13 February, 2025


Live: “Jana Balaya Kolambata” Protest March Today

The protest, organized by the Youth Wing of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) led by MP Namal Rajapaksa, agitated against the proposed ‘separatist constitution,’ selling of national assets, protecting those accused in the Central Bank bond scam, the exacting of political revenge, attacks on the Buddhist clergy, imprisonment of ‘war heroes’ and imposition of new taxes, and drew crowds from all parts of the country.

The event was headlined by the presence of former president Mahinda Rajapaksa as well as all JO parliamentarians including those from the National Freedom Front and Pivithuru Hela Urumaya, SLPP representatives of local government bodies, and the ‘Group of 16’ who recently reneged from the government. Another notable attendee was the former president’s brother Gotabhaya Rajapaks, a man touted to be the presidential candidate of the SLPP.

Gotabhaya Rajapaksa stated that the demand was for a better and effective government which will also ensure national security. He endorsed the leadership of his brother Mahinda Rajapaksa and laughed off leading questions regarding his political future.

The crowds filled all roads leading to the Lake House roundabout once the location was announced a little after 3 pm.

Spokespersons of the SLPP pointed out that the government had gone to great lengths to thwart the demonstration. A bus allegedly carrying persons planning to attend the demonstration was attacked in Badulla, which road construction work had been suddenly commenced in Nittambuwa causing heavy traffic and long delays along the Kandy-Colombo Road, a main artery along which crowds were to arrive from the Central and North Western Provinces.

Anticipating unruly behavior, security was tightened at Temple Trees, the President’s House and the Court Complex. The organizers however insisted that it was to be a peaceful demonstration.

Milinda Rajapaksha, CMC Member (SLPP) and spokesperson of Gotabaya Rajapaksa, tweeted at 7.30 pm that a ‘sathyakriyawa’ will be held at the Lake House roundabout. Mahinda Rajapaksa, addressing the crowds said that the protest will continue until tomorrow morning.

Latest comments

  • 1

    As Sirisena and Wickramasinghe could not fulfill the promises given to us while fulfilling the promises given to Rajapakses, persons who should be in prison by now are bringing foolish people and riff-raffs on to the road to humiliate S, W and us.

  • 3

    Such a small crowd! Disgraceful after all the big talk.

  • 39

    Thousands of Modayas looking for two minutes of fame.

    • 8

      Most of them just got drunk and started danicing to the manner they were animated to do so at the time, war against own folks were declared as – victory. These animals can never be homo sapiens. There is a big lack of information being reached to grass root level people. Media mafia bosses working close to former goons keep them in dark. Longer the people stay away from facts, darker become they with the time.

    • 2

      The Culture of Impunity and Immunity for Corrupt and war criminal politicians has reached new heights under Bondscam Ranil and clown Sira’s Jarapalanaya –with the help of Ranil’s Trumpland MCC and IMF advisors.
      BTW What happened to US and UK promises to send anti-corruption (fake) experts to track funds looted and named in Panama Papers? seems they showed RW how to scam the Central Bank!
      Ranil and Mahinda, US citizen and SL National security Avant Guard scammer, Gota, and Ravi K, and Basil and Namal and Kiriella and Malik and their corrupt stoogers should share the same prison cell.

      Time for Sajith to step out as UNP Presidential candidate,
      JVP and AKD are bloody useless and acting holier than the Pope with regard to avoiding protests on the streets and confining themselves to Parliament of clowns. JO has trumped JVP!

    • 6


      Did you notice there were too many panthankaaraya in the last clip.
      I am looking for KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera.

    • 6

      Actually in my opinion JO should organize this kind of “Janabala Sena Kolambata” or “Horunge Rasthiyaduwa” at least 4 days in a month. People can enjoy free ride + 5000 + Jhony’s Alcohol + Meal Packet.
      Next time Rajapaksha Slaves should demand to increase cash amount at least by another Rs. 1000 instead of Meal packet. Others ok. People’s income will increase at least by 24, 000 a month. Good work Namal keep it up.

    • 7

      Where are the big crowds after all the big talk? Sad bunch of jokers.

