14 February, 2025


PSD To Take The Fall For Daham’s Misconduct

The Presidential Security Division (PSD) is set to take the fall for Daham Sirisena’s nightclub misconduct.

The Colombo Telegraph has received information that the PSD security personnel, who were removed as part of Daham’s security detail for their alleged involvement in the night club brawl, will shortly surrender to the police, where they will take the blame for the incident and categorically deny the involvement of President Maithripala Sirisena’s son, Daham in the incident.pujith-and-maithri

“The PSD personnel will say that it was they who were behind the attack, because they were agitated due to the high handed manner adopted by the club’s security guard, and Daham had absolutely nothing to do in the attack,” a highly authoritative source said.

“The removal of the security from Daham, was the first step to protect him,” the source added.

The first family and their confidants are currently busy hatching up a covert operation in an effort to protect Daham, who is alleged to have orchestrated the attack on the security guards at the Clique Night Club in Colombo 2 after he and his group were denied entry to the club on Saturday morning.

“The venue manager of Clique has already denied Daham’s involvement in the incident, saying that the VVIP’s son was not present, although the venue manager was not on the ground floor at the time of the incident,” the source said.

Related posts:

Sirisena Brat Led Mob Smashes Night Club And Assaults Staff

Exclusive: CCTV Video Footage Of Daham Sirisena Led Mob Attack On Clique Night Club

Covert Operation To Cover Up Daham Sirisena’s Misdeeds At Clique

Daham Sirisena’s PSD Security Removed

Latest comments

  • 13

    Definitely not agree with this course of action. It seems to be a blatant conspiracy to misguide the Courts and the public. PSD personnel plus A-Daham were equally culpable and transferring the blame to fall guys ( by order from their higher ups or voluntarily) would be a miscarrige of justice. It will stain the President as a party to a dishonest action, so hope it won’t happen that way.

    • 10

      Come on Thrishu, this President has quite some time ago shown that he is definitely not the person portrayed to the public almost two years ago.

      • 3

        You dont have any comparisons from the country right. Consensual politics we never had before man.. if I may remind you. How can you or any others compare today s politics with those of preivous politics where a coalition governed the country but no different to a dictatorship.
        God bless srilanka.

        • 5

          Stop Apologizing for Daham!

        • 7

          bolawathie la dug-in at the square heads paradise,

          “”You dont have any comparisons from the country right. “”

          Plantation workers never had but got a pot of gold called independence- from Truman the disenchanted big/small boy caliber..
          ask any old timer (3 generation) of colombo nagere what Kotalawala and the coconut tree meant.

      • 4

        hey guys, President would not turn out to be an another virulent Rajapakshe no worries.

        • 1

          davalda, uncle Sam? :p

          Can a country move forward with buffaloes like Sam Fernando? :p

          • 2

            Please have it check today itself, there should be WALIGAYA MAKING in you… anatomical changes must be there… you the donkeys… I hate the kind of idiots being the majority of this war torn nation. TOday with ballige putha having visited those radical temples in Batticalo in order to score bonus points since the incumbent leader failed to go there for some reasons. But both presidents were attacked by those monks – pesedo ponnayas behind in SAFRON robes to destroy the srilanken buddhism.
            I hate that bugger Sangaramaya Monk the way he is upto attacking the police and police women, if I had been the policist, I would have taken any fearless derobing the man hidden in the sanga constumes.

            For some he has saved the temple, but that must no means be the licence to exercise vandalism in that part of the world. Those temples are not theirs but common assets of the public. All these and that should be taught to the buggers before long. Then only we can build up a society free from thugs free buddhism in the country.

          • 7

            tin pot hat maxee the moron,
            and your paymaster is primary baddu a humbug totta buffalo.

            say heehaw, heehaw buruvo.

            • 0

              I thought, the worst and most blind ‘chak goyala’ of yahapalanaya is Mr. Sam Fernando. For his inability to see the dumbness of the present govt. Aiyo.. I am wrong. Third class booru mattek is there to beat Sam and take the cap. timbuttu, please wear the cap!

              • 1

                Yes, with Aiyo has been added to Oxford dic by now, you may go on saying it TO PLEASE YOUR PAY masters but we do the same when looking the guys of your nature being cheap and second to Rajakashe funds but totally ignoring the need of the hour – which is to work for peace ,but peace.

