The 2016 world conference (#ILGA2016BKK) of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Association (ILGA) was held in Bangkok last week. ILGA carries out a great deal of work regionally (Europe, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, Oceania, Pan Africa and Asia), and the world conference brings together all the regional bodies. The 2016 conference included some 700 delegates from 98 countries. In sum, it happened to be a microcosm of global LGBTQI advocacy and activism. ILGA also has secretariats specifically dedicated to women’s trans and intersex issues, and the caucuses of each of the secretariats provided insights into ongoing challenges, strategic priorities and trends in the influx of funding. The conference was especially significant in the backdrop of the UN’s increased attention to what is referred to as SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity). In June 2016, the UN HRC adopted Resolution A/HRC/32/L.2/Rev.1
Photo – Dr Chamindra Weerawardhana and Dr Jayampathy Wickramaratne at the #ILGA2016BKK Commonwealth side event.
which provided provision to appoint an independent expert on SOGI. The independent expert, Professor Vitit Muntarbhorn, a law professor at the Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, a senior academic with a strong advisory track record in the UN system, was personally present on the first day of #ILGA2016BKK.
At the 2016 conference, an effort to think along intersectional lines, and to provide spaces for voices from indigenous peoples and the global South/s was apparent. Yet, it was also clearly apparent, when seeing things from a global south/s perspective, that there is a long way ahead to reach a semblance of a balance between the ‘north’ and the ‘south’. ILGA World did make considerable strides in this direction at last week’s conference, by providing spaces for people from the global South (including this writer) to attend, present, chair conduct workshops and be wholesomely included in their global platform. It was also commendable that people of colour (based in the global North as well as in the global South) and most importantly, indigenous communities from Turtle Island, Aotearoa and several other places were also accorded the possibility of chairing panels and conducting workshops.
Commonwealth Side Event
One of the most important and significant side events of #ILGA2016BKK was a Commonwealth side event, organised by the Commonwealth Secretariat. This event included three eminent MPs from Seychelles, Kenya and Sri Lanka. The event, chaired by the Head of Human Rights at the Commonwealth Secretariat, shed light upon the legislative challenges and hurdles that parliamentarians face in promoting LGBTQI equality legislation. It also demonstrated the extent to which cisnormativity, and to be more precise, cis-heteronormativity and a very narrow understanding of gender and sexuality continue to oppress and exclude a large number of people across the world.
Sri Lanka at #ILGA2016BKK
This writer, a Sri Lankan trans woman living in the island of Ireland, was among several other Sri Lankan activists and human rights advocates who attended and presented at #ILGA2016BKK. Although Sri Lankan representation at ILGA should have been much higher, this nonetheless suggests that despite the obstacles and Victorian (im)moralities of a cis-heteronormative lobby, Sri Lanka is home to brave and courageous LGBTQI activists and advocates. International organisations, on occasion, happen to see us, and give us platforms for self-expression. Our own elected government, however, has a tradition of looking down upon us, if not, not seeing us at all.
Photo – Commonwealth side event at the 2016 ILGA World Conference
At the Commonwealth side event, the presentation by Dr Jayampathy Wickramaratne MP (entitled ‘Sri Lanka: Using the constitutional review process to advocate for equality and non-discrimination’) on the efforts to include an equality clause in the proposed new constitution of Sri Lanka was simultaneously promising and, to say the very least, inviting ‘concern’. The veteran jurist made an excellent presentation on the legislative and ideological challenges involved. Dr Wickramaratne’s talk also brought to light the difficulties of familiarising MPs with LGBTQI equality and justice.
Sri Lanka: neglecting her LGBTQI citizens?
The state of LGBTQI rights in Sri Lanka is best described as ‘pathetic’. Victorian era sodomy laws persist, with the political establishment categorically oblivious to (and many opposed to) a segment of their own citizenry whose most basic fundamental rights are blatantly violated in broad daylight. Dr Wickramaratne’s presentation, based on evidence submitted by LGBTQI activists in Sri Lanka, highlighted how people had been forced to drop out of academic institutions and employment, and in some cases, move abroad.
The efforts to include an equality clause in the proposed new constitution have clearly exposed some of the most discriminatory dimensions of the political structure. The clause, as recommended by the parliamentary sub-committee on fundamental rights, would stipulate that ‘no person shall be arbitrarily discriminated against on any ground including race, gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, maternity, marital status, parental status, caste, ethnic or social origin, age, disability, religion, conscience or belief or opinion, culture, language, place of birth or place of residence’.
