Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, testifying before the Bond Commission, stated that he had rested on the assurance of Governor Arjuna Mahendran regarding the divestment of Arjun Aloysius’ ownership in Perpetual Treasuries and had insisted on the divestment prior to Mahendran taking over as Governor.
It is now clear that Aloysius did not resign from PT Holdings and is the mastermind of the Bond Scam. While there is no evidence as of yet that the Prime Minister had any direct dealings with Aloysius, he still maintains Mahendran as the Head of his Five Year Development Plan, despite Mahendran having lied to him about his son-in-law.
Wickremesinghe also stated that he made a similar assumption regarding Ravi Karunanayake, believing that the senior UNPer and former cabinet minister was telling the truth about the ‘Penthouse allegation when it was first made by MP Mahindananda Aluthgamage.
“I asked him ( Karunanayake) about it and he said no. There was no reason to go further”, Prime Minister Wickremesinghe said in response to a question posed by Attorney General Jayantha Jayasuriya.
When Attorney General Jayantha Jayasuriya asked Wickremesinghe if was no specific information that Mr Arjuna Mahendran in fact did keep those words about the assurances he gave, the Prime Minister said “I had no information that he deliberately misled me and the Pitipana committee also did not have any information to that effect and I don’t think even the COPE, although it did make some comments, had any findings of that matter.”
While the Commissioners appeared to take Wickremesinghe’s word about assurance given to him, they failed to ask why he had given Karunanayake a new post after it was found that Karunanayake in fact had lied to the prime minister about the penthouse.
After Ravi Karunanayake resigned as Foreign Minister, following revelations regarding dealings with Aloysius including the latter paying the rent of a plush penthouse, Wickremesinghe appointed him as the head of the Rural Infrastructure Special Programme. Karunanayake continued to use VIP security and vehicles like a powerful minster even after submitting his resignation.
Karunanayake has not been stripped of his new post and continues to hold the Deputy Leader post in the party that Wickremesinghe leads, the United National Party.
Buddhi Perera / November 21, 2017
Baby P M. Accepts everything he is told
Kalu / November 21, 2017
Bondscam Ranil has being promoting a culture of immunity and impunity for Financial Crime as if that is what the presumption of innocence means. Mean while distracting people with a useless New Constitution and the Galle riots over weekend.
Wonder if RW has hear of the concept and practice of DUE DILIGENCE?
This term is often used by his Washington advisers .”Due diligence” must be done before appointments are made ,contracts are awarded and before presuming innocence?! Ranil is guilty as hell and his assets should also be frozen and taken by the State to pay the gigantic national debt for which he is planning to sell strategic national assets and SOEs like Sri Lankan, Hyatt and other hotels and prime lands in Galle. Highways, ports etc.
Amarasiri / November 23, 2017
“IT’S ALL A FRAUD!!!” Bernie Sanders’ BRILLIANT Takedown of Donald Trump & His Billionaire Lackeys
Bernie Sanders brilliantly explains the Paradise Papers and destroys the tax plan of Trump & his lackeys!
Analyst / November 21, 2017
We knew this would happen!!
Educated or otherwise!! All are Greedy Uneducated Mugs.
All in the name of Buddha!!
Ben Hurling / November 21, 2017
May I remind you all TNA MPs have sold their Duty Free Car Permits. Collecting 30-35 millions per permit. Good business fighting for rural, impoverished Sri Lankan Tamils.
PS: Tamil Modayas aren’t any better than Sinhala Crooks.
punchinilame / November 21, 2017
and it has been pointed out that the Leader of the Opposition has
supported the Govt. Budget for 3 consecutive years, as has no other
Leader of the Opposition has done !!
K.Pillai / November 21, 2017
Ben Hurling
“Tamil Modayas………………….”.
TNA MPs do not face accusations in the mega financial scandals.
You are implying that only TNA MPs are into this car permit selling. Surely you know that MOST MPs are.
K.Pillai / November 21, 2017
“TAMIL MODAYAS…………..”, “All in the name of Buddha!!”
Did not know that Tamils did (whatever) to defend and preserve Buddhism!
Analyst / November 21, 2017
K Pillar
The Moda Tamils did Crooked deals with the Crooked Singhala Buddhists not by defending or preserving Buddhism but just to reap the benefit of the Deal.
How?? by standing side by side with the Singhala Crooks to get the jobs done by crooked ways with the Sinhala crooks .
