15 February, 2025


Namal Wants UN Torture Experts To Investigate Political Victimisation

Parliamentarian Namal Rajapaksa has urged two top United Nations human rights experts to investigate political victimisation under President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe’s administration during the past one year.

Namal1His request comes just before a scheduled visit by UN human rights experts Mónica Pinto and Juan E. Méndez who will arrive in Sri Lanka on Friday to assess the recent developments and identify challenges related to the use of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and to the independence of the justice system.

Namal, the eldest son of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa in a tweet said, “hope, UN’s Mónica Pinto and Juan E. Méndez will look into LTTE’s atrocities and political victimisation during the past year.”

During their stay, which will conclude on May 7, Pinto and Méndez will meet with high level government officials, members of the judiciary and prosecution services, lawyers, civil society, the National Human Rights Commission, and victims and their families. They will also travel to North, North Central, Eastern, Central and Southern provinces, and will also visit places where persons are detained.

An analyst quipped that it was ironic that someone in the likes of Namal Rajapaksa requesting for a probe into political victimization, specially taking into account the high level of political victimization critics and anyone deemed as a ‘threat’ to the former President underwent during an almost ten year long rule.

Latest comments

  • 14

    Hey presto!

    A Daniel has come to town! Yea. a Daniel! O wise young joker. How do I honour thee. [with apologies to Shakespeare] Get lost BOORU WAHANSE. Go fly a kite.

    • 12

      Namal pleae be ready at least to face what your brother did few weeks ago.

      I have no doubt, your mouth will find its normal and decent, once you are caught by the law only.

  • 12

    He tweets to prove that he is an absolute idiot who is ready to commit suicide. the sooner the better. Bensen

  • 11

    Why dont we ask UN to investigate Thajudeen murder sorry àccident case

  • 11

    Namal, synthetic lawyer and an uneducated idiot like his father and uncles, Gota the white van man and Basis – the 20% commission man.

  • 9

    Namal really is an arrogant twat. Just when the new government is considering giving Mahinda Rajapakse a top level job he comes out with this lunacy. He is lucky the UN Torture experts are looking only into torture. If they were to look into embezzlement, money laundering, bribery, corruption, thuggery, robbery, kidnapping, disappearance and murder, the whole Rajapakse clan would be found guilty of at least one of those crimes.

    • 0

      PM Ranil should ask these jokers to show cause why they should not be charged for the wastage, corruption, swindling, and other known crimes, instead of poking a stick at the media Ministry Secretary.

  • 6

    Namal Prince (ex) ,
    On whose advise you are shooting your mouth? Are you parroting what former Sri Lankan UN Human Rights expert DJ preached you ?

    What is political victimisation in your or rather DJs vocabulary ?

    For enlightenment on issues like “political victimisation” you should approach former presidential candidate SF and former CJ Sarath N Silva. The latter will support you because you are MaRa’s lamai.

    You raising this issue now looks like a May Day gimmick by the joint opposition.
    It looks like May 1st is going to be MAY DAY , MAY DAY, MAY DAY for mother Lanka.

  • 9

    This bloody race inciting, war mongering pimp who is from the loins of that other ego maniacal phsycotic pimp should get into one of his luxury vehicles and drive himself into a wall. I can’t believe this scum bad attended that noble school by the sea. As an alumni of that great institution I’m ashamed to say that this paraya and his siblings walked the same halls as we did. A disgrace to his alma mater and disgrace to life its self. If you have nothing constructive to say the shut f*%£ up. We are all sick of your jokes. Go talk to the village bumpkins who foolishly wasted their valuable vote by electing you and your corrupt family.

  • 5

    Thank you Namal. We all support your venture complaining to the UN. I think all your friends and enemies are with you on this matter. I am sure all the Tamils local and diaspora and Sarath Fonseka, Shirani Bandaranayake and all will whole heartedly agree with your move.

    You made it so easy for us. You provided the rope to hang you and your family. So none of can be accused for bringing shame or causing any risk to the Sovereignty of the country. It was so hard to get this UN involvement during your father’s rule, all were scared of the white van and grease yakkas and never dared such a thing.

    The UN will investigate your complaint and also certainly trace everything to what culminated to all these and surely all will be traced back to your father and your uncles.

    Certainly we will give the local investigators and judges a rest and let the UN set up their investigating team and arrive at a verdict through their unbiased, competent and professional judges (who did not pass the law exams the way you did). So best of luck. Then do not complain we took revenge for after what you father and his brothers did to so many including Sarath Fonseka and Shirani Bandaranayake.

    Certainly all these too had to be looked into when investigating your complaint. That will also include the white flag incident when your uncle Gota ordered to shoot the surrendering LTTE fighters and also so many civilians who went missing after seeking refuge under the military. You cannot say only what happened to you is victimization and revenge and what you all did to so many is not, and is a right of a Government.

    Thanks again for making it easy and providing the rope to hang you and your family who are guilty of very serious charges.

  • 3

    One could understand the thinking of the ones who have commented . Out of 48 except for one comment for Namal all others have made comments condemning the action of Rajapakses . That is exactly what every citizen of this country feels about your comments

  • 1

    This guy has the gift of talking with the mouth and brain not in gear ! What does he think happened during his father’s rule? These are the same guys who removed all independent/ neutral bodies from the the N& E to conduct a war without witness!

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