17 January, 2025


Govt Releases 425 Acres Of Former HSZ Jaffna Lands To Its Rightful Owners

President Maithripala Sirisena today handed over title deeds that amount to some 425 acres of land in Jaffna, to its rightful owners.

During an event held today to award the title deeds, the President assured the people of the North that high priority will be given to resolve land issues of the former conflict zones.

Maithri Jaffna 23 march 2015While pointing out that lands have been the root cause for public uprising, revolutions and critical political issues in the world, he said that the government will not simply stop from returning their original lands but ensure that a better environment is created where the people and their children can live in contentment.

“Every steps will be taken to resolve issues faced by the people irrespective of their race or religion under my government,” the President assured.

The event was attended by the Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, Former President Chandrika Kumaratunga, the Chief Minister and Northern province Governor.

Latest comments

  • 7

    Ultimately free Tamil Eelam

    • 22

      Malaccan Greedy Jarapassa gave bribes to Killer VP to kill tamilans,
      but .Mr sirisena will give Lives to tamilans and mankind with compassion, as a good Buddhist and a peace loving Sinhalese.

      Jarapasas’s Arse licking, Blood Sucking, hyenas and Vultures are not tolerating that.

      • 12


        ” .Mr sirisena will give Lives to tamilans and mankind with compassion, as a good Buddhist and a peace loving Sinhalese.”

        Sirisena may be good man, however does the army want to take orders from a politician especially when their empire is threaten by releasing the land.

        • 4


          Empire belongs to the people. Including those in the north.


          • 5

            Ben Hurling

            “Empire belongs to the people. Including those in the north.”

            I would like to think so.

            • 0

              “”I would like to think so.””

              Sh*ts & Spits Cancer of Coconut_heads.(“Southern Sinhala Coalition”)
              Fraternity of Zeeba Zeeba Eata crocodiles!!
              Get away from here, you son-of-a-gun,
              than spend your time on free for all refugee run blog.
              Even McAfee had a harem (the girls) and was saved by 1st Deshi Ambassador
              I pay to read many things on the .net periodicals and news.
              Why don’t you join this new course at Ivies, Ancient Eight
              UPenn (Quakers- (“Laws without morals [are] useless”). and teach there later on as prof. It’s sponsored by Deshi Americans. The Singh Program in Networked & Social Systems Engineering (NETS) is an undergraduate program at the University of Pennsylvania, named after Rajendra and Neera Singh, owners of Telecom Ventures LLC. The Singhs donated $8 million to found the NETS program, described to be “the world’s first undergraduate engineering curriculum for the networked economy.
              then you would perform better than DJ or Dr Swamy.

              • 2



                • 2

                  NV ,
                  Jokes aside they are philanthropist duo from Johns Hopkins.
                  How does information propagate in Twitter’s network?

                  Twitter can be represented as a directed social network where nodes are the users of the service and edges represent “following” relationships. In NETS 312, we provide tools to study the propagation of information over the Twitter social network. For example, we consider the set of users (i.e., nodes in the network) who mention a particular tag in some chronological order, their distribution over the network, and the presence/absence of edges between them.

                  The Singh duo of Johns Hopkins (from east india) what students say.
                  Why did you choose NETS over another engineering school? Over another major?
                  It most aligned with my interests, combining computer systems with sociology and economics. Professor Ives sold me on the program over lunch when he told me that companies like Google were already looking for graduates on this program and Yahoo was sponsoring a speaker series. I knew I wanted to be a part of this.
                  One day I started signing up for IM, and then bigger social networks Tuenti- a Spanish social network. The games, social purposes, layout were all very interesting. I would read about them in blogs.
                  Growing up surrounded by media. And rowing in school. I would use social media and search engines to research the competition. Eventually I thought, “There’s got to be more I can do with this technology than look up rowing stats”

                  ‘Water man of India’ Rajendra Singh (Rajput from west india) bags top prize


                  What is the plantation colony up to rather than making cheese or laying eggs??

        • 13

          Excuse me, These Tamils gave 1.8 Million Tamil Votes to Sirisena, Ranil and Chandrika to make them so powerful in SL today, flying around SL in Helicopters and Chinese/Russian aircrafts living in Rajakedara (Palaces) and Temple Trees. Chandrika is the Queen B now from President, to absolutely NOBODY getting scolded in filth. These Bandaranayakes and cousins Seniviratnes have very short memories.

          Tamil votes also made a few Governors including the Singaporean Tamil where his son in law and many in the family can rob like Ali Baba and the 40 theives making hundreds of millions. That is a Tamil disgrace.

          So Sirisena is returning a measly 425 acres out of tens of thousands of acres robbed and stolen property from Point Pedro to Pottuvil . Not only lands but buildings, wells, and valuables/equipment were also stolen by the military/GOSL. The CM should demand from the PM, President, Tamil Minister Swaminathan, and the Queen B for full compensation as well as reimbursement of expenses. Pain and Suffering should be added on as well as pain of mind, trauma and stress.

          Collective class action suits should be filed by Tamil attorneys led by Sumanthiran, Tamil attorneys and Wanna be politicians. Let them sacrifice some of their time and professional skills/time if they want the nominations to contest elections at any levels.

          All lands should be given to the Chandrika Committee, GA/DS Lands, and the CM/NPC to be sorted out. At the same time forms should be distributed for full compensation or “I owe you chits” for future payments with interests at Central Bank rates 12.5 %… The victims of State Terrorism can be paid with 20 year or 30 year CB bonds with normal interest rates. That is fair and square and the FM Ravi K cannot give the excuse that GOSL is broke.

          All should not forget that they are in power today because of the Tamil Votes in 2015, or due to the boycott of Tamil LTTE on the wrong advise of the few Tamils and 2 Australians, in 2005. Now they are Senators and power behind the TGTE and GTF. LMAO.

          Donald Gnanakone
          Tamils For Justice.

          • 1

            Dear Donnie,

            You will be [Edited out]

            Be as much Tamil as you wish to be Donnie. But, do appreciate rest of humanity too, if it ever occurs to you.


          • 0

            Dear Donald J Gnanakone,

            Wow what a powerful performance.

            Did you stop to think what the position of CM Wigs and the NPC govt and the Northern Tamils would have been if they did not vote for MS?

            CM Wigs would be under a military governor and would be having running battles with the Tamil Lady Secretary of the NPC. Minister Douglas Devananda would be ruling the roost.

            The TNA supported MS because they primarily wanted strong man Douglas Devananda out. The Governor with a military background out. The Tamil NPC Secretary with whom CM Wigs could not get along, out.

            They got all of it within weeks, something they could not get for 10 years from MR.

            They knew if MR won the NPC would be strangled further at least for another 8 years and 2 months but had the potential for going on for several decades more.

            Here is a little reminder of the situation before Maithree.

            Watch the three videos of the District Development Council meeting of the Northern Province where CM Wigs was reduced to a mere spectator.


            Re “All should not forget that they are in power today because of the Tamil Votes in 2015, or due to the boycott of Tamil LTTE on the wrong advise of the few Tamils and 2 Australians, in 2005”

            You have already forgotten why the Tamils voted MS. To have racist politicians leading them, is the tragedy of the Tamils. It was so then and it is so now.

            That statement will satisfy your ego no doubt, but it is a Foolish attempt at taking sole credit for MS’s win.

            Assuming your figure is correct (some Tamils voted MR), the Tamil vote amounts to 29% of what MS polled. Thus 71% came from the Sinhala, Moors and Burghers with the major contribution coming from the Sinhala. Take the Moors out and MS would have lost. Take the Sinhala out and MR would not have had a contest.

            How silly can you get to take sole credit for the MS victory.

            What Tamils should note is the extremely large Sinhala vote that rejected MR’s racist campaign platform. Idiots like you would reverse that trend by disillusioning that Sinhala electorate with your pompous bragging.

            Remember that Jaffna before 1995 December was a Terrorist stronghold. The terrorists that were supported by contributions from overseas Tamils with an annual contribution of US$ 300 million. You should therefore look at your complicity and contribution to the destruction of not only the North but all over Lanka and start paying compensation to all who suffered.

            The Northern Terrorists was at war with the Sri Lankan State. The size of the Forces camps were dictated by past experiences and defeats (they almost lost Jaffna Fort garrison, lost Elephant Pass camp) and the sophisticated armaments that your money bought for them.

            The terrorists were fighting with sophisticated weapons including SAM missiles. Naturally the operational areas of the camps needed to be out of range of enemy weapons. The longer the range the bigger the camps became.

            Re “Now they are Senators and power behind the TGTE and GTF. LMAO.”

            That is interesting. You are distancing yourself from the TGTE, BTF etc. Political ambitions?

            Kind Regards,

            • 7

              You have got the Tamil % wrong. But I do not want to waste time in trivial pursuit. 1.8 Million Tamil votes was delivered from the 9 provinces. In the Nuwara Eliya electorate/district the Sirisena majority was 125,000 votes despite Rajapakse being backed by Thondaman, and S B Dissanayake’s who wanted to strip Chandrika and walk her down the road like the Mannamperi Girl in Kataragama in 1971 insurgency time. The joke is he is now a Minister of this government.

              If MS/Ranil spoke the way they are doing now, and acting this way Rajapakse would be President for life, and I would not have been able to return to Sri Lanka as promised on the 9th of January.

              There would have been more deportations in the Indian HC and even other embassies as well, since the Rajapakse intelligence was pretty good and the phone tapping operated out of the BMICH basement with the Israelis and their equipment.

              However, there would not have been this Central Bank scandal and a Tamil disgrace.

              Tamils were promised very much more than the meager stuff that has been dished out. This is Tamil right that they are receiving and not some Bandaranayake-Wickramasinghe “Party Favors”. There is something called, “Breach of Trust, Breach of Promise” Breach of everything” and that is the situation today.

              The Tamil leaders of Nuwara Eliya Digambaram and Radhakrishnan were gifted with one minister position of Plantation Infrastructure without much of a budget and one Deputy Minister position. That is very, very annoying and disrespectful to the Tamils, by those 3, My3, Chandrika and Ranil.