                How can any kind Yahapalanaya be practised in a world even animals are being mainpulated by majoratarians of your kind – who re the masses. ::: Please open your eyes you the low life, if not today when ?

                I may bring you some new kind of Punnaku that is for sure free from Monsanto s chemicals.Monsanto chemicals and the import supported by your Athigaru has injected each and every house hold sofar catching innocient Rajarata people. That was all because MR thought to please his men….. you too belong to that category.. please leave us in peace.. you have done all diverse kind of harm to this nation.
                So that is why we need to supply you with new Punnakku turning you a good animal.
                Yours sound to be pathological unfortunately. You seem to have identified you as Buruwek… that fits you for sure.
                I have no time to add anything pro or against to you from this day on. I just ignore the kind of idiots forever. Basta

                • 0

                  Sam, your comments always remind me an old story. Loyal Monkey and the King. Here it goes. There was a loyal monkey to the king. Monkey made sure, even a fly or mosquito would not disturb the king. One day, the king was fast-a-sleep and a fly had come, landed on his face. The loyal monkey took no time kill the fly with a sword. The poor king had to be finally the victim of monkey loyalty.

                  The yahapalana bosses should be aware of their loyal monkeys.

                  • 1

                    not meaningful as always.

                    Good luck and mind your own business.

                  • 0

                    how can I be proactive part of Lanken ON GOING Yahapalanaya to the manner your stupidity descreibed it above ?

                    I have been away from teh country for the last 3 decades and will stay another few decades here being busy with my issues – however, my thoughts are with lankens that are on struggle to achieve peace but peace.

              • 1

                No secret, Yahaplanaya would be supported by anyone with a little brain.

                Today few tinpot men the kind of you, abuse it for your personal gains. That is not to be overlooked.

              • 1

                Oh MAXI Moron, please have you checked sooner than later..

                that cangive us even more peace. you have become a migrane to us all in this platform.

              • 0

                “timbuttu, please wear the cap! “

                Thoppi karraya bamuna parreyana modaya (cap dealer stupid walker)

                you have no brain maxeee,
                A character creates a world that is beyond his control. Civilization and its accelerated evolution- France / 2010 / 14′ / no dialogues
                Production : Autour de Minuit / Sabotage


              • 0

                Max the mutt tin pot trooper,
                “timbuttu, please wear the cap! “

                So it’s the Jackal vsTiger Farts with the all-knowing village broom being entertained by CT

                Merit like yours, Lorenzo, e’en in me.-??
                Then go, assured that mine’s no transient flame,
                But I was formed to prize superior worth,

                now all you keepers of teams(Jackal vsTiger Farts) get your secretary to file your goo filled finger nails.

          • 1

            At the time, the state was so criminal.. not even 2 years ago, you the dogs had nothing to utter, but today…. how come you are so brave ?

            It is all because of Yahapalana steps already taken by the ruling men… Maxi moron, from what you add one behind the other soudnto be very far from teh thoughts of any average healthy ones.That is due to your education. It is your freedom to hang on with the idiots. Also a right from your side.
            But please never be like stand by ULTRA NATIONALISTS like Gonthadipila…. the reptiles that are born to destroy this nation.

            We criticise Wiggie, but not Udaya G and Rajaakshe man Weerawanse why ?Why cant you serve all with the same spoon ? Is it not because your blood is similar to that of Ultra nationalists, or you are just servile to deliver the service to MR people on their pay ? MAXI MORON please wake up

        • 0

          davalda Sam? See, how a country move forward with such buffaloes like Sam F?

          • 2

            Anyways, you guys are the worst than us buffaloes that are on a mode of spreading Jathiwadaya. Your mothers will never be proud of you Maxi moron. Let us all be blessed with peace – being us all srilankens.

            If anyone with a little brain would see it, Mr Sirisena has restored democracy in this country. Today when putting the feet back in there, I feel, there are no such BEESHANAYA waved by Meeharaka Rajakashe. I hate the men of that nature andtheir supporters are all along on the way to brand us the nation as lovers of mother lanka. But they know nothing the manner how they have to love it. Just because his term won the relay race, I woould not give my ones to him for broad day light rapes, even if you MAXI moron would do being entwined with Meeharak others of your nature.

