15 January, 2025


Rajapaksas Know We Are Stupid

By Suranimala Umagiliya

Easter Sunday massacre is perhaps the biggest setback Sri Lankans have had to face in the last ten years. How barbaric can a human being be to bomb people at prayer? The attacks were coordinated but the responses by an inept government and stalking opposition were not. The politicians have reached a new low and so has been the debate by a foolish, slavish majority. It is widely known that Sri Lankans have given a new meaning to “literacy levels”.

They imagine that they are highly literate (not intelligent or wise) and mistake it for wisdom and high capacity of thought. Stuff and nonsense. One has only to scroll down articles in social media to the comments section and all of them descend to support the Rajapaksa clan and or Wickremesinghe or castigating one or the other. That is the sum total of our literate debate.

The dastardly act is done. Families have been dismembered. The impact on the surviving members will be felt once the dust settles. Sri Lanka has to think positive. The narrative must move from tragedy to a positive mode to bring normalcy and get the economy back on track. People have shown that they wish to forge a single identity and recognise the diversity of race and religion. There is no time to vacillate. The empathy of the international community will last until the next catastrophe elsewhere.

What is shocking is that the Rajapaksa clan have not changed their style nor lost any shame in the face of this national tragedy. Mahinda ran to the scene of the crime to score some brownie points. It did not take long for Gotabaya and Mahinda to blame the government for not taking action on intelligence reports received prior to attacks. That is a valid charge. But they did not stop at that. They went on to say,

a) The present government imprisoned Army Intelligence Officers,

b) Gotabaya reasserted that he will run for President and crack down on Islamic terrorism.

How naive or how smart are they? The answer to that remains as to how intelligent or stupid Sri Lankans are.

The Intelligence Group who are imprisoned are held on charges of murder, rape, abduction and other offences. They have been committed to remand by a Judge and not a political party. That too for carrying out orders of, well you know who.

If this Intelligence Group was not in prison, the Rajapaksa’s allude that the suicide bombings would not have taken place. They would have acted upon the intel reports. Whoa!!!

How was it that the very same Intelligence Groups who are now in remand but very much active during Gotabaya’s reign as Secretary to the Ministry of Defence did not even get the intel that the LTTE was going to bomb him at Colpetty? Huh?

During the multi-religious meeting with President Sirisena, the Chief Mufti informs Maithripala Sirisena that as far back as 2014 he met Gotabaya, who was the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence and warned him about this same radical Muslim group but he did nothing more than pass it on to his Army Intelligence team who in turn turned a blind eye. ( See date on the document)

If that is not proof enough watch the video.

Let us sympathise with the families that lost members and do what is necessary to compensate them. Let us lend support to the injured and pray for their recovery. Let us stand together as one nation accepting the diversity of race and religion. But most of all respecting our fellow human beings. Once that is done, let us not vote for this bunch.

Latest comments

  • 16

    We now know this attack was planned, funded and executed from overseas, using the local radicalised ” canon fodder”.
    Important question – how did the explosive enter the Island. This is not ex-LTTE material. My guess, it was smuggled in from India.
    We now realise ,we have a totally incompetent group of Leaders on both sides of Parliament. All power hungry, corrupt, uneducated bunch of thugs.
    MS, RW and MR, please go. Please seek asylum in China, Russia, US or even the South Pole.
    But please GO

    • 2

      they will not go! who they want to go is genuine Sinhala Buddhists. except MS, others have feelings which is naturel facts given their family back ground. that is the reason that I said they have all qualification what Tigers are looking for.

