22 January, 2025


Protest March Against Mahaweli Colonization

The Anti-Mahaweli Tamils’ Heritage Forum yesterday organized a massive protest march against Mahawelli colonization, and handed in a petition to Mrs. Ketheeswaran, GA Mullaitivu for delivery to President Maithripala Sirisena.

The protest march

It would appear that the GA knows little and is told little about the GS Division almost exclusively of Sinhalese where the family units to which state aid is given far exceed in number the family units there.

Colombo Telegraph very recently highlighted the problem of militarization and land settlement. The President has since then promised to release all occupied schools and release more lands soon, asking for an account from his officials of lands demarcated for animals, agriculture etc. and settled by the military to project the image of no military occupation.

An observer at the relevant ministry said the President seems suddenly aware that what his officials have told him so far may not be quite true.

We publish below the petition in full:

His Excellency President Maithripala Sirisena, 

Presidential Secretariat,

Galle Face, 


Your Excellency,

Upset over the happenings in the Mullaitivu district due to the Mahaweli Authority’s interventions

1. We Anti Mahaweli Tamils’ Heritage Forum, on behalf of the civil society organizations and community-based organizations of Mullaitivu District, are compelled to write this letter; being very much worried and upset over the happenings in the district due to the Mahaweli Authority’s interventions. We will be failing in our duty if we do not at this juncture bring to your notice these matters.

2. It has been reported that the Welioya centred Mahaweli L Zone surrounded by North Central, Northern and Eastern Provinces is under a massive infrastructural development at present. It is learnt that after the ending of the war in 2009, the expansion of the Mahaweli project in L Zone, has commenced with 6000 Sinhala families colonizing the Welioya area. Over 2000 acres of livelihood lands belongs to the Tamil community displaced in 1984 have been redistributed to the colonizing Sinhala families. The Mahaweli Development Authority has spent over Rs.3000 million for providing drinking water, electricity, transport, health care, self-employment opportunities and for school development work in the Welioya area. There is no single Tamil family benefited through the Mahaweli programme in the region. 

3. We feel that the Welioya division in the Mullaitivu district of the Northern Province, created for the exclusive purpose of Sinhala colonization  is of a strategic piece of merging Land of North and East Provinces in order to wedge the North from the East. Land has been carved out by joining territories of the Mullaitivu district as well as territories of the Vavuniya district to seek to permanently break the demographic contiguity of the northern and eastern provinces.

4. In Mullaitivu District, in the past the Mahaweli Authority limits its operations to the Welioya division. Even though most of the GN divisions of the Maritimepattu DS Division are coming under Mahaweli L zone, it is not operationalized. However, by issuing the Mahaweli land permits to some illegal (convicted by the Courts) fishermen in Karunaddukerny, Kokkuthoduvai and Kokkulai GN divisions of Maritimepattu DS division, the Mahaweli Authority is intervening in the land administration of the Divisional Secretariat. 

5. We suspect that the Mahaweli L and the proposed K and J zones are systematically planned to change the demographic pattern and contiguity of Tamil lands and accelerate Sinhala colonization  in the North.

6. Further, it has been reported the archaeological department is trying to manipulate the history and declare some ancient Tamils’ cultural and religious locations as Buddhist temples. The recent examples are the Nayaru Hindu temple Versus  Buddhist  temples issue and Vedukkunari Hindu temple issue in Nedunkerney.

7. Thousands of fishing families of Mullaitivu District are depending on the Nanthikkadal and Nayaru lagoons for their livelihood. However, recently both lagoons have been declared as  nature reserves by the government. This will badly affect the income generation and livelihood of the poor fishing families.

8. Your Excellency, the constraints our people have in restoring their lives back to its past glory in Mullaitivu district is very complicated. The people of Mullaitivu are undergoing untold hardships due to the unacceptable regulations.

9. We sincerely hope, as the Citizen of this country we may breath freely talk and act freely under your great leadership.

Our Demands 

1. Considering the benefits, disbenefits, challenges and the complication of the Mahaweli project in the North, we are compelled to request you to immediately stop the Mahaweli project in Mullaitivu district and proposed plans in Northern Province.

2. The recently issued land permits by the Mahaweli Authority to the illegal Sinhala fishermen in the Maritimepattu DS division (Karunaddukerney, Kokkuthoduvai and Kokkulai GN divisions ) must be withdrawn with immediate effect.

3. Over 2000 acres of livelihood lands belonging to the Tamil community displaced in 1984 and distributed to the settled Sinhala families in Welioya, must be recovered and handed back to the original owners.

4. Without consulting the local communities and district government officials, the Archeological department is claiming the locations in order to manipulate the history and violate Tamils’ cultural heritage. We urge you to instruct the relevant authorities not to do so.

5. Sinhala colonization of a strategic piece of merging Land of North and East Provinces must be stopped with immediate effect, failing which will affect the ethnic harmony in the region. 

6. The Declared Nanthikkadal and Nayaru lagoons Nature Reserves must be withdrawn considering the livelihood of poor fishing families with immediate effect.

Your Excellency, in conclusion we plead with you to consider our appeal to sustain the peace and reconciliation process in the country. 

Thank you.

Yours faithfully                            

Rev. Father Leo Amstrong                V. Navaneethan                                 Dr. K Sutharshan

Co-Chairman                           Co-Chairman                                      Co-Chairman  

(Story filed by Vishaakha Navaratnam)

Latest comments

  • 5

    real Siva Sankara Sharma
    “The word Sinhala is a corruption of the Tamil word for the Island Chinkalam meaning the land of red or copper.”
    In the past the word Sinhala was not used but” Sihala” was the word used to identify the people as well as the Island. That is why in 4AD inscription in Nagarjunakonda temple, which was built by a Sihala lady say “This temple & the resting place is dedicated to Sihala brothers & sisters who come from the Island of Thambapanni. In Mahabarathe it says as Simhala

    • 3

      Go and tell your fairy tales to some one else or post this on Lanka Lies and those morons will swallow your it for truth

    • 5

      RSSR’s sense of history is pretty bad and his etymology is far worse.

      • 1

        We all know that you are a shameless apologist for the Sinhalese racists and have a personal vendetta against me. So wait for an opportunity to attack me to these racists. My history is pretty bad but yours and this racist’s history is very accurate( sic). She is deliberately omitting parts of the history and taking and misquoting things out of context to further her racist agenda, just like religious extremist selectively quote versus out of context. You call yourself a Tamil but many times have openly sided and bootlicked Sinhalese racists and Muslim opportunists on this site, who were openly insulting Tamils and this includes you. You have your own bootlicking agenda and want to advance this even at the expense of your own people. This is why you constantly jump to the defence of all these racists and opportunists. As you are an opportunist too.

    • 6

      RSSS’s sense of history is pretty bad and, but his etymology is far worse.

    • 1

      See+a’la > Seeha’la > Sinhala . Seeha’la (adjective) Found written in a Prakrit inscription dateable to 2nd or 3rd century CE. This is the earliest known evidence for the prevalence of this name for the island now called Sri Lanka (Nagarjunakonda inscription, Epigraphia Indica XX p 1-37); Chaiy-a’lan: Probably a person from Chaiy-a’lam (See-a’lam / Chingka’lam), Tamil Brahmi inscription, dated to c. 1st century CE, found at Muththuppaddi, Madurai district, Tamil Nadu (Mahadevan 2003, p 396); Saimha’la: Name of the island in a Sanskrit inscription of 4th century CE (Corpus Inscriptions Indicarum III, 1888 p 8); Simha’la: Sanskrit form of the name for the island found in Mahabharata, an 8th century CE inscription found in Java and some 9th century CE Sanskrit literature; Chingka’lam: Equated with Eezham (Tamil, Cheanthan Thivaakaram Nika’ndu 5:128, C. 8th century CE); listed as a place along with other places (Tamil inscription 921CE, Glossary of Tamil Inscriptions); Chingka’la Meykaappaan: The bodyguard came from Chingka’lam, Ulalur inscription of Pallava Nandivarman II, 8th century CE (T.V.Mahalingam, 1988 p 330); Chingka’lar: People of Chingka’lam (Tamil, Kalingkaththup-para’ni, 12th century CE); Salike: (Ptolemy, Greek, 2nd century CE, comes as a place name probably meaning ‘the island of Salai); Sele, Siele: Sele-diba and Siele-diba come as variants of place name for the island (Greek, Cosmas Indicopleustes, 6th Century CE); Seren-dib: Arab version of Sele-diba (L / R interchange, 8th century CE); Seilan: Italian traveller Marcopolo’s reference to the island (1292 CE); Seyllao, Ceilao, Ceylao: Portuguese versions of the name for the island (16th century CE); Ceilon, Ceylon: Name of the island in Dutch, the latter was continued by the British;.

