16 January, 2025


Malaka Silva Was Stabbed By A Group Of Army Men

Minister’s Mervyn Silva’s son Malaka Silva was stabbed in the car park of Odel. He was admitted to the Nawaloka Hospital.

According to the Colombo Telegraph sources a group of Army men in two Defender jeeps had attacked Malaka Silva. The group was waiting for Malaka in the car park of Odel and asked him “Oyada Malaka kiyanne? ” ( Are you Malaka?) as soon as he said “yes” they stabbed him by using a broken bottle.


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Latest comments

  • 1

    Drama…Drama….Drama… This is another Beliatte staged drama to dupe public.

    Watch the following video to hear what Mervin says…..


    Mervin say there were 12 men in two defender trucks came to take away Malaka and he fought with them and resisted them to take him away.

    How could one guy like Malaka fight alone with 12 people to resist them to take him away. Is he a super man……

    Also usually whenever Malaka travels he takes his own eight odd body guards where ever he goes. Where were they when this incident happened.

    Third Mervin says that Malaka has already left the hospital from the Back door when asked his condition by the TV reporters. How could he go out from the back door so soon if he has Stab injuries.

    Also Mervin dodges TV reporters when asked about the injuries.

    This is the new type of Hambanthota Comedy drama show to give some excitement to people.

    Another Sri Lanka’s Gangnam Style comedy show.

  • 1

    Army has to keep it’s reputation. It is a must.

    They did what exactly what they must have done.

    Don’t be sissies.

    You die only once.

    • 1

      good commence. thanx

  • 0

    possibly a media stunt due negative fallout of dayasiri defecation.
    is nawaloka the go-to hospital for upfa narco-pols n off-spring?

  • 1

    He must have stabbed him self. lol

  • 0

    Good news but too late. it should happen long ago. we are sad to hear no serious injuries.

  • 1

    The most important thing now is to find out if the Army did a good job it – is he dead and gone? check check

    we cant have Presidential Funds allocated for his medical bills

  • 1

    This is a staged drama to set the tone for Malaka to contest elections.

    • 1

      He will have a better chance if he contests under his real name “Malaka Rajapassa”??

  • 1

    I have lived and worked in many countries and yet to see the type of coverage politician’s offspring get as much as they do in SL, and for all the wrong reasons.
    It almost seem like a badge of honour for their parents that these idiots are behaving like thugs, while completely dependent on the state to provide them security and the likes. Like MR’s son who seems to be spending the day eating, exercising and generally goofing off with his friends and girlfriend to moron who could not differentiate between the cabin door and the toilet door of an aircraft, we have yet to see anyone doing a something worthwhile with their lives. This shows the quality of politicians that are in high places in the country. Most of them look like low life thugs outright and no wonder that they encourage their children to be the same as there is no other way they could make a mark on the society with their single digit IQ. When most decent politicians try to keep their families out of media to make them well rounded citizens, SL politicians seems to push them more and more into the limelight to promote them as “tough guys”, when in fact they could get beaten into a pulp in a real fight.

    • 1

      Unfortunately these thuggish brats have learned from the best – their thuggish fathers. They are a generation of arrogant troublemakers, who live privileged lives, and have immense wealth; thanks to the wealth amassed by their fathers, and their corrupt behavior. They do not know what hard work is, and they do not have to earn their living, like most young people in our country do. Most importantly, their crimes of violence go unpunished. NONE of the politico’s brats have faced the laws of our courts, nor have they paid a penalty for the crimes they have perpetrated on innocent people. Politicians and their defective off springs, get away with even murder in this banana republic.

    • 1

      See in the past, we were not compelled these incidents.

      Today, scum have been elected as lawmakers – that have absolutely no respect to law and order.

      So how can we ever expect these low level politicians have taught their offsprings to behave in a civilized manner.

      Have any of these politicians produced good educated children ?

      In the past only, they were exemplary.

