17 February, 2025


Rajapaksas Know We Are Stupid

By Suranimala Umagiliya

Easter Sunday massacre is perhaps the biggest setback Sri Lankans have had to face in the last ten years. How barbaric can a human being be to bomb people at prayer? The attacks were coordinated but the responses by an inept government and stalking opposition were not. The politicians have reached a new low and so has been the debate by a foolish, slavish majority. It is widely known that Sri Lankans have given a new meaning to “literacy levels”.

They imagine that they are highly literate (not intelligent or wise) and mistake it for wisdom and high capacity of thought. Stuff and nonsense. One has only to scroll down articles in social media to the comments section and all of them descend to support the Rajapaksa clan and or Wickremesinghe or castigating one or the other. That is the sum total of our literate debate.

The dastardly act is done. Families have been dismembered. The impact on the surviving members will be felt once the dust settles. Sri Lanka has to think positive. The narrative must move from tragedy to a positive mode to bring normalcy and get the economy back on track. People have shown that they wish to forge a single identity and recognise the diversity of race and religion. There is no time to vacillate. The empathy of the international community will last until the next catastrophe elsewhere.

What is shocking is that the Rajapaksa clan have not changed their style nor lost any shame in the face of this national tragedy. Mahinda ran to the scene of the crime to score some brownie points. It did not take long for Gotabaya and Mahinda to blame the government for not taking action on intelligence reports received prior to attacks. That is a valid charge. But they did not stop at that. They went on to say,

a) The present government imprisoned Army Intelligence Officers,

b) Gotabaya reasserted that he will run for President and crack down on Islamic terrorism.

How naive or how smart are they? The answer to that remains as to how intelligent or stupid Sri Lankans are.

The Intelligence Group who are imprisoned are held on charges of murder, rape, abduction and other offences. They have been committed to remand by a Judge and not a political party. That too for carrying out orders of, well you know who.

If this Intelligence Group was not in prison, the Rajapaksa’s allude that the suicide bombings would not have taken place. They would have acted upon the intel reports. Whoa!!!

How was it that the very same Intelligence Groups who are now in remand but very much active during Gotabaya’s reign as Secretary to the Ministry of Defence did not even get the intel that the LTTE was going to bomb him at Colpetty? Huh?

During the multi-religious meeting with President Sirisena, the Chief Mufti informs Maithripala Sirisena that as far back as 2014 he met Gotabaya, who was the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence and warned him about this same radical Muslim group but he did nothing more than pass it on to his Army Intelligence team who in turn turned a blind eye. ( See date on the document)

If that is not proof enough watch the video.

Let us sympathise with the families that lost members and do what is necessary to compensate them. Let us lend support to the injured and pray for their recovery. Let us stand together as one nation accepting the diversity of race and religion. But most of all respecting our fellow human beings. Once that is done, let us not vote for this bunch.

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  • 15

    The Constitution of Sri Lanka say “In the Republic of Sri Lanka sovereignty is in the People and is inalienable.”
    I hear some say people in Sri Lanka are above the Parliament because Parliament consist of representatives elected by people. But look what has happened to people in this country. If an independent survey is conducted in this country at this moment I am pretty sure two third of the people will reject this Government but they cannot get rid of the Government because some of their representatives want to keep this Government so that they can get pensions to themselves and some of their family members. What people want is immaterial to their representatives. What is more important is their Pension. So who is above the people in this country.
    Long Live Democracy!

    • 39

      Why the national Daily Newspapers and the national TV channels do not publish or give publicity to the fact that the former Defence Secretary was informed about this extreme Muslim Organisation back in March 2014?

      We do not have to be supporters of the Rajapakshes’ Group, Sirisena Group, or the UNP Group. The national media outlets have a DUTY to report the facts, so the Srilankan people can make an informed decision during elections.

      It is a shame that certain national media outlets have become “pawns” in the game of power politics to cover up the TRUTH from the general public.

