15 February, 2025


Gota Wants Sri Lanka To Follow In The Footsteps Of US And Elect A Non-Politico As President

Amidst reports that former Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa is hoping to contest the next Presidential Election, Rajapaksa has justified the recent victory of US President Election Donald Trump on grounds that people took the decision because they are sick of career politicians.gotabaya-rajapaksa-on-trump-us-elections

In a tweet on his official Twitter account, Rajapaksa said that Trump’s victory was a lesson for even Sri Lanka to consider.

“One reason Donald Trump won: People are sick of career politicians delivering rhetoric instead of results. A lesson for Sri Lanka to consider,” he tweeted.

In an interview with the Sunday Lankadeepa in October, Rajapaksa reportedly said that if he gets the opportunity to serve his country, then he will ‘certainly do so.’ However Rajapaksa had said that he had still not taken a final decision whether to enter politics, but added that there was around three and a half years’ time to take a decision on the matter.

Latest comments

  • 32

    The perfect Man to be the next President is none other than Hon.Karu Jaysooriya .

    and PM with all the accusations leveled which are not proven with members of the earlier regime ,is none other Than hon,Ranil ,folks should use the benefits Sri lanka can achieve on the long run through This man , and do not worry he will step down like a gentleman when the time is right.\

    Give Ranil 10 years and watch what a fantastic nation he can turn this place into .

    Right now there is simply not much power in his hands to push things .

    The International Community trusts and respects the man.

    • 13

      LOL, where have you been? The man just signed himself for a mega luxury vehicle while forcing the citizens to eat kurakkan. Give the Presidency to this bugger, hw will rule Sri Lanka from a Ravi Tower in New york!

      • 20

        Thrishu must be a die hard Ranil fan.Ranil and his tiny band of admirers keep insulting any one who looks like a threat to their idol in the UNP.He has done this with every prominent UNPer.

        Ranil tries to brain wash the foolish UNP supporters that only an english speaking guy from colombo 7 can lead them.He acts as if he is very brainy and knows everything. these are signs of a fool with a complex. Every other leader, Premadasa, MR etc have done a lot more for the country than this chap who is now prime minister for the fourth time. And he is the most traveled politician in whole of Asia !

        I am not sure whether Karu has actually taken a duty free vehicle. Ranil belives that any big lie will be swollowed by the foolish Sri Lankans and keeps saying these things.

        Even if it is true, Karu was legally entitled to a car. Whether Morally entitled is another question. If it is so bad then Ranil the prime Minister could have stopped the duty free scheme.

        But Ranil and his faggoty friends committed the biggest fraud in the independent sri lanka with his despicable Bond scam.

        When the history of this country is written the role of this man Ranil as a politician will be in black, a curse on the nation.

        • 2

          Colombo 7 was never political but politicians congregated at Colombo 7 where the diplomatic missions were.
          We had 70 years of ambude politicians who conversed in English but carried a begging bowl from the day the Master British Raj Madras left.

          The fact is its your culture that is incapable of ruling.
          Language and literature are 2 dimensional and has nothing to do with prosperity and plenty. The Japanese and Germans don’t speak English but both have a culture of Research and development while you have non of it except sticks and stones to lick royal English seepage.

      • 5

        Exactly, kARU?????????? get real.Can you give one thing he done to this country to uplift the lives of common people. Let alone he himself uplifting his life with all the perks
        Whereas We all know what GOTA done. He has give everyone right to life and go out and come back in one piece. So what ever perks GOTA enjoys he deserves it and earned it.
        SO we need a real man like GOTA to spearhead this country from this NGO junta

        • 14

          Gota comes from a political family. His entire family is in the political business right from independence. He is not a real man but a real rogue, he killed Lasantha for exposing the Mig deal where he looted in billions. He was only a dictator who ruined his brother Mahinda’s political career. The right to life for everyone was given by General Fonseka and not Gota.

          • 2

            you are talking about killing lasantha, don’t you notice these gawapalanaya is killing whole country. why don’t you come for the presidency? idot

      • 1

        Thrishu, Kurakkan is much better than any meals in this world Idiot. Don’t insult Kurakkan.

    • 22

      Gota the most provable massmurdreer of the nation makes efforts to show us how we have to be. I can laugh from my both ends….. actually.

      Trump and his victory has lot to do with their political tradition rather than anything else. But ours and other men in europe make every efforts to interepret that in favour of them.