The bemused reactions of some MPs to representations made by members of the LGBTQI community are suggestive of the sheer lack of awareness about what it means to be non-heterosexual, and especially non-cisheteronormatve in present-day Sri Lanka.
A vibrant Sri Lankan LGBTQI community?
Despite the attitudes of many in the political class, the LGBTQI community is omnipresent, and is part and parcel of the broader Sri Lankan community within and beyond the island’s shores. We are your medical doctor, your teacher, university professor, businessperson, media personality and many other everyday people (not to mention several cabinet ministers in charge of key portfolios, MPs and diplomats). Preventing LGBTQI people from securing their most basic rights is therefore a myopic (non)policy that prevents the state from making the best use of a segment of its talented and potential-filled citizens. It is even more pathetic that cabinet ministers and senior government officials who are LGB are themselves living in ‘open-secret closets’, categorically avoiding working together to develop a strong dialogue on fundamental rights, articulating such a dialogue in Sinhala/Tamil, and grounding it in the local traditions of tolerance and respect. As usual, it can be argued that their silence is explained by the risks that such ‘openness’ could have on their political careers. This argument, if one takes a closer look, is hollow to the core. Assuming what one stands for, and for the rights of one’s own, takes a dose of courage and effort, but it definitely is the most rewarding and fulfilling path forward. This is a reality that Sri Lanka’s LGB political class, which clearly lacks in conscience, has not yet understood.
Unlearning cis-het prejudice
If any semblance of progress is to be achieved for the LGBTQI community, it is primordial to start by challenging the inherently discriminatory cis-heteronormative prejudices which influence, and in many cases determine, the ways in which the large majority of Sri Lankans (including some 98% of the political class) perceive gender, sexuality, family life, professional life and public life. Dr Wickramaratne alluded to a discussion between himself and his law students at the University of Colombo, in which some students objected to constitutionally protecting the rights of LGBTQI people, arguing that the presence of LGBTQI people (especially non-heterosexual people) in some professional contexts could be inimical (the specific example involved the case of appointing a non-heterosexual person to be in-charge of a group of school-age pupils, especially in a boarding school context). Some students were of the opinion that the teacher’s sexual orientation made them an unsuitable candidate, who would put pupils at the risk of abuse.
The sheer sense of cis-heteropatriarcal entitlement in this kind of opinion needs to be exposed and challenged at its core. Sexual orientation is a private matter. Sexual orientation does not determine one’s suitability for employment in any given sector. If the position in question involves underage children and vulnerable individuals, what is imperatively required is legislation that ensures a strict process of vetting for ALL persons working with such groups. There are templates for similar regulations and procedures in many jurisdictions in the Commonwealth, and it is not a challenge for Sri Lanka to adopt a similar law in accordance with local specificities. Instead of arguing for such legislation, assuming that one’s (non-heterosexual) sexual orientation disqualifies one from taking up employment is to take a cis-hetero-normative upper hand, to be blatantly discriminatory and blinded by prejudice.
Clear terminology: essential
The proposed equality clause needs to clearly include the terms ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ in its English version and the most accurate translations in the Sinhala and Tamil versions. Legislation provides a framework within which LGBTQI citizens can ensure that their fundamental rights are respected. It also demonstrates that the state, as opposed to times past, ‘sees’ and ‘acknowledges’ its citizens who are non-cisheteronormative.
More than legislation?
Legislation alone, however, is thoroughly insufficient to consistently address discrimination against LGBTQI people. It is important that a new generation, if not a new series of faces of LGBTQI Sri Lankans, emerges to public limelight – and they should be composed of people representing the diversity of Sri Lankan society, from a multitude of socioeconomic, linguistic, educational and career backgrounds (that they should be fluent in the local languages goes without saying). Most importantly, it is crucial for LGBTQI activists and advocates to understand the importance of ‘grounding’ their struggles for queer liberation locally, and articulating their positions in Sinhala and Tamil. It is necessary to go beyond the elitism of a great deal of LGBTQI ‘activism’ in Sri Lanka (and indeed in many other places in the global South), taking LGBTQI work from star-class hotels and back lawns of Western ambassadorial residences to the universities, streets and political discourses, developing a ‘local’ discourse of queer liberation. This imperatively involves connecting LGBTQI rights and justice with broader issues of gender justice along an intersectional feminist (or should I say especially, transfeminist) perspective. Queer liberation, in this sense, is closely interconnected to the task of challenging colonially inherited burdens and mindsets, patriarchal and misogynist attitudes that run deep, and in articulating, in ‘our’ languages and ‘our’ words (and not through imported formula, thereby consistently challenging those in the political sphere and elsewhere who pretend to be ‘deshapremi’ but are in fact entangled in patriarchal Victorian conservatisms to the core), a quintessentially Sri Lankan discourse on fundamental rights and freedoms, of tolerance, respect and cosmopolitanism.