              We Tamils are no more afraid of the Sinhala Buddhist, Racist, Chauvinist politicians anymore and we have the International Community and Indian backing as well my friend. Tamils do not stand alone, and are not afraid. Tamils have their pride and dignity despite not having any military strength like in 1987, 1984, 2002 or 2005.

              You fellows have to be reminded that wars need not be fought only by the military, and the GOSL has promised India, and the UN, UNHRC, USA, and IC that they will behave and conduct themselves as a decent government and restore all the rights of the minority Tamils.

              I cannot say more in any detail.

              As for TGTE, I had always opposed it as it was totally premature to start such an association or organization even b4 it was formed. Both to KP in KL, and Rudra in NY. But I supported the GTF in August 2009, but after the elected officials and some of them like Surendran was absolutely unknown to the Tamil community and they were pursuing some of their agenda I dropped support to them. They even fought hard to boycott this Sirisena election.

              TGTE co-founder is still living in luxury in NPC area, 2 minutes from the A 9 and from the Killinochchi Kacheri, with the Gajabahu unit giving protection without any fear of the Police, TID,CID, SIS or the Attorney General. That too is a breach of promise and even India’s Modi regime cannot interview them. What a Joke. KP is occupying more than 2 acres of land and our CM Wigneswaran has no proper official residence and his office is in a narrow Somasunderam Lane near the Kacheri and St. John’s College Chundukuli. We have the GOSL’s PM publicly announcing that he would not shake his hand when he visits Jaffna again.

              Well, he will be in Jaffna again in less than 48 hours for 3-4 days the second time this week. So there is a lot of interest not only in Jaffna, but in the Vanni as well. That is a positive sign.

              Tamils and the Tamil diaspora has many options to “fight” for the Tamil rights. And Fight they will if they are continued to be “Cheated, Deceived, and disrespected”. The Tamils are not only dependent on the 2 political parties or aliances led by Sampanthan from the TNA in 2 provinces, and in the other 7 provinces by the Tamil National Leader Mano Ganeshan’s UTA,TPA or some other name TBN.

              Tamil voter strength would be demonstrated in the next parliamentary election next year or this year which promise Sirisena and Ranil will not be able to keep for several reasons. Whichever direction this Sinhala Buddhist government goes and whenever the elections takes place the Tamil voter strength will be unitedly demonstrated to the “world” who will be closely watching.

              Tamil politicians are not greedy for power and positions like the Sinhala Buddhist or Muslims who are only interested in Minister posts. 80 is the number now. There is another Muslim Kudu Silva in this cabinet as well and that is a GOSL disgrace and is being tolerated lest he jumps to the Rajapakse side again.

              The next government will be a Sinhala Buddhist, Racist-Chauvinist National Unity Government and the PM will be as agreed in London in September 2014.

              Ask no more questions and get any lies.

              Donald Gnanakone
              Tamils For Justice

              • 0

                All Sinhala MY3 supporters please read Donald fellows comment, especially this,

                “The next government will be a Sinhala Buddhist, Racist-Chauvinist National Unity Government and the PM will be as agreed in London in September 2014. “

              • 3

                Ranil’s warning to India has back fired like the Italians.
                Don’t forget that Israel is present day Indian governments friend in need not Gota or Ranil.
                RAW and Gandhi family supporters got more than they bargained for and have kept their promises. Foreign Secretary is a former RAW chiefs daughter who is ineffective in the SARC region- she goes in Sept (a girly friend of Sushima). There are Cambridge qualified former RAW chiefs from Delhi but south Indian who know this better.

                On 17 December 2014, European Union’s new foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini has expressed her disappointment over the Indian Supreme Court’s decision on the case of two Italian marines and warned that the issue could impact on EU-India relations. “The decision to deny the plea of Massimiliano Latorre for an extension of his stay in Italy for medical treatment and to refuse Salvatore Girone permission to spend the Christmas period at home is disappointing, as a long awaited mutually agreed solution has not yet proved possible,” said Mogherini, a former Italian foreign minister, in a statement. “The situation of these two European military personnel has been pending for almost three years now. The EU has consistently called for a mutually agreeable solution, in the interest of both Italy and India, based on international law. The issue has the potential to impact the overall European Union-India relations and has also a bearing on the global fight against piracy, to which the EU is strongly committed,” she stated.[284]
                On 14 January 2015, European MEPs appealed to the Italian government not to forget the two victims of the Enrica Lexie incident and urged EUHRVP Federica Mogherini, who was formerly Italian Foreign Minister, not to hold the wider economic interests of European member states hostage to the bilateral dispute between Italy and India. The European Parliament passed a non-binding resolution which called for a rapid resolution to the case of killing of Indian fishermen by Italian marines within the rules of International Law and Human Rights.[285] Stalled EU-India FTA has prevented Italy from gaining political leverage through trade negotiations.[286]
                On 16 February 2015, José Manuel Barroso the 11th president of the European Commission from 2004 to 2014, opined that the Italian marines case was “a very sensitive issue” and went on to add “I see a political solution without putting in question the rule of law in India”.[287]
                On 18 February 2015, the European Union Ambassador to India Joao Cravinho played down the resolution passed by the EU Parliament and said that the case will be resolved in accordance with Indian and International Laws.[288][289][290]
                The incident was cited as a reason for the delay in the European Union suggesting dates for an EU-India summit during the Indian Prime Minister’s visit to Europe in April 2015. Cesare Onestini, the charge d’Affaires of the Delegation of the European Union to India said: “No date has been formally proposed to the Indian side.” Strained relations with the European Union’s High Representative for External Affairs who was also the former Italian foreign minister, Federica Mogherini, led to the cancellation of a visit to Brussels to meet with the new leadership of the Institutions of the European Union. Mogherini told the European Parliament in January 2015 that “it’s good for everyone to be fully aware of how much of an impact the unresolved dispute of the two Italian Navy officials can have on relations between the EU and India. It is putting them to the test”.[291][292][293][294]

                the Italians are using their marketing flair to beat justice for the fascist but has lost EU support- they cannot beat the Indians because EU needs India more than US does.

              • 0

                Dear Donald J Gnanakone
                Tamils For Justice Founder,

                Re “You have got the Tamil % wrong. But I do not want to waste time in trivial pursuit.”

                If it was TRIVIAL why did you Headline your comment with it?
                You wanted to create an impact.

                6.2 million voted Maithree. Hence the Tamil vote is 29% of the total. Do the arithmetic that you should have learned in the 5th grade.

                The Tamils of the North Voted for Maithree because of ONE compelling reason. To free themselves of the strangle hold The Military Governor, The Tamil Lady Secretary of the NPC and Strong man Minister Douglas Devananda had on them. That strangle hold was choking the NPC administration to a slow death.

                I will address the rest of your comments later.

                Kind Regards,

    • 4

      Whoever is the rightful owner has a God given right to get back his land. This is definitely Good Governance

    • 4

      Now that looks like extremely Good Governance. In word and deed.

      Give me more of it. And, I will be right behind MY3.


      • 0

        read gnanakoon fellows’ comment

        • 3

          “”“The next government will be a Sinhala Buddhist, Racist-Chauvinist National Unity Government and the PM will be as agreed in London in September 2014. “ “”

          What he means from his All American base is:

          Sh*ts & Spits Cancer of Coconut_heads.(“Southern Sinhala Coalition”)
          Fraternity of Zeeba Zeeba Eata crocodiles!!

          Get away from here, you son-of-a-gun, passa nathe wella welawa(time time)

  • 13


    When are they going to release the rest?
    When Palaly airport will become civilian ?

    • 7


      Listen this clip:

      CV Vigneswaran Valalay Speech in English, Sinhala and Tamil.



      • 3

        Thanks NV.
        Yes I watched and read the speech as well. Please see below. Excellent speech by Mr Vigneswaran.

    • 3


      I have already forwarded the scanned copy of Pon Arunachalam’s speeches to CT.

      • 2

        Thank you very much. Much appreciated.

        • 6


          Please forward relevant pages of this book to the “smart ass patriot” in case if he wants to continue writing political thrillers based on Pon Arunachalam’s speeches.

          • 3

            Thanks I have received the pages from CT.
            “Please forward relevant pages of this book to the “smart ass patriot” in case if he wants to continue writing political thrillers based on Pon Arunachalam’s speeches”

            I will.

  • 1

    This [Edited out]

  • 8

    I was extremely worried when the Army refused to return Lakshman Kadirgamar’s properties to his heirs. I trust that has been resolved to their satisfaction.

  • 8

    Wigneswaran urges SL State to respect international principle on resettlement
    “Unless Grama Sevaka Divisions 244 and 252 are released in full as promised earlier, what has been gingerly granted today would hardly be of any use to the few families now selected to enter their erstwhile denied lands,” Northern Province Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran said in his address at Vazhalaay during the visit by SL President, Prime Minister and former President Chandrika Kumaratunga. “It may not be out of place for me to mention here of the land grabs taking place in the Vanni not only by the military but also by certain Politicians who wielded power earlier and who continue to wield power now, may be more so. They still influence in selecting inappropriate beneficiaries for the Indian Housing Schemes,” the CM said, urging the SL State to adhere to the UN Principles for Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and IDPs, which is known as the Pinheiro Principles.

    Full text of the address by Mr Wigneswaran follows:

    Your Excellency the President , Honourable Prime Minister, Madam Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunge, distinguished Diplomats and guests, my dear brothers and sisters!

    We are at the threshold of hope. A hope that those who have been denied what was due to them since the war ended, would be returned to them. There could be various official reasons trotted out to legitimize the delay in returning what is rightfully the lot of the people of these areas. But they are not reasons at all.

    Despite the end of the war in May 2009, vast swathes of private lands and property remain under the control of the security forces and central government aligned entities while thousands languish in temporary camps with no end in sight to their plight. In vast majority of the cases the actions of the security forces and the central government has resulted in the creation of long term IDPs, many of whom have spent over two decades in temporary housing in so called welfare camps, without the ability to exercise their right to return.

    Some of the most fertile lands in the Peninsula have not been returned to the owners but had been used by the Military to cultivate vegetables and fruits for themselves. No rentals nor compensation have been paid for so using their lands for so long. Up to the year 2013 their houses in these areas were still in place. None had been destroyed. But around the time our election to the Northern Provincial Council drew nigh almost all the houses and buildings in these areas had been destroyed.

