President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s plans of appointing people to government posts on meritocracy hit a stumbling block, when the Rajapaksa super brats MP Namal Rajapaksa and Rohitha Rajapaksa had their respective Father-in-Law and Mother-in-Law appointed as Directors to the Airport and Aviation (Services) Sri Lanka Limited.
Unbeknownst to many, MP Namal Rajapaksa’s Father-In-Law Thilak Weerasinghe Chairman Lanka Sportreizen (LSR) and Rohitha Rajapaksa’s Mother-in Law Deirdre De Livera were appointed earlier as Directors of Airport and Aviation (Services) Sri Lanka Ltd.
The former beach boy Thilak Weerasinghe was a wind surfer who went on to win the National Wind Surfing Championships in Colombo before teaming up with a German tourist to start off his company now known as Lanka Sportsreizen (LSR).
Meanwhile according to Rohitha Rajapaksa’s (Chichi) Mother-in-Law Deirdre De Livera’s profile, it is stated that she is a Business Development Specialist at EXEL Holdings (Pvt) Ltd. She started off as an airline executive with Delmege Air Services (Pvt) Ltd.
To cap it all off the the post of Chairman Airport and Aviation (services) was accorded to the former Northern Province Governor Major General (Rtd.) G.A. Chandrasiri .
According to an article published in the Daily FT the appointed Chairman G.A. Chandrasiri openly confessed that he had no experience in his appointed role but was keen to learn on the job. (By Dasun Jayakody)
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kali / January 11, 2020
The appointment of the Heir to the Thrones immediate family was to be expected.
But that is not as bad as the following.
“President appoints high-powered commission to probe previous govt”
Does the Criminal mean his own previous Government under MR
The surprise package is the low profile of the biggest thief ” Basil” . Gotha when are you going to investigate your family”s role in defrauding Sri Lanka to the tune of Billions.
Burt / January 12, 2020
Yes! He wants to start fresh. So he is starting with:
Kadhirgamar then going through Lasantha etc. He is not sure which of his high powered commissions should investigate kidnap and murder of children for ransom as there are two parts. who ordered the kidnap and where did the ransom money go?
While this is in progress he wants to appoint another “High Powered Commission” to take a second look whether CB sold bonds for a song and dance during Previous MR govt, who really made money from Greek Bonds, was there kick-backs from the Mig deal so on.
The list is so big he is still thinking of the time line.
kali / January 12, 2020
Boris and Gotabaya have identical philosophy: Lord Naseby
*** Lord Naseby is a man who will say or do anything if you give him a few rupees. But I have conveyed the message to Boris who is a cut above Gotha. He is an honest and a decent man, If you have watched or noticed Prime Ministers Question time he is sandwitched between Sajid Javeed ( Muslim) and Piriti Patel ( Hindu). This is Modern Britain and it is an insult to compare him with a Sri Lankan CRIMINAL who has Tamil Blood on his hand
Sandra / January 12, 2020
Get your facts correct.
Namal’s Father-In-Law And Chichi’s Mother-In-Law Appointed Directors At Airport & Aviation (Services) Ltd
Chichi’s Mother-in-Law is Mahinda Rajapaksa’s wife. Not a De Livera.
Liyanage / January 12, 2020
No wonder both Chichi and Tatyana look like siblings
shevan / January 12, 2020
are you serious ? how could MR’s wife be Chichi’s mother in law
shevan / January 12, 2020
how could MR’s wife could be Chichi’s mother in law?
kali / January 12, 2020
Sandra you Sinkalam
CT has an eavesdropping net work so you cant fault his information as it is first hand and hot off the press. You question it at your peril
It sounds like “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang ” or should I say ” Chichi bang bang” . Hello Mother In Law are you there how are you and how is the THUG doing. He is very quite these days. How is Sir “Ali Baba” the bounty hunter .
Dihan / January 12, 2020
Sandra, what did you smoke ? Can you please share with us as well.
Naamal Weeraratne / January 12, 2020
[Edited out] We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT
Sarath / January 12, 2020
I do not think this is a good move. People do not forget what GR words. This will reduce number of votes in next election. Please do not forget how people throw away UNP government. Do not forget UNP strong Premadasa lost his district after giving free things to people.
SarathP / January 12, 2020
Thilak Weerasinghe’s LSR Company runs Rangiri Dambulla Resort on property belonging to the Dambulla Temple, under a lease agreement with the notorious former high priest of the temple, Inamaluwe Sumangala.
Under the Vihara and Devalagam Act, no alcohol can be consumed and no sex acts can be performed on leased temple property. So, everyday he operates the Resort, Weerasinghe is breaking the law.
Vis8 / January 12, 2020
In more exciting news, the leaked tapes have revealed that the murderer of Eknaligoda and Daya Ratnayake is champaka ranawaka :)
Parakum / January 12, 2020
Gotas promises not worth the paper its written, Mahinda rule the roost.
Native Vedda / January 12, 2020
“Chichi’s Mother-in-Law is Mahinda Rajapaksa’s wife. Not a De Livera.”+
Rohitha ‘chi chi’ Rajapaksa is the son of Mahinda’s wife Shiranthi Wickremesinghe Rajapaksa.
Kumar / January 12, 2020
Wow! this guy waste no time. Very soon entire Rajapakse clan will be getting top government jobs. Sri Lankan village folks wanted Gota and are willing to pay the price. Nothing comes cheap these days. First order of work was to settle old scores that will make Sri Lanka great again.
KOKUVILAN / January 12, 2020
Manel Fonseka / January 12, 2020
31, Pond Street, Hampstead, is the house that Julian (at least) Huxley lived in — for anyone who’s interested in going to see it.
