The debt-ridden budget airline, Mihin Lanka will cease operations from October 30, the airline’s Chief Executive Officer Suren Ratwatte announced.
“We would like to take this opportunity to notify you of the discontinuation of all Mihin Lanka flights and services with effect from 30th October 2016. This decision has been made by the Government of Sri Lanka, as part of the long term strategy to restructure the local aviation industry and strengthen the national carrier’s offering and efficiency,” Ratwatte said in a communique sent to the airline’s travel partners.
He also said that Mihin Lanka’s route network will be absorbed by SriLankan airlines, the national carrier.
“Whilst, the discontinuation of Mihin Lanka marks the end of an era, it also marks the start of a new chapter in Sri Lanka’s aviation industry,” Ratwatte said.
Rajash / October 4, 2016
Mihin Lanka was the only air line that was forced to land at Hambantota white elephant airport.
The fate of the airport. The end is neigh!
Amarasiri / October 4, 2016
RE: Mihin Lanka Shuts Down
“The debt-ridden budget airline, Mihin Lanka will cease operations from October 30, the airline’s Chief Executive Officer Suren Ratwatte announced.”
Congratulations. At last, Yahapalanaya, is getting some wisdom and intelligence, even with the average national IQ of 79.
Mihin Lanka was a Mahinda Rajapaksa, MaRa, Ego Project white elephant.Of course thee are others with financial and environmental disasters such as the Mattala Jungle-Bird Sanctuary Airport, that must be closed down, and the Jungle grow, and the Hambantota Stadium.
The Colombo Port City is an environmental disaster and a financial disaster, that the country seem to be stuck with.
MaRa MaRa Chatu MaRa
MaRa MaRa AmaNa Maa
Maa MaRa Ego MaRa
MaRa MaRa DhushaNa MaRa
Don Stanley / October 5, 2016
JVP and Anura Kumara must launch a protest about impunity for financial crimes under Rani-Sir Jara-palanaya, and people should refuse to pay VAT and income tax. Taxing the poor while the corrupt politicians who have fattened themselves on the National Debt are scot free!
This is a joke! Those who are responsible for the Mahinda Jarapassa Vanity project called Mihin Air and its massive DEBT that is being loaded onto the people of Lanka must be held ACCOUNTABLE for their FINANCIAL CRIMES.
What are Jarapalaya Ranil and Sira upto – piling VAT taxes onto poor people to pay off the debts of CORRUPT POLITICIANS of the SLFP and keep the corrupt Mahinda Jarapassa family , brothers sons and crooks in luxury villas and SUVs and overseas juants?!
People should refuse to pay VAT. Sri Lanka today is caught between the IMF and Chinese loans DEBT TRAP that has been caused by the SLFP-UNP corrupt politicians and their stupid Finance Ministers and advisors..
S.Modaya / October 5, 2016
Dead on Don! Track
Sri Lanka is caught in a DEBT TRAP between IMF/Washington and China – both want to control it.
This is how the Cold War will play out in SL. Unless the bi-partisan SLFP-UNP corruption and looting of the national wealth ends and Jarapassa family held accountable and jailed with Mahidnran, NIvard Cabraal and Aloysius, the JO will be back in the saddle in the Miracle of Modayass!
Simon De Silva / October 5, 2016
You should be number one DONKEY of the nation.
Just come with the alternatives man, if VAT woudl not be the solution, what other options would the state have in terms of covering all the high debts left by Pulligona Adminstration.
Sure, VAT or the like are no good for the folks, but people shold finally get to know each and everyone of the society owe to pay back something. This culture is common to the west and developed folks, but ours noty et ..
Just to tax only high income earners had been heard but unlike the case in the west, not everyone is taxed in the country.
All the abusive men were allwed to earn and make their sums multiplied without paying taxes for the decades have become a long term problem of the naton
We must pay taxes but we also give some relieves to the poor.
So long you guys stand on the way about VAT, nothing will allow to march an inch forward.
Seelawathie Jayasinghe / October 5, 2016
To relieve the common man
a) Please confistcate all the assets of Rajakashes (Family, Siblings and all)
b) Jonsten, Former sport minister, Rajakapkshes condom support -Wimal weerawanse and all other knowwn and unknown men should be investigated and their assets that have been collected in an unfair manner should be confiscated.
c) Then we should continue with the taxes – VAT but not 12% or or so, but to amanner that common man could afford it.