*Dr Chamindra Weerawardhana (@fremancourt) is a Visiting Research Fellow at Queen’s University Belfast and a board member of Sibéal, the Irish Feminist Network.
jim softy / December 10, 2016
No one interfered homesexual behaviour inside the rooms.
Are they asking permission to have intercourse in the open ?
that is not the asian way. Even heterosexual couples, they do it inside, they don’t show romance outside the room.
because you want to follow the Western behaviour, don’t destroy the country’s culture and society.
Desert Storm / December 10, 2016
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Native Vedda / December 10, 2016
jim softy dimwit
“No one interfered homesexual behaviour inside the rooms.”
Is it like what is happening inside some Vihara’s?
Soon the saffron clad thugs would want to have a say in matters between two or more people within the four walls. Gnanasara in particular, would want to direct the people as to how, when, why people should have sex.
You may want to watch those activities through hidden cameras.
“that is not the asian way.”
It seems New Delhi, Beijing, Thailand, South Korea, … are not Asian enough for you.
“because you want to follow the Western behaviour, don’t destroy the country’s culture and society.”
Where did you entertain your partners/customers when you were earning a living as a beach boy?
BBS Rep / December 12, 2016
Mr Jim Softly,
“don’t destroy the country’s culture and society.”
What culture are you afraid that the LGBTQI will destroy? The culture of mega fraud, the culture of mega torture by the police, the culture of racism of the Buddhist monks, the culture of lies and deception of the politicians, the culture of white-vanning, the culture of death squads, the culture of murder and mayhem, the culture of thuggery and so forth and so on.
I wish someone out there will destroy this abhorrent culture once and for all.
Real Siva Sankaran / December 12, 2016
What is the Asian way? Back or Front? Go and look at the temples and read Kamasutra. Sexuality of a human has nothing to do with Asian European African or anything. People who state this are hypocrites
jim softy / December 10, 2016
Asia has home sexualism.but, they di dnot practice it the way that the west practice. Ancient India even supported it for religious reasons.
The west way is a screwed up system and helps to spread HIV-aids and abnormal sexual practices.
Even tghough homesexual wants recognition, they don’t have specific identity. They just try to imitate women and men by one oneman wearing to become a look a like a woman”. So, they bed room practices are welcoming diseases. In that sense, they are confused lot.
It is the same with Lesbian. One woman behaves like a man in front of another submissive woman and those both women don’t like men even though they have all the body features of women.
Now, in the west people are tired with LGBT too, and they have created other versions of sexual – identification and practoces. So, what you are going to do ? make the world a mess because people are running behind their emotions and try to satisfy your emotions ?
HUmans are adaptable to anything and everything. their mind is capable of creating many weired things and believe in those too.
Just think, whether you want to be a slave of your own mind ?
AJ / December 10, 2016
you said: Even tghough homesexual wants recognition, they don’t have specific identity. They just try to imitate women and men by one oneman wearing to become a look a like a woman”.
This is exactly what saffron saree wearing trannies are doing now and having gang bang in the temples and abusing young boys.
K A Sumanasekers. / December 10, 2016
Is this the same Jayampathi who is drafting the Batalanda Constitution for Yahaplana Srilankan ?..
Native Vedda / December 10, 2016
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekers.
“Is this the same Jayampathi who is drafting the Batalanda Constitution for Yahaplana Srilankan ?.. “
Whom do you prefer to draft the constitution?
The monks from Malwatta and Asgiriya chapters
Mevyn Silva PhD?
M K Shivajilingam
Pali Graduates
Wimal Sangili Karruppan Weerawansa
Malinda Seneviratne
Sinniah Gunasekeran
Duminda Silva
Wele Suda
H L D Mahindapala
Galaboda Aththe Gnanasara
Ampitiye Sumanarathana
Susantha Goonatilake
Nalin de Silva
Bandu de Silva
How about you being given a spot in the drafting Committee?
EDWIN RODRIGO / December 11, 2016
How about Seelima Uda Kalaveddah?
