14 February, 2025


Mad King Nandasena Arrests Man For “Organizing” Honking Protest At Chinese Defence Minister’s Motorcade

In another sign of President Nandasena Rajapaksa’s growing insecurity complex, the 31 year old identified as being the organizer of the honking protest during a road closure for a VVIP traffic movement on Tuesday (27) night has been arrested by the police.

He was arrested on charges of unlawful assembly and obstructing the duties of police officers, Police Spokesman Ajith Rohana said. The arrested man would be produced before the courts and charged under the Penal Code, he added. The police spokesman claimed that under the terms of the Vienna Convention, Sri Lanka had to provide maximum security to envoys such as the Chinese Defence Minister.

“The Chinese Defence Minister is a diplomat and a minister of one of the superpowers in the world,” Ajith Rohana told local broadcasters.

The honking protest took place when the motorcade of the Chinese Defence Minister was passing through Colombo 07 on Tuesday night.

The arrested “organizer” of the spontaneous act of resistance, repeatedly told police officers that he had voted for President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. “Is this what we voted for?” he kept asking the cops.

There is no evidence on the video that went viral for two days that the arrested man was obstructing the police in any way. The video shows him clearly urging other motorists also stalled because of the VVIP movement to honk in a display of displeasure.

The opposition United National Party (UNP) reacted swiftly to the news and demanded that the Government explain the reason behind the arrest.

“This arrest has demonstrated this Government’s insecurity and inability to tolerate any form of public opposition,” the UNP said in a statement released soon after reports surfaced of the arrest.

“We urge the authorities to ensure that the freedom of speech and freedom of expression is upheld,” the UNP statement said.

The UNP statement also recalled Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa’s comment in May 2019. Then Oppisition Leader Mahinda Rajapaksa reacted to a similar honking protest against the Yahapalanaya administration during a road closure soon after the Easter Sunday bombings, saying “the displeasure shown by the public against the closure of roads for VIP vehicular movements by unceasingly sounding the horn were a reaction to the Government’s policies.”

The UNP statement said that on that occasion, “the then UNP led Government did not resort to any form of legal action to quell public anger.”

“While recognising that the security of visiting foreign dignitaries cannot be compromised, there appeared to have been no threat to the VIP or any fellow citizens,” the UNP statement added.

There was no immediate reaction from the main opposition Samagi Jana Balawegaya to the latest crackdown on free expression and peaceful protest by the Nandasena Rajapaksa regime.

Latest comments

  • 28

    The hapless voter has to choose between the frying pan and the fire below: NPP & SJB. Good Lord, please help us.

    • 35

      The problem is not with dictators ………. but with Lankans – especially the Sinhala-Buddhists.

      The bloody Sinhala-Buddhists are useless and incompetent is any form …………… even in the form of dictators!

      Ol’ Gota may be a Malay Muslim ……. but he has played being a Sinhala-Buddhist for far too long …….. now it has taken over his psyche.

      Good ol’ Augusto Pinochet was a brutal dictator, a competent one, who herded dissenters into soccer stadiums, tortured, and “disappeared” them. But go to Chile and see the development he has achieved with the “Chicago Boys (trained in the Department of Economics of the University of Chicago under Milton Friedman and Arnold Harberger.)” It’s one of the most developed countries in Latin America …….. at once noticeable when you cross the border from Bolivia.

      Those economists knew what they were doing …….. we don’t have a single economist of their calibre …… perhaps Lester comes close but not close enough.

      • 23


        Now, they are so “modern” they don’t arrest protesters ………. every Friday is a protest day ……. mainly by school kids ……. it’s sort of a ritualized play/theatre ……… they go through every Friday.

        Lester or EE should slip in a copy of Friedman’s “Free to Choose” on Gota’s bedside table when they bring him his morning coffee. ……… if not, Gota thinks packing shelves in 7-Eleven, Burbank has taught him everything he ought to know about economics.

        Poor Lester doesn’t have the heart to tell Gota he is not Maynard Keynes and wound his vanity.

        So, 22 million have to tighten their belts and suffer ……… for one man’s foolish pride ………

        At times I wonder, what would Lanka be if there were no Lankans.

      • 7

        nimal fernando
        “The bloody Sinhala-Buddhists are useless and incompetent is any form…”
        Bloody useless and incompetent Sinhala Buddhists fked the competent guys who bragged that they cannot be defeated militarily.

