“It has also been bought to our notice that a stone inscription dating back to Hijra 300 (over 1200 years old) been Destroyed. Also the Bodu Bala Sena has threatened to bring a statue on the 18 th of this month from Colombo in a vehicle parade and place it there. I would be much thankful to you, if you would give priority to this matter in your busy schedule and intervene to stop causing any further damage to this Holy place of worship.” Azath Salley, the General Secretary of the National Unity Alliance wrote to President.
Azath Salley also wrote to diplomats today. He wrote; “I would be much thankful to you, if you would kindly use your good office with the President of Sri Lanka and bring this matter to his notice on an urgent basis, and help the Muslims of this country to safeguard their historical religious site.”
Azath Salley also wrote to diplomats today. He wrote; “I would be much thankful to you, if you would kindly use your good office with the President of Sri Lanka and bring this matter to his notice on an urgent basis, and help the Muslims of this country to safeguard their historical religious site.”
We publish below the letters in full;
His. Excellency Mahinda Rajapakse
President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Presidential Secretariat
Colombo. 16th May 2013
Your Excellency,
Herewith I am enclosing a copy of my previous letter dated 26th,April 2013 and a copy of the statement issued by Ms.Roshan Aboosally – Trustee of the Dafthar Jailani Mohiyadeen Masjid-Kuragala, Thanjatenne, Balangoda, and some photographs which are self explanatory.
As you are well aware that the Dafthar Jailani Mohiyadeen Masjid-Kuragala is one of the oldest places of worship for the Muslims of Sri Lanka. This place is facing a severe threat from some hard line Buddhists Who want to destroy the heritage site. On my previous letter I brought this matter to your notice, but since there is no action from Your Excellencies government. Now the Holy place has been demolished under the guise of archeological excavation. According to the statement issued by the trustee this has been done despite the assurance given to Muslim worshippers by the Secretary of Defense.
Sometimes back I brought to your notice that some hard line elements are trying to attack the Dambulla mosque and create chaos among the communities, even before that incident took place, but regretfully that time also no action was taken by the government. This time too have brought this matter to your notice almost one month before, but again no action is taken.
There is no doubt, that continuing these type of activities only proves that there is no respect to the sentiments and feelings of the Muslim community which will badly damage the reconciliation efforts by your government to create a peaceful environment.
It has also been bought to our notice that a stone inscription dating back to Hijra 300 (over 1200 years old) been Destroyed. Also the Bodu Bala Sena has threatened to bring a statue on the 18th of this month from Colombo in a vehicle parade and place it there. I would be much thankful to you, if you would give priority to this matter in your busy schedule and intervene to stop causing any further damage to this Holy place of worship.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
M.Azath S. Salley
General Secretary
National Unity Alliance
…………………………………… 17th, May 2013
Your Excellency
This is to draw your kind attention towards the tragedy that is unfolding in Kuragala Dafther Jailani Mohiyaddeen Masjid which is situated in Balangoda which comes under Ratnapura District. This mosque is one of the oldest places of worship and a heritage site for Muslims in Sri Lanka. According to trustees of the above mosque, religious ceremonies are conducted here for more than 124 years. Now this mosque is facing threats of destroying by some hard line Buddhist elements, unfortunately which are believed to be functioning with the full support of the Government of Sri Lanka. Already some structures of the existing buildings of these premises are demolished under the guise of archeological excavations. This action is very much similar to the one carried out by the Zionists in the Holy land of Palestine.
I would like to remind Your Excellency that very recently you had a meeting with His Excellency Mahinda Rajapakse, President of Sri Lanka. It was in news that President Mahinda Rajapakse gave an assurance during this meeting that he will not allow anyone to do any harm to the Muslims of Sri Lanka and their religious and cultural rights and heritages and it will be safe guarded. I can remember it was in the same news that the President requested the Muslim diplomatic community in Sri Lanka, if anything happened to the Muslim Community to inform him on time to take severe action against those involved.
But now things are happening totally against to the assurance given by the President to the Muslim Countries representatives.
Herewith I am enclosing copies of letters written to the President by me and Hon. S. Alavi Moulana the governor of the Western Province and a statement issued by the trustee of the above mosque on this subject and some photographs to prove the present situation of this Holy site.
I would be much thankful to you, if you would kindly use your good office with the President of Sri Lanka and bring this matter to his notice on an urgent basis, and help the Muslims of this country to safeguard their historical religious site.
Thanking You
Yours faithfully
M. Azath Salley
General Secretary
National Unity Alliance.
Related posts;
‘Governor Mowlana Lies And Promotes Hate’, ‘We Had No Plans To Destroy Kuragala’ – BBS
On BBS Claim: Get Ready To Celebrate Vesak At Kuragala
Rajapaksa Power-Plays: Cheating Tamils And Demonising Muslims
Midweek Politics: The Battle For Sacred Ground
BBS To Destroy Kuragala Islam Religious Site – Alavi Mowlana Asked MR To Intervene
Mohammad Nabi / May 17, 2013
Kuragala is a Buddhist place. That is known history. Please don’t change the history of our country. I been a Muslim am against this. Muslims had no such historic places in Sri Lanka since they migrated to the island around 400 years ago. So cannot have any such 1200 year old historic place. On the other hand look at the stone staircase. This is very common for all Buddhist temples, built on rocks. Muslims never had this sort of architecture. This place was later captured by Muslims and attempted to convert it to an Ismail’s place. Like they (we of course) did all around the world. like in Mecca, where there we have the foot print of lord Buddha, now it has been called as so-called Adam’s Foot print.
This is not fare. Just because Sinhalese was kind enough to let us live in their county peacefully we should not try to destroy their history. The fake god cannot be justified against a true religion. Keep this in mind, my Muslim friends in Sri Lanka
harin fernando / May 17, 2013
kurugala dates to centuries back where a muslim cleric daftar jailani was meditating there. I been a buddhist have to confess that there is arabic carvings in these rocks. I don,t know sinhala buddhist who converse in arabic. This place is ou no use to us buddhist other than the land value in which the government is interested in. Majority of us are against bodu bala sena. These were the people who created the 1983 riots and destroyed the country into a full fledged war. It makes me feel that the monks are worse tha the taliban because you can say taliban is fighting a foriegn invader and are less educated…. I wonder where all patriots were when the museum was robbed of 1000 of years valuble ancient treasure.
Netizen / May 18, 2013
In reality, the taliban, BBS and any fundamentalist or extremist exemplify a particular type of human condition that the Buddha warned against and advised people to move away from. This sort of mindset comes from pride, attachment (to identity, places, etc), arrogance and greed… and above all ignorance of the dhamma. So, BBS or whoever is is responsible for this is in fact acting counter to the teachings of the Buddha. Just as the Taliban and other forms of Islamic extremism have distorted the identity of muslims in general, so will the likes of BBS etc distort and slur the name of Buddhism not only in Sri Lanka but elsewhere in the world. The threat to take 1000 ‘Buddhists” on a march is a show of arrogance, anger and pride, if it does happen, then these monks are in fact leading that flock away from Buddhism, deeper into samsara, and creating for themselves and these people untold cycles of suffering. Too bad that that’s the way the dice is rolling …
Netizen / May 18, 2013
Wesak is round the corner… a good time for a dhamma refresher. Read up on this beautiful translation of the Sutta-Nipata: The Way Things Really Are … http://www.buddhanet.net/pdf_file/Sutta-nipataBM6.pdf .. quite beautiful, maybe hard to practice, but isn’t Buddhism the practice of the dhamma, and not the manipulation of the dhamma?
The Cave
Worldly desire’s
so hard to give up.
Look at you:
stuck in a cave
surrounded by every kind of form sunk in murkiness
far from freedom.
Your longings tie you up in knots.
Sense pleasures snare you.
You yearn now
as you did in the past and will in the future. No one else
can release you.
You’re greedy, intent on desire, infatuated by desire, mean.
You’re on the wrong track heading for a bad time.
You wail, “What’ll happen to me when I die?”
I see you trembling with desire
for a different state of mind,
a sad wretch
muttering in the mouth of death.
Look! You’re self obsessed,
flapping about like a fish in a drying creek.

You see this
so be aware,
be selfless,
don’t cling to any state of mind.
Be here in this moment. Keep clear
of what you know’s
no good.
Life’s much too short.
You’ve found a middle way, completely understood
how sense impressions link us to the world,
given up greed
and act now only
with a blameless heart….
True Muslim / May 18, 2013
Islam does not have any sites of religions significance bar the ones which is in Mecca and Medina, there are no Saints in Islam and there is certainly no Meditation in Islam, this is all wrong, this mosque is not built on the basis of Islam or the pillars of Islam, this is some individuals and his followers nonsense. You can destroy it no problems. Also there are far more important places in Islam than this place anyways.
Citizen / May 18, 2013
no saints in Islam :O Be careful with the words you use
DODU / May 19, 2013
WSo you better join BBS and destroy it including ACJU for issuing halal certificate.
Muliyawaikkal / May 20, 2013
I agree.
There are no saints in Islam, only One True God.
Muslims should hand this back to Buddhists who worship anything and everything and leave this place. We have better things to do than fight over a cave!
rashard / May 21, 2013
well said…
Yogi Bear / May 22, 2013
Man, everybody thinks that what they believe is right.. Just learn to think outside the box. If you were kept in a dark room since your childhood, your whole world will become that dark room. So please dont judge people or differentiate people by their believes. Just do something good for this world, and leave when the time comes !! Peace
Palitha Heenthotuwa / May 21, 2013
You are such a traitor. If Muslims have a problem with a grave it is Muslims who have to break it. It is not the business of non-Muslims.
For terrorists like BBS everything with a Muslim name is the same, may it be graves, mosques, shops AND OF COURSE YOUR HOME!!
So please watch what you are saying in public forums.
dingiri / May 21, 2013
So say’s a True Moslem from the Wahabi sect. So now you see it.
See what little tolerance the Wahabis have for Sufis.
Is it then a surprise that Buddhists are displaying such intolerance to them?