Offering Dane and worshipping the saffron robes all in the name for their own benefit.
I don’t believe the Tamil Modayas pray to Hindu Gods for any shady deals.
This is the trick of the trade of all crooks
Asokan / November 22, 2017
Not moda Tamils,how about Raj Rajaratnam who is now jail in USA. Is he Tamil? There is a proverb in India, if you see TAMIL & COBRA, kill TAMIL first
Jim softy / November 21, 2017
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Analyst / November 22, 2017
Poor Moda Banker and his Son in law , the low class donkey will Rot in Hell.
You will reap what you sowed , you Two fell in the Pit knowingly or unknowingly one wonders.
Hope it’s time for you two to count your days of freedom unless uncle/ Royal Machang
save you from hell.
What ever and when ever the net stretched hope you two the FIL/ SIL would be the first to be NETTED for the safest place in Srilanka the Prison wing hospital.
Should the bad karma to follow suit ?? Yes Certainly.
Julampitiye Amaraya / November 22, 2017
You forgot that Ravi K is a TAMIL of Chetty ancestry. So Most of the time,We Sri Lankans are /were Dupped by Tamil indians
Amarasiri / November 23, 2017
Yes, they all are Indians, Tamils, Indians, Bengalis, Orissans, Malayaleees, Sinhalese, etc. collectively called Paras in the Land of native Veddah Aethho.
They are the Primary cause of the calamities in the Land
When will they return to theit homeland India?
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations
Journal of Human Genetics (2014) 59, 28–36 (2014)
Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.
gamini / November 21, 2017
Ranil’s critics claim he has swindled the Central Bank. Has any money being deposited in to Ranil’s account from the robbed money? Or to the UNP Party account? Has Ranil acquired new assets that he claims, are not his? It is ironical that the Rajapaksa family have amassed wealth that they can not account for and have even denied of owning them.
Ben Hurling / November 22, 2017
I still believe RW is clean. Still this is no way to handle these affairs. Not in this time and age. What a bonanza for Rajapassa criminals. Nobody’s talking about their massive looting of the country any longer. Only about the bond scam. Has Yahapalanaya well and truly squandered the Golden Opportunity they were blessed with on 8th January 2015? May be not yet. But, they are well on their way to do so.
Mallaiyuran / November 22, 2017
UNP Racist Gamini’s explanation is he is seeing Emil Demelo Mahendran holding all money and Old Royal holding the money, but not Ranil. He is talking like he is the one prepares Ranil’s tax return and he certify the accuracy of the return.
Hey Gamini did other parah demelo Aloysius gave anything to Ravi or even that is also Tamils cook up?.
Man, I had stopped reading your comments, knowing you are left behind in the CT still at Don Stephen time, But just peed today what to see what is going in your mind now. Poor boy!
UNP’s master Chef Gamini is cooking.
Amarasiri / November 21, 2017
Prime Minister Ranil Wickraasighe,
So you accepted at face value what Mahendran and Ravi Penthouse told you at face value?
This is what happens when you accept things, and when in doubt, do not check it out. Remember, this land is infested with crooks and liars, and they are not restricted to laymen, politicians, but also include monks, priests and mullahs.
Did you go to “Royal” College? Just wondering.
Do you accept what is said in the Mahwamsa, by Monk Mahanama, at face value, as claimed? Many Para-Sihala “Buddhists’, do, even though some claim that Mahawamsa is an Insult to the Buddha.
Uthungan / November 22, 2017
It is hard to believe the PM is that gullible. Why did he entrust Galleon Ravi K with another post after removing him from his FM post?
Is that not a valid proof of the PM’s incompetence to hold the important post he now holds? Does that not compromise his pretentious innocence?
Besides that isn’t there something of significance in the fact that it did not occur to the Commissioners to pose a pertinent question about it to him? Is the whole thing an fixed match In cricketing parlance?
Nosey Parker / November 21, 2017
Give the man a break guys , after all he’s only the PM of this stupid place .
Amarasiri / November 22, 2017
Yes, he is only the Prime Minister of this stupid place, infested with low IQ Paras, whose average IQ is 79.
Pol Pot / November 21, 2017
Cut it out CT. The game is over with the Bond Issue and let the President decide after the final report is handed over.
Too much of media spotlight is given to this issue when there are other more important previous frauds not highlighted by media.
