9 September, 2024


Opposition Continue To Talk Along The Lines Of International Conspiracies: Mangala

“Why is it that the very countries that helped us fight the LTTE, later initiated action against Sri Lanka in the Human Rights Council in Geneva? Why did the previous Government allow such a situation to develop and allow the country’s image to sink to the lowest depths imaginable? Even if my predecessor cannot answer the question now, even for his own he must search his conscience as to why he allowed such things to happen.” says Mangala Samaraweera, the Minister of External Affairs.

Mangala Samaraweera -Minister of External Affairs

Mangala Samaraweera -Minister of External Affairs

Responding to an Adjournement Motion brought by G.L. Peiris MP in Parliament on Friday the 26th Samaraweera said; “Our government is continuing to intensify relations with our intelligence networks abroad and has increased access to real time information from these sources about the activities of the LTTE. State Minister of Defence Ruwan Wijewardena has very rightly rejected the statements made by some opposition politicians and former Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa on the country’s national security. He notes that not only are previous security measures being sustained, but that under the present leadership, the tri-forces and intelligence services are active and effective as never before. Today, the Government is renewing its relations with the international community. Today, we are engaging with our bilateral partners as opposed to just lecturing them and talking at them which the previous Government used to do. We engage in conversations with them in a rational manner on what our real concerns are and we are able to take steps to build confidence so that we can share information, share intelligence and work together to combat terrorism.”

We publish below the Minister’s speech in full;

I explained to this House yesterday, in response to questions raised by the Hon. Leader of Opposition, that the US State Department Report titled ‘Country Reports on Terrorism and Patterns of Global Terrorism’ that was released this month is not something new. It has followed other Reports of this nature which the US State Department is bound by law, to submit annually, and has been submitting since 2004.

I also explained that the Report that was issued recently was the Report covering activity in 2014, which fell under the purview of the previous administration.

This statement was part of a general description of where the LTTE would receive its external funding in the past, and is not an indicator of current activity. But I must also say that the government is not sufficient blue eyed to claim that such funding activities have ceased completely.

What the report does say about CURRENT activities, however is that there are still some LTTE supporters, strength unknown, 13 of who were arrested last year, and that their FINANCIAL networks continued to operate throughout 2014.

This information is well known to most Sri Lankans. And further it is very well known to my predecessor, the Hon. Prof. G.L. Peiris who has called for this debate today. He knows very well that the Report pertains to the period under his purview.

He also knows very well, having held the post of Foreign Minister of the previous Government, the concerns that the international community had at the time regarding Sri Lanka – the drifting of this nation towards authoritarianism, the disregard for the grievances of the Tamil population in the North, the breakdown of law and order, the clamping down on any expressions of concern or dissent, the narrowing of space for civil society, the tendency to brand as terrorists even those who merely expressed concern regarding the welfare of the people.

He knows of the increase of terror and fear of Sri Lankan people under the activities of the state, including the terror created by radical groups like the BBS. Who as I claimed even then, were funded by the Ministry of Defence. He knows all this very well. He also knew that these concerns had given rise to serious concerns among the international community and the local public as well regarding real possibilities of the LTTE regrouping. Not only the LTTE, but even the possibility of sensible, rational and responsible citizens of this country being pushed to contemplate violence as a means of having their concerns addressed.

Hon. Speaker,

While creating fear and paranoia among our citizens, and giving the impression of an effective strong man approach to defeating terrorism, the previous government gave pardon to the very man who took control of the LTTE after Prabakharan’s death – KP. Not only that, but KP was allowed to live in Killinochchi and take charge of an NGO handling refugees and victims, and even the coordination of the diapora.

This is a man who is believed to possess information on the LTTE’s vast international assets – so why was the government protecting him? And moreover, why was the government protecting him when previous US State Department reports noted that LTTE financial networks continued to function?

Our government on the other hand, banned KP from leaving the country in February and is investigating his activities, so we may freeze once and for all the financial networks of the LTTE.

Hon. Speaker,

Our government is continuing to intensify relations with our intelligence networks abroad and has increased access to real time information from these sources about the activities of the LTTE.