At the end of the day Buddhists (Of the Sinhala Buddhist Nationalist type), Sunni Wahabi Moslems, Jesuit Catholics of the 15th Century.. they are all the same.
The tribal territorial instinct is ingrained in the human DNA. Some can rise above it and see all as equal. Others cannot and so have to quarrel, denigrate and disrespect.
At the end of the day, Kuragala is/was a shrine. And it was important to someone. It may not be important to you. But what right do you have to endorse its destruction.
And why are the holy sites of “True Islam” only in Saudi Arabia? Surely Allah is a universal entity and not a local god of the Saud Arabs?
salmaj / May 29, 2013
Martin Niemoller’s poem
First they came for the communists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.
Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.
This is what will happen to Sri Lankans if we do not protest when others’ rights are violated. When the Anuradhapura shrine was broken, some persons like the true Muslim argued that ” true Muslims should have destroyed this before the monks did as saints do not have a place in Islam”
Then this was followed by Dambulla mosque and the rest is recent history.
Intra Muslim rivalries are worse than inter religious rivalry.
charith / May 18, 2013
FIY those rock carvings are in brahmian letters :D those arabic letters came to action during past few decades… :D
JimSofty / May 18, 2013
Harin Fernando:
As Islam Is older than buddhism, Muslims clerics should have meditated every where in Sri Lanka.
Today is the first day that I heard Muslims too meditate. As far as I know muslims read, as loud as they can, Quran five times a day.
Mohammad [Edited out] / May 19, 2013
DODU / May 19, 2013
Your meditation is with sutra ” Thage chin chin male dakaa Mage MANARAM Polla Elli Elli natai”!
Lester / May 20, 2013
As Islam Is older than buddhism
Buddhism is more than 1000 years older than Islam.
Mervin De Silva / July 1, 2013
‘Islam is older than Buddhism’ – in the light of common sense your statement shows the world how ignorant you are. I have my profound compassion to you!
priya / May 29, 2013
Islam is not older than Buddhism – Islam came in the 7th century AD
IATA / September 21, 2013
[Edited out]
We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT
Evolve / May 17, 2013
It maybe a buddhist site or a muslim site who knows and nobody cares. But I know for sure that I you are not a Muslim :P so stop the act :P
Dilo Ismail / May 17, 2013
Your comments are strong enough. . But look we as muslim’s are not trying to capture Sri Lanka or whatever according to your statistics go through this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Sri_Lanka. Just because a particular group of muslim’s do something wrong it doesn’t mean that the whole race must be blamed.Please do not try to prove such things that you itself have no clue of my brother. Thank you
I have gone through much of the comments and some even say that Islam is one of the badest religions in the world. Well I really appreciate that must of you have a better understanding of whats going on. The media does not tell you the fact if particular individuals want they could just turn good into bad the whole world is messed up.
As I’m a Muslim I have no hatred among any brothers or sisters from any other religion since we all come under one category HUMANITY we all are HUMAN BEINGS.
Anyways I’m so sad to experience such problems occuring in this generation since we all are educated and we all deserve to live in peace and Harmony. May there be brightness among all religions to resolve problems and live a better life in UNITY.
kawantiss / May 18, 2013
we have enough cluse. why is the entire world hate muslims.? because Islam it self is terrorism. how comes u have a 1200 yr history in Sl when so-called NAbi was born few 100 years ago. what a fake religion ?
it is like this. you have organized groups. one group does all agressive work against other religions and the other group ( includes u) say we are not extreem muslims we condem what the others did. but u support it. ISLAM is an orgainzed terrorist group. ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS
JimSofty / May 18, 2013
This I believe and accept.
Because of a one muslims group, all should not be accused or victimized.
Anura / May 18, 2013
“Please don’t change the history of our country.”
The above statement shows your ignorance. History you were taught and you beleive could be different to what a SL Muslim or Tamil were taught and beleive. What you belive is what your respected elders taught you and perhaps gov text books. How many would you read Lona Dewaraj or prominent Muslim/Tamil historians and realize how doubtful ir confidence they are about historical events they discuss
kawantiss / May 18, 2013
dont show ur stupidity. are u trying to say this is a mulim country 1200 yrs ago or something ?. this is a SIHALA BUDDHIST COUNRTY. that s all. no more argument.
Arsath / May 19, 2013
The way you are using your language and the fact you mention “Nabi” was born few hundred years ago shows your level of intelligence. I am just writing to warn the other don’t feed this kiddish troll.
You will be just wasting your time.
sha / May 18, 2013
hi Mr.Mohamed nabi.. I would like say that one thing. U should writte with your own name. Dont d have the brave for just writte as wel. How can we justify your comment by open lies. So please read the ancient history. So there is a clear intention by ur talking u to eradicate muslims history in srilanka. So mr fake mohamed nabi change ur name first. Dont u have the rights to used our prophet Name. We are never use as u prophet or buddah. We respect every race and religon. Islam guid us like this. So dear moderator please romove his from the CT.
kawantiss / May 18, 2013
i c…. u respect everr religion and reace ? is that what islam teach you. read the following ( if muslims can read English)
Quran : 4.3, 4.24, 23.6, 33.50, 70.30
Quran not only allows slavery and sex with captured women and slave girls, it says Allah may even pardon those who forced their slave girls to sell their bodies.
Quran 24.33: Force not your slave-girls to whoredom that ye may seek enjoyment of the life of the world, if they would preserve their chastity. And if one force them, then (unto them), after their compulsion, lo! Allah will be Forgiving, Merciful.
Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 34, Number 432:
Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:
that while he was sitting with Allah’s Apostle he said, “O Allah’s Apostle! We get female captives as our share of booty, and we are interested in their prices, what is your opinion about coitus interrupt us?” The Prophet said, “Do you really do that? It is better for you not to do it. No soul that which Allah has destined to exist, but will surely come into existence.
“Narrated Ibn Aun:
Prophet had suddenly attacked Bani Mustaliq without warning while they were heedless and their cattle were being watered at the places of water. Their fighting men were killed and their women and children were taken as captives; the Prophet got Juwairiya on that day.
The Quran:
Quran (2:191-193) – “And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]… but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah.” The historical context of this passage is not defensive warfare, since Muhammad and his Muslims had just relocated to Medina and were not under attack by their Meccan adversaries. In fact, the verses urge offensive warfare, in that Muslims are to drive Meccans out of their own city (which they later did). The use of the word “persecution” by some Muslim translators is thus disingenuous (the actual Muslim words for persecution – “idtihad” – and oppression – a variation of “z-l-m” – do not appear in the verse). The actual Arabic comes from “fitna” which can mean disbelief, or the disorder that results from unbelief or temptation. Taken as a whole, the context makes clear that violence is being authorized until “religion is for Allah” – ie. unbelievers desist in their unbelief.
Quran (2:244) – “Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things.”
Quran (2:216) – “Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.” Not only does this verse establish that violence can be virtuous, but it also contradicts the myth that fighting is intended only in self-defense, since the audience was obviously not under attack at the time. From the Hadith, we know that this verse was narrated at a time that Muhammad was actually trying to motivate his people into raiding merchant caravans for loot.
Quran (3:56) – “As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.”
Quran (3:151) – “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority”. This speaks directly of polytheists, yet it also includes Christians, since they believe in the Trinity (ie. what Muhammad incorrectly believed to be ‘joining companions to Allah’).
Quran (4:74) – “Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.” The martyrs of Islam are unlike the early Christians, led meekly to the slaughter. These Muslims are killed in battle, as they attempt to inflict death and destruction for the cause of Allah. Here is the theological basis for today’s suicide bombers.
Quran (4:76) – “Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah…”
Quran (4:89) – “They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.”
Quran (4:95) – “Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,-” This passage criticizes “peaceful” Muslims who do not join in the violence, letting them know that they are less worthy in Allah’s eyes. It also demolishes the modern myth that “Jihad” doesn’t mean holy war in the Quran, but rather a spiritual struggle. Not only is the Arabic word used in this passage, but it is clearly not referring to anything spiritual, since the physically disabled are given exemption. (The Hadith reveals the context of the passage to be in response to a blind man’s protest that he is unable to engage in Jihad and this is reflected in other translations of the verse).
Quran (4:104) – “And be not weak hearted in pursuit of the enemy; if you suffer pain, then surely they (too) suffer pain as you suffer pain…” Is pursuing an injured and retreating enemy really an act of self-defense?
Quran (5:33) – “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement”
Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them” No reasonable person would interpret this to mean a spiritual struggle.
Quran (8:15) – “O ye who believe! When ye meet those who disbelieve in battle, turn not your backs to them. (16)Whoso on that day turneth his back to them, unless maneuvering for battle or intent to join a company, he truly hath incurred wrath from Allah, and his habitation will be hell, a hapless journey’s end.”
Do u still think this is a religion of Peace ?
Dhaksha / May 18, 2013
Before you pat yourself on your back for showing your true agenda here, let me quote Wikipedia about other religions and violence.
“Bruce Feiler writes that “Jews and Christians who smugly console themselves that Islam is the only violent religion are willfully ignoring their past. Nowhere is the struggle between faith and violence described more vividly, and with more stomach-turning details of ruthlessness, than in the Hebrew Bible”.[8] Similarly, Burggraeve and Vervenne describe the Old Testament as full of violence and evidence of both a violent society and a violent god. They write that, “(i)n numerous Old Testament texts the power and glory of Israel’s God is described in the language of violence.” They assert that more than one thousand passages refer to YHWH as acting violently or supporting the violence of humans and that more than one hundred passages involve divine commands to kill humans.[9]
Some religions (or philosophies) preach tolerance and peace, but still their followers can disrespect it, by turning on their fellow human beings and use violence and show hatred, going against their own teachings, like we all witness during the July 1983 riots in this country.
Hope you are smart enough to realize that picking on Islam and Muslims, only reflect negatively on YOU. Try to make your parents proud of you.
Mohammad [Edited out] / May 19, 2013
1.Riots 1983 has nothng to do with budhism.