      • 7

        Real Siva Sankaran Sharma
        On Page 1 you say; “ancient Tamil word for the island “Chingkalam” meaning the land of red or copper.” In Tamil, copper is sembu-metal or kappar, isn’t it?
        Ancient Sri Lanka was called “Thambapanni” not “Chingkalam.”
        Even Vijaya Hora had exclaimed when he touched the beach-sand of copper colour, which is why ancient Sri Lanka was called Thambapanni, or Thambapani. Thamba is the word for copper and pani or panni is pan, water.
        In 3rd Century BC, Indian Emperor Dharmashoka, had mentioned a country called Thambapanni in his inscriptions.
        In the 4th Century Greek literature had a name of a country called Taprobane, a word derived from Thambapanni.
        Ptolemy had mentioned Sri Lanka as “Taprobana” in his ancient map.
        Another ancient name for Sri Lanka was “Swarnabhoomi.” “Swarna” means glittery things, gold.
        You say; “Chingka’lam), Tamil Brahmi (?) inscription, dated to c. 1st century CE, found at Muththuppaddi, Madurai district, Tamil Nadu (Mahadevan 2003,p396)”
        You are talking about something which has been mentioned centuries later in 1st Century CE or popularly known as 1st Century AD!!!!!
        “Chingkalam” means Shiny Deshaya, the country of glitter (due to gold and gems in abundance in the country). “Kalam” means a place. The name “Chingkalam” should have been the name given by TamilNadu sea pirates who frequented the country looking for precious metals, pearls and precious stones.
        Any mention of Tamils in Sri Lanka has begun only in 13th Century with the invasion of the brute Kalinga Magha, first Jaffna and then Polonnaruwa dethroning King Parakrama Pandyan II (1212-1215). Kalinga Magha had invaded Sri Lanka with an army of 24,000 Malayala Tamils who destroyed Buddhist stupas and ransacked temples. Their brutality and violence saw a massive migration of Sinhalese from Jaffna and Polonnaruwa to Southern parts of Sri Lanka.

    • 1

      contd: Si / Chi, Che, Chea, Chey, Cheyya: Adjective forms and root word, meaning red, red-coloured etc. (Tamil and Dravidian languages, Dravidian Etymological Dictionary 1931); A’lam: (noun, A’la adjective) Tract of land, coastal land (Tamil, other Dravidian languages, Dravidian Etymological Dictionary 299); A’lakkar: Coastal tract of land (A’la+ekkar; A’la: coastal; Ekkar: dunes; Tamil, Dravidian Etymological Dictionary 299, 770); A’lavan, A’laththi: Masculine and feminine terms for a person hailing from A’lam (maritime tract), DED 299; Kera’la: Adjective of Keara’lam, found in Asoka’s inscription dated to 3rd century BCE, for the Cheara country or today’s Keara’laa. Cheara /Chaaral+a’lam, meaning ‘the hilly tract’, synonym of Malai-a’lam > Malayaa’lam.

    • 3

      contd: Today, almost everybody seems to have taken it for granted that the word Sinhala stands for a particular ethnicity in the island and for the language they speak. An irrational mythology fabricated at a later time when the original etymology was lost, that Sinhala means descendants of a lion (Siṅha) and thus means the ‘lion race’ has pervaded the minds and hearts of the people for centuries.
      Most of the ethno-national identities of South Asia have in fact originated primarily from geographical identities. Such identities later stood for who ever inhabited those lands and eventually stood for the languages evolved in those lands. (Identities of classical languages don’t come under this pattern). For examples note terms like Paagnchaala /Panjab (land in between five rivers), Karu-naadu / Karnāṭakā / Kannada (country of black tract of land); Malayaa’lam / Malai-a’lam (hilly tract of land) etc. The Sinhala identity is not an exception and there is no unambiguous evidence that the word either stood for ethnicity or language in the early usages of the word. The earliest available written form of the word is Seeha’la.
      This form of the word, as an adjective, comes in the context of a phrase Seeha’la Vihaara (Sri Lankan monastery) and is found in a Prakrit inscription dateable to 2nd-3rd century CE, from Nagarjunakonda, of Andra Predesh, South India.
      Seeha’la is the conjunction of the two components See and A’la linked by typical Prakrit conjunction phoneme H. In Dravidian it should become Seeya’la or See’la.
      The obvious meaning of the word in Dravidian is ‘red tract of land. A comparison of this meaning derived for Seeha’la with the meaning of another early Prakrit name for the island, i.e., Tamba-pa’n’ni (Tampa-va’n’ni: copper-coloured land), would tell that Seeha’la and Tampapa’n’ni of 3rd century BCE Asokan inscription were actually synonyms in Dravidian and Prakrit. Note that the Tamil word Chempu for copper is due to the reddish colour of the metal.

      • 5

        Real Siva Sankaran Sharma
        STOP writing rubbish.
        Who believes “Sinhalaya is descendants of a lion (Siṅha).” I don’t believe as the history says otherwise.
        The Lion was Vijaya Hora’s father’s father – i.e. Sinhabahu’s father.
        Vijaya Hora didn’t have any children from his Indian bride whom he got married after chasing Kuveni and her children for fear of them grabbing his throne.
        We had a well developed civilization, a heritage and a rich culture already in the country before Vijaya Hora landed here mysteriously. There definitely is something missing there.
        Before even Kuveni, there had been many Yakka clan dynasties such as Rawana (I and II) under same dynasty Vibhishana (I to VII), Dadimunda (I to V).
        Then Weeramunda, Murudanda, Natha, Sinha, Surya, Warna and Bamba dynasties. All were of Yakka clan.
        Maha Kala Sena (belonged to Bamba dynasty) who was killed by Kuveni and Vijaya Hora believed to be the last King of the Yakka dynasty.
        King Pandukabhaya, who was protected by Yakka clan believed to have Yakka blood from his fraternal side, as his father Deegha Gamini’s mother believed to be of Yakka. Pandukabhaya’s own mother Unmaada Chitra was a descendant of Vijaya Hora.
        The word “Sinha” believed to have used to describe brave ancient Sinhalese warriors whose long hair together with long beards resembled the mane of a lion. Hence the name Sinha and the symbol.
        Hey, Real Siva Sankaran Sharma, stop writing rubbish.
        Our Sinhalese history has a series of successive kingdoms and the succession was hereditary.

        • 5

          Listen bigot , there is not history of a mythical prince Vijaya leaving any part of India and travelling to the island. North Indians were not seafarers or explorers it was the Tamils who were famed seafarers and explores from ancient times and traded with the ancient Romans, Greeks, Arabs and many other people. It was the Tamil Chola who had captured most of SE Asia and spread the Indian culture and Hinduism and Buddhism to these areas not any North Indian. I was a Tamil Buddhist monk Bodhidharma who is traditionally credited as the transmitter of Chan Buddhism to China, and regarded as its first Chinese patriarch. According to Chinese legend, he also began the physical training of the monks of Shaolin Monastery that led to the creation of Shaolin kungfu. In Japan, he is known as Daruma. The world famous Angor Wat in Cambodia and Borobudur in Java are testimony to the influence of Tamil Cholas. The architecture is typically Dravidian. Even according to your Mahavamsa fable Prince Vijaya married a Tamil Pandian princess and his 500 companions , Tamil women from the Pandian kingdom and their descendants were the original Sinhalese. This means the original Sinhalese were 50% Tamil from inception.90% of all later immigrants who arrived from India , as invaders or immigrants and assimilated into the Sinhalese identity were Tamils. If a so called prince Vijaya ever arrived he would have arrived from the Southern Tamil Pandian kingdom and went back to get a wife for him and his companions from his own people and it makes sense. No Pandian Tamil king is going to give his daughter and other 500 women to a man and his companions , who could not speak Tamil and were of bad character and banished from a North Indian kingdom due to raping and pillaging. Most probably this prince was his kinsmen who had gone to explore and then returned for a bride.

