16 September, 2024


Lifting The Northern Province

By S. Sivathasan


In an economic sense, 1982 was the best year since independence for the Northern Province (NP). At the present tempo of a little progress and more regress, it may take 20 more years to get back to 1982. This would imply that when the rest of Sri Lanka (SL) gets on to 2032, NP will lag 50 years behind. If growing together of all provinces is targeted as socially desirable, they will develop as per the physical resources and the natural endowments of the people. Growth differential thereafter is unstoppable. Stifling it for that reason however is iniquitous. When it is pursued as policy it becomes unconscionable. It can only generate a feeling of injury, frustration and tension.

The urgent need of the North is for it to be on its own, to work out its way of redemption. The people can evolve their strategies to create wealth relying on their ability and effort. The overwhelming circumstance against is the destruction caused by war. Therefore the essential facilitation of an enabling environment has to be provided by the state for a decade or so. In this respect it has failed for four years even to think about it. Highway construction, restoration of the railway and provision of power that are under way are indisputably conducive to development. But the deficit is massive.

What are the grave shortcomings? The influx into south Sri Lanka was occasioned by quarter century of dislocation in the North. Residents expelled from their homes for the sake of High Security Zones (HSZ) have no houses to return to. Reparations are needed in a huge way for them to restore their residences and to rebuild their lives. Has this been worked out even though Tokyo Pledge prematurely terminated shows a precedent? Such a move would require that the HSZ be vacated. This is a crucial component for a return to normality. Lakhs of recent migrants to the South will then move to the North,  along with their source of income which is principally remittance from abroad. This amount is estimated at a few billions per annum. This would begin to fuel the Northern economy infusing the needed finances into house renovation, house construction, absorption of farm products and giving a spurt to trade.

What the Tamils desire as their primary value is a life of dignity in their place of birth together with their compatriots. This is denied them invoking the full might of the coercive apparatus. Do they feel free when 150,000 soldiers pry into every aspect of their personal lives and chaperon them at every turn? Compounding the problems of the people further is the rampage of the para military, operating under the aegis of government. Sufferance is the badge of your tribe, is what the military dins into the Tamils. Do they feel equal citizens when they have no right to own the land they owned? When 6,500 acres in land starved Jaffna are taken over by the military, don’t they have a sense of deprivation? Won’t the other Tamils in the province see the Sword of Damocles poised before them?

For all this the military commander of the North pronounces that the dispossessed will get land along the coast. Knowing full well that this would need a change of occupation from farming to fishing and therefore of caste, he says it. He also announces that for land taken over compensation will be paid. In what currency? In ‘Zimbabwe Currency To Be’. Who ever demanded it? With such insensitivity the military sets about its tasks. With the North East alone under this fate, those in the rest of the country have no fear since expropriation is ethnically based. Both law and its implementation are oppression oriented. The people had prescience enough to anticipate suppression of their rights and quite rightly demanded that the military should be moved out of the North. The military persisted in staying on to execute the evil intent of the government. The withdrawal of the military is the basic step to a resumption of normality and a pre-condition to any development activity.

Driving the Tamils to the pastoral stage is the target of the government. This plan and its integrated execution are evident to all. Tamils have observed it most keenly for over half a century. To add to the ease of governance, the Tamil population has been reduced by a third in the last thirty years. To crush their prospects, the hand of the state has for long been laid on their Education. It was not without thought or sense that a senior Minister of national stature once said “If you want to destroy the Tamils, first destroy their Education”.

Tamils too with intelligence and prescience place their finger on Education as the strategy for meaningful employment and forward movement. With the fullest understanding of its power, opportunities are smashed by the state before they can blossom. In respect to Tamils, this truth holds in the nation and more in the North ie NP. In many a state there is Single Window Clearance for speedy action. In the North there is an all pervasive Governor’s Office. It is a single orifice to stymie and to stultify all projects at their very source. Those who have sponsored projects and failed assert without reservation, that it is easier to take a camel through the eye of a needle. They have been harrowed enough through a policy of weathering. A few news releases of some school building statistics do not make for educational development.