Kapila / October 5, 2016
Mahinda Jarapassa should have been jailed for financial crimes and his assets ceased to pay off Mihin Air Debt before Mihin air was closed and staff were put out of jobs!
This is yahapalanaya in reverse!
Seelawathie Jayasinghe / October 5, 2016
Yahapalanaya has been captured by a devilish situation to this date.
If Mr. Sirisena would go radically against the men, what would or could have happened ?
If UNPers would have gone so radically against Rajakashe horu, then their likes of the society would go down …..
The bull of the cart the consensual politics being currently played, but moving forward pleasing the masses have been too slow.
Rajash / October 4, 2016
Impostor Rajash , I thought you promised to brush up your English.Howlers again.Tamil Maha Vidiyalam quality .
Rajash / October 4, 2016
what a monumental comment!
Dankottuwa Manike / October 5, 2016
Rajash + Rajash
What a combination. Who is the impostor?
Both are blind folded Dosa and Vade….. Mihin name derived from Mahinda and time has come to end its life term in Matara airport. I always anticipated the fate of Mihin and I am glad it is has come.
All traces of Mihinda’s landmarks must be erased and the land acquired in Anuradhapura by him to build a Mahinda Dagoba must be confiscated.
Let us praise him for ending the LTTE terrorism but make him accountable for the war crimes committed throughout his rule.
Death of Mihin is progressive decline of Mahinda.
You two Rajash Donkeys too must change or join Mahinda.
Rajash / October 5, 2016
Pucking Blue Rajash is the imposter
Pucker Blue Rajash….puck off from here
Leelawathie / October 5, 2016
Rajash / October 6, 2016
This must be the understatement of the century!
Rajapakses assets all over the world must be frozen and confiscated to pay off the mountain of debt they have put the country in to.
Jayan / October 4, 2016
Yahapalana crooks took nearly 2 years to close down this MR shit.
Seelawathie Jayasinghe / October 4, 2016
Who put the name ” Mihin Air” then ? Had that to do with Mahinda_Mihin ?
As the man was to do anything if his name was used anywhere they could – like Mahindodaya Laboratories…. remember ? But every same man to utter all nonsence today being defeated is what we get to here these days.
Whose funds had been invested to introduce this airline ?
Ballige putha et al should have gone mad to introduce such airline while SRILANKEN was not even making a ct profit….
That again proves the knowledge of Mahinda Rajaakshe.
You cant cease an airline that easily Jayan – it is not easy at all, they have had agreements signed with various parties.
Peace Lover / October 4, 2016
Good job but should have been shut down earlier!
poor k a sumanasekera though as he is a big fan of failed projects
People / October 4, 2016
Look at the notice. Is this way to publish a notice? The letter shows how incompetent the chief of the airlines.
“We would like to take this opportunity . . .”: what is the opportunity here? He can’t even write a proper notice, so how can he manage such a big company?
Sam Fernando / October 4, 2016
Oh man, that is minimal…
what matters is the cease of the airline.
Citizen / October 4, 2016
Don’t worry his turn too will come soon
Kugan / October 4, 2016
It should be other way around.close the UL and keep the Mihin.or may change the name to Maharaja/Namal…Shiranai ..etc.air line.
Kugan / October 4, 2016
To add to it Gota’s white van taxi services passenger destination may unknown.he is about to learn more from Red Army.
Pygmalion / October 4, 2016
Mihin Lanka sentenced to death! No appeal allowed;When will the application for Bail for Srilankan Airlines be taken up?
vishvajith / October 4, 2016
So, will Srilankan now be the low cost carrier, stepping away from been a full service carrier. Perhaps a hybrid ?
Douglas / October 4, 2016
Seelawathie: You want to know whose funds were invested in this “Mihin” venture of MR. Obviously it was the PEOPLES’ money. But the very relevant questions would have been: For WHAT and for Whom? The answers are: (1) To syphon off Public Funds and (2) To divert those funds for the benefit of ROYALTY. For that dual purpose MR selected a very “Capable” ass crook by the name Sajin Vas Gunwardane who even NOW has the blessings of the present administration through various sources. Didn’t we see him being given “Security Escorts” from the PSD? The “Authorities” still could not put this Crook behind bars still. That should have been the priority No. 1, of all the investigative machinery.