    • 4

      Look on the positive side Tavern owners will make a fortune and the govt will make a small fortune in taxes. Chances are that everyone will go home safe.

      “The Joint Opposition MPs have stated that they will surround Parliament. The police have a duty to ensure the protection of Parliament. We have not blocked people or protesters from coming to Colombo. We have provided them their freedom. We have only instructed that the public not be hindered by the protest. Today the tavern owners are happy because they will have good business tomorrow because of the protest. We have established democracy. We will not abduct you like the way you did to Prageeth Eknaligoda. We will not kill people the way you killed Lasantha Wickrematunge. We will not assault people the way you did to Keith Noyahr and Upali Tennakoon. You can stage protests today because we have ensured freedom and democracy,” the Premier said.”

    • 1

      I wanted to listen to speeches like the other time.
      But there was no SHOW STOPPER!
      Too bad JO was blocked by Sri Lanka’s DEMOCRATIC government by cancelling 5 public grounds in Colombo reserved to hold the rally.
      After a protest march normally there should be a rally where people gather to listen to Mahinda’s speech, which is the SHOW STOPPER which itself attracts tens of thousands people on their own volition..
      Knowing this fully well, the slave government has blocked all the grounds booked for the rally. So people were scattered throughout the city.
      As expected, that was a mammoth protest march where people came from several parts of the country. Everybody knows the days are numbered for this government.
      I guess many were not happy to see Gotabhaya there. The news that he was to join the protest march may have dispirited people. Even I thought what the heck, why is he taking part in this? The crowd was huge. But I expected many more people. I believe Gotabhaya’s attendance drove people away.
      Though they voted against him in 2015, the majority of 6.2 million people hold Mahinda in high esteem. But they don’t want to see Gotabhaya and Basil again in Mahinda’s government. If Mahinda’ comes alone, without them – he will receive the support of more people.
      Mr. former President, you hold the destiny of this country. Please be tactful and cautious. I said this before. Hold your cards close to your heart!!! You are (unfortunately) in the middle of two rival groups. If you are not careful, ultimately you will be the loser. Others will build their kingdom at your expense. You had 5.8 million solid votes in 2015 even after some in your own party voted against you. Don’t underestimate you own strength.

    • 6

      Champa, Sumane, Softy, and others are they all drunk??
      Concussed or Comatosed ?
      Not heard or seen since yesterday.

    • 5

      I think President to be blamed, not to have used his executive powers to put former goons in jail yet. If he can speed up some process by appointing respective commissions, why he refraied not having done them before. Now with Srilanken airline issues being investigated, why the president stayed mum letting 3 yrs to be wasted ?He is the person being given executive powers, nobody else.
      So like a father who is seen as the head of a family, if a president behaves as if he has no powers, the country s nemesis cant be blocked.

      Besides, SB and other goons, that turned up in the rally yestreday, seen as no voice and choice, but to hang on with the side who would come to power next. Those parasites should be shot at their heads to leave us peace in this country. For that only, we elected him. He just passed the ball within his party just neglecting for what he has been elected for

    • 4

      Rajapaksas are finished. Disgraceful they couldn’t even bring a hundred thousand paid protesters into the city. Curtains for them. Next step special courts then off the the Hage for trial.

      • 3

        They themselves proved it.

        Power intoxication led them to stale mate situation.

        Those thieves in the 16 group too were part of the gathering. SB shamelessly added his usual irresponsible drolls.
        Even that old man – senior politician John Senevirathna was also fooled by the 16 men. All in all, the world got to know these men are born fools.
        And they are so desperate to do any low acts.
        All what they want is to grab power.
        This will speed up the investigation and marginalize them sooner than later.
        Analysts beleive, Rajapkashes will have to face higher charges like imprisonments in the months to come.
        Alone Thadjudeen case can corner them to the jails. Not even their domestic pets would be free from being charged. Jaya Niyathayi.. Glass clear we will succeed it, Truth will guide us to get rid of these men in near future

      • 1

        Anonymous – “Next step special courts then off to The Hague for trial.”
        Very unlikely, with Sillysena and Ranilpaksha at the helm!