The eyes of the Tamils are on fresh vistas. To cite an example, developing modern education appropriate to the Northern students’ mental capacity and aptitude is their priority. The performance of South India – Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra and Kerala – point the way and display  possibilities. Karnataka’s software exports for 12 months in FY 2011/2012 amounted to Ind. Rs. 850 billion ie SL RS. 1.938 trillion. Tamil Nadu recorded Ind. Rs. 468 billion ie SL Rs. 1.067 trillion. SL’s total revenue and grants in 2012 amounted to Rs. 1.051 trillion.

What explains Karnataka’s pre-eminence? In 1985, Texas Instruments fielded a team to India with a two city agenda – Bombay and Chennai. Both were lukewarm because neither comprehended the potential of IT. An unscheduled visit to Bangalore gave them a warm reception and the city got a head start. The other two lost out the early bird advantage. Bangalore had the advantage of a culture of science due to the vision of Jamshedji Tata who established the Indian Institute of Science in that city in 1909. MGR in Chennai had film culture. Growth is according to the excellence of one’s mind says Thirukkural. The North has no appetite for features of a pastoral economy, cultivating mushrooms and herding goats.

Sinhala Only language policy was to shut out Tamils from government service. Tamil also became an official language after Tamils were excluded in sufficient numbers to give monopoly rights to the Sinhalese. Now good education is denied them, to emasculate their chances still further. Two surveys, 12 and 16 years back showed the proportion as less than negligible. Public sector employment is 1.2 million. A study of names in the list of officials in the telephone directory will reveal ethnic composition in the Presidential Secretariat, Ministries, Departments, Boards, Corporations, Central Bank and State Banks. Industrial sector too cannot absorb them since the North has no industries worth speaking about. In numbers there are 11, to the country’s 4,816.

By all account, there is an imperative need for new ground to be plumbed. Commencing with education, human resources development is of paramount importance. As for infrastructure no list is necessary as the government knows it all and the priorities. Taking the Tokyo Pledge as the entry point, action needs to be mobilized for fund mobilization and to develop the will to implement. What the North requires is the immediate initial spurt.

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  • 0

    Read and see how racist or ethnically-extremist and unfair this article is.

    Tamils say that they were and are Sri Lankans since the times unknown. Yet, they don’t have any allegiance to the Country. LEt us say that is true. There is another ethnic group living in the south to where this so-called tamil homeland in the north.

    They are always talking about problems facing the tamils and those problems are not AT ALL their basic requirements. All those requirements are their political needs.

    Don’t you think that tamils are a bunch of very greedy people who are trying to steal from other Sri Lankans ?

    HOW CAN ONE TALK ONLY ABOUT TAMILS WHEN SINAHALA, TAMILS AND FOUR RELIGIONS some of whom say that they have alligience to muslim countries or to arabs.

  • 0


    What nonsense are you talking?

    Scots have a homeland and they cherish and adore their heritage and homeland, and they are British.

    Why do you find it difficult to stomach what Mr Sivananthan has written. Are you a racist?

    • 0

      Scotland wanted devolution. Now they want independence. Voting next year.

      • 0


        This is what’s called mature democracy. Keep a nation united by compassion not compulsion. The compassion votes will resoundingly win the referendum to keep the UK intact. Please grow up and practise mature democracy.

  • 0


    UNITED KINGDOM accepts that they are a collection of different nations. Even there, Prince Charles is trying to be Scottish, yet he is from a english mother and a non-ENGLISH father who is part GREEK and PART DENMARK.

    It is not the same with Sri Lanka. We know our roots and we know your roots that is South India (not a TAMIL-DESH). Tamilnadu began since 1964 and it did not exist before that.

    • 0

      “Charles is trying to be Scottish”? where exactly in uk did you learn this from? an asylum? and what exactly is your point? you just ignored what he said and talk about charles. koheda yanne malle pol indeed.

      “and we know your roots that is South India ” Us sinhalese come from north india. So, again, what exactly is your point?

      “Tamilnadu began since 1964 and it did not exist before that” Correct. Before that it existed as a number of tamil kingdoms. In the same way, Sri Lanka did not exist before 1971. Yet again, what point are you trying to make?

    • 0

      You are such idiot, tamilnadu did not exist before 1964? Tamilnadu has been existing atleast 15000 AD.