Matilda Ellepola / November 21, 2017
This is a shame for RW with a 40 years in politics with 4 times appointed as the Premier and a Lawyer by procession to act like a novice or another Weerasangili Pannikkiya a.k.a (WW)
In the developed economies., the MPs are called Law Makers and RW did not knew anything about compliance and due process in appointing a Singaporean national to manage the countries finance in the most critical Governer of the CBSL.
RW should be kicked our for the 5th time as the patriotic forces in Zimbabwe did sent uncle Robert(Mugabe) and its time we need to send uncle Ranil packing and possibly send to Welikada to spend the rest of that wasted life.
Jim softy / November 21, 2017
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Amarasiri / November 23, 2017
Malilda Ellepola,
RW is a
1.) Para-Sinhala Buddhist from a Para-country with an average IQ of 79, but was mislead by the average Singaporean IQ of 108, but forgot that the “Singaporean” selected hailed from the Para-country with an average IQ of 79.
2.) Para-Sinhala Buddhist from “Royal ” College where the students are selected from a Para-country with an average IQ of 79, and when they grow up, their IQ’s do not change much.
3.) Para-Sinhala Buddhist from a Para-country selected and elected by Paras with average IQ of 79, and this extends to the Para-Parliament, where some or many think that 2/2=0.(Example, Wimal Buruwansa, MP)
National IQ Scores – Country Rankings
The intelligence scores came from work carried out earlier this decade by Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish political scientist, who analysed IQ studies from 113 countries, and from subsequent work by Jelte Wicherts, a Dutch psychologist.
Countries are ranked highest to lowest national IQ score.
——– Country
———————– %
1 Singapore 108
2 South Korea 106
28. Sri Lanka 79
roy / November 21, 2017
This is becoming a joke.
When Ranil won the election in January 2015 , he formed his team and used pitched hitter Mahendran to open the innings in a one day format and amassed a big total early in the innings where as Mara played a different ball game altogether with Cabral who played like a test match.
The drama goes on…
roy / November 21, 2017
Correction. Pinch hitter
Don Stanley / November 21, 2017
Nice Picture, CT Eds Thanks!- Speaks a thousand words!
Ranil Wickramasinghe must be Impeached, indicted and charged for Grand Larceny and Corruption and collusion in the Bond Scam.
Ranil has promoted a culture of Impunity and immunity for those who commit financial crimes and loot the people of Lanka and the Central bank, along with help and advice of IMF and US economic hit men.
The corruption and Bond scam is the main reason why there is no FDI investors coming to Lanka. But Ranil’s IMF /Washington Hit men who drafted Vision 2025 say lack of FDI and economic Growth is because of Land, Labour costs and Transport issues to distract from the main issue for lack of FDI, and want to privatize and sell land and transport sectors to US Hedge Funds via so called Public Private Partnerships (PPP)s
Bond scam Ranil and his Royal College cronies network must be arrested: Ravi K, Foot note Harsha, Malik, Pretty Boy, Sagala, Sujiva Senasinhe who was at Harvard on a Millenium Challenge Corporation Contract (MCC) to learn to justify the Bond scam etc.
Ben Hurling / November 21, 2017
Firs things first. How about arresting Rajapassa era white-collar criminals like Nivard Cabraal, legal criminals like Mohan Peris and cold-blooded murderers like Gota first?
Real Revolutionist / November 21, 2017
More than enough time they had 4 it & failure proves innocence
Richard / November 21, 2017
Dear Forum Participants,
Some of you are right on track. Sri Lanka Politicians are famous for creating a new catastrophe big enough to over shadow a previous catastrophe. Create a bigger fraud to overshadow a previous fraud. Sri Lankan Politics is not for the Country and the people’s present and future prospects. Politics never happens in Sri Lanka for the future welfare of its citizens. The Politics always cater the politicians greed and power and the voters get cheated just with hopes and not with any deed.
Annesley Dias / November 21, 2017
If not for the PM by now we would have been facing economic sanctions. PM is a man of International recognition and he does not rob.
max / November 21, 2017
Annesly Dias and his “5 likes” I have seen at the crowd cheering PM when he returns from the PoCL. What a bunch of “progressive” supporters! Hooooooo.