  • 39

    They don’t reflect the diversity of Sri Lanka’s population. They all seem to be predominantly young and middle-aged, relatively well-fed, bad-tempered Sinhala men – at least going by the pictures here. The silent majority is not amused.

    • 0

      The silent minority, you mean

    • 7

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      I saw a few Nazi salutes (a gesture or salute in which the right arm is inclined upwards, with the hand open and palm down.) here and there. Is this a rehearsal for the final putsch, or one before the dress rehearsal?

      Where were you?

      Sorry to ask you this, how much do an individual rent a mob get paid for the day, total cash and benefit in kind?
      I take it they are unemployed or unemployable, like you.

      • 0

        Dear Native,
        I was in Wellala Gardens with a Single Malt, watching it all on Killi’s Chanel ..”
        How is the freaking crowd mate?..
        Sinhala Buddhists have finally woken up from their Slumber to save their only nation from Separation.
        Now Dr Ranil must think twice before he pays Dr Jayampathi that extra allowance.
        Or is it a performance based Bonus?.
        Dr Ranil better scrap that ETCA too. before the Sinhala Buddhists get more agitated.
        Wonder how your mates Sampathar and Abraham are feeling today?
        Does Abraham still want the Vellala Eelaam
        Or will he settle for just Eelaam, now that Vellala Wigneswaran has joined Ponnambalam and Sivajilingam…..
        What do you reckon Wiggy will call It?…

        • 4

          KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

          So you didn’t go to fight for the king and country or the hora and war criminal.

          Not much crowd, it must have been a disappointing day for the clan. Why couldn’t they hire enough mob yesterday? Where were GL, Basil, ………………… Sarath Weerasekara, Single Handed Kamal Gunaratne, …. ?

          “Sinhala Buddhists have finally woken up from their Slumber to save their only nation from Separation.”

          They will wake up only to steal, murder, rape, ………………… grab land, … or offered free rice from the Moon, …… Didn’t they wake up in 1956, …… 1960,1961, 1971, 1977, 1983, 1987/1990, for the 30 years, in fact woken up to burn down the magnificent library, ….. at Nugegoda, ….

          “Dr Ranil better scrap that ETCA too. before the Sinhala Buddhists get more agitated.”

          Are you sure the Sinhala/Buddhists are determined to hit the bottom? Hope they don’t take the Sinhalese, Buddhists, Tamils, Hindus, Muslims, Chritians, … with them.

          “What do you reckon Wiggy will call It?…”

          Forget Wiggy, Sam, Abraham, Sivaji, Ponna, …………… what will the Hindians call it
          perhaps Akhand Tamil Nadu, part of Akhand Bharat and the rest of the country Sinhala state of Akhand Hindia?

          • 0

            Dear Native,
            I don’t think the Hindians are bothered about Wigneswaran or Sampathar or Abraham anymore.After what Dr Ranil has done to the TNA , according to that great commentator, Mallyuran..
            Also Hindians are now thrilled to bits, after Narendran gave them Same Sex Marriages.
            Imagine how Mangala is feeling…
            BTW, Social Media in Colombo says next TT Wedding is Mangalan’s….
            Wonder who the lucky Bride is?…..

            • 3

              KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

              “BTW, Social Media in Colombo says next TT Wedding is Mangalan’s….
              Wonder who the lucky Bride is?…..”

              Alright, if SWRD Banda a closet gay could marry, have children and do very well in public life in the mid 20th century why not Mangala in early 21st?

              I forgot, SLFP and its supporters are not known for hypocrisy.

    • 1

      “bad-tempered Sinhala men – at least going by the pictures here”
      Dumbo! How can you judge by looking at pictures that they are bad tempered Sinhala men?
      The silent majority will give their verdict at the next election, if this Government hold elections.

    • 1

      We saw the silent majority in the last provicial council election. especially how to unp got 23%

    • 0

      Hah ha, you want infants & old fellows to do protests of this nature?