2.ur ignorance is well depicted when u quote wikipedia ( wikipedia is not used for debates u idiot) im sure u are a muslim., tht s y u are su stupid and ignorent
3. Ismal promoted vioulance. tht s what shown in the above reply.
4. there could be other riligions that do promote vioulance ( but not budhism ) by any chance
5. [Edited out] is another name for terrorism and evil. it inherits viulsnce
6. try to find any quote from “buddhist- thipitakaya” tht promotes viopulance. that is a challange
7. Would agenda for the next centure should be ” NO ISLAM IN THE WORLD”
Dhaksha / May 19, 2013
It seems you are unable to get the point, those who went around killing, burning, and terrorizing innocent Tamils around the country, were from the majority Buddhists, who were going against their own teachings. I did NOT say it was a religious riot, learn to read properly, and write better.
Insulting posters here, when you have nothing substantial to respond to, and attacking Wikipedia which has more credibility than you, does not impress anyone here. Spend your time learning the art of writing and spelling, it will be more useful for you.
Sri Lanka had terrorism, Israel was built on terrorism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_religious_terrorism
Terrorism wherever it comes from is condemned.
There are over 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, you cannot do anything about it, so get over it.
DODU / May 19, 2013
Mohamed (Edited) I can also call my self as Buddha….( to be edited)’ Your Mahayana and Asokawardena preaches violence which you guys are hiding and try to show the world that your religion is peace loving and non-violence. This is bull shit. Read this and if you need I can give you more and more|
1. The Buddha said……. ” When I recall the past, I remember that I was the king of a great state…. My name was Senyo (that is in my previous birth), and I loved and venerated the Mahayana Sutras……. When I heard the Brahmins slandering the vaipulya sutras, I put them to death on the spot. Good men, as a result of that action, I never thereafter fell into he’ll. O Good men, when we accept and defend Mahayana sutras, we posses innumerable values” Nirvana Sutra Chapter 19. – We are told here that the first reason (to put Brahmins to death) was out of pity (for them). The Buddha’s second reason for putting Brahmins to death was to defend Buddhism itself.
2. The true follower of Mahayana is not the one who observes five precepts, but the one who uses sword, bow, arrow and battle to protect the monks who uphold the precepts and who are pure” nirvana Sutra Chapter 5. -Here the dye is cast for the defense in the name of religion.
3. If a man, women, Sharamana or Brahmin says there is no such thing as The Way ( I.e.Buddhism), Enlightenment or Nirvana, know that such a person is one of (the demon) Mata’s kindred ( Mara the LOARD of death). Such a person is not of the world…..” Nirvana Sutra Chapter 22 – Here putting to death unbelievers carries no sin or bad karmic.
4. The icchantikas are cut off from the root of good. Because of this one may well kill an ant earn sin for doing harm, but there is no sin for killing an icchantikas’ status is lower then an ant. ( icchantikas= sinful- because he does not act accordance with Buddha’s teachings) .
I can give you more of these type. In all the sutras above you can see hoe much Buddha hate Brahmins. That is why Ashoka killed countless number of Brahmins and Jains after he became Buddhist.
Ashoka killed over 18,000 followers of Ajivika sect just for ( a person of the same sect) was drawing a picture showing Buddha bowing at the feet of Nigrantha Jnatipura ( identified with Mahaveera, the founder of Jainism). This may be the first Jihad in the history. He killed another Nigrantha follower burning him with his entire family for drawing the same picture again. This may be the first burn to death punishment for blasphemy! It is surprising to note that ASHOKA’S mother is also from the same Ajivika sect! Your brother in Sri Lanka followed this by putting Tamils and their children into burning fire in 1956 and again in 1983. Your co- brothers in Burma are following this principle by putting Muslims into burning fire!
So Buddhism is not a religion of peace at all it is the religion of pieces! Wherever you fid Buddhist there all you find violence. Let it be Japan(2nd World War), Korea(Korean War), Vietnam (Vietnam War), Laos (again Vietnam War), Thailand – killing of Muslims, Burma- killing of Muslims, Sri Lanka Genocide of Tamils… So you fools trying to fool World that your religion, I AM SORRY, Philosophy teaches non – violence? BULL SHIT!
sha / May 18, 2013
dear Mr…. i can ask well regarding the quran lines. But this is not possible way to say u. U are just reader from some oriantalist topics. Thats all. This is not huge invention. So mr u should read in quran other section. It will guide u very well. Bcz u know very english. So u can read by english transilate. Further more u can read shinhala transilation also.. But if you are balance people never use any silly words. If u wish send mail id we can discus further more.
Punchasheela / May 19, 2013
Hello Kawantiss,
i know that there is no point in explainig the fact to you. you have selectively quoted some verses from Quran to justify your ill feelings about this religion, which your religion forbids, provided if you are a buddhist. let me come to one of your points which you would have picked from one of sites which belongs to haters of Islam. Many societies throughout history has practised slavery. World was very different in those days and, practices that seem profoundly unethical to modern minds were common and accepted. When Islam was introduced to the world 1400 years ago slavery was a worldwide common social phenomenon. It was much older than Islam. Slave was deeply rooted in every society to the extend that it was impossible to imagine a cilized society without slaves. Inspite of this social fact, Islam was the first religion in the world to recognize slavery as social illness that needed to be addressed. Since slavery was deeply rooted in the siciety, Islam did not abolish it at once. Rather, Islam treated slavery in the same manner it treated other social illnesses.it followed the methodology of gradual elemination in dealing with this social disease like the prohibition of alcoholin three steps.
Slaves are the ones who were captured in a legal war or they are the descendants of slaves. So, at the begning of Islan muslims took war captives just as enemies did with muslims. But as it aimed at putting an end to such issue Islam laid down rules which would eventually lead to eradicating the practice. So it allowed mulims to have intercorse with the slaves women taken as captives ofjust and legitimate wars. In so doing the woman would automatically become free and if she get pregnant and her shild would also become free. Not only this, Islam also odered a muslim to treat the slave women in every respect as if she were his wife. She should be fed well, clothed and given due protection.In the light of the above mentioned facts, it is clear that some people misunderstand the wisdom behind this and think that it is meant to unlash men’s desires and give them more enjoyment, which was the practice before islam. Never, that is not the point , it is, rather, means of freeing slaves; and this is clarified above in the fact that if a master got a female slave pregnant, then he could neither sell her nor give her away as a present. And if he died she would not be considered part of his property. She’d receive her freedomn and her baby would also be free.
” prohibiting slavery in the context of seventh century Arabia apperently would have been as useful as prohibitig poverty; it would have reflected a noble idea! but would have been unworkable on an immediate basis without establishing an entirely new socioeconomic system” jacob Neusner, Tamara Sonn, Comparing religions through Law: Judaism and Islam 1999.
Islam made it virture to free slavesand inculcate them into society as equal citizens. A black African slave was appointed as First Muazzinn ( the one who calls for daily prayers) of the Islam by the Prophet. Prophet married a Coptic Christian slave girl.
He stated that the freeing slaves was the act that God found most acceptable. Zakat ( Charit/ the 3rd pillar of Islam) was often used by the state to free slaves. Stated that freeing a slave was the appropriate way to gain forgiveness for certain wrongs. Ordered that those who committed wrong should be penalised by having to free their slaves. Stated that slaves should be allow to by their freedom, and if necessary should be given the opportunity to earn money, or be lent money by the state, in order to do so. Stated that slaves’ contacts should be interpreted in favour of the slaves. Stated that the duty of kindness towards slaves was the same of that towards family, neighbours and others. Stated that when a slave owner had a child with a female slave, the child should be freed and could inherit from their father like any other child.
There are number of hadith that show the prophet treated slaves well and expected others to do the same….
1. He will not enter pradise who behaventh ill to jis slaves.
2. Be kind to slaves as to your own children… and those that say their prayers are your children.
3. They, slaves are your brothers, and God has put them under your command. So the one under whose hand God has put his brother should feed him of WHAT HE EATS, and GIVE HIM DRESSES OF WHAT HE WEARS, and SHOULD SHOULD NOY ASK HIM TO DO A THING BEYOND HIS CAPACITY. And if at all ask him to do a hard task, he should help him therin.
4. Thrre are three ctegories of people against whom I shell myself be a plaintiff on the day of judgement. Of these three, one is he who enslaves a free man, then sell him and eat this money.
5. Give food to the hungry, pay a visit to the sick and release ( set free) the one in captivity( by paying his ransom).
6. Not one of you should ( when introducing someone) say ” This is my slave, This is my concubine. He should call them, my daughter or my son or my brother”.
” what was notably different from the slavery of the western world, however, was the degree to which they (slaves) were protected by Muslim law. When the law was observed their treatment was good. They might expect to marry and have families of their own, and they had a good chance of being freed. There were also built in avenues of escape” Gwyn Campbell, FrankCass, The Structure of slavery in Induian Ocean.
” The nature of the Atlantic trade and therefore the survival of racism in the west has been one of segregation. There wasn’t this seperation in Islam. Whites didn’t push black off the pavement. They didn’t forbid restaurents to serve them. L don’t think that there’s any disputing that slavery WAS more bennevolent institution in Islam than it was in the west”. Ronald Segal, Interviewed in Chicago Sun Times 17/02/2002.
So it is Islam which paved the way for the abolishment of slvery and no other religion. Therefore, it is not proper to judge islam by just picking up one or two vrse of quran or hadith from an internet site some of which are born to hate muslims.
DODU / May 19, 2013
Panchasheela, you are very true, but as you said there is no point in explaining all these to that Kawinpissa who is grumbling under the influence of Kasiippu with a beef bite.
Lester / May 19, 2013
Dear Punchasheela,
Slavery is still a big business in the Gulf. It is one reason why foreign women are treated so badly in these countries.
Saudi Arabia had an estimated 300,000 slaves in 1960….
Saudis who travel outside their country sometimes bring their slaves with them… One of the ugliest such incidents was the murder of a slave by a Saudi prince in London.
The court had heard that the murder of Abdulaziz was the final act in a “deeply abusive” master-servant relationship in which the prince carried out frequent attacks on his aide “for his own personal gratification”.