Kugan / December 10, 2016
Sri Lanka towards minus 2500 yrs,we reject Muslims they says lives here about 1000 yrs,all the Tamils are kallathonis,have you heard about sinha lea (lion blood) this is not Sri Lanka anymore it’s sinhala rata.
Get a green light from Gunarsa then all these rights are accomplish.
Not only that we got Buddhists saviours in saffron with full swing now they can do paid jobs as govnt with pay and perks of course,clever ones have luxury vehicles with the tax exemptio and entailed for pension.
Fathima Fukushima / December 10, 2016
So the constitution will be an LGBT constitution?
That’s all Srilanka lacked.
Srilanka steadily losing family values and increasingly westernized leaving behind its Muslim history (Prophet Adam was in SL before Buddha) and Buddhist identity.
Sin attracts disaster according to Holy Quran. It is inevitable.
Sylvia Haik / December 10, 2016
Fathima Fukushima and Liverpool Suddha. I hate to see people quoting the Qu’ran or the Bible to justify their bigotry. The Qu’ran was written 800 years after Prophet Muhammad and the Bible had been re-written so many times I have lost count. At least the Bible claims it is not literal but symbolic E.g. Noah did not carry pairs of all the earth’s creatures in a boat or Jonah living in a whale. I am wholly in favour of people’s rights and really proud that Sri Lanka had a preponderance of LGBTQI activists that it merited a special mention in the conference.
Marrikar / December 12, 2016
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AJ / December 10, 2016
HAHA LGBT doesn’t have family values? what is family family to you is different to somebody else. don’t spread your tribelist ideology
jim softy / December 10, 2016
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Rajash / December 10, 2016
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Rajash / December 10, 2016
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Rajash / December 10, 2016
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Rajash / December 10, 2016
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Rajash / December 10, 2016
I am trying to make Christmas tree
AL / December 11, 2016
Dim _Sum / December 11, 2016
You have gone nuts lately and that does not suprise me because village jaffna tamils are in a worse state of flux than the world at present
VJT – are changeless unlike the world we live in.
So try taking the X’mas tree off Santas bag please.
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Native Vedda / December 11, 2016
Dim _Sum
Could you convey my Chrismas Wishes to Javi.
Dim _Sum / December 12, 2016
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Dim _Sum / December 12, 2016
stupid slaves of machine: just proved that CT and NV are the same cup of tea the slaves of their own making.
now you can write brilliant- cherio.
Liverpool Suddha / December 10, 2016
You are living in the medieval ages.
Please step in to 21st century.We dont like to stone adulteresses in sri lanka.
Anything is OK if there is mutual consent.I am sure God is happy!
It says in the bible it is only love that is important.What ever you do is it a loving and unselfish thing? Then Just Do It!!
Liverpool Suddha / December 10, 2016
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Canute / December 12, 2016
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justice / December 10, 2016
LGBTQI rights are recognised by law in countries like Canada.
Sri Lanka too should legislate similarly.
Surgery to change gender is also far advanced.
Canute / December 12, 2016
“”LGBTQI rights are recognised by law in countries like Canada.
Sri Lanka too should legislate similarly.”
Monkey do you too?? 75% of all lesbians are bisexual (research done by Essex university on 5000 and article in the telegraph UK-) When we walk along and interect with white UK citizens LGBT and hetro’s we see the truth at SOHO London.
It all became international after Bill Clinton cigar case(mother irish decent)
Killary started talking about womens rights, LGBT rights.
You hindu read the gita carefully (chapter: why he made caste)then keep your mind in a shelf and see the sea.
Ask a japenese student at uni and south korean student uni as to why they dislike the chinese. there lies the truthful answer. Even the anglo saxons who work for prince charles fund to help LGBT tell the same behind closed doors (english are known for a tight upper lip)
“Victorian (im)moralities”
(and not through imported formula, thereby consistently challenging those in the political sphere and elsewhere who pretend to be ‘deshapremi’ but are in fact entangled in patriarchal Victorian conservatisms to the core””
she has the gaul for a highly biased view and want to force the world to accept – with law and social integration-
It is Madonna Queen of Pop video girl and always before time who broke ice with LIKE A Virgin. I am a great fan of her work which is precedence. She too broke away from church (we too know what the priest do so its okay) but she too like a stereotype catholic criticised Victorian Period vehemently However she gave birth to her babies in a Victorian Hospital when she has the funds to have a kid in space.