State Minister of Defence Ruwan Wijewardena has very rightly rejected the statements made by some opposition politicians and former Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa on the country’s national security. He notes that not only are previous security measures being sustained, but that under the present leadership, the tri-forces and intelligence services are active and effective as never before.

Today, the Government is renewing its relations with the international community. Today, we are engaging with our bilateral partners as opposed to just lecturing them and talking at them which the previous Government used to do. We engage in conversations with them in a rational manner on what our real concerns are and we are able to take steps to build confidence so that we can share information, share intelligence and work together to combat terrorism.

Hon Speaker

The Opposition is now keen to benefit from public US intelligence reports about the LTTE, but we are disappointed then that they continue to talk along the lines of “international conspiracies.”

This government has always taken the line that we will not allow an international investigation. However we have always maintained that we will use a credible local mechanism with international technical assistance in keeping with the mandate President received on the 8th of January. If you look at our 100 day manifesto, item 93 clearly states that we will establish a domestic mechanism in order to meet the allegations of human rights violations and even allegations of war crimes.

Establishing a credible mechanism to deal with the allegation of serious human rights violations during the latter part of the conflict, is something that the previous government failed to do, which opened the doors to international scrutiny, and has prevented the Sri Lankan people from being able to achieve closure and move on from its violent past.

This only gave the international community an opening to interfere with the domestic affairs of our country. In fact failures of the previous government investigations to achieve credibility and plausibility, prompted the creation of the OHCHR Investigation on Sri Lanka in a resolution adopted in March of 2014, and so it is actually the previous government’s failures to establish legitimacy that is responsible. It is the timely entrance of a new government in January this year, with a firm commitment to a credible domestic mechanism, that has enabled us to taper the call for an international investigation imposed on Sri Lanka by the international community.

Defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country is essential to the foreign policy of our nation.

As this House is aware, sovereignty carries with it great responsibility which involves duties towards the country’s citizens. When a Government fails to discharge such duties, external intervention of an unwelcome nature is difficult to prevent.

The previous Government, regrettably, failed to pursue the path of domestic peace building. By refusing to address issues of concern locally, the Government alienated communities within the country as well as Sri Lanka’s international partners. This is what led to our nation becoming the subject of successive resolutions in Geneva.
The previous Government, through its failures in fulfilling duties it owed to its people, opened Sri Lanka up to international ignominy and made Sri Lankan vulnerable to intrusive external intervention, placing the nation’s sovereignty and territorial integrity at risk.

But let me also respond to Hon G.L. Pieris’ next allegation, that by our domestic mechanism benefitting from international expertise, it effectively becomes an “international investigation.” Let me remind this House that accepting and using international expertise is something even the Rajapaksa government loved to do at great expense at the time to our country.

Under the Rajapaksa Regime, the Central Bank and the other government institutions spent Rs. 2 Billion on International PR firms to enhance the poor reputation that they created for themselves. This included firms such as Thompson Advisory Group, Beltway Government Strategies, and Liberty International Group all I believe hired on the whims and fancies, the member of Parliament who monitored even your (Hon. G.L. Pieris) activities. Sometimes your conversations were taped and sent to his room for him to listen to.

And further, in July 17 2014, President Rajapaksa announced that the panel of international legal experts who were to advise his Commission on Disappearances, would also investigate abuses committed during the final stages of Sri Lanka’s civil war. He therefore publically noted that international experts would be advising him on violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law

International legal advisors and a former international judge were appointed by President Rajapaksa for the purposes of soliciting “international expertise.” Documents note that for just seven months, more than Rs. 135 million of tax payer money had been paid out to them as well as others who were connected with this exercise. In fact some were even paid nearly 55,000 pounds per month, for this service.

The Rajapaksa government “hired” international expertise at the expense of the tax payer, instead of receiving it out of good will of our friends. Our close partners and friends in the international community who helped us fight the LTTE, drifted away from us after May 2009. It is important to ask the previous Government why this was allowed to happen.