      Your comment is a mere reflection of political bankruptcy & hatred.

  • 36

    Looking at the crowds one thing is certain, the Political crooks will survive for a long time.

    • 3

      Looking at the crowds one should take a lesson. Make sure you VOTE and vote WISELY otherwise directly or indirectly these are the fools that would dictate your future.

    • 0

      Probably including you & your political favorites.

  • 40

    This is a march by murderers, stealers and bribers. Mahinda Rajapakse destroyed rule of law and this is another violation of rule of law. In the interest of the nation, It is time for take legal action against him and his family members for the crimes against humanity. We cannot allow the thuggerism to continue any more. It will destroy the nation and its civilization.

    • 0

      Those who came to prosecute the so called murderers, stealers & bribers within 100 days have certainly failed & have proven themselves to be stealers.

      It’s too late for them to prosecute them after almost 4 years & before all they must prosecute bond scam champions.

      Before making others civilized they have to be civilized.

      That’s the moderate peoples view.

  • 39

    Thanks to YAHAPALNAYA even fools are allowed to march freely without White Van abductions and states military power.

  • 32

    Its a total flop
    Hoo hooooooo
    Only unnecessary day to day activities delayed

    • 4

      This is the only opportunity for some of these guys to come to Colombo. So please dont ruin that for them.

      Yamman Bando Kolomba Ballanda!

    • 4

      This is really SAD:
      1.The “Jana Balaya Kolambata” protest campaign has seemingly come to an end despite claims by Joint Opposition MPs to protest overnight and lay siege to the capital city.

      2.Police Estimate Crowds at “Janabalaya Kolombata” Rally in Colombo at 50,000 Although Organizers Claim Hundreds of Thousands Joined Protest.

      3.Large Numbers of Protest Demonstrators Walk In Search of Public Toilets as Inadequate Toilet facilities

  • 33

    Is that all the $18 billion could bring out.

    What a damp squib!

    Guess there aren’t that many crooks, thugs, robbers, rapists, freeloaders, fools and uneducated uncultured rascals in SL. :))

  • 27

    How ironic that Mahinda Jarapassa and US citizen Gota, the kings of corruption years ago are protesting Bondscam Ranil’s corruption today!
    This is Fake Democracy – a bi-partisan UNP-SLFP corruption racket- in Miracle of Modayas, with fake reconciliation experts and economic hit men’s advice (ha, ha ha) from sole superpower that is militarizing Lanka and Indian Ocean, whose game with BOTH it puppets, Bondscam Ranil and Gota is: “Heads I win, Tails you lose”.
    Either way as the rupee crashes on IMF behest to Corrupt Central Bank, the people of Lanka are screwed.

    • 3

      Very true, Dodo.
      Now, let’s tighten our belts further, and see how we can get rid of all these old rogues.
      We’ve got to have a younger person from the UNP as Leader of the Country (style the guy as President of Prime Minister, as you wish) – Mangala, Sajith, Gayantha Karunatilleke, Buddhika Pathirana, Mano Ganeshan, Kabir Hashim – someone like that. No objection to a woman, but is there anybody?
      If not, Nagananda Kodituwakku (with Sugandika Fernando assisting) or even Kumar Sangakkara (despite all the valid points made by Grusha Andrews, whose identity may be known to Colombians, but not to villagers like me).
      Failing all that, I think that we’d better vote for the JVP.
      I think that it’s best we forget about party politics here for the next ever-so-long, and think of the Economy. Also, I can tell you that Education is a mess.
      Spare a thought for the Maldives. Let’s hope that they get a new President in just over two weeks. There are only two candidates. The fine 51 year-old man who ought to be President is currently languishing in Sri Lanka – not allowed to contest, or even to vote!
      Is any more proof needed that we are failed states? Add to that the fact that most young people, who have received free everything aren’t fired with a desire to improve everything, but only want to run away to some white-dominated society, and we begin to understand the tragedy of Sri Lanka.

  • 1

    Thanks CT. From the aerial photos, not more than 30,000. The crowd thins out at the periphery. Namal has failed. Only Gota can do this. GR to the fore!