  • 1

    This is the Low level that our Parliament Whore house Politicians taken it’s Citizens for.

    They themselves being whores, taking Kappan (bribes) and Pin Padi now starting to dupe the public with falls flag, Drama, while deceiving them.

    The Biggest stage Comedy Drama Joker is missing with his King Coconut water to feed Nalaka in the Hospital.

    Very soon there will be more of these Drama on stage when Elections are getting closer.

    Parliament Paid Whores who sell their souls and respect for money now getting ready with another script to play when PC elections are getting closer.

    Both CT, Mass media, Human right associations, Lawyers and the Opposition parties should investigate this Beliatte whore Fake Bast…d’s drama which sling mud at our Army soldiers to clear their good name.

    This joker has brought our Army to a level of Buffalo Solja Army, and he should be punished and brought to justice for disrespecting our Army and for deceiving the Public.

    It’s time to act against these False Flag commedians who are born liars and bring Justice to the Army and us Citizens.

    • 1

      Odel has to submit a copy of this video to CID,Supreme court, private investigation team and to the Insurance company to claim damages from Mervin for this fake Stage Drama episode, which damaged their good name and reputaion .

      It’s time some private investigation team, investigate this false flag incident and bring the culprits to books.

  • 1

    This is what the so called Sinhala Buddhist Southern Bastard whores with no reputation or respect at all, coming to Colombo and do to our Country. The ever notorious Southern IRC crooks playing drama and duping the public. The master crook is in the head seat.

    They should be sent to paddy Fields to use as Buffalos to Plough in Paddy Fields. But the Crooks got into our Parliament through 90% of our Villege uneducated Farmers and now screwing the Country, it’s resources and It’s People.

    What a Jokers country this is and It’s people too.

    They should be brought to Law for deceiving and Lying to Public.

  • 0

    Mahela , do not drag race and religion into the issue. You are clearly displaying the fact that you are a totally biased fanatic whose command of the English language is quite poor.

    • 1


      It is not me who drag Race and Religion to Politics, but it is your Crooks who are in the Government who do so.

      Those are the crooks who used Race and religion to duped 90% of our uneducated Villege Gamaralas to get into power, now acting and Staging Drama politics. Read my earlier comment to see who is telling lies.

      This is all that these notorious Beliatte, Hambanthota so called Sinhala Buddhist Pimps did to our country. Robbing, Lying, Deceiving, false flag and Cover to deceive 90% of uneducated Villege Voters.

      After duping the 90% villege Sinhala Buddhist mutts vote to get into Parliament, now they have made even the Parliament a Whore house by buying and selling Opposition Party MP’s to cross over and making Citizens a Joker’s paradise.

      If These [Edited out] think that they could dupe the Colombo educated and Kolomba Kakkas “crows” like their villege Kela Veddas, They are mistaken and are fooling themselves.

      Where is the CCTV camera and Police report. Where is super man now, in the hospital or in a who..e house.

      This fake Dutugenunu should be brought into justice for Lying and deceiving public, Deceiving media, disgracing Army and bringing ODEL’s reputation down.

      It’s time for Lawyers to Punish this Gas Gemba……”tree Frog”

      Please don’t be another notorious Beliatte as…s licker.

    • 1


      Mahela is neither Biased Fanatic nor his command in English Language is quite poor.

      He is not Biased like your Government Parliament Whore House Multi Millioneers who were Beggers before came to parliament by selling their Parliamenbt seat and their Souls after duping their voters.

      70% of Parliament Whore House Prostitutes are cross overs who were bought by the Pimp.

      Also Mahelas English is far more better than your Parliament Uneducated, uncultured and uncivilised Beggers who became Summa Millioneer Alibaba Pin Padiyas after stealing the Parliament seats.

      Please adjust your comment.

  • 1

    Fake staged drama…bar none. Only a sinhala modaya who likes to eat kavum like a dung beetle would fall for it…

  • 1

    [Edited out]

    We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT

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