19 February, 2025


I Propose To Revoke Doctorates From GR & MR

By Laksiri Fernando

Dr. Laksiri Fernando

Dr. Laksiri Fernando

Vice Chancellor
University of Colombo
11 October 2015

Dear Vice Chancellor,

I wish to draw your attention to the conferring of honorary doctorates in 2009 to the then President Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence, Gotabaya Rajapaksa by the University of Colombo. As you may know, I was the proposer of this motion at the Senate on the 29th of May 2009 which was carried unanimously and later approved by the Council of the University.

The premise for that proposal was that both the President and the Secretary of Defence had rendered an immense service to the country by bringing an end to the nearly three decades of war that bled the country and even disrupted the university education. The citations for the event would speak for the more specific reasons. However, the subsequent events as well as what have transpired later as their immediate past actions have shown that both have exceeded their powers vested in them by the people.

Dr Gotabhaya_Rajapaksa_ colombo telegraphFor example, President Rajapaksa ventured to exceed the traditions of democracy by lifting the two terms limit for the presidency and contesting for a third term in January this year. There are credible allegations of gross human rights violations at the last stages of the war under their command. In 2013, shooting in Weliweriya and at the Welikada prison also happened under their command. All these and other events have breached the confidence that the University of Colombo placed in them in conferring those doctorates.

Universities do make mistakes in conferring honorary doctorates and when they are realized the tradition is to revoke them. I apologise for whatever mistake I have made on this matter. If I may cite a similar example, in 1919, the University of Pennsylvania revoked the honorary degrees that they previously conferred to Germany’s Kaiser and its Ambassador to the US and Mexico. There have been more than ten revocations since then all over the world.

As you know, I am retired and as a result no longer a member of the Senate or the University of Colombo. Therefore, I nominate Dr Nirmal Ranjith Devasiri (or his nominee) who has publicly raised this issue with me to propose a revocation of these honorary degrees in the Senate. I do hope that you would allow a free discussion on this matter at the Senate and take a decision to revoke the said two honorary degrees.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Laksiri Fernando

Former Senior Professor in Political Science and Public Policy

Latest comments

  • 26

    a very thought out plan to get this revoke from the day light killers called Rajapaksas.

    Its a shame they were awarded the honorary doctorates at first place and it never too late to revoke now.

    Similarly the Malwatta or Asgiri chapter should revoke the highest civilian honor given to MaRa way back in 2009 or 2010.

    • 29

      Laksiri Fernando,

      I am shocked to hear that you recommended Gota for the honorary doctorate degree.

      Didn’t you know then that in an interview to the BBC during the war Gotabaya justified bombing and shelling of hospitals in the war zone as legitimate?

      I am sure many readers of the CT can confirm that interview of his.

      • 2

        “Didn’t you know then that in an interview to the BBC during the war Gotabaya justified bombing and shelling of hospitals in the war zone as legitimate?”

        It is acceptable to GR’s American way of thinking.
        Ref. What the USA is doing in Syria at the moment!

        • 2

          As it was the case with Bandaranayake politics – at the time the country was just freed from colonialism, people s thoughts were all about Rajapakshes, immediately after war victory was declared also considering the media lies – making them as the only heroes to have fought the war against ltters, so there, even highly intelligent personalities went blind in the country – this was the reason any simple simion to become big mouth in the lanken society today, while any educated men and women being marginalised from the day today life issues.

        • 1

          @Hamlet – It is Russia and not the USA that’s dropping bombs on Syria. Don’t make a public display your ignorance.

      • 2

        They should be allowed to keep their doctorate…..
        Doctorate in Corruption
        Doctorate in White Van Murders


    • 18

      Dear Prof Laksiri,
      Your attack seems to be only against Rajapakse brothers. You are demonstrating your hypocisy by stating that their doctorates have to be removed only for their actions after the end of the war. What they had done after the war is nothing compared to the dastardly crimes committed on Tamils during the war. They are not only the ones who have committed war crimens on Tamils. UNHCR has named 30 of them. In addition the ordinary soldiers have also committed crimes without being ordered by higher ups. What about Sarath Fonseka. He was in the army for a long time and commander during the final phase of the war. He says that he never ordered anyone to commit crime. Even if this is true he cannot say that he did not know what has happened in the army. Recent revelations prove that while he was in China during the last few days, he was briefed of the groung situation. If he is honest he must appear before an international panel and state the truth about the crimes committed by the army on non-combatant Tamils. Without truth or justice there cannot be recoconciliation. You have been asking Tamils to condemn the atrocities by LTTE, but you are only condemning some Sinhalese whom you do not like and refuse to commit yourself in condemning the rank and file of the armed service.