          • 4

            Real Siva Sankaran Sharma
            Whatever inscriptions you have in India, they all were King Dharmashoka’s work based on folklore.
            You have nothing to show, a stupa, a shrine or anything that had been built in Lord Buddha’s time in India whereas we have many monumental stupas and shrines in Sri Lanka built during Lord Buddha’s time.
            Likewise, there is nothing in India to prove about Vijaya. The most important thing is Vijaya Hora and his Indian bride didn’t have children. I don’t believe I am a descendant of Vijaya Hora. So I am not bothered about him. Even in your “Ramayanaya” there is a mention about our first inhabitants – Yakka dynasty and their ruling of the country.

        • 4

          Champa …………………………… profession

          “Real Siva Sankaran Sharma STOP writing rubbish.”

          Are you the only one who is blessed with the ability to type rubbish?

      • 5

        Real sorry shoddy sankaram,
        If that is the case my man Sinahalese are Tamil, so what is this big deal about colonization by Sinhalese, if we are the same.

        • 3

          Because Chingkallams constantly deny their actual Tamil ancestry or even that they are Dravidian and are blood thirsty for Tamils and want to destroy them. They keep on quoting a fairy tale, full of half truths and embellishments called Mahavamsam, to claim that they are Aryans and the only sole owners of this island , when more than 1/3 of the island was never Chingkallam at all and most of the so called Chingkallam kings were Thamizh. Chingkallam now want to take over the entire island in the name of Mahavamsam , make it Buddhist and Chingkallam and destroy all the island’s remaining Thamizh , their language culture and Saivaism and any trace that an ancient people called Thamizh ever existed, in the island, so that Chinkallams can keep on fooling the rest of the world, that in actual fact want to be fooled for their own benefit. That the Mahavamsam is not a fairy tale and the Chingkallams are indeed Aryans ( of a dark skinned Dravidian looking variety) and are the real sons of the soil and the sole custodian of the island. This is why they want to colonise all Tamil lands and make them all Chingkallam land, as the Mahavamsam told them to do so. They want to sing
          This land is my land
          A Chingkalla Buddhist land.
          From Point Pedro to Dondra head,
          We chased out the Demala,
          As Mahavamsam asked us to,
          This land, now a Chingkalla Buddhist land.

          This can be your new national anthem.

        • 3

          Ela! That is a good one! :D :D :D :D :D

        • 4

          wannihami – the clever dick

          Aren’t you trying to be clever?

          “If that is the case my man Sinahalese are Tamil, so what is this big deal about colonization by Sinhalese, if we are the same.”

          If you truly believe in what you have just typed above, tell us why did you allow your people the up country Tamils (or Sinhalese) to be deported/expatriated to different parts of South India. The number of your people who have been forcibly deported up to 1981 was estimated to be 2,80,000.

          It never conveniently occurred to you that your fellow Tamils were being unreasonably forced to leave this island to which generations of their kith and kin who had sacrificed their life.

          What did you do to stop the ethnic cleansing?
          Did you condemn the the public racists who were in the forefront enforcing this racist policies, especially the weeping widow?

          Its not too late, why don’t you take all of them and their descendants back and pay them compensation and give them land.

          Smart asses never learn.
          They must think before sitting in front of computer.
          Clever dick is as clever dick types.
          It appears the clever dick also has a few cheer leaders to gloat.

  • 2

    ” the GS Division almost exclusively of Sinhalese where the family units to which state aid is given far exceed in number the family units there.”

    president should look into this.Seems like a fraud is going on.Like putting fictitious workers on a payroll and pocketing the money.

    “An observer at the relevant ministry said the President seems suddenly aware that what his officials have told him so far may not be quite true.”

    He should sack these officials.Premadasa would have done it.In the first place they would not have tried that stunt if they knew they were dealing with preme.They know this is a weak man and they can get away with anything.When preme died the public servants lit crackers.These may be also officials appointed through the back door by rajapakshe’s and still working for them.

  • 6

    Posting racist statements would not help both communities for peaceful co-existence. There are no historical lands belong to any community. Government should make sure that both Sinhalese and Tamils get equal opportunities when distributing or granting facilities.

    • 2

      Oh yes no historical lands in Tamil areas but historical lands in Sinhalese areas, This it self is racist , denying the island’s Tamils their ancient origin and historical existence in their lands. The theory or historical lands is even recognized by the UN and nations are created on this basis. Land in the north and east should be first granted to the local Tamil people and not to outside Sinhalese and Muslims. However the policy of all governments since independence has been to grant land in Sinhalese areas only to Sinhalese and not to others, stating these are historical Sinhalese areas and Sinhalese should get preference. However in Tamil areas they argue differently like you , stating there is no historical lands belonging to any community ( sic just in Sinhalese areas) and land can be distributed to any one ( sic) meaning only to Sinhalese , or in some instances to Muslims but definitely not to the local Tamils , who are the ancient and historical inhabitants of the area. Even privately owned Tamil lands are confiscated under all sorts of excuses development or with some sort of fabricated evidence by the Archaeological Department, that this land was some ancient Buddhist site and then distributed to out of area Sinhalese. This what you called terrorism , systematic ethnic cleansing to deliberately change the demography of an area, using the power and might of the state and its armed forces all belonging to the majority ethnic group and a war crime. Sinhalese racists come and try to camouflage this by stating there is no historic area for anyone. Of course they know this will not affect them but the Tamils

    • 4

      The Sinhalese use the historical homeland concept when it suits them and discard it conveniently when it is advantageous to them, especially when it comes to ethnically cleansing Tamils from their lands and settling Sinhalese from the south on these lands to deliberately change the demography of the Tamil majority North and East. They have successfully done this to some extent in the east and made the Muslims another recently arrived people in the east, powerful there, by this move and now want to do this in the north. Of course once the Tamils become a minority everywhere, then the Sinhalese dream of there is no historical homeland is realised, as everything is their historical homeland and the Eezham Tamils like the Palestinian Arabs have lost theirs. Very funny in the 1950s the Sinhalese used the historical homeland concept to declare the Indian origin Tamils who lived in the island for more than eight generation at that time and earned most of the foreign exchange, as aliens and stateless and forcibly deported half of them to India, until India put a stop to this, so that the historical homeland of the Kandyan Sinhalese will be preserved and not overrun by Tamils of Indian origin. Other than in the greater Colombo area , where there has been an ancient presence of Tamils and Muslims for centuries , the Sinhalese also see that they are the majority in the rest of the Sinhalese areas , using the argument of historical homelands. However it is not so in the Tamil areas, as they do not want the Tamils to be a majority anywhere , not even in their ancient lands where they lived and ruled. If there is no historical homelands, then all the Indian origin estate Tamils who were deported and made stateless on the basis of Kandyan Sinhalese historical homeland should be able to return and be settled in the Kandyan areas again or in the Tamil north and east.

