8 September, 2024


Kumar Sangakkara Must Resign From His Brand Ambassador Post: Anti-Narcotic Activists

Kumar Sangakkara must resign from his Brand Ambassador post. He is the brand ambassador of Anti-narcotics programme in Sri Lanka. He has no moral right to keep that post anymore after been criticised by the President for distributing alcohol.” couple of anti-narcotic activists told Colombo Telegraph.



Criticising Enrique’s ‘Sex And Love’ show, organised by Sangakkara et al. President Maithripala Sirisena said; “The musical show lasted only for an hour. Prices of its tickets ranged from Rs. 5000 to 50,000. They were served Beer, Arrack, Brandy and Gin. This is the power of liquor. This is how they are trying to protect our culture, Some people may criticise me talking about these issues. But I am a Sinhala-Buddhist. It’s my duty to talk about these matters,” he said.

The President also said the organisers of such indecent events should be punished for bringing artistes, who destroy Sri Lanka’s proud culture. He said the organisers should be “whipped with toxic stingray tails”- a brutal medieval punishment.

Ace Sri Lankan Cricketer Kumar Sangakkara was appointed as the Brand Ambassador of the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board by President Maithripala Sirisena at President’s official residence on August 19.

After been appointed, Kumar Sangakkara stated that he is thankful for the invitation to carry out this initiative at a time where lives of youth have been destroyed and families have been separated.

He went on to note that they themselves should stop the use of drugs to bring up a generation of youth who are physically and mentally healthy.

Efforts to contact Sangakkara were unsuccessful.

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  • 8

    The govt and the president whose salaries are paid by taxes on the tobacco and alcohol industry should be whipped in public .

    intolerance was not the buddha’s way . at this rate what is the difference btw taliban ISIS and our fools .

  • 6

    The call for violence by the President of a country is really disconcerting and scary. ‘Madu Walige’ is something that the worse of the street thugs use. I will not be surprised if the White Van should make a come back also. MARA and GORA must be having the last laugh.

  • 10

    The plethora of crazy sentiments over this whole episode
    and the attacks against Kumar and Mahela
    just go to show the angry intolerance harboured by some.
    All that comes gushing out when given an avenue of any sort.

    Such Sri Lankans need to practise Buddhism.
    Not the common Sri Lankan version of it though, but the real

  • 14

    We hail and appreciate the Honorable President’s exemplary stand and expressions on this issue affecting the moral behaviour of our nation. Thank You, Your Excellency Sir.

    • 11


      It’s more important that he fixes his house first.
      Sri Lankans are governed by crooks, thugs, criminals.
      That’s the opposite of how it should be.
      Till statesman of quality govern the country, the President
      should focus his energies in that area, and stop bragging about
      a non-existent great culture.

  • 4

    CT, Please leave gentlemen mahela and sanga alone,
    Why are you trying to vilify few decent people left in Sri Lanka?

  • 10

    Why is this government having problems of dealing with even the simplest of matters? Why is this idiotic president has to make a statement on the most mundane issues in a vain effort to boost is flagging popularity?
    This concert was a privately organised event and people used their own money to buy tickets. It was held at an enclosed premise and I assume those who purchased tickets to the event were like minded individuals. The name of the event suggests that it was aimed at a younger ordinance who idolise the performer and suck events. Events such as this held all over the world are notorious for out of control behaviour younger patrons. Those who attend these events are used to see people doing all sorts of acts that they would not do anywhere else. In fact popularity of these events are based on such behaviour to some extent.
    What laws were broken here? Did someone throwing a piece of underwear break any laws in the country? Has anyone lodged a complaint against that act? If not, then no misdemeanour has taken place. On the other hand if people had other issues with the organisers they should have been taken up with the organisers and the government has no say on that issue. There is absolutely nothing for the government, yet alone a president of the country to get involved in whatever happened at this concert.
    First thing we need to do is keep Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism out of the government and separate state and religion and run the country based on a set of well thought of laws that are enforceable and enforced. Someone is punished only if the break the law and not because they did not adhere to some imaginary moral code that is in the mind of this moronic president. Every time something happens he should not try to score points claiming this this is a Sinhala-Buddhist country and it is against our culture. Just look around you and see how many things happens on a daily basis that is against common human decency?
    Kumar and Mahela has done more to the country in terms of propagating its popularity than this idiot can achieve in 10 life times. The two degenerate so called anti-narcotic activists who have said that Kumar should resign from his role should pull their heads out of their backsides and look around. If they are insisting on this based on moral grounds, then ask the whole government to resign as clearly none of them has any right to be their starting with the so called puppet of a president!

  • 3

    looks like scores of people have been employed to put good comments about sanga

    • 1

      One must learn to accept that not everyone agrees with your opinion. This is not only human nature but also what makes life so interesting. Just imagine someone saying “Sanga & Mahela have brought infamy to this island of refuge of Theravada Buddhism. Let us lynch them” and everyone including Sanga & Mahela says “Sadhu, Sadhu, let us do it” and everyone starts to fight to join the mob!!

    • 2

      Why Abhishak, do you want us to be employed by your traitor Sirisena to post good comments. Sanga and Mahela have brought honour and glory to our nation and Sirisena has brought shame on our Buddhist land by being a traitor to Mahinda Rajapaksa. So, he is the one who is in need of the Madu Walige lashing, not our fine gentlemen – Kumar and Mahedla.

  • 4

    Efforts to reach Sangakkara failed? I saw him at the Brisbane Airport on the morning of the 30th. As far as show goes, will the President close down Casinos and stop the sale of alcohol? Surely, if alcohol is sold,people will consume it!

  • 4

    Criticising Enrique’s ‘Sex And Love’ show, organised by Sangakkara et al. President Maithripala Sirisena said; “The musical show lasted only for an hour. Prices of its tickets ranged from Rs. 5000 to 50,000. They were served Beer, Arrack, Brandy and Gin. This is the power of liquor. This is how they are trying to protect our culture, Some people may criticise me talking about these issues. But I am a Sinhala-Buddhist. It’s my duty to talk about these matters,” he said.

    Above is the speech of President Maithripala Sirisena. I wonder if there is a real need for the last sentence, claiming he is a “Sinhala Buddhist”. Does he wish to whip up that same fervor BBS and the previous regime stirred up?

    If so, he should remember the previous regime bit the dust at the election.

    Does the President not know that other religions also speaks against the Whiskey, Gin, Brandy culture?

    Let him make the first move towards this end and shut down all the breweries and tobacco companies!!!

    Never will that happen. They pay for the sustenance of any government that comes to power in this country.

    Lastly, this SINHALA BUDDHIST terminology will be dished out more often as we are to see local government elections around the corner.

    What a shame !!!!

  • 1

    To all those defending Sanga saying he is decent, pls read the below real facts:[edited out]

  • 3

    Yes, he must resign and not serve an idiotic president who will do anything to save his bloody SLFP compromising everyone who stood by him

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