    • 15

      I wonder why Uni THEN decided to award them with doctorates not considering their level of education. Meaning, normally doctorates to be awarded, one should have obtained MSc, MBA or the like level of graduate degrees.
      With all respect to Dr. Fernando, as one who recently fight to chase away the most abusive president and his regime home, I would like to know why the very same Dr. Fernando stayed mum and permitted this happening.

      And the question to the lanken journalists to always use titles such Dr. when refering Mervin Silva for example- was a big question to me since that has betrayed the university education and the noblity of those doctoral achievements.

      • 13

        Samuel Dodankotuwa

        Both Percy Mahendra and GOATa passed their junior school by copying and hence earned the title “JPUM” (Junior Passed Unable Matriculate). No wonder CBK correctly described the Rajafucksa’s as uneducated, uncultured rascals. It is very unlikely that their doctorates would be stripped!

        • 9

          not only from the mentioned two, but also anyone that was awarded the title for the same reasons during the last regime should be subjected to the same process. For example it is not ethical and moral to allow Mervin De Silva or DaJaya Jayathilaka to be called as Drs anymore. Dayan Jayathilaka stood openly with Wimal Weerawanse to please his self destructive agendas. Dayan may have obtained in somewhere in Australia, but Dayan`s doctor title should be investigated examining the behaviour that the man displayed alone during the last few months.
          Even today, those who called Dayan Jayathilaka for TV interviews should be advised to rather get more information from recognized university qualified lanken political professors rather than seeking so called advises from Dayan Jayathilaka or Mpala:

          • 4


            I fully concur with your stand and proposal with regard to Dayan Jayathileka’s degree.

            I have previously remarked that any institution that confers a Political scientist degree to a guy who proclaims “after all the protest against Apartheid in South Africa was rooted in the majoritarian aspiration for subjugation of the minority” should have no business conferring Political Science degrees! Period!!

            I wonder if we could get a feed-back from the University or at least Dayan’s major professor on their current view of Dayan’s Political wisdom arising from, or perhaps in spite of, the education that seem wasted on him.

            • 5

              Dayan Jayathilaka is so presumptuous to be called him as Dr. Dayan Jayathilaka. He is so boastful of his family background, his education, the books he was told to read in his childhood etc. Anyways, I have not seen a PhDer who is so swollen as DJ. Many I happened to meet in Europe – that have even shared qualifications with nobel laureates in SCIENCE and Medicine behave far more charming and humble than special SRILANKEN – Dayan Jayathilaka – there, I am very doubtful whether he has at all worked for the thesis accordingly or just stole it as is the case with above mentioned guys of the country.

              • 2

                But the particular Prince to have sat with Dogs in the last election – is beyond all norms as I see it.

                If DJ INTENDs to revenge someone, he can turn whito into black.

                His personal vendetta in school days, are the key reasons him to go against RanilW.
                But today, with my 3 and Ranil in power, we cant see BBS or any radicals are abusing power anymore. They have hidden their tails behind the rear legs and subject not to show up. Where have BBS monks gone today and why their aggressions are not seen anymore today, as had been the case in the previous regime ?

                Latter alone proves that Rajpakashes abused everyone and anyone to send the message across the nation – but manipulating over 50% gawky folks. That they called their political strategies.

                Today, Rajapakshe Namal baby to accuse the current regime for babies go missing or get killed is so abusive – in that way they think they can count bonus. Today or later, all will come to surface. These men are so stupid by their birth.

              • 2

                You may be right, if DJ should be refered as Dr. Jayathilaka.

                Then most abusive cesspit of the nation – Wimal Weerawanse should also be called Dr. Weerawanse, no matter he has no olevels.

            • 2

              I happeneed to read DJ s CV somewhere in the web. Why not you forward that to his affliated Uni in Aus ? That can help further. You are right we are very doubtful why DJ is that swollen repeated his profile again and again. May be except few not many would consider him as a higher academice, after all, since the Nugegoda incident took place. For narrow gains, the man would have gone naked is becoming clear to anyone today- those who know, are well aware to compare his with that of Wimal Weerawanse. The kind of ultra nationalitists or chimeric nationalists should be kept away from public association if we really want to achieve something towards the permament peace within the nation.