Mallaiyuran / November 21, 2017
Ranil took over only after Old King ran away by the financial collapse and security de-rails. New King has no capacity for this type of situations. That time China had not signed any land deals with Ranil and wouldn’t lend penny for him. Central Bank put together a hat collection though Ranil’s pocket friends to buy bread, standing in Sirimavo’s Paan queue. It was not a way to run a government but that was the only way to stop a government from declaring bankruptcy, that time. They put the patient first on Milahu Tanni (Pepper tonic), Kanchi, (Rice water), Godhumai Kazhi, (Wheat pudding) and now taking it to regular rice. You don’t know, but Old King knows, he the $18 billion Monster, had suched out even last drop of blood before he threw it away not needed. The Northern protection less 90,000 widows might have fared better on the hands of the 150000 Rapist Army, than Lankawe Matha suffered in the hands of the 18$ Billion Monster.
Yea, as expected, Mr. Clean, the Charles Darnay had pushed Cidney Cartoon into the milling machine to save him(Ranil). Once he has saved him fully, from the New Kings’ Thriukkai Waal whipping, he will come back and open up the Airport so the Cidney can run to back to England and never show up his head black in Paris the beautiful island’s capital.
Real Revolutionist / November 21, 2017
A blind, dumb & deaf man
Upali / November 21, 2017
Ranil said it all when he said that I don’t micro manage. No more questions.You cannot expect the PM of a country to know when a head of a dept., goes to empty his bladder.
Upali Wickramasinghe / November 22, 2017
Does he Mega Manage? Our present plight is because of him and that fool Athureliya. They contributed to this mess in style.Ranil does not like Paddy fields and Athureliya thinks that he can convert the masses to eat rice at Rs 250.00 per kg.
What a fool’s paradise.
Incidentally what happened to the famous GOVIYA -sleeping eh?
ranil without talking about FDIs should have developed what is there. They would have been in the skies with the people. They together deprived the people.
They are worried about sugar in sodas, people drinking arrack,etc.
Did they come here to pontificate or deliver?
bo / November 22, 2017
Upali…….. fecking idiot, so you think central bank is your bladder and thousands of billions over 30-years is pee nuts. Where were you born? I mahendrans a***hole
Gema / November 22, 2017
Yahapalana big wigs have emptied their bladder on the general public: Good job bro!
nalmen / November 21, 2017
people who have been in govt service for long periods know that all commission reports end up gathering dust in the vaults of their respective ministries
it will be the same with the bond scam one
if you don’t want to get into trouble give a big donation to political parties so that the leaders will look after you
Michael Chan / November 21, 2017
Any investor in a sane mind will put his/her money to FDI in Sri Lanka?
When they see beyond doubt the countries PM/FM and Governer of CBSL are day light robbers?
What a Banana republic this country have gone in the 60+ years after the independence?
Why not send all these rogues, AM, RK, RW and strip them of any professional qualifications for the rest of their life like the right to practice law, hold any directorship, remove any professional Accounting qualifications etc.,
need to send a strong signal for those in waiting to rob the national coffers.
Mallaiyuran / November 21, 2017
Ranil has no confidence in China that it would directly focus its object as defending the Rapist army Heros. He see it as a good partner in UN to veto UNSC proposals. So he will not resign his seat and expose Old King to UNHRC. Old Royal did not feel that he have ability to go beyond after 2015, and conducted election to handed over the power in a secret manner to Ranil after the negotiations were completed. So far Old King never asked Ranil be impeached or he resign on any issue. He knows well if he can get anything in parliament, the highest is Ranil’s job. Though many Sinhala Politicians wants Demelo Mahendran arrested and punished, but Old King did not ask for that, recognizing Ranil’s relationship with him. So without being on the seat, Ranil, the Old King appointed agent, for the job of protecting and saving Old King, no nobody will be able to do the job as good as he did for the last three years. You can ask Ranil to resign, but Old King is not ready to form a party or even join back SLFP believing or depending on China to ensure his safety. He almost failed last time and UNHRC was about to walk over him. So let me ask you a question, as Old King is not coming forward to saving him by taking over his Ranil’s seat, you have a better suggestion for him of who can do that job? Deal has no gut for that job. He quit, in fact, from JM. Mangala would go against Old King. probably partnering with Ponny. Tell somebody’s name that Old King can believe so that he would offer his support to that person and de-seat Ranil. Until that Old King’s exclusive support is only for Ranil and you can do nothing about it.
Jim softy / November 21, 2017
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Retarded Reverse Admiral Sarath W. / November 21, 2017
Michael Cheena,
Why not send all these rogues. AM. RK, RW, Nivata Cabraaal MR. BR, GR, NR, CR, SR, RR,
YR, SR, NR(MRS) Nee Thirunesan. GS, SVG,
How does that sound cheena!
