By Latheef Farook –
Failure to rebuild the country after the war; Historic opportunity squandered
In the aftermath of the military defeat of the dreaded LTTE in May 2009, the entire country- Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and all others, expected everyone to learn lesson from the war and end racist politics. They expected former President Mahinda Rajapaksa to unify communities and exploit the historic opportunity to move the country ahead to face challenges in the fast changing competitive world
After all if politicians who turned this paradise of a country into a living hell with their racist politics fail to learn lesson from the 30 year carnage when do we expect them to do so?
However, to the shocking disappointment of all peace loving people who are interested in the welfare of the country and the future generations, racism once again raised its ugly head and began to flourish on a scale unprecedented in the island’s recorded history.
Under this sinister program the defeated government tried to divide communities.
The result was a country in turmoil under a government which came to be associated with gross mismanagement, wide scale corruption at all levels covering almost every possible areas, crime, collapse of rule of law and law and order , naked nepotism, shameless and heartless plundering of nation’s wealth and the alike.
Deeply disgusted people defeated this government in the 8 January 2015 Presidential elections.
During the three decades of ethnic war all communities including the Tamils suffered a great deal. A Christian nun who was in the battle field in Mullaivaikal during the war praying told me in Mannar last year that” Tamils suffered more than 80 percent under the LTTE and most of them felt great relief when it was defeated”.
A middle aged Tamil who had lost one of his arms during the war and could not get over the LTTE atrocities even three years after its defeat said “life was hell during the time of Iyakkam-LTTE.
There were other Tamils who lamented that LTTE’s armed struggle to set up a separate state of Tamil Elam only brought them death, destruction, endless sufferings and lost all what they had before the war began.
Thus the Tamils in general expected their sufferings to end in the aftermath of the war. They looked forward with great hope to begin a new life leaving the past behind despite deep wounds caused by the war. Not only the Tamils in the country but even hundreds of Tamils settled abroad wanted to return home with their money and expertise to start various ventures which could have contributed to the country’s economy. Several of them kept on asking whether the time was conducive to return home.
On the other hand the Tamils did not ask for a separate state after the war. All what they expected was for the government to attend to their reasonable grievances and ensure their legitimate rights and dignity as citizens of this country to reestablish their war battered society.
However, instead of relief, they were subjected to further sufferings after the war. They were treated as suspects by the government which miserably failed to create a conducive political and social environment to re start their lives.
The militarization which began in the wake of the defeat of the war, the grabbing of private owned lands by the state under various pretexts and such measures dashed all hopes of reconciliation leave alone a better future.
In the case of Muslims, they were not party to ethnic war between the government and the LTTE. However they were dragged into the conflict and made to undergo immense sufferings especially in the north and the east and the country in general.
They too were jubilant when the bloody conflict ended in the hope their sufferings too will end so that they could resume their devastated life.
Here too the government miserably failed to even redress their genuine grievances. Instead they were shocked when a government sponsored violent racist campaign targeting their political, religious, economic and social life was unleashed threatening their very existence as a community.
The government was least bothered about the consequences of this potentially dangerous violent attacks which had all the ingredients to harm the country. The government was not even bothered about the good relations the island enjoyed for long with the Muslim world especially the Gulf region where around a million Sri Lankans were employed earning more than six billion dollar in foreign exchange boosting the island’s economy.
Dismissing the Muslim sentiments and the public opinion in Muslims countries the government established close ties with Israel, the sworn enemy of Islam and Muslims worldwide, which has turned the peaceful Middle East into a virtual slaughter house.
The Israelis did not waste their time here. They were suspected to have penetrated many institutions including the local media. As part of their global campaign against Islam and Muslims they were supposed to have trained and financed, through Norway, Sinhala racists groups to terrorize Muslims. These racists, suspected to have operated under the former defense ministry, have conducted 350 attacks on Muslims.
This included disgusting and despicable “kidnapping of leading Muslim businessmen by White Van and the subsequent Grease Yaka attacks on Muslim women in the night when men went for prayers during the holy month of Ramadan. The climax of this organized carnage was the organized pogrom in Aluthgama, Dharg town and Beruwala on Muslims and reducing them overnight to beggars. These atrocities were committed with complete state protection and the security forces were helpless.
Shameful aspect was that this persecution on a community was done by a government on its own people showing how least bothered it was about the interest of the country.