            • 0

              Dear Kumar R

              Well thought out my buddy.

              Keep it up.

          • 4

            Dan S.

            I agree.

    • 9

      Dr. Laksiri Fernando

      RE: I Propose To Revoke Doctorates From GR & MR

      Amarasiri seconds this motion.

      May I make two humble requests from those who were in the Colombo University at that time.

      1. Get their IQs tested. Will tell us if they are qualified or not. This is critical because the average National IQ is 79 and only those with Z scores of 3 and above should be selected and elected.

      2. Get their DNA Tested. It will tell us if they are para or not.

      Then we can establish a better method for qualifying senators to the University Senate. The current system of selection seems to be flawed.

    • 7

      These meeharakas are not good enough to plough the paddy fields, but to have awarded them with most respected titles should have been a joke really. This kind of steps taken by lanken Universities have caused to loose the recognition of each University during last 10 years. Today, having listend to last night `s SATANA programme on the lanken TV, I feel, those are not lies spread in the air currently the manner Gotabaya Rajapakshe has run illegal weapon handling to allow them collected huges sums of funds – one gentle man with lanken Army exp added his thoughts, that the Avangarde issues is more complicated than it appears to be, it was not fair the way that Gota was set free from the case lately. This case should be subjected to revision and be investigated again to leave a proper verdict – since lanken national security had been subjected to threat while handling those dealings with international agencies by direct mediation of former defence secretary. Today, when coming to PUBLIC interviews, paying his usual sacarstic smile (as once paid to BBC interview) Gota shows nothing kind of remorses, making every effort to prove him innocient further fooling the very same gawky folks.

    • 6

      Most noble cloaks have been made STAINED by awarding those titles to unqaulified, unethical, innappropriate ones during the last 10 years. No cleaners could easily removed these stains easily. For these perpetrators, education was nothing but an another way to brand them to hype up their egos in the fools filled island and among their kind of International communities (Swaziland, Belarus and several other afro countries).

      • 3

        Yes you may be right, doby men of Dayan J and Malina Seneviratne will have to work on them in the cleaning process. They will do the job properly for sure.

      • 4

        Dr. Laksiri Fernando should have been hallozinated in 2009 to have asked this kind of title awarding without considering their already obtained qualification.
        No wonder, 50% of the folks are still hallozinated by Rajapakshe magical lies – being unable to reverse to sane states. I trust there is no scale to measure of the knowledge of people in a population – literacy rates are high but people are stupid as if they came from CONGO forest. Alone their reactions in the recent voting – as to why these voters to have voted for Gommanpila and Buruwanse irrespective all the evidences them to have gone wrong ?

        Besides, we have now it in black and white – proved clearly in the recently held elections. They would let Rajapakshes rape their lovely ones ONLY single reason to have slaughtered MASSEs but ending up the war within the island territories.

      • 5

        Yes you are right.

        I am going to award Dr title to my dog tomorrow.
        This particular dog s incredible acts saved two lives sofar. From tomorrow on, the Dog is called Dr. Maxy.

    • 0

      Prof. Laksiri Fernando

      RE: I Propose To Revoke Doctorates From GR & MR

      Is this a case of Meeharak giving Doctorates to Meeharak at the Colombo University Senate?

      Even Meeharak do make mistakes, but only the good Meeharak, recognize and accept the Errors.

      Cheers for the Good Meeharak.

  • 18

    A timely move, but doubt Senate has guts to do it

  • 17

    Please,please not the one I awarded these guys from the University of Angoda.

  • 12

    Timely move. Revoke before they are behind bars. May not happen since too many MARA guys in senate and council.

    A lesson to learn is never honuor the rogue politicians in SL unless they are exceptional. Unfortunately cannot think of anyone other than Kadirgamar since 1977.

    All politicians have indulged in nepotism and the list goes on. They are corrupt and crooked. Can say this without any difficulty. Applicable to both major parties.

    Hats off to Laksiri for raising the issue.