            We should be ashamed of having you guys as part of our population:

            Lets fight for all srilankens not only for you buggers fellow Sinhalayas basta. Greetings from Germany.

            • 0

              Oh greetings from Germany? May be a nazi association had turned you to be what your today.

              Sam, could you please, before hiding under the word “Jathivadaya”, give me a definition of what it is?

              • 1

                This alone proves the knowledge.. nothing more need to be added in this regard. NPD supporters are as tiny as those of a smaller party in today s Germany.Even after reunification of former two countries, toda we see, no such rises of Nazi supporters to be considered as significant, but god punished our country, even today, over 40% of the vote eligible people are tamed by Jathiwadaya led by Meeharaka Rajapakhe et al.

                Come and see how they Nazi s are kept in today s Germany. That can for sure make you aware, can even help us the nation a lot. Else, you guys, that work for Rajakashe idiots, will again do the job according ot them:

                Just not updating your stagnated memories, but to attack Germans of today is a curse. So as it is curseful you guys that see only two colours in general, cant see any others actually. What you guys have been doing is standing on the way of any good moves … we are all the same, regardless of race, religion or whatever other factors.

                Please let alone, today, see it right, can help the masses, you guys, would become rotten fraction of the nation.

                • 0

                  Sam, 3 decades being in Bonn may have freeze your brain (If you have such). Where have I labeled all the Germans as nasty Nazis?

                  It is you that cannot see anything without the preferred political glasses. Hence the first comment, “our prezi will not be like MR” did come from you. What a blind statement that was? I do not think even you can fart without whisper the name MR. Paw aney.

                  (You might now will change your love towards My3, since his latest remarks over GR).

                  Anyways, as I have stated before in a different forum, repeat the same for your benefit. Its simply applies nicely to your Sam F.

                  When asked from Morgan Freeman (not Nelson Mandela) “how are we going to get rid of racism?”, he answered in his god-voice “by not talking about it”. People use racism senselessly and often as a weapon to silence others with different views, therefore has lost its real power. Calling somebody a racist is the easiest way to silence them. If you don’t like what the other person is saying and you know you can’t disprove them with facts, just call him or her a racist, you instantly win the argument. From petty Facebook feuds to parliamentary debates it’s an overly used tactic. While you are at it, you may also add words like sexist, xenophobic, homophobic and Islamophobic. You don’t need to know what they actually mean. Just go for the kill.

              • 1

                Yes, .. if the name Germany is heard…Nazi… TYPICAL SINHALYA that knows nothing but bla bla bla…

                is it right to call srilankens as ” Murderous Rajapakshes country ” ?

                Likewise, today Lybia is not similar to the days of Dictator – Mahinda Rajapakshes friend – Gadafis land… so to name the country after their names right ?


                But Germans have saved your bums at the time tsunami hit the poor country. Rememeber ?

                There are nearly 100k of lankens live in Germany. These countries protected our srilankens during the days of civil war. I think Lanken state should make it very clear … be them Tamils, Muslims or sinahlese are all Srilankens and they had been welcome by Germany and other european folks at the time, war was at its heights.

                There are also few that have extended their stays after their Education at the Unis in Germany.

              • 1

                So long you the men supporting nationalism (similar to that of Hitlors) are no better to him and his supporters.
                Just focus on your UDAYA GONTHADIPILA, BURUWANSE what they insist being on public stages ?So extremists as no others.

                We never thought Udaya with his law degree andfew other brokering experience would turn out to be a man of th ekind he is upto now …. these men are like Polanga found while clearing the grass on a grass land…. what the mower would do it … to destroy the reptile to leave other in peace.. that should be the next step in irradicating the kind of ultra nationalists.

                • 0

                  Maximoron is an another curse to this island.

              • 0

                Logotherapy (Jewish) for Sink_a_lam gandde te,

                “”“Jathivadaya”, give me a definition of what it is? “
                They like you are off track up the gum tree.

                the reality is by concept, comes from your genes 28% Brngali Babu,
                and demala 21% Bengali Babu,

                “Naxalite” or “Naxals” comes from the village named “Naxalbari”
                ‘first duoplural’
                naxa is first dual and second duoplural … Meaning components of the ‘first duoplural’ subject prefix Golla

                එල්ල කොල්ල පොල්ල

                Ella Kolla

          • 6

            Max of the Buffalo Gang/Troop,

            “” See, how a country move forward with such buffaloes like??””