DPJ / November 21, 2017
40 years in politics, is half of a life span of a human being. That is too much. I simply cannot understand. Just like in the case of the President the maximum period that any one can sit in Parliament should be restricted to two. If not people become too big for their shoes. That’s what happened to MARA and Ranil. Many in our legislature, are not educated. Just look at a gonthadiya like Arjuna and his brother Prasanna. They are not educated, they do not have the brains. What is required is people with WISDOM in our legislature. So, these gonthadiyas should be coupled and send to the paddy field. We want people with wisdom to rule the country for otherwise they will resort to thieving.
thondamanny / November 21, 2017
Annesley Dias….. You are spot on when you say ” the Prime Minister a man who does not rob”
Our ” Prime Minister only Loots” that too people’s money & probably not yours.
Annesley Dias, are that Sinhala cinema Comedian ????????????????
You are a typical ANDARE
Percy / November 21, 2017
This is the hottest topic of the century for SRI Lanka. The size of the Bank Robbery is the biggest ever fraud in the history of the land. The false image of Ranil has been shattered and he has been proven to be the biggest rogue SRI Lanka has ever produced.
This issue should be kept alive till Ranil is thrown out of politics altogether and is jailed.
CK / November 21, 2017
You are not Percy Mahendra are you?
kolla / November 21, 2017
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Douglas / November 21, 2017
Nosey Parker: You said: “Give the man a break guys, after all he’s the PM of this stupid place”. My question to you: What type of a person becomes the PM in a Stupid Place? I suppose your answer would be: Only a “Stupid” will be elected a PM in a “Stupid Place”. Another possible answer would be: Only a “Master Crook” can manipulate the “Stupid Voters” in a “Stupid Place” to elect him a PM. You can correct me. Thanks.
Johnson aiya / November 21, 2017
Heard original Bond king during Cabrall time , Ajith Devasurendra is a close friend of Arjun .
Birds of a feather flock together.
Ajith the ” Royalist ” billioanire , recently bought out Green cabin and all its properties from its shareholders for a few billion .
Cancer hospital has no money for buy painkillers for patients.
Jim softy / November 21, 2017
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Good Sense / November 21, 2017
As the article very rightly points out, if people one ought to trust finally betrays, you then one must definitely demonstrate by distancing oneself from the those fellows. But the great economic wizard is “keeping” them in other forms. Why? One possibility is that the whole question of seeking “assurances” is a farce. It is as good as seeking no assurances. The whole purposes in revealing the so called “assurances” is to cover oneself to say that he exercised due diligence. But will that cock fight when he keeps them under his bosom? The other side of the story is that no politician today is better than the other with respect to honesty and integrity. The cardinal policy is to grab power and make hay while the sun shines. SO! by finding fault with Ranil also means a considerable loss to UNP and people will lose the bargaining power. So let something be done to safeguard the Hirohito at the expense of Tojo. Still we will never know why a big scam was committed just three months after the Rainbow Revolution after pledging “Yahapalanaya”.
Eagle Eye / November 21, 2017
I heard a UNP politician and Mahinda Amaraweera saying that PM going to Commission was a heroic thing that happened for the first time in Sri Lanka. What these idiots failed to understand is PM went to the Commission because his name was mentioned by several people in connection with the Bond Scam. That is not a heroic thing but something that should be ashamed of.
Also there has been posters in some areas with the wording ‘Baya Nethi Agamethi’ (PM who is not scared). True! He is a PM who is not scared to use other people to loot. In Sinhala we call ‘Balallu lawa kos eta bawanawa’ (using cat’s paw to pull Jack nuts from fire)
Probably in future people might address him as Dis-Honorable Prime Minister instead of Honorable Prime Minister.
K.Pillai / November 21, 2017
Will a man on the street accept Mahendran’s assurance that his son-in-law Aloysius will divest his interest in Perpetual Treasuries? Probably not? Why? Because man-on-the-street has common sense. The man-on-the-street never suffers this common-sense-dementia.
Cannot blame UNHRC for not having confidence in our judicial system.
By the way, the lady in the picture Lagarde is the head of IMF. She was found to be “negligent” in a French financial misappropriation – know what this means?
