17 September, 2024


‘Governor Mowlana Lies And Promotes Hate’, ‘We Had No Plans To Destroy Kuragala’ – BBS

“The Governor uttering lies about History of Sri  Lanka , promote Hate against Buddhists and Bodu Bala Sena while creating Fear among Ordinary Muslims.” (sic) says the Bodu Bala Sena.

Alavi Mowlana

Referring to our story BBS To Destroy Kuragala Islam Religious Site – Alavi Mowlana Asked MR To Intervene the BBS today issued a statement. We publish below the statement in full;

“Pls refer to following International News Site where The Governor uttering lies about History of Sri  Lanka , promote Hate against Buddhists and Bodu Bala Sena while creating Fear among Ordinary Muslims. ” (sic)

“BBS states that This is completely wrong information. BBS never had any plans to destroy anything in Kuragala. We all fought to protect historical and archaeological site of Kuragala. We are surprized to see how a responsible person like Hon Governor writing a such letter giving false information. This will tarnish the image of Bodu bala Sena and create unnecessary fear among ordinary Muslims. As a responsible person with his office using  public funds he should have checked the authenticity of this information before giving so much publicity to false information. He could have easily checked the validity of this information from our office located very close to his office before making such statements.” (sic)

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On BBS Claim: Get Ready To Celebrate Vesak At Kuragala

Rajapaksa Power-Plays: Cheating Tamils And Demonising Muslims

Midweek Politics: The Battle For Sacred Ground

BBS To Destroy Kuragala Islam Religious Site – Alavi Mowlana Asked MR To Intervene

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  • 0

    The Americans, British, Australians want non Islamic folk around when they engage with China at South China Sea in 2014.

    The warlords (rajaporkistan) want to please their American keepers by destroying the Muslims so that other American poodles follow. Nice and easy cake in SL.

    But then haven’t the Muslims used the 30 year war to their advantage?

  • 0

    It is ridiculous to say Alavi lying on this matter. It’s just that he is the senior most government member and a trustee of mosques so he has spoken out and is true democracy- to say it and be heard.

    • 0

      If he is lying, why had not been doing so earlier ?

      Current regime is accountable for not taking action against BBS. They just keep quiet as if they would not go against recent violent activities of BBS. If not majoratarian people in the ocuntry, Significant masses in are fed up being unable to see any actions taken by govt. Nor have they made any open statements to any media.

      Today, as usual, MR ´s rhetoric to the public that many out side powers try to influence us…. instead of pay genuine efforts why as no before, IC is criticising his governance. – always it has been typical to him – shooting the messengers just to abuse the nation further. But how long this would take ? :(


  • 0

    Dear Moulana
    Kuragala known as Jailani by Muslims of Srilanka is not a holy place of Muslims.There are no evidence Shiek Mohiyaddenn Abdul Cader meditated at Kuragala Balangoda. or visited to srilanka. there is no doubt Shiek Mohiyadeen Abdul Cader is a great saint respected by Muslims all over the world. every year there was feast at kuragala Muslims from most parts of Srilanka there. it’s not a Holy place of Muslims. there are only two Holy place for Muslims in the world Holy Kauba at Mecca and Masjidul Munauwwara at Madina. we know what happening in kuragala festival season. every thing against Ismamic religion. consuming liqueur smoking Ganja men and women. first stop these things. Allah says if Muslims failed to protect my religion I will protect my religion by others. that’s happen in Kuragala now.

    • 1

      As you said “……I will protect my religion by others” That is what happened to ACJU they issued Fatwas the way they wanted like they issued the Halal Certificates!

    • 0

      If there is any religious importance or not its mosque which was there for centuries and we cannot allow the BBS or gota to touch it. If we give in to their wishes its Kuragala today and who knows whats tomorrow. think before you talk. this BBS isnt a religious movment its a sect created by rajapaksas to protect them.
      Majority Sinhala public and my sinhala friends hate this gnanasara lead BBS. Gota has experimented many things nothing worked so far. the present one is BBS after white vans, Grease Devils, Extorsion at night etc.

    • 0


      Like wise there is no evidence that Buddha has ever visited Sri Lanka. But many Buddhists believe so. The Buddhist priests at Kelaniya and Mahiyanganaya will deplore any one who would not accept Bhudda’s visit to their places. That’s the problem with all religions. What a peaceful life we can have without all these religions.

      • 0

        Vathsala if every one can think this way how nice.

      • 0

        Read Lotus suthra.