            In examinations, the foolish ask questions the wise cannot answer.
            -Oscar Wilde

            Come now, Giddyap tooper I like to see the last of you.

    • 4

      Thrisu, you too a father of children, any may know how to protoect your kids from any evils.

      Like President too is a father, but I too dont agree with him covering the issue. If he opens up the public that we need to put the son in jail for few weeks to teach him a lession could help all.

      If his son or the sons of any average should be treated with the law and order, that is the chance for President to prove that he is no above law, as had been the case with Meeharaka Rajakashe. This chance, I dont think Mr Sirisena would abuse….

      On the other hand, i was reading somewhere the President son was supposed to leave the country for higher studies, sometimes back – was that not to UK ?

    • 4

      I am reminded how General Hideaki Tojo took the blame safeguarding Emperor Hirohito. PSD MUST TAKE THE BLAME. “Aiyoh!…..”

      Remember the final result of Udatalwinna murder case? Minions who were the army guards sentenced to death the Papa and the sonnas go scot free.

    • 0

      [Edited out]

  • 2

    Looks like Batalanada Ranil wants to protect Daham more than Dad..

    UNP Pujitha I thought didn’t like SLFP blokes that much..

    May be Young Hyphenated Banda who is on his war back to Lanka, must have made Batalanada Ranil wear his thinking hat..

    • 3

      What is the difference between Sirisena family and Rajakashes when you come with banda terms ? Both of them are not from Colombo elite familes.
      Even if Rajakashes are said to be coming from from DA Rajakahse, he had also been not that elite. His offsprings proved that to this date or not ?
      Please Sumana ballah, be avoid adding the kind of terms here. No matter where you come from so long you have pragamtic thoughts as leaders.
      That is what matters in the end of the day.
      Ballige Puthas of your kind are plenty in this country, to drag even to much deepers.

      • 0


        Ass Holes are not in our Sumanasekera clan…Are you from the Poodle Club in Colombo, with a hyphenated name?.

        If it is ,the proficiency of their beautiful Dialect as it was known, has gone to the dogs for sure.

        • 1

          Last night I happeened to watch a discuss telecasted by Derana, one of your supportive senders. There the tamil representative one female minister was that open to say, Rajapakshes though developed the roads in nothern soils, but never thoughtabot the basic needs of the people. People lived with fears like we the down south were subjected. So you dont need any other proof, if you the men lick the balls of Raja further to be aware, Rajakashe did everything wihtout having a plan. Yes may he had a plan to bring their thugs to the north and let them loot Jaffna too. Anyways, it was the srilankens again, sent him home, but the bugger has no sense yet to get it. Why cant the abusive man see it right yet and leave us him going to his retirement rather than fertilizing jathiwadya supporters.
          See alone his actions being telecasted these days are irritating me and the masses that work hard for peace… like he happened to pay a visit to a temple in Madakalapuwa/Batticalo for one single reason, the temple incumbent monks have demolished the name boards of the current president being unable to control their tempers for some pathological reasons. If MR has the basics in head even if he is totally against his former healthminister but today elected president of the nation, he could think twice… these we see as devious agendas to please few fractions that rather promote violence. What has nothe been doing today to be on good books ?

          Travellign across abusing people s funds to Prisoners.
          Travelling acros the country abusing people s fund to visit any rival thought bearers of current govt…. like even far distant countries… uganda.. or belarus…

          Why not the bugger can become a traditional retired president that help only to poor uplifting their life style. Bill clinton other US presidents after their two term services went on doing only ceremonial and welfare affairs only… that healed those nations even better since the elected successive leaders had never been bothered the way, Mr Sirisena has been subjected today.
          There MR has something to say, ” janathawata ona eya scene eke inna eka” … this ballah would never get it as I see it.

  • 3

    DISGRACEFUL Release all the Rajapaksas and leave them alone. Let the STF, Navy, Army etc take the blame for that.

  • 2

    And dont try to stop others from going to night clubs and drinking whatever they like.

  • 2

    Whole truth of Incident must come out soon? That is New change expected from you President by 6.2 million voters of Sri Lankan?