DODU / May 20, 2013
Lester stop posting fake links. Nonsense. You buggers are exporting your girls and women to Middle East, Singapore, Sypress … For prostitution and earn foreign currency which is worse than slevery. Arabs, Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, Bangaladesh and Europian men are riding them. What a shame on your bloody philosophy? Buddhism aided and abited slevery, prostitution and child abuse. That is why sex tourism, prostitution and exporting women as slaves (house maids) for money flourish in Buddhist countries like Thailand, Burma,Camnodia and Sri Lanka.
Lester / May 20, 2013
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Lester / May 23, 2013
Most of the housemaids in the Middle East are Muslims. Now who is riding who?
DODU / May 29, 2013
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Dhaksha / May 19, 2013
Kawantiss, please do not show your ignorance by quoting stone age versus. Look at what is happening presently, and the shame of human trafficking going on right now, involving Sri Lanka too.
From Wikipedia:
“The U.S. State Department’s “Trafficking in Persons Report, 2012” raised Israel’s rank to Tier 1 after having ranked Israel Tier 2 between 2007 to 2011.[1] (“A Tier 1 ranking indicates that a government has acknowledged the existence of human trafficking, has made efforts to address the problem, and meets the TVPA’s minimum standards.”[2]) The State of Israel ratified the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children on 23 Jul 2008 .[3]
Human trafficking in Israel includes the trafficking of men and women into the country for forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation. Low-skilled workers from China, Romania, Africa, Turkey, Thailand, the Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and India migrate voluntarily for contract labor in the construction, agriculture, and health care industries. Some, however, subsequently face conditions of forced labor, such as unlawful withholding of passports, restrictions on movement, non-payment of wages, threats, and physical intimidation.”
Don’t let hatred blind you.
Rukshan / May 19, 2013
Thats very true. u should not comment by fake names
Sri Lankan Patriot / May 18, 2013
It is very obvious that you are not a Muslim! Further, you are very illiterate on Sri Lankan or World history. Your statement that the Footprint in Makkah belongs to lord Buddah is very pathetic. Stairways built by Sinhala Kings were much neater and contains architectural carvings which are still preserved as national treasures. This stairway has nothing to do with history and have been built in recent times with our cowboy masons. Associating this stairway to Sinhala Kings itself is an insult.
King Vijaya came to Sri Lanka 2500 years back and the Muslims settled in Sri Lanka atleast 1000 years back. Muslims have been living in the country peacefully and supported the Kings and fought the wars alongside the Sinhala Kings.
You better learn the history. You were not able to cover yourself completely in sheep clothing… we can see your doggy tails wagging and rabies covered tongue dropping poisonous saliva!
Mohammad [Edited out] / May 18, 2013
[Edited out
Muslims supported kings ?
what are you talking about ?. who betrayed Kepetipola ? a muslim.
who betrayed saradiyel ? a muslim
our kings never wanted help from savage-uneducated-stupid muslims.
we had better people.
all you did was destroying our country.
we know history of our country. you dont need to teach us history.
learn our history leson or get lost.
[Edited out]
Sri Lankan Patriot / May 18, 2013
What an ignorant fool you are!
Because of blood thirsty racist idiots like you, Sri Lanka is never going to prosper.
History speaks for itself, not through lunatic, racist fools like you!
Lester / May 19, 2013
our kings never wanted help from savage-uneducated-stupid muslims.
Thank you very much for stating the obvious. Sri Lanka was ALWAYS ahead of the Arab world. 2000 years ago, Ayurvedic physicians were carrying out eye operations. Muhammed was illiterate, but our monks were world-famous and have kept a literary tradition since ancient times.
DODU / May 20, 2013
Lester, what a Rubbish! Sri Lanka is the most backward country in the world. They started living by killing each other from the very begging. Ypur first King in the history was Vijaya. He was chased away by his father Singhabahu for his Un-Lawful acts (i.e. he was a rawdy) from India. Some of your kings killed their fathers ( Kasippa, Ajasatta..l) some others killed their brothers ( again Kasiappa…). and one killed a3 months old infant to become a King (Dammasoka) another poisned her own husband and became queen ( Anula – first queen) This is the history of your Great Kings?
You were better on climbing coconut trees which monkeys could do,better. You were good in drawing nude pictures in caves and temples! One or two of your kings build tanks in which Dravidians were far ahead at that time. You fellows have to praise Aurveda, otherwise you have nothing, but it is full of bad smell like pigs. Your most famous invention is AMUDE! Simple of your great culture is Brothers keeping one wife – this was the practice untill recently.
Of course, your monks were world famous not for keeping literary tradition but for child abuse! Go and look in your famous Internet links! Prophet was illiterate but he still has over 2 Billion followers and are still growing even after 1450 years of him! SIDDARTHA’S followers are evading. It started within 500 years after him! In the recent past, most of them have become atheist or communists (Vietnam China and North Korea). Others have converted to other religions( South Korea, Taiwan..). This is the recent history. This mean your so called Philosophy could not cope with the development of human knowledge. it is getting rejected by nature. It does not know how to keep its own followers satisfied, simply it is an empty nut.
Lester / May 23, 2013
Yes, Sinhalese are descendants of kings, not like you people who claim to be descendants of the bastard child of the womanizer Abraham. That is why Sinhalese are not so stupid as to fall for the ramblings of an illiterate camel jockey, while you people are even scared of his shadow on a cartoon.
DODU / May 29, 2013
I have already written who your Kings were and you have now said you are the descendants of those rouges!
So, you have agreed that you have born to those illiterate, power hungry mugs! Muslims never scared of anything. Your kings are penuts for them. Lucky they did not come here. If they show the muslim kings your kings would have run without their AMUDE.
AYMAN / May 20, 2013
Joe Leigh Simpson, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the North Western University in Chicago in the United States of America. Professor Simpson said: It follows, I think, that not only is there no conflict between genetics and religion, but in fact religion can guide science by adding revelation to some traditional scientific approaches. That there exists statements in the Qur’aan shown by science to be valid, which supports knowledge in the Qur’aan having been derived from Allah.
Dr. T.V.N. Persaud is a Professor of Anatomy and Head of the Department of Anatomy, and a professor of Pediatrics and Child Health, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He is the author or editor of 25 books, and has published over 181 scientific papers. In 1991, he received the most distinguished award presented in the field of anatomy in Canada. “It seems to me that Muhammad was a very ordinary man. He could not read or write. In fact, he was illiterate. We are talking about 1400 years ago. You have someone who was illiterate making profound pronouncement and statements and are amazingly accurate about scientific nature. I personally cannot see how this could be mere chance. There are too many accuracy’s and, like Dr. Moore, I have no difficulty in my mind in concerning that this is a divine inspiration or revelation which led him to these statements.”
Professor Alfred Kroner who is one of the world’s most famous geologists
“Thinking about many of these questions and thinking where Muhammad came from, he was after all a bedouin. I think it is almost impossible that he could have known about things like the common origin of the universe, because scientists have only found out within the last few years with very complicated and advanced technological methods that this is the case.
Professor Yushudi Kusan: Director of the Tokyo Observatory,
I can say, I am very mush impressed by finding true astronomical facts in the Qur’aan.
Professor William W. Hay is one of the best known marine scientists in the United States. satellite photography and emote-sensing techniques. Professor Hay replied: I find it very interesting that this sort of information is in the ancient scripture of the Holy Qur’aan, and I have no way of knowing where they would come from, but I think it is extremely interesting that they are there and that this work is going on to discover it, the meaning of some of the passages. Professor Hay: Well, I would think it must be the divine being!
Universal Citizen / May 21, 2013
Ayman, As a student of knowledge, appreciate if references , sources could be provided for.
Pls email to universalcitizenry@gmail.com. Thanks…
Lester / May 23, 2013
If Islam was so great, then why are you afraid of Muhammed’s image? What kind of great man forbids his own image to posterity? Your religion is surely a comedy.
DODU / May 30, 2013
Fools, Idots, illiterate like you will start worshiping the image. That is what you are doing with Sddhartha now and you all made a philosophy a religion, it it is struggling to survive.
Aney Apochchi! / May 18, 2013
Mohammad Nabi:
You are a very obvious fake writing under a muslim-sounding pseudonym. That’s most interesting – Buddha’s footprint in Mecca! Who told you that? Goatabaya or his BBS?
Kawanthissa / May 19, 2013
[Edited out], Read budhism
” oyanak desee” is reffered to Macca
where lord Buddha kept his foot print.
for example we have Load Buddha foot print in Samanala kanda
where Muslims say it is Adam’s. if sri lankan (this will never happen) become a muslim country, it iwll be officially Adams’s print.
that is what happened to Mecca. Savage Muslims killed all buddhists and made it islam.
because islam has no roots, they some how take toots from others.
that is what they do all around the world
Afganistan / Indonesia / Malysia / Male
islam is a cancer to the world
Goraka / May 19, 2013
Buddha’s footprint in Mecca – it looks like Buddha is only interested in MAKING FOOTPRINTS! What a religion!
DODU / May 19, 2013
Do you know Muslims believe God created Buddha’s face Just keeping Prophet’s left foot on the clay in Kapilawastu.
Gamarala / May 20, 2013
Mr.Kawanthissa,Umbe vachanawal poddak vedi.Paraya!Please quote the verses from Quran instead of bringing some verses from unauthentic sites.
Lester / May 19, 2013
Are you aware of the real history behind this place called Mecca? Before Muhammed invaded, it was full of Jews, Hindus, and pagans. Because of the Islamic invasions, these people were chased away with the sword. BUT, you cannot erase history so easily. Kabaa is a Hindu SHIVA temple.
1. In India the crescent moon is always painted across the forehead of the Siva symbol. Since that symbol was associated with the Siva emblem in Kaaba it came to be grafted on the flag of Islam.