        • 12


          “did not launch the terrorist campaign”

          There are different ways of looking at the same thang ……. Native would say “Frame of Reference,” Nathan would say “Frame of Mind.” ……. Even that can’t be agreed upon ……

          Perhaps they would have not started a revolt if we didn’t get them to pay for our own insecurities …… dragged out and burnt a few of them ………. discarded their language to the dustbin ……. slap on a haphazard Standardization after the places in universities were allocated ……. to deny the places their students had already gained…….. made them into second-class citizens in their own country.

          Put yourself in their place and see ……… just imagine if they had done all that to us …….. I’m sure a great Sinhala hero like you wouldn’t have taken it lying down …….. you would’ve given s good fight with your pen hiding under your bed.

          • 9


            In the heat of the moment everyone has forgotten Hitler’s most desirable shindig ……… his trying to create a blonde, blue-eyed pure Aryan race, little realizing he wasn’t the perfect specimen ……. Good ol’ Gota isn’t the perfect specimen, so when he wants to create the pure Sinhala race, I’ll volunteer and make sure I’m at the front of the queue …….. ahead of Native, OC, SM, SJ, Nathan, Ganasara, ……….

            Oh Boy! Gota hasn’t got to the fun part of his project yet!

      • 4

        nimal Fernando,
        “It’s one of the most developed countries in Latin America ……..”
        Sinhale/Sri Lanka could have become the most developed country in Asia if ‘Paradeshi’ descendants of slaves did not launch the terrorist campaign with the blessings of our ‘Big Brother’ who did not want to see a prosperous capitalist country in their backyard.

        • 24

          EEbp, do u really not have an idea as to why they took weapons? Best would be go to your nearest psychiatrist- but please not harming the doctor. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

          • 7

            The guy is a waste of space, no point picking a quarrel with him!

            • 5

              Ari u are dead right😎😎😎

        • 7


          “our ‘Big Brother’ who did not want to see a prosperous capitalist country in their backyard.”

          At some stage of our lives we have to stop being children, become adults and take responsibility for our actions. ……….. Google for Sartre’s ideas on “Bad Faith.” …. If not ask Native for some tuition ……….

          No country on earth …….. not Buddha, not Christ, not Vishnu, not Allah, not Marx ……… or anyone living or dead ……. forced us to take high interest (even above commercial rates) and build unmitigated crap in Hambanthota which have 0 commercial value/viability.

          Well, less than 0 (minus income) when you take into account the cost of upkeep.

          Better still …….. who forced us to get commercial flights to take off from Katunayake and land in Mattala five minutes later?

          Mr Mahindapala, even at this late stage, it’s not too late to become an adult and take responsibility …….. if not you’ll die a child …….. and that would be a real tragedy.

    • 15

      long time no see, I thought you might have been whitevanned ?

    • 0

      This boy should have been forced to give his statement.
      The very same is the case with Ranjan Ramanayaka as the latest news report.
      If RR would be released, how can he face the nation ?

  • 29

    Myanmar. This is a warning. Soon Rajapaksas may use PTA to suppress public dissent.

    • 29

      This is not Myanmar! This is our Hitler! In China no one can speak against the rulers. In Sri Lanka, no none can speak against Rajapaksas or Chinese rulers. To day Honk. Tomorrow you can’t open your mouth!
      Police and military are now only searching for arrest Buddhist Sinhala Terrorist (anti- Rajapaksas) along with Islam Muslim Terrorists (anti-Rajapaksas) and Hindu Tamil Terrorists (anti-Rajapksas).

      • 6

        “To day Honk. Tomorrow you can’t open your mouth!”
        That is exactly what the voters who voted for President Gotabhaya Rajapakshe want because with the ‘Wal Booru Nidahasa’ prevailed under the rotten democracy imposed on Sinhalayo by Brits, ‘Paradeshi’ people opened their mouths too much and became a headache for Native Sinhalayo.

        • 8

          Eagle Blind Eye

          “………………………………………………………………………. became a headache for Native Sinhalayo.

          Will you now please explain who these Native Sinhalayos are?
          Why, when and how these people become Native Sinhalayos?

