18 February, 2025


Maithripala Sirisena Trashes Colombo

President Maithripala Sirisena claimed that political garbage from all parts of the country ends up in Colombo, adding to the waste already in the city.

Maithripala Sirisena

Addressing a gathering at an event today (March 2), Sirisena made a clear distinction between the city and the village, and especially Colombo and other parts of the country, implying that all the ills of the country are inexorably drawn to Colombo, leaving the countryside pristinely pure.

He was particularly dismissive of the media, especially television, claiming ‘if you watch television in the evening you might think that we don’t even have a country.’

The President vowed not to heed criticism from the media but said he would continue to serve the people and especially the farming community through unnamed programmes whose implementation is to be expedited.

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  • 4

    Thanks for CT for bringing this internal turmoil which remain to be inextinguishable. These tacit insinuated fights are apparently showing the cohesive nature of the internal structure of the Yahapalanaya. The extreme deceitfully nature of Buddhist monks’ preaching has left the country to feel wedding the victim and the rapist is justice serving method. Any way to gather some personal fortune is ok with this community. This has created extreme antagonistic forces wedded with the name of Yahapalanaya – is was purposefully named in that way to cheat the Colombo Diplomats who had started to show interest in alleviating minorities’ suffering created the majority politician’s malevolent deeds . The difference here is the Yahapalanaya is a marriage between two (UNP-SLFP) rapists. They are now constantly looking for to humiliate each other; a classic example of the notion of those two mistakes doesn’t make a correction.
    The shameless president is not ready to clean corruption; ne is not ready to let be cleaned; he is not ready to he come clean of himself. Now he is saying Country Bastards are becoming City Bastards by migrating to city. He migrated from Country to city and has his problem in getting along with composition of a cosmopolitan city. His inborn nature is the uncivilized backward, well-frog country racism. He brought it from Polonnaruwa with him to Colombo. He has Man-Woman division. He has Buddhist-Non Buddhist division. He has Sinhala- Non Sinhala Languages (like English & Tamil) difference. He has City-Country Division. In total, though he is the president of the country, but other than circle of his inner and friends circle, he hates the entire country. He is the sin throne by Sobitha Thero, Sampanthar & Chandrika. He doesn’t accept the country. The Country doesn’t accept him.

    • 1

      Maithripala Sirisena ,

      RE: Maithripala Sirisena Trashes Colombo

      Look yourself in the mirror. You have no clothes.

      Ding-dong battle continues between the two coalition partners


      This is whilst military strongman and Minister Sarath Fonseka, who was away in Indonesia, was widely touted to hold the position. Upon his return, he anxiously began looking for staff for the new ministry. When he met Wickremesinghe on Tuesday, the Premier, who was backing his appointment, explained that top level Police officers were opposed to his appointment. An angry Fonseka was to accuse some of them, DIGs, as smugglers and drug peddlers who should be in jail.
      The next day (Wednesday), Fonseka met the President to discuss his appointment. Sirisena made clear it was not possible to appoint him. Once again, Fonseka was angry. Outside the President’s residence at Paget Road, he told those present that he was seeking the post not for himself but to do a service to the country. He had wanted to clean up the Police Department and deal with those who were corrupt.


      Anura Disanayake’s speech at elected JVP councilors’s seminar

  • 3

    He stabbed Old Royal on the back and became president though backdoor. The national Unity government is the dream of Ranil from Old Royal’s time. Now he wants to stab Ranil on his back & swindle Ranil’s PM position and give it to someone in the Royals. Continuing this one mother after LG election is a shameless act because he struggled to fire Ranil and he was explained that he cannot do that by AG, his other consultants and Community activists like Porf. Uyangoda. We have marked our opinion after reading the 19A’s position in Prof:Uyangoda’s essay that the only way to remove a PM is dismissing entire government through a no confidence motion.

    There is no reason to believe Prof. Uyangoda may not have given what he had written in this essay.

    But it is really disappointing to read on the media that this imbecile is still trying to remove Ranil and bring in Brother Prince, who had already rejected the offer as he is a dual citizen.

    The LG election was not a referendum. If it were a referendum, it did not win because Joint Comedy Opposition got only 44%. But there is still a clear message to this guy. The 100% of the SWRD’s SLFP has abandon him and moved out of the official SLFP, which is now under this guy. Only a small percentage, which voted against the SWRD SLFP in Jan, 2015 is sticking with him. These are the people wanted rebelled against Old Royal tyranny & brought an end to them. So, is he going to maintain at least that support by investigating Old Royals’ tyrannies or is he going to preach his theory of the Bastard of country side, like him, are migrating to city and making the city as Bastard’s heaven?

  • 11

    How the Gamarala went to Heaven. (Part-1)Once upon a time there lived a Gamarala in a certain village in Lankadweepa. One day he found that his paddy field was being destroyed by some big animal in the night. One night he waited in hiding behind a bush near the field. Exactly at mid night an elephant descended from the heavens and started to eat the paddy. The Gamarala ran towards the elephant shouting at the top of his voice. The elephant was startled and started its take off run to return to heaven. The Gamarala managed to hold on to the elephant’s tail and was taken to heaven.