    • 9

      Dear Jagath,
      How can you say that Kadirgamar is not a rogue politician. He was a nobody till Neelan Thiruchelvam recommended him to Chandrika. Since then he had wanted to be the darling of the Sinhalese and get cheap popularity. He has told umpteen lies to cover up the dastardly acts committed on non-combatant Tamils by security forces in international fora, such as Chemmani mass graves, Bindunuwewa camp murders, Navali church bombing and other atrocities. Does not this unscrupulous action make Kadirgamar to qualify to be called a rogue. It is only after he set his eyes on the post of Prime Minister that he got into trouble. It is well known that Kadirgamar was killed by contract killers from the army arranged by a strong man in the SLFP who feared that he would be a threat for the post of President. Kadirgamar’s children do not accept the theory of LTTE killing and asked for a fresh inquest into the murder by independant panel. Will the present government which is comfortable in putting all the blame on LTTE accede to it.

  • 19

    This shows the absence of wisdom in giving honorary degrees to politicians. A university degree reflects learning. What learning did a thug like Gothabaya have to deserve an honorary doctorate let alone an honorary first degree? What did the learned Professor move the motion in the first place? This was a naked act of stooging the powers of the time. The thuggery of these two politicians were legendary. They only added to the record after the conferment of the degrees. It should not have been conferred in the first place.

    • 15

      “What(Why) did the learned Professor move the motion in the first place? This was a naked act of stooging the powers of the time.”

      Very well said.

  • 2

    Dr Nirmal Ranjith Devasiri’s response

    from the facebook page

    Nirmal Dewasiri

    I don’t think it is a wise idea to revoke these degrees now. I think i will cause more damages. Better to forget it.

    • 2

      Dear Nirmal, Nimal,

      Please explain why it is not a good idea and what damages you envisage it can cause. Frankly what more damage is there for the once proud Academies, post-meeharaka period?!

      Even if the attempt to get the way-more-than-deserved revocation of the degrees fail for some technical reason, the necessary discussions, the criticisms and the exposures of the weaknesses in the system will help substantially towards strengthening and rebuilding of the credibility of the institutions towards more prosperous recognition the genuine intellects and academics with integrity rightly deserve, going forward.

      Burying the issues for near-term expediency and to avoid the deserved embarrassment of the few pseudo-intellects lacking in backbone is hardly the prudent path.

      • 0

        Kumar R.

        Meeharaka thought is very appropriate my buddy.

        Keep it up.

    • 0


      “I don’t think it is a wise idea to revoke these degrees now. I think i will cause more damages. Better to forget it.”

      It will be a vey good idea to try Mahinda Rajapaksa and Gotabaya Rajapaksa, and Revoke the Degrees if found guilty. Colombo university should not be in the business of giving honorary degrees to criminals, war criminals, liars, and crooks, whatever version of Paras they belong to.

  • 13

    It is shame that universities award honorary degrees to politicians and expect various benefits including personal. I think it is the time to most of the revoke honorary awarded to majority of the politicians including famous Dr. Mervin Silva.

    • 2

      Shame or not – those were the days, that masses were shut up in the country – not being able to express their thoughts. TOday in the civlized enviroment created by MY3-Rani-CBK allow any simple simon to add their thoughts about anyone. Latter should be given a place instead attcking current president by idiotic personalities in and out of CT is seen too. Our people in general respect any kind of corruptions, abuses, no matter the gravity of it. Recent incidents displayed by lanken TV channels are the real proofs to draw conclusions about lanken society. It will surely take more time than we just feel, to turn the society to a good one. It is not easy at all. Even today, considering the inicidents being ocucred in the country, in terms of crimes, that has risen to all no go levels. Muders and all forms of killings have become day today agendaas. High profile murderes are behind those events.

      I think people of this country have every right to hear it directly from former President and responsible authorities – Journalists should interview them raising their questions accordingly.

  • 4

    Dr Laksiri Fernando

    I am NO apologist for the Rajapakses, but I think it is very petty minded to now have second thoughts on something that in the heat of the moment you very clearly got carried away with, and thought a good idea.

    As Grandma would say: Act in haste, repent at leisure.

    Sir, put it down to experience, and lets move on to more immediate and important matters.

    • 6

      Spring Koha

      “As Grandma would say: Act in haste, repent at leisure”

      Your Grandma must be the only wise person this island has ever produced. I admire her wisdom.