      • 0

        The peace that we are already enjoying,if there’s any,
        is thanks to religions I suppose.Religions have managed
        to divert attention of its followers of world issues that
        make them suffer,away from those issues and towards magic
        powers.So,be happy,blindness can also be a blessing in

      • 0

        What is this! Lord buddha dod not travel below vindhaya hills and also above Nepal. Where is this all acounted. Buddhism spread to srilanka by daughter of king Ashoka after kalinga war. In History of budhdhism and Jainism and jatahkas and stories at many Budhdist stupas say all this claerly and documented.

    • 0

      The name MOULANA itself is a seriously questionable title.
      This self created title is being used by a group of Muslims
      in some parts of south Asia and Africa to stand out from the
      rest of Muslims as a kind of more honorable breed.The name
      Moulana itself is misleading Muslims.

  • 0

    How can anyone let this happen? It’s a breach of freedom of religious rights if the stone inscriptions have been removed. The muslims dont need favours from anyone …As sri lankans we have every right to practice our religion in sri lanka….we are equally sri lankan citizens.

    • 0

      Haleema, Try and findout how many mosuqes are there in Sri Lanka and how many of them have problems. You will find the answer to all your questions there.

  • 0


    • 0

      It is just – that the muslim srilankens seem to have no common voice to represent them. Minister of justice is further napping. All other politicians should have to learn from Sally – to make genuine efforts in finding solutions for whatever they face in the life. Longer they just nodd the head to MR but not addressing people´s grivances, nothing will change. I ask myself, even at execution of poor underaged muslim girl, the voice raised by all these politicians were not be seen. I did not read anywhere that Hakeem was explaing why saving the life of the girl failed. Facts were made clear by Ranjan Ramanayake – all those sent to middle east to take part in the process had just enjoyed the travels :(

  • 0

    Alavi is a respectable politician and a trade unionist who is still in the same party, SLFP. We may or may not agree with his politics, but, he is still there. He was never caught by the police for driving without a Licence or he never touches alcohol. So we can depend in his statement then on the drunken BBS Gunasara’s.

    • 0

      true indeed!

    • 0

      Another plus point,he knows nothing but “yes,” the sign of a
      man of STRONG back bone!

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    “This will tarnish the image of Bodu bala Sena and create unnecessary fear among ordinary muslims”. Talking of tarnishing the image of BBS is ludicrous. They are bunch of idiots terrorizing in the name Buddhism. If they want power and recognition they can join the political stream and become another “pakse” without taking the law into their hands , and TARNISHING THE IMAGE OF BUDDHISM.

  • 0

    There is no place for truth, unfortunately, in our little island. Muslims need no enemies, they have enough of them among themselves by way of forming dozens of groups. Leave the job to them they will destroy Kuragala with no payment whatsoever!

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  • 0

    ‘Deadly blasts target Iraqi Sunnis’

    ‘Deadly bombs at Pakistan mosques’

    Above two headlines decorated all the international media this Friday evening! We don’t need BBS, there are enough groups, within Muslims, in Sri Lanka, to destroy their rival mosques! No exemption for Kuragala! You just watch!

    • 0

      But,hope you understand that,that is exactly what the dept.of Archeology is trying to do as it is a Buddhist historical site as well.

      • 0

        True Buddhism is never practiced in Sri Lanka and it was omitted for centuries but venerated for namesake is the mighty truth, the shame still lingers with the insurgence of Mahanama’s foul siblings.

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  • 0

    Why not we Sinhalese, Moslems, Tamils and Christians get together and respect each other as we’ve lived b4. Lets share this blessed land together as its provided for us even when a third of this island was in full scale war and no one died of starvation or faced situations as in Africa. Our disunity and mistrust could open the door to some fools who want cheap publicity as in Boston. We should take the lead in reversing the bad publicity Buddhism has got as a result of events in Burma and Thailand.

    • 0

      Tolerance is the best of all Karma in the philosophy of Buddhism, but nobody heeds is lamentable.

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        Tolerance that is how muslims terminated buddhists in the world and muslims and hindus terminated buddhists in India.

    • 0

      great comment.

    • 0

      There is a war between Muslims and Christians to claim their last bastion. they converting in Asia because Asia is the most difficult to convert.

  • 0

    Like the silly Azath Sally, this Moulana man is also trying hard to be the de-facto leader of the Muslims.To this end, he stirs up unnecessary trouble on the pretext of upholding Muslims causes when in fact he really cares two little hoots about what happens to the community. Everything these politicians do at the expense of the community is for their own selfish survival. Just see the picture of him kissing the benevolent hand. Was he also not responsible for throwing himself on Sirimavo in order to protect her during an election bomb-blast years ago. Shameless vermin will do anything for their own bread and butter. The community however is not so ignorant and knows very well the designs of these selfish politicians. Muslims dont need another cause for conflict. They are a peace-loving people and can tolerate the minor skirmishes brought about by extreme elements with utter humility and patience as advocated by their religion. We dont need any Azath Sallys or Alavi Moulanas to stir up hornets nests for us.