    Let me take the case of Myliddy.

    Myliddy Vara Siddhi Vinayagar Temple was razed to the ground. Myliddy Kalaimagal Vidyalayam and the Roman Catholic School were simply bulldozered. When I as the firstcitizen in this Province tried to gain entry to see the condition of Temples and schools I was politely refused permission to enter the high road leading to the places of desecration. I was asked to obtain the permission of an all powerful Secretary of Defence having his headquarters in Colombo.

    I have been given maps of Myliddy as well as Vasavilan and certain other places out of the areas that are being released or earmarked for release.

    In the map of Myliddy despite the complete vandalism that has taken place to reduce all living quarters to rubbles every house that lay there in Myliddy and which have been destroyed, have been identified through satellite photographs taken. Inter alia the bakery, the market, the schools, the hospital and the Temples where they once proudly stood have been identified.

    Today the citizens of these areas stand devoid of their residences and their market places and hospitals and schools uncared for in so called Welfare Centres. 38 such Welfare Centres exist and majority if not the entirety come from Grama Sevaka Divisions 251, 248 and 246 which form Myliddy area more or less, 254 and 255 which include Palaly area, 247 and 249 which fall under the village of Oorany and 241 and 250 which have been identified as Thyiddy area.

    In other words if those who were residents of Grama Sevaka Divisions 246, 248, 251 and 255 are resettled we would be able to almost strike off the existence of the 38 Welfare Centres closing them dow. These Welfare Centres were given dry rations by World Food Program but were discontinued when WFP was stopped from functioning in these parts. The Northern Provincial Council with the help of local Donor organizations came to their help but did not have enough to keep them all succoured and satisfied.

    People of Myliddy were once the providers of one third the fish needed for the whole Island. Mirissa and Myliddy were the Fishing Harbours of the Island in the South and the North.

    If we are to really get these unfortunate humanity who were once so rich and prosperous back on their feet we must consider releasing the Harbour area because they need to live close to the Harbour to restart their fishing; they must be provided with transport facilities; schools and hospitals must be set up, their livelihood needs must be attended to. I am only speaking about one particular area of which only some Grama Sevaka division areas are to be released today. I believe it is Grama Sevaka Division No; 237, 238, 241, 244, and 242 which are being released now. Lot more need to be released. They all need to be resettled. Their fertile stretches of lands should not be the playing grounds of military ploughshares anymore.

    I have been also given sketches pertaining to Vasavilan. In fact I visited the area last afternoon in the company of Reverend Fathers belonging to the Catholic Church.

    197.6 acres of land was to be released in Grama Sevaka Division 244 in Vasavilan East.

    When I went on Tuesday last to Valalai I was taken by the Army Officer in Charge Mr.Tillakeratne from Valalai through the Atchuveli Road to the Palaly Road junction.

    Yesterday I was told that last Friday a barbed wire fence had been erected releasing only about ninety acres out of the 197 odd promised keeping the balance to the Army and worst of all the Atchuveli Road has been barricaded refusing traffic to Palaly Road.

    Those who have to go to the Divisional Secretary’s office or to Schools on the Palaly Road have to travel about twenty to thirty kilometers round merely because the Army has closed traffic on a two kilometer stretch of the Atchuveli Road.

    I tried to visit the Tholagatti Farm within the two kilometer stretch but was informed that I cannot do so without obtaining authority from the Commanding Officer Udawatte who was unavailable on phone despite many calls.

    The areas now allowed to the people are unproductive lands. Onlookers said within the areas retained by the Army they see maize, manioc, carrots and plantain growing. Naturally the Army has got used to cultivating on other people’s lands and they find it difficult to give up their hold on other’s lands!

    Unless Grama Sevaka Divisions 244 and 252 are released in full as promised earlier, what has been gingerly granted today would hardly be of any use to the few families now selected to enter their erstwhile denied lands.

    It may not be out of place for me to mention here of the land grabs taking place in the Vanni not only by the military but also by certain Politicians who wielded power earlier and who continue to wield power now, may be more so. They still influence in selecting inappropriate beneficiaries for the Indian Housing Schemes.

    Similar to the plight befallen on our IDPs, thousands of refugees in India and the West too have seen their land and property rights being sacrificed in the past by government aligned politicians in the pursuit of commercial and political objectives. In the above backdrop I urge the issue of Land and Property be addressed based on well-established international principles and rights as outlined in the Pinheiro Principles on Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons, Geneva Conventions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    In addressing the needs and wants of the affected persons the Pinheiro Principles on Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons, which was approved by the UN Sub Commission on the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights in August 2005, should be used as our benchmark governing the effective implementation of housing, land and property restitution programmes and mechanisms so that this nation can comprehensively address the long standing land issues once and for all.

    Today, we are no doubt glad a start has been made to give back our people’s lands. But their expectations had been far in excess to that seen on the ground today. Let us hope humane thinking will ensure the restoration of our people’s lands and the withdrawal of the armed services from our areas except to keep a minimum surveillance in the area in line with International norms and standards.

    I thank you.

    Justice C.V.Wigneswaran
    Chief Minister, N.P.

  • 6

    “A few days earlier, the Vasavilan Tamil people were granted permission to have a look at their 197 acres of land for the resettlement. However, only about 22 families had the opportunity to visit their land and remaining which were supposed to be released are still under the military.

    Rest of the people returned disappointed. In this case, according to the request made by these people the CM yesterday afternoon made a visit to the Vasavilan area when these people made this request.
    According to the people, 266 families have been recorded for resettlement. But only lands of 22 families have been released. The remaining of the lands, continues to be under the army control.

    As a result of this we will have to continue to stay in the camps, relatives and friends homeland rental houses and face the financial risks. So please give us back our homes, the people made a request with the CM.

    The CM answer the following,

    They told that they will resettle in 3 weeks time and it has been one and half months. But the people have not been fully resettled in their own lands. In this situation, why there is difference in opinion in relation to resettlement between the government and army? There is a suspicion in this.

    The Chief Minister has said that they will talk in relation to this crucial issue with president and will notify the solution. Meanwhile, the Chief Minister made visit to the released areas of Vasavilan and East.

    • 9


      Powerful speech by Justice CVW based on facts. As I said elsewhere on CT last week, the military had been merrily stealing the people’s lands after the end of the war, when there was no justification for any expansion of the HSZ. Some of my friends from Vasavilan have still not got their lands back, nor have they received any compensation.

      The President as the commander-in-chief will have to force the military to free the stolen lands. If the parliamentary elections will be held soon, the IDP’s can wait for some more time patiently. But there is a chance the elections will be postponed. So the IDPs cannot wait for long, and Sirisena/RW/CBK will have to be mindful of that.

  • 5

    Yes, this is a very good move. After taking into consideration national security, I think this should have been done a few years ago, soon after the end of the war. The ‘hearts and minds’ operation should have commenced back in 2009.

    I would also add that the national anthem being officially permitted to be sung in tamil is also a very good move.We cannot reconcile and unite this nation if we keep pushing the moderate tamil people away. We need to help them change their attitudes and empower them to be stakeholders of Sri lanka. We need to remember that our enemies are those people who want to disown,destroy & divide this nation. Let’s not make enemies of people who want to embrace and be identified with the Sri lankan nation. Let us clearly distinguish between the two.

    For the greater good of our nation and our peoples, we need to show a little flexibility and magnanimity. Let us compromise on what we can and what we should, while we stand firm on core issues such as national security, sovereignty & territorial integrity. For some people, this is just an ego issue.

    • 13

      I think the National anthem should be a mix of Tamil and Sinhala rather that two different anthems. I felt the vacuum when I was watching the World Cup quarter finals and our anthem was sung. When it is a composite the inclusiveness is complete.

      • 3

        I agree with you. That would be the ideal situation. However, I’m just wondering how we can implement a change of anthem, when there is growing opposition to just permitting the present anthem to be sung in tamil.

        • 11

          The national anthem was sung in Sinhala and Tamil in the presence of Maithri, Ranil, Chandrika and Wigneswaran at the land returning ceremony. A very intelligent and wise move. One insult to the Tamils as citizens removed, thanks to the new government!

          Dr.Rajasingham a Narendran

          • 6

            What does a Tamil want? especially the “survivors of the Moragoda-Fonseka-Gota” operated “Concentration Camps”?

            To sing the National Anthem without any clothes in the jungles of Vanni or their land, home, well, toilet, children’s school, hospital, temple, and basic necessities like a JOB.

            FYI, they are all talking Cock and Bull where the basic wage for a woman laborer without lunch from 8 AM to 5 PM is 550 rupees (4 dollars) and a man is 900. Both do the same type of job toiling in the hot sun, which I cannot just stand for even 15 minutes. That is the BS of “Woman Empowerment” all are talking about in Colombo. Deep in the Vanni, where there is Elephan Shit on the main road I have no idea what wages are being paid. The teak trees and mahogany planted by the LTTE is still being cut, top soil being removed by Sinhala sub contractors and vegetation destroyed. Some of the bunkers built by the army are solid teak. It is sad.

            Naren, go and see. The roads connecting the military camps are as good as Galle Road in Colombo and the side roads are like in the moon, with craters. But no vehicles except that odd NGO, or UN, or public CTB bus.

            Donald Gnanakone

        • 1

          Dear Jazz,

          The JHU is ok with two anthems but not ok to singing the Tamil version at National level. This is a problem. JVP and the left cannot object. This leaves only the SLFP and the UNP to be convinced. From what we see of MS he would be agreeable and CBK is now going to head a presidential commission to look at minority issues. RW led UNP would follow suit.

          There can be no valid argument against a composite anthem as long as the Tune is not violated.

          Here is a good example of such a song “Kiri Kodu” at this link http://sarigama.lk/profile/song_profile/18287/kiri-kodusinhala-and-tamil-bathiya-and-santhush-mp3-song-download-online-listen)
          What needs to be done is to present convincing arguments to the people to get their support. I think the JHU can be convinced with sane argument, instead of aggressive ones.