  • 0

    What joke, aspiring to be more like Tamil Nadu. Really

    The place where people shit on the street. (60% public defecation

    2 million children die each year: 27 million children are born each year in India of which 2 million of them do not live to the age of five. (120K (lakhs) in Tamil Nadu)
    *12-60 million child workers in India: (700K (lakhs) to 3.5 million in Tamil Nadu)
    *Two thirds of children are victims of physical abuse. The majority are beaten in school, and over half have to work seven days a week.
    *200 million people in hunger, and over 40% of the children
    *60% public defecation. (I am not joking 60% shit in the streets and open).

    * The numbers for Tamil Nadu are based on population being 6% of total Indian population

    Per Capita income in Tamil Nadu is SLR 193,000
    Per Capita Income in SL is 320,000

    Please aspire to higher standards.

    • 0

      IF SriLankan Tamils have better living conditions than their MOTHERland Tamilnadu why do they ask more in Sri Lanka.

      Is it because Sri Lanka is more accommodating than others ?

    • 0

      Oops the Link to Public defecation
      60% public Defecation

    • 0

      I am not a fan of Sivathasan although this particular article is not bad. Neither does it say much. However, Barrkum writes is rubbish. Where is the evidence except for the open defacation? Tamil Nadu manufactures or assembles cars, not one but several makes! It manufactures and exports textiles unlike puny over inflated Sri Lanka that only had a garment business due to GST benefits. Tamil Nadu is also a center of academic excellence. While its socio-economic indicators are not the same as Sri Lanka in terms of infant mortality, maternal mortality, it is catching up. Meanwhile, Sri Lanka had these sterling indicators since the 1950s. Sri Lanka has remained where it is. We are not Malaysia, we are not Thailand, we are not Indonesia. Btw, two of the three countries I have mentioned here are Muslim. Lets not even compare Sri Lanka to the GCC. We tend to compare ourselves with the poverty in India which itself has been reduced from 90% in 1947 to 25% today. We really need to get out of our own self-inflated sense of importance – banana republic that we are. What a stupid country – and I mean silly idiotic kakka Lanka where there is no free press, no free police commission, no free judiciary, no free elections commission! We just celebrate Vesak!

      • 0

        Tamil Nadu is also a center of academic excellence. While its socio-economic
        We tend to compare ourselves with the poverty in India which itself has been reduced from 90% in 1947 to 25% today.

        I am not the one aspiring to be like India/Tamil Nadu, you are.

        32.7% of the total Indian people fall below the international poverty line of US$ 1.25 per day (PPP) while 68.7% live on less than US$ 2 per day

        Indonesia: Per Capita: 3,910 (and that’s because of oil)
        Sri Lanka: Per Capita: 2,873

        • 0


          “Tamil Nadu is also a center of academic excellence.”

          If so it should reflect in the democratic process.

          Why those excellent people repeatedly elect corrupt politicians and actors or script writers to represent them and the state?

          Something wrong with their academicians.

      • 0

        Who cares whose fan you are? You are a worthless piece of garbage.

    • 0

      Please advance your knowledge to 2013. why you stay in year 2001 indexes?

      • 0

        List of Indian states by GDP

        These are 2011-2012 Numbers

        Tamil Nadu Per Capita Income = INR 84,496
        (*2.28 INR to LKR) = LKR 192, 650

        • 0

          Your figures are misleading as you had taken with calculation of 6% of 1.2 billion population. While I accept the social standard is yet to improve a lot, your figures are misleading.

          Example : Child mortality rate of TN is 27/1000 and that of Srilanka is 11.3 /1000 as in 2011. Here it is not lack of medical facility, it is social issue of male preference. Kindly be noted that Chennai is medical capital of Asia and has excellent medical facilities where Pakistani, Bangladeshis come for free treatment.
          GoTN has addressed this issue a lot and thus sex ratio increased from 911 to 987 in last decade and continue to improve.


          Coming to your PCI calculation, did you also calculate cost of living comparison between two country India and srilanka?
          Cost of living of srilanka is 58% more than India and TN is cost of living is way below that of India. This nullifies your per capita difference between two countries. So dont boast as if you had better PCI.