  • 4

    Native Veddah is a real bastard and a Racist thug as he always talk of matters already annihilated with LTTE on the banks of Nanthikadal in 2009 and those federal, homeland, elam are only in the dust bin now even Tamil masses never talk of these at present as only megalomaniac Wigneshwaran, TNA bunch of jokers and a few racist thugs in these forum are dreaming of those.
    These thugs do not know the meaning of the word colony whereas Sri Lanka was a colony of Portugese, Dutch and British. But, Jaffna, Mulathievu are very much integral parts of Sri Lanka and how could Sri Lankans want to live these places becoming colonization of the area?
    The problem seems that that these racist thugs who came from out side as plunderers, smugglers, catured during invasions, kallathonies and as slaves to work in Tea estates cannot change their genes and because of that, they always think as outsiders and never as Sri Lankans.

  • 4

    Sumane, Champa, Soma and others let us find out who were those privileged businessmen to whom the Manal Aru Land was leased in 1965, more than 1000 acres for each.

    • 2


      “Sumane, Champa, Soma and others let us find out who were those privileged businessmen to whom the Manal Aru Land was leased in 1965, more than 1000 acres for each.”

      Good idea.
      In a similar vein if all of you racists could trace the ownership of this island, its origin, transfer deed, date of transfer, …………………………….. period of lease, ……………….. rest of the people will be grateful to lot.

      • 2

        Veddah, there were also 18-19 traditional Tamil villages in this area , where the inhabitants owned their land and were farming for generations. These people were ethnically cleansed out of these villages . At that time they numbered around 3-4 thousand. The thing is all this was in an ancient historic Tamil district and the local population were all Tamil. They were ethnically cleansed and chased out of their villages , lands and outside Sinhalese , who had nothing to do with the area are being settled on these lands of these Tamil villagers and the leased land( it was leased for 99 years) . The lease started in 1965. The JR government deliberately terminated these leases in 1984 and then used the armed forces forcibly remove the Tamil villages from the 18-19 villages in the Manal Aru area from their homes , lands and farms . There were given 48 hours by the army to leave their homes lands and farms. Then around 6000 Sinhalese from the south were brought in and settled in these villages and lands and the area was renamed from Manal Aru to Weli Oya a literal translation of the original and ancient Tamil name for the region. Sandy River or Stream. This is what you claim ethnic cleansing. During the troubles these illegal settled by the racist Sri Lankan state on ethnically cleansed Tamil lands ran away back to the Sinhalese South. After 2009 either they or another bunch of illegal Sinhalese settlers have been from the south and settled here again, whilst the original Tamil owners of these villages are not allowed in and are languishing landless and homeless. To add insult to injury enormous amounts of foreign money that was earmarked and donated specially to rehabilitate the displaced Tamils , are being spent on these illegal Sinhalese settlers in the Manal Aru , houses built for them, roads , electricity , water , schools and all other infrastructure that should have rightfully gone to the displaced northern Tamils and not to these illegal Sinhalese settlers from the south.

    • 1

      That’s a good idea.
      I would also like to have a free government land at least 1000 acres for me to grow some crops!
      I don’t have any certificate but agriculture is my passion and I think it is in my blood too. I am interested in something that would give me Rs. 2 million for 50kg.

  • 0

    You can put up a man who is really as sleep but you cannot put up a man who pretends to sleep. This is the position adopted by the Sinhalese who pretends not to understand Sinhala Colonisation so as to change the Texture of the population.

  • 1

    Hugh Cleghorn, the First Colonial Secretary, to the British Governor in 1799 had observed…

    Two different nations,from a very ancient period,had divided between them the possession of the Island.First the Cinhalese[Sinhalese] inhabiting the interior of the country,in its southern and western parts,from the River Wallowe to that of Chilaw and secondly the Malabars[Tamils] who possess the Northern and Eastern districts.These two nations differ entirely in their religions,language and manners……

    So Welioya/ Manal Aru was within the North-East region and the Mahaweli system L has been conceived with the sole purpose of dislocating the geographical link between the North and East. To achieve this Sinhala colonists had to be imported from other parts of the country. In short this is Project Demographic change coupled with the Mahaweli to capture Welioya!

    President Sirisena had initially denied this .Or is it that he is playing Dr.Jekyl and Mr. Hyde?

  • 1

    “This study, in which 271 individuals, representing the Sri Lankan ethnic populations mentioned, were typed for their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) hypervariable segment 1 (HVS-1) and part of hypervariable segment 2 (HVS-2), provides implications for their settlement history on the island. From the phylogenetic, principal coordinate and analysis of molecular variance results, the Vedda occupied a position separated from all other ethnic people of the island, who formed relatively close affiliations among themselves, suggesting a separate origin of the former. The haplotypes and analysis of molecular variance revealed that Vedda people’s mitochondrial sequences are more related to the Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Tamils’ than the Indian Tamils’ sequences. MtDNA haplogroup analysis revealed that several West Eurasian haplogroups as well as Indian-specific mtDNA clades were found amongst the Sri Lankan populations. Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.” – Source: Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations.

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    “Vedda people and Low-country Sinhalese showed relatively high frequencies of haplogroup R (45.33 and 25%,respectively) which was contributed mainly by sub-haplogroup R30b(38.67 and 20%). The haplogroup was less frequent in Up-countrySinhalese, Sri Lankan Tamils and Indian Tamils.

    Source: Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: Their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations.

  • 1

    “commenced with 6000 Sinhala families colonizing the Welioya area. Over 2000 acres of livelihood lands belongs to the Tamil community displaced in 1984 have been redistributed to the colonizing Sinhala families.”

    bringing in sinhala families is not a problem.The problem is that they are being settled on lands of tamils after displacing them. That is ethnic cleansing isn’t it?Welioya was a very unwise move i believe by gamini dissanayaka and lalith athulathmudali,two hawks who got their just deserts.

    “However, by issuing the Mahaweli land permits to some illegal (convicted by the Courts) fishermen in Karunaddukerny, Kokkuthoduvai and Kokkulai GN divisions of Maritimepattu DS division, the Mahaweli Authority is intervening in the land administration of the Divisional Secretariat. “

    why are they trying to settle convicts ?Surely there must be plenty of honest sinhalese to give land.

    “We suspect that the Mahaweli L and the proposed K and J zones are systematically planned to change the demographic pattern and contiguity of Tamil lands and accelerate Sinhala colonization in the North.”

    why should that be a problem when there are so many tamils with northern ancestry living in the south.The age old argument that they came and bought lands while these sinhalese are being given lands free does not hold water because there has to be some incentive to go and live in the north.

    • 1

      Why does not it hold water? So Tamils have to use their own resources to purchase lands businesses anywhere in the island in the south and even in their own areas but not the Sinhalese. The government will provide them land , water and all sorts of incentives to settle , especially in the Tamil north and east , even in ethnically cleansed Tamil lands. So why can’t these resources and incentives be provided to the local Tamils to remain there and not move out . You can provide them land, water, other resources and industries for employment and a living . Why is it all being denied to them and only being provided for Sinhalese to move into their lands. Worse, even what little these Tamils have, is being confiscated and taken away from them to be used for the benefit of the Sinhalese settlers. Eg Lands Fishing. . This is a deliberate policy to keep the Tamil areas underdeveloped and under resourced , so that the Tamils will be eternally dependent on the Sinhalese south and forced to move out to their areas. Development is only provided to Tamil areas when Sinhalese are settled as incentives for these Sinhalese to come and settle and remain there but not for the Tamils who are there to remain. They are forced to move., thereby Tamils are gradually being emptied out of their lands and Sinhalese pour in to these lands. What a diabolical concept.