bernard / December 10, 2016
gay and lesbian practitioners should keep their sex activities to themselves because many people are disgusted to hear if any of their friends/relations are gay or lesbians like bigamy or monogamy if practiced privately no one can object
AJ / December 11, 2016
hi mr ignorant,
if practiced privately it is still illegal in sri lanka. if somebody were to inform the police they can be arrested inside the bedroom. treated like second class citizens in their homeland. straight people dont practice bigamy?
ps. monogamy is one person having sex with one person. what you possibly meant was polygamy
jim softy / December 10, 2016
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sinhalese buddhist / December 10, 2016
Dear Softy,
Your comments are quite interesting and point to a warped mind:
“Ancient India even supported it for religious reasons”
South asian culture recognizes the multiplicity and fluidity of gender, in a way western culture did not. Our men always wore much jewellery, make up and enjoyed singing and dancing much like our women do. In western cultures, until relatively recently a man engaging in these activities were often ridiculed. Our religions are an expression of our culture. And they are very fluid and accepting of gender fluidity (think of the ardha-narishwara). I doubt you know much about south asian religions or culture Softy. Learn before you open your mouth to spit venom.
“The west way is a screwed up system and helps to spread HIV-aids and abnormal sexual practices.”
Most HIV transmission in countries like Sri Lanka are increasingly through heterosexual sex.
” They just try to imitate women and men by one oneman wearing to become a look a like a woman”. So, they bed room practices are welcoming diseases. In that sense, they are confused lot.”
Get an education. Many homosexuals look like any other heterosexual man. You cannot tell who is what by looking at them. Alexander the great (the famed warrior and macho hero) had a male lover, did you know? Have you seen his statues? Is he wearing women’s clothes?
“It is the same with Lesbian. One woman behaves like a man in front of another submissive woman and those both women don’t like men even though they have all the body features of women.” Is Chandrika Kumarathunga submissive? NO. She is a woman and was married to Vijaya, and had 2 children with him. Not all women are “submissive”, nor is an assertive woman a “man” with female body parts.
“Humans are adaptable to anything and everything.”
Finally something true from you. So there is hope for you. Dear sir, learn, meet homosexuals, ask them about their lives, their concerns, their happiness and sadness. Then hopefully you will adapt and accept the reality of gender in all its limitless variations. And I bet this knowledge will help you become a less bitter person, and remove some of the hatred that is poisoning your soul.
jim softy / December 11, 2016
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jim softy / December 11, 2016
This so called LGBT rights are homosexuals asking the right squeeze each other’s but in the street corner, or right to kiss in a public street.
Asis has it’s own method. Asia or Sri lanka never went to the bed room, even in the case of heterosexuals to see what kind of sexual activities they do.
So, this so called LGBT rights should be tghe same.
IF any home sexual man is asking the right to wear women’s cloth in open or any Lesbian is asking right to wear mens cloths in open no one stopped you except, people have the right to laugh at you, because it is ridiculous and look stupid.
Just you are swayed by your emotions. That is not the asian way. Asis talk first about wisdom and not emotions.
AJ / December 11, 2016
haha did the monks seek right before wearing saffron sarees? so you agree we have the right to laugh a them. haha
Real Siva Sankaran Sarma / December 12, 2016
Well they are only asking to squeeze each other( LOL) not you. So what is your problem? If a man or woman wants to be transsexual that is their wish. They are not asking you to be one. Again what is your problem? If your truly heterosexual as you claim, all this squeezing teasing and wearing clothes will not affect you. Only people who are insecure with their sexuality or identity have a problem
AJ / December 12, 2016
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Tre / December 11, 2016
Just look at the birds, dogs, elephants, reptiles, amphibians etc,etc, other than human. They are fine and are just following the course of nature. They do not have LGBT issues. Which ever goes against nature is a decease and should be cured.
Just imagine if man and woman do not join sexually in the natural way, how will human kind prevail.
Native Vedda / December 11, 2016
“Just imagine if man and woman do not join sexually in the natural way, how will human kind prevail.”
Give me one good reason as to why human-kind should prevail.
Canute / December 11, 2016
And Europeans like any hermit want you to know in the end where to find happiness. It’s not in a mate. They could leave you one day. It’s in your babies.
babies don’t need to use the mind but see the truth.
All art is a lie and through it we see the truth.
Native Vedda / December 11, 2016
Babies can be manufactured, made to specification.
Robots are taking over the world. In the next few years Carney (Bank of England Chief)estimates that 15 Million jobs would be lost to Robot work force (not to the East Europeans, Africans, Asians, … you have been complaining about).
Human kind does not need to copulate any more to procreate, it would be done in the lab. You may one day clone yourself.