2. According to the Hindu tradition Ganga is also inseparable from the Shiva emblem as the crescent moon. Wherever there is a Siva emblem, Ganga must co-exist. True to that association a sacred fount exists near the Kaaba. Its water is held sacred because it has been traditionally regarded as Ganga since pre-Islamic times (Zam-Zam water). Even today, Muslim pilgrims who go to the Kaaba for Haj regard this Zam-Zam water with reverence and take some bottled water with them as sacred water.]
3. Muslim pilgrims visiting the Kaaba temple go around it seven times. In no other mosque does the circumambulation prevail. The practice of taking seven steps- known as Saptapadi in Sanskrit- is associated with Hindu marriage ceremony and fire worship.
4. Encyclopaedias tell us that there are inscriptions on the side of the Kaaba walls. What they are, no body has been allowed to study. But according to hearsay at least some of those inscriptions are in Sanskrit, and some of them are stanzas from the Bhagavad Gita .
Even the word “ALLAH” comes from Sanskrit! In Sanskrit language Allah, Akka and Amba are synonyms. They signify a goddess or mother. The term ‘ALLAH’ forms part of Sanskrit chants invoking goddess Durga, also known as Bhavani, Chandi and Mahishasurmardini.
DODU / May 20, 2013
Lester, Some Muslims believe Buddha’s face was created by God from the clay in Kapilawastu by placing Prophet’s foot print on it. Some says face just look like the foot!
Muslims believe Kabaa was the first place on earth created by God to worship the God. As T said before you are also aunt. If it is the first place created by God then all the Abrahamic religions would have worshiped there. The people of Abrahamic religions believe that Adam is the first man created by the God who also believed in one God. Kabaa also belongs to them which has over 700,000 years history.
At the time of Prophet’s birth it was occupied by the worshipers of Statues like you fellows occupied the Hindu and Jain temples by force in India and Sri Lanka and in some other countries. Prophet DESTROYED ALL OF THE STATUES WHICH WAS THERE AND PUT IT ON THE PROPER ORIGINAL FORM FOR WHICH IT WAS CREATED. MUSLIMS BELIEVE ISLAM IS THE FIRST AND THE LAST RELIGION AND THEREFORE, KABAA BECAME THE PROPERTY OF MUSLIMS. They also believe in four more religions including JUDAISM and Christianity, but not in Buddhism – it is not a religion at all! This is what once POPE said and you guys got dam angry with him. Whatever said and done it is the fact.
You bull shit trying to create a new history for Islam like you buggers are doing with your out dated Philosophy. The HAJ is the rememberence of Prophet Abraham and his sufferings. The word BUDDHA was originated from the Sinhalese dirty word HU–A, before it was Siddartha. Brahmins not only believe also worhip Siddartha as just another AVATAR of LOARD SHIVA who has over 10000 Avatars!
DODU / May 20, 2013
As I said before you are a nut…..
7000 years history
Lester / May 20, 2013
How can Islam be the first religion when the Quran is copied from Judaism and Christianity? :)
God does not even exist, so how can “he” create a place? :)
Adam and Eve was not “revealed” to Muhammed by Allah. It is a story that Muhammed picked up after coming into contact with a Jew. Even the Jews did not create this story. It can be found in the Zoroastrian holy book, Zed Avesta , which existed thousands of years before Muhammed’s birth. Let me ask you, as I asked your friend Jamal, why would God reveal pre-existing knowledge to an illiterate man? ?
Even you admit Kabaa is not original to Muslims or Islam. That confirms what I said about the Hindu origins of Kabaa.
DODU / May 20, 2013
I Repeat; Islam is not only the First Religion. It is also the Last Religion? . Without knowing this you try to fool others, saying God doesn’t exist! For you there may not be a God. For us there is a God! Adam was created by God and this is the belief of all Abrahamic religions. All the Prophets who were chosen by God, starting from Adam, were preaching that there is only one God (i.e. Islam). The last prophet also said the same thing. If there is only one God, how can they (prophets) differ in it? Use your brain, this shows that you do not have any sense. You are just mugging or copying something from a fake internet site and writing! Last prophet also said: “After me there won’t be a Prophet but The Quran and my sayings / many says my family will guide you in right path forever, which no other prophets of God said and till to date it is proved true and upto the last date, Muslims believe, it will be true.Last Prophet’s coming was predicted in all previous religions and he was first identified by a Christian Priest when he was traveling with his grand father.
Let me come to your Question now which you are trying to boost, that you invented. Fool, this was there when the prophet was living. the answer is: God revealed PRE-EXISTING KNOWLEDGE TO A ILLITERATE TO PROVE THE WORLD THAT IT WAS A DEVINE / SUPER NATURAL AND DIRECTLY CAME FROM GOD. Otherwise, empty nuts like you wolud have told it was created and manupilated by a nan with his knowledge!
Dot try to mislead others. I never said that Kabaa is not original to Muslims or Islam. Your are manupilating. Do not lie. What I said was ” Kabaa was occupied by worshipers of statues. Like you fellows occupied the Hindu and Jain temples by force……” If some one occupying something by force, then it never belongs to him. So, Prophet re- instated Muslims authority in Kabaa.
Anyway, Buddhist is a copied Philosophy from Jainism! Buddha was a Hindu and Ashoka was a Jain!
Lester / May 21, 2013
You cannot prove that God exists, therefore you cannnot use God as an excuse to claim that Kabaa belongs to Muslims/Islam. I have already pointed out the archeological evidence that proves Hindus were using Kabaa as a Shiva Temple. The crescent moon, the seven steps, the holy water, the writings from Bhagavad Gita on the walls of the Kabaa – the number of “coincidences” is too big to suggest it is just a coincidence and nothing else.
The Kaba temple which was misappropriated and captured by Muslims was originally an International Vedic Shrine. The ancient Vedic scripture Harihareswar Mahatmya mentions that Lord Vishnu’s footprints are consecrated in Mecca. An important clue to this fact is that Muslims call this holy precint Haram which is a deviation of the Sanskrit term Hariyam, i.e. the precint of Lord Hari alias Lord Vishnu. The relevant stanza reads:
“Ekam Padam Gayayantu
Tritiyam Sthapitam
Divyam Muktyai Shuklasya Sannidhau”
The allusion is to the Vamana incarnation of Lord Vishnu whose blessed feet were consecrated at three holy sites, namely Gaya, Mecca and Shukla Teertha.
Refer to the link to read the full story. There is no doubt that Indians and Arabians interacted; all of the scientific and mathematical knowledge that Arabs claim to have “invented” is really borrowed from the ancient Hindus.
Buddhism is not copied from Jainism; what rubbish is that. Buddha was originally a Hindu. He practiced as a Hindu ascetic before reaching Enlightenment.
DODU / May 21, 2013
Lester, You think you are smart and can fool every one. It is not so, you are a fool preventing that you do not believe in God! I said I believe in God and I do not bother whether you believe in it or not. Now you are telling a lie saying that I failed to prove the existence of God. I do not have to do it to a fool like you. Let me ask you one simple question which has two parts. In fact for a genius (fakes) like you this is very simple one. You should reply both parts clearly. I do not need any evasive answers from you.
About the site you quoted in you reply with regard to Kabaa is a fake site orgernised by haters of Islam and there are many more of them. Muslims are least bothered about them and there are countless sites sponsered by true muslims to answer these false allegations. Since you’re a born illiterate , a person of hate and abuses and have no sense to differentiate between the fact and fake like an animal you should have to relay on them for your survival.
Adam is the first human created by the Andmhe worshiped One God Allah. Muslims believe it was the first place on earth created by Allah to worship him. They also believe it is the first and the oldest mosque in history. Traditions says it was first built by Adam. Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), guided by the God, identified this and rebuilt the Kabaa with his son Ismael in its place almost 5000 years ago. So the history of Kabaa start with or before the history of the first man whom Mulims believe is a Muslim. Other four religions including Judaism and Christianity also preached one God. That is why they say Islam is the FIRST AND THE LAST RELIGION! Philisophies like Buddhism are man made and fake.
Buddha copied his Philosophy from Jainism which existed before Buddhism. Jains were against Buddha and hated him for this the same way Brahmins hated Buddha. Jains took revenge for this by drawing pictures showing Buddha bowing at the feet of Mahaveera. Once Asoka killed 18,000 followers of Ajivika sect just for a person of the same sect was drawing this picture. He burnt another with his entire family alive for drawing the same picture. In fact his mother belongs to the same sect. This is a good evidence to prove that Buddhism is copied from Jinism. Even the pictures showing Buddha bowing at the feet of Mahaveera have some reality in them, because his teachers were Jains and Brahmins from whom he copied and form the new so called philosophy Buddhism.
DODU / May 21, 2013
…….. Hindus never consider Buddhism as a Philosophy. They treat Buddha as just another AVATAR of Hindu God Vishnu. Vishnu has over 10,000 AVATARS.
DODU / May 21, 2013
Read as: …….and pretend that you do not believe…
AYMAN / May 21, 2013
Astrophysicist George Greenstein, in his book The Symbiotic Universe, set out “to detail what can only seem to be an astonishing sequence of stupendous and unlikely accidents that paved the way for life’s emergence. There is a list of coincidences, all of them essential to our existence.” Greenstein said the list got longer, the coincidences could not be by chance, and the thought grew that some supernatural agency was at work. “Is it possible,” he thought, “that suddenly, without intending to, we have stumbled upon scientific proof of the existence of a Supreme Being? Was it God who stepped in and so providentially crafted the cosmos for our benefit?” He felt “an intense revulsion” at such a thought and arbitrarily said: “God is not an explanation.” Yet the growing list of “coincidences” had forced the questions from him.
Another astrophysicist, Nobel prize winner Fred Hoyle, in his book The Intelligent Universe, discussed those same mysterious coincidences that troubled Greenstein: “Such properties seem to run through the fabric of the natural world like a thread of happy accidents. But there are so many of these odd coincidences essential to life that some explanation seems required to account for them.” Hoyle also agrees with Greenstein that they could not have happened by chance. Consequently, Hoyle says, ‘the origin of the universe requires an intelligence,’ ‘an intelligence on a higher plane,’ ‘an intelligence that preceded us and that was led to a deliberate act of creation of structures suitable for life.
