15 September, 2024


Illegal Surveillance On CBK: Full Text Of The Letter Sent By Chandrika Kumaratunga To President Rajapaksa

The former President Chandrika Kumaratunga has written to the President Mahinda Rajapaksa urging to stop all illegal surveillance on her. The letter was sent on March 05, , 2014 and acknowledged by President’s Secretary Lalith Weeratunge.



We publish below the letter in full;

His Excellency Mahinda Rajapakse,

President of Sri Lanka,

Presidential Secretariat,

Colombo 1.

Harassment of Former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga Through Illegal Surveillence

I write to inform you of certain activities undertaken by your Government that have violated my privacy, caused much harassment to me and concern with regard to my personal safety.

This situation also violates my Fundamental Rights, impinging on my freedom of movement and freedom of association.

Since I retired from the Presidency in 2005 and you assumed the office of President, the secret services of the Government, which are directly under the authority of yourself and your brother Gotabhaya Rajapakse, Secretary to your Ministry of Defence, have relentlessly pursued the following actions :

  • Constant surveillance of all my telephone and email communications
  • Constant surveillance of my residences in Colombo and at Horagolla
  • “Visits” paid to several friends, consequent to their visiting my home, by officers introducing themselves as from the NIB.  They have been interrogated, in an intimidating manner, about what they did at my home, who else was present and what was discussed.

I complained in writing about this to the former Inspector General of Police Mr. Jayantha Wickremeratne by my letter dated 19th October, 2009 and also talked to him on the phone.  I did not have the courtesy of even an acknowledgement, similarly to several letters written to you, your Secretary Lalith Weeratunga as well as Secretary, Ministry of Defence Gotabhaya Rajapakse on other matters.

  • NIB officers visiting and interrogating the management of hotels, after I have happened to visit these hotels for entirely personal reasons.  They have been questioned as to why I went to the hotel, what I discussed, who I meet there, etc. They also place officers at the hotel, to watch and report on who attends my events.  The staff at these hotels has been so intimidated and frightened by these actions, that I now find it difficult to arrange even personal events at hotels.
  • Recently I went to the Kurunegala District, for a personal visit.  A few long-time friends learnt of my visit and invited me to their homes – one for tea and the other for dinner.  The local NIB officer subjected my hosts to constant harassment for several days before and after my visit, inquiring about the reasons for my visit, whom I met, etc.  In the context of a culture of white vans, these friends are terrified to associate with me anymore.
  • I also went recently to Anuradhapura with foreign friends.  The hotel I stayed in was under a 24 hour surveillance by NIB officers, who were recognized and spoken to by my security detail.  The net result would be that the said hotel management will be hesitant to accommodate me in the future.
  • It is noteworthy that my security officers have recognized some of the NIB personnel engaging in various acts of surveillance

I am deeply concerned about the above for the reasons given below :

  1. This is a serious violation of my Fundamental Rights to movement and association.
  2. This amounts to a calculated strategy of your Government to harass me and cause severe mental and emotional stress to me, while intimidating my friends and associates.  This situation is compounded by the knowledge that you have informed a large number of senior members of our Party and our Government to desist from talking and associating with me, during the past 8 years of your Presidency.
  3. Taking into consideration the prevailing practice of destroying anyone who is considered a threat to the higher authorities of your Government, by means of murder, “disappearances”, physical attacks, I have serious reasons to be concerned about my safety.  The practice of constant surveillance is an effective means of obtaining information about my whereabouts, in order to facilitate planned action against my person.

I say that the surveillance that has been mounted on me, the Former President of Sri Lanka, is illegal for the following reasons :

  • The only legal provision relating to this issue is Section 56 of the Police Ordinance.  This Section casts a duty on a Police Officer to use his best endeavours to prevent all crimes, offences and public nuisances, to preserve the peace, to apprehend disorderly and suspicious characters and to collect and communicate intelligence affecting the public peace, etc.
  • This Section evidently comes into operation when the relevant Police authority has reasonable grounds to suspect that the person they need to mount surveillance on is engaged in the above stated activities. I would be pleased if you could inform me what crimes and offences I have committed, in which way I have been a public nuisance or affected public peace, or behaved in a disorderly or suspicious manner.
  • In the absence of the above unlawful activities, I clearly wish to inform you that the surveillance mounted on me by your Government is illegal and unconstitutional and in violation of my Fundamental Rights.

I wish to earnestly request Your Excellency to take immediate action to instruct all relevant authorities to stop all illegal surveillance done with regards to myself.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

Chandrika Kumaratunge

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  • 2

    CBK has biasly cooked up a conspiracy for the consumption of those who seek to ride on it.
    Wonder how much she charged for the cooking up?

    A cunning hidden agenda in the form of a plea.

    • 6

      When she opens up, she is accuse of making efforts to get sympathy.

      When she stays mum, the very same people say – she should finally break her silence.

      These are the very same people say nothing when Mahinda Rajapakshe abuse the very same people to the core.