Sex become purely recreational, hence no need for male and female organs.
Canute / December 11, 2016
Native Vedda
Test tube babies may be as old as you.(done especially when the woman cant conceive or dislikes the problems associated with the bump and breast feeding etc.)
Why Mark ask Xi why he got the TT Robot from Germany when 400 million are unemployed and more are becoming zombies.- just before WW2 that was what Mao was doing with German assistance- industrialization.
Putin /Xi – Russian in bilateral agreement Gas for industrialization @350 billion deal in 30 years.
Nothing is permanent possessive fools
“You may one day clone yourself.””
May be you and your relatives because my body would be donated for medical research as I have lived long enough and asian generally do not donate body parts and Hindians(especially hindus) find it difficult to get blood donors.
“Sex become purely recreational, hence no need for male and female organs. “
you and the old goats are going insane try yoga and control your carnal desire if your woman can do than behaving the southern lankan monkey ;)
They must be thanking their creator for the weekly periods.
there are many gays and lesbians who live together but they do not have sex it is just a financial and security matter. they smarter ones call the other house mate than partner since they do not have sex at all.
If you were a european and during your young days had travelled to at least India you would have seen how they sleep together in the hostels in dormitory and rooms with 2 or 3 persons but no sex- i have personally experience it with people I never met before not even touched the other but teased about snoring etc unlike big brother entertainment shows of filth.
your conservative upbringing and arrange marriages is taking its toll.
Isn’t it old man? God luck.
Canute / December 11, 2016
“”Just look at the birds, dogs, elephants, reptiles, amphibians etc,etc, other than human.”
The problem with Lankans is that they are very good at boasting and begging..and they may have knowledge but do not understand beyond their arrogant faith in RELIGION.
Tre the ignorant did you ever take the trouble to study biology at school?
I did not but took interest and read it because of curiosity.
The penguin can change sex like worms at will and there are many more.
Clownfish, wrasses, moray eels, gobies and other fish species are known to change sex, including reproductive functions. A school of clownfish is always built into a hierarchy with a female fish at the top. When she dies, the most dominant male changes sex and takes her place.
Sex change:
jim softy / December 11, 2016
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Liverpool Suddha / December 11, 2016
“Just look at the birds, dogs, elephants, reptiles, amphibians etc,etc, other than human. They are fine and are just following the course of nature. They do not have LGBT issues. Which ever goes against nature is a decease and should be cured.
Just imagine if man and woman do not join sexually in the natural way, how will human kind prevail.”
Do you think that a man and woman must only have sex in the missionary possition??.
Have you read the Kama Sutra or a similar asian book on sex will show that sex has a multiplicity of ways as practised a millenia ago.
If human procreation is the only reason for SEX then we can do it in test tubes very efficiently in a laboratory.
People use sex for recreation and bonding as well.We can have more peace in the world if we had more sex and lovemaking.
Now the question arrives what alternatives do people have if they have both male and female organs?
Do we say that they cannot have sex legally till they prove they are either man or woman?
Who is to prove it a doctor or a lawyer?
The Gender orientation of a person is the decision of the same person.
In other words does the person feel happy in that persons gender makeup?
This is why we need to provide necessary medical support and psychological to such persons.
The need for same gender sex is old as Sodom & Gomorrah .I think that progressive thinkers and visionaries understand the need for such sexual activity to be practised without breaking the old law .This issue needs legal reform that should be seriously included in the proposed new constitution reform package.
In other words it(gender orientation & sexual practice ) should be recognised as a fundamental right.
Canute / December 11, 2016
“”People use sex for recreation and bonding as well.We can have more peace in the world if we had more sex and lovemaking.””
you are a very narrow minded asian fool who has no idea of what is romance, what is love, and what is sex.
Very rarely I see a Japanese woman living with a European for more than a year or 2 at London where they are the singles after the brits and living here for ages after leaving/divorce their husbands at japan.
Mohamed Nawawi / December 12, 2016
This madness is against the nature. [Edited out]
AJ / December 12, 2016
giraffes are involved in homosexual act. is it also against the nature?
First you have to ask, what is nature? Did you know you can scan the babies as soon as they are born, the sexually dimorsed area of the brain, ( in the Broacas area) are larger in babies that will turn out to be gay? if babies are born like that, how can it be against the nature?
Canute / December 12, 2016
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siripala / December 12, 2016
Lanka is is largest manufacturer of condoms at free trade zone.(american flagship company – fact
what is the similarity of CT and Rajapakse regime?? you got the answer.