Seelawathie Jayasinghe / October 4, 2016
Sam Fernando / October 4, 2016
What I dont undertsand is – when investigations are carried out ?
The first ever question to be raised would be who is the owner of Mihin lanka or CSN Sender ? But there, why the media men refrain inorming the readers adequately.
Many like me would not know YET who the owners of CSNs really are.
And lately one place which BASIL to have been building in Gamapaha district was the talk – but since then nothign much was in the air about that… if the owner is not Basil they the media should make the public clear who the real owners are. Why is that all these are subjected to half baken issues ?
I think srilankens in gneeral fail to do anything to the end. That is it.
PunchiSIMON / October 4, 2016
was there any demand for a new airline apart the main one -Srilanken ? Or the boys just played it with as had been other projects ?
And calling it Mihin to give a label to the Mahindas that way? They had always been playing with the funds and live sof people. These are the real wastes deliberately costed by Rajaakshes.
Why not the authorities hold open discussions with Athigaru and his brothers on the topic ? We the public yet to know what was behind all these money grabs – wastages ? was he that mad to have abused this much ?
Today over 20% of the population stay without water, they could better be supplied with waters, if the state had funds enough. And Rajarata kidney patients had to die wihtout having dialyse equippments as neprologists asked them to have – but they went for white elephant huge losses, for their own thoughts. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY
Libra / October 4, 2016
What took these guys so long to shut down this fraud perpetrated by that master fraudster Sajin Vaas and his fairy godfather Mahinda?
Will there be an investigation/audit with regard to the funds involved and who exactly benefited???
Will there be charges made against any felonious actions by those involved???
Let’s see if ‘Good Governance’ is really happening!
Douglas / October 4, 2016
Mr. CEO: you said: “It is and of an era and a beginning of a new chapter”. You are undoubtedly echoing the voice of the Government. But let me tell those in Authority, it cannot be made an “END OF AN ERA”. That act of SYPHONING off Public funds must be investigated and all responsible must be made answerable and accountable. It should not stop at that. All that money must be recouped and credited to Public coffers. Then only, you can say it is “AN END OF AN ERA”. Prior to you, there were two CEOs and we now know who they were and what they did with this favourite PET of the Royalty. Immediately they must be brought to justice and made to rot in a jail cell. That is the call of the PEOPLE and if that is not done, but simply say “END OF AN ERA”, you too be ready to be named END OF AN ERA.
Mano Ratwatte / October 4, 2016
Bravo. About time. Sri Lanka does not and did not have economies of scale unlike India to have so many competing airlines nor does it have the same powerful upper middle class with purchasing power that you find in India. I would say about time it was closed but of course it had to be done in a systematic/methodical manner. Any project of this nature should have begun with a B/C, a market survey and analysis of the segments they catered to see traffic patterns. Seems like none of it was done. While there is need for No-frills airlines like Spirit, Allegiant,JetBlue, Frontier(my favorite) and AirTran(not flying anymore) in the USA those are based on market analysis. Even the successful SW Airlines which only flies Boeing 737s can be listed in that category and they are have the most number of flights within the USA of all Airlines.
India has successful private airlines because it has the world’s largest middle class. It also was the fastest growing economy in the world in 2015% with growth rate of 7.5%. But there too the overspenders like Kingfisher got into trouble with $1.7Billion USD in debt. They had their budget arm Air Deccan neglected too.
Sad that it cost so much to keep an airline like that afloat. Hope the cadre who worked for them can find good jobs based on their skills and qualifications; it is never a laughing matter to be laid off but if they can be assigned duties that is a good thing or perhaps they will get the golden parachute retirement packages like in most cases around the world.
Mr. Ratwatte, I always had this movie in mind when it comes to expenditure. “Whose Life is it anyway?” starring Richard Dreyfuss. Always wondered if people in SL ever asked “Whose money is it anyway?”. Having paid off my debt to SL with my own money and having worried about it for a long time and being ashamed and now proud to say I paid off the debt I wonder about this. It always bothered me.
Ex UL staff / October 4, 2016
Though the Birth of MihiN Lanka at the time was for wrong reasons,the concept is a good one for the Sri Lankan Market as well.The failure of the Airline was not because the concept was not suitable but purely because of mismanagement.
The Airline should have been run on time proven model of a Budget Carrier rather than trying to become a Hybrid version without the knowhow or the means.