          I am not sure, but when we were under the British wasn’t our Anthem “God save the King” sung in English that not even 1% understood and even less would have wished it even if they did?

          Such a move will not only be inclusive but has the potential to deflate even the likes of Weerawansa.

          Since the Anthem (tune and lyrics) are in the Constitution a change would require an amendment to it. They could do so after the 19A goes through. I am just thinking aloud here.

          I am all for solving minority issues on the following principles

          Citizens are equal and not unequal, aspirations of one meet the aspirations of the other midway. No one encroaches on the rights of the other, where what is asked is not denied the other.

          Kind Regards,

      • 3


        Glad that dumb ban on national anthem in Tamil by Rajapassa was lifted.

        However, I hope one day we will have one national anthem with Sinhala & Tamil verses in it.

        Like in Canada, South Africa or Switzerland.


    • 9

      This is not a GOOD move, this is JUSTICE. It look like that you are not clear about another big group of enemies of peace and harmony of this island. If you put little effort to identify termites in your own tribe who destroy the harmony and peace, your children’s’ lives will be a better one..

      • 1


        You need to realize that there are people with extreme mindsets all over the world. This is not something exclusive to Sri lanka.
        But, what is more important is that you win the overwhelming support of moderate thinking Sinhalese people in order to find solutions to your grievances. Sadly, by embarking on an Eelam misadventure, you failed to win the support of the moderates for the past 30 years. That is where you went wrong. Just because we stood against your Eelam project, don’t think that we stand against innocent Tamil people who have legitimate grievances. That is why I speak on behalf of the tamil people today because it is the right thing to do.
        Let me be very clear. I do not discriminate. I stood against the sinhala JVP when they tried to destroy my country and I stood against the Tamil LTTE when they tried to destroy my country.I stand for the security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka. I stand for a multi-ethnic, multi -cultural and multi-lingual Sri Lanka.

        • 3


          “Sadly, by embarking on an Eelam misadventure, you failed to win the support of the moderates for the past 30 years. “

          When did the Tamils ask for Eelam and why?

          One would not like to live with an ABUSING partner.

          • 1

            Well said Jazz

            • 1

              Dear Anpu,

              Re “When did the Tamils ask for Eelam and why?”

              Your questions are adequately answered by a Tamil writer, Thomas Johnpulle, writing to the Sri Lanka Guardian.

              “It is widely accepted that there was an independent Jaffna Kingdom in Sri Lanka until 1619 when the Portuguese ended it for good. From the Portuguese, subject to a few complications, it went to the Dutch and thence to the British. Similarly there were two other independent kingdoms in the island, namely the Kotte Kingdom and the Kandy Kingdom.

              However, when Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) gained Independence in 1948, the recipient of Independence was one country.

              What is strange about this is there was no significant movement to gain separate independence for the Jaffna Kingdom. There were very weak movements to demand it but these quickly died down. Had Tamil intellectuals from Jaffna demanded that the old Jaffna Kingdom be granted independence separately from the rest of the country, Britain would have considered it favourably. Apart from India and Pakistan, there are plenty of other examples.

              On the other hand there were loud demands from Tamil politicians. The infamous 50:50 demand is one example which was outright rejected by the British as it would give Tamils (worded Tamil speaking people) an unfair advantage at the expense of the Sinhalas. It led to protests and the boycott of the first ever election in 1931 in some areas in the north.

              So why wasn’t there a movement to gain independence for the Jaffna Kingdom?

              The answer lies in economics!

              The Jaffna Kingdom was a very small area that didn’t even cover the Northern Province by 1619. Trincomalee was under the Kandy Kingdom as per historical accounts. Given its worth for trade and shipping, the Portuguese and the Dutch tried various appeasement tactics aimed at the Kandy king hoping to use it but to little help. Robert Knox was arrested by the army of the Kandy Kingdom when he landed there. Therefore there is little doubt that Trincomalee was not part of the Jaffna Kingdom. There aren’t any contrary evidence anyway.

              On the western part, it is on recorded history that the present Madhu church was located in the Maddu area at the mercy of the Kandy king. Obviously it was a substantial distance from the boundary of the Jaffna Kingdom. Otherwise Tamil Catholics would not have agreed to it as it would have been unsafe and it would not have survived Dutch hostility.

              These facts leave only a small area apart from the Jaffna peninsula for the Jaffna Kingdom. That too was in most part heavily underdeveloped by the 20th century.

              Even today apart from a few places, the rest remain hopelessly underdeveloped in Vanni. The total area of the then Jaffna district that included modern day Kilinochchi administrative district was 2,309 square kilometres. The rest of the old Jaffna Kingdom would have been a few more thousand square kilometres of vastly undeveloped area subject to a few townships. No one of the right mind was going to demand Independence for this area as it would be an economic calamity.

              On the other hand, during the Dutch and British periods, Jaffna population grew fast. Rapid migration of Tamils from South India during the Dutch time for its plantation industry is considered a major reason. By 1953, just 5 years after Independence, the Jaffna (mainly Tamil) population was 492,000. This means a population density of 213 persons per square kilometre. This is extremely high as the country’s population density was just 123. In other words, Jaffna district population density in 1953 was 1.7 times higher than the island-wide density!

              According to 1946 population data, it would have been 177 persons per square kilometre for the Jaffna District and 96 persons per square kilometre for the island. (Source- Census of Ceylon) Therefore it didn’t make sense to demand the returning back of the old Jaffna Kingdom to its “owners” as there would be a massive and calamitous resource crunch.

              Also by 1948 Ceylon Tamils comprised 35% of the public service. Had the old Jaffna Kingdom were to gain independence, many of such opportunities would have been lost as it’s area only needed just a fraction of them. This would have been a disaster for the very high population depending on government jobs. Also there was a serious lack of other industries in the area aggravating the situation.

              This led to the demand of “Tamil Homelands” which encompassed an area of 19,000 square kilometres. This is more than three (3) times larger than the Jaffna Kingdom! And it also included areas of very high commercial value such as Trincomalee, Mannar, Batticaloa and Ampara.

              None of these was part of the Jaffna Kingdom when it fell to the Europeans. And hence an undoing of the taking of the Jaffna Kingdom would not have given them enough land which was essential for the economic survival of the people of Jaffna by the mid 1900s.

              This is how the tiny Jaffna Kingdom grew exponentially to “Tamil Homelands”. And this is why the British were not agitated to undo the taking of the Jaffna Kingdom.

              In 1922 the area encompassing the north and the east of the island was termed “Tamil Eelam” by Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam – undoubtedly one of the most educated Ceylonese at that time. The one island, two nations concept gathered momentum over the years in the guise of discrimination (although discrimination did take place to a significant extent). But most miraculously it was the Tamil Eelam demand that was (and is) seen as the solution to discrimination by those who promote it! This is bizarre. There is no logical connection between the “Tamil Homelands” concept and solving Tamil grievances.

              The plan was not to make the demand from the British for the reestablishment of the status quo of the Jaffna Kingdom but to extort a much larger area from subsequent rulers based on a new set of “reasons” that can be applied and manipulated beyond the tiny old Jaffna Kingdom. This is how the tiny Jaffna Kingdom mysteriously grew to “Tamil Homelands”, a landmass more than three (3) times larger.

              Had they demanded independence for the old Jaffna Kingdom instead, it may have been granted. But it would have been in total calamity as it lacked resources for its very large population and had heavily underdeveloped areas. However, the journey towards “Tamil Homelands” was a horrible mishap and it has reached its bloody end without it in sight. It was a wrong decision.

              There is a third way which is about preserving the island nation of Sri Lanka in one unit where people of all races live in harmony and where there is neither a Jaffna Kingdom nor “Tamil Homelands”. We rejected the Jaffna Kingdom in favour of much larger “Tamil Eelam” in early 1900s. A century later, we must reject “Tamil Eelam” in favour of Sri Lanka which is more than three (3) times larger with ample room to roam. There is no other way.

              Think about it.

              Kind regards,

              • 0

                Off the Cuff,
                Thank you! I learnt so much from your comment. Saying that you are very knowledgeable about Sri Lankan history would be an understatement.



                • 10


                  “Thank you! I learnt so much from your comment.”

                  OTC is a proven plagiarist and a liar.

                  I have already forwarded a scanned copy of
                  to CT.

                  Obtain a copy from CT, read it and re read it.

                  Arunachalam had never said anything about Thamil Eelam.

                  • 1

                    yeah when he used the word eelam, he meant an ice cream!

                    • 4

                      ” he meant an ice cream!”

                      mind the gab.

                      that is the pin cushion- ice cream you are seated on.

                    • 5


                      “yeah when he used the word eelam, he meant an ice cream!”

                      Could you refer me to the page in which the word Eelam is found.

                      Stupid as stupid does

                      Stop lifting both legs over your head and obtain a copy of the original book SPEECHES and WRITINGS OF SIR PONNAMBALAM ARUNACHALAM Kt from CT., read it re read it still you won’t understand what Pon Aruna really spoke and meant.

                      Where are the other alter ego of yours, theresa, jazz, taraki, nuisance, ………….. ?

                      Don’t lift your legs, sit comfortably and type.

                  • 2

                    Dear Jazz and the Tamil seperatist impersonating a Veddha,

                    Readers may wonder why the Tamil who calls himself a “Native Veddha” is green with envy.

                    But before we go there let’s look at what he has written here. The idiot has skipped over the credit I have given the author, Mr Thomas Johnpulle who wrote the comment I placed before the CT readership. He uses words he do not even understand.

                    He says “Arunachalam had never said anything about Thamil Eelam”

                    Another LIE by the fool.

                    I hope that scanned copy has the following speech of Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam he delivered in 1922 to the Ceylon Tamil League. (https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/two-nation-claim-by-chief-minister-wigneswaran/comment-page-1/#comment-1784824)

                    The above link provides the FULL speech of Arunachelam that this Tamil imposter himself posted on CT. If he had read it, he has lost any memory of it. Dementia perhaps.