Why is it that the very countries that helped us fight the LTTE, later initiated action against Sri Lanka in the Human Rights Council in Geneva? Why did the previous Government allow such a situation to develop and allow the country’s image to sink to the lowest depths imaginable? Even if my predecessor cannot answer the question now, even for his own he must search his conscience as to why he allowed such things to happen.

In my earlier incarnation as Foreign Minister, I expended great effort in 2006 to have the European Union list the LTTE as a terrorist organization. That was not achieved alone. The unanimity needed to arrive at such a decision was achieved with some help from our friends in the US State department then. Friendly and responsible foreign governments, who stood with us to combat terrorism, assisted us. They investigated the LTTE and shared that information with the members of the European Union.

We must, in the interest of national security, raise the question as to why the Government in which Prof. Peiris was Foreign Minister, allow that listing which was achieved with such effort, with the support of the international community, to be annulled last year on the 16th of October, by the General Court of the European Union. It is pertinent to have an inquiry on why such an important matter with serious implications for national security, was not taken seriously. Why was there no timely intervention by the Government at the time, to prevent the de-listing?

There were remarks relating High Commissioner for Human Rights at the opening of the currently ongoing 29th Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. The High Commissioner did something on the 15th of June this year, which the Council had not seen done in a long time with reference to Sri Lanka. Hon. Speaker, he reflected in his remarks the opportunity that has opened up in Sri Lanka – the renewed hope for democracy and the rule of law – with the passage of the 19th amendment to the constitution.  This is something which this House can take pride in collectively and work together to give effect to the provisions of that amendment.

Having informed the Human Rights Council of the renewed hope for democracy and the rule of law in Sri Lanka, what the High Commissioner for Human Rights went on to say is that his office will remain engaged in discussions with Sri Lankan authorities on “the need for transparent and inclusive processes to develop credible processes to develop credible mechanisms for accountability and reconciliation, ahead of my report to the September session”.

The High Commissioner is merely reflecting our consensual approach for broad consultations with all political parties, civil society, and above all victims and their families, to take place in the lead up to September before establishing a domestic mechanism. We will conduct consultations to ensure full national support and ownership of processes. This Government fully recognises the importance of consultations and transparency.

I wish to point out here that it was the complete lack of any form of consultations with civil society groups or political parties or victims by the previous regime that resulted in the setting up of flawed processes and programmes that contributed in large measure to the loss of credibility in whatever the previous Government undertook to do, both in the eyes of the local public as well as the international community. Not even the views of public officials were given any consideration at the time except for the views of those who said that all that the previous Government was doing was well and good and wise. Not only that, even the wise counsel of the Commission on Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation, a Commission appointed by President Rajapaksa, itself was ignored.

All this contributed to Sri Lanka losing the best opportunities it had after the end of 30 years of conflict to rebuild its institutions, restore democracy, rule of law and good governance practices, heal hearts and minds, enhance the capacities and skills of its human resources – the administrative and other services including the foreign and judicial services.

Prof. Peiris has selectively singled out the remarks of Senator Leahy pertaining to the establishment of a domestic mechanism. I would like to ask the Honourable Member of Parliament whether he recalls the nature of statements that were made with reference to Sri Lanka by foreign policy experts during the time he was Minister of Foreign Affairs and ask whether there was anything complimentary being said. Senator Leahy compliments Sri Lanka for its recent achievements, some of which are – the passage of the 19th amendment to the Constitution, the inclusion of the Right to Information in the Constitution, as a fundamental right, the revival of relations with the United Nations, the decision to revive accountability for human rights violations, the decision to pursue the twin agenda of reconciliation and development, the return of land to its original owners, reaffirmation of media freedom, reestablishment of judicial independence, commitment to fighting corruption.

In the recent 2015 elections, which had the highest ever turnout and was an overwhelming victory, the President made very clear the need to establish a national independent judicial mechanism. This is expressed clearly in his 100-day manifesto, under item 93, which states:

‘Since Sri Lanka is not a signatory to the Rome Statute regarding international jurudistiction with regard to war crimes, ensuring justice with regard to such matters will be the business of national independent judicial mechanisms”

With the election victory, it has been mandated not only by this government but also the people of Sri Lanka.