This callous and reckless policy speaks volume for the short sighted policies. Muslim community maintained remarkable restraint. Throughout this crisis many feared that someone may violently respond and trigger a communal clash between the two communities. In fact this was what the racists wanted. Fortunately for the country no such incident took place.
As expected there was jubilation among the Sinhalese who too wanted peace.
However the government began a sinister Sinhalisation program ignoring the minorities though educated and enlightened mainstream Sinhalese began to realize the inherent danger involved in it. However they were helpless like all others.
Under the circumstance all expectations of Tamils and Muslims were ignored by the government which made them feel as second class citizens?
Thus hopes of minorities began to fade and turned into despair with the government, intoxicated with the victory over LTTE, began to interfere with almost every institution from judiciary to media.
This deeply disappointing political environment was further aggravated when violence was used to silence any dissenting views sending shock waves all over.
This was possible due to the executive presidential power and immunity provided under late president JR Jayewardene’s draconian constitution which turned the country into a one man show administration, two third majority for the government in the parliament, weak opposition and the fear of revenge.
With the mainstream media forced into toeing the line the country did not have any opportunity to know the negative impact of growing injustice, collapse of judiciary, flourishing crime and corruption. The fear psychosis prevalent in the country on the eve of the presidential election was such that even best of friends were afraid to discuss political issues freely. Most people did not want to take any risk in speaking over telephone including mobile fearing they were tapped. Independent websites, including mine latheeffarook.com was blocked, with any valid reason.
In short people lived in an environment of fear where you either toe the line or pay the price, often with violence.
Thus what the people who peace and prosperity in the aftermath of the war inherited country in turmoil after defeating former President Mahinda Rajapaksa in the presidential elections of 8 January 2015.
Ram / January 22, 2015
Was it NOT the Muslims who made hay while Rajapakses ruled more than any other group ?
Amarasiri / January 22, 2015
“Was it NOT the Muslims who made hay while Rajapakses ruled more than any other group “
No. It was the Muslims who suffered along with the Tamils.
The Muslims were robbed and expelled with 24 hour notice. Still they cannot get back to their homes and land. The Muslims were killed and expelled by ethnic cleansing from the North and East, by the Racist LTTE, who expelled the Sinhala before the Muslims were expelled.
It was Rajapaksa and his cronies, including some others from LTTE , like Karuna etc.who benefited most.
Ram, get your facts straight.
Ram / January 23, 2015
The Muslims suffered under the Tamils in the North and the East. Karuna may have Muslim blood on his hands, just as he has Sinhala blood, but he left terrorism when his eyes opened, and had been immensely helpful in eliminating the murderous LTTE. The Muslims were expelled en masse by ‘Mahaveer’ Prabhakaran prior to MR becoming the president. The TNA may stand in the way of them getting their land and homes back as you say.
The Muslims in the rest of the country, as I said made hay.
Marwan / January 24, 2015
Don’ talk shop Ram. Good God, Grow up man. Turn into sheep someday soon. At least you could be made ready for a sumptious dinner table.
You got cornered when you generalized all Muslims made hay under MR. When your slip was challenged, you changed your tempo to, Muslims except in the North, but the rest of them in the South made hay under MR. How much more stupid can you get?
Don’t you know that Muslims in the South were living in fear under the wrath and the menacing shadow of a bigot named Gnanasara who carried out his campaign under the banner, name and style of BBS. How about Ravana Balaya, and then Jathika Hela Urumaya. Ever know who their common enemy was? Did you know they were politically patronized to raise communal tension hoping to turn the tide of majority support in their favor? Did you know Muslim homes were ransacked and businesses looted and set on flames in Aluthgama/Beruwela and Dharga Town. Are you aware that Muslims even died at their hands? Then pray tell us what you mean by ‘Muslims made hay’ under MR regime.
If you mean they became rich in business, then of course it is because they take calculated risks when others chicken out. They are born businessmen (running in their blood), who believe that success comes from unwavering faith in their Creator Allah, Who has full control of their destinies, and further, they even attribute their success to Him. Their spectacular success in ‘making hay’ happens under any and all governments under any economic situations, be they Red, Orange, Green or Blue tinged.