      By the way. what happened in Colombo and east have ‘Silver lining in the dark clouds.” it is happened in the best interest of Sinhala Buddhists. And whoever intelligent did it should be welcome by Sinhala Buddhists and those persecuted soldiers because Sinhala Buddhist do not such capable agency to do a such covert operation to depend Sinhala Buddhist by false Buddhist or Sinhalese within Sri lanka.
      furthermore, whatever happened, it is morally right according to the law of CIA, Israel, British, and Indian. They all do this kind of covert operation if the were helpless Sinhala Buddhists. My point is correct. Look how India defend. Look How Israel defend. Look how USA defend. Look how British defend. and Look how Russia Defend.
      Finally, it is time to make deals or welcome any intelligent agency who can help Sinhala Buddhists get rid of those “three families out of SRi lanka to anywhere they like to go, UK, China Russia just for examples. This is civilised way. ANd go back to 1815 and bring back those real Sinhalese like Kepetipolas.

  • 21

    “Rajapaksas know we’re stupid”
    So do many Sri Lankans now. They know they were cheated with lies and told by writers like you and anti-SL websites and NGOs to vote for this stupid government.

    • 11

      Had Rajapakshes been that CLEVER, no 6.2 mio of voters would get together to marginalise them in last election.
      Of course, sinhala people – that have been manipulated for such a long time by their favourite TV channels would not want to see it large picture. They may feel the one whose adminsitration earned the respect for elemination of LTTER terror – the last phase of CIVIL war – should be the licence to allow Rajapakshes to any kind of post war crimes and legalize them as seen until 2015.
      Lanken rural mind set would not be changed easily, even if FACTs and FIGUREs would have been shown before htem. That is similar to even DEGREE HOLDERs to go after ASTROLOGY and SORCERY TRICKS not thinking twice about what they are going to do. That is the part of the culture in sinhala community. They dont give a damn about to go LOGICs but to be obsequeous to some men that control the society- is their nature.

      Rajapakshes ‘blame game’ and efforts to gain cheap political mileage out of the current situation should stop immediately.

      • 3

        Best thing is to bring original ancient monarchy. Then those villiage idiots” votes is not count.

    • 4

      Suranimala Umagiliya

      RE: Rajapaksas Know We Are Stupid


      “During the multi-religious meeting with President Sirisena, the Chief Mufti informs Maithripala Sirisena that as far back as 2014 he met Gotabaya, who was the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence and warned him about this same radical Muslim group but he did nothing more than pass it on to his Army Intelligence team who in turn turned a blind eye. ( See date on the document)”

      Yes, Rajapaksas Know We Are Stupid, mean IQ 79. That is why they did nothing. It won’t make a big difference to stupid people, one way or another, but unfortunately many innocents will die, but they are collateral damage for the Rajapaksas.

      National IQ Scores – Country Rankings


      The intelligence scores came from work carried out earlier this decade by Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish political scientist, who analysed IQ studies from 113 countries, and from subsequent work by Jelte Wicherts, a Dutch psychologist.

      Countries are ranked highest to lowest national IQ score.

      Singapore 108
      Japan 106
      S Korea 105
      Italy 102

      Sri Lanka 79

    • 5

      Well said. Fake media and bias reporting like this damage Srilanka. If Mahinda did not visit, same writer could have written that Mahinda is heartless. These are westerns boot lickers. Ordinary people know what they do, this guy have to wait for an election.

    • 2

      “Rajapaksas know we’re stupid”

      Suranimala, please speak for yourself in singular!! don’t talk about we when exhibit your stupidity

  • 14

    Suranimala himself is bankrupt with a one sided argument.
    Rajapakshe bashing makes him excellent journalists? I can do that……..
    What he has said is common knowledge.

    What is the real news at present times?
    Were the London demos hired people?
    Look at the larger picture……. This article is for the VULTURES who are lurking but what is at stake is that the Country under siege & Explosive detection at Jaic Hilton let off the hook.
    Will they order the Canine who detected to be put down next.
    Suranimala on pot.

    • 8

      Suranimala is Not on the pot. It is you who is on the pot.
      You have been sucking the back side of gota, to do that one has to be on the pot.

  • 18

    Gamarala and Mr Bean should retire now.