A new investor perhaps could see the merit of running such a Business
Sama / October 5, 2016
I believe it is also the failure of you guys, not to have risen up during the worst days of Srilankens. You were so sheepish.
Man, this airline once won the highest tropies for their performances.
Then again, while bringing profits to the country being together with EMIRATES, some idiots thoughts, that Emirates have grabbed our airlines. Narrominded thoughts not knowing the realities of running airlines in other parts of the worlds.
Even Swiss air and other airlines in europes work together to balance their wastages. Etihard airways works with Airberlin and other arilines together not making losses anymore.
But our poor folks to get swollen just because Emriates worked with srilanken was a biggest mistake and that then led Meeharaka and his stupid decisions to cancell the agreement which had made with Emirates. Why cant Mr FOOL explain all these to the nation. Much is being kept away from the people s awareness, now talking about to have done that much to the country, since Emirates stopped, Srilankens started to lose everything. TOday not even a single car moving on the roll feld of lanken katunayake is believed to be not of lanken assets, since the heavy loads of losses made during the last 7 years have been the highest burden of the current crisis in the country.
Mano / October 4, 2016
Mihin Air was a bad idea from the start. It was simply an effort to boost someone’s big ego – to leave their dirty mark in this country, at the expense of the people, but have their name on it. Usually power hungry leaders love to flaunt their names on various landmarks in the nation – but like the port, airport, and other ventures that left us in massive debt, it was yet another dismal failure. Grand ideas in huge proportions that many Sri Lankans knew would go nowhere…but these politicians with big egos do not listen.
Ranjith / October 4, 2016
Sajin Vass Gunawardene with Mahinda Rajapaksa must be having a good laugh at this news.Sajin made about 900 million rupees in commission at each stage of setting up this huge white elephant that had a resemblance to Mahinda’s name.Obviously he would have shared part of the loot with MR.
Just a look at Sajin’s luxury 7 story office at 29 Grenier Road,off Cotta Road, Borella ( Lane right next to Keels Super Market to the right as one comes from Borella junction) would reveal the billions Sajin, the beggar of a Wharf Clerk and grade 8 educated thug and criminal made from 2005 to 2015.Dont also forget his luxury homes at Horton Place Colombo 7 and at Shady Grove Avenue off Cotta Road in Borella( Lane almost opposite Keels Super Market)and the super luxury high rise building in the private lane next to the MINI Showrooms at Castle Street Colombo 8.
Todate Sajin has not been prosecuted even though nearly 2 years have passed since the current government has been in office.He is is freely roaming the world with his illgotten billions.What the hell is happening? It has been a case of highly publicized arrest, Merchants Ward and bail.The poor voter is been taken for a jolly good ride.
Leelawathie / October 5, 2016
Why did Athigaru allow Sajin earnig that much of millions ?
What former president let this go this way ?
Now people will realize how Sajin was able to pay 170mio cash to a petrol shed bill. Latter question was raised by Satana-Sirasa Program on and on.
Citizen / October 4, 2016
Do not believe the closure of Mihin Lanka did come as a surprise at all. But what surprise all of us is if the Governemnt has already decided to close it down by the end of the Month why did they include Mihin Lanka in their call for Expression of Interest for restructuring of Both Airlines ?
I am sure all those 07 applicants who have shown interest in the matter would have included Mihin Lanka as well in their proposals and now it takes a dissferent turn !!!
Something is not right here and we smell a Rat.Who in the Governemnt is so keen to see the end of Mihin Lanka before a potential Investor can decide on the future of same based on their proposal.
Is someone trying to favour an interested party who could now take over Mihin Lankas operating Licence ? Won’t be surprised
Cloudy Skies / October 4, 2016
What will happen to the shoplifter Capt. Pujitha Jayakody the Head of Flight Operations at Mihin Lanka??
Hope Sri Lankan Airlines recruits him and sends him to Singapore on his first flight where he is wanted in connection for is theft.
Lanka Watch / October 4, 2016
Ego is the cause of many evils in Sri Lanka. Just because rich airlines
like Emirates & Singapore airlines in our region formed budget airlines
some times called “No frills airline” like Fly by Dubai & Silk air res-
pectively ,offering much lesser airfares with restricted services in
order to protect their overflow of passengers from joining other air-
lines. This was a master strategy and these airlines are making money.