      Telling palatable and doing the opposite – Mahinda Rajapakshe way

      Telling the reality and being unable to get it passed – since she expected all democratics channels to function in abusive men dominated lanken politics, but the circumstances today are different, sinc ethe war is no longer there.

      Today, taking steps to reduce the prices, let alone, price hikes of the essentials could have done in a no war situation.
      All developments projected are funded by high interest bank loans.
      So, people must not feel that price hikes are connected with development projects.

  • 7

    Madam Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunge,

    Hambanthota “Karawalaya” cheap Bast…d will even eat Pig shit to stay in power.

    This is what happens when you give power to an absolute crook thug Alibaba.

    You may need a special magic wand to chase the bugger.

    Keep posting this Joker’s spy games “Hora Police” and bring humor to us readers.

    • 4

      I have the feeling people in the country still have no serious concern on grave issues.

      There are clear signs that the current rule solely gives a priority to impunity than anything else. Elections rule related violence are clearly dominant by ruling men these days. SF and his party men are given no rights to hold their peaceful rallies. Sometimes, UNPrs are being attacked for no reasons. All in all the picture that average of the nation would draw become to very abusive one for the UPFA. While telling something palatable, JHU is spreading unnecssary stuff on Geneva issue to grab votes of the vulnerable masses.

    • 3

      U know I believe CBK, Rosi Senanayake and any female politicians of the country should have suffered a lot while getting on with thug dominated, man dominated society in the country.

      We truly know external affairs run by Kadirgamar in CBK´s terms were the best, and they were ones who got LTTE banned in any powerful soils.

      How could MR regime win the war, if Ltters were not banned on those rich soils ? Latter shold be made clear to the general public at least TODAY.

  • 0

    CBK’s allegation of ‘Illegal surveillance’ by MR ruling party is new power of psychology-based on mass electronics political propaganda had to create by CBK to regain political power in Sri Lankan state for another term that alliance with Ranil wickransinghe of UNP.
    This will be slightly impact ongoing political-democracy after end of War 2009 may. I feel this is desperate and interwar by foreign and local anti-democratic out-fit organized by CBK and allies to undermine NATION, PEACE AND STABILITY WON AFTER 30 YERAS under the leadership of MR ruling governance.
    While this combination of CBK and foreign power is unlimited secret campaign against MR RULING PARTY that contribution interest of extremist forces that indeed posing a deadly threat to the PEACE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT and VIBRANCY DEMOCRACY ENJOY BY PEOPLE OF ALL NATIONALITIES OF AN ISLAND.
    If this current assault the base on undermine integrity of peace and democracy is allowed to continue, again dark era will come into being in our soil leadership of CBK.
    If political forces behind CBK that using elites, money, power and Foreign interest and mass persuasion to control big power policies of US UK and others, which ours national sovereignty will be surrender, to that the vested interest of Terrorist out=fit of North and south.
    Eventually is a out come so-called ‘surveillance’ will come to end of TOTALITARIAN REGIME LED BY CBK IN OUR ISLAND.

    • 6

      You can say so, if all security before the people are well only.

      Day before yestreday, journalists were detained. 3 days beore tamil woman with her daughter were detained and kept in Boossa camp.

      Many inthe country today claim to have no justice or fairness in whatever the issue it is. Impunity is governing. So, It is high time to former President and any other senior professionals to break the silence.

      Rev. Sobitha thero should join with all other senior professionals to protest against MR regime.

  • 4

    Madam Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunge,

    Today Lalith Weeratunge, the secretary to President Rajapakse refutes all your your Allegations.

    Here is the full reply from President.


    He writes saying…….”your allegations are lacking in even a shred of proof to justify such charges of a serious nature.”.

    Also he says…….”The President regrets that the absence of such necessary details to substantiate the allegations you make, gives the impression that these are more imaginary than actual, raising concerns about the seriousness of your complaints.”

    In the final para, he say……..”His Excellency wishes to convey that the Government is fully aware of the legal provisions under the Police Ordinance with regard to the prevention of crime, and therefore assures you that these provisions are and will be fully implemented against anyone found to be violating the provisions of the law.

    In conclusion, His Excellency also observes that the timing of your letter, with an abundance of generalization, is intended to synchronize with the wholly unfair allegations against Sri Lanka being leveled by international forces in Geneva and elsewhere in the West today.”

    Also President Rajapakse say there’s NO PROOF OF WHAT YOU SAY AND THEREFORE THERE IS NO TRUTH IN IT.


    Therefore Madam Chandrika, we as CT readers would like to hear your comment on this letter.






    Thank you..

    • 3


      many CT readers agree with you. I am quiet confident, she should have enough proof material to send such a letter.

      Today´S article


      further strenghthens the view that how feel towards srilanka´s current situation. It seem noose on his neck is getting not loose.