      • 28

        President Sirisena’s craving for a second term is the cause of these preventable deaths and destruction. The Rajapakses and their October putsch was an integral part of it.

        Now all the people have forgotten the putsch. It’s not only Prabakaran that takes/took advantage of Lankan’s short two-week-memory!

        Of all the crooks vying for power in Lanka under one pretext or another Mahinda and the Rajapakses are the most accomplished crooks sans any pseudo morals/ethics and that puts them at a great advantage. They are just unashamed unabashed crooks. Other pols foolishly try to mix a bit of morals/ethics/goodness into their con-jobs.

        Basil is already planing for a referendum once back in power to entrench the clan’s longevity. Get ready for a family dynasty longer than North Korea’s.

        Fools and their freedom will be soon parted.

        People get what they wish!

        Couldn’t have happened to a nicer lot. :)))

        • 6

          My Dear Mr Nimal Fernando,
          I cant agree with you more sir !
          You articulate it as no others. It is the reason for all these preventable human losses.
          Yet today, President Sirisena has not made a public apology not to have taken precautionary actions against any life threatening incidents that were warned by country’s intelligence long before his trips made to THIRUPATH and SINGAPORE:
          Let s question PRESIDENT of srilanka as to why
          1) KNOWING the background of former DEFENCE secretary, Hemasiri Fernando, president did not given damn to appoint ” ACTIING MINISTERS” for Ministries of Defence and Law/Order in his absence ?
          2) Where on earth Leaders behaved so irresponsible irrespective pre-warnings about such possible attacks that could cause numbers of human losses ?
          3) What has President Learnt from his foerign trips, spending millions that he he has been wasting over the months?.
          4) And even if he could return home MUCH earlier, why Mr President stayed until midnight to leave Singapore (probably, wellness and sex massage clinics)for home ? We have whole lot information, he could as a head of state return home much earlier. There had been flights to arrive at 3 p.m and 9 p.m
          5)What communications he held with LANKEN leaders of three forces, at the time PM in the absence of Prez, call the for an immediate meeting ? Very unfortunately, heads of three forces had deniced to come to PM s office, then Mr PM had himself visited them accordingly
          6)Why local Press seems to be SILENT on this ALARMING questions ? WHERE ON EARTH THE PRESS STAY THAT OBSEQUEOUS while all the signs are there that President had deliberately let it go, not saving their own nation. National security had been given no such priority, to the very same manner he did all these during last October coup:
          As to why ENTIRE folks stay mum, albeit stupidity of PRESIDENT sirisena is this much clear.

        • 2

          The latest drought is also caused by Rajapaksa clan.

          • 3

            Please dont ridicule it out… we perfectly know that Rajaakshe control lanken press.
            If you are not mentally retarded person, you should all have gotten them easily.
            This is not a joke, BP Rajapakshe are to be blamed for rise of lanken muslim extremism: Nobody else. And SIRISENA should be escoriated for not having taken the steps that he had to have done as the head of state.

      • 4

        A government cannot go and ban a Muslim organisation just because someone else called it extremist. If Gotabaya or then government had done that, I am pretty sure those who are commenting here would be the first to criticise that move. Gotabaya clearly said when they got reports they had started monitoring the org and the members. Back in 2014 they were not violent. The tendency to violence started way back in 2017. Once Umagiliya’s government came to power, they weakened the intelligence and removed the monitoring system of Islamists.

      • 2

        Rajapaksas were kicked out in Jan 2015. Pointless trying to hang this on Rajapaksa’s neck, the dismantle of security apparatus by half man Ranil and scarecrow MS caused many issues.

    • 17

      People sure have the right to get on the streets and protest to bring the Government down on the knees like what they just did in Sudan.

      • 3

        The Sri Lankan people, specially the rural population will never come out to protest until they run out of cassava and sweet potato. Who governs the country is secondary to them. This is another way to assess their IQ

      • 1

        What Government?

