalidating the results. Ensure the examinars are punished for holding the exam in the corrupt mannar and take action against all involved in the conduct of the Exam in the Air conditioned room. Take criminal action against all involved parties who conducted the exam. Lastly but not leastly debar the involved candidate for life time suspension.

          if the court can suspend attorneys for lesser offences, I see no difficulties in taking Action. Only if the Courts wills it.


  • 46

    Bring the dignity of the law profession back – debar him.

    • 12

      If MR could be able to scrap the medals from SF, for contesting an election against him in a democratic country, knowing he didnt earn them sitting in a a/c room, how come this guy be allowed to hold the degree? It is now open secret that the preferancial treatment provided for him has infact violated the examination regulations. It is an insult to other students that who earned the degrees and to proudly say I am a LLB. Despite many shortcomings and irrigularities that
      SL has in terms of governance, judicial, finance, etc. one of the best things about her, those who qualified from its higher institutions are real deals, and their quaifications have been respected globaly. Not that I am trying to say, all qualified are fair or ethically minded.So adultrating our qualifications should not be allowed by anyone.

      If nothing happened, Thusara even can lodge a case against him.

    • 3

      Not only debar NR but also his law firm which has swindled govt funds in the way of fees

    • 3


      “Bring the dignity of the law profession back – debar him.:

      What Namal Rajapaksas did assisted by his father is important, but on a relative basis, minor, compared to what the Former Chief Justice aka Cheat Justice Mohan Peiris did.

      Let namal Rajapaksa take the exam again and pass or fail.

  • 33

    MaRa & Co. is corrupted in every atom of country’s structure. This namal dog doesn’t deserve or qualify for a Law degree which is obtained by hard-work and intelligence by ordinary citizens of the country. These MaRa people are the country’s cheapest mass to corrupt to obtain everything they want to enjoy. LAW degree is not your grandfather’s arm chair to rest without any effort. You namal, come forward and hand over your degree back to the university. Otherwise a day very soon will come to pullout the degree from you.

  • 23

    This is an urgent matter, a breach of the justice system, to favour one candidate over all others, in the place which produces our legal fraternity who are the bulwark against tyranny and dictatorship – namely, the law college, and has to be inquired into, urgently.

  • 28

    I thought he got a Low degree. Not Law degree.

    • 15

      My father lectured at the law college for 26 years while practicing law at Hulftsdorf. Many a times he used to use the word ” Lowyer ” to describe some of the incompetent students who were passed along due to favors provided by examiners and staff at the college. Gone are the days of integrity of this great institution, perverted by the likes of Namal Jarrapassa.

      • 1


        “Gone are the days of integrity of this great institution, perverted by the likes of Namal Jarrapassa.”

        Why do you need lawyers, when there is no Law and Order?

        The need to be Law And order for qualified Lawyers to function properly

  • 13

    Very reasonable request. Maintain the dignity of the already undignified profession.

  • 14

    If I remember, this writer made an application to courts for violating human rights and that was thrown out due to a “technical error”, i.e. it was time barred. Am I correct?

    Yet, I feel the present compliant must be investigated by the CJ since the Law College comes within his purview. It is definitely in the interest of the public to investigate and set the records straight and if anyone in the administration was responsible for wrong doing, he/she must be taken to task so that repetitions will not occur.

  • 15

    Better still if we ask him to re sit the paper.

    Lets give the poor man the benefit of the doubt and see if he can pass the exam.

    But when NR re-sits the paper make sure to disconnect GL Peris’s internet and mobile connection…just in case…don’t you know…

    • 7

      @Pot Shot

      “Better still if we ask him to re sit the paper”

      In the first place has this bugger got the requisite qualifications to enter Law College? This is NOT harassment nor revenge. Let’s EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE in a very professional manner and achieve good governance!

  • 8

    Aiyyo Rodrigo! What did you do men? Maara Hinaa no, now. Cant show face if Low student you passed now going to be unpassed. Pissu Yakka you Rodrigo. Cant blame you Chile. Even Shirani CJ woman went to podium and kissed his sixy cheeks and said good show boy like patting a stallion after mounting the mare. Aney this Pissu kolama and I laffing too much also.Now must stop or bada puppuranawa.

  • 17

    According to the Law College records, Namal had the best-ever grade from Law College, a result that came under suspicion no sooner than the results were released. The common ground for this issue, as well as the Captaincy issues of Namal’s siblings is whether it is Namal’s father, the Executive Prsident of the country (mis)used his influence and absolute servility of the relevant authorities that was behind these “seemingly” outstanding achievements!