      As a wise person she would have shunned politics, politicians, and the me first society and parted some wisdom to you and your family. You are a lucky grandson.

      I wish her a long life.

      • 1

        Those blood accreditations for their at abitory killings were the all last certificates that have been awarded to those perpectrators by so called Uni dons. THese Uni dons should have been hallozinated being unable to see it right at the very moment. Today, Dr Fernando to return to this proves that those men could better be branded as nation s hang men rather than being awarded by noble titles.

  • 9

    they were given the doctorates for killing the tamils. well done !!!

    • 8

      You may well say there is blood on those parchments!

  • 5

    Hold on to your horses there. Who are the accusers?

    Have a look here.


    Let the investigation take place first.

    • 2

      LOL. Yet another one of Laksiri’s “malle pol” types :D Rather than describing Gota he seems to have inadvertently put an apt label on the psychotic, virulent We Thamizh :D

      • 2

        Blacker, why you cant wake up from your slumber yet.
        Are u still that scared ?

        As one who had been that active – being part of Rajapakshe ill forces, you could do a great job LET alone today by revealing most untold stories. Dont you think that it is high time to react so ?

        • 1

          Are you trying to become the newest member of Lucky’s “malle pol” club? If not please try that one again, but in English this time :D

          • 1

            In plain langauge, Sama raises the question why you Siva still hides behind an another pseudonym. If you are D Blacker it is high time you to reveal the truth in the last end of the war.

          • 0

            Hey Blacker ,

            “Are you trying to become the newest member of Lucky’s “malle pol” club? If not please try that one again, but in English this time :D “

            Still obsessed with other commenter’s English proficiency level ? what made you to judge at other’s English proficiency level ? before pointing at others , please re-read your own comment and see whether it’s flawless !

            For a change , could you please answer Soma’s direct questions ? of course that is only if you are man enough to handle pressure !

            PS: why are you hiding behind a Tamil name now ? please go ahead and publish that sexy looking photograph of yours ! mind you , there are no more white vans !!!!!!

            • 0

              Ah, two more candidates for the “malle pol” club :D Maybe all We Thamizh should just get automatic membership :D

            • 0

              Brother Srilal,
              u are spot on.
              This bumsucker would go on attacking anyone s English -he himself not knowing how to write correctly.

              In my younger days, my parents shared me those who go to work for Army are the low educated ones. This I realized while living on the Europe, my elders are very right. Be it in America or Srilanka most of them are idiots – this is valid for Blacker too.

              • 1

                ROFL – I take it you were in the army then, “Sam”, and your parents in their infinite wisdom didn’t think to put you through an ESL class :D

                • 0

                  Kerala Mercenaries converted to Kandyan Sinhala Intellectualism trying to stick on to their Kerala last name.

                  The Hybrids too often show off their patriotism than the descendants of the 700 rowdies invaded into Lankawe.

                  Some Others may not use the foreign language English. You the Kerala Mercenary not writing your Kerala last name properly because you are no longer the horse or the donkey, but a mule. The mule is trying to cover it with a trigger skin.

              • 0

                Brother Sam Jayasinghe ,

                You know what ? This Blacker geezer used to identify himself as a ” Defence expert ” , he was riding high horse for many years until i exposed his true academics qualifications , soon after the challenge , he started attacking/ ridiculing/insulting me with various absurdities instead of directly answering my simple question . Blacker’s bosom pal “DJ” equally arrogant , self proclaimed ” political scientist ” was right behind him , as a matter of fact , he went extra mile by quoting Blacker’s nonsense as a mean of justification in his useless arguments in Ground views. Native Vedda , Sarath Fernanado and few others relentlessly challenged them , in the end both vanished in to thin air , as a result Blacker swapped his real name to “Siva Sankaran Sarma ” and DJ stopped writing in comment section.

                • 0

                  Cool story, bro. Does it come in paperback? :D

  • 14

    I am shocked at Dr.Fernando for recommending these killers and fraudsters and gansters for doctorates.

    He better do all inhis powers to revoke it so that he can rest in peace during his retirement.

    But we still have…. dr. Mervin , dr. Weerawansa, dr . Namal was to get this year.