    • 3

      I think it could be 50 k or little more but no means lacks as the louded prior the event.

      However, there are masses in this country, who would just become easy followers… that became further clear by the event. They would do anything if they are animated to do so. So the dififence is not seen. People are like animals.
      Poliiticians of MR nature should be hung down to so that country needs real leaders that have the hearts towards the people.

      • 1

        That Mahindanandha the patta pal hora of the bunch louded numbers as 2 lacks.

        Can you imagine ?

        Who have they been playing with ?

        Why the world is silent ?

        Alone the statements made by some goons prior to their marches – louded ” api watalanawa “: That alone would suffice them to be put in Jails if the law and order was strong.

    • 3

      Gota blew the dog whistle weeks ago saying that he will join the protest march. It did not work we saw the results.

  • 4

    Where is the public racist Dayan?
    Nugegoda rising,
    Kadawatha rising,
    Galle May Day rising,
    Now the Jana Balaya Kolambata.

    What for?
    They are determined to steel whatever is left in the country.

    How much do these rent a mob charge a whole day work?
    What do they when MR is reigning?
    Have they paid for the buses?

  • 3

    RE: Live: “Jana Balaya Kolambata” Protest March Today.

    Very good,. Peoples’s Power March to Colombo, but it is the crooks who are marching.

    Now , we also need, Horunge (Crooks) Balaya Kolambata” Protest March .

    Now , we also need, Kantha (Women’s) Balaya Kolambata” Protest March, against rape.

    Now , we also need, Kantha (Women’s) Balaya Kolambata” Protest March, against MMDA and Ulama.


    The French Revolution

    Fuelled by rumours of a reception for the King’s bodyguards on 1 October 1789, at which the national cockade had been trampled upon, on 5 October 1789, crowds of women began to assemble at Parisian markets. The women first marched to the Hôtel de Ville, demanding that city officials address their concerns.The women were responding to the harsh economic situations they faced, especially bread shortages. They also demanded an end to royal efforts to block the National Assembly, and for the King and his administration to move to Paris as a sign of good faith in addressing the widespread poverty.

    Getting unsatisfactory responses from city officials, as many as 7,000 women joined the march to Versailles, bringing with them cannons and a variety of smaller weapons. Twenty thousand National Guardsmen under the command of Lafayette responded to keep order, and members of the mob stormed the palace, killing several guards. Lafayette ultimately persuaded the king to accede to the demand of the crowd that the monarchy relocate to Paris.

    On 6 October 1789, the King and the royal family moved from Versailles to Paris under the “protection” of the National Guards, thus legitimising the National Assembly.

  • 5

    Before Sri Lanka start looking for new leaders, we should look for a new set of intelligent voters.
    Voters with some gray matter upstairs. This kind of blind mobs don’t help our country.
    It just gives undue power to the wrong people.
    Our average citizen must be wise enough not to get psyched by wolves in sheeps clothing.

    • 1

      Only an another tsunami can do the job. Else, slaves would remain as slaves by betraying right thinkers about the nation.

      We should rather hand over it to the English.
      Democracy canot be practised in SL, unitl people s awareness would not work.

    • 2


      it is not an easy task so long media mafia would be run by former goons.

      Media is the problem of today nothing else. These vulnerable being caught by the easy tricks of former goons should be corrected by anti media-mafria men in the days to come.

      I think ours are even worst than Italian Paparazzo.. when looking at the manner majorty of journalists get on with former President.
      They never rasie the questions directly to him. They just hold up from questioning.
      May well be Jornos have been suffering from death threats.

  • 3

    Dear Author and all participants,
    This is the usual style of politics in Sri Lanka from the time of independence. Whenever one Government is caught killing or plundering the other party come to its rescue. When Mahinda Rajapaksa Government was disgraced, Ranil Wickremasinghe came to the rescue by getting the same pilfering done by a foreign friend. Now when Ranil Wickeramasinghe is in trouble the friend Mahinda is coming to rescue him!