        • 6

          Only natives for this land are native veddas, this is now proved by DNA research. No arguments would be necessary
          at all. As Israelis took over Palestine, to the vey same manner so called sinhala and tamils migrated to thambapanni. Ballige puthas of EE nature know nothing but to mislead their wahallu, are on a temporary thrill. Rajapakshes proved their abilities today breaking the records of Sorysena who paved the way criminals be back. Now people are speechless letting ultra racist such as Eagle stupid eye to repeat his racist stanzas. Hilarious!!!!!😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

          • 4

            As for me, rapist judge lenin Rathnayaka and medamulana Rajapakshes evidently have the same blood. If anyone would disagree to bring constructive arguments.

      • 1

        People speak against rulers, even in China, Russia and Cuba, when they have something to speak about. Not for the sake of it.
        Have you heard of the waves of strike action that swept across south China a few years ago?
        (For more see:
        Could people speak against the ‘rulers’ when the LTTE was in charge?

  • 27

    If I were there, I too would have no choice but to animate those motorists and all. However, if 31 year old was doing an illegal act, traffic policists in their duties could arrest him on the spot. But police men did not react. Would the govt take action against traffic police officers that stayed mum not reacting accordingly ? I have no doubt, even POLICE is against the current rulers and they are all fed up of bitch s sons authoritarian rule.

    And this would not be silent from this act. ENtire world is watching. Presdient should be sent to MONTISOORI lessions if the nation to be saved in next days. We attacked POLONNARUWE donkey for his repeated silly acts, but current double-pakshes are breaking all records made by SORRYSENA. Good riddance to all, that line up to vote for CRIMINALS.

    • 19


      “Presdient should be sent to MONTISOORI lessions if the nation to be saved in next days.”

      Here is clip in which Sanakkiyan MP tells Gota to attend Montessori before going for second PhD.
      Watch the link after 5 minutes as the first part is in Tamil.

      • 13

        Thank you my dear Native@
        Do you also have this in English/Sinhala ?

        I am so fed up of even looking at our Thirisannu dominated srialnken nation that does not seem to grasp the symbiosis, but how some mammal species do.

        Not only going to Montisori, but also from animals and their behaviours, Rajapakshe brothers could learn the basics.

    • 3

      What a THIRISANNU dominated country, it has turned out to be as of today ?
      Though late, I happened to watch following Video
      and i became speechless. I have not lived the country, but the nothing seem to have worked for the improvement of SERVING the justice for the poor.
      However, the very same JUDICIARY keep protecting real high criminals. The public were misled even to get them back to power and put the people into the previous mode. Whowever, whatever being said and done, former govt achieved a lot for the democratic govenance, by reintroducing INDEPENDENT commissions which ballige puthas from Medamulana uprooted immediately they returned to power. WIth this being the ground reality for srilankens, what more talks would be necessary to clear the doubts ?

  • 17

    Democracy ensures we be governed no better than we deserve. – Bernard Shaw.

  • 23

    If you sleep with the dog then you have to wake up with flea. The ignorant, gullible Sinhalese swallowed the BS about Sinhala Buddhsim have fallen into a maha trap. Let them face the music. It is karma. Corona is eating on one side. Poverty and hunger on other side while luxury like and positions for Raja gang. jaya weva.

    • 3

      Black Lankan,
      “The ignorant, gullible Sinhalese swallowed the BS about Sinhala Buddhsim have fallen into a maha trap.”

      Ridiculing the party that won the war helps those who are suffering from ‘Defeat-Syndrome’ to get over their inferiority complex.

      • 14

        So called sinhala Buddhists are today in their silent mode. Gotabaya and rest criminals in that family would nt be able to escape sooner than later. Truths will succeed. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

  • 23

    This young man apologized for it. He said he was not aware it was the Chinese delegate. He had thought it was Gota.

  • 11

    In the middle east, public anger towards the ruling regimes started the Arab Spring, which created chaos & anarchy, while protests in Hong Kong & Myanmar were ruthlessly cracked down. In South America, the oppressive & corrupt regimes were brought down by public anger at the ballots, only to be replaced by regimes no better by the same public. In SL, the most obvious scenario would be Myanmar / Hong Kong style. The Chinese, with their expertise in such matters, are there to give a helping hand if needed.