Astronomers are discovering a whole new dimension of evidence that suggests this astounding world was created, in part, so we could have the adventure of exploring it. As astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez and science philosopher Jay Wesley Richards, who wrote the book “The Privileged Planet,” elaborates. Total eclipse of the sun, which yield a treasure trove of scientific data, can only be viewed from one place in the solar system where there are intelligent beings to view them. Also, earth’s location away from galaxy’s center and in the flat plane of the disk provides a particularly privileged vantage point for observing both nearby and distant stars. Another example, earth provides an excellent position to detect the cosmic background radiation, which is critically important because it contains invaluable information about the properties of the universe when it was very young. Because our moon is the right size and distance to stabilize Earth’s tilt, it helps preserve the deep snow deposits in our polar regions, from which scientist can determine the history of snowfall, temperatures, winds, and the amount of volcanic dust, methane, and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The findings of scientists that our world appears to be designed for discovery have added a compelling new dimension to the evidence for a Creator. And, frankly, their analysis makes sense. The finely tuned universe can compel only one reasonable conclusion, a supernatural agent must be responsible for it.
Lester / May 23, 2013
More comedy from you. All of your arguments rely on a non-existant sky god. You have not answered my fundamental question: why would God reveal pre-existing knowledge to an illiterate man? The reason is simple: God did not reveal anything at all.
AYMAN / May 23, 2013
AYMAN / May 23, 2013
DODU / May 29, 2013
Lester you are really are commodian! Answer my question first. Reply for you question is in it. You say fool there is no God! In your question itself you have agreed that there is a God! You question start with why God…
If you say there is no God then How can you ask this question? If there is God, then this question is relevant to the subject.
That is why I asked you:
You have no answer? But in your question itself there is an answer! You starts with why did GOD…
AYMAN / May 21, 2013
Prophet Muhammad was born and lived in Mecca for the first 52 years of his life (570–622). Orphaned early in life, he became known as a prominent merchant, and as an impartial and trustworthy arbiter of disputes. He married his first wife, the 40-year-old widow Khadijah bint Khuwaylid at age 25. He would not take other wives during her lifetime.
According to Muslim tradition, Muhammad began receiving revelations at the age of 40. The key themes of his messages in Mecca were the oneness of God and the rejection of polytheism, generosity towards the poor and the needy, kind treatment and emancipation of slaves, and the equality between men and women before God. Some of his peers respected his words and became his followers. Many others, including tribal leaders, opposed, ridiculed and eventually boycotted his clan, and Muhammad and his followers were harassed, assaulted, tortured and forced into exile. Several attempts were made on his life.[1][2] When his uncle and chief protector, Abu Talib, who was the head of the clan of Banu Hashim died, Muhammad migrated to Medina in 622, where he had many followers who agreed to help and assist him.
The first mention of the city, under its old Arabic name Yathrib, dates to the 6th century BC. It appears in Assyrian texts (namely, the Nabonidus Chronicle) as Iatribu.[7] In the time of Ptolemy the oasis was known as Lathrippa.[9]
Jewish influence
Into the older Arab town of Yathrib, Jews arrived in the 2nd century AD expecting the rise of a prophet there, as foretold in their holy scriptures. There were three prominent Jewish tribes that inhabited the city into the 7th century AD: the Banu Qaynuqa, the Banu Qurayza, and Banu Nadir.[12] Ibn Khordadbeh later reported that during the Persian Empire’s domination in Hejaz, the Banu Qurayza served as tax collectors for the shah.[13]
Medina in 1940.
The situation changed after the arrival from Yemen of two new Arab tribes named Banu Aus (or Banu ‘Aws) and Banu Khazraj. At first, these tribes were clients of the Jews, but later they revolted and became independent.[14] Toward the end of the 5th century,[15] the Jews lost control of the city to Banu Aus and Banu Khazraj. The Jewish Encyclopedia states that they did so “by calling in outside assistance and treacherously massacring at a banquet the principal Jews”, Banu Aus and Banu Khazraj finally gained the upper hand at Medina.[12]
Most modern historians accept the claim of the Muslim sources that after the revolt, the Jewish tribes became clients of the Aus and the Khazraj.[16] However, according to scholar of Islam William Montgomery Watt, the clientship of the Jewish tribes is not borne out by the historical accounts of the period prior to 627, and he maintained that the Jews retained a measure of political independence.[14]
Early Muslim chronicler Ibn Ishaq tells of a pre-Islamic conflict between the last Yemenite king of the Himyarite Kingdom[17] and the residents of Yathrib. When the king was passing by the oasis, the residents killed his son, and the Yemenite ruler threatened to exterminate the people and cut down the palms. According to Ibn Ishaq, he was stopped from doing so by two rabbis from the Banu Qurayza tribe, who implored the king to spare the oasis because it was the place “to which a prophet of the Quraysh would migrate in time to come, and it would be his home and resting-place.” The Yemenite king thus did not destroy the town and converted to Judaism. He took the rabbis with him, and in Mecca, they reportedly recognized the Ka’ba as a temple built by Abraham and advised the king “to do what the people of Mecca did: to circumambulate the temple, to venerate and honour it, to shave his head and to behave with all humility until he had left its precincts.” On approaching Yemen, tells ibn Ishaq, the rabbis demonstrated to the local people a miracle by coming out of a fire unscathed and the Yemenites accepted Judaism.[18]
Eventually the Banu Aus and the Banu Khazraj became hostile to each other and by the time of Muhammad’s Hijra (emigration) to Medina in 622 AD/1 AH, they had been fighting for 120 years and were the sworn enemies of each other.[19] The Banu Nadir and the Banu Qurayza were allied with the Aus, while the Banu Qaynuqa sided with the Khazraj.[20] They fought a total of four wars.[14]
Their last and bloodiest battle was the Battle of Bu’ath[14] that was fought a few years before the arrival of Muhammad.[12] The outcome of the battle was inconclusive, and the feud continued. Abd-Allah ibn Ubayy, one Khazraj chief, had refused to take part in the battle, which earned him a reputation for equity and peacefulness. Until the arrival of Muhammad, he was the most respected inhabitant of Yathrib. To solve the ongoing feud, concerned residents of the city met secretly with Muhammad in Aqaba, inviting him and his small band of believers to come to Yathrib, where the Prophet could serve as disinterested mediator between the factions and his community could practice its faith freely.
Muhammad’s arrival
The Quba Mosque is the first mosque in history built by Muhammad upon arrival in Medina
Main article: Hijra (Islam)
Main article: Constitution of Medina
In 622 AD/1 AH, Muhammad and around 70 Meccan Muhajirun believers left Mecca for sanctuary in Yathrib, an event that transformed the religious and political landscape of the city completely; the longstanding enmity between the Aus and Khazraj tribes was dampened as many of the two Arab tribes and some local Jews embraced Islam. Muhammad, linked to the Khazraj through his great-grandmother, was agreed on as civic leader. The Muslim converts native to Yathrib of whatever background—pagan Arab or Jewish—were called Ansar (“the Patrons” or “the Helpers”).
According to Ibn Ishaq, the local pagan Arab tribes, the Muslim Muhajirun from Mecca, the local Muslims (Ansar), and the Jews of the area signed an agreement, the so-called Constitution of Medina, which committed all parties to mutual cooperation under the leadership of Muhammad. The nature of this document as recorded by Ibn Ishaq and transmitted by Ibn Hisham is the subject of dispute among modern Western historians, many of whom maintain that this “treaty” is possibly a collage of different agreements, oral rather than written, of different dates, and that it is not clear exactly when they were made. Other scholars, however, both Western and Muslim, argue that the text of the agreement—whether a single document originally or several—is possibly one of the oldest Islamic texts we possess.
Muhammad’s views on Jews were demonstrated through the contact he had with Jewish tribes living in and around Medina. His views on Jews include his theological teaching of them as People of the Book (Ahl al-Kitab), his description of them as earlier receivers of Abrahamic revelation; and the failed political alliances between the Muslim and Jewish communities.
After his migration (hijra) to Medina from his home-town of Mecca, he established an agreement known as the Constitution of Medina between the major Medinan factions, including the Jewish tribes of Banu Qaynuqa, Banu Nadir, and Banu Qurayza that secured equal rights for both Jews and Muslims as long as Jews remained politically supportive.[1] Muhammad later fought battles with these tribes on the basis of violations of the constitution.
Fair N Square / May 18, 2013
dumb fuq.. IF you want to be in disguise using a Muslim name.. STOP using THEY to refer to Muslims… what a moron with a pea of a brain….
Dhaksha / May 18, 2013
Dumb being the word. This bigot has obviously been used as a pawn to spew such nonsense.
No one with an ounce of intelligence will be believing such nonsense, and writing such dumb comments here.
Senerat Yapa / May 18, 2013
It is customary in this Island that Buddhist temples are built at the crossroads commonly under the crow pooping banyan trees, from an evolution of a toy statue to a megalithic one, oh! poor Sakyamuni.
Dhaksha / May 18, 2013
Sounds like a non Muslim with dubious intent here. Written with ignorance about the history of the place, and obviously hoping a Muslim name would hide the glaring absurdities of claims.
Yoosif / May 18, 2013
This writer who is calling himself as Mohamed nabi, definetely CAN NOT be a muslim. This is a impersonating, and written by a non-muslim. he has mixed up the facts drasticaly. As muslim we may not have a significace in the doings of the Kuragala shrine or whatever. yet a place of importance dating back to over 1000 years is actually place of importance in the history and has a archtectural importance. So anybody taking itiative to alter the history should be stoped forwith.
So freind, please do be a torch-bearer for the un-truth. It has a way of coming back to hount you.
when you write something you must present it with facts. Whithout doling out trash.
Even the moderator of this site MUST read through the lines, before publishing them
CSM / May 18, 2013
Mohammad Nabi – May 17, 2013
Please reveal your true identity. Then we will take your comments seriously. I’m sure you are not a muslim.