    All this political appointments in sri lanka”s cherished educational institutions have destroyed the very moral of our educational system and society

  • 7


    You are still going after the old crooks.. As I remember you praised Sirisena like a saviour of the nation..I had similar thought too.. Don’t you feel foolish or conned by Sirisena with all cunning lies.. Why don’t you write about what really happened from Nov 2014 to Aug 2015.. Is it just history repeats or did you learn new political reality in brown Asia??
    You are going to be busy man in coming years too.. because you WILL have to right similar letters to revoke Sirisena and and his son’s & daughter’s degrees and doctorates in the near future….

  • 4

    Laksiri Fernando:

    You are very gealous.

    You need to think about the other side of the coin.

    Academic dishonesty, Hypocrisy of those holding those.

    Some are unbelievably worthless.

    University Supervisory committees are like governing bodies or like parliaments. They are very corrupt in that perspective.

  • 3

    Timely thoughts of Correcting the errors of the past.

  • 5

    That action will not bring any impact on the current rulers. They still will try to find out ways to get their honors and for their children.

    Namal has a “LOW” degree. This should be revoked and he should be debarred life time for that fraud. That is not honorary.

    Universities, from the time Bathiudeen’s standardization introduced, unbelievably corrupted beyond fixable-ity; worse than the foreign ministry or health ministry. It is said after Hakeem interference, anybody coming out of law college is not good even for road cleaning. Further Hakeem is kind of Justice minister who argue seeking justice is showing the beggar wound and begging, but political prostitution is the honorable way to live and hide their murders!

    The Leadership training of brother prince’s the army has put them all(the current teachers and the professors including) not even suitable to start a Vejeveera’s terrorism, the so called JVP’s forefather.

    Ideally, all universities must be put under a foreign private university administration for a 15-20 years of lease.

  • 2

    Dear Dr.Fernando,
    I mean no disrespect to you as an Academic. It was sheer folly to have awarded them those honorary doctorates knowing well that the two of them have not read a singe book even in Penguin pocket book format even as a joint cerebral enterprise.

    Instead you should now recommend two honorary doctorates to President Sirisena and Prime Minister Wikremesinghe . First in Economics for innovative and creative exploitation of the commons. Second a D Phil in Literature to the PM for his commentary on ” Inhuman Bondage” and his novel – The Dry Pumpkin Pimp.

    We should write to All souks to strip GL of his fellowship while we are at it.

    • 0

      I dont think you are right here.

      None of the politicians that have not obtained prequalifications should be awarded highest doctorates. That is then a disgrace to all that work hard to achieve the noble titles.
      Besides, qualifications that any candidates to learn a doctorate is: to have obtained basic degrees such as BA, BSc or the like one together with a complietion of first PG – latter is either MA or MSc: Those who have just plucked coconut but to be awarded with doctoral titles are beyond all norms.

  • 1

    I had some respect for this man until I saw this. If Einstein was later found to have killed a man do the nature of gravitation and the cosmology as we understand today must be discarded and the Noble prize he received for Physics can be invalidated? It can only be revoked if it was later found that he had plagiarized and stolen the ideas from someone else. If this guy initially proposed the awards on the basis of the conclusion of the war that fact still remains. It is that simple logic – [Edited out]

    • 0

      I quote what Soma said “If Einstein was later found to have killed a man do the nature of gravitation and the cosmology as we understand today must be discarded and the Noble prize he received for Physics can be invalidated? It can only be revoked if it was later found that he had plagiarized and stolen the ideas from someone else. If this guy initially proposed the awards on the basis of the conclusion of the war that fact still remains.”

      At the time I wrote this comment, Soma’s comment had 4 thumbs down and only a single thumb up. People still have not learnt to make unbiased judgments. Lets forget the personalities involved. (In fact I hate Mahinda Rajapakse & Gotapaya. They are war criminals. They abused power. They swindled public wealth. They should be in jail. They do not deserve the doctorates). But what Soma said is correct “If this guy initially proposed the awards on the basis of the conclusion of the war that fact still remains.”

      I certainly never believed they deserved the doctorates and I would never would have agreed had I was part of the committee. But that is me. However the Dons in the University Committee rightly or wrongly made a decision to award the doctorates to the two people. But now these Dons cannot take into consideration what happened thereafter and then make use of it for a retrograde decision to revoke the doctorate. That is of course unfair! I think the two recipients can take court action and win damages too.