  • 1

    Can someone please help this psychopath lady SHENALI WEDAGE

    Shenali Waduge :
    MUSLIM PHILOSOPHY : People convert to this religion of peace
    Hameed Abdul Karim
    Amidst her usual racist ranting and hypothetical hyperbole that somehow Islam will subtly subdue ‘Sinhala Buddhism’ in Sri Lanka, Shenali Waduge (Daily News February, 28, 2013) challenges me to show her if there is ‘any Christian or Muslim country in the world where the State has contributed to building a Buddhist place of worship’.

    What I want to know is does Shenali Waduge think that a Christian or Muslim nations’, standard or place in civilisation is to be gauged as advanced or otherwise depending on whether they had built a Buddhist temple or not. This is absolutely silly. What kind of logic is this if logic is the word I want? I know what she’s getting at. She will now tell us that the Sri Lankan government is constructing mosques for the Mithya Drusthika variety called Muslims. Well, the fact of the matter is that the government is repairing mosques and in one instance rebuilding one which was completely destroyed during the war.

    If, and I say this as a Muslim, the government abandons its funding for repairing mosques, then I am sure we Muslims can raise the funds needed for this purpose. We don’t need government funding.

    Shenali Waduge says that the kovil in Dubai I referred to had been demolished in 2005. This is a blatant lie as any recent Hindu visitor to Dubai will tell you. If the good editor chooses to publish Waduge’s response to this piece of mine then I request that she apologises for misleading the public not only this time but on previous occasions as well. Since I have always felt that one of the agendas of ‘Sinhala Buddhist’ supremacists is to cause rifts between all minority communities, this blatant lie is one such effort in that direction.

    Christians, Tamils and Muslims continue to be harassed and all of us in minority communities, which include non-racist Sinhala Buddhists like my bosom pals Rohith Dias, Ajith Bodinagoda, Nanda Kaluthanthri, Arunika Wickremasinghe, Tissa Jayasinghe and Mahinda Hattaka to name just a few, feel like tourists who have overstayed our visas in Sri Lanka. With all this hate speech we are on pins wondering whether we’ll be kicked out once the patience, charity and goodwill of the ‘magnanimous majority community’ reaches its end.

    Let me tell your readers, if not Ms. Waduge, that the Taxila institute of Asian Civilisations, under the leadership of Dr. Muhammad Ashraf Khan, of the Quaid-i-Azam University has commenced archeological excavations on a newly discovered Buddhist monastery in Badalpur. Among the exciting finds so far are remains of an assembly hall, kitchen, stores and steward rooms. A good number of antiquities dating between 1st century and 4th century CE were also discovered. So there you are Muslims are not the iconoclasts that Shenali Waduge accuses them of.

    There are hundreds of Buddhist temples spread all over Malaysia. There are at least two Sinhala Buddhist temples in the heart of Kuala Lumpur and they have been repaired over and over again by the state. These two temples are run by Sri Lankan Sinhala Buddhist monks. In Kelantan where the Buddhist population is barely 3 per cent there are nearly 200 Buddhist temples. One of the temples boasts of the largest reclining statue of the Buddha in South East Asia. A noteworthy feature is that the reclining Buddha was built in the 1980s while the state of Kelantan was and continues to be governed by PAS which is an Islamic political party.

    So there you have another example about Muslims not being iconoclasts. Hope your readers will get a better perspective of Muslims with this bit of information. And for sure I will be the first to say that the Taleban were iconoclasts just as much as those ‘Sinhala Buddhists’ who destroyed the Muslim shrine in Anuradhapura or those who want to destroy Daftar Jailani in Balangoda are. On the one hand we have Shenali Waduge tell us she and her fellow travellers have no scruples with ‘Sufi’ Muslims and on the other they want to destroy a Sufi shrine! Or is this an attempt to split Muslims on the lines of Sufism and Wahabism or any other ism?

    Quoting Mullah Omar, like does our friend Shenali, is like quoting the head of the Bodu Bala Sena to support anyone’s arguments against Buddhism! From what I gather the BBS does not have any support from among practicing Buddhists.

    Confusion confounded
    I am so happy that Shenali Waduge agrees with me that there were Arabs and Persians and Yona womenfolk here before the advent of Islam. This is what I have been telling her all along, and by extension, all your readers when she accused me of distorting history to gain an advantage when I grieved over the destruction of the Sufi shrine in Anuradhapura. In her rebuttal she said there were no Muslims during the Anuradhapura era.