    Address to democratic Rights of People their security of land by President of Sri lanka. The issue is not that personal, is national interest of democracy and law and order of country.

    There is no room for manoeuvring incident by Police ,IGP and Attorney General Department and other Enforcement authorities by hook or crook.





  • 3

    So the poor lackeys take the blame. They did behave like thugs, but I doubt they went berserk because they were not allowed in to the nightclub. Surely the young thug they guard must have either given the order, or was informed of it. Either way, it seems the Sirisena family have found their scapegoats, and shielding their violent son from facing a court of law.

    The off springs of our leaders show a violent side, and this goes for both sides. It must be in their genes.

  • 3

    Continuation of policies used by the filth they ousted?

  • 5

    President Gamarala Maitripala Sirisena,

    RE: PSD To Take The Fall For Daham’s Misconduct

    “The Presidential Security Division (PSD) is set to take the fall for Daham Sirisena’s nightclub misconduct.”

    “The removal of the security from Daham, was the first step to protect him,” the source added.

    Or is to to protect PSD from the Dimwit, Nitwit, Blockhead, Daham Sirisena, your son?

    Do you really think that the Populace of Sri Lanka are as stupid as Daham?

  • 4

    A cover up and a cure. No more people to help Daham in his escapades! My Foot! Knowing the Presidential Prince’s amorous desires many a business person will lend their thug outfit for this hoodlum’s escapades. Result! Off and on we will here something from him. Daham will have to oblige the people in dirty business to use his “Presidential” powers to get business for them, even in the drug business. Daham has been in the business in hotels of North Central Province and other areas.

    One good thing is that the Presidential father is conscious of the situation unlike Jarapassa times. Jarapassa sons were not involved in brawls as such but were out for immorality in youthful style and in to money rackets. Unlike Daham they won the loyalty of their sexual toys. However, the father should realize that had he as a minister made his son to apologise the Police officer’s family in the oriental style after that brawl in the beach then the son would have known at an early age that he has no solace in that type of activity. Now it is too late.

    Everyone in the know is aware that this guy treats women like toys and seeks forceful enjoyment from young lasses. This is why we as elders having grown up daughters feel unsafe. The million dollar question is at this rate will the Presidential Prince turn out to be a murderer and a rapist? Over to you Presidential Papa! Don’t let people say that if you cannot manage your son how can you manage a country.

    • 2

      “” The million dollar question is at this rate will the Presidential Prince turn out to be a murderer and a rapist?”

      Oh so he has plans to imitate Sambhaji the Great.
      Then would it be wise for the Muslims to entertain harami in their harem.

  • 1

    Another yellow robes come and tell he was doing sill in the pansala.


    Night club bouncers start the fight and innocent PSD try to defend themselves.

    Law and order only for books.what a sad state.

  • 4

    God damned liars. You can see how some of the ministers are being used on social media to remind people of Mahinda’s days except that during Mahinda’s dark days NOT one of his sons assaulted people in clubs. Rohitha had a fight on the Rugby field but not one of them invaded clubs. If you recall the Gama-raala’s son assaulted a DIG’s son when he was a powerful minister in the Rajapakse cabinet. This reminds me of the Ratwattes and their cover up after Joel Pera. So Sirisena is learning fast to use patsys and cover up.

    • 0

      Attartuk, let’s not forget Thajudeen, ok.

  • 3

    ” PSD To Take The Fall For Daham’s Misconduct”

    What about ‘Dias’ who was paid to start the fracas?

  • 1

    This action by the president is in par for srilankan politics. We have seen this over and over, but we still vote for animals, who have no morality. It in a way degrading the animals by calling these politicians animals. THIS IS SRILANKA, country of sinhale buddhist where Buddhism has a place of prominence.

    • 0

      umberto gui

      ” but we still vote for animals”

      Unfortunately we do not have a proper human to vote for and all contesters are animals and get elected as our representatives.

  • 3

    “….the PSD security personnel, who were removed as part of Daham’s security detail for their alleged involvement in the night club brawl, will shortly surrender to the police, where they will take the blame for the incident and categorically deny the involvement of President Maithripala Sirisena’s son…”

    THis is too bizarre to even comment.

  • 3

    Has anything changed in Sri Lanka since Jan 2015? Where is the change we voted for?