    • 1

      Part 2 Even if all the Tamils move to the Sinhalese areas , the Sinhalese will still be a majority in their areas and the Sinhalese know this and this is the reason they do not care and also encourage this, as these Tamils will gradually assimilate in to the Sinhalese identity. However even if a small percentage of Sinhalese are settled in Tamil areas , the Tamils will become a minority in their own areas and loose their ancient history and culture. The Sinhalese also know this and so the Tamils.This is why they vehemently object to this state sponsored Sinhalese colonisation, as they know this is their death knell to their language, culture and identity. The behaviour of all Sri Lankan governments and most Sinhalese also confirms this and does not ease their suspicion. . Individual Sinhalese coming in their own volition using their own resources is fine, however the Sinhalese state deliberately settling hundreds of thousands of Sinhalese in Tamil areas on any land private or public, that is really there for the benefit of the local Tamils is another story. This is called ethnic cleansing and deliberate change of demography by the state using all sorts of excuses. Development one of them. Why can’t development be done by using the 1 million strong local northern Tamils instead of outside Sinhalese? In all democratic countries minority ethnic/linguistic groups and their lands and resources in their regions are protected by the government from exploitation from the majority ethnic group. The Indian government will never officially move Hindus or Hindi speaking people to areas where the Muslim majority areas or non Hindi speaking areas. People individually moving is another story. In fact in the only Muslim majority Indian state Kashmir outsiders cannot purchase any land or even allowed to settle there. The same in Britain. The British government does not provide incentives or move English to sparsely populated Scotland of Wales.

      • 1


        can i ask you one question. According to the last census sri lankan tamils are 6% of the western province while the sinhalese are 3.2% of the northern province.Therefore are you agreeable to increasing the sinhala population to 6% in the northern province.The reason i ask you this question is we who are living in colombo have to always listen to the sinhalese have a whinge about the fact that tamils(and they mean tamils of sri lankan ancestry,not indian)are living among them while there are no sinhalese living in the north.I can correct them and say that vavuniya and mullaitivu have some sinhalese and there is altogether 3.2% in the north,but i would like it to be 6% so that i can tell them we have the same % of tamils and sinhalese in both provinces.Then discussions over and they can move to another topic.Otherwise it is embarrassing for us,it is like we are using their house but locking up ours,don’t you think?Chelva only said that the most important thing is to keep our land intact,but you know now where chelva’s brain has led us to while chelva is dead and gone and left the mess to be cleaned up.

        • 1

          So what? This still does not give the government excuse to settle out of area Sinhalese on Tamil lands in the north and east and ethnically cleanse Tamils. What a stupid argument. Trying to compare the Tamil population in Colombo the capital city with rural Tamil Mullaitivu. There is a history from ancient times of Tamils living outside the north and east but never a history of Sinhalese living in the north or east , other than in a few border villages. 90% of Tamils live around Colombo in the western province and have been there for centuries . Also remember there are still many traditional Tamil villages in the western province and communities from medieval times , that have not taken a Sinhalese identity. Colombo was founded by Tamil merchant guilds and Tamil Muslim merchants and was never a Sinhalese city . Even now the majority population within Colombo now as from ancient times , speak Tamil. Get your facts correct before posting. The word Colombo or Kolumbu is synonymous with Kollam in Kerala. Colombo is the capital and will be cosmopolitan, like any other capital city like London, Paris, Delhi , New York. Tamils were forced to come here to make a living first by the British and later by the Sinhalese. If Tamil areas are/were developed they will not be here. Tamil areas are only developed when outside Sinhalese are settled. They arrived here in their own volition and used their own funds to purchase lands and properties , or were already there from medieval times, like the Colombo Chetties.

          • 3


            Don’t worry too much of demographic change.
            One day some one somewhere wake up and start looking for his/her roots. Then the trouble starts. When he/she finds that 99.99% of the population genetics is affiliated to South Indian, he/she will want to know more, and go back to his her ancestral roots.

            The Malayali’s want their Chera flag Bow & Arrow, the Tamils may want Pandyas twin fish or Chola’s crouching tiger.

            Be patient, in the ensuing melee we will kick all the descendants of Kallathonies out of this island.

            • 1

              Vedda you think they do not know this already! Most of the Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Muslims ( other than the really dumb ones , unfortunately there seems to be many ) do know in their hearts that they are not descended from Indo Aryans or Arabs/Moors respectively but are Dravidian. However one lot are consumed with Sinhalese Buddhist Fascism and the Mahavamsa myth and the other brainwashed by Wahhabi Islamic fundamentalism and to worship everything remotely connected with the Arabs and now Moors, which they think is beneficial to them, by their largely selfish power hungry elite and opportunistic power hungry politicians. Therefore despite knowing the truth they will stubbornly keep on denying this and will do anything to bury this inconvenient truth. This is the main reason they want island’s Tamil population annihilated , destroyed and are making every effort to erase all traces of their ancient history and symbols in the island. Eg: Colonising their lands,Changing place names, destroying Hindu temples, claiming everything ancient from kings to Buddhist ruins built by the Tamils as Sinhalese and changing and distorting history. You can see this in Karawa grandmother Ramona now living in the USA creating Hela fairy tales , from ancient Greek Hellenic stories and lady Champika and Latha creating another lot of fairy tales . Sadly there are a few so called Tamil quislings like SJ/Shankar( If he is a Tamil) encouraging this for reasons only known to them. These people will never change now or in future , unless a good charismatic leader appears, sadly it will not happen and they will be led by a crooked lazy opportunistic politicians and elite.

              • 2

                Moi?…..not grandma….not Karawa……got purified mind and clarity on realism away from caste and race psychosis of Tamil.

            • 1

              part 2: The so called weeping widow’s great grandfather signed the Kandyan convention in Tamil , with a Tamil sounding name Ravathai, her husband , just like the Jayawardene and the Wickremesinghe and many other elite Sinhalese families low country and Kandyan are descended from Tamil immigrant families , that migrated to the island a few centuries ago from South India. Yet they all hate Tamil people vehemently and created all this hatred and chaos. If they were far thinking and magnanimous they could have used their Tamil ancestry as a unifying factor/force, just like the British Royal family and politicians do. ” Hey look at us ,we are Sinhalese but with recent Tamil roots , we are one people and should learn to live respecting each other and in equality. We are one but many but we all are people of one land despite speaking two languages and practising four religion”. . Instead they preached hatred destruction on chaos on lies and myths.

              • 1

                You’re being a bit unfair. Sirimavo’s (have you realised that that form of the name “Sirimawathie” [probably] is a pluralised form used by almost all, as a mark of respect?)
                Never mind, to start again, Sirima Bandaranaike’s brother’s son, Mano Ratwatte writes articles on this site quite often. He’s honest and non-racist. He had once said that he had got his DNA tested and it showed much more than 50% Dravidian ancestry. I’m sure that the finding that he made applies to all Sinhalese, including RTF – who seems obsessed with it.
                Why doesn’t the government get the DNA of all Sri Lankans tested? All that has to be done is to take a sample of cheek swab early morning, before we brush our teeth etc. Ugh!
                There’s a one minute Vimeo video of it there. Cost “only US $ 59”. Includes postage etc. That’s close to Rs10K. May be O.K. for Trump and his ilk.
                If it is done on a mass scale, I’m sure that it could be done at a fraction of that commercial cost. Rs 200/= And let the State bear the cost; if it’ll stop people fighting, it’ll still be less than the cost of the riots that we have so regularly.
                Yankee RTF, can you tell us about costs, please? After all you claim to be so patriotic!

            • 1

              “ome of the older studies looking at the origin of the Sinhalese erroneously suggest a predominantly Tamil origin followed by a significant Bengali contribution with a slight North Western Indian contribution. While modern studies using more sophisticated testing point towards a predominantly Bengali contribution and a minor South Indian Tamil and North Western Indian contribution respectively.”
              “A study in 2007 found similar frequencies of the allele HLA-A*02 in sinhalese (7.4%) and North Indian subjects (6.7%). HLA-A*02 is a rare allele which has a relatively high frequency in North Indian populations and is considered to be a novel allele among the North Indian population. This suggests possible North Indian origin of the Sinhalese.”- Source: “HLA analysis of Sri Lankan Sinhalese predicts North Indian origin”. International Journal of Immunogenetics. 34 (5): 313–5. 2007

              • 1


                You’d probably find that N. Indian allele quite rampant amongst the Tamil population also.