AYMAN / May 20, 2013
SAROJINI / May 20, 2013
Bravo . A brave Muslim to speak out !
shaffaath Amidon / May 21, 2013
Why are you disguise as a muslim.you are not.Anywaymy dear brother you must read the history.Not just story.
Dinky doc / May 17, 2013
Kuragala or the jailani area was used by Abdul quadir jailani for meditation about 1200 years ago.. He was in sri lanka for about 12-15years and he visited Adams peak and finally settled at kuragala as a sort of hermitage. Sri lankan history has revisited this story many times and previous attempts by some parties to denounce this history or place a Buddhist history at this site had been thwarted especially most recently in the 70s..so mr. Nabi.. Please do ur reading… I have nothing against kuragala as a shared site… But u can’t renounce Islamic history there.. And for ur information Arabs came to sri lanka for trade in gemstones and spices long before Islam came to be established in sri lanka
AYMAN / May 21, 2013
ajith / May 17, 2013
I am against Bodu Bala sena and their tactics. I am against putting Buddha statues in every corner of the Island specially North East. However Kuragala is a Buddhist Site from the beginning. Muslim settlements were there last 50-70 years but that does not mean they have historical heritage there. Unfortunately that is the truth. Don’t try to change that. LTTE tried to do the same and finally lost the place they even had with huge loss to own people. We are against Buddhist fundamentalism where they advise women to wear short clothes etc, and same way we are against Muslims pushing their women to cover up like in Arabic states and prohibiting mixed schools, prohibiting girls to study together, banning freedom of walking, talking, drinking in their areas. Sri Lanka should be a free and secular country. No Muslim Fundamentalist, No Buddhist Fundamentalist or American fundamentalist Christian sects should not be allowed to changed that. It is about time other secular organisations speak up against all type of fundamentalists.
charith / May 18, 2013
I stand with this comment… How they prove this is a Islamic site ! 1000 years old stupa or rock carvings prove that? :D Disgusting colombo telegraph :D
Tarindu / May 18, 2013
There is no stupa but a 3 step circular brickwork with a diameter of 12-14 feet approximately on an uppermost rock upon a cave facing the Uva Wellassa province which only evolved in the late 80’s with the help many an aligned steadfast Sinhalese of the area contributing to “every brick a passerby” formula.
harin fernando / May 17, 2013
there are so many illegal structures around sigiriya But no one is dared to utter a word. I think it has come to a situation where we are jealous with the progress of minorities. We caught up tha tamils in the 70 and 80 and now the muslims and christians. we cannot demant for progress if we work hard its for us. a simple example us at what time a sinhalese shop opens and what time a tamil shop opens
Duminda / May 17, 2013
Any one care to write about the truth ? we all know this is not the truth. And how come there is a 1200 year old muslim site in Sri Lanka ???
Eranda / May 18, 2013
Research… it could give us an unbiased answer.
Premalal / May 17, 2013
Though Islam is the worst religion in the world we have to respect the rights of the Sri Lankan Muslims.We Sinhalese have been living with them peacefully for many centuries.What the BBS doing is nothing but trying to follow the Islam(read Sharia Law), not the preaching of the Lord Buddha.Islam does not tolerate other religions but the Buddhism does.
DODU / May 18, 2013
Buddhism is the dirty religion in the world! They cannot kill but can eat.
NAbi the pig / May 18, 2013
Dodu, u represent a typical Mahamudian. Ignorent and stupid. Ur so-called NAbi, he couldnt read or write. such an idiot. ur god is a devil. not a good. islam is a cancer to the world and u guys smell very bad, like a cammel.
Dhaksha / May 18, 2013
How do you know that? Do you live in Tel Aviv, or visited it for so called agricultural instructions?
Did they teach you to disrespect Islam and learn to attack it. Please let us know.
DODU / May 18, 2013
Buddha or The Beef, you represent a typical Siddarthian , ignorant and stupid. Your so – called BUDI PILLOW is an empty nut and could not understand about others feeling even a bit , he was such a mad idiot went to forest to show his Nirvana (emptiness) to animals and preached some bull shit about re-birth is a Monkey or a donkey in his previous birth and will be a pig or a dog in his re-birth! Buddhism, your Pillow is all of lies and you guys smell very dirty, like donkey!
Kawanthissa / May 19, 2013
[Edited out]is fake, it has no rute. that is why we are with BBS try to wipe away the cance of islam form Sri Lanka..
DODU / May 19, 2013
You can dream of wiping out Islam from Sri Lanka. Your Buddhist Brain Cancer is getting wiped out from the world. Korea, Vietnam are called Buddhist countries but no Buddhist there! same will happen here too!
Ranil / May 17, 2013
this should be removed bcoz we have to protect our history and culture, also this is illegal construct due to acology reserve there for no reason for keep.so it should be remove immediately
Basil / May 18, 2013
Yes of cows, you need to be treated with therapeutic acology.
S.H.Moulana / May 17, 2013
Kuragala finito………………what’s next? Ask the various groups within Muslims, they will point out!
DODU / May 19, 2013
Mahela / May 17, 2013
After the end of the Eelam war there are many skeleton parts available to build millions of Buddhist Shrines. Kuragala…..yes why not.
It’s nothing like the show business. Easy money and the best profession second to none.
Namal / May 17, 2013
Some times silence costs . Asaath Sally knows that . There is no room for fact in Islamic Relegion . You are supposed to ” believe ” what the holy voice has told an uneducated tribal man . Fighting with tribal behaviour has to be done in a similar manner . That is something Asaath Sally has to understand .
Bhuddist have a fair doubt. Persia was a buddhist country . So was afghanistan . Maldives and Indonesia , the words largest muslim country . Non of these counties were converted to Islam in a free and fair manner .Do not try to stop the right to question the acts and the validity . Slowly and surely Buddhists will be out numbered and over thrown. All you have cried against BBS will have to plead democracy from a Islamic regime that day .
Jayantha / May 18, 2013
Do you have any Lord Buddha’s leftover body part to build the next Maligawa.
Even his hair grew after his death and now been preserved in over three countries.
Maybe these countries that Lord Buddha left his Body parts are the countries that you may be talking about.
Talk to a doctor or to a Muslim to find how to increase Buddhist population so you will be majority for ever. May be you need a tip cut.
Aney Apochchi! / May 18, 2013
I didn’t realise that some people are educated in illiteracy until I cam upon the rubbish that you write!
Johar Makhmalbayef / May 18, 2013
Idiot, Buddhism never reached beyond the borders of Baluchistan as Zoroastrians were formidably powerful in that time in Persia. In the case of Maldives there were no man there in the time of Buddhism nor any artifacts of Buddhism because they are just invisible atolls.
Safa / May 17, 2013
Since the foul deed is done we can leave it in the hands of the Allmighty. He can protect his own and punish the transgressors.
Waxen dole / May 17, 2013
I am a Muslim . Jailani is nothing to do with Islam or Muslim when I was there so many times, there is nothing to worship. It’s like a free resort where Muslims go there and have nice short holiday. So you guys keep it this place for Sinhalese . And make sure you guys take care of this place and go there and worship budda. But if you guys drink arrakku on poya days and did not maintain the Buddha dharma. You guys have no point of just taking a worship place from another religion just for hatered. It’s not good. It’s like U don’t mind loosing a leg if my enemy is loosing 2.
Peace Lover / May 17, 2013
never mind the destruction and all that as Lee Potter Leela alias K A Sumansekera will say that we are all true blue Buddhsts and its all justified hahahaahahaah
dingiri / May 17, 2013
I first read about the Kuragala site in Lala Adittiya’s book the “Ceylon Vagabond” written in the 1940s or 1950s. I subsequently visited the place about 20 years ago and saw the old Buddhist Stupa (a very small and insignificant one which local worshipers did not think important enough to worship at) unmolested, co-existing peacefully with the Sufi shrine some distance away. A pictre of ethnic unity. There were no tensions or crowds. Just a handful few Sinhalese like myself there to enjoy the view and visit the Stupa and a few Moslems at the shrine. We were even shown around the place by one of the Moslem devotees. Today I see it is quite the opposite. The beauty and tranquility of the place rent asunder by our Sinhala Buddhist Nationalists who are in the process of destroying our country. Kuragala will soon be a metaphor for the entire country. Just give it a few more years.
Rohan / May 18, 2013
Sorry Dingiri. You are among the smallest minoritity group of sane Sri Lankans. Nobody cares about your kind of voices!!
Aney Apochchi! / May 18, 2013
Welcome to The Miracle of Asia (Mahinda Rajapaksa version) where his brother the billy goat decides what should and should not be allowed.
tasil samarasinha / May 18, 2013
dingiri i fully agree with you one could not have said it better.the other day i read in the papers a very erudite monk saying that buddhism must be saved.iam at a loss to understand all this.
I have 2 questions if any of the bbs or any other educated person can provide me an answer i would be extremely grateful for easing my mind. please i do not require ridicule.
Q1 can buddhism be saved?
Q2 should buddhism be saved?
DODU / May 19, 2013
Buddhism cannot be saved because of frauds like BBS. Dying BUDDISM should not be saved, let it have a natural death like in Many other countries- mainly Brahmins wants to see it is dead and buried! It is the Karma.
dingiri / May 17, 2013
I have seen two similar Stupas in Wilpattu National park that have been dug out with the use of a back hoe. The offending back hoe was parked not 500 yards from the place, in the compound of an Army road building team. Our Sinhala tracker had no doubt as to who the culprits were. Many other stupas in the Ampara district destroyed by treasure hunters with powerful connections. There is no one campaigning to save these treasures but these bogus patriots are bent on destroying these makeshift structures that were nowhere near the small stupa at Kuragala which is yet unmolested.
Perhaps that is their intention. To drive the moslems out before mining the stupa for treasure.
real lnkn / May 17, 2013
and who destroyed ‘the more than 2000 years old’ buddhist temple and ruins? who?
AJ-DXB / May 17, 2013
Regardless Kurunegala being Buddhist or Muslim area, I believe that no religions practices hatred towards other religious sites. I have read Muslims didn’t remove even a brick they took over Jerusalem from the Christians.
