19 January, 2025


Missing Australian To Return Home – World News Australia

By  World News Australia –

An Australian Tamil reported missing in the Sri Lankan capital, Colombo, is safe according to the Department of Foreign Affairs and is said to be on his way back to Australia.
But mystery still surrounds just what happened to Prema-kumar
Gunaratnam, with Sri Lankan authorities and his wife reporting differing versions of the events.
Watch World News Australia 6.30pm nightly and 10.30pm Mon-Fri on SBS ONE.





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    Number of issues have come up with this abduction saga.
    Kumar probably joined the JVP around 1981 and he was at Engineering faculty of Peradeniya University. Don’t know when he joined the JVP central committee.

    He must have involved in JVP terror activities in 1986-1989. He must have justified Daya Pathirana killing . Daya Pathirana stood for devolution and minority rights but was a member of a rival student union.
    Now Kumar , Lionel Bopage as well as the Front line Socialist Party seem to be standing for devolution and minority rights.

    Many of JVP comrades departed Sri Lanka and live in Italy, Australia and western countries. Then UNP government unleashed a high profile suppression and Kumar’s brother was killed. Somawansa the present leader of JVP is the only central committee member survived.

    However in the reorganization after 1994 Kumar remained a underground membwr though JVP entered electoral politics. In 2006 he had migrated to Australia. We dont know the circumstances led to migrate.
    JVP’s quick change of alliances within a limited time frame would have automatically created dissent within the party. Original JVP has become a an old left party. Instead of revolution new party advocates “Peoples Struggle”(May be like in Arab spring)
    People struggle includes picketing, strikes, agitations, hunger strike etc.
    In Sri Lanka 4 brothers hold very high posts. Constitutional and democratic framework has given rise to nepotism and crony capitalism.
    Now the issue is there is a paralleled machinery and government run by Defense secretary. The charges against all abductions or framed abductions are leveled at security personals. Government has a case against Kumar but they did not follow the proper legal channels. On the other hand Kumar’s mission ws to launch the political party. According to various statements by pro FlSP elements they are happy that a resolution passed in Geneva against GOSL. This stance will open up a larger forum to the FlSP in the global village.

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