          And regarding child labour, TN is leading state which rehabilitated close to 75 % under SSA and NCLP. Please find reference, whereas srilanka has whopping 1 lakh child labour. Below two references,Now you comapare to population ratio, you would understand where child labour is more now.


          Yes , public defecation is 45 % (not as you quoted like 60%), however with governmnet current support in next census this will be reduced to the level of 10 %

          Between morally can you answer below;

          If you are so rich country, why beg india billions of rupees to construct home in srilanka? Why Srilanka begged even a radar facility from India during war? Why Srilanka begged ammunition from India?

          So dint boast yourself as if you live in country like UK and USA,

          Can you also take cognizance and not to live in false paradise?

          Whereas on a positive side, TN is growing with IT, Automative hub and other area which will see in couple of decades a much better state.

          • 0


            Maybe a segment will be well of those in IT etc.

            The rest of the population cannot advance until they are literate and is educated. The youth literacy rate (80%) though better than most of India except for Kerala is still about 15% behind Sri Lanka.

            You will agree that by any index, cleanliness etc that Sri Lanka is better than Tamil Nadu even after 30 years of civil war. Se the article SRI LANKAN MYSTERIES – Three striking differences with India

            So should Sri Lanka try to be more like Tamil Nadu as Mr. Sivathasan says … Or maybe Tamil Nadu aspire to Sri Lankas status.

            My opinion is that Sri Lanka has more to be done at least aspire to Malaysia, Taiwan etc economic status.

            Incidentally SL did not ask for Radar’s Houses etc, no more than we asked for Tigers to be Trained in TN or IPKF to be sent over. India is doing those for its own interests

            • 0

              You will agree that by any index, cleanliness etc that Sri Lanka is better than Tamil Nadu even after 30 years of civil war – Is that having only a clean city is enough to a better life, if so USSR is way cleanliest than you, still they are suffering economically.

              “Maybe a segment will be well of those in IT etc.” – You are again wrong and selective.

              It is not very limited sections of IT alone as you mentioned, TN has been seeing enormous growth across Tier -2 cities like Coimbatore, Madurai, Salem, Trichy etc etc.
              Coming to certain points, please enlighten yourself


              Coming to your aspiration point, when you earn highest forex through 1 million maid sent to Arab countries ( With new law enacted in Arab countries this also stands problem for your suffering economy), even aspiring to economy TN which is 120 billion USD comparing to yours of 57.2 billion USD will be challenge for you, not sure how you aspire to malaysia and Taiwan?

              Can you answer this question also? “If you are so rich country, why beg india billions of rupees to construct home in srilanka?”

              On your cleanliness point, I will agree with you, however with education and economy getting improved on daily basis, this will also get better. I see a huge change in Tier -2 cities, only Chennai where many slum dwellers across many parts live is a real challenge.

            • 0

              Can you answer this question also? “If you are so rich country, why beg india billions of rupees to construct home in srilanka?”


              SL did not ask for LTTE and other to be trained in India.
              SL did not ask for IPKF to be sent.
              SL did not ask for Billions of rupees to build home.

              India gave all the above to retain its influence over Sri Lanka

              Maids, yes not the greatest jobs but honest living. Even John F. Kennedy’s grandmother was a maid. But it gives them opportunity and many use it productively. They build houses, and in a way education being exposed to other cultures.

            • 0

              You will agree that by any index, cleanliness etc that Sri Lanka is better than Tamil Nadu even after 30 years of civil war.

              No kidding. In addition to what you’ve already mentioned:

              SL: 0.715
              TN: 0.570

              SL: 92.5%
              TN: 80.3%

              Life expectancy:
              SL: 77.9
              TN: 68.4

              Yes we should definitely aspire to be more like Tamil Nadu. Maybe after a few more years of stealing our fish those numbers will catch up a bit :-)

            • 0

              This is to SSS,

              did you not notice Srilanka is in the list of failed states alongside libya in index? What HDI you talk about in a failed state?
              and the figue difference is not between US and libya, it is just marginal with current growth of TN, it is just a decade.