  • 3

    Today is a working day. Kids attend school. Colombo is a business city. Business need to prosper, so that the country can prosper. We have Namal Rajafuksa and destroyers of this country, making this march to destroy this country and make this country “poorer” and “poorer”. Most of these guys are out on “BAIL” and planning to overthrow a legal elected Parliament by illegal means. Sri Lankan are real modayas, as you can see the crowd (mostly wanted criminals, so called Lawyers who became Lawyers like Namal Baby. You know what I mean? So, we pray to God, our savior, Lord Jesus Christ to help this tiny corrupt island of Sri Lanka and help its people (mostly, the poor people) to live a live, with less sufferings.

  • 1

    As per the Daily News – (Govt. Media ) the Prime Minister, referring to “Janabala Handa” organized by JO said” “COME ENJOY FREEDOM”. The question is who gave this “FREEDOM” to all the “Leaders” of this JO? The people WANTED all these “CRIMINALS” including all members of the “MR” family baring one brother (the eldest) be brought to justice and accounted for LOOTING the public coffers. What did this PM and President do for the last 3 1/2 years, excepting to file cases and allow all those to be dragged for years and years. Just look at the “Postponements” of those cases and how some have “escaped” via court permission to receive “Medical Treatment”. Even the courts cannot, yet hold, “Sureties” responsible who have undertaken the accused to be brought to courts on due dates. One such case is “Jaliya Wickramasuriya” (a cousin of MR) . Even the “Sureties” are not in Sri Lanka. So no wonder PM saying: “Come Enjoy The Freedom You have Been Given”. All those “CRIMINALS” will organize more and more “JANA BALAYA” marches, because they have been granted the the “FREEDOM” and the backing of the “SLAVES” until they capture power and obtain and grant FREEDOM to all “MR & Co” and cohorts. Of course, this PM and President will be “Safeguarded” by way of “GRATITUDE” in return, but not the PEOPLE including those “SLAVES”. Till then have fun.

  • 1

    These Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists are entertaining the crowds and themselves borrowing ancient Tamil martial art forms like Kalari Paiyattu. . That is now widely practised in Kerala and parts of Tamil Nadu and even in parts of the Vanni. How ironic. Most probably now packaged as ancient Sinhalese art forms.

  • 4

    You look at the people that are being bused to Colombo and you make your own judgment.


    Onna biyio kolomba avilla.


  • 0

    Probably (as still to be prosecuted/revealed) crooks Vs most probably (bond scam is revealed to great extent) crooks.

  • 3

    Something I thought will never happen has happened.
    Sri Lanka’s new special high courts for major corruption and crime has really frightened the Rajapaksa’s and their cronies to a point that they are spending millions bringing fools to town.

    The question is whether the govt has the balls to stay the course?

  • 1

    The jampacked crowd shows the popularity of Mahinda Rajapakse and his acolytes.
    MR may just be the next leader of the nation – as president or prime minister.
    The nation appears to have rejected the lower than O Level idiots in parliament who openly and legally amass wealth by passing laws in their own favour, ignoring past/present corruption and inflation.
    Even a coup by the armed forces cannot be ruled out – they have everything in their favour.
    This may just be the beginning of the end for Sri Lanka as a nation.

  • 0

    Many jaw dropping comments. Tissaranee Gunasekara, the writer and Outsider, the commentator may have a lot to say. But even if they deny, 1948 Don Stephen’s Ceylon is still well preserved.

    EU and America, on the name of Regime change, pumped excessive ethylene. Neither Ranil, nor New King had asked for EP that time. They were unnecessarily dragged into this. The time for them to breathe free air is coming, possibly.

    Crowd gathering in one, EP election number is different. Nevertheless, this is going to be scare to Sampanthar, Sumanthiran Hakeem, and Rishard. By fear Sumanthiran Sampanthar going huddle with Ranil tightly, But Hakeem and Rishard would be already on the phone with Old King, pledging their dedicated life time support for him.

  • 2

    Some of the Very Important Protestors were escorted to the venue by a posse of pistol-packing Police, regiment of Armed Services. Om top of these they were surrounded by trusted armed bodyguards and were themselves armed. They are clearly enjoying. What a protest What a protest What a protest!!!
    ‘Protests’ like this possible in the previous regime?