      There had been democtrats and republicans one behind the other in that country. They hold election every 4 years – and democrats were last 8 years all along…. in that part of the world, whites are dominating.. even if they go on saying that there is no appartheid.. there still exists all kind of difference between whites and blacks in that country… outsiders cant know the bits well.

      CA is not AMERICA:::: all the other areas people see it different. Policians continue taking advantage of the people as i tis the case in tsrilanka. Even today, Ballige putha Rajakashe rascals are on a march to grab power by hook or crook … no matter anyone would have been injured. I am telling you guys, Rajaapkshe belong to longer jail terms.
      Wimal buruwa and all other nationalists and utral nationals too belong to prisons.
      I wish our systems would change a lot in the line of being able to rigorous reinforcement in this country. Where there is no rigorous laws, any idiots can do anything they think is right so easily as it is seen today.

    • 8

      Who d you think you are Gota ?

      What political knowledge you own to leave the kind of analyses regarding the defeat of democrats in the States. We perfectly know for what your energies could be applicable – if not for human killings and do maximum harm as proved by yourself alone during the last few years under your brother s regime.

      World wide interllectuals know why Demo were defeated in the US.

      Can that ever be applicable ina country any everage men would be ready to get caught by any tricky politicians mostly for a pitty gifts (silredi,toffees, or the like)?

      • 2

        Gota the former petrol shed assistent, Call center man, later turned to be the secretary of defence – thanks to his brother most abusive president of lanken history- dares to add his low level thoughts about the US election.
        Has he the least knowledge to see it right ? He is no even an educated person to have read americal history in their literiture. We know perfectly well, from the most popular interview he had then with BBS Steven – hi hi hu hu hi hi huh u…. how educated the man has been – what aggression potetional the bugger owns and a picture of him.
        Just he comes forward to analyse the american election results and that of ours back in home country.

    • 3

      barakath Ali

      Hon.Karu Jaysooriya cannot win even his own electorate, he was appointed on national list, how do you think he can win the presidential election? There is nobody in the UNP to compete with Gota other than Ranil. Unfortunately, he became very unpopular due to the bond issue. I cannot see any good leader in the UNP who is capable of competing with Gota.

    • 1

      In short, Give me the place.

    • 4

      “Give Ranil 10 years and watch what a fantastic nation he can turn this place into “

      Dont know whether to laugh or cry by reading the above.

      I fear I wont be able to afford to buy food to survive another 10 years

      I guess I could always eat the BS they are dishing out these days from Temple Trees instead

      “Trust and Respect” ?????? No one gives a crap about him or this country

    • 0

      Are you insane,

    • 0

      Well put and hope the JVP lads support him and the hardworking honest business people support him.Ranil wears the right attire to inspire as a forward looking person. Perhaps he is alone in his battle put the country right and the above mentioned people must come forward to put the country right.

  • 38

    After winning the war against LTTE and after Mahinda Rajapakshe won the presidential election and the general election with a two third majority, it was Not Mahinda Rajapakshe but Gotabaya Rajapakshe, Basil Rajapakshe and Namal Rajapakshe behaved like they were the owners of Sri Lanka, these three took all the powers into their hands and Mahinda Rajapakshe became a victim and finally lost the election. More than Basil and Namal, it was Gotabaya who made Mahinda unpopular among the minorities.

    After the war ended, Gotabaya did not allow his brother Mahinda to solve the National problem, instead of taking a moderate path, he selected the option of following the path of a few Sinhala-Buddhist Ultra-Nationalist Racists and Pseudo-Patriots, thinking that by whipping up Ultra-Nationalism and Sinhala Patriotism among the majority Sinhala-Buddhists, and by threatening and further suppressing the Minorities (Tamils and Muslims) he can rule the country for ever as the hero of the Majority (Sinhala-Buddhists). He used the armed forces in the North to control the civilians, a military rule. He created the grease devils and then the BBS to threaten and suppress the Muslims. He used white vans to abduct and disappear those who acted against the government. Even though Basil and Namal were also culprits, the main person who made Mahinda Rajapakshe lose the election was none other than Gotabaya Rajapakshe. Most of the members in the joint opposition also do not like Gotabaya, they know very well how much a dictator he will become.