    • 3

      Sri lanka never had democracy it is a dictatorship . At early years, Sananayekes had been good. That is the is the reason sri lanka some good government system. But a dictator can come come to power and create all chaos because the system do not have any tool to remove a dictator when people want.
      Other countries have monarchy with military power to remove elected government or leadership .
      In western countries usually peoples ‘ combination with force them out or they quit.

      And in sri lanka case, all their leaders are non sinhala Buddhists. The are produced by foreign agent and sinhala modayas section of Buddhist majority.

      • 2

        Democracy has the necessary seeds and the fertilisers in it to enable unscrupulous politicians who use it to become dictators.
        The 1972 Sri Lankan Constitution laid the foundation and President JRJ built the edifice, the rest is history as people now experience.
        There is no light or salvation at the end of the tunnel for them until they are prepared dig themselves out from the chains of religious and racial obscurantism that dictatorial politicians like the Wickremesinghes and Rajapakses use to hold them back.

    • 6

      eagle eye
      Are you Mad.
      what has your comment got to do with the article?
      in your old age insanity has taken over i think.
      please take your pills and go to bed.

  • 2

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  • 2

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  • 13

    In an interview to ADA derana Prof Rohan Gunawardene said that It is easy to catch and control culprits. But to eradicate terrorism need to cut down the supply pipeline. That is to find and stop who saw the seeds of extremism.
    Separating communities, different rules for different communities, discrimination, even special treatment for particular sector and so on are the seeds.
    It is very in doubts that these politicians will able to follow his advice!.
    After all, still majority government is not willing to find a solution root cause for so called Tamil ‘Terrorism’.

    • 14

      Truthhurts it is irnoc indedd that you quote Prof Rohan Gunawardene with your profile name Truthhurts .

      Prof Rohan Gunawardene is a fake professor
      He made loads of money writing crap about Tamil Tigers


      • 1

        I agree,
        Once in a while these professors spit the truth unknowingly!

  • 19


  • 1

    It has become a fashion for some stupid VIP or VVIP to sit as the head of the table and preach public officials bana, as if they are all stupids. Photo is taken and published in the media to show the stupid head’s importance. MR is not teaching how to copy at an examination, PM is not teaching why he lost elections or MS is not teaching what means stupidity, but pose as if possessing professionals. Are they the owners of SL? When will our people stop eating grass.

  • 0

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  • 16

    Interesting comments and observations, but are the people ready to make changes?
    We should stand up to these thugs and get them out – put them in jail
    Like the Sudanese people, they have had enough of their corrupt politicians . So its time to take a stand

  • 2

    Mark S: “Well said”!!!!

  • 9

    An “article” from an opportunist. At this time, we need to get together and find a solution….not this. The previous govt and the present govt all are responsible for this debacle. They cuddled and nurtured anyone who had a significant voter base and joined hands to win elections. Unfortunately, both parties are selfish, and think only about themselves, and not about the well-being of the country. Badurdeen is obviously connected to the murderers, but the govt is turning a blind eye. Badurdeen’s brother was arrested and released within minutes. Yes, ALL these opportunistic politicians know Sri Lankans are foolish :(

  • 13

    Even in a crisis situation, the blame-game goes on and in all probability continue to do so keeping the forthcoming elections as the date of expiry.
    There are parallel Governments in the country.
    ……..Sirisena Govt:
    —–MaRa Govt:
    ……..Ranil Govt: [ Rather Impotent though since Oct:2018]
    ………Hisbullah, Assath Salley, Rishard Badiuddin Govt:[ East, West,and North]
    They all travel in different directions towards the finishing point somewhere in Early 2020-ELECTIONS!

    The ISIS will continue to flourish in this Multi-Govt: system, unless we get our act together.It would be an uphill task though!

  • 14

    When the voter compares and contrasts RW & MR actually MR sure appears more credible. At the last General Election Rallies RW never kept to his promises he made to the public. He said he would scrap Colombo and Hambantota Port Projects. At least he could have renegotiated with China the corrupt deals of the Rajapakshe Government like Dr. Mahathier of Malaysia did. Within the first 100 days RW assured Rajapakshe victory almost, by the CBSL Bond Scam instead of securing a comfortable majority in Parliament. It makes very difficult for the uninformed voter to make up his mind. I wholeheartedly voted for the Yahapalanaya. Now looking back I think what a fool I was.

