Six accused await formal charges while country calls for more action to protect women and punish attackers.
The suggestion that the 23-year-old physiotherapy student be named – made by Shashi Tharoor, a junior government minister – has found support among many of those who have been campaigning over the last three weeks for tougher police action against those accused of sexual assault and a change in Indian society’s views on women, the Guardian reports.
read the full story here
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LK Perera / January 3, 2013
It is really hoped with this ‘naming debate’ and political parties taking different sides whether to name the law etc; the real issues of failure in our societies to accept women and children as ‘objects of abuse’ will not be pushed aside.
With all the talk of long standing history and culture, in India and also in Sri Lanka, only at huge tragedies such as this, the continuous abuse of women and children( sexual abuse is only one aspect) becomes a topic even in fora such as CT.
And one of the most tragic parts is, we seek ‘justice’, often through legal bodies, such as Police, courts, protective custodial authorities etc;
Just like in our societies we continue to deny the need to educate ourselves about our own sexualities and be comfortable with ourselves while growing up (as it is not so called “pleasant” topic in homes or in schools) we deny that many men don’t know how to relate to women and children, pure and simple. I’m not going to pull out stats but it’s obvious that the majority of abusers (sexual, social, and even in domestic situations involving women and children as servants) are men, across all social strata, including the clergy of all faiths.
When will most men in our societies grow up to be human beings? And are we giving our young men any opportunities to become better human beings than their fathers and grandfathers?