Hon. Speaker,

Sri Lanka has had a long tradition of respect for the rule of law and accountability at all levels and in relation to all matters of public life – including administrative and financial matters. We saw a general deterioration of these practices in the years of conflict. It is in our country’s long-term interest and in the interest of future generations that we must restore these practices of accountability and not take cover behind imagined threats to national security.

If we continue the practice of the last Government of conjuring up threats to national security and clamping down on civil liberties for short-term electoral gain without actually engaging with the public and our international partners to address real threats as opposed to imagined threats, then we will surely jeopardise national security and place this country’s future in peril.

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  • 6

    Now that our FM Samare has helped TNA to get GFT on board,will Mr Sambandan give nomination to LTTE Leader Rupan to contest the Election?.

    SLFP gave Karuna Amman a minster job and he has helped and served his Batti Tamils well despite TNA and Baththudeen throwing brick bats at him since Nanthikadal.

    Rupan says Sambandan wouldn’t be there today if not for Prabakaran.

    If Mr Sambnadan refuses Rupan’s application, will our FM Samare force the UNP to give Rupan a spot on the UNP ticket?.

    I mean Samare is now all for reconciliation and restoring HR and Political Rights including Citizenship to ex LTTE and and even Tiger cadres. Right !!!

    If Samare can do Rupan a favor wouldn’t it be a milestone, specially considering the fact that Rupan is a Batti Tanmil and will represent his people better than people from Colombo who are not really Batti people.

    • 14


      “I mean Samare is now all for reconciliation and restoring HR and Political Rights including Citizenship to ex LTTE and and even Tiger cadres. Right !!!”

      What abt KP ? he was arrested overseas brought back to Sri Lanka, since then given royal treatment and full political backing So as Daya Master and several other. (there is a also a question of those who surrendered and summarily executed)
      So whats wrong in promoting reconciliation with Tamils who have left the country ? Isn’t it smart to engage them rather than go on a confrontational path like what pathetic MARA and the clan did ?
      It it’s more critical for Tamil diaspora now that Canada has passed laws which could take away their residencies. It is the right time to engage the Tamil diaspora and the current government has done the right thing.

      In that sense Samare has been smart Sumane !

      • 5


        Is Samare telling the truth, nothing but the whole truth?…

        After losing 30,000 lives and over 50 000 incapacitated, by the Arms and Moneys supplied by this Diaspora , can our inhabitants bend over to Suren the Reverend, because Samarea says it is all sweet?.

        What surprises me how you guys, who are supposed to be Muslims ( Are You ) are bending over to the West too now.

        Do you seriously believe the West and the Diaspora care about the great majority who are rural poor which includes a lot of poor Muslim people as well.

        US wants to stop China,

        India sucks up to them because they don’t have a Govt which can look after their citizens.

        Cameron and Harper want the Diaspora votes.

        Suren and the Reverend want to make Mr Saman bdan the interim PM of Tamil Eelaam, until the G;obal Eelaam is established.

        Do you think your Samare is smarter than Senator Ramsey Clark?…

        • 8


          I am not going to go in to the loop of 30,000 deaths as that will open a Pandora’s box, let’s start from the point where the war has ended. Not forgetting mistakes has been done from both sides. Innocent Sri Lankans paying the price.

          I do agree Diaspora don’t give a rats ass about tamils of Sri Lanka. Yes I agree it is their contribution which prolonged the war as that what they care since it is advantageous for them hence my labeling them as diashora.

          However there is no harm in starting a discussion with the moderate ones provided unitary state of Sri Lanka is not disputed. In order to stand up to the west or to the Chinese we should 1st be united and strong when it is when we are weak all these powers try and dictate terms to us which is exactly what happened with MARA and clan, we got isolated.

          Yes there is a question of diaspora votes in their country of residence but the recent British elections has shown that line of campaigning has no place.

          What we need is to take this country towards a new beginning, where the CITIZENS of this country can enjoy the fruits it has to offer with peace and prosperity.

          • 4


            Thanks for engaging in a constructive conversation.