  • 0

    Why do wee need them and it’s a such an extravagance that the country can’t afford?

  • 2

    If this article is true it wont be a surprise because politicians are politicians irrespective of the party they come from.

    However the new elected IGP is not a politician and is on record saying that he wont bow down to politicians and will implement the law on behalf of the people. What will he do about this?

    • 0


      “What will he do about this?”

      Most likely bow down to politicians!

  • 5

    Covering-up, especially on a story of this sort, which has only personal significance for the actors, will be extremely foolish, and selfish.

    It will also be letting down all those who felt that there was somebody – President Maithripala Sirisena – in whom we could repose faith. Nor is a favour being done to his young son who needs consistent and careful psychiatric treatment.

    It will quite simply disgust people like me; people who hoped that there would be at attempt, at least, to face up to uncomfortable truths. Daham quite simply doesn’t know how to behave in certain situations. No crime was committed when the “little puppy” jumped on to the stage at the Royal-Thomian presentation, but it was highly abnormal behaviour. If nothing else did he not notice that, apart from the cricketers themselves, ALL the others were elderly people who had achieved a great deal? And the clothes worn? This guy just doesn’t understand how his father had gone courageously through a life-time of conducting himself with care and decorum.

    The Presidential Security Division has to be replaced with three or four well-trained people who have served in the mental hospital at Angoda. 24X7X52 hours vigilance will have to be there. And all that funding must come from the family – genuinely.

    The family has a problem, and we sympathise; but they must understand that what is at stake is nothing less than the future of the country. This is undoubtedly very different from what Donald Trump is trying to get excused for in the U.S. But it is on the same lines. Maithri is on trial here!

    And note this difference: Trump will NOT be elected; we have reposed trust in Maithri, and elected him. The “Joint Opposition” will gleefully remind us that we are stuck with this family where some are decent, but where the Head of the family will do just ANYTHING to cover-up for the misdemeanors of the rest.

    Maithri, please have the courage and the honesty to face up to the fact – that your son has to be given institutionalised care.

  • 1

    So it is not the “deplorable Presidential brat” who “directed” the slavish PSD to wreak mayhem at the Night Club. PSD guys are ‘voluntarily confessing’ that it is they who initiated directed and conducted the criminal activity because they were provoked by the arrogance of one security guard.

    For a moment I was hallucinating that this President is somewhat different from the previous when he instructed the psd to be withdrawn as punishment for the ‘wayward’ ways of his ‘son and heir’.

    AIYYO SIRISENA. Ranil is robbing the country through his Royal pals. The polonnaru deplorables are using State resources to give vent to their lust for money sex drugs and alcohol.

    Coming colour no good at all. Wither are you bound Sri Lanka?

  • 1

    The club was packed.. there were people who saw Daham at the club? HE says he wasn’t there at the club at all. Can we have witnesses even anonymous please write into the paper and give accounts that he was there or not? Because I know a lot of people who hang out there, none of them saw him inside or outside during that time. So I am lost and don’t know who to believe.

  • 5

    “”PSD To Take The Fall For Daham’s Misconduct””

    The Mark of the Beast? The Ye_men of Asia from the Villages.
    තට්ට Sobita the Naxalite spawned 3 warlords to
    operate the Naxalite Asian Dream.

    The three humbugs of Buddhism Fame, Wealth Power at any cost was cooed by tangential thinking gutter snake posters.

    Sinha_Le Naxalites have spread their wings overseas like LTTE and ISIS.
    Mao is dead at China but he is smiling in Asia.

    All three ethnics are bracing for a very bright frightful future next year when the cock crows the පිඹුරා pim̆burā would spread its venom. (mahawamse pali version)
    As expected: Even King Solomon the wise one could do nothing about his son but this has only one woman while Solomon had 700 so its unforgivable.
    The mother afraid all the time that the earth may open up and ignored his childhood while papa who bought this son is as rustic and cool as a cucumber because he knows the stupid minority vote belongs to him without asking.

  • 0

    Colombo Telegraph should form a citizens committee for Law and Order to inquire into this matter and expose what really happened….

    If the government covers up…then the cover – uppers will come to power again….

    The same cover – uppers who covered up the Thajudeen murder and the Lasantha Murder and ALL the other murders…..