                    “…………..It has far higher aims in view, namely to keep alive and propagate these precious ideals throughout Ceylon, Southern India and the Tamil Colonies, to promote the union and solidarity of  Tamilakam, the Tamil Land. We should keep alive and propagate these ideals throughout Ceylon and promote the union and solidarity of what we have been proud to call Tamil Eelam”

                    Note that Sir. P. Arunachelem wanted to amalgamate Lanka with the Tamil States of South India and the Tamil Colonies to create a Large TAMIL Kingdom spanning several countries. A country where Tamils would be a Majority and the other ethnicities including the Sinhala, an insignificant Minority.

                    Sir PA was not happy living with a Sinhala Majority. This was the Majoritarian and Superiority complex of the Tamil leaders of the past.

                    Every time this cunning devious Tamil tried to wriggle out of his Lies he got well and truly bruised and muddied. This time is no different.

                    The story starts on May 25, 2014 when I caught him Lying and confronted him with those lies.

                    On May 25, 2014 at 2:16 pm he addressed a comment to Manoharan another Tamil. (https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/dear-modi-sri-lankas-aggressive-agenda-to-your-notice/comment-page-1/#comment-1296843)
                    He wrote “You have great sense of History. I envy you…..The stupid Tamils suffered last time when IPKF arrived because the Sri Lankan armed forces who were supposed to defend this island were found hiding behind their women folks and VP’s fat bottom”

                    I immediately recognised the lie, disguised by the disparaging language. It was clear that this guy was a Tamil himself and was Manufacturing Lies to disparage the SL Army. He is very cunning, as he tries to show he is balanced, but the above comment exposed his psyche.

                    The IPKF came here under the Peace Accord and the same accord confined the SLA to Barracks.

                    Here we have this Liar claiming that the SLA was afraid to CONFRONT the IPKF and was hiding behind Women and Prabahkaran!!!

                    This is part of my reply to him. The full comment is available here (https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/dear-modi-sri-lankas-aggressive-agenda-to-your-notice/comment-page-1/#comment-1303242)

                    The Wisdom of Pontificating in Ignorance!!!

                    The Sri Lankan forces were CONFINED to barracks by the same Indo Lanka Accord that stopped a successful operation against terrorism that would have ended terrorism in 1987 instead of 22 years later, in 2009.

                    It is this same accord that allowed the IPKF to come to Lanka. Please read the following extracted from the Indo Lanka Accord. “2.9 The emergency will be lifted in the Eastern and Northern Provinces by Aug. 15, 1987. A cessation of hostilities will come into effect all over the island within 48 hours of signing of this agreement. All arms presently held by militant groups will be surrendered in accordance with an agreed procedure to authorities to be designated by the Government of Sri Lanka.

                    Consequent to the cessation of hostilities and the surrender of arms by militant groups, the army and other security personnel will be confined to barracks in camps as on 25 May 1987. The process of surrendering arms and the confining of security personnel moving back to barracks shall be completed within 72 hours of the cessation of hostilities coming into effect” (emphasis mine)

                    It’s Absolute Stupidity to blame the SL forces for respecting the Indo Lanka Accord.

                    There was no reply.

                    He was challenged twice more under the Modi article

                    He wrote to Wickrama “Remember the island belongs to my people”

                    I asked, And who are your people? The Separatist Tamils?

                    No reply again

                    HE wrote to Sach “No they are mostly stuck in 1948, 1956, 1961, 1977, 1983, 2009, …. whereas the Aryan Sinhala/Buddhists are stuck in prehistoric Mahawamsa mindset”

                    I wrote, “The often repeated Tamil Separatist mantra! Where was this Mahavamsa mindset before 1939? The Mahavamsa, the Sinhalese and the Buddhist existed during that time too. It is significant to note that though Communal Clashes did not occur for over a century prior to 1939, inter Tamil riots erupted repeatedly for over 60 years!!! The riots of 1871, 1923, 1929 and 1931 were ALL Tamil Tamil Riots? Your hackneyed, Puerile Argument, cannot be used to explain those riots. Blaming Sinhales/Buddhist/Mahavamsa is a POST GGP phenomenon. The propaganda of Tamil Racist Separatists.”
                    (This is only a part of the reply the full comment is available here https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/dear-modi-sri-lankas-aggressive-agenda-to-your-notice/comment-page-1/#comment-1301675)
                    Again no reply.

                    Though he avoided a debate under that article he tried to save face by making snide remarks and wisecracks elsewhere under different articles where he knew the reader will not know the background.

                    Under an article on Gotabaya Rajapaksa written by M Fazi on June 9, 2014 he made this snide remark addressing “Mechanic”.

                    “For example I suppose you can read and type however all of us can see how stupid you are. You are not alone in this category, Banda, Abhaya, Navin, Sumane, sach, Dawn Dale, Nuisance, Off You Go, Maweeran,………. and another 20 million or so people in this island”
                    This was coming from a person who ran away from debate.

                    I immediately challenged him

                    Dear “Native Veddha” aka Tamil separatist,

                    The Sanctimonious Humbug is at it again.
                    Here are facts that any reader on CT can verify for themselves.

                    1. The IPKF was established under the Indo Lanka Peace Accord signed on 29th of July 1987.

                    3. The IPKF Landed in Lanka on 30 July 1987.

                    4. The SL forces were confined to barracks under the terms of the Peace Accord within 72 hours of cessation of hostilities.

                    The above is a part of my comment the full comment is available here (https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/gotabaya-rajapaksa-war-criminal-coward-or-a-president-in-waiting/comment-page-1/#comment-1332826)
                    This time the Joker tried to authenticate what he wrote about the SLA and IPKF.

                    The Idiot wrote about Operation Poomalai (the Parippu Drop) in an attempt to confuse the Reader that the Parippu Drop on Jaffna was done by the IPKF.

                    The IPKF was BORN after the Parippu Drop intimidated JRJ into signing the Peace Accord!!

                    Read his comment here. It is Hilarious.
                    Again I exposed his deceit by my reply below.

                    Dear CT Readers and “Native Veddha” the Tamil separatist,

                    The idiot “Veddha” thinks that ALL the Readers of CT are Idiots like his cheering squad. The Fool is now trying to confuse the reader by stating that the Indian Govt’s Parippu drop was done by the yet to be born IPKF.

                    The intimidation of Lanka by the Indian govt’s Parippu drop was the reason the Indo Lanka Peace Accord was signed and the besieged Prabahkaran, who faced imminent capture or death by SL forces, had a reprieve to continue killing for 22 more years. This is common knowledge to all and is easily verifiable from authoritative sources freely available on the Internet.

                    Here is the Time Line. I doubt that even “Veddha’s” bandwagon of idiots or even the “Veddha” himself will dare to contradict it. Unless of course the “Veddha” proves to be a bigger idiot than I thought.

                    The Indo Lanka Peace Accord was signed on 29th July 1987 The IPKF Landed in Lanka on 30 July 1987 The Parippu drop aka Op Poomalai aka Eagle Mission 4 of the Indian govt was carried out on 3 June 1987 almost a MONTH BEFORE THE IPKF WAS BORN The “Veddha”, the Tamil separatist, caught without his Loin Cloth, has gone Raving Mad.

                    In his desperation, he is copying copiously from the Internet in order to confuse the CT Readers. Little does he realize that the more he tries to subvert the truth, the more his perfidy get’s exposed.

                    The above is only a part of my reply. Read the full reply here (https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/gotabaya-rajapaksa-war-criminal-coward-or-a-president-in-waiting/comment-page-1/#comment-1336359)
                    After attempting to change the subject a comment later and after I responded he again fell silent.

                    Follow the exchange if you are interested. It will show you who this Moronic, Wisecracking Imposter really is.

                    He tried this under other articles as well and he always runs away to reappear as he has done here.

                    Tamil hiding behind a Veddha Mask, I have proved who you are now go ahead and prove what you say about me.

                    Kind Regards,

                • 1

                  Thank you Jazz that’s very kind of you. But I know only a little. Mostly because I was forced to research in order to effectively counter separatist propaganda. I am still learning and contributors to CT and GV are helping.

                  • 2

                    “Mostly because I was forced to research in order to effectively counter separatist propaganda.”

                    You learnt to write at Canada as a refugee and your associates were north Africans – you still write in that style from start to finish.

                    There is nothing not even a plate to separate the island.

                    Why are you afraid of the french Director of Canadian Border Security Agency??

                    You will end up an old man in no time as a one off paramilitary reciting
                    vas kavi like your side kick attempting to play the bass but yet another Muslim set of boo`ts –
                    keep chewing those para boots.

          • 3

            In 1922…they publicly started the eelam project…reason – ultra tamil racism!

            • 2

              “” In 1922…they publicly started the eelam project…reason – ultra tamil racism! “
              Buruv wanse!

              It started concurrently with the first Indian Rebellion of 1857 while you folk were still in ambude working in the many plantations.

              You can never rewrite European history as in the London treaties. It is safely left at several places and also on disk that last at least 100 years before being transferred to other media.
              Even your Gautama’s oldest finding 330 BCE is at the London museum not with India for you to venerate.

            • 2


              I have already forwarded a scanned copy of SPEECHES and WRITINGS OF SIR PONNAMBALAM ARUNACHALAM Kt to CT. Obtain a copy from CT, read it and re read it.

              Arunachalam had never said anything about Thamil Eelam.

              • 2

                Tamil in a Veddha Mask,

                Speech by Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam delivered in 1922 to the Ceylon Tamil League.

                “…………..It has far higher aims in view, namely to keep alive and propagate these precious ideals throughout Ceylon, Southern India and the Tamil Colonies, to promote the union and solidarity of Tamilakam, the Tamil Land. We should keep alive and propagate these ideals throughout Ceylon and promote the union and solidarity of what we have been proud to call Tamil Eelam”

                You claimed “Arunachalam had never said anything about Thamil Eelam”

                Though you emphatically deny it, Sir PA DOES refer to “Tamil Eelam” in that speech. Any explanation for that obvious conflict between you version and the actual speech?

    • 10


      “We cannot reconcile and unite this nation if we keep pushing the moderate tamil people away.”