            70 percent of the inhabitant population which includes a lot of Muslim as well as poor Tamils, only care about where they can get a square meal for their loved ones, find a regular job to earn a few Ruppees to provide that meal and clothe themselves.

            The services and the facilities which the previous Government provided them are vividly visible,

            Now they don’t have , even the jobs which they used to do before the Yahapalanaya took over.

            Stopping the freeways, port city, casino and other development projects hurt these poor , because these are the job generators for the poor people.

            How many jobs did 19 A create?..

            Is stopping Mahindodaya Vidyalayas the way to lift the poor kids and give them a chance to break away from the poverty cycle?.

            How many Hospitals has Yahapaanaya proposed let alone started

            Why do people like Ravi talk bullshit about refinancing everything from the West?.

            And even foreigners like CB Boss carrying on about borrowing USD from the West at cheap rates.

            Has he set an example how good he can do by paying extra 3 % to the SIL.

            I am sure you are up to speed with what the Americans , British and even some European Governments have done to the great Arabic nations which used to be big donors to our neck of the wood with their oil wealth.

            Do we need more to see how caring these Western UNP mentors and Financiers are.

            Why should we stand up to great Chinese People when they have been our dear friends since the early 50s.

            If you said we should stand up for them I would have agreed one hundred percent.

  • 14

    Mahinda Rajapakse & Co is very good at creating conspiracies. I don’t think Srilanka ever had such a cruel minded criminal. There is a limit for his drama. He wanted to create an image of a king to Sinhalese. Unfortunately, he couldn’t succeed on that because his aim became clear when he wanted to become the President third time by a conspiracy.Now he pretend to replace Buddha’s place in the Temples to create another conspiracy but every one understands now it is a drama to come to power and destroy the good name of the nation. Even before election he talked about international conspiracy and Diaspora. People should know one truth that is the Head of LTTE Diaspora (KP) is now under his control and almost all the wealth of LTTE is with Mahinda. This is the money being uded for Mahinda’s luxury life.

  • 6

    Mangala Samaraweera -Minister of External Affairs

    RE: Opposition Continue To Talk Along The Lines Of International Conspiracies: Mangala

    Why don’t you become the Prime Minister Candidate? You are Not a Wimp. anf have guts.

    They should be talking about Spineless Maithripala and Spineless Ranil Wickramasinghe, commonly called Wimps.

    Wimp A timid or unadventurous person: “the impression that he is a colorless, indecisive wimp, and not a leader among men” (James J. Kilpatrick).

    To be timid or cowardly. Usually used with out: wimped out and refused to jump off the high diving board.

    “The million-dollar question is who to be blamed for all this nonsense. Surely it is none other than spineless Maithripala Sirisena and Ranil Wickremesinghe for their total failure to restore and enforce the Rule of Law to the letter, against those criminal elements who plundered the wealth of the nation ruthlessly. These elements who ruthlessly engaged in all sorts of anti-social behavior are now demanding returning to power, thanks to Sirisena administration hitherto failed to realize the burning desire of the people for corrupt free rule with due respect and regard to the trust and confidence placed in it by the people.”

    They should be talking about Spineless Maithripala and Spineless Ranil Wickramasinghe, commonly called Wimps.

  • 5

    LTTE was seen an impediment to end the decades old war. Western influence to end the war by curtailing the activities of the Diaspora LTTE was crucial.

    Mahinda made behind the scene promises to resolve crisis politically. When he defeated the LTTE he pulled the rug on the west.

    There you are that was the sad story of Mahinda.

    My friend NirmalaN will not agree with me on this because MahindaN is great for Nirmala N.

  • 4

    The time has come to give the powers back to our true leader Mahinda Rajapaksa. We “the people ” must show India and U.S. that they cannot dictate us what we should and should not do. We must elect a leader who will work for the Sri Lankans and not for India and U.S.

    • 0

      Why don’t you want to show this to the Chinese ? Are they your relatives or God father???

  • 8

    “International conspiracies” is a slogan to fool people who has no idea of what is happening around the world and to get their vote.

