16 September, 2024


Police Saluting Gotabaya Is Inappropriate: Sri Lanka Police

Saluting defeated President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s brother the former Secretary to the Ministry of Defence Gotabaya Rajapaksa is inappropriate according to the Sri Lanka Police, because he was summoned to the Commission as an accused in a case of large scale corruption.

Police Saluting GotabayaThis is when a very senior police officer was observed greeting and saluting Gotabaya Rajapaksa, as he enters the room before his alleged five hour grilling session at the Presidential Commission of Inquiry headquarters on Monday the 24th August.

A local daily newspaper which filmed Goatabaya walking into the premise captured this moment around 29 seconds into their aired video footage.

Suspicions have now been raised if the five hour questioning session actually did take place or was it a mere eye wash to mislead the public, as when Gotabaya Rajapaksa alights his vehicle on entering the premises, he is also heard confidently saying “meka simple ne” which translated into English means “this is simple” when a question was posed to him by a journalist.

The media reported that Gotabaya was summoned and grilled for over five hours over allegations of misusing state funds and using personnel of the state-owned security firm, Rakna Arakshaka Lanka Limited (RALL) for the presidential election campaign.

The FCID and the Bribery Commission also recommenced their hunt and investigations against the former Rajapaksa regime immediately after the general elections were over. These investigations are carried out into the alleged Rajapaksas’ acts of abuse of power, forgery, murder, fraud, corruption and malpractices during their rule of self-reigned power.

Sub Inspector Jagath Kumara who answered the police spokesperson ASP Ruwan Gunasekara’s mobile bearing number 071-8591882, told Colombo Telegraph that it is inappropriate for the Police officers to have saluted Gotabaya Rajapaksa. However he further went on to say that it is advisable to call back and obtain a quote from the Police spokesman ASP Gunasekara.

Despite several attempts made on no more than three occasions Colombo Telegraph was told that ASP Gunasekara was still attending the conference.

At the time of publishing this story Colombo Telegraph’s phone call was not returned by ASP Gunasekara still.

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  • 21

    It is clearly imminent that Rajapaskha’s will go scot free. None of them will be prosecuted and the matter is well sealed. This is the result of cohabitation which only makes a a mockery of democracy.

    • 2

      Buffaloe nation would copy anything without rethinking twice. That is as one of the commentators described above even if they are about to kill someone today, they would leave their ones – cherrioying by the words of Buddha. So how can we trust on these idiots. This culture let grow by Rajpaakshe, they di dnot care of them well over the last few years. No matter even THakkadi Ghanasara barked or even bite the innocient people, they the rulers did nothing. Aggressive monks were given speciall previledges to act that way, so that Rajapkashe s respect towards the Buddhism could be branded that way. But the consequence to this day is… even a criminal or high criminals are being saluted by foolish policemen bending like thalagoyas. These fools are only found in SRILANKA no where else.
      Just for rice packet they would bend lowering their heads. This culture is introduced by idiotic politicians that ruled the nation last few years.

    • 1

      Uni dons have to come forward today to teach the politicians what is right and what is wrong. THINgs would work for the others well.

      • 0

        Most sacred Maduluwawe Sobitha thero his job as no other does.
        We need more of Sobitha theros and Uni profs to teach this nation fallen by devil to this date.

  • 1

    [Edited out]

    • 0

      [Edited out]

  • 9

    Democracy and it’s law appears to be for the common civilian. Doesn’t seem to apply for the likes of MR and family.

  • 9

    Why make a big noise for this cheap SL police salute to a criminal government officer of white van, while flag, grease yakka, Gritale camp famous notorious well dressed thug..no point just wasting time.
    My3-RW-UPFA-SLFP-JVP-HELA are all just fooling themselves and people around having fun. Cheating the people who voted for them and cheating all minorities for the umpteenth time.
    Lanka and good governance will not see eye to eye. They are not used to now a days after a very long corrupt past. No one seems to know the difference between good and bad governance.
    The politicians of all shades and the majority public are together in one thing- Destroying Lanka by effectively eradicating minorities altogether.
    They all were made to think that the minorities are evil and the curse of Lanka and nothing else. There is hardly any one seriously prepared to accept anything else.
    So every one is working towards that goal. MY3 or RW or no one will bring peace or prosperity. No one is genuine , no one is serious ! All are playing games…taking every one for a ride.