We cannot compare the early society with the present barbarians who kill people in the name of religion, while committing worse sins by themselves. One thing is for sure, BBS is not following the Buddhism preached and practiced by Lord Buddha.
Jamal / May 18, 2013
AJ-DXB Just to add to your post the KEYS to the CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE was traditionally kept by a MUSLIM family for generations. That was the bond between the two great Faiths. Every morning at 4 a.m., Wajeeh Nuseibeh walks through the walled Old City of Jerusalem to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the most revered shrine in Christendom. He takes an ancient 12-inch iron key, climbs a small ladder and opens the huge wooden doors to the place that most Christians believe is the site of the crucifixion, tomb and resurrection of Jesus.
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Muslim-family-holds-key-to-sacred-sepulchre-For-2720014.php#ixzz2TfGlgLyW
Amarasiri / May 18, 2013
Who are the so-called Sinhalese and the Buddhists?
This is pure racism. Nothing to do with Buddhism,. State sanctioned racism. Time to Ban Budu Bala Sena, because this has nothing to do with Buddhism.
To begin with Lanka was Hindu and Jain, before the imported Buddhism was introduced to Lanka.
There was an advanced civilization BEFORE Buddhism was introduced to Lanka.
Myths, Beliefs and Myths do not Mix Well and are not accepted by Myth believers, even in the face of facts and unbiased data.
Examples abound.
Copernicus, Galileo, Darwin, Molecular Biology, Gene origin analysis etc.
Adam and Eve are Myths, The closest to Adam and Eve is in East Africa about 70,000 years ago.
There is NO such thing as the Sinhala Race. You can talk about a Southern Indian Gene pool.
There is a Table There that shows the gene diversity and original location of the genes.
Mediterranean 4%
Northern European; 2%
Southwest Asian” 58%
Southeast Asian 35%
1.Test the DNA samples of the so-called “High” Caste Tamils, “Low” Caste Tamils, “Sakkiliyas”, “High” Caste Sinhala, “Low” Caste Sinhala, “Rhodias”, Western Seaboard Muslims light-skinned and dark skinned, Eastern Seaboard Muslims light-skinned and dark skinned, Estate Tamils, Up Country Sinhala, Low Country Sinhala, Portuguese Descendants, Burghers light-skinned and dark skinned, Dutch Descendants and English descendants and Veddahs.
2. Categorize the source of the gene pool, like the project below.
This will give, with a sufficient number of statistically relevant samples, the truth.
Now I speculate, what the results are likely to be
Group 1: Predominantly South Indian
The so-called “High” Caste Tamils, “Low” Caste Tamils, “Sakkiliyas”, “High” Caste Sinhala, “Low” Caste Sinhala, “Rhodias”, Western Seaboard Muslims dark skinned, Eastern Seaboard Muslims dark skinned, Estate Tamils, Up Country Sinhala, Low Country Sinhala,
Group 2: Predominantly South Indian with high percentages of West Asian and Mediterranean.
Light skinned Muslims from the Western and Eastern Seaboards.
Group 3: Predominantly South Indian with high percentages of European and Mediterranean.
Burghers from the Western and Eastern Seaboards.
Group 4: Mediterranean and European
Portuguese, Dutch and English
Group 5: South Indian
Native Veddahs
Kity / May 18, 2013
Amarasiri, DO a DNA test for u. u must be a “[Edited out]”or a “[Edited out]”
Savitri Ekanayaka / May 18, 2013
Modaya, do you need Buddhism to thrive as a hero? Your yaksha, naga, sara vesha is not in par to sacred Buddhism, grow up or else live like an animist without tarnishing the buddhist values of our Lord’s message.
Roy / May 18, 2013
Theses Batala Bandi Saripayas will pay for all this very soon.
“every action has an equal and opposite reaction”
ONE / May 18, 2013
“every action has an equal and opposite reaction”
except in so far that it’s compelled by a third force.
That is the main problem even for other minorities.
Roy / May 18, 2013
mind the spelling should read as sarpayas
Don Quixote / May 18, 2013
There is supposed to be law and order in a country. Therefore :
(a) If the current occupants are legal .
There is no need for this debate and this totally useless exchange of “patriotic” fervor and distortion of History !
If (a) is the case then they remain. If not they go it is as simple as that.
I also don’t understand why the leaders of the Muslim community have to use such submissive language when addressing the President of the Country and asking him to do his duty. One Excellency and a few pleases would have done well enough.
nandana / May 18, 2013
Kurugala is NOT a MUSLIM site… it is BUDDHIST…
Salley or whoever cannot distort history….
Evidence need to be shown … if not keep mouths shut
kawantiss / May 18, 2013
look look look.. what ever who says, THIS IS A SINHAL-BUDDHIST COUNTRY. NO shot-dick mahamudians.
Anuruddha / May 18, 2013
Kawuntissa, what is a Sinhala Buddhist, a Thai Buddhism follower?
DODU / May 19, 2013
This is not a Sinhala Buddhist country. This is the homeland of Dravidians. So, this belongs to Tamils.
Captain Haddock / May 18, 2013
according to one CT contributor,
http://jailani.org/pix/inscription-mohiyadeen330.jpg is one of “Sinhalese Brahmi rock inscriptions, which are typical of garden variety cave donations to the Monastic Buddhist Church of the 2nd century BC Lanka, that are found all over the island except the northernmost extreme, where there are no caves”, in her own words!!
how well orchestrated racism has now become!
Karunathilaka / May 18, 2013
C/O – The lover – Prema… laal
Mr. prema laal (Lover, your name does not match with your comments). dont spread hatread about other religions, i have red Buddism, Hinduis, Islam and Christianity. all teaches the peace and harmoney….the wrong is in mind like yours…study about the words before use it….what is sha-ria…..you know? read it beffore, use it…..you will have a good answer…
AYMAN / May 18, 2013
Jayantha / May 18, 2013
I think the problem lies in the shaved head where too much sun has boiled the brains.
Why don’t someone give them some womens pub…c hairs to straighten, so they will be occupied and happy doing some productive work than putting their fingers in Muslims arses .
American Chinese buffet coupled with blocked Testosterone with no outlet makes the Jhoniya’s head go wild.
What they say is the necessity of some outlets and some councelling.
kawantiss / May 18, 2013
Jayantha,( ur name is not Jayantha for sure. u are one no-brain muslim [Edited out])
wht areas were u talking about ?
“Muslim areas” ????????
there are no muslim areas in Sri Lanka. it is all sri lankan area.,due to terrorists like you, we now declare entire island as “sinhala-buddhist” area.
there are no muslim areas in Sri Lanka.
Asiripu Bandiyala / May 18, 2013
Not all areas belong to Sinhalese but ‘Us’ the indomitable Native Veddas who has the utmost power to usher the power from you nari naide. Your daydream could be a nightmare soon.
Jayantha / May 18, 2013
Hay Kawantiss,
I said …..Arse…which is the unloading dock after one eats Chinese buffet. Not the areas as you think. Check my writing.
I know You people love Galas…..Mulkirigala, Sigiri gala,Kiri gala, Balagala,Dambulu gala and now Kurugala.
Yes the entire Island is “Sinhala Buddhist” Gon Harakas comprised with ever famous Arse and bone licking dogs. Send the next batch of women to Middle East to get screwed there for Maharaja to import more Rolls Royces.
What is the next “Gala”…Arse you are tapping. Where and who it’s going to be.
DODU / May 19, 2013
Kawanpiss, For you information, Very soon Tamil areas are going to be Tamil Elam!
Wyatt K / May 18, 2013
I am Christian from the U.S. and I do not claim to know the history of this area, but I do tend to believe that no one of any faith should destroy historic artifacts. Anyone of any faith who would do such a thing is an enemy of all faiths. Why these religions have to fight one another is beyond me. The greatest mass murders in recent history have been committed by people who have no faith and who are accountable to no higher being. Sri Lanka is particularly unique in its history and diversity. It is essential that these peoples co-exist in peace.
jayantha / May 18, 2013
This isn’t true. Its my hometown & I know most of it. What was destroyed so far is what was built by individuals such as shops, hostels & other small scale buildings. The main strictures that was illegally built is yet remaining. Which in my opinion should be removed. You will understand if you see what a disaster the Buddhits structures has faced there. What is left now only a mere චෛත්ය only. that too protected with so many barriers around it. This place is virtually devastated by Muslim worshipers who have spoiled every stone around the area (same like our people do at Anuradhapura, polonnaruwa & Sigiriya at times). One we must remember is that this is a Buddhist temple site & it is occupied illegally by the area muslims. Its a forced cultural attack on this heritage that Buddhists were silent until it became little too late.
Dhaksha / May 18, 2013
BBS raising it’s ugly head again. This time with more venom. Perhaps their intellectually challenged minds were brainwashed with more hate in the USA and Norway. The bigots who cannot think for themselves here, and have been instructed to attack with ugly comments untruths about another religion, obviously are not true followers of their own religions. No religion condones such ugly, spiteful, attacks on another religion, and does not support such vitriol. Theirs then must be a religion of hate and intolerance. So far the Muslims in this country have shown restraint and kept their dignity, which I hope will continue. Islamaphobia has become a political agenda manipulated by venomous criminals who instigate violence against innocent Muslims. They take advantage of Muslim extremists who have brought shame to Islam, and use it against
innocent Muslims who live in peace. Sri Lankan Muslims should NOT be compared to other Muslims, they are unique, and have assimilated wonderfully for generations in this country. We should not allow posters who write disgusting remarks about another religion denigrating ALL Muslims, and putting down their religion.
It only reflect badly on these disgusting commenters, their ignorance, and their agenda. The obviously are doing the bidding of Islamaphobes with evil intent. Those who write showing bigotry are empty vessels, paid perhaps, and used as mindless pawns for a larger, more dangerous, agenda.
Sri Lankans of ALL religions MUST band together to prevent our country from being torn apart, once again, by demons whose agenda is NOT peace and harmony in this country.