    Here is one reasonable “validity” check on Namal’s claim that can add some credibility to Namal as a student, and Law College as an institution.

    If Namal was that good in his education to get the best ever results at Law college, that tendency for genius must have shown-up somewhere in his school career. Can we request the schools (Hambantota MMV? St. Thomas? what have you) to release Namal’s standings among his peers over the years? That will help establish Namal’s academic potentials and remove any clouds or suspicions around the result that Namal and Law College claim Namal has achieved, shaming some of the brilliant minds that have gone through this institution over the years.

    Here is one substantial implication if Namal’s school records show that Namal was, at best, nothing more than a mere average student, and wasn’t even close to being qualified to enter any of the Universities. If his school school records show that, and despite that Namal (and more importantly, the Law College) can credibly claim Namal indeed got a First Class (let alone the best-ever results) then we do need to urgently re-structure our whole University admission process!

    Our school system, as we all know, is tailored to objectively filter out and choose the best students for higher studies. Now, if a mediocre student can prove that he can get not just a First Class but in fact out do all of the best legal minds that have ever passed through that hallowed institution, then we do seriously have to consider discontinuing the current process of not admitting those who cannot pass our standardized tests!
    SO could we please request the responsible Schools and Education Department to release Namal’s performance records over the years to serve as a reasonable validity test to ascertain not just the likelihood of Namal making the said grade at Law School, but also to serve as a litmus test to check the appropriateness of our school and University entrance processes – is our school sytem unfairly filtering out potential geniuses, grading them as mere mediocre no-bodies?!.

    Here is an afterthought. Perhaps we have an alternative if either Namal, the education department or the schools are somehow too shy to detail Namal’s school and standardized test performances. Perhaps some of Namal’s class mates or school mates can help by releasing what they know of Namal’s grades at school, O/L and A/L results. That would be a great public service to re-establish our confidence in Namal, in the former President, and most importantly our school system, Law College and its respected head in particular! Any takers?

    • 8

      “Can we request the schools (Hambantota MMV? St. Thomas? what have you) to release Namal’s standings among his peers over the years? That will help establish Namal’s academic potentials and remove any clouds or suspicions “

      You wanna dig a can of worms?

      • 5

        Sure – if that is the only way to clear the can of worms. Would you rather keep it hidden and ignore?

        Would you consider the recent initiative to approach the World Bank to dig out information on likely amassing of stolen wealth by MRregime a sensless digging of a can of worms?

    • 5

      isnt this moron was send to study in a university in the UK and then ran away from there as he was not doing good at academic studies (probably tried to bribe the academics and nothing came in)

      then he was enrolled to the Law college and we know the results.

  • 8

    This is a test of the new Government’s commitment to justice. Let us hope they do not fail.

    • 11


      If this ever happens then it will set a precedent.

      Now think about as to how many professors, senior lecturers, civil servants, top officers of armed forces, police officers, ……….. will be stripped of their qualifications and positions.

    • 2

      My father lectured at the law college for 26 years while practicing law at Hulftsdorf. Many a times he used to use the word ” Lowyer ” to describe some of the incompetent students who were passed along due to favors provided by examiners and staff at the college. Gone are the days of integrity of this great institution, perverted by the likes of Namal Jarrapassa.

  • 9

    This is a serious case of corrupt violation of the examinatiin rules in a prime professional institution.
    The principal at that time who choose to act in this partial manner was removed from the Law college recently due to some complaints re his son passing the examination who was also punished later.
    Therefore, the complaint made bg Thusara must be investigated and action taken to punish the culprits, irrespective who they are. This is essential for innocent students who face these kind of examinations to have confidence in the results when announced and also forbid others who may try these tricks again in the future.

  • 3

    Coming from a family of lawyers gives a good indicator of his law-IQ.

    • 5

      Blindly supporting will not help. He may be the bad egg in a family of lawyers… IF this complaint is taken into consideration, NR has to prove his innocence and that he was genuine about how he passed his law exams without ANY help by GLP or even the Dean of the Uni…generally its a case of innocent until proven guilty, but in his case, coz of the influence of his dad, who was the President of the country who has been accused of wrong doing, he is guilty until proven innocent.

      • 2

        Most, if not all President’s sons need the special placement setting when taking exams for the sake of not intimidating and distracting other students, and from being distracted and intimidated themselves.