            • 0

              Dear Mani, the difference in HDI between the US and Libya is 0.168. The difference between SL and TN is 0.145. “Marginal” differences indeed :-) And you should definitely be worried when a so called “failed state” ranks higher than your homeland on every development indicator :-)

          • 0

            Your quote
            whereas srilanka has whopping 1 lakh child labour

            The Island Article quote
            children in marginalized groups are engaged in hazardous work with little or no schooling. The number is so small that it is almost invisible, which prompted authorities to look deeper

            The labour/work referred to here is non paid work done within the family or extended family.

            No one with half a brain is going to employ a child below 14, or for that matter below 18 the law definition for a child.

            You are going to be open to blackmail, arrest and your friends and neighbors will be the first to inform the police.

            You wont find a single child servant in households anymore. In the past yes, but not anymore.

            Just a few weeks ago in the area near the jungles where I live a wealthy shopkeeper had felt the breast of a girl 15ish. He is in jail. A few years ago, this would not have happened as this was border area and the police had bigger problems with LTTE issues.

            Manisekaran, you think Sri Lanka is a place that is a little better than Tamil Nadu. You have decades before Tamil Nadu gets to where Sri Lanka is at the present.

            • 0

              Please read article again, it is clearly worded in english.

              “Manisekaran, you think Sri Lanka is a place that is a little better than Tamil Nadu. You have decades before Tamil Nadu gets to where Sri Lanka is at the present.” – This is absolutely baseless self-boasting comment.

          • 0

            I did not demean maid, in fact they are the true human who for their son, daughter left everything. what i referred when you earn even highest forex through migrated maids, your dream of aspiring to malaysia GDP of 280 Billion is not realistic and without even knowing other people abilities.

          • 0

            @ SSS, Are you the one who was not properly educated what a failed state means in political term? I am happy to live with HDI difference of 1.45 in a safe state ( with all freedom) with little poverty than in a failed state.Between with current HDI grwoth factor I would see myself posting healthy comments in next 4-5 years.no worries.

            @ CT, please tell me how to post comment along with my picture. and I challenge I can post challenging comment on my PM with my photo and address, and let us see this SSS who comments here whether he can come honestly with his photo and address and post comment in the so called high HDI srilanka, ( alias sorrylanka)

            @ manisekaran thangavelu; Follow the instructions- http://en.gravatar.com/

            • 0

              Poor chap, seems to have gone bonkers after realising a ‘failed state’ is actually doing better than the glorious homeland of fish thieves according to every objective index. Now howling about photos and addresses for some reason – LOL :-)

            • 0

              @ CT, Thank you for the help.

              @ SSS,

              If you are really person from a country that cares law and order, its citizen you wont be running like this, not accepting my challenge. That shows indeed you are a person always hide in hole and boast too much. May be failed person from failed state?

              And you did not even read properly the threads, where i have accepted the problems with my land unlike you.

            • 0

              Why are you so desperate to see my picture, Mani? It’s not going to change the cold, hard numbers I’ve laid out before you, just as, and I have rechecked, they didn’t change when you decided to reveal your pudgy, moustached self to us. Might I assume you have some kind of fetish for Sri Lankan men and are looking to add my picture to your, er, “collection”? In which case I’m flattered, but no thank you :-)

            • 0

              I just challenged how safe you will live if you show a picture and comment any adversarial. you showed you are not only failed person but also a pervert with your comment. I have mush because i am men unlike you hiding pervert minded.

  • 0

    This is a total exaggeration, not worth reading this garbage. Tamils did not want coexistence, they always wanted to differentiate themselves from the rest. The Sinhala only policy (or the swabasha) further fuelled division and created a fertile ground for extremist Tamils to propagate their cause and get the international sympathy. The emergence of LTTE was a result of such acts.

    The writer argues that the sinhala only policy prevented Tamils to get employment in government sector, in early 70’s to mid 80’s (the period where I have first hand information) most of the heads of the government institutions were Tamils. I can very well name them but I will not list here.

    • 0

      your explanation itself has the answer to your problem: the people you’re speaking of were high-level govt. servants, senior men. The issue the writer seems to be addressing is entry- to mid-level jobs.

      I know of some burghers who were told flat out that they wouldn’t get pay rises, promotions etc. if they didnt sit their exams in sinhala (this was in the railways)…

      • 0

        The writer has not clearly mentioned about the middle level jobs, during the period I was referring, there were many Tamils were in those category of public sector jobs, Typist, stenographers, clerks, chief clerks.