    Now, if he contest the next Presidential election, not a single minority (Tamils & Muslims) will vote for him and the Sinhala-Buddhists are divided among UNP and SLFP. He can never win the election. It is only a dream and his dream will never come true.

    • 4

      Very true. No one could have said it more effectively.

      Gota is a snake under the grass for minorities. If he comes into power, they might as well dump SL for the sake of children’s future and send them overseas for a better life. They won’t stand a chance here. He is probably the father of racism in the present day SL.

      Even today minorities face threats of dire consequences, and none in the police will do anything to quell the surge in hate rhetoric, since Gota created that mindset in the Forces when he was in-charge. Very soon, no place for respect, dignity, decency, morals and etiquette in this country. Sadly ruined by gutter politicians.

  • 20

    you belong in DEATHROW for the crimes you did & the lands/houses stolen and for all other accusations.

  • 23

    GR! You are a disgrace to mankind.
    The crimes and abuse of your authority created mayhem this country during your brothers regime. By the way Donald Trump is a highly successful entrepreneur not a gas station attendant with low IQ.

  • 14

    Agreed! Mr Rajapakse! You are the most DISQUALIFIED person as you were more powerful than any other
    Politico during the regime!

  • 10

    gota was the sole reason for MR’s loss, that MR has not realized still. Gota opposed appointment of civilian governer to the north. He is a dangerous man

  • 6

    GeneralThuma Gota is right!

    People are sick of career politicians delivering rhetoric instead of results…… People ARE ALSO sick of career politicians delivering rhetoric instead of results and then PUTTING THEIR STICKY FINGERS IN THE PUBLIC PURSE for the benefit of them and their ‘ath udaw karaya’s…..within the family and those hanging on!!

    WE NEED A HERO, but all the candidates are too shy to come forward.

  • 10

    If Gota is trying to position himself as not being a politician he will only reiterate that he is a bloody humbug of the highest order.

    Sri Lankan people are not fools and he will get kicked out like how his brother was kicked out in Jan 2015. There is no room for rogues and murderers in SL politics anymore.

    He has no chance of entering politics as he has blood and blood-money on his hands.

  • 10

    “”Gota Wants Sri Lanka To Follow In The Footsteps Of US And Elect A Non-Politico As President””

    Unlike The Unswayables (The Bowl) who have seen the best quality of life of american dream (50 years) you have baath guli and pol kattu mitta.

    Before 1948 there were better periods of governance from Madras Raj- by white man not negroid.
    America will not over-fund NATO as it is doing today 75% as it is funding the UN.
    It’s time for you to get into your civil gear..

    The establishment is as corrupt as Pakistan. give me, give me, give me…..
    No government will be honest.⚠.

  • 9


    I am no apologist for Gota, but when I read your comment, I exclaimed “Bugger me with a hot alavanguva, am I reading this right?’

    You write…….Sri Lankan people are not fools and he will get kicked out like how his brother was kicked out in Jan 2015. There is no room for rogues and murderers in SL politics anymore…..

    Don’t kid yourself Gune, we only exchanged one set of scoundrels for another. The evidence is piling up daily. The worst thing is that one lot are protecting the other.

    ‘Sri Lankan people are not fools…’ THINK AGAIN!

    • 4

      “”The worst thing is that one lot are protecting the other.””

      ⦿The worst thing is SL folk unlike the American Bowl live by dogmas and ideologies.
      Learn to let the tummy do the thinking…that is where the yoga sound om has to flow.

      Inevitably the majority can not get together unless there is a fascist gay skinhead.
      Think straight and start a cock a doodle do twitter like Tharoor (froth tea from Geneva blend)you may find a 40% The Unswayables like Trump did.(but please don’t cheat colony folk)the minorities are time servers.individual is the smallest minority and there are many who don’t vote either- `not the person`

      ⦿Trump did 2 with one blow- Clinton dynasty, Bush dynasty thank the lord for that.

  • 5

    And DonalTrumps replies:

    “Good try. But U won’t be as lucky as me. N I haven’t been Defence Secretary with black marks”

  • 7

    Dear Gota,

    You said, “people are sick of career politicians”. It is true. Your brother was also a career politician and we are sick of him.

    As for you, you are a mass murderer. We are sick of mass murderers also.

    • 1

      We need a person like you Gota, you have a courage to bring our nation to the top, not like ranil and sirisena who dance according to foreign tune. We want some one like you who will give us a secular country

  • 5

    Trump is educated and didn’t spend his life sucking on public purse like you and clan?