Ego played a part here again and the Sri Lankan civil aviation authori
-ties too formed a budget airline, without doing a feasibility study, by the name “Mihin air’ and the idea was to please the boss and not hoping to make money as the National carrier (UL) at that time was struggling to fill all their aircraft and European route was a disaster
for them as they could not compete there with other major airlines and incurring heavy financial losses running into billions of rupees and the rest is history.
Ego played a part again. People from all walks of life, including the
economists,academics, professionals and industrialists suggested to the
current govt. as early as Jan/2015 to close Mihin air and down size the
National carrier to a regional airline,operating into profitable routes
and await for a ripe opportunity to start an international airline. This advice fell into the deaf ears of the current govt.and they conti-
nued operating both airlines incurring heavy losses and the amounts lost were beyond imagination.
Its only after two years of initial warning, it dawned on the Govt.
that these two white elephants should be closed if we have to arrest
govt. expenditure as the country is in debt of Dlrs, 75 billion and
we have no alternative but to mortgage our country to another country
or IMF. Well done ‘Yahapalanaya”. This is one case of mishandling and
just imagine how many more ‘white elephants’ the govt. is feeding.
Karunaratne Gamage / October 5, 2016
Where is Sumanasekera?
BBS Rep / October 5, 2016
Good riddance of loss making white elephant.
Next on line should be Sri Lankan Airlines – the eternally loss making venture. When will the Yahapalanaya govt get the guts to shut Sri Lankan. Only Sri Lankan Government officials (with very low IQs)can find a way to justify the continued operation of a high loss making venture such as the Sri Lankan Airlines.
Meanwhile the media must be vigilant and expose any shady deals with regards to the sale of excess aircrafts and other valuable Mihinlanka assets. You can bet your bottom dollar someone is going to make a mint selling off these assets.
Henry Fernando / October 5, 2016
We hope with the closing down of Mihin Lanka those responsible for the
colossal losses to the State will not go scot-free but dealt with full force of the Law.
Niran W / October 5, 2016
GROBR – But having said this will ANYONE be held responsible for this colossally expensive adventure ?
Sajin Vaas was the prime mover behind this huge white elephant. Shrewdly judging MR’s weakness for ill thought out madcap ventures and his vanity, it would have been easy to get around MR. SvG set this up bulldozing his way through in his well known loud mouth brash manner, using MR’s name. He would undoubtedly have made sure he made enough on the deal – for that was his prime interest in the matter
Will there be inquiry into this and all those found responsible for the proliferate waste of public funds be held accountable ?
If not it is we the ordinary citizens who will once again pay (….. and have been paying) through VAT, Levies and taxes while the REAL PERPETRATORS will get away scot free with their profits.
Shariff / October 5, 2016
Don’t say it’s MARA’s ego Mihin was a plan by the puppy dog Sajin using people’s funds.He had planned this airline, when he was cooking at UAE Sri Lankan airline country managers home in his jobless early days.
Mihin was a dream of the this rogue vultur of Mahinda. They used this airline to siphon out black money to Dubai and former CEO Kapila another vulture,was a part of this and they had to pay cash to Dubai Airport after every take off due to bad debts.Good governance my balls.these vultures will keep earning even if they go for life.curse their siblings.
Sinchuappu / October 5, 2016
But could Sajin be able to do what he thought was right – if there had been the back of Meeharaka led adminstration ?
What are you talking about … I am speechless here reading the kind of comments. We put the entire blame on Sajin or anyone but leaving Rajakashes away fromr the scence. Who appointed donkeys such as uneducated Brother in law to be the chairman of lanken carrier ?
Why dont the people yet talk about the VERY mistake done by none other than Mahinda Rajakashe ?
Just because his term won the relay race of the war, we must not offer us letting them to rape us in various manner. Unfortunately, we have let that being deaf and so indifferent to them and their activities.
Yesterday the former man who has been suffering from all high inferiority complex as anyone bread crumbs added ” not only SWRD Bandaranayaka but also his father worked to build up the SLFP” —
then Mervin of MR regime could say, ” not only Rajakapshe, but also Mervins were the front men in winning the war against LTTERs”. Right ?
These thick skinned uneducated buggers twist their tongue whenever they see the advantages.