        • 2

          part 2: Do not try to justify your state sponsored colonisation schemes in Tamil areas to deliberately to change the demography with stupid arguments. 50% of the population in Chennai are Telugu speaking and so what, do hear Tamil people howling and crying and demanding Tamil settlements in Telugu areas.? I have a strong feeling you a Sinhalese posting under a Tamil identity, or that apologist SJ. Sinhalese want the Tamils in their areas for their own economic benefit and to keep them as pawns in case of any future Tamil just demands , to threaten the Tamils what will happen to the Tamils in Colombo , like our friend Soma regularly does. On the contrary, they want to come to Tamil areas not for the benefit of the Tamils but to deliberately change the demography in these areas and make the Tamils a voiceless minority in their own areas, like what has happened in many parts of the east and ultimately destroy them as a people. You know the truth but pretending the motive is something else and pathetically trying to defend this structural genocide with all sorts of foolish arguments. There is a vast difference between individuals within a country moving for their own personal and economic reasons and state aided settlement and colonisation of the majority ethnic group in the lands of minority ethnic groups to destroy them. There are more people Scottish and Welsh origin living outside Scotland and Wales in Britain but the British government and the English do not use it as an excuse to deny Scotland or Wales their autonomy or to settle thousands of English in their lands. English people moving to these areas on their own volition and purchasing properties lands and opening businesses is another story. This is what Tamils do and trying to compare this to state aided Sinhalese colonisation in Tamil lands and to justify it with all sorts of arguments is utter nonsense .

          • 1


            i asked you a simple question,instead of a simple answer you are getting emotional to the extent of even questioning my ethnicity(at least thank you for not calling me a tamil traitor and wanting to kill me) and writing a long answer that does not directly answer the question i asked.

            Here is the question again-Since the western province is having 6% sri lankan tamils are you or are you not in favour of the northern province also having the same percentage of 6%.The current amount of sinhalese there is 32000 which is about 3.2% and another around 30000 sinhalese will bring it up to 6%.

            simple question,simple answer.No need of any historical lessons which we already know.If i wanted a history lesson i will ask expert real sivasankaran.

            Don’t come to teach people who have been born and bred in colombo about colombo.We know all the nook and crannies of colombo right in right out.

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    Mahawansha wrote in 4th century says 1. Vijaya & his followers are called Sihalas.
    2. Giri Niganta said to king Walagamba ” maha calo Sihalo palayantho” ( runaway the great black Sihala) when he faced a south Indian attack.
    So this word attached to the people & not to the red earth.
    In 1799 Huge Cleghorn or somebody can identify at that time there were two or more ethnic groups in the Island because Dutch & British had imported lot of Tamil slaves from South India already before his time. Tamil presence were increasing after Chola invasion. His remarks about people are not correct because he had said Sinhalese are descending from Siames (Thailand people) Due to South Indian invasions, droughts, Malaria caused people to abandon Anuradhapura, Polonnaruva kingdoms. After independence governments had to resettle these places. If British thought north central province also good for tobacco cultivation & colonized with Tamils NC province also become a part in Tamil homeland actually some Tamil organizations included central province in their Ealam maps. So Tamils you want NE entirely for Tamils & rest of the Island for all.

    • 2

      “”Sihalo” in BC times meant Silapa a port into Ceylon. It has the root word “eelam” in it, for Sri Lanka in prehistoric times was also called eelam by the ancients.

      Thus by Sihalo is meant the whole island of Ceylao or Ceylon.

      Sihalo is Sinhalese is a racist stretch that has caused so much bloodshed.

    • 4

      Mahawamsa has been proved to be not authentic, full of myths and fabrications. Only scientific evidence based on archaeology and genetics should be taken into account. When there was a Tamil kingdom which was run over by Portuguese, to say that Tamils were brought by Dutch, who came to Sri Lanka after Portuguese, is a blatant lie. Not only ancestors of Tamils, but even ancestors of Sinhalese have been brought from South India from time to time for various purposes including to work in plantation. For your information, Jaffna kingdom included not only the entire northern province but also Trincomalee district north of Mahaveli, Puttalam district north of Deduru oya and even northern parts of Anuradhapura district. Bulankulama is nothing but Puliytankulam. Will Sinhala government permit Tamils to uncover the ancient Tamil villages lying buried in this part of Anuradhpura district. Several urn burial sites and potsherds have been found in Wanni and Puttalam, and recent find of two 10,000 year old civilisation in Settikulam and around Giants tank in Mannar completely throw out Sinhala racist propaganda. Also discovery of 2000 year old stone inscriptions in Batticaloa and Trincomalee districts and the presence of the pre-Buddhist Koneswaram temple in Trincomalee, and the absence of stone inscriptions in the province show that Tamils were the first occupants of the area. Your posting will only receive accolade in a bigoted Sinhala gallery and you will be classified as a fool in a impartial intellectual audience.

      • 3

        99% of the low caste Indian Tamil indentured and slave labour imported into the island by the Dutch and Portuguese colonials were settled along the western coasts and in the south of the country to work in the huge cinnamon estates and also to do low menial service jobs. Only a few thousand were settled in the Tamil areas to work for the Vellalar landlords as slave labour. Their present day descendants are the Sinhalese Karawa, Salagama, Durawa, Hali, Hunu and many other lowly Sinhalese service castes now making up around 50% of the present day Sinhalese. It is these Sinhalised descendants of these Indian Tamil low caste indentured labour/slaves who doubled the Sinhalese population within a few centuries and made them a huge majority. Now they are the biggest anti Tamils and the supporters of the Mahavamsa myth and Sinhalese Aryan theory to hide their low caste Tamil origin and the Dravidian/Tamil origin of most Sinhalese. Most probably this Latha is one of them. Even DNA proves that the Sinhalese are largely of Tamil descent 70% or more share DNA with Indian Tamils. What a huge percentage , Yet these bigots keep on repeating these lies and myths and desperately want to claim an Aryan origin.

        • 2

          Real Siva Sankaran Sharma
          Another absolute lie!!!!!!
          Sinhalese caste system has nothing to do with Tamils.
          They are: Radala, Govigama, Bathgama, Deva, Nekathi, Bodhivansha, Rajaka, Kumbal, Hunu, Durava, Karava, Salagama and Navandanna.
          The Sinhalese caste system is LESS rigid or NOT followed at all now.
          The Tamil caste system is based on ‘varna.’ Those who don’t have ‘varna’ was called ‘avarna. ‘
          And it is still followed on its MOST RIGID FORM such as;
          Brahmi (priests), Chetty (merchants), Vellallar (landlords), Idayer (herdsmen), Madapalli-Agampudiyar-Marawar (cultivators), Paravar-Karaiyar-Palliwilli-Sempedawar-Timilar-Mukkuvar (fishermen), Thanakarar (tobacco planters), Shananar-Nalavar (toddy drawers), Kadeyar (lime burners), Chiviyar (palanquin/covered litter bearers), Koviyar (bondsmen), Seniyar (weavers), Paraiyar (tom-tom beaters), Pallar (ploughmen), Navidar (barbers), Kollar (blacksmith), Tattar (goldsmith), Kannar (brass founders), Tatchar (carpenters), Sitpar (masons), Pannar (tailors), Vaniyar (oil makers), Kusavar (potters), Wannar (washer-men) and Kudimakkal (servants).

      • 1

        Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam
        What a joker!
        We have evidence in their real form or in some cases a well protected ancient ruins in support of Mahawamsa.
        There is visible evidence to prove Lord Buddha’s 3 visits to the island; Mahiyanganaya, Nagadeepaya, Kelaniya, Siri Paada, and monumental Stupas built in Atamasthaana and Solosmasthaana including Deeghavapi Viharaya.
        The Mahiyangana Stupa, which is Sri Lanka’s first stupa, enshrined with Lord Buddha’s lock of hair was built during Lord Buddha’s time.
        When talk about King Dutugemunu (161 BC – 137 BC) mentioned in Mahawamsa, we still see Ruwanmali Seya, Mirisavetiya and Lovamahapaya (ruins of a copper-bronze roofed 9-storied mansion supported by 40X40 stone pillars!).
        When talk about King Mahasen (275 – 301 AD) mentioned in Mahawamsa, we still see Jetavanaramaya, which was one of the tallest Dagobas in the world which has been built using bricks! He built 16 large tanks too, the largest of which is Minneriya Wewa, which is still in use. (Though King Mahasen did some injustice to Theravada Buddhism at the beginning, he is my favourite King in our history.)
        When we talk about King Kashyapa (473 to 495 AD) mentioned in Mahawamsa, we still see his Sigiriya rock Kingdom.
        If Mahawamsa is not authentic and full of myths, who built these irrigation tanks and stupas, Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam? Who built them? Tamil Nadu sea pirates?????? I told you before, make your lies at least believable!
        When writing this, an idea struck my mind. I think it is time we do something to “show” Deepavamsa, Mahawamsa, and Chulawamsa.