Tilvin Fernando / November 21, 2017
If the bond case is referred to courts by the comic commission take it as case over no proof. Only insider trading for that arjun will have to answer. For the parliamentarians in the cope commiittee just because they received calls from arjun.you cant build a case.against them.
Jim softy / November 21, 2017
Tilvin: that is true. Arjun Mahendran has asked all to hide money and not to keep in accounts. that is why overseas tax havens come. Money is taken to those places. Paskaralingam is there to assist in that, consulting.
Jim softy / November 21, 2017
when Bank robber step down even with this many accusations, that itself is corruption. Because, how can a AG who was appointd by Bank robber PM can ask or ask his subordinates to GRILL THIS THIEF. It is typical HOrage ammagen Pena ahanawa type story. PRevious govts the first citizen, his extended family and the cronies, now this govt’s seconda citizen are all rats. They devour the country. No one to save. there should be a humongous change. Because, even JVP is thieves. We cannot expect from them.
Wipula / November 21, 2017
Yes fearless and shameless leader
thrishu / November 21, 2017
I put PM right at the centre of this mega scam. He is not a baby as he is faking at the Commission or to the public. He is in fact a crafty humbug poly-tikka just like his crafty uncle. Without his insider knowledge of what is going on, and conniving, none of the others would have made their moves. The very fact Ranil brought Mahendran into the role of Governor and after that all the defences he put to shelter him, including the planting of Aloysius biased COPE committee members, point to the fact that PM is right in the middle of it. The very fact that the committee prevented Dappula questioning him is the proof of this inference. Back scratchers even in the commission and AG role. Such a despicable state of affairs in the country. If there is an artful journalist, I would invite him to write to reputed western newspapers relating the story of this mega scam and what came out as evidence at the commission hearing, and pose the question, should the tax payers in the west extend foreign aid to this country run by a gang of day light robbers. I feel so ashamed to admit that I am even Sri Lankan given that we come from the same ethnic group as these villains. You lot might love to manipulate legal words using smart ass lawyers to get out of your accusations, but the facts that you lot have robbed the bank with evil intentions, means and plans would not go away. They will be in your consciences and hope that they will make you suffer for the rest of your lives. Shame on you, and I hope that none of you would live long enough to benefit from this ill gotten gains, which now you have passed on as a burden to the poor tax payers. Let natural justice find you lot.
ramona therese fernando / November 22, 2017
American woman is trying her best to comprehend how the T’Nadu-S’pore-Cmb triangle scheme of Ranil’s is going to benefit the US. The salient factor is the breaking of all democratic rules to create the triangle – never went thro’ parliamentary approval; would have never got approved. One thing is certain, she is going to demand her share of tithe for the triangle to belong to the greater US-enterprise.
We could have done this with Rajapakse’s China-scheme also, and paid the tithe to the US. But with Ranil’s scheme, we’d have S’pore handing us canes and ropes to cane and hang the masses to work for the S’pore created standard. Plus we’d have to work with our enemies who created terrorism for us.
American lady will know that the chances of the S’pore triangle working are very slim. Therefore, she will soon give authorization for another parliamentary approved financial structure to take over. Oh what a relief! Thank you America!
Upali Wickramasinghe / November 22, 2017
Ramona, back again ah! what happened to the Lion?
Gune / November 22, 2017
The whole bond issue in 2015 was under “Yahapalanaya”. The expectations of the people were much higher. The UNP raised the bar on governance and then dropped it on the people by the conduct of a lot of corrupt individuals in the UNP.
The big difference is, the Rajapakse’s knew how to steal and not get caught but all of you in the UNP steal and don’t know, how not to get caught.
I have always supported the UNP to this day and will support it again to prevent the Rajapakse’s coming in to power. But the PM and his team must seriously get their act together.
Annesley Dias / November 22, 2017
When the Bond Case finally ends up in the Supreme Court.
Case dismissed. Sira sa Killi Mahendran will have his Media license cancelled.
Sinhala_Man / November 22, 2017
The outlook is so bleak it impels me to look for silver linings – of that later.
The fact that Ranil Wickremasinghe went before the Bond Commission only after there were so many accusations against him was bad enough; but for him to have received treatment so different from what was accorded to others, is itself an indication that what was intended was just a cover-up to provide something for the glib-talking politicians on his side to have something to tell the remaining handful of gullible UNP supporters that all was well.
The silver linings: The vacillating President has at least appointed the Commission and no accusation against him personally has so far stuck. When he gives vent to his fury that all these things have happened, he sounds sincere.