  • 3

    Gota is a better leader than most of the thieves right now are employed as politicians or those who want to be the leaders.

    Tamils will cry out loud if gota comes.

    Only hindrance against him is his extended family.

  • 5

    When Bayagota becomes the President in 2020 his immediate choice for cabinet would be. Jim Softy,Patriot, Sumane,NAK,Kamal Gune,Dr. DJ. Their is 4 more years for the Presidential election so wait for the rest of the names

  • 7

    Gota is not a politician but he used family politics to cover up his crimes against humanity.He is indirectly part of Family politics and cannot be compared with Donald Trump who had never be in politics.Trump did not used white vans to abduct and murder his enemies or even friends of his Family. For Tamils whether it is Mahinda or Ranil or Sirisena, the outcome is same because they can’t beat real terrorism which is Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism.

  • 2

    thrishu -are you mental? whom are you talking about? you do not know the difference between karu and ravi ? gona

  • 5

    Thank God, Sri Lanka does not have electoral college nonsense. Gota or Mota cannot become the President without the support of minority albeit every single electorate.

  • 5

    Gotabaya was the PTA enforcer.
    Hundreds were incarcerated on mere unproven accusations by police and army, many of whom still languish in prison for past more than 20 years, as there is no case against them.
    They are called “political prisoners”.
    Some were released after a special process called “rehabilitation” invented only in Sri Lanka.

    In spite of world wide condemnation, even President Sirisena is unable to initiate trials in Courts of Law, against the rest.
    He is scared about ‘displeasing’ the ‘heroes’.

    Gotabaya himself has not been remanded in/for the MIGs purchase corruption case.

    This is not the regime for which people voted.

    Sirisena meanwhile goes abroad, even to the UN, and speaks nonsense about the Rule of Law in Sri Lanka.
    His UN delegation even co-sponsored the UNHRC resolution promising international tribunals to investigate war crimes.

    Other nations listen, knowing well his falsehoods.

    Now Gota is pontificating indirectly, on his own eligibility to be President!

    This can happen only in this so-called “Dharmadwipa”.

  • 4

    Low energy, Low IQ, corrupt and an uneducated individual hoping to run for presidency? You thing the general public are dumb to vote for you. Having said that I’m sure there may be a few who would vote for you as they vote for Geetha Kumarasinghe, wimal weerawansa & Gam manilla.

  • 3

    Gotha, How about following what happened in Iraq & Libya. Send all crooks & murderers, shot lock stock & barrel, without taking legal action ?. You would have been dead in January 2015. Your luck will not keep you for ever. The time is coming soon, even though you & your family try to bribe Maithripala & Ranil.

  • 4

    Gota, why do you want to be President.

    Take a job as a Public Servant, and do your Development Work like all good Public Servants do!

    If you succeed you will receive the Approval of All Sri Lankans.

    Of course, you will not be able to stash away your Earnings in Foreign Banks, as a President Could!

  • 3

    Gota the trumpeter. Both are crooked, nasty, thin skinned liars. What a bad joke.

    • 0

      Don’t worry anything abut these looser ideas. these loosers don’t love the nation. They only hate people.
      Please come and drive our nation.

  • 0

    This is what we need, send the thieves from both side home!
    My vote for you!
    Jobs,development before human rights!

  • 2


    “This is what we need, send the thieves from both side home!”

    Will he have himself arrested and throw himself into Welikada? I doubt it. Instead, he will hang everybody who opens his/her mouth. Will you be brave enough to question him all defence deal from 2005 to 2015?

    And by the way, how about the unaccounted cash and gold that VP stole from people and kept in his Fort Knox?

    Will you be able to question Gota on these stolen properties? I doubt it.

    “My vote for you!”

    Surely you don’t want to commit suicide.

    “Jobs,development before human rights!”

    Very good idea.

    There won’t be any unemployed scavengers, either all would leave the country, or in prison, or will have been hung by their b***s, ….. Actually we don’t need any development.

  • 0

    this CT is Wrong. CT does not publish the truth.

  • 0

    what’s coming out of a dirty mouth of a murderer who seeks attention.
    This one will be in the Hague soon!!!

  • 0

    So, will he follow Trump’s footsteps and appoint millionaires and billionaires to his Cabinet?

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