        The law exam probably covers a wide-range of topics, and if the questions were leaked, it would not have been any different to the instructors themselves coaching the student for the test. If Namal was given an advantage, it was because being the president’s son, and also MP, he would have not had the chance and luxury of other students to have had more attendance.

        • 6

          If he could not attend classes as much as other students due to his Ministerial position then he should have quit his Ministerial position or not taken the test.
          Why should he get special favors when others don’t.

          Why would other students be intimidated and why would Namal be intimidated. This sounds like inventing excuses to absolve Namal.

        • 6

          “Most, if not all President’s sons need the special placement setting when taking exams for the sake of not intimidating and distracting other students, and from being distracted and intimidated themselves.”

          You talking about the likes of Gaddafi’s, Saddam Hussain’s sons? really now? why would they be given special treatment? made up of any other blood ? spare a thought.. IF their dad’s were NOT in power, would they be given the privilege? I bet not… If they are fair minded people, they would say that they would want NO special treatment… but People of INTELLECT were in the same air conditioned room as NR while he was taking the exams… there is a challenge posed by a fellow student, who was threatened with death who fled to Switzerland and had to claim asylum… why would he challenge ? coz he knew what happened… and he was in SL not in USA …

        • 2

          Hypothetical scenario…..low profile student with no political connections , has serious issues of a sick parent at home…working nights to support his family….will he be given a special placement setting? If the environment in Sl is that fair and balanced, then yes ,may be I would buy your argument. Powerful leader’s offspring in the sane world attend classes in college as all other students do to obtain a degree and maintain the standard of the institutiion. Preferential “treatment to self proclaimed royals just diminished the education standards of SL.
          Are you insulting the intelligent fraction of SL with your arguments? Please dont. I am beginning to wonder if you are Namal Rajapakse writing as ramona or if you are an ace bootlicker. Either way take a step back and think.

    • 7


      I am fully supportive of your suggestion – an IQ assessment is a very credible way to remove all these doubts, insults, insulations and outright condemnation that plagues the media on this issue. It has other and much more significant implications to the education system as we know it well, as I have noted in one of the responses above.

      The only disagreement I have is that, you cannot assess IQ solely or credibly by looking at family member professions.

      There are very established, standardized, proven, and internationally recognized IQ testing process and so as you suggest it will be the only correct thing to do now – for Namal to be assessed on the basis of IQ.

      I am sure many will support your initiative of the IQ-based assessment and am very hopeful that Namal, the parents and the whole education establishment, as well as Thushara of course, will welcome this option- after all what is there to lose.

      Once Namal establishes his prowess via the IQ test, then all these undue attention, suspicion and condemnation will all disappear – and instead there will be a torrent of apologies to Namal and Law College from all these well meaning critics. In fact, I suspect Namal, as well as the Education establishment, particularly the Law College will call to offer you their personal gratitude for making this excellent proposition.

      If I may add, for you to come up with such an easy, astute and great solution to this fiasco, you must indeed be blessed with an exceptional IQ!

      • 2

        It has to go by circumstantial evidence. It must be illegal to IQ-search a person in this manner. One outstanding piece of circumstantial evidence is that his family is of the lawyer-brained IQ. From the time he was an infant (and from infancy to age 5 when the brain grows the most), Namal would have been listening to all kinds of lawyer-intellectual talk (besides being genetically inclined).

        • 4

          “Namal would have been listening to all kinds of lawyer-intellectual talk (besides being genetically inclined). “

          IF one is to go by your yardstick, How could Late R Premadasa, a lawriya seller in his youth end up as the President of SL? If so Einsteins son should have been a smarter person than his dad… many more examples could be given but whats the use, when one blindly follows the leader like sheep and NOT use ones own mind. Being brainwashed I believe… wonder when the next Function at the SL embassy of Washington DC is…..

        • 5


          Why would it be illegal if Namal agrees to take the test?

          If circumstantial evidence as well as Law College results suggest that you are a genius of extraordinary IQ, would you not be all too enthusiastic to take the test? Especially if that will help neutralize all these innuendos, legal complains and criticisms crowding the media?

          Can you think of one rational reason why Namal will shy away from taking the IQ test?

          Why are you back tracking on your very own proposal?!

          Your reservation seem to suggest that indeed there is something to hide – and what could that be other than the reality of Presidential influencing the results as Thushara claims?

          Incidentally, given the “circumstantial evidence” from your second response, I am inclined to think that my initial assessment of your IQ may have been faulty!