Ram / January 24, 2015
As I said ” Was it NOT the Muslims who made hay while Rajapakses ruled MORE THAN ANY OTHER GROUP “.
dcn / January 22, 2015
Missed opportunites to rebuild the country by uniting all the ethnic groups – due to the wrong ideas built by MR together with his brothers and sons and other cronies. MR could have ended up even receiving the Noble Prize if he has conducted himself in an ethical manner. Unfortunstely, they went blind and thought they are indispensable, and could bulldoze the masses with the victory story for ever. In the process, we as a country lost our reputation in the international arena. Today, all types of corruption – some straight robbery of government funds, and the taste of all these illgotten money made it worse for them.
During their rule Tamils suffered a lot whilst Muslims were treated with a lots of victimisation with regard to their mosques etc. Further they used the famous ‘white van’ on mainly business people to plunder money, houses, or other wealth. There are so many things they did wrong, the list of which is too long to quote here.
‘Absolute power corrupts’ in a nutsell thisis what happened.
Now, they would have to face many many legal charges some of which would be very serious and result in even jail terms, this is the complete opposite of what would have been if they had acted in a decent manner uniting the ethnic groups, looking after the peoples needs etc.
Amarasiri / January 22, 2015
So true!
Ahmed Reza / January 22, 2015
Mr Latheef Farook, the JVP website reported yesterday that “Accordingly, Mr. A.H.M. Hazeem was appointed Cabinet Minister of Muslim Religious Affairs.”
It is my humble opinion that this appointment is nothing but a worthless bribe to the Muslim community and more importantly, payment for services to be rendered to the Government by Hazeem to tell the community that they are “held in high esteem by the government”, just like Rauf Hakeem was given the Ministry of Justice. In turn, the government cuts off access to it by the Muslim community, by being able to say “go and tell your Minister”. We all know that the toothless Hazeem will be able to nothing for us. Due to the bribe accepted by Hazeem he will be unable to say that the government is not doing what is required.
What I suggest as an arrangement to serve the Muslim community is to have an active, independent, politically non-affiliated voluntary body of individuals, to serve the interest of the Muslim community: to receive suggestions, investigate grievances, examine proposals for the upliftment of the community etc. This body should be communicating with the Prime Minister’s Office.
If you agree, I suggest you write your next article on this subject.
Your Excellency the President, if you want to make Hazeem a Minister, you have the right to do so. But not in our name. We do not want a Minister for Muslim Affairs. Have you guys in the Government of the phrase “cost effective”?
Maghribi / January 22, 2015
There is a legitimate group to represent the Muslims of Sri Lanka known as the National Shura Council of which the author is a founder member. The leader of NSC, Mr. Tariq Mahmoud is a well respected in your country.
Javi. / January 23, 2015
The new president is moving in the direction of a sonia type regime.
Leader of the party but not holding position- graft company
remember her father Nazi was in russian jail for 2 years
All this was proved by Subramaniam Swamy and its on the net Utube.
Lankians are insane so they do the same thing expecting different result.
His brothers appointment and sons 0 posse entry to racecourse is enough.
Sajith has bogus qualifications and he is a minister why so??
Marwan / January 22, 2015
I fully support your call Reza. We don’t need a Muslim Ministry as such, if all religions are treated with respect, fairness and equality. All that Muslims ask is to allow them to practice their religion without hindrance. We don’t ask for lands and separate state, as we know this world is only a temporary abode.
The only regulating bodies we need are the existing Waqf Board and the Quazi Board, which are sufficient enough to administrate all our Muslim affairs. We only ask that duty conscious, efficient and knowledgeable people be appointed to head those Boards. Only then we can expect the rest of the team comprise of competent material.
Nishantha De Silva / January 22, 2015
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/
Kola_Balakaya / January 24, 2015
Ha ha, you get thumbs up for getting waylaid by CT censors. Everyone happy for that. No one wants to read what you have to write, as they know it probably is obnoxious and overpowering.
nike / January 22, 2015
we need israel presence in the country than ever before to crush muslim terrorism
Marwan / January 22, 2015
When Muslims turn inwards and practice their religion with sincerity and fervor, you start seeing Muslims as terrorists. God puts fear of Muslims into your hearts and you start panicking and over reacting. Take it easy now. Israel is using the might of high tech weaponry and fire power of 10:1 to destroy their arch rivals, whilst the Muslim world uses the power of Faith and trust in Allah which gives them the spiritual strength to endure, knowing full-well that they are destined a better hereafter. That is why Taliban can never be kept down and out for long, they regroup and make a resolve to take the fight to the enemy. You see the same pattern emerging in the IS saga. Although Muslims and Islam has nothing to do with them. Theirs is a political battle although they have managed to link the religion of Islam to their cause.