    This reminds me a slogan that appeared on a wall in Vanathamulla few months before the 1971 insurrection. The slogan was “Adiraja wadhayate kachal eka. Janathawata choon eka.”

    I can only say, “some people can be fooled sometimes, some people can be fooled all the time. But all people cannot be fooled all the time.”

    Let us congratulate Mangala for the brilliant speech.

    • 8

      I have never been a great fan of Mangala, and even now, I don’t fully trust him in matters of local politics. However, he has done a pretty good job as foreign minister. His reaching out to the West has neatly complemented the President’s efforts elsewhere.

  • 4

    Mangala Samaraweera the FM continues to keep fooling everybody, just talking non stop about the Rajapakse regime. Folks don;t forget that he too was part and parcel of that regime, being the campaign manager for Mahinda Rajapakse in 2005. Together with Tiran Alles he too was involved with the Emilkanthan deal with the LTTE where the Rajapakses including US citizens bribed the LTTE/ . He hasn’t come out clean.

    What has this government done in 6 months re KP, Karuna and Pillaiyan. Even their hair has not been touched and they keep enjoying the Tax Payer facilities and luxuries.

    Has Mangala attempted to implement their own Silva report. ie LLRC??? NO.

    Have they implemented the 13th Amendment which they promised the GOI and PM Modi. They have not even started and they have no intention of implementing the 13th amendment in full. They keep lying.

    How about the release of prisoners 6 years after the war ended? Only 10% of the land has been released to the owners. Many houses and buildings are not released and the military still continues to operate Hotels, restaurants, other businesses and competing with the local farmers.. They are still using all the draconian laws and incidence of rape are increasing. The use of alcohol, drugs, is increasing without slowing down. Prostitution and pornography are corrupting the society and all are promoted, protected and supported by the 250,000 military. There lies the problem with this government.

    This government also like the Rajapakses do not want to face the international, independent international UNHRC or UN investigations. They too are hiring foreign lobbyist to negate the Tamil lobby in the UK, EU and especially Geneva.

    GOSL and Mangala are not grateful to the Tamils who narrowly voted this lot to power. Engaging 2 officials at GTF does not mean they are engaging the diaspora Tamils. Mangala is foolish to get the IC and Tamils to believe that. This is all self promotion by Mangala and the GTF. The IC are not fools. These delay tactics and tricks won’t work this time. They all will get exposed.

    Mangala is also cleverly trying to split the Tamil diaspora by his cunning actions. What is needed by the FM and GOSL is to handle the daily needs of the Tamil people. It should have started in January and not September. Building Roads, Railways, and other facilities is not real development.

    The TNA or TPA are not consulted nor given any roles. It is sad but makes us angry,

    Donald Gnanakone
    Tamils For Justice

    • 3

      My Dear Uncle Donald (the True Saviour of the Peelum Nation of the La-la Land)

      Good to hear from you once again. How is your health conditions now a day? Are you going OK with your pressure controlling drug? Perhaps it is high time make it to double the dose as Vanni Gamaya has already called upon the next general election.

      You seems to be highly disappointed with this “Gava Palanaya” government. I thought by now you have acquired all hotels ans Spa baths that were run by SL Defence, thanks to your buddy mongo friend of self claimed PM Pipmysinghe.

      In your braying – You also indicated that rape is increasing in Northern Sri Lanka. Can you give us some proof please? Oh God – Did somebody rape you grand mother? The last I herd such an incident, was some of your Thamil grandsons brutally raped a school girl. Has that been exposed on time, it would have been credited to SL forces.

      Why are you worrying about alcohol that is consumed by jolly good Thamil young generation. Do you want them to enjoy the AK47 instead of few drinks. I am sure you clean up few glasses daily and you are preaching them to stop having the same.n It is very unfair to do so uncle.

      Please try not to worry as MARA is recovering the ground he lost on 8th of January 2015. Coming colour is not really good as MARA wll be the next executive PM of Sri Lanka (of course including your Pelum La-La Land”. I have no doubt about it as the way things are happening here. Thanks to 150 days Gava Palanaya.