    Now she seems to agree with me that Persians and Arabs were here before the birth of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (pboh). She seems to hate Arabs so much that she is hesitant to accept history which clearly says that they married Sinhala as well as Tamil women and as Lorna Dewaraja says the King of that time helped the Arabs get Sinhala brides.

    He had advised the Arabs to ‘abduct’ Sinhala girls and helped them hide the lasses in his palace. That’s how close the Sinhala Buddhist kings and Muslims were! When the parents of the girls came to a complaining the king persuaded them to let their daughters marry the Muslims. Have a change of heart, Ms Waduge. Start loving people. It will make your life happy.

    Have a look at the 1,000 rupee note issued during the J.R. Jayewardene presidency. It depicts a man wearing a cap leading an elephant. The man is a Muslim and he gifted ‘Raja’ to the Dalada Maligawa where he ‘reigned’ supreme during every Esala Perehera till he died. The name of the Muslim was Umar Lebbe Panicker and he was from Eravur. That’s how close Muslims and Sinhalese are. Why the this need to bring Muslims to heel using ‘halaal’ as a pretext? Or does Ms. Waduge see in this gesture of goodwill yet another attempt to ‘subtly subdue’ ‘Sinhala Buddhism’?

    I have noticed that Shenali Waduge always refers to Muslim countries like the Maldives, Malaysia and Indonesia as ‘former Buddhist countries’ and not include India in her tirade. After all virtually the whole of India was Buddhist at one point in history. And then the Brahmins came and gradually grabbed their lost power back from the Buddhists. Is it because she doesn’t want to upset Delhi – Tel Aviv –Washington axis? Or does she not want to upset the Brahmins? Or is because hitting out at Muslims is her only pursuit in life?

    Sinhala Buddhist country
    I would the happiest person alive if somebody took Shenali Waduge fairly seriously and converted Sri Lanka into a Buddhist state, if it’s not one already, provided all what Gautama Buddha had preached is implemented immediately. I could go to my club and tell my Buddhist friends to stop drinking and stand outside casinos and call for their closures. Demand the state shut down its own distillery corporation also.

    I could go around telling people not to drink or gamble with being accused of being an Islamic fundamentalist, but rather as one perpetuating precepts of Buddhism! Sri Lanka is reported to be one of the top most boozing nations in the world! Frankly I thought the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) would stand up against at least these two vices and have them banned by the state. But no, that didn’t happen. I was disappointed that far from campaigning to close the distilleries corporation the JHU went and voted for the casino bill! It seems the JHU is not for safeguarding Buddhism.

    Their only aim was to get into Parliament and enjoy the benefits of office, like luxury cars and other perks like most politicians. They have got a bit active lately because of the competition from the BBS.

    There is a general aura of piety about the kings of the past being portrayed. But they were no better than their counterparts elsewhere. There were no halos over their heads. King Pandukhabhaya had to kill eight of his uncles to come to sit himself on the throne.

    Moreover, the Mahavamsa records that ‘the Sinhalese Kings of the so called ‘Great Dynasty’ (543 BC – AD 275) all but a few were weak and inept. Of the 54 kings of this dynasty, 15 ruled less than a year, 30 were killed in battle and 22 were murdered by their successors.

    The dark dismal record of the early Sinhalese kings was of incessant struggle for the throne, fratricidal and parricidal slayings, conspiracies and internal strife’ (The National Question and the Tamil National Struggle –page 231)

    During the fraternal struggle between Mayadunne and Bhuvenaka Bahu the latter sought the help of the Portuguese to defeat his ambitious brother.

    The Muslims rallied round Maydunne whom they considered a national leader, because of Bahu’s treachery. Mayadunne sought the help of the leader of Calicut who sent him three Muslim generals to fight the Portuguese. The Portuguese and the Sinhalese largely supported Buhavenuka Bahu whilst the Muslims stood firm with Mayadunne. Eventually Mayadunne lost to his brother who was helped by the Portuguese. Tell me who the traitor was?

    As a condition for surrender the Portuguese demanded that Mayadunne hand over the three foreign Muslim generals. He obliged to save his skin. The Portuguese beheaded these generals and the people of Calicut (now Khozikode) never forgave Maydaunne for his ingratitude and betrayal. Come to think of it, if the descendants of these three generals were to launch a hate campaign against the Sinhalese similar to the hysterical one that Shenalai Waduge and her fellow travellers have started against Muslims, this act of ingratitude and of betrayal by Mayadunne would be an excellent starting point!