sach / January 23, 2015
“When Muslims turn inwards and practice their religion with sincerity and fervor, you start seeing Muslims as terrorists”
well u cant blame the others for that….if u know what i mean ;)
Marwan / January 24, 2015
Sorry Sach, it is not a blame game as such, instead, it is my way of responding to the continuous refrain of ‘Muslim terrorism’ in SL, and the need for Israeli presence to keep it in check, when we all know such insinuations are yet to be proved in the affirmative. So I deduced that it must be that fear gets spawned in the hearts and minds of non-Muslims when Muslims start behaving like true Muslims. Fear of being overtaken in population ratio, fear of mass conversions to Islam, fear of international terrorism getting a foothold into the country, fear of loosing national identity with the rise of more Muslims adhering to their own dress code styled on modesty, fear of losing ranks to national banks with rising stakes and new investments in Islamic banking, including a whole host of other unfounded and unsubstantiated claims that make people do crazy things and start riots, even to the extent of committing murder.
Kuhan / January 22, 2015
Do we really want minister’s for
Buddhist religions ?
Hindu religion?
Christian Religion?
Muslim religion?
Can’t we get away from these intruding into politics?
paul / January 22, 2015
We don’t need them. The Govt. creates these posts to repay high ranking supporters with minister’s salaries. The posts also create the impression to Buddhists, Hindus …that their interests are being looked after. But they are not.
Javi. / January 24, 2015
But you keep them like ants in your borrowed ambude. so you cannot have a library or museum- they steal it too and burn.
Satayaka Natte!
Sevura Hatto!
Atta prikanne, 40,000 skin heads with cold blood therefore the murder!
Kailainathan / January 22, 2015
Stop blaming others for current situation!! It is majorities Communal polices even before independence like state aided majority settlement among us Tamils. This is continue even today. Bulding war memorial in and Buddhist temples among Tamils and many other. These not going help bring peace to anybody.
isreal / January 22, 2015
Isreal is the terrorist of the world. Just cos MaRa did what he want and forgot to rebiuld the problem of unity, that does not mean the minorities are a problem.
Dev / January 22, 2015
Latheef Farook, you need to stop seeing a Israeli behind every bush !
Your articles remind me of an Tamil proverb, for someone scared, he sees ghosts everywhere he looks…..
Seriously, no article of yours is compete without Israel bashing.
I am NOT defending their occupation or their human rights violations but I hardly think they are plotting and planning the downfall of SL and its muslims !
Machan Soy / January 22, 2015
What little you know of the despicable Israelis?
Javi. / January 24, 2015
they rule while you folk belch fart and produce like the animal you are- 8 girls in a row- row row row your boat gently down does not come in arselickers genes.
`O Jerusalem`- in Hebrew an earlier language.
Hindia has withdrawn all support to tip cuts in the middle east but still have more contracts than islamist.
thondamannar / January 22, 2015
Why cry over spilled milk.
Yesterday was History…….. Today is a gift. lets move on.
Plato. / January 22, 2015
Israel was training the LTTE and the ARMED FORCES[SriLanka] simultaneously in different locations in Israel itself.This was in the 80s. LTTE was taught terror tactics and the Army was taught how to handle that terror! The book BY WAY OF DECEPTION by an Israeli double agent reveals all. Interestingly MR was the President of the Srilanka-Palestine Friendship association for a number of years. The foreign policy of MR was cock-eyed,his Domestic policy was disastrous but his Corruption policy was great. This is the reason why AMARASIRI and I are recommending a CORRUPTION exhibition!
Mallaiyuran / January 22, 2015
When I saw the Heading “Historic Opportunity Squandered” I thought he is referring Hakeem missing opportunity of ruling the EPC in partnership with TNA.
He is talking about Nepotism; Then, is it much different of Hakeem did in the Law College?
Then why did the students climbed to the roof?