GobSmack / October 5, 2016
UL wants to hire 14 cadet pilots (UL pilots children and ministers children) when they given ultimatums for Mihin pilots who are already experienced. These 14 cadet pilots will take 4-6 months to come online + they will add every month $50k to the amounting losses of UL. GOSL want MJ shut for political reasons but if they say MJ is such loss making institution – OK fine by me BUT by god UL better show profits by 31st March 2018. UL has an out of proportion employees per aircraft, so they handed over the ground handling to A&A. Then UL gave aircraft to PIA and cut down drastic routes which gave much needed aircraft utilisation and also meant there is a surplus of pilots to the requirement at UL, so why hire more pilots?
UL & this governing party are both sinking fast to an unrecoverable situation. NOT even if all the gods descended to assist UL will not help, its beyond redeem!
Re MJ, I feel for the 350 employees who served MJ so much more efficiently that the sod at UL (GOSL better multiply that by 10 when the next elections comes around)
CEO has the audacity to ask MJ cabin crew they are not qualified to join UL …. does the CEO has any corporate qualifications to be CEO of UL???
GOSL states 2 US companies are very interested, oh really! Who wants to touch a pile of cow-dung!
Ranjith Gunawaradana / October 5, 2016
When UNP came to power since 1977 there is two slogans of Economic prosperity of Island! UNP seek all economic Ills can be treated by following piles:
1 Closed down Govt. Services, Industries and Agricultural Enterprises.
2 Sell to all Govt. public proprieties and Enterprises local Business
Or Foreign Companies.
Since 1977 JRJ-UNP being to political power, that Air Ceylon was closed down.
Then Air Lanka was established under Rakita Wickramanayake is good friend of Ravi Jayawaradaa is son of JRJ-UNP.
The Rakita.W…. become Chairmen of Air Lanka, was NOT that he was eligible for post of Chairmen of Air Lankan ,why is that, he who was deserts Air Ceylon Plane (flight) in Singapore and escaped from the duty point.
Such indiscipline man had been an appointed to the top post or position of Air Lanka by UNP-JRJ misruled governances in 1979.
The UNP the Party is always of that politics who upheld misrule of management and “disorder of system of governances” after came to power by hook or crook. UNP policies as it is undermanned system within their political stooges in TOP of POSITIONS relevant Organizations.
Why they sell Air Ceylon? the very reason is get their foreign interest parties and local agent obtain commission of the large amount of money pocked out by their political stooges become RICH overnight and by that FEW UNP’S stooges become RICH.
That is how UNP leaders earn money from hard working of poor tax payers contributions to national tressure.
Now UNP-Ranil.w.. of Old leader who follow same game of money by other ways. Ranil.w.. want to closed down Mahin Air by given bad impression of lost making Air Line . But making profit Air Lines take more time and space. No Air lines run of Profit any part of world, it is losses of incurred by relevant governments.
Young emerging country like us we want TWO AIRLINES, that necessity of our economic development. The present UNP governances has discard that Nation interest of undermined on operating Air line services .
Booming of inbound and outbound Travel and Tourist Industry want more Air services ,not only that TWO Air Lines we want more than that.
The incorrigible UNP narrow-minded political leaders cannot see beyond that .
Yes, Mahin Air can run as The Budget Air services in South Asian Region and Middle East countries are may viabilities is there.
All possibilities and new avenues has been supressed by UNP-Ranil W…regime want closed down Air services by having many prospects in future Air services in Asian and African region is now booming of new green lights .
At last closed down of Mahin Air will lost booming Travel and Tourist Industry by their short sight policies of UNP; by the decision of that 2015 January 9th Election by mistaken which wrongly voters for Ranil.W…of UNP, MS-New UNP and CBK of SLFP Federalists alliances that has taken collective decision ejected Mahin Air.
The elected their Members of “good governances” of by People of Island and their represtantive who vote for UNP candidate dig their own grave by themselves.
cholan / October 5, 2016
all airlines end up with big loss
Shame Sinhalese can’t manage an Airline profitably how on earth they can manage a country ?
This is a cursed land .
karikalan / October 6, 2016
why don’t they lease the airport and all those planes to Cathy or Singapore airlines, Srilankan airlines has been making loss since its inception in mid 70s.
Sylvia Haik / October 6, 2016
We should all drop down to our knees and thank Mahinda Rajapakse for stopping at this egotistical extravagance. He could have named it RAJAPAKSE AIR and began competing with TRUMP with leather seats, gold showers and double-beds AND toilets in the aeroplanes. He could have built dagobas and vihares and alms houses and named them RAJAPAKSE AMENITIES.