      For you, Peelum will become an aspiration dream that you could achieve in this life. Perhaps in he next life if you happen to be back in Sri Lanka. Anyway I am sure Podian Preba must be awaiting for you to join withhim in the beast place, thanks to the merits your great saviour collected over the last 30 old years. Before joining him, it would be better you pay last visit to the Manner Bis-hope for some good blessing before you fly off by 17th of August to where you to run your LTTE liberation struggle.

      MAy Mannar Bis-hope Bless you for few more years!!!!!!!!!

      Ever loving son-in-law

      Sinhala Banda

  • 2

    The plus point for Mangala Samaraweera
    is that he has a media apparatus. They
    are able to get what he does and says
    into the web, electronic and print media.

    Other than that, pause to think of what
    he has done. One simple question is why
    he thinks that he should talk only to the
    Tamil diaspora? What about the Sinhala
    organisations and even the Muslim
    organisations in the UK? For the one time
    fashion designer, it may not be fashionable
    to do that.

    Reconciliation is absolutely necessary in Sri
    Lanka and I am all for it. It has to be done
    responsibly and respectably. Do not forget
    that thousands of our soldiers have died and
    many thousands have been maimed. They have their
    relations who miss them. Has he even explained to
    them what his mission was?

    Under the guise of posing off as a “liberal,”
    Samaraweera who has no mandate from the people to
    be Foreign Minister is only posturing. Reams of
    news releases about his speeches and other
    propaganda is not going to wipe off the hurt of
    those who have suffered. Mangala is only wasting
    the taxpayer’s money on luxury jaunts. He has overtaken
    both late A.C.S. Hameed and G.L. Peiris.

    Unfortunately a village bumpkin like Sirisena cannot
    understand this.

  • 4

    Samaraweera again plays the canard that countries that helped us defeat the LTTE terrorists turned against us. They didn’t.

    Britain sent it’s curved Banana accompanied by the FM of France at the time with the Western demands to slow/halt the campaign, which was ignored by MR. The West came to aid the terrorists, NOT the Sri Lankan majority. These are the people who would love to haul our leaders in front of the ICC set up to try disobedient Asian and African leaders. They are aided by the ever present traitors amongst us, both politician and NGO dollarwallhs..

  • 4

    Drama queen Mahinda is not a king he deserves the title of the drama queen of Srilanka. He will turn and twist and somersaults at every opportunity to turn things round in his favour, as when the voters gets smarter than him the result will be the end of our DRAMA QUEEN. WILL THERE BE RIOTS AND MURDERS IF MATTERS TURNS AGAINST HIS PLANS?



  • 1

    Mangala, the despot is now visiting buddhist temples to carry on his political propaganda. The criminal gang who are trying to bring him back should have been arrested and jailed as soon as the new president was sworn in. however no need to worry about the despot resurrecting himself and family again. all MS has to tell the criminal gang is that by MR splitting the SLFP vote all that will happen is that the MS faction that wins plus UNP plus minority parties get together and form a national government. Then they go 200 % to investigate all these criminals and the Rajapakse family and put them beh8nd bars for ever and deprive them of their civil rights. This is what the decent people of SL want now.

    • 1

      Dear Confused Tart

      your comments above reflect that you have a long and endless wish list. You also sounds like a good pandit and a corridor advisor that suits for this Gava Palanaya. Also you show the qualities of a judge from jungle court.

      Have seen the waves of people rallying behind MARA and the tide is coming back against the Gamarala and self claimed [Edited out]whether they like it or not. People are now to realise these jokers including[Edited out] has nothing to deliver. Ay development f this country is fully stopped. We need intellectuals like Hon. Kadiragamar to deliver good foreign policy not a fiddly fellow with a tailor qualification.

  • 1

    This foreign minister speaks with a forked tongue, he has his own financial agenda in speaking with diaspora goons, isolating Muslim, Sinhala organizations that has interest in reconciliation. Given the opportunity this FM and Ranil W will divide the country and give it the diaspora goons on a silver tray. That was what Ranil W did when he was the PM in collaboration with Solheim. Important that the nation does not allow these unfaithful politicians to sell the country for three pieces of silver.