  • 26

    Rajapakse’s always focus on power. They will do whatever they can come into power. When LTTE was a big threat they begged USA, India and China to get full support and they made promises over promises. Once LTTE was defeated he cheated all who supported him including India, US, UN and even the Military commander. He begged Muslim MPs to get two third majority to bring 18th amendment to continue the power. He got astrolger advice and went to election and lost it. They introduced BBS to create violence against Muslims. They cheated Sirisena by promising President post and made Srisena to violate the constitution to become PM. The political coup also failed. Why cannot they wouldn’t have joined to plan this brutal attack on Christian community? They did it or not but they are capable!

  • 5

    “How barbaric can a human being be to bomb people at prayer?”

    ISIS have burned, drowned, crucified, and thrown people off the top of roofs. They have sold Yazidi women like cattle in the open marketplace. These are not people you can negotiate with; the level of brainwashing is total. That is why it is an urgent matter for the government to deal with this threat fully and completely. Sirisena government CANNOT do the job, you need experienced people who are familiar with terrorism. People who know what resources to deploy, how to conduct surveillance, how to share intel with foreign agencies, how to interrogate suspects, etc. The Rajapakses are the best candidates for this job.

  • 5


    When faced with the Crocodile tears of the Muslim scoundrel, act like a blind man.
    When hearing the sweet talk of the Muslim scoundrel, act like a deaf man.

    The conniving tactic of the Muslim scoundrel is so immense that there is no other way not to be fooled by the Hollywood worthy performance of the Muslim scoundrel.

    • 8

      Such racial comments must not only be discouraged, they should be banned. Our upbringing and education does not allow us to express what we feel about Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera in public, except that he helps add to the theory that in addition to its many other short-comings, Sri Lanka is a full blown racist country.

      By the way, I am a sri lankan, a sinhalese and a buddhist.

      • 2

        Yesh yesh yesh……Ban everything EXCEPT the NTJ, ISIS and SLTJ.

  • 2

    Mr. Moderator, we would really like to see what “JD” is saying. All his comments are moderated.

  • 15

    All educated Sri Lankans who has something called a BRAIN is fully aware of the plot by Mara , the Gotler and his a group of thieves.Unfortunately the boot lickers in our society are with them promoting hate to get Gotler selected as president.

  • 4

    True! Rajapaksas know we are stupid.
    Who in right mind would elect the current regime.
    This writer concludes saying “…..let us not vote for this bunch.”
    Do you have an Alternate Leadership that we can vote.
    What you asking is to vote for an unknown bunch and destabilize the country further as a result.
    It is a blessing someone is stepping up to the task so people have a choice to vote.

  • 2

    There are many loud noises and questions from all kind of media world. Some even was shouting to arrest Rishard, Hezbollah, Asath Salley….. Appe Aanduwa has eaten Judas’ Appa, but not Modaya down to bite the hand feeds you. That will not happen. No point of discussing those questions here many of you might have read much more than me. But I like to bring only one question, from Suresh. He is asking if the government had waited not taking any action after so many people had warned because to divert the UNHRC’s and World’ attention from implementing the obligation of the Resolution.

    “Uusi Pauna Idam Theriyum Ulakkai Pauna Idam Theriyathu.” When a woman asked if can find the lost Grinding Motor’s wooden rod, she couldn’t; but she readily found all the lost puny needles. Rupee Exchange is fluctuating between Rs175-Rs185 per dollar. GDP growth is 2.3%; Appe Aanduwa defense budget is 10% of GDP in peace time; 250,000 Rapist Solders strong military; Police, Navy, Airforce extra; In Mullaithivu tropes are 2:1 Ratio with the widowed women. Though Yahapalanaya Aanduwa had it all, because there is no Law in Lankawe to arrest bomb yielding persons who are from ISIS, Ranil had arrested 30 ex- Tamil rebels for shooting two policemen. The rebels were struggling to take their case to Colombo Diplomats. One of the men’s wife sat for fasting until death with her five children. She threatened to commit suicide with her children if their father was not released. She didn’t get Lemon Puff. But Rapist Army threatened backs her to arrest separating from children and put in prison. That is how the case of ISIS shooting of two police men ended. Bloody Buddha said to be waiting for another 2500 years to come and witness these cruelties. In 1965-1969 Dudley’s government was working on five year plans. Mahavali 30 year plan was one of that.