  • 3

    Religion and politics are supposedly practiced with a purpose, which was for years until millennium, where globally things started changing more towards radicalization, extremism and intolerance.This transformation took place because of political influence on religions.When politicians lost their purpose and cause the religion too changed for the worse. In Lanka our politicians being calculative and cunning identified and started exploiting from the time of independence. Where as in other countries, people do object or question irrationality, Lankans have been happy to be in silence or to be in denial and worse to enable this crooks. Practices and beliefs which were followed for many years by many generations suddenly were labelled as sins. Restrictions and mandates were pretty much forcibly shoved upon followers. Most of them are not even mentioned in respective holy scriptures. People who insist are the worst hypocrites who them self do not believe or practice. End result is non violent communities have been gradually transformed to violence. As I said politics now combined with religion has been turned to WMD. You can take care of nuclear arms, environment and the rest which are vital but as long this menace is out there countries will be destroyed.

  • 23

    What is shocking is that the Rajapaksa clan have not changed their style nor lost any shame in the face of this national tragedy. Mahinda ran to the scene of the crime to score some brownie points. It did not take long for Gotabaya and Mahinda to blame the government for not taking action on intelligence reports received prior to attacks. That is a valid charge. But they did not stop at that. They went on to say,

    **** Why would they change their style. They stand to gain the most. But we have entered a new phase and even Bagdadi has come out of recluse and spoke about Sri Lanka and that is an omious sign that Sri Lankans are in immortal danger. Make no mistake. Gotha talks about eradicating radicalisation but does he know that he redaicalised BBS to attack Mosques which caused the Muslim community to fight back and internationalise the struggle. In my view only a Moderate politician can contain this danger. MR & Gotha wll spell dissaster.

    • 1

      What disaster that colombo wil be taken over by tamil and others. “Another province” and goes on like that

      • 5

        Learn to write properly first, then you might sound half as stupid as you do now.

  • 5

    It is not MR. It is people of SL are waiting fpr the elections to get rid of your lovely president, and government.

  • 11

    ‘The Daily Mirror’ 29 April 2019 carried “MR meets former defence heads” shows MR & GR ‘conferencing’ with Former Commanders- Admiral (rtd) Wasantha Karannagoda, Air Marshal (Rtd) Roshan Goonethilake, Air Marshal (Rtd) Mohan Wijewickreme, General (rtd) G.A. Chandrasiri, General (rtd) Jagath Jayasuriya, Admiral(rtd) Jayanath Colombage, General (rtd) Daya Ratnayake.
    The message is : We have the muscles.
    But is this the time to make political capital off a tragic event?
    Remember how MR’s mind worked just after the 2004 X’mas Day Tsunami!

  • 16

    While we can never ever get over the sadness of the tragic loss of lives .
    I must offer credits and deep appreciation starting from Most Revered His Emminense (who have won the hearts of everyone especially the common Muslim man) Cardinal Malcom and of cause the entire Catholic community who stood by his command as immovable rock , that is indeed spiritual leadership and spiritual discipline . And though it is regrettable that the government and the intelligence may have failed in the duty pre attack , however the immediate blocking of social.platforms by the president and jointly the PM.and the government with our forces and interligence really did a great job on post attack and cracking down the criminals ,they have really done a fantastic job , what is to be saluted is The entire concerned custodians beginning from.the (Rev)Archbishop, other religous leaders ,HE The President ,Hon.PM, & other Hon MPs and our totally dedicated security forces were able to crackdown the threat without a racial riot , this is a victory for the whole nation .
    May God protect Sri Lanka .

  • 5

    We are stupid. Look at the IQ scores.

    Everyone blames the other ‘party’ and the culprits get away.