      As one who still sprout the advangtages of Executive presideny and a supporter of MR, Dayan J has reiterated his view on a tv programme on 18 03 2014, that further criticising the timing of former president´s meeting with RW lately. This is where I cant get DEPITA KATTU DJ yet.
      One hand he sharpely criticises govt the way govt cronies handle external affairs today. On the other hand, still seems to be close to MR. Self proclaimed powerful ambassador has not uttered a single word against MR even if MR himself dicates ministry of justice, finance and defece, today even openly as no other leader had ever been.

      • 2


        If Dr.Dayan is playing double game like Rajapakses, he will be caught by the readers.

        If he is acting like a BAT he will be caught soon.

        If Dr.Dayan cannot tell a spade, a spade he is not worth to be even a Karuppa.

        That’s why I like Madam Chandrika, JVP and Gen. Sarath Fonseka.

        Rajapakses have created a new breed of Alibabas, thugs, rapists, Mafiosas,casinos, drug cartels and murderers.

        But they have a very short life span and their days are numbered.

        Prof.Rajeeva has been kicked out from Trinity director board.

        Better Dr.Dayan to come clean as he will have a second life soon from the next Government.

        Time will sort everything.

        • 2


          “If Dr.Dayan is playing double game like Rajapakses, he will be caught by the readers”
          It is high time to omit “if”, DJ has long been playing double games from day 1.Please check his last article, there he has opened up his voice against the regime, but NOT yet against MR as a person. DJ as self proclaimed, self conceited, self descriptive kind of a person, seems to have no shame but goes on like ” depitakattua”. Well, If he thinks his advice could still be valuble to the govt, he should have closer access to MR. His analyses adding to public domain right these days, make it surer that the guy is now thrown. But truly saying, govt, could better use knowledge of senior diplomats/officials in the current context.

          We dont have any other choice than supporting CBK, Sobitha Thero and any former senior professionals if we want a Rajapakshe free future. I hope very much, that people will rulers a very good message by upcoming PC elections.

          Further to this, having read the responding letter by President´s secretary I feel even if you have prima fasie proof materials ready to CBK´s letter, govt would have rejected it. Latter is clear if you listen to what MR sprouts in his “janaraliya” these days. He vehemently attacks CBK without refering her name.

        • 2

          Please avoid writing his name with DR –

          today his credibility has come down to the level of Mervin… unfortunately that is the truth.

          He could raise a big voice against the brutal regime, but he is still far from doing so. He is what he is. We cant rely on DJ anymore. I have lost my respect to him, although I thought his knowledge could better use if he stood against this bloody idiots in power, continuing their silly politics. Today, we have to be ashmed as srilankens, just because of the silly men in topleadership have betrayed us without have any kind of friendly depolomatic ties that great Mrs B maintained with almost every country Mahinda took the office in 2005.

  • 1

    This bloody [Edited out] ruined our country with his uncle nondia mow what the [Edited out] she wants again. Best thing the government cam do is open a brothel and ask her to mange that not this stupid corrupt underworld country any more. Raja crook is far better than her.

    • 3

      why not you ask govt cosmetic lady (president´s wife) to so, that would bring them fortune than underworld gold businesses run by the woman these days. Trust me, there are significant masses that find CBK´s politics are better than that of the idiot in power. She would not have any fears to get back to politics, but to save the land, she should. She should pave the way Ranil Wicramsinge to play gentleman politics flourishing our future. The way RW´s show lived govt managed to bring the economy back into the tracks are more than enough people to allow the uncorrupted educated, highly dignified Ranil Wickramsinghe to lead us srilankens (whose literacy rate is the highest in south asia which is over 92%).Latter is very high compared to any developing nation.

  • 1

    I do not think that this letter writing is going to be of any help to anyone. What is required is the reversal of current trends and this must begin with existing politicians apologizing to the minorities and the Tamil minority in particular for the marginalization and murder that that they have been subjected to from the time of independence, asking their forgiveness and inviting them to join in building a new state based on tolerance, inclusiveness, equity and sustainability. If the government is not able or willing to do this then the opposition must. Will Chandrika take the lead in this direction just as she did once long ago?

  • 0

    I gather that CBK now lives in the UK. I have yet to see a letter written by her to anybody in authority there, and given publicity in the media about similar happenings in the UK. We do know from recent revelations that universal surveillance is the name of the game. In the US even the functioning Congressmen and Senators are NOT immune, and are now threatening repercussions. Angela Merkel’s phone was not safe, nor were any of the Latin American leaders.

  • 0

    Sunday Observer today, 6th April, says that Chandrika is trying to denigrate Sri Lanka in the eyes of the World.

    Isn’t the Government of Sri Lanka doing a better job?

    • 0

      Sorry the wrong date came up. It was not the Observer of 6th April, but an earlier edition.

  • 0

    MR thought he will be life long President & did many
    crimes with his Brother Gota whom he appointed as Secy
    to M/Defence Now both learnt a lesson let them be exposed
    to fair investigation and punishment

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