Yasin / January 23, 2015
I feel it is time that the Sri Lanka introduced a new constitution to prevent religious interference in politics. Religion is a bane to any developing society
and their activities must be confined to within their own precincts and control their “spilling over” beyond their own compounds. STOP building religious monuments, especially placing the Buddah statues in predominantly Hindu, Muslim
or Christian populated areas. Buddah, though a Hindu, was immensely popular in his time because he was a royalty and a prince. He is not God and he imparted
knowledge from experiences gained during the greater part of his life spent in meditation. The fanatism in Sinhala Buddhists is completely against the teaching of Buddah (The enlightened one) which was mainly peace and compassion not war and hatred. The worst of Buddism was practiced by the rise of BBS whose firebrand leader Gnassara used choice words and physical power to stoke
religious disharmony and tension which took Buddhist extremism to Buddhist thuggery, a level in par with a murderous Thai monk.
Buddhism is not a religion but a way of life which can be practiced by anyone.
Javi. / January 24, 2015
How much of Gautama do you know. You can only have 1 biological mum. Where is his mother Devi??
Hinduism is not a religion but rituals as practiced differently at different regions therefore there is no crusade.
Its the tale of 2 where one is an immigrant Muslim with no land claims from origin because of its faith but not DNA which is from south india. Unless ofcourse the muslim has being doing the pedo with the medieval middle east any number of wivies like the one at dubai 100 not out like the conception of pig.
Sihala Buddhist is `werewolf mahawanse` the 4 legged from south india DNA : still want to retain Sinhala/Buddhist origin myth based on bestiality, parricide and incestuous relation.
Goo`ta did exactly like Sepala the first highjacker also of hambugtota.
The jaffna tamils can always drive the muslims away as they have proved.
But the sihal cannot drive the muslim away because of the muslim love story with the christian west: both crusaders.How soon BBS was proscribed by the west as terrorist.
The muslims being the minority must disband religious political party first to prove that they are faaithful as one nation then the buddhist can see. Remember both christian and muslim are foreign to Asia.
“Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all others, merely because you were born in it”.
Patriotism is to politics what faith is to religion: The unquestioned acceptance of information that is either unverified or that may actually be in conflict with factual evidence. Patriotism is the incubator of wars.
Religion has been the emotional curse this world has seen.Pan islam vs Pan Arab why are the lankan muslims with no blood of the arab involved with arab when you are treated like pigs (case of that minor beheaded and more as seen in the middle east??)
The genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.
The writer farook is a mercenary living in a styscraper funded by mecca pan Arab terrorist like ISIS.
sach / January 23, 2015
the single issue muslims had in this country was BBS. I hope with new govenment that would be over….so we dont have to see this man’s adonava again
kali / January 23, 2015
Latheef Farook:
Historic Opportunity Squandered:
I want to pick up on a few points
1)After all if politicians who turned this paradise of a country into a living hell with their racist politics fail to learn lesson from the 30 year carnage when do we expect them to do so;
*** THe politicians will never learn a lesson as prejudice is in their Gene. As soon as RW announced in the parlaiment that he will restore Tamil rights under a Federaal arrangement I was elated . But this has now been categorically denied by GOSL.
This may be simple electioneering as Parliamentary elections are in the offing and at least I hope so.
2)However, to the shocking disappointment of all peace loving people who are interested in the welfare of the country and the future generations, racism once again raised its ugly head and began to flourish on a scale unprecedented in the island’s recorded history.
*** This is the biggest worry not just for the Tamils and Muslims but also for the minority Sinhalese who voted for change for a variety of reasons. MR with his Sinhala Majority is waiting in the wings.
3)Deeply disgusted people defeated this government in the 8 January 2015 Presidential elections.
*** Here the credit goes to the minorities.
4) Tamils suffered more than 80 percent under the LTTE and most of them felt great relief when it was defeated”.
*** I take issue with you on this and say to you that your are utterly wrong. They didnt order innocent people into safe heavens and shell them causing carnage. So stop acting as the spokes person for the previous GOSL trying to hide the Genicide. Instaed of listening to the Nun Speak to the Bishop Rayappu.
5) A middle aged Tamil who had lost one of his arms during the war and could not get over the LTTE atrocities even three years after its defeat said “life was hell during the time of Iyakkam-LTTE.
*** I know you hate LTTE because they drove you out for spying for GOSL.
6) There were other Tamils who lamented that LTTE’s armed struggle to set up a separate state of Tamil Elam only brought them death, destruction, endless sufferings and lost all what they had before the war began.