        Now in the present climate there is no necessity to look for jobs in the public sector, private sector jobs are much attractive and has no “efficiency bar exams” for Sinhala language. This is why I said this is a load of garbage.

  • 0

    Yes. Tamils never wanted co-existence and wanted to be differennt from the others BUT they want a eelam for themselves and also wnat to share the rest of the country for them to live.
    They wanted education institutions for themselves BUT want to share the rest of the Institution with others as well.

    For what they perceive their, they do not want to share BUT want a piece of others.

    Not only Burghers, many sinhalese too were told that pay rises and promotions would be denied if they did not sit for Sinhala exams and many did in the sixties.

  • 0

    Sivathasan (kadavul Subs son) Well presented article. yet further very more facts have been concealed.

  • 0


    Looking at the comments, one is reminded of Tagore’s lines:

    “Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way in the dreary desert sand…”

    Should comments get deflected by the first one? A Tamil proverb says, when the beginning goes crooked, everything goes crooked.

    The article is not on comparing the socioeconomic conditions of India and Sri Lanka, nor does it seek to contrast TN and SL. The comparison is principally of two states of India, KN and TN. The former seizing the first opportunity and the second loosing out a good chance that came its way. This explains the disparity in earnings between 2 trillion and 1 trillion. SL was certainly compared to show the differential between priorities.

    To understand figures they have to be seen in perspective through comparison and contrast. The total budgetary revenue for SL in 2012 was Rs 1 trillion. For TN, for the same period it was Rs. 1 trillion for one segment in a single area ie the computer field. This was SW exports excluding domestic use. Hardware too was excluded, both exports and domestic. KN was invoked to show double the growth due to a prudent decision in the eighties, and to mention TN’S lag. TN too had a culture of science and eminent personages but the political leadership could not be veered from the film culture and the attractions of welfare profligacy.

    Statistics are necessary but have be reduced to a minimum, since an article is not a Statistical Abstract. Yet a few few figures are important. A statement like – China got the highest FDI- would make little sense. I have to say that at $253 billion China was ranked first for the first time in 2012, with US at second place getting $175 billion. Can any one see an intent at disparaging US?

    Is it really necessary to say that if investment magnitudes in education, tertiary education and IT had superseded Hambantota, SL can make infinitely more wealth in both North and South? The TCS campus in Siruseri, Tamil Nadu on 70 acres, providing 5 million sq.ft. of floor space and employing over 20,000 professionals as of now and 24,000 by next year is reputed to be the largest campus in Asia at a single location.

    • 0

      Mr. Sivathasan,

      Education is imperative in the modern world. That said IT and Academics is not the solution to all the problems and serves a necessary but small segment of the population

      Another comparison that could have been done is the investment per child on primary and secondary education in Sri Lanka and TN. I think secondary Science and Math in SL is still insufficient needs investment in teaching of science and math at secondary.level. i.e. insufficient science teachers so students are forced in to commerce/arts.

      Another is how much more if LTTE and Govt funding for war had been used for development.

      So its a question of broad based opportunity like technical/trade schools (which will still have some form of IT) or programmer degree mill.

      As you have noticed, in SL the programmer degree mills are increasingly private institution. Nothing preventing the same in North and East.

      Again the Hambantota harbor if successful will have economic benefit, of course in the deep south. I think Hambantota harbor being successful is a good possibility

      [Edited out]

    • 0

      The link to the Hambantota harbor being successful has been edited out.

      Basically the thesis is that the tankers delivering oil to the Sino-Myanmar pipeline scheduled to be open end this year may have to refuel in Hambantota

      Google “Sino-Myanmar Hambantota” and you will have the post which has maps and other details.

      We don’t publish blog links – CT

      • 0


        I think very few may be opposed to the harbour. I was absolutely for it from day one. If the draft is as good as for Colombo the possibilities are immense particularly because of proximity to sea lanes and the massive hinterland.

        Presupposing that harbour is excluded, I referred to all others in and around.

      • 0

        We don’t publish blog links – CT
        No problem

        You can always write – CT

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