    • 3

      A person coming from a family of engineers is not a degreed engineer. He/she may know more about engineering than the average person but that still does not make them a degreed engineer.

    • 3

      An individual’s IQ is not inherently determined by the family connections. However, actions certainly show a clear family connection of fraud, lying, corruption and abuse of power. When will you stop carrying water for this family?

  • 5

    if the Rajapaksas were still ruling even K A Sumanasekera stood a good chance of being made a presidents counsel ;-)

  • 5

    We were talking hue and cry about the dismissal of Shirani B and her reinstatement. Prior to her falling out with the government of the day she has done many favors. Without her support NR could not have done the acts as alleged by the Thushara J. Though this article is all about NR, this opens another subject, namely the attitudes of CJ’s in office. We know that Neville Samarakoon decisions at the beginning, statistically, favored the government of the day at the beginning and at the end he too was nearly impeached. Sarath Nanda is another example where he miserably failed to maintain the status of the CJ as the first among the equals and played the same game. So did Shirani B.

    I wonder what has Upul J, the BASL Prez has to comment on the abuse of power by CJ’s and its curtailment.

  • 2


    I am sorry to see your uncertain life which many of us experinced,struggled with and still do so too. Sinhala Intellectuals has been putting the blame on the Sinhala Buddhist all these time for everything. Their comments here only seeking impunity to Narmal. Not ready let him face the court. In what public exam. in Lanka, a cheated student can sit again for the test? A real Sinhala Buddhist still would not have complete grasp of what king king degree you struggles get. All what happened at the law college was master planned by wheeling dealing, Sinhala Intellectuals.

    The country is not for even Sinhalese Buddhist, if one separate category is there. It is only for the Sinhala Intellectuals. They fooled Sampanathan to get out of an honest international Inquiry. Now the only possible one good thing that could have happened in the Lanaka’s law implementation was an international Inquiry. Sampanathar had made sure that would happen. It is widely talked that in March 2015 there won’t be a report at UNHRC.

    I see the direction the international effort to bring one investigation has been swayed by the Sinhala Intellectuals. They are one more time victorious in getting the impunity. In that condition, I can see where your efforts can go. If CJ stop for a second and investigate how Mohan Peiris was removed from the power and how legal his foot on Supreme Court floor, then he could not mind to investigate yours. This puppet was installed to give a different direction for that culture Sarath N.Silva, Shiranee Bandaranake and Mokan Peiris established. This time the Supreme Court CJ has been reduced to a road side toilet cleaner for a tip of a rupee. When SriPan leave the job, It will be lower than DMJ’s PM Job.

  • 3

    We must try our best not to let the excesses of the Rajapaksa regime to unduly effect Namal and siblings.

    Namal and his brother’s lavish lyfestyle is well documented however this in itself is not reason enough to hang them. Most such behaviour can also be attributed to the sins of the father.

    Just because Namal is his fathers son we should not preclude him from gaining a law degree for which he is entitled to just like all other citizens in Sri Lanka provided he meets with entry requirements and course requirement. To be fair I think the authorities must revisit Thushara Jayaratna’s complaints and prosecute Namal if he did commit fraud. If no fraud was committed such findings should be made public. Making Namal to sit the exam again is a huge and an unjust burden if he did not commit any offence in the first place.

    We must approach this issue and every other issue related to fraud and corruption of the Rajapaksa’s in a measured, timely and lawful way instead of braying for blood on unsubstantiated claims. Everything must be tested in court. That is why we brought the My3 government to power. To ensure justice is done and not revenge or the ‘lynching mob’ mentality to prevail.

    • 0

      Not just Thshara, those women who accused Namala and other gangs should come out. They should approach the the back boneless Sripavan with the help of strong Western feminist organizations. This rogue, after doing all merciless deeds, now standing first to complain about the one who seeks justice as witch hunters. Being a thief, not just simply stole a law degree, he established a record of beating Felix Dias 1960’s record. Is it something really necessary? This is not an innocent record. He continued to corrupt the and attempted to get a PhD. Those, who attempt to hide these open secret and climes that there can be some just, are purposefully undermining the legal systems.