    In heaven he spent a day of pleasure with the Divyanganas serving him with Amurtha (heavenly food) and giving other services. He made friends with many Devas and in the night he returned back to earth hanging on to the elephant tail.

    On his return he told his wife and children about his adventure and asked them to get ready next night to go to heaven, also advising them not to tell anyone else. Of course, we know that when you tell that, everyone will come to know the secret in next to no time. By nightfall of the fateful day, he found hundreds of people coming to his house begging him to take them to the Divya Loka. It was like the Politicians coming to meet the present Presidnet for Ministerial posts. As in the present case, there was no option but to satisfy them all.

    To be continued…..

    • 11

      How the Gamarala went to Heaven. (Part 2)
      They went to the field, and right on the dot, the elephant landed. The crowd ran towards it headed by the Gamarala. The Gamarala grabbed the tail and the elephant started his return flight. The Gama Hamine held on to the Gamarala’s waist and the rest held on, one after the other forming a chain, in the order of importance.

      The elephant climbed like a Sri Lankan aircraft and soon reached cruising altitude, before starting the final ascent to Heaven. The crowd was highly excited and impatient to know what they would find in Heaven. They started asking questions from the Gamarala impatiently. The Gamarala was a nice guy but had one fault common to all Gamaraals – To show others he is The Guy – one who knows everything and the only one who could mange complex projects, like taking people to heaven.

      Finally the Redi Nanda (Dhoby Aunty) asked, ‘Really, Sir, how big is the Laha (the paddy container used to measure the volume of paddy) in heaven. The Gamarala, already feeling his importance, said “Bigger than this” and for good measure, demonstrated the size by spreading his arms wide. Of course, for this, he had to release the tail of the elephant and they all fell back to the paddy field.

      Miraculously, no one was seriously and a few passengers suffered minor injuries. Only the Gamarala suffered a somewhat serious head injury due to the Gama Hamine dealing him a clean and precise blow with her umbrella.

      • 2

        Edwin Rodrigo! :-E)

      • 5

        Motto: If you want to climb up using an elephant’s tail, do not let go in the middle.

        • 2

          Edwin your abilities are limitless. I hope for more political satire.

          • 3

            Please guys, all this is not satire. I am trying to be damned serious here.

        • 3

          The magic pohottuwa will cure him and all the other passengers of trying to ascend to alt-universes.

        • 1

          Have you tried it by yourself ?

          Edwin ? Dont you think Lanken Prez is caught by both sides.

          If he would join alleged horu, UNP would put the blame on him.

          If he would join UNP – horu domnated SRILANKA would not respect him anymore.

          Lankens have shown their nature not once several dozens times. Even if Rajapakshes would have been born rogues, people would not want them to be jailed.
          So , the ball is on the side of people.
          So long people would not sense, nothing will be made easier to stand against corruption in this F- dominated nation.

        • 0

          Brilliant piece of humour and a perfect parallel to what’s going on now. The point made cannot be missed.

          • 1

            I am not sure about whose comment you are talking. Since they all seem to be ‘Replies to my piece’ I thank you all with humility and caution. Humility – because, if you are talking about my piece, I just told a story and the threads have been imagined by you. Caution- because I may be making a mistake by assuming that you are praising me.

      • 0

        This Gamarala & Heaven story is too funny !! :-) :-)

        And pretty accurate

  • 5

    It dawned on President Maithripala Sirisena that political garbage from all parts of the country ends up in Colombo.
    This enlightenment did not come for several decades before 2014. Not after 08 January 2015 but after the LG elections on 10 February 2018.
    PS: The ‘enlightenment’ is subject to change without notice.

  • 3

    Devolve power to the Provincial Councils including police, budget, land , economic development, finance and to some extent foreign policy to attract direct inward investment directly to the Provincial councils.Weaken the power at the center.

    That is the answer.

  • 1

    What i s the only rural area that brings pristine clean and articulate intelligent politicians to Colombo?

    Jaffna !!!!!!!!

    and when I say Jaffna I mean the entire NE Tamil territory.

  • 1

    This includes himself as well.

  • 1

    Sunday morning theme was cleansing the temple of cheating and robbing money changers to offer the sinless Temple Sacrifice, preparing for Good Friday. Peace and Reconciliation in South Africa was when Bishop and judges asked people to openly confess and expose their murders and have forgiveness released by victims. As SL has majority Buddhist, what is the equivalent available in it to expose and get rid rather than hide in denial and hence keep simmering alive inside, the karmic consequences of their deeds. This is deadly garbage to the soul and must be rid of to live in peace. If not reconciled, cannot rule this country in peace without greed, murder and confusion.

  • 0

    I think we need to modernize our farming and invite foreign Farms to come and invest here

  • 0

    We remember , that even for Sarachchandra, for Maname to breakthrough he struggled to get it into the Loinel Wendt theatre,Colombo. It was a shame that he couldn’t begin it in a humble hamlet.
    This is what Gamini Haththuwegama meant when he said,” Sarachchandra took from the village but never gave back to it.”
    The history of Maname tells us a lot about Colombo and rural Lanka.

  • 0

    All the garbage from all over the Country are collected in the Parliament. Unfortunately they are not segregated as food waste. polythene etc. There is no need to, as most them are recycled by the foolish people to be reelected despite their nauseating odor.

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