Of course the charges against the Rajapaksas and Cabraal should be investigated, but by whom? No longer is there any faith in the integrity of Ranil and his cohorts for them to undertake such investigation; those investigations, as well as the high profile murder cases ought to have been concluded long ago.
However, all that is said about the past, emphasises the fact that nobody is complaining against the current Governor of the Central Bank. It is said that Maithri thought that it was somebody named Kumarasinghe who was going to be introduced to him. So let us be grateful that Dr Indrajith Coomaraswamy has been coping with a very difficult job much better than could have been predicted.
Buddhist / November 22, 2017
To Amarasiri,
Mahawamsa has nothing to do with Buddhism; you need to read it and understand what it is without acting like a loose cannon. It contains the information of Sri Lanka’s kings/heads of state chronologically. That’s all I see in it.
If you want to know Buddhism please read a simple book like ‘What the Buddha taught’. If you need a deep knowledge of the teachings please read ‘The Path of Purification’ written by Buddhaghosa. Thank you.
Analyst / November 22, 2017
Pure Common-sense and Good TEACHINGS comes from your Good Parents from the young age.
Just like you instil good manners and pure good living without Steal Beg , Borrow and Murder, and be kind and nice to elders and any other living things including trees and the grass.
These are taught from childhood by your own parents , teacher and the
spiritualists( the religion you follow)
THe Buddhists ! Don’t they have common sense??
Why are they like PARROTS?? Do They need to attend these classes to read murder mysteries written by these so called scholars like BUDDHAGOSA THE TAMILNADU BUDDHIST SCHOLAR.??
GROW UP PEOPLE !! Instead of reading these mystery stories involve yourselves in some Charity helping unfortunate people.
Help them to walk , speak, or eat.
For Gods sake man use your common sense to KNOW WHAT IS GOOD AND WHAT IS NOT GOOD IN ONES LIFE.
Men and women when they have time in their hand they run to listen to Dhamma? Why ?? Have they not learnt GOOD SENSE in their child hood??
Uthungan / November 22, 2017
The Buddha is reported to have said,” be a light unto yourself”, meaning don’t even believe me but test what I say yourself to be convinced.
Buddhist / November 23, 2017
Analyst! what nonsense are you talking about here? Nobody understands your point here. This is the problem in Sri Lanka today. They act like ‘I know everything’ and go to polls, and vote for the one who told the most lies.
Can somebody commits a murder in the name of someone else? No, if he or she thinks he/she can do it, that person should be in Angoda under psychiatric care. Anybody including yourself can commit crimes and if you try to credit it to someone else’s account, will it work? No. What is going on in SL today is a strong case in point.
Please don’t drag Buddhism into this kind of discussions, that’s my first point. Buddha is a man who understood (realized) the nature of our existence and suggested a solution to resolve its ambiguous negative/positive realities with a lasting solution. The rest is on your side of the court.
Analyst / November 23, 2017
Yes .,,, Buddha was a noble man and was teaching good principles . That’s the past as it says. What is followed in the so called Buddha land in Srilanka are not the same.
Teachings of Good behaviour which includes following the rightful Path in life are taught to the children from young age by the law abiding Parents.
You and I know all these advises and virtues from young age.
Dhamma Club is for bored lost adults who have nothing better to do than joining this club to SOCIALISE IN A DIFFERENT FASHION.
It’s the modern day culture in Srilanka the ” Followers ” like the parrots you teach them the words nothing would followed upon.
I have seen among my associates 24/7 Talk Dhamma and Pirith.
Their mind is polluted with bad feelings and bad thoughts of others!!
This in simple terms my explanation here the Preachers nor the followers do not practice what they were preached of , or the reading from the ” Path of Purification ” by Buddhagosa.
If at least the 60% of the Srilankan Buddhists had followed and acted upon as in these books , OUR / MY SRILANKA WOULD NOT BE IN THE DIRE SITUATION AS IN NOW.
CROOKS GALORE !! 90% of them .
Had the Preachings and Readings made Srilankans in high position and high echelon of the society made any Better ?? Let alone the poor and the uneducated , are they pretending to be in this Dhamma club??? Then go out and ROB, MURDER , INTOXICATE ON DRUGS AND ALCOHOL ??
Deceiving others in the name of Lord Buddha is nonsense .
Buddham Saranam katchami. Sanghaam saranam Katchaami.