*** Freedom from Sinhalese Tyranny doesnt come cheap and it comes at a price and what is the alterantive
7)On the other hand the Tamils did not ask for a separate state after the war. All what they expected was for the government to attend to their reasonable grievances and ensure their legitimate rights and dignity as citizens of this country to reestablish their war battered society.
*** History has taught us that the Majority will not give us anything willingly and you have learnt that to your cost.
8)The militarization which began in the wake of the defeat of the war, the grabbing of private owned lands by the state under various pretexts and such measures dashed all hopes of reconciliation leave alone a better future.
*** MRs grand plan of colonisation has come a cropper with the Tamils voting to eject him.
9)In the case of Muslims, they were not party to ethnic war between the government and the LTTE. However they were dragged into the conflict and made to undergo immense sufferings especially in the north and the east and the country in general.
*** Come on my friend what are you talking about. You were happy to side with the GOSl and spy for the Army paying a high price.
10)Here too the government miserably failed to even redress their genuine grievances. Instead they were shocked when a government sponsored violent racist campaign targeting their political, religious, economic and social life was unleashed threatening their very existence as a community.
*** You came to your senses far too late and by then the damage was done.
11) Dismissing the Muslim sentiments and the public opinion in Muslims countries the government established close ties with Israel, the sworn enemy of Islam and Muslims worldwide, which has turned the peaceful Middle East into a virtual slaughter house.
*** Be fair. What about close ties with Pakistan, Saidi Arabia Bangladesh and Malaysia. This caused more damage to Muslims in Sri Lanka than Israel.
I have always written that Sri Lankas Sovereignty is limited to India security and that has proved to be correct. I am also heartened by the fact that “Amma” is going to be cleared which is more or less certain after Jaitleys vist to see her for 45 minutes and no doubt she will pull the strings. I wrote that “Amma” will be cleared and I hope and pray that she is cleared to say farewel to MR.
Plato. / January 23, 2015
Do you think that the case filed against former CM Jayalalitha will be dropped and she will get away with a fine or whatever.If this happens chances are that MR WILL GET AWAY and get back to Politics![God Forbid].
kali / January 23, 2015
You are talking a lot of rubbish my friend.
Let me give you my reasons and I know we are not going to agree because we hold Jeyalalitha dear to our heart just like you hold MR dear to your heart and that is your God given right.
1) Jeyalalitha was accused and found guilty of financial impropriety by a Judge who acted as Judge and Jury and relied on here say evidence and has now been transferred ( punishment transfer). India is slightly better than Sri Lanka but even in India evidence can be bought and the man who gave evidence has since disappeared. Jeyalalitha was accused of amassing 100 crorers but the figure has been revised and she has paid all that was to be paid to the Tax man.
2) MR is guilty of Genocide ( Jeyalaitha has not killed thousands) and the jury is out and make no mistake he will be found Guilty as there is overwhelming evidence. Why do you think he has refused to co operate. Even the new UNHCR Chief has asked MR if you have nothing to hide why are you refusing to co operate.
In terms of Financial Impropriety MR and his cohorts have swindled billions and why do you think Basil has run away. According to what is being unravelled it is the tip of the Iceberg. If you are a decent civilised individual ( I am beginning to have my doubts ) you will not try to stick up for the Hambanthotta Thugs who have milked the Nation.Even his closest confidantes are now coming forward to give evidence Mervyn is just one example.
So to answer your question Jeyalitha will be found not Guilty and that is why Mr.Jaitley went to see her. A lot of people have over the years tried to stick dirt on her and let me tell you the only thing that you can stick on her is a TAMPON but she is past that stage ( 67 years of age )
As for MR the dye is cast and he can run he cant hide. He is going to Welikada and then to HAGUE. There is no come back.
I am sure you are disappointed but face facts and move on.
Plato. / January 24, 2015
I had replied to this;But unfortunately under Rudrakumarans essay TAMIL VOTES AMOUNTED NOT AN ENDORSEMENT……
mea culpa mea maxima culpa.
Would appreciate if you read it!
kali / January 24, 2015
It looks like we are on different wave length.
I have stated on many ocassions that the Tamil vote was Anti MR and not Pro MS and I cant be any clearer. I dont need Rudrakumaran to advise me.