      A serious question are University dons a set of educated fools, and book-worms with no common sense? What has happened as a result is the University has got exposed! May the degrees of the Dons also must be revoked! May be I propose that!(tongue-in-cheek)

  • 3

    Dr. Laksiri’s explanation for his actions is given in the link posted in the article. Under the circumstances he has explained it seems that his intentions were honorable.

  • 4

    Is it correct to nominate Devasiri to lead this without checking with him first?

  • 4

    Dr. Laksiri Fernando,

    RE: I Propose To Revoke Doctorates From GR & MR

    “I wish to draw your attention to the conferring of honorary doctorates in 2009 to the then President Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence, Gotabaya Rajapaksa by the University of Colombo. As you may know, I was the proposer of this motion at the Senate on the 29th of May 2009 which was carried unanimously and later approved by the Council of the University.”

    Says Former Senior Professor in Political Science and Public Policy.

    “Universities do make mistakes in conferring honorary doctorates and when they are realized the tradition is to revoke them. I apologise for whatever mistake I have made on this matter. “


    When the error is federalized, one needs to correct them, because now and then, errors are made.

    It is the same with accused who are charged with crimes. With new DNA evidence frequently the accused is found to be innocent, and the real criminal is identified later.

    Here, we have a situation with two criminals, by deception or otherwise haven been awarded Doctorates from the University of Colombo. The two may be found to be war criminals and other criminals for the killings of many, and as such the Colombo university will have two of its doctorate holders being hanged.

    So, Revoke the honorary doctorates to Mahinda Rajapaksa and Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Give the honorary doctorate to Field Marshall Sarath Fonseka.

    If the Colombo University does not revoke the honorary doctorates,Colombo University will be known as the University that gives honorary doctorates to criminals.

    So, Colombo University, please give an Honorary Doctorate to Wele Suda as well.

    MaRa MaRa Chatu MaRa
    MaR MaRa PhD MaRa
    MaRa MaRa MiNi MaRu Mara
    MaRa MaRa Dhushana Mara

    Only in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, occupied by Paras.

  • 1

    There are Sri Lankans abroad, who have distinguished themselves and earned prestigious posts in universities and professional bodies.
    These are almost completely ignored by our universities.

    Instead, awarding honorary degrees to politicians and their sycophants
    who benefitted by posts which they did not deserve, became the norm.

    This belated apology and admission of grave irregular behaviour which did not befit a former Senate member, is to be welcomed.

    • 1

      Yes, such distinguished Sri Lankans exist abroad. Show me examples of any of them wanting to returning here, now that the war is over. Why should we just give them honorary degrees if they are not prepared to come back?

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    I applaud the professor for his call to strip the two illiterate killers and human rights abusers of their doctorates.

    Some here argue that the two brought the insurgency to an end but the important factor they are forgetting is how they did it and at what cost to the innocent civilians who were caught in the middle for no fault of theirs. Not only that, the two were also responsible for the murder of elected tamil members of parliament, journalists, opposing politicians and many others.

    The University that awarded the doctorates should take the initiative to strip them of their awards because these two murderers have brought disgrace to the university. If they don’t their future awards of honorary doctorates will have no value or seen with respect by the public.

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    I give it to Dr. Laksiri, when presented with new information, we must all change our minds.
    This is what drives scientific research and this is why the same bloody subject gets researched all the time. Findings debunked, agreed, debunked again.

    On a side note, that LSE Degree of Sajith Premadasa ?

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    Dear Dr. Laksiri Fernando,

    Your current regret and your initiative to revoke the Honorary Doctorates are very much appreciated, perhaps even applauded — the least you could do to undo a blunder you made intentionally or otherwise. Thank you.

    However, it is disingenuous and obviously self-serving that you would try to bury your previous (hesitation and trapped, did not know GR and MR were implicated) defenses and now couch your initiative in terms of the misdeeds that followed the war, rather than what lead to that ugly end to the war.

    Even if you did not have sufficient information that “MR and GR were implicated” (as you stated in a response following your previous article), now you know for sure how deeply they were involved well before and during the war, not JUST AFTER THE war as you want to now characterize. Isn’t this another lame defense on your part, to cover your own back, rather than to forthrightly do the right thing? Be forthright. Be courageous worthy of an intellect.