    • 2

      Tilak de Silva

      ” Given the opportunity this FM and Ranil W will divide the country and give it the diaspora goons on a silver tray.”

      Has Ranil got permission/approval/authorisation from Hindia to divide the country and give it the diaspora goons on a silver tray.

      If anything it would be up to the Hindians to determine the future status of this island.

      “That was what Ranil W did when he was the PM in collaboration with Solheim.”

      Being a Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto dwelling little islander its too difficult for you to fathom the sophisticated strategy.

      ” Important that the nation does not allow these unfaithful politicians to sell the country for three pieces of silver.”

      Why would anyone be interested in a Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto? By the way you have no qualm about MR, GR clan selling the country to foreigners.

      You need lot of reality checks.

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    What are the INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACIES enacted upon the nation of Sri Lanka? Blaming the west of creating conspiracies in Sri Lanka is utter nonsense, in the present context.

    Blame China also of such conspiracies then it is a fair discussion. PORT CITY, HAMBANTOTA PORT, MATTALA AIRPORT are a few that comes to mind, among the many out there. What a waste of resources, for which the people of Sri Lanka will pay very dearly for a few decades. yet one family enjoys the benefits of these misdeeds and yet aspiring to plunder more of the people’s wealth. What a shame! is there any human value or decency present in such people?

    Remember, the East India Company was a trading organization prior to annexing India and the entire region as the colony of Britain. Hence, all these Chinese development project also stink of such ulterior motives, as did the act of the East India Company of Britain.

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    Tilak de Silva,

    How about selling the country for noodles & dal- is it ok. You will be much benefitted if you sell the country for fish and chips -Any how at the end some Singhalese person like MR is going to sell the whole country to some outsider to make few bucks. That time you can not sleep straight like thddagamunu.

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    Mangala S does not say what has happened to 13 “LTTE supporters” arrested last year, purely on suspicion.
    Were they arrested under the PTA?
    Has evidence been led against them in a court of law?
    If not, why?
    Jeyakumari Balendran and daughter arrested under similar circumstances, were released on bail, but so far no evidence has been led against them.

    Is the MS regime thus perpetuating the persecution of tamils labelled “LTTE supporters”, like the MR regime did.

    There are reports of tamils who returned recently from employment abroad to visit families, being arrested at the airport.

    Is the MS regime perpetuating the State Terrorism visited upon hapless tamils, by the MR regime?

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    I agree with Sameera Dissanayake. He is to
    the point.

    Mangala Samaraweera has lost his credibility
    completely. He went to the CID under the glare
    of TV cameras to complain of a coup on the night
    of 8th January. It now turns out that there is
    no coup. Why did he manufacture that fairy tale?

    He then made another bloomer. He said Mahinda
    has stacked away US $ 18 billion overseas. He nor
    his Government were able to show where such moneys,
    that could have helped buy over at least a few
    islands in the Maldives, were hidden. Was it inside
    Mangala’s old tweed coat?

    That also turned out to be another fairy tale.So
    Doesn’t anyone realize that he is feeding all Sri
    Lankans packs of lies. Don’t tell me everyone is
    gullible to believe in them?

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    Samare seems to think that he is all brains ans the rest are just drains for him piss on when ever he likes.He once declaired that the Rajapakses had US$18Bn stashed in foreign countries but the sucker doesn’t seem to know where the money really is,if there is any that is.
    Now there is a real threat for the LTTE rump being kicked out from their respective countries and Samare thinks he has achieved a rare feat by trying to accomodate them.
    Who other than gullibles like Samare will fall for that kind of ruse.

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    samaraweere doesn’t seem to know who really helped us and who obstructed us during the war. We were not isolated by the whole world but a few western countries and it is they who are trying to drag us to the ICC.
    MR has done nothing wrong to desrve this treatment from them other than eliminating their pet VP. Now they will not rest untill they have their revange.
    Also it will not end with their revange,what they really want here is a foot hold for the US forces who will be kicked out of Diego Garciaand Okinawa in the very near future.

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