      Read this please:

      Reflections on Issues of Language in Sri Lanka

      “Do we… want a single nation or do we want two nations? Do we want a single state or do we want two? Do we want one Ceylon or do we want two? And above all, do we want an independent Ceylon which must necessarily be united and single Ceylon, or two bleeding halves of Ceylon which can be gobbled up by every ravaging imperialist monster that may happen to range the Indian ocean? These are issues that in fact we have been discussing under the form and appearance of language issue.”

      Dr. Colvin R de Silva of LSSP, 1956 on passage of Sinhala Only Act..


      “We need to help them change their attitudes and empower them to be stakeholders of Sri lanka.”

      What is the Tamil attitude that bothers you and want to change?

      “Let’s not make enemies of people who want to embrace and be identified with the Sri lankan nation.”

      There is no such thing as Sri Lankan nation. You are talking about Sinhala/Buddhist nation which you will never achieve and no one will recognize.

      • 1

        Native Vedda,
        “What is the Tamil attitude that bothers you and want to change?”

        I would like Tamil people to take ownership of the entire island as their shared homeland. I would like political parties like the TNA to get invloved in the national political process such as formulating national policies. At present they have restricted themselves to just north & east politics. There are tamils living in all parts of this island. So, why is the TNA only obsessed with the northern & eastern tamils. They state that they are the political representatives of tamil speaking people. Well, tamil speaking people are residing in all parts of this island, and so the TNA should get involved nationally. A little change of attitude by tamil politicians will go a long way in changing the attitudes of sinhalese as well.

        ” There is no such thing as Sri Lankan nation. You are talking about Sinhala/Buddhist nation which you will never achieve and no one will recognize.”

        Native vedda, please don’t be a fool. Why would i be talking about Sinhala/Buddhist nation when I’m not even Buddhist. I’m a Sinhalese Catholic. And yes, there is a Sri Lankan nation which spans from Point Pedro in the north to Dondra Point in the South. That nation is what i stand for. Let me be very clear, I stand for the security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of one Sri Lankan nation which comprises of peoples having diverse cultures, religions & ethnicities. I could not care less what a persons religious or ethnic orientation is. I stood against the sinhalese JVP when they tried to destroy my country and I stood against the Tamil LTTE when they tried to destroy my country.

        • 13


          “Why would i be talking about Sinhala/Buddhist nation when I’m not even Buddhist. I’m a Sinhalese Catholic.”

          Simply because you are being treated as an outcast, a traitor to Sinhala/Buddhism, and you would love to fit in with the thugs.

          Don’t fool yourself thinking there is one nation. It is your failure to recognize several nations within this island that causes prolong agony of the people and stop parroting the mantra that has been fed to you through manufactured consent.

          I stand for unity in diversity not for

          Sunday sil Monday kill.

          “I stand for the security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of one Sri Lankan nation which comprises of peoples having diverse cultures, religions & ethnicities.”

          No you don’t stand for anything except for your own selfish well being. You don’t believe in anything what you write here.

          If you really believe in what you say what are you doing about removing the CHAPTER II – BUDDHISM which guarantees something extraordinary for a particular religion:

          9. The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana, while assuring to all religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and 14(1)(e).

          What are you doing to remove Vijaya’s story from school texts and history books which is an insult to Sinhalese as well as Buddhists?

          No country in this world now possess sovereignty therefore don’t waste your time indulging in luxuries the world can’t afford. The island’s security is guaranteed by Hindia. Its not your problem therefore stop worrying about your own perception.

          ” I stood against the sinhalese JVP when they tried to destroy my country and I stood against the Tamil LTTE when they tried to destroy my country”

          In the process you didn’t give two hoots about the innocent people who were killed in thousands through no fault of their own, all because you perceived there was sovereignty and the state should protect it only by killing innocent people.

          Have you ever asked your self a question that how did the state manage to create two terrorists one in the North and the other in the South sometimes both at the same short period of time since independence, both are racists and dangerous? Why this One Nation of yours was unable to produce a Gandhi, Mandela, Lee Kwan, Martin Luther King (jnr)…?

          Please don’t try to sell me anything that you don’t possess.

          Find the

          • 1

            Native vedda,
            I’m sorry to say that your hatred for Sinhalese people has consumed you. The problem with you is that you are an idealist. Unfortunately, we don’t live in an ideal, perfect world. We live in an imperfect world where imperfect people have formulated and established laws and sytems. These laws and sytems are a work in progress and as we go through the journey of life, we may need to democratically amend these laws. I would like to stress on the word ‘democratically’. There is a process that we need to go through because some of these changes require an evolving of mindsets over a period of time. Change does not always come instantly, but it does come.

            As for changing the clause on Buddhism, I’m afraid that Buddhism does not threaten me as much as it seems to threaten you. As a catholic, i have never been treated as an outcast or a traitor by buddhist people. I have always felt comfortable and free to practice my religious faith. I just want to mention that many countries have a predominant religion. If we consider Malaysia, the Malay people make up only 51% of the population and Malaysia is an islamic country. Though other religions are also practiced in Malaysia, make no mistake about the fact that Malaysia is an Islamic country. It is the same with Pakistan. Though Pakistan has a Christian and Buddhist minority, there is no doubt in anybody’s mind that Pakistan is an Islamic country. Similarly, there are many countries around the world that constitutionally identifies a predominant religion in addition to other minority religions.Now, please don’t misunderstand the term ‘minority’ and develop a complex. ‘Minority’ does not mean that one religion is inferior to another. All religions are qualitatively equal though they may not be quantitatively equal.

            “Have you ever asked your self a question that how did the state manage to create two terrorists one in the North and the other in the South sometimes both at the same short period of time since independence, both are racists and dangerous? Why this One Nation of yours was unable to produce a Gandhi, Mandela, Lee Kwan, Martin Luther King (jnr)…?”

            Yes, I asked myself that question

          • 1

            Native vedda,

            “In the process you didn’t give two hoots about the innocent people who were killed in thousands through no fault of their own, all because you perceived there was sovereignty and the state should protect it only by killing innocent people”

            Yes, I accept that many innocent people were victims of the operations conducted by the State against both the JVP and the LTTE. So, it’s best if we all resolve to sort out our problems peacefully and democratically rather than resorting to militancy.

            Native Vedda, though you don’t seem to value sovereignty, national security and territorial integrity, I must state that these are the pillars of our identity and existence. It’s these same pillars that protect our unique identity, our unique cultures and customs and our unique languages in the global community. If we don’t protect these pillars, then our future generations will not inherit their unique identity and there is a very real chance of that identity being completely washed away through aggressive globalisation.

            ” Have you ever asked your self a question that how did the state manage to create two terrorists one in the North and the other in the South sometimes both at the same short period of time since independence, both are racists and dangerous? Why this One Nation of yours was unable to produce a Gandhi, Mandela, Lee Kwan, Martin Luther King (jnr)…? “

            Yes, I did ask myself that question and over a period of time, i was able to figure out the answer. Both these militancies were caused by growing frustration towards the State due to lack of economic opportunity in the north and south of the island. The lack of job opportunities, economic development & social services was perceived by the north as ethnic discrimination while the south perceived it as political and class discrimination.

      • 1

        Thanks NV.

        Have you watched this? Just received and have not watched it yet. Recognition of the Tamil Nation- Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam youtube.com/watch?v=eRl7blHL17M&t=250

      • 1

        Native Vedda,

        “There is no such thing as Sri Lankan nation. You are talking about Sinhala/Buddhist nation which you will never achieve and no one will recognize.”

        Some of us from all ethnic groups and religions would like to build a Sri Lankan nation together. Most people want peace and prosperity instead of endless conflict.

        • 11


          Sri Lanka is a country of multiple nations, which should guarantee the safety, security, land, habitat,lively hood, dignity … democratic rights of all people.

          It is not a land of Sinhala/Buddhists. In fact we are duty bound to liberate Buddhism/Buddha’s teaching from the Sinhala/Buddhists.

          • 0

            Native Vedda,

            “Sri Lanka is a country of multiple nations, which should guarantee the safety, security, land, habitat,lively hood, dignity … democratic rights of all people.”

            I totally agree with you but how to achieve this goal? I dislike the word “nation” in the SL context because in my opinion there are no such things. Tamils, for instance, belong to different subgroups due to caste, religion, geographic area, education and wealth. There is no clear identity only the language is common.

            “It is not a land of Sinhala/Buddhists. In fact we are duty bound to liberate Buddhism/Buddha’s teaching from the Sinhala/Buddhists.”

            Of course the country should be for all. However I doubt if the majority of people in Jaffna would welcome 200000 Muslims in the “Tamil enclave”.

            Singapore has to some extent managed to create a common identity but our narrow minded leaders and people are deep in their ethnic trenches.

            Your “we” refers to whom? If there is a conspiracy please give me more information. Do I need Viber??

            • 3


              “However I doubt if the majority of people in Jaffna would welcome 200000 Muslims in the “Tamil enclave”.

              Check your figure, a Muslim academic and a Muslim civil servant did some research and came up with a figure, 70,000. Please stop rewriting new history. If you have evidence I will consider accepting your statistics.

              Sinhala/Buddhism is a nasty cocktail of illiberal, racist,parochial ….. political force. Its our responsibility to liberate the Sinhalese, Buddhism and Buddhists from these racists and bigots.

              Nation could give the people a sense of belonging to whichever way they define it, therefore leave the definition of nation to the people. People could perceive Nation in any number of ways. Therefore forget one nation and bury the idea straight away wherever it is possible. The idea of one nation and the way the state impose it on people have already alienated many and will continue to alienate many. Its similar to Vattukkottai resolution, the idea of one nation is already dead on arrival in 1948.

              A person with creative ideas always find solution to problems. In this land the leaders create new and lasting problems to create more problems later. Without new problems leaders and people can’t survive, in fact they thrive on endless conflict. You need the old unresolved problems to create more conflict.

              People’s perception has no relation to reality.

              You sound like a Northerner, but you are not.

              • 0

                Native Vedda,

                You are correct. However maybe the 72000 Muslims forced out have multiplied since 1990 and are now 200000? Just a joke,ok? Only 20000 were from Jaffna and that explains the size of Moor Road area where they still mostly live.

                Anyway, my question is are the 72000 Muslims really welcome to return to the North if they want to?