Manel Fonseka / January 12, 2020
Just in case any of you r interested in such things, further to my earlier (utterly irrelevant) reference to Peter O’Toole, here’s a bit of info about his life in Hampstead, etc. I see he also campaigned for the Labour candidate Ben Whitaker in the 1960s, as I did.
Here’s an extract from the next website:
“For example, the house rules for his infamous New Year’s Eve parties here included fornication, madness, murder, drunkenness, shouting, shrieking, leaping police conversation and the breaking of bones but no acting.”
And a description of Hampstead’s history. It really is/was a special place:
Good Sense / January 12, 2020
Don’t get me wrong in concluding that I am a pessimist with respect to actions taken by those in authority. My humble submission is that they must more circumspect in making appointments. It was Lee Kuan Yew, the founding father of independent Singapore who said that one must have an EQ to select the correct man for the correct job. There was a story that His Excellency’s policy was NO FAMILY MEMBERS. Alas! The appointees are family members, who dabble in business and they have been appointed to a company that runs the airports. SO DON’T THEY HAVE BADGES PERMITTING THEM TO GO ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE IN THE AIRPORTS? I am not trying to create unnecessary doubts but given their backgrounds they too can be tempted getting into smuggling rackets. The smarter solution would be as board members they do nothing and only attend board meetings but cultivate a set of employees to do the needful dangling the carrot for various advantages and if they get caught it is they who would be responsible. I may be held as a bad man posing this question but in the event that these family members fall foul with the law would they be severely dealt with the extent the law permits and if so wouldn’t that create a strain in the relationship within the family? Obviously there could be pressure applied from the “Mahinda faction” of the Government to make these appointments by saying “Mokakkda Apita Mas katuwak wath nedda?” (Don’t we have even a bone of flesh?). So the “Vidwath Mandalaya” seem to have viewed the whole thing with a Nelsonian eye.
Hamlet / January 13, 2020
Chee Chee!
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / January 13, 2020
So, Thilak Weerasinghe being a former beach boy means he used to take it up his rear-end in the years gone by?
Leelagemalli / January 15, 2020
Exactly. RLRSP@ you are dead right and you re telling the truth (birds of feather flocktogether, may be well aware of that – you as a former cook to Army, you had been abused is what among the facts)
Thilak WEERASINGHE should be blood related to that Negombo Beach boy aka Drug Kin Pin Nimal Lanza-
These men have let their backsides being highly abused for any selfish gains; current Premier has stood by Nimal Lanza for one single reason; MR s election campaigns are funded by Drug traffickers including HIRU TV channel owner, Reno and his contribution.
Lester / January 14, 2020
Looks like a beautiful family, congratulations. Rohitha Rajapaksa is very talented. No wonder the Eelamists are so angry, they are landless and stateless like rats. For their contribution in saving the country from terrorism, every member of the Rajapakse family should be given a government post.
Sinhala_Man / January 14, 2020
I’ve got a lot to say about some of the facts and attitudes that are being aired, but I regret not having the time now.
I’ll return to this in about four days (six days left for comment). I shall then put them on at the end of the current lot.
Desperate Sinhalaya / January 15, 2020
Talented at what ?
Not a single paper publication even if he was reported to have carried out ROCKET related research.
If anyone close to Rajakashes cant be talented execpt for misterious killing tactics –
best Example is JAMAL KHASHOGI style – misterious murder of that MUSLIM BOY – former Rugby Champion – Wassim Thadjudeen. ::::
Lester / January 15, 2020
Looks like he has 8 papers published: https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/2052491971_Chandana_Rohitha_Rajapaksa.
My opinion of the Rajapakses is simple. Are they the most qualified to run the country? Not at all. Nevertheless, intellectuals (brainy people) never run governments anyway, they serve in what are known as advisory positions. As the philosopher Machiavelli said, “There are three kinds of intelligence: one kind understands things for itself, the other appreciates what others can understand, the third understands neither for itself nor through others. This first kind is excellent, the second good, and the third kind useless.” Rajapakses are good for the country because they command respect among the majority and instill fear in the separatist elements of the minorities. As long as these separatist elements are around, it is good to have a hardliner ruler like Rajapakse. The first order of business should be economic development. After that we can talk human rights and democracy. This is Gotabaya’s agenda, as it stands.
jayt / January 15, 2020
Spies like you are stationed around the world to make sure Malays and Tamil take over Sri Lanka. But I also, have to tell you that that dates are outnumbering for spies like you. There could be blood shed in Sri lanka and around the world, but finally the world will be liberated
Kalu Coat / January 14, 2020
Nalaka Godahwea the Rajapakse stooge and the the rascal who did insider trading and mucked up the Stock Exchange. He was remanded and the case is before courts may never come up till the RAJAPASA’s are there.
He has rushed to the Daily Mirror to defend the Habarana Father in Law of the Boru Kalu Coat Karaya who got the coat because of another shameless succour W.D.Rodrigo Principal law College ( such types like the late R.K.W.Gunasekera must be somersaulting in their graves ). He was sacked after he failed the same method with his dud son and ended up as LEGAL DIRECTOR OF MR grateful man.
Back to Godahwea he does not talk of Chichi’s mother.
He does not talk of Basil Rajapakse the the rogue billionaire in LA
ALL Rajapkasa’s are billionaires having played out the poor and as AIYO SIRA said they will be re born as CROWS.
CITIZEN / January 16, 2020
By the way, whose “chichi” are you all talking about? Please leave it aside; it is not debatable as it belongs to the Royal family!