    Then we will have mardhana palanaya once again…

    • 1

      Which ever palanaya the northern Tamils vote for even when not asked for.

      It would be Great Gawd Budd and Xi you can take it or leave.- their tentacles are all around.

      When the rooster crows late January BBS would be laughing for it won’t need to lift a finger.

  • 1

    “CRY MY BELOVED COUNTRY ” – Alan Paton

    Why do we even bother with all this – nothing has changed and will ever change. Same jungle, just not same animals !

  • 0

    Dear Reporter

    If you know all the details of the incident, please make a complaint at police station. That is your responsibility as a citizen.

    Some media says President’s son was not involved and some says involved. We have to depend on these medias and we are now confused.

    Thanks & regards

    Konara Bandara

    • 1

      Konara B

      As you say I too believe it could be a set up as I I have expressed my doubts elsewhere on the CT.
      No true witnesses have come forward. We see the man with a Red Chequed shirt’s back with hair looked like Daham and the size proportion too similar to Daham’s.
      No actual face of Daham anywhere in the footage!!

      Are they all taken into conspiracy theory to blame the PRESIDENT AND DAHAM???

      The OJ jobless Rowdies are experts on planting or fabricating crime.
      Who is responsible??
      Why the silence Daham???

      Come clean and clear your name if you’re NOT GUILTY.



    • 0

      “please make a complaint at police station. That is your responsibility as a citizen.”

      LOL! And have the PSD make a visit to his place ??? No Thank You !!!

      You must think the reporter is stupid .. or you must truly believe the BS that My3 fed you about “good governance” and “rule of law”

      Wake up Mr Bandara.. Same Play.. only the cctors are different

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      “”We have to depend on these medias and we are now confused. “2

      Bando comes to city again.

      confused because you are addicted How can it be?

      The hatchet man did it right-only a foolish man says it all.

      to know others is intelligence So how can you when you are addicted?
      go back to your village and understand yourself to become truly wise.


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    The Mission of the Sri Lanka Police Force:

    To Aid, Abet and Conceal Crime and Protect the Criminals. Thrash the innocent and the helpless and kill them.

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    ” Naduth hamuduruge Baduth hamuduruge ” Comedy Land.

    We have, I fear, confused power with greatness.

    Stewart Udall

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    The IGP should be ashamed of himself for his big talk about bending the law and lack of action for this criminal act. May be he is still bending the law.

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    If this is true its very unbecoming of Maithree

    true parents cant control their grown up children all the time but HE President can send him to courts to face charges and it will serve as a good lesson for his future and for the country

    PS:On a better note send Daham to stay with the K A Sumanasekera and family for a month and he will turn out fine!

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    Congratulations Mr President !

    Truly a move worthy of your distinguished predecessor !

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      villagers come to city believe in statements. if you think he would go out with out security while all 3 pm,pres cbk passa etc have at least a 100 down from 250. He could have one man who has security and the island is his oyster.

      his main aim is to have idiots like you send him up the gum tree so he may get a noble which his economic media at asean is working on.
      Once he gets that you would enjoy his royal seepage Lic_o_malt.
      poor scum until the sky falls on you because you never seen better.

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    Aiyo Sirisena maamey. Gannako ara Madu Waligey. Gederin hasireema aaramba karanna.

    CBK’s son did not go beating people who throw his weight around neither did her daughter; but dignified classy people.

    Premedasa’s son who is now a Minister did not go around beating people. Premedasa’s daughter did not go beating people but her husband stole stuff from President’s house and sold them in Auctions in England.

    JR’s son and 3 Grandsons did not go around beating people in clubs. DB if he had children were not heard of.

    Sirimavo’s 3 children did not go beating up people. Anura had an alcohol problem but he was not a Daham. Sirimavo’s brothers’ and sister’s and their children did not go around beating people.

    Ranil’s brother Shan threw his weight around with the US Embassy to get Visas for people but his other brother was a simple unassuming man.

    Aiyo Government; mey cover ups gihilla kiyapung Konde Bandapu cheenunta. PSD at random goes Clubbing? Why does the PSD go clubbing? Who were they guarding? Liars and cocksuckers from Pujitha Downwards. And the Social media kings of the UNP are raising issues to cover this up.

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