  • 1

    If Dudley was success, even if could not beat Singapore, now Lankawe might be standing right behind Singapore. If Dudley came back in 1970, he had to be removed by force, for Sirimavo. Otherwise it would have ended Solomon West’s legacy with 1965 election. It is for that purpose Sirimavo was preparing JVP. But unfortunately Modayas voted to Sirimavo and made Wijeya Veera redundant. We all do know what after that. The lesson here is the first bomb out of bombs Sirimavo carried in her hand to throw on UNP blasted on her hand. Because Sirimavo’s team did know about JVP’s internal structure, they smashed it and saved her.

    Ranil conducted the LG election to teach a lesson to UNHRC’s HC who was preparing his Oral report. That too blasted on his hand and UNP lost all credibility from Sinhala Buddhist and Coup was conceived.
    It was very convincing for everybody that Aanduwa had a hand in the policemen Murder. Same way, it was very convincing for everybody that the October Coup was only a threat to UNHRC.

    They kept ready the ISIS to Balance with UNHRC in March, in case if they were referred to ICC. But UNHRC went unexpectedly success for Aanduwa. So they had no way but to sit watch the bomb, ISIS, blast on their hand.

  • 4

    Election campaigning has already started before the dust settles down over the recent massacre which killed over 300 people by the local terrorists in Sri Lanka. Intelligence officials in America, Europe, Canada and India are busy gathering information as to who were behind the operation and how it was handled with precision and where the lapses occurred but our politicians, shed crocodile tears for the first couple of days as the dead were Christian Tamils, an insignificant minority in Sri Lanka and immediately started on the blame game, keeping the Presidential crown in mind, so early. They can fool some, some days but not all at all times. as the intelligence officials of Sri Lanka had the information of
    an imminent attack on churches on Easter Sunday, do I take it as they did not share the information
    with the opposition party leaders. They would have certainly done it in view of President and his team
    not paying any attention to credible intelligence report came from India .Whom are they trying to fool ?
    Not all.

  • 7

    Gotatbaya telling that he will contest is fishing in troubled waters. He cannot still legally contest being an alien. Its like Obama telling that he will contest in Srilanka. Of course he can apply for citizenship..

    • 3

      I suggest you listen to the discussion Dilka had with Gotabhaya Rajapakse in 360 degrees program in TV Derana where Gotabhaya explained the truth about this statement. As usual the journalist has distorted what he has told. He said he is no longer a citizen of USA and 99% of the process is over. We know very well that members of ‘Koti Diaspora’ and TNA do not like Gotabhaya coming as a candidate for the next Presidential election but a large majority of people in this country want him. You guys want spineless Don Juan Dharmapala (reincarnated). We do not care what you guys want or think.

      • 1

        Eagle Eye.

        No brain only brawn. Any one can rule with a gun.
        You have not understood why MR was kicked out. More due to Gota’s work.

      • 2

        Sorry to disappoinThe case against Gota for Lasantha’s murder has been taken up by the US courts, and he has been formally served papers. This means, that until that court case is resolved, he cannot give up his US citizenship. And therefore cannot contest the SL presidency.

  • 4

    There are so many capable and educated Sri lankans.Why are they shying away from politics?Get a new party ,young people.I am positive Sri lanka will blossom if the young make up their minds.

  • 5

    Its shocking to see that the people ,especially the Muslim Community is living in denial .