                “The expulsion of the Muslims from the Northern province was an act of ethnic cleansing[1] carried out by the Tamil militant Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) organization in October 1990. In order to achieve their goal of creating a mono ethnic Tamil state[citation needed] (dead/fake links)[2][3] in the North Sri Lanka, the LTTE forcibly expelled the 72,000 strong Muslim population from the Northern Province.[4]”


                • 2


                  “Anyway, my question is are the 72000 Muslims really welcome to return to the North if they want to?”

                  What/who is stopping them from returning to to their home town/village/city…. ? Why should anyone welcome anyone who returns home?

                  If they had any problem then they should have arranged an appointment with Chief Minister C V Wignes and sorted it out with Northen Provincial Council. By the way unlike other chief Ministers CV W speaks three languages. There shouldn’t be any problem communicating with him.

                  ““The expulsion of the Muslims from the Northern province was an act of ethnic cleansing”

                  You are new to this forum hence you have no way of updating what we discussed here. In my comments I demanded TGTE to compensate Muslims who lost everything including their dignity to LTTE.

                  • 0

                    Native Vedda,

                    Sorry for the delay. I am still trying to learn where to find comments.

                    “What/who is stopping them from returning to to their home town/village/city…. ? Why should anyone welcome anyone who returns home? If they had any problem then they should have arranged an appointment with Chief Minister C V Wignes and sorted it out with Northen Provincial Council. By the way unlike other chief Ministers CV W speaks three languages. There shouldn’t be any problem communicating with him. “

                    The main problem might be that the Muslims know that they are NOT welcome. They might be forced out again or discriminated in the event of devolution of power. In case of devolution of more power the human rights of ALL in the North have to be guarded. Most of them had small businesses and for a business a stable environment is needed. This is the main reason almost nobody invests in the North except the Government.

                    “You are new to this forum hence you have no way of updating what we discussed here. In my comments I demanded TGTE to compensate Muslims who lost everything including their dignity to LTTE.”

                    You are commenting my quote from Wikipedia not something I wrote. I however agree with the quote from Wikipedia about the ethnic cleansing.

                    “Simply because you are being treated as an outcast, a traitor to Sinhala/Buddhism, and you would love to fit in with the thugs.”

                    Are the Tamil Christians traitors also? What about all the Tamil government servants? Are they traitors? As you must know many “traitors” were killed by the LTTE and others.

                    “If you are a Northerner as you claim you (and you are not) should be fighting for the people. ”

                    I am fighting for everybody in Sri Lanka and globally. Please clarify who I should fight for in your opinion?

                    “Where is this “Tamil Hindu area” in the North? What is stopping you from changing it to a more civilised secular are?”

                    I wrote about the IDEA of a Tamil Hindu area not that it exists in reality. I am trying to change the existing system. I haven’t said that we in the North are uncivilised but our traditions should slowly change.

                    Once again: I am new here but OTC is not new and keeps asking you this also. Who do you represent or claim to represent when you write about “we”. If you really represent a group of people please have the courage to provide others with more information.

                    One of the reasons for the existing mess in our country is the need to force everybody into an identity box where we should stay. Maybe we will soon have a new form where a formerly Tamil Non Roman Catholic can tick a box and become Tamil Navalar Pentecostal Christian or Hindu become Tamil Vellalah Vegetarian. Actually we are already there. If you don’t believe me read Tamil matrimonials.

                    • 1

                      “” I am trying to change the existing system.”

                      Lets have BBS as vice president unopposed to save the original native faiths Hindu/Buddhist. not pick pockets thieves or murders

                      The lunatic looking at the moon and borrowed it from north africa Heretic!! Ha ha ha like moro from Morocco.

                      Stupid man you don’t know what system means to spell out muslim religious bigotry of the out classed buruvas off the plantation colony.

                      All we have to do is bring in the `mela` it would be like the largest from Khanpur to Kataragama.
                      That will be the system ants march even the elephants will be the first to jump into the sea.

                      I have seen it come to New Delhi first time 50 kilo meters long headed by BJP.

                      Jai iHind. Indian ocean and Greater India are original roots of asia not Islam or Christian murders and thieves from nowhere called crusaders. the only peaceful folk of islam live in India and Indonesia(Gujarat took Islam to Indonesia not arab camel dung)

                    • 1

                      Dear Heretic,

                      Yes the comments are difficult to find as they are nested 3 deep. Thus you don’t see a chronological order. But there is a way out of the confusion.

                      Hold control key and type F

                      You will then get a search field. If you use Firefox the field appears on the lower left hand corner. If it’s Internet explorer it is on the top left in the menu bar.

                      This field will search for any text string in the web page you are viewing.

                      If you want all comments dated march 29 type – march 29 – (without the hyphens) as the text string. You must type it exactly as you see it under your name and above the reply button. Remember not to press “match case” button unless you are searching for something that involves a capital. Then you can navigate using the up and down arrows.

                      There are certain groups that dominate CT. When you are new and if your views are not congruent with theirs you will be attacked, ridiculed and inundated with ad hominems in an attempt to shame you and scare you off. Don’t take notice of the thuggery but respond with a logical argument if you can find any valid argument in them. They will get the message in time. But unfortunately some like Javi will write incoherent, irrational and obscene comments. Just ignore them as no rational reader reads them after some time. At the beginning I responded to him but now I completely ignore him as he is incapable of writing anything that can convince a reader.

                      Kind Regards,

          • 0

            Native Vedda,

            “Simply because you are being treated as an outcast, a traitor to Sinhala/Buddhism, and you would love to fit in with the thugs.”

            Are the Tamil Christians traitors also? Actually many of them are so called “out castes” as you surely know.

            Unfortunately you are not alone with your opinion. This is one of the reasons I dislike the idea of a “Tamil Hindu area”in the North. The rights of the minorities in the North have to be guaranteed.

            • 1


              “The rights of the minorities in the North have to be guaranteed”

              If you are a Northerner as you claim you (and you are not) should be fighting for the people.

              ” This is one of the reasons I dislike the idea of a “Tamil Hindu area”in the North”

              Where is this “Tamil Hindu area” in the North? What is stopping you from changing it to a more civilised secular are?

              • 1

                Veddha impersonating Tamil,

                Re “Where is this “Tamil Hindu area” in the North? What is stopping you from changing it to a more civilised secular are?”

                The Tesawalami Law for one.

                • 1

                  “The Tesawalami Law for one. “

                  OTC got ibola from Moroccan Islamist and need to be quarantined.

                  Law or no law if the owner does not want to sell then there is no law in any democracy to force him to sell.-
                  you and `Heretic` must be connected and funded by Boko Haram??:

    • 0

      these sinhala idiots live in a dreamland

  • 7

    Shoukd have been done 5 years ago.

    Better late than never

  • 4

    Even the kallathonis who came during the Velus’s Tamil eelam time are getting lands.

    • 11

      When was your grand parents encroached to the island? Are you sure they sneaked in before Lankan Dravidian struggle?

      • 7


        Every racist has something to hide. I suspect Jim softy’s grandfather was a Tamil from Ramanathapuram.

      • 1


        He was referring to recent Tamils from Tamil Nadu sneaking in to fight alongside the LTTE. If you doubt it check UTHR Jaffna reports.

        But what is this about grandfather’s?
        That is a very short time span of less than 100 years

        Kind Regards,

  • 4

    A very good and wise move with justice by the President and the Govt,this is in the right path

    Unfortunately cannot please all the people as now the Sinhala hawks will cry security is compromised (which is untrue) and cry LTTE LTTE (LTTE is extinct since 2009 btw) eg:K A Sumanasekera,Ella Kolla,Jim Soflty,NAK etc

    the Tamil hawks will cry oh only this has been released and release the others etc and talk bullshit (eg:Usha,Muthu,Donald et all)

  • 9

    Why does not Colombo telegraph publish Mr.Wigneswarans speech in full st the event

  • 17

    So the govt grabbed private land by force, held it for 30 years putting one full generation into refugee camps, now without any compensation, what is rightfully theirs is returned and the govt expects the people to be thankful.

    The logic beats me?

    • 2

      Dear Burt,

      Jaffna was under the LTTE and then under the IPKF and then with the EPRLF and back with the LTTE who were then defeated by the SL forces in December 1995.

      Why are you DELIBERATELY LYING here?
      Lost the ability to count?

      Who controlled these lands from 1983 to 1995?
      Was it the owners, EPRLF, IPKF or the LTTE?
      It certainly was not the Govt Forces.

      You appear to be a typical Separatist Propagandist.

      High security zones were required to protect govt installations. They had to be expanded to deny the LTTE from targeting them using newly acquired SAM missiles. The govt was at war with Terrorists who were shooting down even civilian air craft.

      Re ” ….what is rightfully theirs is returned and the govt expects the people to be thankful. The logic beats me?”

      Logic of course has deserted you. Where in the above story does the govt say they expect the recipients to be thankful?

      The govt has done a duty by it’s citizens there is no need to thank them.

      But being Human with Human qualities they may be thankful, it does not matter even if they are not. Gratitude is a trait even amongst animals.

      You seem to be disturbed by what is happening.

      Kind Regards,

      • 1


        “Jaffna was under the LTTE and then under the IPKF and then with the EPRLF and back with the LTTE who were then defeated by the SL forces in December 1995. Why are you DELIBERATELY LYING here? Lost the ability to count? Who controlled these lands from 1983 to 1995? Was it the owners, EPRLF, IPKF or the LTTE? It certainly was not the Govt Forces.”

        Not 100% sure but I believe that Govt Forces were controlling some parts of Jaffna ,for instance, Palaly most (all?) of the time 1983-1995. I don’t remember the LTTE controlling the airport.

        “During the early 1990s the airport and surrounding areas were declared a High Security Zone and all the residents expelled.[8][9] Between 1990 and 1995 this High Security Zone was the only government controlled territory on the Valikamam region.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaffna_Airport

        • 0

          Dear Heretic,

          Yes the LTTE never controlled the Palaly Airport although they shot at aircraft landing there.

