9 September, 2024


Tamil Politicians Became Media Oppressors

By S. V. Kirubaharan

S. V. Kirubaharan

In Sri Lanka there are few Tamil newspapers that have both local and international reputations. “Virakesari” is one of these and also one of the oldest newspapers in Sri Lanka. The news, articles and analyses it publishes, are taken seriously by diplomatic circles in Colombo and abroad.

This newspaper carries verified news items, balanced/neutral articles and analysis irrespective of race, language, religion, individuals, political parties and leaders.

Virakesari’s Sunday publication includes coverage on culture, religion and the political situation with analysis of factual realities. There are well reputed journalists with good qualifications and much experience. Some have received awards for their courageous journalism.

At least three reporters and contributors to this esteemed newspaper have been assassinated for writing facts and realities. The Editor of the Sunday edition Mr Vadivelu Thevaraj was followed by gunmen in the capital Colombo for publishing information on casualties of the war. International Media watch dogs published urgent appeals on the impending danger faced by Mr Thevaraj who has worked unstintingly in this field for nearly three decades.

Mr Thevaraj narrowly escaped those dangers and continued his ardent and honest task with respect and dignity.

Unfortunately he earned the jealousy of another journalist whose family publishes a Tamil regional newspaper in Jaffna. Three years ago this journalist (V) resigned from his job and became a grassroots politician overnight – joining the Tamil National Alliance – TNA.

In February 2009 this gentleman was abducted by unknown gunmen in Colombo. He was   released in April 2009. It is worth noting that journalists abducted are never returned alive – other than this journalist-cum-grassroots politician!

To everyone’s surprise this gentleman even withdrew the fundamental rights case filed by his lawyers and he very often travels to Europe. This led to the diaspora Tamils being very suspicious of him. Some electronic media and newspapers alleged that he sides with Rajapaksa’s regime.

Due to the ambitions of this gentleman who seems to want to be the Chief Minister of North or East, the Federal party, (one of the original coalition parties of the TULF, and the TNA), started to function again. The Federal party took new shape, creating a separate identity. A few TNA MPs told us that since this gentleman joined the TNA, many new factions and divisions have cropped up within it, and Rajapaksa’s agenda has begun to become apparent.

During the impending Eastern Provincial Council elections, this gentleman was not given a chance to stand for election. But the Leaders of the Federal Party have agreed to help him become the Chief Editor of a well-reputed newspaper in Colombo.

Recently we learned from some media that this gentleman and some of his colleagues in the Federal party started to work hard against Mr Vadivelu Thevaraj, the editor of Virakesari’s Sunday edition. They even went to the extent of seeking the help of a diplomat to back their fabricated complaint.

When one analyses the ways and means they use to work tirelessly against Mr Thevaraj, it is obvious that the reason for this underhand action is to fulfil the ambition of the journalist-cum-grassroots politician.

For a long time, many local and foreign Tamil and Singhalese media have published harsh, insulting and rude news items about the Federal party and this grassroots politician. But neither he nor his colleagues took any action in response to those media and those editors.

The way these people are harassing Mr Thevaraj shows their obvious determination to remove him from the editor’s post. Is this an indirect method of recruiting people to Rajapaksa’s side? Some observers have said that there is no mystery. The agenda is obvious. One stone to achieve many targets.

If the Federal party, its members and the TNA do not understand the hidden task of this journalist-cum-grassroots politician, in due course Rajapaksa’s agenda will be implemented without any obstacles.

Working against an Editor is not the task and path of politicians. There is enough political work for any Tamil politician, without the underhand task of ‘hitting someone below the belt’ with selfish motives.

Be aware, the international media watch dogs and others are observing these developments. 

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  • 0

    Is it Vithyatharan of UTHYAN the culprit.

    He is a PIA.

    He and his family want dominate everything.

    They want to be known as they are the friends of the LTTE, Rajapaksa, TULF, TNA, Federal party.

    Too gready fellows.

    They good in mess up others life.

    Vithyatharan is curse to the Tamil community.

    Shame on you Vithy.

    You cannot go near Thevaraj who is well educated, professionally qualified journalist.

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    How about Devananda?
    His goons have attacked media offices & media persons.

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      Sir, Douglas Devananda was an armed militant and openly working with Rajapaksa’s regime.

      What about this cunning Vithyatharan?

      He is a dirty fellow who sell him for a song.

      Vithyatharan is nasty small creature in the Tamil community.

      You must be shame to defend this Vithyatharan.

      You ask LTTE members they will tell you more stories about this Vithyaatharan who still got their assets.

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    You cannot Vithyatharan to Douglas Devananda.

    We count the victims of Douglas not so called Vithyatharan.

    The damage he did to the liberation struggle is worse than Karuna, KP, Douglas and others.

    He ruined the LTTE.

    He voluntirly went close to Anton Balasingam and got all secrete about the weekeness in the political work of the LTTE and gave that to the right people.

    Even once he said, Anton Balasingam has told him that “Once he (Anton) is dead, the LTTE will be finished in six months”.

    Imagine this statement from Vithyatharan who was known as friend of LTTE.

    We can list the LTTE assets that are with Vithyatharan and his family.

    Vithy is not and Educated person. He started his career as a reporter with Tamil news paper and his Brother-in-Law Saravanapavan’s bankrupt SABRA money was invested in Uthyan.

    SABRA was not really banrupt.

    They manipulated in such way to steal the investors money.

    Today look at the house, cars, weath they enjoy today.

    No wonder to hear that Vithyatharan now wants to be the Editor in Chief of Virakesari. It is a day dream

    To come to this position has got any University degree? Has he got any journalist qualification.

    Mr Thevaraj is well educated, well qualified Journalis who had been international conference on Media in India, Japan, UK, Indonesia, Denmark, Swedan and Canada.

    This Vythiatharan went on Rajapaksa’s money on spying on Tamil diaspora.

    Shame shame.

  • 0

    Hey man! what are you afraid of? Journalists should be as transparent as possible about sources and methods so audiences can make their own assessment of the information. “In journalism truth is process” as CT advertises..Be bold and spit it out as Vithiatharan is the culprit and Uthayan News paper is the one that he wants to promote. Accuracy is the foundation upon which everything else is built–context, interpretation, comment, criticism, analysis and debate. TNA is now run by bunch of scandalous,greedy,corrupt selfish dirty politicians.

    • 0

      Gowrie you are right.

      Why this Kirubaharan didnt want to mention this stupid Vithyatharan’s name.If I would have written this article, I would have mentioned Vithyatharan’s name not once hundreded times.

      We understand that Kiruba is a friend Vithyatharan and his BIL Saravanaban. Kiruba it a shame for you to keep company with people who live on Subra finance company money.

      Come on Kiruba, be courageous to mention any culprits name and their full story not half story

      Dont spare any bones.

      Be courageous and mention that Vithyatharan is the culprit who wants sit on the chair of Thevaraj.

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    I’m surprised Kirubaharan wrote this article of editor Vs editor. Rivalry is inevitable in any profession, but we should not be seen to be adding fuel to the fire.

    On the HR front he does a great job and this is where I would sincerely appreciate his contribution to the Tamil community.

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    After some time now what has happend? Where is Mr.Devaraj and where is Mr.Vithyatharan? Had Vithyatharan done anything for Devaraja’s present position. Devaraja’s enemies were insiders, not out siders. Insiders very well know about that.Devaraja and Viththiyatharan were close friends in real life. These imaginations were one sided.

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