      This is not just Appa did. This is not child’s action! He must be punished. Here is a true child’s action. A child who was 100% dependent on his mom for food and cloth acted appropriately when mother made something illegal. “On her show, …… Funny, McCarthy said that one time she was texting a driving, which has become a big no-no on the road. Her son, well aware of this legal snafu, decided to call the police from his own cell phone to report the crime.“http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/07/parental-injustice-jenny-mccarthys-son-has-called-the-cops-on-her-multiple-times-find-out-why/

      All these time Hirunika who has been complaining about the Old King and Brother Prince for using Thumindha Silva to murder her father is now climbing to throne using her father’s murder just the way Sirima used SDWR’s murder. She is no longer talking about her father’s murder. This is not showing grace to enemy. Then, where did her grace go when she challenged to revenge her fathers death and ran out of the country and Chandrika brought her back to use her beauty in election? She sold her beauty to the Old King to use in the Western provincial election and then immediately, she sold it to Chandrika to use in EP election. Now who is going to seek justice for her father? How can these affected parties stand in front to correct the legal system, just the way on the other side, Sarth Silva, Shiranee, Mokan Peiris, Uppul Jeya Suriya, Sripavan all doing?

      Ranil said to James Porter “Do not even come back to our country”. James is a private man who has paid lot money for the Royal family in the hope of investing in Lanka. But the Ranil has sold the Lanka’s sovereignty to Chinese company to build prostitution houses in Colombo Port not under Lankave’s jurisdiction, under the China Jurisdiction. Where did the Barbaric Sinhala Buddhist Monks going by the name JHU, who opposed when Old king allowed China to use a land out of its jurisdiction to have brothel houses under legal names,gone now not opposing when Ranil and the New King allowing China to build the brothel houses?

      How is it always when the deprived one seeking justice it is witch hunt, but only Mohan Peiris and KP got punished it is providing Justice?

  • 4

    Is there a way to interrogate the examiners as go how he got his “best ever” grade? Perhaps they were forced to under the Ma(ra)fia at the time.

  • 4


    Not very many people have a backbone like what you have.

    It will not get done.


  • 3

    let the IQ challenged Namal hora sit another law exam like all do and sit back n see how he does?

  • 4

    Interesting. Like to know what his OL & AL results were like ???
    Competency for hit to enter Law College ???

  • 1

    Moving along……….Every day you see people writing about the previous Government and their families, what they did and what they didn’t do – one day they have billions stashed away, the next they have 100’s of vehicles, then they have wall clocks and more recently the wrist watches and now this …. why can’t people move on and do something constructive in the development of this country now that the majority of Sri Lankans have got their wish granted for a corrupt free country and focus their energy to make it happen instead of talk talk and then some!!

  • 4

    Not only debarring. he should also be punished for the offence

  • 5

    This is the classic example of Abusing of Power when Mahinda Rajapaksa was a president.

    Education, Examination, Judiciary, and other fields completely have been destroyed by Rajapaksa Family.

    Now it is not very easy to reverse and restore it back soon.

    It is unbelieveable that still foolish people try to bring Mahinda Rajapaksa back in power.
    Hope Madam Chandrika Bandaranayake Kumaratunga and President Maithreepala Sirisena will never allow Mahinda Rajapaksa to contest again.

    It is disgraceful that he can not live without power.

    This man, Namal should be brought into justice.

  • 2

    It is said that one Karunajeewa answered exam papers on behalf of Namal while Namal was studying in London.
    At a time more emphasis is given on transparency, it is important that Namal’s appearance at aw college exam under reference is subjected to scrutiny by a impartial committee appointed by the Judiciary. This serious allegation demands an investigation.

  • 0

    The Photo of Namal Rajapakse include in the article– What a pretentious pose!–and that too in a darkened background (perhaps symbolically portraying the ‘darkness’ under which he obtained his Law degree!); What a thick big book in front of him!. Is that supposed to be a Law book?; on which page is he?’ when he will finish the rest of the pages?

    Is this going to be another matter that is going to be set aside or swept under the carpet?– Surely the Bar Association can take up this to safeguard the integrity of the law profession and those who practise it. How about the Law Society taking that issue and establish the truth or otherwise of the accusation?.

  • 2

    However embarassing it is very important to have a recheck on his Law College records as well as his school performance.It’s a kind of psychiatric disorder to have a tendency to do wrong things-and only wrong things-when you have power.

  • 0

    I say, ‘Just leave the fellow alone. If he is in fact no good as a lawyer, he’ll soon be found out!

  • 1

    This person Thusara was in out batch in law college. Our batch did the final year in 2004 but this person was doing final year even in 2010 . He failed in the law college all the years . There may be some truth in allegation about namal. It has to be investigated. But if you look at Thusara’s youtube messages it is all about mud slinging and allegations. Time he also started behave properly.

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