    • 1

      “In South America, the oppressive & corrupt regimes were brought down by public anger at the ballots, only to be replaced by regimes no better by the same public.”
      In Sinhale/Sri Lanka the way things happened was different. The oppressive and corrupt ‘Jadapalana’ Government was brought down by public anger at the ballots and replaced by a regime better than ‘Jadapalana’ regime. Native Sinhalayo don’t care what ‘Paradeshis’ suffering from ‘Defeat-Syndrome’ think about the new regime.

      • 4

        BP EE,
        People s angers are growing.
        Sorysena s politics is now in a demand. Nandasena s capabilities are not it’s all cracked upto be. Wiyath maga men have become like obsequrous animals. .
        Dichotomy is becoming contrast.
        If u are honest to u please go and see in a mirror. Question urself what Bps have achieved so far , within the last 15 months?

        Actually nothing,….. with this being the mere truth, reality, now the very same voters are awaiting to throw “asuchi” at ur beloved Rajapakshes to the manner that “judge Lenin Ratnayake” was treated for his high crimes- rape acts. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

    • 1

      Srilanken style of anger displaying will come to practice next days.. sooner than later by- attacking anyone wearing the name – Rajapakshe in the near future.
      I have watched videos being aired from MIDDLE EAST, KOREA, ITALY and several other countries in Europe…. most of them are totally against their former weerayas.
      Most of srilanken skilled workers would not respect Rajapakshes anymore. Srilanken struggle today is with nobody else but Rajapakshes and their criminal political supporters. I wonder if NAMAL BABY would be able to stay live in the days to come. Almost everyone starts hating the criminal family. Mahinda Rajaakshes last days will be almost like that of Gadafi: Gotabaya s will become even worst. Wait and see, how they will ever make it…. ‘

      Now it is realizing that nobody else, but a SRILANKEN CID personnel too were behind EASTER sunday bombing. So who is behind that CID men ? Gotabaya ? Mahinda Rajapakshe ? Sirisena was well aware of the plan – before he left for THAILAND or SINGAPORE shortly before easter April 2019.

  • 16

    Herr Nandasena is getting nuttier by the day. In his little mind he is an autocrat who will make petty arrests, just to cover his crimes, blunders, and failures. Autocrats like to punish anyone who stands up to him, and make them the example to others.

    Sri Lanka is on a downward spiral, and no one can do anything. All this autocratic rule, and Nutty Nanda still can’t handle the pandemic, the economy, and we are pariahs in the eyes of the world.

    But hey, the streets are clean.

  • 23

    All this happens because for 25 years leader of the UNP was this rascal Ranil, who behind his bogus arrogance, half-baked knowledge, is actually a devious rogue. Because he was so bad, the people had to vote Rajapakses .This time the UNP did not get a single seat. !

    Last 5 years finally undid the rascal. Where is his arrogance now ? Where is his shapely partner in crime Mahendran ? Where are all the gays now ?

    When it came to appointing a successor in the UNP Ranil appointed not any loyal follower or a proven politician , but his useless nephew Ruwan Wijewardena !

    When questioned why , he said he did not appoint Ruwan but the UNP working committee ( which he appoints ) appointed Ruwan, because the committee thought him the best successor.

    Did Mahinda appoint Namal Rajapakse as organizer for Hambantota or did Mahinda appoint Gotabaya as presidential candidade ? No, they were all appointed by the PA Central committee !

    Ranil, who are you fooling ?

    The nation curses you

    • 6

      When a borrower defaults the Guarantor gets sued. It was the conman Ranil who stood the guarantor for Mahendran not one but twice must be taken to task in place of Mahendran.

      • 3

        How can this be knowing the architecture of bond scam lies on current rules. It is merely the truth about the story of ” bond scam’.like or not please try to focus on facts from 2008, charge sheets will be filled with the silly acts of MaRa and his Wandibattaya Ajith Cabral. People ll throw asuchi at them sooner than later.😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

  • 26

    Hahahaha aiyo what a 0athetic situation. Now the 69 lakh 🐃 can’t even toot their horn at their new chinese masters/owners of sri lanka.
    Well done you fools !! Go ask those extremist buddhist terrorist monk-eys who asked you to vote for wannabe hitler for a solution.

    • 11

      This is exactly what happens in China, North Korea, Russia, and other places where autocrats rule. Nutty Nanda was elected by misguided fools, and it is too late for buyer’s remorse now. The poison is out of the bottle.
      We are watching our nation become a police state, where people are arrested for exercising their democratic rights.