    • 4

      “Lanka and good governance will not see eye to eye. They are not used to now a days after a very long corrupt past. No one seems to know the difference between good and bad governance”

      Billa, you are spot on with this statement. Once tinkering with the processes begin, there is no knowing when the tinkering will stop.

      I think this government too, is tinkering. If so, they will be diggning their own graves…

  • 5

    I thought people saluted Batalanda RAnil too even when he was no longer PM last time. No big deal. Imagine 60,000 plus sinhalese died at the hands of UNP and JVP and the UNP leaders get saluted. So what is the biggie?> Batalanda report was hidden too was it not? Didn’t it recommend taking away away Ranil’s civic rights? [Edited out]

  • 11

    Don’t be so harsh on the cop who saluted this hoodlum. The poor fellow must have been so scared, out of fear he might have saluted this piece of dirt. We all know what these buggers (The HoraPaksas) did to the people who did not walk their line, so pardon the cop.

    • 2

      I agree. I am no fan of Gotabhaya, but so far he is only accused of corruption etc. and not yet convicted. Until then his status should be respected.

      • 0

        @Sylvia Haik, I mostly agree with you but on this I beg to differ with you;

        Is corruption the only thing this dirt bag is accused of? Are you kidding me? Who gave orders to assassinate journalists who opposed the Parapaksas? Who gave orders to kill all the surrendered LTTE ground fighters (I really don’t care about what happened to the LTTE high command, which surrendered as they should have never surrendered), Who gave orders to murder the 12 year old child of VP? Who put the war hero SF in jail? Who verbally fought with SF after SF questioning this bugger for ordering $350 million worth of heavy military hardware, which lead to the breakup of the union of SF and Parapaksas? What happened to many soldiers who died on the battle field and what happened to their bodies (organs were missing and who was harvesting them and for what reason), do you want me to go on?

        • 0

          Tamil from the north, I wholeheartedly agree with you but although it may sound ridiculous, Gota should be deemed innocent until proven guilty. We shouldn’t read too much into this soldier saluting, probably out of respect or habit, is more a measure of the discipline they have had gone through.

    • 3

      I agree. The salute would have been simply automatic. Stop making a mountain out of a molehill !

      • 0

        ” The salute would have been simply automatic “

        It certainly could be, BUT it could also be that the man recognized the leadership given by Gotabhaya during the conflict with Tamil terrorists, who were wiped out as a result. The freedom that you enjoy today is the result. The cop who saluted him seems to be far more intelligent than many attempt to comment here on this forum.

  • 3

    Gota is a national hero who defeated terrorism and freed the country from a 30 year old war. Any true patriot would salute him for his deed

    • 1

      Sach you fool all the horapasses were guarded by thousands IN COLOMBO never went past Kandy. Grow up and he should get a kick up the butt not salute

    • 1

      “Any true patriot would salute him for his deed “

      Only Googlewansa type fake patriot would salute this criminal for his endless misdeeds , this is the man who fled the country during the height of LTTE terror giving lousy excuses , if he is a hero , what would you call the real soldiers who stayed back and fought against the enemy ? this criminal had found his way back to SL only when his brother was to rob the 2005 Presidential election ! GotaBAYA , read that name again , he was given the right name by his parents , ironic isn’t it ?

      • 3

        The true heroes are the soldiers who sacrificed their lives and those who have lost limbs and suffer horrific injuries for our sakes. The likes of Gotabhayas and the Weerawansa were hiding behind curtains and spent their time plundering the country.

  • 2

    Dumb Police idiots saluting a thief and a murderer..

  • 1

    Why is Police saluting this worst criminal in the world instead of arresting the
    animal and lock him up for life.

  • 2

    ha ha the LTTE supporters and UNP traitors going man here…:)))

    • 1

      That silly LTTE card had been sold out , try a different card now , only Gnasara and Googalwansa type con artists believe that they can still fool the masses , your hero MR the Mafia king has been thrown in to bin ,get a life man !

    • 0

      @Sach, you dimwit are you still hung up on this bloody LTTE story. What a circus clown.

  • 2

    Probably this cop like many others in the service may have had a or some favours granted by GR for “favours” the cop may have done to GR. Must be investigated.

    Meanwhile, This is also an eye opener because these cops and other servicemen salute every politician which is incorrect. They must be given clear instructions as to who they must salute to.

    The President yes but not the PM or Ministers or other
    politicians or their touts.

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