  • 0

    One palhoru group is very unpopular. So, the second palhoru group came here to discuss what Minister posts each to get. Dumb voters are there to help them. This is the democracy in Sri lanka that both the overseas living and local VIYATHUN are boasting about. Who ever is there, Sri lanka will be in debt and economy is in depression. Certainly some families will say Sri lanka is now well developed.

  • 0

    It is not a way to gauge the votes..
    You cannot gauge people voting power like this ..
    This does not represent will of people at all levels ..
    What happens last time was ..
    4.8 m vs 5.2.millons …
    This could happen once again ..
    MR is not allowed to contest..
    So; Ranil vs whom?
    M&s …
    Or someone ..
    Ranil and M&s may have some kind of trick to do last movement ..
    Either to arrest some ..
    Or ban some ..
    Or play around with rules ..
    But I would like to see real democracy ..
    I do not mind any one win as long as they are in democratic way ..
    If people like MR we must repsct..
    People’s voice and vote should respected..
    I like one thing from M&S ..
    He is resilient ..
    He did not give up..
    He is a fighter .
    He is strong man .
    He belive in people .
    He shows a good example to his children to fight in democratic way ..
    That is great .
    Wait and see

  • 1

    MR got about 45% so even if 4 million come to kolambata still it does not prove anything of his strength. Today there was only a fraction of what he got when he lost. These fellows who came today are the parttakers of his loot. BR started this and namal baba slowly highjacked it and BR went to the US. Split is showing well. The down fall is eminent

  • 4

    Bloody Sri Lankan idiots and fools have not realised that there is no democracy in the country. Thousand rupees, packet of rice and a drink of cheap arrack decides whether to join the protest or not. Given the abysmal economic/monetary situation created by present corrupt political leadership with two ugly heads (Ranil and Maithri), any one will take “Thousand Rupees, Rice Packet and a drink of Cheap Arrack” to join this mega circus lead by despot Mahinda and his family.Bloody S..t head Sri Lankans cannot and will not make any effort to think of any real democratic leader other than bastard trio currently hoodwinking the masses. It seems Sri Lankans have been living under a pile of crap since 1953 and they seem to enjoy the warmth provided by heap of crap though it smells to high heaven.Wake up idiots,you have been in this predicament created by UNP, SLFP and party of degenerates (Pohottuwa). When are you going to smell the roses atleast have courage to think about your children and their future.

  • 2


  • 0

    “25,000 Drunks will be brought with the Santhosams of a Bath Packet and a Pint of Gal.”..
    This is what Dr Ranil’s UNP Senior & Yahapalana Minister Johhy told the Colombo Media.
    Wonder whether that young Dude in Derana will ask ” Johhny Mokada Une” ?….
    Hope he will also ask why Minister Johnny has a “Kassippu Accent” …….If he is on Red Label like our Colombo Elite….

    • 3

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      ““25,000 Drunks will be brought with the Santhosams of a Bath Packet and a Pint of Gal.”..”

      What is new?
      This has been the case since 1960s irrespective of party affiliation according to a very dear respectable elderly Sinhala friend who has seen it all.

      • 0

        Dear Native,
        I thought your dear Dr Ranil changed all that in Jan 2015..
        BTW Do you know who Johhny Amare is?.
        He must be of the same vintage like your new ” respectable Elderly Friend”..
        But Jonny can’t be noway near your friend in respect aspect..
        Is your friend a Sinhala Buddhist or is he a member of the UNP Ranil Faction.. May I ask ?…

        • 2

          KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

          “Is your friend a Sinhala Buddhist or is he a member of the UNP Ranil Faction.. May I ask ?…”

          He is not a Sinhala Buddhist.
          When I say he is a very dear respectable elderly Sinhala friend, he cannot be a Sinhala/Buddhist but a Sinhalese who follows Buddhism as his guiding principles.

          Who is this Johhny Amare?
          Is he another b***s carrier like you?

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