        • 1

          Correction: Typo in the antepenutimate para which should read as follows:
          When we talk about King Kashyapa (473 to 495 AD) as mentioned in “Chulawamsa” a companion chronicle of Mahawamsa…………..
          Mahawamsa relates the period from early inhabitants Yakka and Naga including the migration of Vijaya (543 BC) until the reign of King Mahasen (3rd Century) which is regarded as one of the world’s longest chronicles with an unbroken history of over two millennia.

  • 3

    Deport those protested Kallathonies to Tamil Nadu IMMEDIATELY. 2 million Sinhalese MUST be settled in Yapapatuna (Jaffna) district IMMEDIATELY.

  • 1

    ” I have a strong feeling that you are a Sinhalese posting under a Tamil identity”
    Is Rohan a Tamil name?

    • 4

      Rohan is a Hindu name, just like Latha. The meaning of Rohan is ascending or healing, in Sanskrit. Latha means in Sanskrit : slender , a vine , a nymph or Aphsara. What makes you thing these names are Sinhalese? These names are more common in Northern India than in the South.

    • 5


      I am sorry when did Sanskrit names become Tamil or Sinhala names?

      Did you believe like Champika Ranawake Sanskrit developed from Sinhala?

  • 4

    There is no single artefact or any historical evidence in Sri Lanka that tamil settlements are ancient. Entire land of Sri Lanka if you dig, it is Sinhalese historical evidence and Buddhist historical evidence only.

    All claims by Racist thugs about history of tamils in this country are mythical and hypothetical only. Nevertheless, Majority race is Sinhalese and majority religion id Buddhism. Like or not, accept the reality and live if you all want. Otherwise, can go to any place you all like.

    Native Veddah can go to Angoda for treatment as he cannot tolerate when the truth is being discussed and therefore his brain is malfunctioning.

    Gnana, Real Shakaran, other racist can also take treatments for the brain malfunction as well.

    These racist thugs do not know the meaning of the word “Colony” and therefor, we can gauge their understanding about the history of Sri Lanka.

    • 2

      Nimal Tissass Wijethunga

      “Native Veddah can go to Angoda for treatment as he cannot tolerate when the truth is being discussed and therefore his brain is malfunctioning.”

      Actually I need to consult them about treatment for delusional disorder. Sinhala/Buddhist fascists are afflicted by DD I mean treatment for you.

  • 3

    “A genetic distance analysis by Dr Robet Kirk also concluded that the modern Sinhalese are most closely related to the Bengalis.
    This is further substantiated by a VNTR study, which found 70-82% of Sinhalese genes to originate from Bengali admixture”

    • 2

      Oh really ! Who is this Dr. Robert Kirk? Googled and searched for this Dr. no results, unless he his a general practitioner or a professor of folklore. Every study conducted states the same thing. The Sinhalese are predominantly of Tamil descent( 70% or more). The Bengali input to the Sinhalese DNA comes next 25%. All studies also reveal that the Sri Lankan Tamils have slightly more direct genetic input from the Bengali than the Sinhalese 28% ., proving these migrants from NE India did not trigger the formation of the Sinhalese but arrived and got assimilated. It was the arrival of Buddhism and the large scale conversion of the native Tamil and other tribes in the south of the country and their gradual corruption of their native Tamil dialect with Pali and Sanskrit of Buddhism that created the evolution of the Sinhalese language and people by the 7-8AD. The Sri Lankan government did not like the results of all these genetic studies that were constantly proving that the Sinhalese largely evolved from the Tamils , so during the Rajapakse regime conducted their own genetic studies and surprise! surprise ! The find was Sinhalese are largely of Bengali and North Indian descent with very little Tamil input. Why aren’t we surprised. Other than this initial migration from NE India , all migration to the island from ancient , medieval and modern times is from South India , 90% from the Tamil country. It is a well confirmed and documented fact that 50% of the present day Sinhalese are purely descended from low caste indentured Tamil labour, that was imported from South India during the Portuguese and Dutch era. This is 50% what about all the descendants of assimilated Tamil immigrants and invaders from South India or the native Dravidian ( Naga/Yakka) population that was existing . They all vanished into thin air?

    • 2


      If you truly believe that “A genetic distance analysis by Dr Robet Kirk also concluded that the modern Sinhalese are most closely related to the Bengalis.”

      Don’t you think it would be better for all people of this island and India if the Sinhalese people went back to their ancestral homeland of Bengal.

      By the way another study stated Tamils are genetically closely connected to Bengalis than the Sinhalese.

      Therefore I want both descendants of Kallathonies probably 21 Million of them put on ships and send back to North/South India.

      • 2

        Dear NV my friend,

        Although I am not a frequent blogger on this site, I do read a lot of comments every now and then. Usually, I do not wish to waste my time on some people with whom I believe that there is no point in arguing. But, I must complement you because in my opinion you are an exception.
        Where did I state I truly believe? I only quoted the facts of a scientific study.
        And the answer to your first question is No because it’s too late.
        Can you please substantiate your claim (“By the way another study stated Tamils are genetically closely connected to Bengalis than the Sinhalese.”) by stating the source?
        You had/have a duty of care as the first settler to guide descendants of Kallathonies probably 21 Million instead of sending back to their ancestral land. As far as I’m concerned you have failed miserably. It’s not too late though.

        • 1


          “Can you please substantiate your claim (“By the way another study stated Tamils are genetically closely connected to Bengalis than the Sinhalese.”) by stating the source?”

          I will find the link or the title of the article within the next few days from my External Drives. Please bear with me.
          In the meantime Amarasiri might be able to help us. The problem is his presence in this forum has become very rare.

  • 1

    If you are not a foreigner you would have known that from ancient times up to now South of Sri Lanka (SL) is calling as Rohana Deshaya. Many Sinhala men use the name Rohana but not a singal Tamil. Ancient settlers of this Island called them are Aryans and came from North India(NI). They used a kind of NI language called Prakrit and given villages, rivers. streams, mountains, reservoirs, ponds,people ets Sanskrit names. (Sanskrit is the classical form of Prakrit) Today we see Sinhalese people & NI people share same names but non of the Sinhalese took Tamil names.
    Pandiyans are a tribe mentioned in Mahabarath lived in NI. Their capital city was Mathura is a city near Delhi. Some Pandiyans traveled to South India (SI) & built a capital there & gave the same name & called it dakshia Mathura. Asoka Pralpola says Pandiyans are Aryans. Early Pandiyans ethnicity is not verified, later they adopted Tamil. Tamil language is not older than 5BC. So the so called Tamil Princess can’t be Tamil. Mahawansha is written 1000 years later of their arrival.

    • 2

      May be I have to heal your delusional status, ( Rohi) . This is why in Sinhalese a hospital is called Rohala. You should be admitted to the mental ward. It is not Rohana but Ruhuna . You mean to say that south Sri Lanka was full of Sick people ( sic) that is was named Rohana Desa ( Country of the sick) . May be Rohana desa is better word than Ruhuna. Pandian country is north Indian. Are you really loosing your mind?

      • 1

        There is no word called “Rohi” in Sinhala. It is “Rogi”, meaning sick people. “Rohi” is a Muslim word. Meaning is life or soul.
        Rohana deshaya or Ruhuna both the same. Rohana is a Sanskrit word.
        The meaning as far as I know is red sandalwood or white sandalwood, a medicinal plant widely used by Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims.