    Waduge claims that since Tamil is the mother tongue of Muslims they must have married only Tamils and not Sinhalese women. Well, the answer to that is that the seat of learning Islam at that time was in Southern India and that is how ‘Arabic’ Tamil became the lingo of the Muslims as narrated by Dr. M.A.M. Shukri in the book Muslims of Sri Lanka – Avenues to Antiquity.

    Cat never in the bag
    Ms. Waduge then wants me to explain the ‘Oluvil Declaration’ that the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) had made. I have said it before and I’ll say it again, I am no apologist for any political party least of all the SLMC. So I kindly request her to pose her question to the SLMC’s leader. I don’t hold her responsible for the Bodu Bala Sena’s (BBS) Maharagama Declaration do I? Why then should she hold me responsible for the declarations the SLMC makes, for God’s sake?

    Shenali says that M.B.M. Zubair has let the cat out of the bag when he said that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Actually and specifically it’s the fastest growing religion in the West, though there have been converts here as well as in India. I know a Roshan Madwala who is a Muslim and we all know Tilakarathe Mahanama Dilshan used to be Tuan Mohammed Dilshan. So now what can we do about these things. Such things will happen, but they are not going to change the stats. We must handle such things in a civilised way and without paranoia.

    As far as Islam’ spread is concerned the cat was never in the bag. Since the day the Prophet Muhammad (pboh)proclaimed the message there have been converts to the faith every day for the past 14 centuries or so. Recent high profile converts to Islam include Indian Prof. Periyar Dasan, journalist Yvonne Ridley, Lauren Booth, the sister of Tony Blair’s wife, Hollywood film director Sean Stone, the son of the famous Jewish director Oliver Stone who had told his son ‘Allah be with you’ when he told him of his conversion.

    The famous musician A.R. Rahman is also a convert to Islam. Rap and hip hop artistes from Ice group to Snoop Dogg have converted to Islam. Just yesterday (March 7, 2013) a notorious anti Muslim formerly belonging to that racist party of Geert Wilders (the Dutch version of BBS) in the Netherlands converted to Islam. His name is Arnoud Van Doorn (check the net).

    Meanwhile according to an al-Jazeera story, British university reported the number of converts in the UK has nearly doubled in the last decade to about 100,000 people. Muslims need not be apologetic about the spread of Islam. From day one when the Prophet declared his divine message Islam attracted converts every day. One of the primary reasons was the simplicity of the message and its stand on social and economic equality for all without caste, colour or creed considerations, according to author Karen Armstrong. Today the number of Muslims stands at over 1.5 billion with over 300 million in the SAARC region alone.

    The Prophet came more than 600 years after Jesus Christ and he was the last of the Divine messengers. Islam is today the second largest religion in the world after Christianity including Catholicism. If Catholicism and Protestantism were separated Islam would be the largest religion in the world. Islam is a culmination of all faiths, say Muslim scholars.

    According to the Qur’an God almighty had sent messengers to all nations and tribes with the message of Islam, which, in its spiritual connotation means, submission to the Will of God almighty. Up until today, as far as I know, our Veddas have no graven image; neither do the Aborigines of Australia which suggests they have had some message given to them at some point of time in history.

    As a Muslim I can say without being contradicted by my co-religionists, that is, that Gautama Buddha could have been a prophet of God! Shenali Waduge might have a different take.

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    Very good response. Current Muslim population of the world is over 2 Billion and still growing. As you said Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world! Indonesia has over 1.5 million of years history. Fossils and remains of the tools show that the Indonesian archipelago was inhabited by Home erectus, popularly known as ” Jawa Man”, between 1,5million years ago! Before Buddhism the Indonesian people were following Hindusm. Later Buddhist went there and converted Hindus into Buddhism.

    This is what they (Buddhists) did in Sri Lanka as well. Mahinda, son of Ashoka came to Sri Lanka and converted Hindus and Jains into Buddhists. Now they say Sri Lanka is a buddhist country? The first Kinkg of Sri Lanka was also imported from India. Vijaya was chased away from India by his father for his Un – Lawful acts ( i.e. in other words he Is a rowdy). The reason for the destruction of Buddhism is Buddhism itself. Even though Buddhists say it preaches non-violence, the followers like BBS were full of violence, hate and abuse. In the Indian sub continent Buddhists killed Brahmins and Jains in the name of religion and destroyed their temples, many were converted as Buddhist temples. Brahmins took revenge from Buddhist immediately after the demise of Mayurian Kingdom by chasing away Buddhism from its birth place India.

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