          General Harkirat Singh of the IPKF says,

          “The IPKF should have never withdrawn. Why should they be withdrawn? Why they got withdrawn? Because [then Sri Lankan prime minister] Premadasa wanted them to withdraw. At what cost have we come back? We lost 1,500 to 2,000 people. All the weapons we imported, we handed them over to the EPRLF.

          He had no business to do that, [Lieutenant General] Kalkat. The IPKF boarded the ships, the EPRLF was annihilated by the LTTE, and all the weapons were taken away. EPRLF was put into a ship and rehabilitated in some island off Orissa. They deserted Jaffna. And Jaffna is back with the LTTE”

          Kind Regards,

    • 0


      Not all who became IDPs because of HSZs ended up in refugee camps. Many had relatives, friends or other land where to go. Some have received rent and even compensation for destroyed houses. MR gave checks for 1000 some years ago. Small amounts but better than nothing.

  • 4

    The CM does not look too happy.Perhaps,this is a signal that Land powers will not be devolved?

  • 6

    I do not understand the issue of new land documents to those rightful owners again. It is similar to what the Portuguese and then the British issuing new thompoo in history. How is it lawful and according to constitution??
    These people have been forcefully and illegally evicted from their residences by the Sri Lanka Military with the aiding fire power of heavy guns. Even 6 yrs after the war they refuse to withdraw form those houses. each and every component of those houses has been taken as booty and shipped to south in the wooden containers made from the dismantled door and windows etc. And the booty was said to have arrived in the south from pitta rattai. It is true North and east are pitta rattai for the south and it has been the reality.
    The politicians and SL admin is creating a scene that they are giving this lands free to the people of North. The people transformed the rock lands to fertile ones with thier sweat and blood. Even in the year 2000 and 2002 there was Pudalankai Panthals being cultivated by the military. A big lie by and in the presence of the three Top most persons of the current Sri Lanka government and this country Sri Lanka. If all these three leader set example of to their citizens what they expect the people to do.murder, looting, rapes, torture etc, etc. Lying is bad and an offence. It is contrary to the teaching of the all 4 main religions of Sri Lanka. what happens to the trust on these singhala leaders. ??? how can one have dealings with these leaders with zero honesty and reliability. The world is chaining the Tamils with this kind of human uncivilisation.

  • 4

    Sri Lanka is a wonderful country where the armed forces are more powerful than the Commander in Chief called the president.
    The armed forces steal citizens’ lands, raze their dwellings, schools, temples & public offices.
    They dare not do so in the south.
    The citizens affected have to live in temporary shelters meanwhile waiting for the great day when the C-in-C visits.

    Thus, the Military Regime installed by the former C-in-C continues.

  • 5

    425 acres out of how many thousands? Please hand over the rest immediately. The lame excuse of retaining high security zones and elsewhere (?) in Jaffna by the army is utter nonsense, if the Government thinks that by holding on to real estate rightfully owned by Tamils, they can prevent future dissent, resentment and unrest.

  • 2

    As the Chairman of ‘Friends of Palestine’ or some such organization before he became the President, MR was vehemently opposing the holding of Palestinian lands by Israel. calling them buffer zones for security. But when it came to Sri Lanka, the holding of Tamil land by the army is considered fair and essential for security. Are our own Tamil citizens considered inferior to Palestinians by him?

    As the President has pointed out very correctly, the sense of ownership of territory has been a prime mover of conflict throughout ages. Violate that and the victims will fight, fight and fight until they win their rightful territory back. Such violations will only exacerbate conflict, not heal it. Even wild animals are known to fight to death against all odds to defend their territory. It is a irrestible trait that has been tuned and strengthened by millions of years of evolution.

    Of course the army will not like it, especially with those huge palaces built for the army top brass in these lands.

    But it is the right thing to do.

    • 0

      because it is the palestine people and sinhala people who are in a similar situation.

      • 0

        Dear EDWIN RODRIGO,

        Re “the sense of ownership of territory has been a prime mover of conflict throughout ages. Violate that and the victims will fight, fight and fight until they win their rightful territory back.”

        You are right about the theory. Land is the Prime cause of this conflict.

        How do you see it in the East and the Wanni?

        Kind Regards,

  • 0

    Something I do not understand here. If the land was being released to the rightful citizens why are they issuing new deeds. Surely they should have the deeds with them. Can someone please clarify.

    • 0

      Can someone please clarify.””

      civil lawyers get rich because a land cse takes at least 14 years there- so please stay ignorent as to what happens after war and destruction.
      cochin and colombo have very little (lees than 5%) of VOC documentation because `illicit immigrants`. but Tamil nadu has almost all VOC documentation because ??? why the sky is so high and they don’t let pigs fly.

  • 6

    There were no army camps in North/East then and there were no security threats of any kind. People of North/East lived in harmony and peace. There were only Police Stations to keep law and order. Later on things changed drastically and it is now a bad and sad history.

    But why keep army still in North ? The Palaly air port should be handed over to civil administration and all the lands must be handed over to the owners.

    The protest and fight will continue and that may make things worse. Just leave the North?East alone and get out with the anti Tamil Sinhala army.

    Tamils are not going to tolerate this incursion or intimidation anymore.
    It’s their country and no one has any right to stay by force.

    Tamils don’t like separation but they are forced by the treatment being dispensed. Just leave North East or be ready to face the separation.
    No one can stop that by deploying armed forces against their wish.

    Nothing else will be justifiable. North and East is Tamil nation, mind it.
    Whether UN/UNHRC help or India sabotage, or China give chemicals to wipe out Tamils, They will get their legitimate land back, one way or the other.
    They have lost everything and have nothing more to lose.
    If Tamils are left alone to mind their own business, they will not go for separation of any kind. Just respect their feelings, they suffered a lot, leave them alone, do not play politics. Subjugation will only lead to disaster and separation. Lanka cannot afford another war or disgrace.

    Lee Kwan of Singapore wanted to make his country just like Ceylon- he said in 1959.
    Our’s was a country envied by many Asians. Look at the state of our nation today ? We were doing so good then. Not much racism or division among citizen or politicians but things have changed for the worse now and we are struggling to put things together. It will be tough unless the attitudes change for the better.

  • 3

    All these houses in the security zones were used as torture chambers, for killing and raping places. Demolishing them to the grounds is to erase any evidences. They are buying time to destroy any remaining skeletons and DNA samples etc. searching inch by inch for any hiden jewellaries and other vaulables

  • 4

    The CM has posed the question as to why there is a difference of opinion between the Govt:and the Army in relation to the resettlement.

    The Army believes that they have defeated the Tamils!Not just the LTTE. Triumphalism! After all they made the supreme sacrifice in defeating the enemy is their mindset-thanks to the Mahavamsa! The[Army] wants to have a free hand in the North.The Govt: is conscious of this mindset and are playing it safe.

    Perhaps,this scenario fits that famous line Pinching the Baby and Rocking the Cradle!

  • 2

    What about the land owned by the Sinhalese? Does any one care?

    • 6


      “What about the land owned by the Sinhalese?

      What about land owned by my people?

      “Does any one care?”

      They do care by grabbing all our land.

      • 0

        Re “What about land owned by my people”

        And who are your people?

    • 2

      communist party worker,
      your revolution wont work – just stupid farmer like the chinese farmer till the west felt sorry and gave them an opening so that they may eat properly and drink milk at least- WTO. but you don`t work buruva is synonymous and play woman in front to fend for you.

      You should have asked this from the sinhala woman dynasty- that grabbed everything promising everything for free- passa & sira are a continuation of that now known as video woman dynasty.- UDRAN KANNA PAKSHYA

  • 2

    Running hotels, farming agriculture and occupying civilians houses have nothing to do with security but enslavement and subjugation. The former Jaffna GA insisted there was no HSZ’s in Northern province but after 4 years everyone including the president and the military say 425 acres of land are released from HSZ to be returned to the rightful owners. The government lied then and to remove the international pressure some areas are given back.

    Why cannot the government at least compensate the poor folks who have been deprived of their homes and livelihood for more than 2 decades?

    • 1


      “The former Jaffna GA insisted there was no HSZ’s in Northern province but after 4 years everyone including the president and the military say 425 acres of land are released from HSZ to be returned to the rightful owners. The government lied then and to remove the international pressure some areas are given back.”

      You mean the guy who was very often with Douglas in pictures, functions etc? I often wondered did he want to be with Douglas or was unable to avoid it.

  • 1

    appa SIRA is ruining the country top to bottom…curse on appa sira the puppet

    • 7

      ela kolla Descendant of Vellaikkara Padei from Erivirrar Patinam

      “appa SIRA is ruining the country top to bottom…curse on appa sira the puppet”

      Is there anything left out to be ruined by others after 10 years of Mahinda Chintana and Gota wagging fingers?

      • 2

        stupid vedda, get back to your cave

        • 1

          Don’t insult the Veddha. They are honourable people. This joker is an imposter and is not a Veddha

  • 4

    The former President and Defence Secretary were big time bullies of the minorities. Good to see progressive steps of reconciliation taking place.

    • 5

      Pot Shot

      “The former President and Defence Secretary were big time bullies of the minorities.”

      I want you to know that everything I did, I did for my country.

      Pol Pot

  • 7


    You have left out another enterprise of the Army- Golf Courses on stolen land!

  • 0

    sach and CPW, I agree with you. It is time to care and reinstate land for for all parties who lost their’s. There are many cases of members of other communities facing the brunt of such action under the MR government.

  • 0

    M.Sirisena should an open path for Capitalism in North. Land for tillers is one step.
    That is creation for environment for overthrow cast system and backward feudal character in North also very important. . Will created social in-depth reform in capitalism is that urgent demand of majority people of North.

    Distribution of land does not mean that an positive step for incomplete democratic task? We have to go long way to meet demand of people of North ,that social and political revolution of democracy.

    Since 1948 all national political parties lost that democratic vision of political leadership.

  • 0


    Pl give us the full speech by the President on the occasion.

    • 0

      Please let us have his full speech in English, Sinhala and Tamil

  • 1


    Thanks for the advice. I have noticed that there are hostile persons who don’t answer to clear questions or care about facts. I have now asked for the definition of a “traitor” twice. The fact that Native Vedda and Thiru haven’t answered doesn’t surprise me at all.

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