    • 2


      Perhaps your name evolved from Lata land in Sinhapura of Venga (speculated to be the present day Bengal). The evolution took place over 2500 years.

  • 3

    Our poor ahinsaka Sinhala mutts: Totally at the mercy of the Tamil jealousy and fury – both physically, psychologically and spiritually. Yes, they will take our unity and divide demean our united race into Tamil-like castes. Sinhalese fools can only go backward and forwards with the egalitarian message of the Buddha, continually scorning and then calming the psychological imprint the fuming Tamils coerce onto The Sinhalese race. Tamils know they have lost the physical war, but there’s nothing to stop their instigation of caste psychosis on our innocent Sinhala people.

    I can only appeal for unity amongst the Sinhalese. Coastal “castes” ARE of the Sinhala race (of course with some Tamil assimilation); inland castes likewise ARE of the Sinhala race (albeit with a lesser Tamil assimilation it is assumed) – such as is the assimilative percentages of races throughout the world.

    But Tamil will convince us otherwise and stoke up the resentment of inland Sinhalese against the coastal Sinhalese for their wealth.

    Tamils will boost up the inland Sinhalese on the supposedly extra % of the “Aryan” gene, thus attempting to create egotism and perverse machismo in the inland Sinhalese. Thus will they finally weaken the natural Sinhalese spirit of our Island and amalgamate us with the Indian Hindu megagiant. Yahapalanaya has been sucked directly into it –Sirisena at the helm.

    Yet, it is believed that the true Tamil (the Tamil masses) in the north longs to unify with the Sinhalese. Yet, the small % of Tamil hierarchy in the North, and the coastal Tamils in the south who feel they are demeaned by their Sinhala coastal counterparts, will do their best to get hell-bent revenge. Such is…..such is it…….Aparadha!

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      I am glad that you have realised that you are a mutt, Karawa grandma. What is your latest fairy tale about the Hela/Aryan origin of the Sinhalese?

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    I hope all readers will view this comment dispassionately.
    This is a delimitation map for the Bandarawela Municipal Council:
    And this for the Haputale Pradeshiya Sabha:
    Why are the enclaves of Eranawela and Kahattewela in Haputale, and not in Bandarawela? To fully understand how weird this is, please try to identify the roads on this map:
    They appear to have clearly marked “The Kahaththewela Ambalama” – a place name now. It used to exist as a shelter for the poor fifty years ago. Anyway, it is about a mile from the City Centre on the road to Welimada. Residents of Sri Sangaraja Pirivena would also consider Bandarawela to be their town.
    It is worse when you consider the other main road – to Ettampitiya: the Bandarawela Hospital and the SLTB bus depot for Bandarawela are in the Haputale Pradeshiya Sabha. Greatest joke of all, the office of the Bandarawela Pradeshiya Sabha (sic) is situated in the Haputale Pradeshiya Sabha. Also in Haputale, places a “road mile” further to NNW.
    Why is this so? I ask mainly Sinhalese residents; most put it on the British. True they divided in to wards, but not decide the political placements! Some MMCs did know, but said that it shouldn’t be openly talked about.
    The reason is this: Ariyadasa, Health Minister in the 1960s, and W.J.M. LokuBandara, who each represented the Haputale Electorate, insisted on this, so as to have some extra Sinhalese votes in the Electorate which could, otherwise, see a Tamil elected.
    I leave it to readers to work out the inconvenience to residents who have to go past the Bandarawela Divisional Secretariat to the Haputale Secretariat which is situated in Diyatalawa. Anyone defending this?

    • 0

      I’m sorry it’s happened again – everything getting turned in to bold in my comment, and in all that follows on this page.
      Somebody once came a long and neutralised, I don’t know how.
      Obviously, I must take the blame here. Sorry.

    • 1

      Yes, I had the text saved. My mistake. I have opened bold five times, and closed only four times.
      Now opened once, closed twice.
      Will that perform the trick?

  • 2

    “New genetic markers may be able to provide a perspective on the origin of the Sinhalese. In order to address these, we analysed the above mentioned 30 Alu polymorphisms in a sample of 121 Sinhalese collected from Colombo, Sri Lanka (Papiha et al., 1996b; Papiha and Mastana, 1999). In addition, Alu frequency data from Bengali (89) and Tamil (101), North and Western Indian populations (from the above study) were used for evaluation of genetic variation, affinities and genetic admixture. Overall pattern of allele frequencies is comparable to Indian populations but significant differences were observed at number of loci. Overall pattern of genetic relationships points towards substantial Bengali contribution as shown in DA distance derived dendrogram (Fig. 6) and admixture analyses.
    A number of genetic admixture calculations were carried out using Tamil, Bengali, Gujarati
    (Patel), and Punjabi as parental populations. Admixture calculations were performed using two different methods- point estimates and maximum likelihood method. In all combinations, Bengali population seems to have higher contributions 57.49% (95%CI 36.89-78.59) compared to 42.51% (95%CI 0.7 – 9.15%) of Tamils by point estimates. Maximum likelihood method increased the Bengali contribution to 88.07% (95%CI 0.1-100%). When three parental populations were used Bengali contribution remained strong (50-66%) followed by North Western (20-23%) and rest contributed by Tamil. ” – Source: Molecular Anthropology: Population and Forensic Genetic Applications 2007 by Sarabjit Mastana

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      It’s good to see that genetic tests on Colombo Sinhalese have been performed (most are coastal Sinhalese).

      As Sankaralingam said, Bengalis are in fact a large part of S. Indian decent (actually it was suggested by me first, and he took it on). All in all, it will be seen that N. Indians have been assimilating with S. Indians for millennia. Leaving alone the Vijayan movement into Sri Lanka, Kshtriyas from North India were employed by kings all over South Asia to protest their coastlines.

      A fact that Sinhalese might have that special N. India gene exclusive to only N. Indians is a probably so small a percentage that it is ridiculous to use to distance Sinhalese from S. Indian ancestry. What we should be doing is distancing ourselves from Hindu influence and following the egalitarian message of Buddha- the very reason he felt traumatized with what he found in his caste system, and found another purer path to human evolution.

      Ps. When you take your admix calculations and place them in with the overall actual and final percentage of the whole tribe, you will find the N. Indian admix percentage will end up to be a small fraction indeed. Proof is in the looks of the Sinhalese, who look exactly like Tamils.

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      Dear Liyanage,
      This looks very learned stuff. I’ve googled what you’ve placed at the bottom of your comment, calling it your “source”. Could you not give us a link to a specific URL?
      For instance, you have referred to (Fig. 6). Where is it?

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        Dear Sinhala_Man

        Please refer to page 380 on the link below. I would like to draw your attention to conclusion remarks as well. I never drew any conclusions based on this study. I am looking for a DNA study where it states both Sinhalese and Tamils have the same or similiar Mitochondrial inheritance.


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          You are dealing with rare bits of mitochondrial DNA, and ignoring the huge body of structural DNA that shows that Sinhalese and Tamils are very close in DNA. African all along the coast have mitochondrial DNA with the Scandinavians (as the Vikings raided Africa’s shores). They still remain predominantly Black Africans.

        • 1

          Thanks, Liyanage.
          It is fascinating stuff. I don’t know if I’ll be able to study all that, but I’m glad that I prompted you to give us that reference.
          I hope that given the readiness that you have shown here to provide us with so much explanation, there will be more young people with suitable scientific backgrounds who will look at all that you have said on this page.

  • 1

    You say Rohanaya & Ruhuna are different. So I can understand your knowledge. How about this.
    Mahinda- Mihindu
    Keerthi Sri Megawarna- Kith Siri Mewan
    Agra Bodhi- Agbo
    Aggi Datta- Agidath

    • 1

      Don’t bother about Rohan. He is not worth your time. He is not a Sinhalese. He is trying to twist our legendary history at his whims and fancies which will never work.

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