    Further, do you think there is some official way to request a review and correct any follow-on misdeeds that may have contributed to events such as the Law College conferring a Top-of-the-line degree to Namal? It should be reasonably easy to review the primary school records to ascertain if there was even the remotest possibility of Namal achieving such accreditation legitimately. Given your own confession that despite your position as a serious contender for the VC position, you felt trapped into succumbing to the Regimes avarice for Honorary degrees, isn’t there every possibility that Law College Administration was similarly “trapped” to acquiesce with the President’s demand?

    I suppose the same goes for appointments as Team Captains in the Rugby teams of the Forces. Perhaps even the victories of those teams were similarly tailor made – results of “trapping” those officials and perhaps even the opposing teams! Hope those responsible will have the courage and the integrity to come forward now.

    I bring these issues, seemingly unrelated to your blunder because I think you have some responsibilities on those fronts as well. If not for your cowing down to the “trapped circumstances,” it is unlikely that the Regime would have assumed the false and misguided confidence to pursue these relentless misdeeds that followed. It seems intellects like Dayan, Rajiva, and now we learn that even you, without either much foresight, integrity or courage (or perhaps some combination of the three) got the ball rolling – rapidly down a precipitous slope!

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      Kumar R

      I have told you to stop writing very long comments. The world going fat and people do not have time to read lengthy comments.

      [edited out]

      Otherwise thought provoking comments my darling.

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    Good luck Dr. Fernando. I support you in this endeavour. How about disrobing and disbarring that black coat and former presidential brat Namal as well? If the law college can pander to such mockery, then one can imagine the perversion and collapse of our judicial system. Add to this misery a former Chief Justice (Sarath Silva) who is a known communal minded racist that was caught red handed with his pants down while seeking sexual favours from a lady lawyer.

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    it is too late for dr.LF to accepet the fact that it was he who proposed it. [Edited out]

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    Both Percy Mahendra and GOATa passed their junior school by copying and hence earned the title “JPUM” (Junior Passed Unable Matriculate). No wonder CBK correctly described the Rajafucksa’s as uneducated, uncultured rascals. It is very unlikely that their doctorates would be stripped! – Mike…
    Hold on Mike…….. When CBK mother’s time when so much financial restrictions were in place CBK was frolicking in France.
    Tell her to show us her Sobourne Uni Degree certificate???????????
    This two tongue woman was and is a curse to Sri Lanka.
    During her presidency, only if those corriodors and walls of the places she resided can speak after the dusk fell.
    For whatever reason, those security men have not spoken unlike SF.

    Don’t blame or point the finger at MARA or GORA. They did not ask for it…. They only accepted it.
    I believe, it need not be revoked. Ask them and they will return and that will save lot of blushes for those connected with and/or concerned.

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    It will certainly reflect badly on the University. University was in a mighty hurry to confer a doctorate. No proper home work was done to assess the real need to offer the honorary degree. Human right violations by the forces were resoundingly evident. The University would have been a little patient. Fools jump in where angels fear to tread. It is a shame on the University. University degree cannot go so cheap. No wonder now the Sri Lankan degrees Internationally ranks right down in the bottom, which was the reverse two decades ago.

    Certainly it was done to take political advantage and certainly not for the advantage to the University but to curry favours at the individual levels. These dons have certainly damaged the reputation of the University.

    Now they want to revoke the doctorate. University degrees and doctorate are not bus tickets to buy and then get refund if changed your mind not to travel. Revoking the degree is certainly a shame on the University accepting its own collective error and will be a joke of the century. But if it has to be done, it has to be done and they have caught the tiger by the tail, you can’t hold it or can’t leave it. Best of luck!

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    The Noble Peace price was conferred on Barak Obama on being elected the first ‘black’ President of the USA, (certainly NOT for anything he had achieved till then). Yet he has undertaken slaughter in multiple foreign lands without UN approval based on absolute deceit, till Russia intervened. There has been NO attempt by the Noble Peace Council to deprive him of the privilege, nor has it prevented the leigemen (in the first second and the third world including Sri Lanka) from looking upto him for guidance on behaviour.

    If Laksiri F’do is to be believed the shortcomings of the Rajapakse brothers are puny by comparison.

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    Laksiri Fernando:

    I think you were a Senior Lecturer in Political Science at Colombo University.

    If you think, Colombo University made a mistake, what do you think about the quality of the Graduates coming from that University ?

    Do you agree to that as you were working there ?

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