  • 4

    CIA deal. CIA sent ISIS to bomb Sri Lanka. CIA now sending Gota to destroy ISIS. hah haa…………

  • 5

    What is there to know? it is so obvious. From the time of independence what have you all achieved through your appe anduwa? It is nothing but total destruction. Sinhalese, tamils, Muslims revolted against the Sinhala anduwa resulting in untold misery to all peace loving people. Repeated racial violence against tamils and Muslims is a routine. All your policies from language policy to religious policy to educational policy were a big mess. Appe anduwa only succeeded in killing and destruction. Religion is more a violent institutions than religious institutions. When sinhala goons attacked other races they were pardoned. Even now MR and Gnanasara are pleading for the military goons who are arrested for cold blooded murders, abductions and ransom seeking. These are political and religious Sinhala leaders who are ruling the country? Bandage appe Aanduwa is a death sentence to SL. Now it has come to a stage where no one is safe. Even the so-called Mao-Bima- Sinhala Patriots are queuing up in front of US, UK, Australia, embassies to get away from their chosen land of Damma Deepa. They rewrote history, religions and even distorted archeology to mislead the gullible, illiterate people. One moron here said that Buddha is a Sinhalese and Borne in lankawa. They make mythical Ravana as their hero for abducting Seetha. One fool even described Ravana’s aircraft. DS at the time of independence cheated the Dhemalu and the Suddhas and once free he did a complete somersault and cheated the tamils. All these were done by Sinhalese to capture power not only from the Tamils but also from the Moda innocent Sinhalas. Today parliament is a haunting ground for these rouges and crooks and despite the chaos they still play politics. Even appe Cardinal Mahatha Ranjith is playing politics on the bodies of murdered christians. Cardinal is always an opportunist and this carnage is a blessing for him to play his game.

    So what is the doubt that we are Modayas?

  • 17

    Hypothesis of the swords in the mosques
    If there is anybody stupid in Sri Lanka it’s the ACJU and the politician who was reasoning about the weapons inside the mosques .
    Almost the entire ACJU are Tabliques and almost all the Tradtional Mosques are now under the Custodianship of The Tablique and they are 100% declared by the state of Israel as non violent and seen as the counter part of the ultra orthodoxy Jews , both believe T
    A messenger who will come and settle the conflict of claim to the holy land peacefully and the ultra orthodoxy Jews and Tabliqi are almost neck to neck in traditions and both are 100% against violence .

    It’s unfortunate that this group is very anti western education system, they rely mostly on a book written by a Indian scholar
    Cont …

  • 15


    all I can figure out about swords in the mosques could be due to the fear of the release of the mahosona group (hope got the name right) and wide spŕead rumours that there was a planned Islandwide attack by them on all mosques .
    I am more than certain they have no terror intention or connections what so ever ,because their ideology is not .
    Cont 2

  • 15

    Swords in the mosques Cont.
    Even if it was meant as self defence in case of a similar attack in digana or larger , it is unacceptable for many reasons .
    1) You are prohibited to carry or store any weapon inside a Mosque ,you can’t not even offer Salah (Prayer) even on the battle field with weapons on and that is why when in battle field you are suppose to take turns in vigilance while praying taking off all your armour ,you will see this in the movie The Message , Bilal doing so before calling the first Azan (call to prayer)

  • 15

    Swords in The Mosques
    (2) It is illegal to possess any weapon without the permission of the Law & order ministry /MOD
    So the Law is broken .
    (2) Trying to cover up is not only breaking more rules but make a mockery of The religion and humiliating the sacred place of worship.

  • 14

    Swords in The Mosques
    Cont (5)
    Come now , enough of this nonsense which is creating more unnecessary suspicion ,fear and hate towards the religion and the entire community .(of all Schools of Islam)
    Best these mosque come put clean and accept being guilty of breaking the law but the intention was never connected for Terororism but for self defence driven by fear psychosis of past incidents and accept the punishment or if the Law permits Clemency after through investigation is completed and cleared.
    Cont (5)

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  • 0

    Yes you are perfectly right. They had been preying on our stupidity and they hope to continue to do so. Bensen

    • 0

      Quite so. But not for long. The mindset of the average is now gradually changing. They tend to believe that politicians are exploiting their electors, irrespective of the political party and are treated as smooth talking liars who want power to earn for seven generations.

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