    They just do not want to accept the fact that humans are biologically animals .

    Once upon a time in South Africa Dogs were trained (programmed ) to hate blacks
    (Please don’t read me literally ,I don’t mean to call anyone dogs)
    And any ideology can be twisted ,not just religion .

    Man’s mind can be easily programmed.

    That is is how hate is created, the most powerful tool is a mind programmed with hate using religion and racism.

    Right now Muslims alone can not change the sad situation, Muslims need a lot of encouragement from their fellow Sri Lankans from.other races and faith, it was shocking to see politicians and political parties who never ever indulged in hate politics have in the last few days taken full advantage of the sad incident with no respect to the Victims and their family and are all very vocal in further directly or indirectly demonizing the entire Community all for their political goals.

    Only politicians and crooked businessesman will thrive henceforth and The innocent Muslims who just want to practice their religion and live in peace with their families are the ones who will face lot of issues, the emergency law will cause lot of damage .

    Muslims must prepare for this, either they compromise whatever they can from the newly adopted cultures that sparks hate ,suspicion and makes them easy targets and keep their faith strong, life is going to be very hard.

    Nothing is going to go away so fast ,please accept reality.

    Muslims must not let even an atom of extremism to spread .

  • 2

    Of course these guys know we sri lankans are absolute modayas. What is the doubt about that? This attack was god sent for them. This is why many suspected as to what the underlying motive of the attack? Oh god, we escaped from Moda MY3 and his goons, then Islamic Attack and now once again Tsunami MR and gang and round round the mulberry bush.

  • 2

    The best talk show I watched on Derana where Chatura interviewed Dr Collonne a visiting lecturer at KDU a former defense analyst whose profound knowledge took me back to the time I was mesmerized by ShirlockHolmes and his scientific deductions
    For this gentleman has very rightly analysed many events in previous years
    Including Attempt on Gotabayz by LTTE

    But what I found most comforting was the final analysis he gave for 2020 in which he says the SriLankan voter will opt to vote for a candidate who is not affiliated to any known party and s person who will address the hearts and minds of the masses

    It is interesting indeed since there exists a vacuum for a charismatic leader since all existing leaders have shown that they have their own agendas other than serving the masses who vote for them


  • 2

    It is not that Rajapaksa knows that we are stupid. We are plain stupid. We concentrated on ensuring that the LTTE did not surface and forgot about the possibility of Wahabist terrorism. We turned a blind eye to the Muslims with their mad-arasas, their women covered to the hilt, the Arab money flowing in, fundamentalist preachers wanting a caliphate, the building of an Islamic university to promote Shariah laws, planting of date trees in the eastern province to make it look like Arabia and the appointment of a fundamentalist as governor so that Sillysena could have muslims on his side. We have now paid a price for our stupidity. It is time to wake up. A lot of people are beginning to think that a stint of Gota will do the trick. He will just burn Katankuddy down killing innocent people. Let us not forget that not all Muslims were affected though they remained silent while all this took place. That is a problem. But, this has to be done in a way that respects rights of people. Gota is not the man. He has sharks to feed.Sillysena is incompetent. Ranil is too weak. Who then?

  • 1

    now the trio -rishard, hisballa and sally can say various things after the debacle. some of them are heart to heart with the extremists. hisballa once talked about bloodbath in the east. without any arms and fighters hewould not have said. this must be investigated. shame, now he is a GOVERNOR. very great insult to the position of governor. MY3could not get any other person from muslims.

  • 1

    It is true. Why else would you defeat the only govt in Sri Lanka that ever did anything (end the war , develop the country ) and appoints this bunch of fools?

  • 1

    For Analyst.

    All foreigners who came to Sri lanka help local crooks & criminal to steal as much as they can as part of trick to promote their families stay in power. Foreigners specially came with British or promoted by British brought Sri lanka to be the lowest of lower in the world. Analyst, Who ran dictatorship in 70s? Who went to UN and betrayed our country?. Who brought war crime charges and arrested our soldiers? is it me?

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