      • 14


        “Nutty Nanda”

        Actually psychopath Gota.

      • 1

        Misguided fools elected Sirisena and Ranil in 2015 who ruined this country. Misguided ‘Moda’ Tamils and Muslims did not vote to elect Rajapakshes who are trying hard to pull this country out of the mess created by those two dong keys.
        “Nutty Nanda was elected by misguided fools”

    • 12

      sitrep24, I love the way you write your comments. You don’t mince your words or twist for political correctness. Keep it up bud. Love reading your stuff. Sometimes these racists may not understand the level English you speak.

    • 0

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

      For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 3

      How can this be knowing the architecture of bond scam lies on current rules. It is merely the truth about the story of ” bond scam’.like or not please try to focus on facts from 2008, charge sheets will be filled with the silly acts of MaRa and his Wandibattaya Ajith Cabral. People ll throw asuchi at them sooner than later.😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

    • 0

      the 69 lakh 🐃 the 69 lakh 🐃 the 69 lakh 🐃 the 69 lakh 🐃 the 69 lakh 🐃 the 69 lakh 🐃 the 69 lakh 🐃 the 69 lakh 🐃 the 69 lakh 🐃 are today in their silent mode.
      Not even pinguththarayas like Abeythissa is under the bed of MaRa… the 69 lakh 🐃 the 69 lakh 🐃 the 69 lakh 🐃 the 69 lakh 🐃 the 69 lakh 🐃

  • 11

    It appears that Chinese are threatened by horns than military weapons. May be its time we do the same in this Chinese Colony Sri Lanka. When ever we see a Pohottuwa-SLPP MP lets start tooting our horn to show our displeasure of this Military/Police Dictatorship where Democracy has been killed by the Rajapakse Family rule. At least then I hope this ruling thugs will learn a lesson.

    • 3

      Do you think ruling thugs who did not get scared of Tamil terrorists who were branded as the deadliest terrorists in the world will get scared when dumb idiots keep on tooting horns?
      “lets start tooting our horn to show our displeasure”

  • 8

    The sheer irony of this guy protesting a VIP road block and he wears a mask.
    Protesting a relatively minor irritation but complying with a far worse form of oppression.

  • 1

    love it this Australian fool should spend some time in welikada. if that does not help boosa.

    I see a lot of Australian propaganda. I did see on facebook some uneducated noob from kandy posting a video showing some Chinese collecting insects. It was reposted by a guy I know who lives in Australia. Why does anyone care? if the Chinese eat what. No one talks about the worm infested jadi that we eat. so get off your eneducated high horses.

  • 3

    We may deviate from the truth in always indulging in the habit of “Nandasena bashing” merely to titillate ourselves. I am always reminded of the folly that was committed in laying the net to catch the culprits of the 1966 “lavatory coup”. Had this been properly carried out the prime mover Dr. Tissa alias Rohana Wijeweera would have been apprehended and the population would have been saved from the loss of lives both in the 1971 and 1988 unrests in the country. True! The honking was essentially some anger vented at the government and they did not know that a foreign VIP was passing by. The Police too did not care two hoots for the din created and they carried on with their duties. It is clear to me that the chap who was entrusted with the well being of the VIP got the news later and he shook the Police top brass. The rest followed. Interestingly the accused was granted bail for non-bailable charges and he publicly apologized for his action. Note that both the Prez and the PM ditched the traditional “Ayubowan” for a “show of fists” to greet. Lanka is fast becoming an SAR of China.

  • 2

    For my point of view he happened to be in traffic and blocked by traffic police without knowing who was the VIP and frustrated,he hasn’t brought any groups to protest
    But P2P went ahead and free

  • 1

    Sadly he passed away.

  • 2

    He said sorry. What a tough guy.

  • 2

    Someone said that Blind Eagle alias HLD has kicked the bucket in Melbourne due to covid and old age and beaten by his Tamil wife, but he seems to be alive with his BS and venom. Buddha wants him to be around for some more time to distroy the credibility of sinhalayas and Dukka Deepa once and for all. Blind your Nande will soon sell your ba….s to Cheenan for a sweat and sour testicle provided that still have the ba…ls. Real CT Andare.

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