19 February, 2025


Resurgent Tamil Youth In Tamil Nadu

By S. Sivathasan

S. Sivathasan

Youth of Tamil Nadu in ferment in March 2013, was in revolt in January 2017. It achieved a victory unprecedented in the State of Tamil Nadu and momentous at the Centre in Delhi. Within days, legislation was passed in Chennai, approved by the Governor and endorsed by the President, all at the instance of the youth. This historic act legalized jallikattu. Above all it acknowledged youth power as a reality behind political movement.

New Party in the Offing

Two million youth united to a single purpose, came to the fore and established their credentials. They spoke for the community of young, 20 million strong. The latter has thrown up on Saturday 4th of February 2017, a coherent group of resurgent youth into the realm of leadership. Quite appropriately it has named itself ‘Tamil Nadu Party of Youth’. In perfect consonance, a ‘Raging Bull’ is the chosen logo. Selection of logo denotes sentiment following jallikattu triumph. Party name is a revolutionary departure from the tentacles of ‘Dravidian Maayai’ which had befuddled Tamils and had taken their aspirations astray.

Dravida Maayai (Hallucination)

Periyar founded the Dravidian Party in 1944. It had traction with the masses. Every offshoot since then wanting to partake of its fund of goodwill included ‘Dravida’ in its name. Dravida Munnetra Kalakam (DMK), Anna DMK, Marumalarchi DMK and Desiya Mutpoakku Dravida Kalakam or DMDK followed by Amma DMK in the offing. Thus 6 in a row wanted a share of the Dravida pork barrel or political clout. Was there concern for the Tamil people? For no less than 80 years, the word Dravida was opium to the opiate, never failing to have its paralytic effect on the Tamils.

Young Tamils

Veering from this word of people’s hate, ‘Tamil Nadu Party of Youth’ having fullest confidence in itself and enormous trust in the people, has opted to fight in its own turf. These Young Tamils have a parallel with the ‘Young Turks’ targeting resurgence in Turkey a century ago. What is awaited now is a churning process in Tamil Nadu. Those who are perched up above with no legitimacy will be pulled down and trampled under foot. People in their mass will confer authority to youth to ascend to the top, to clean up the swamp and to regenerate the land.

Did you ever think I will collapse?

For far too long from the fifties, Tamil Nadu was mesmerized with words – rhythmic cadence in platform oratory and alliterative prose in political literature. They fired the youth and enchanted elders. Such times are past. Those who now strut about have neither wit nor words nor the power of speech. Thought about the land and its people is lost to the last shred.

Social Contract

To the people who alone matter, with sovereignty residing in them, those on top have turned out to be no more than the scum. What moves them is the lure of filthy lucre. Corruption which grew year after year now grows by the day. The quantum traded is in tens and hundreds of millions. Half a century has recorded devious diversions in Rs. trillions into unlawful hands. Since 1967, two parties shared power in alternate terms. Time is now to end this alternation of cheat and chicanery. To terminate this social contract.

Very conscious of negative voting, they hit upon subsidies miscalled welfare. When that was found wanting, freebies were conjured up. DMK came up with 100% free electricity for agriculture. Yet votes dwindled and free Television sets covering over 80% of households were distributed. Wasteful expenditure on TV exceeded Rs. 30 billion. At the 2011 elections DMK was wiped out.

With this lesson learnt, AIADMK chose carpet coverage with numberless freebies. Fans, mixies, grinders, gold for weddings, sarees, verties, bicycles, free lunches, free breakfast, free food in temples, Mayor directed to open 1000 idly shops in Chennai and an endless list to make people listless if not indolent. With such incredible waste money went down the drain, but to discharge flood waters no drainage was built. Chennai got drowned in December 2015 and yet no beginning is made. Tamil Nadu became anemic but the lady CM got deified.

Challenges Calling for Resolution

Challenges encountered by Tamil Nadu are enormous and numerous. To cite the most explosive one, unemployment is high and graduate unemployment makes the situation intractable. Good governance conducing to quality education will produce graduates demanded by the market. But this is not to be because the political high command in Tamil Nadu has inane priorities. Secondly high levels of investment are needed for job creation. But corruption thwarts it. Regarding ease of doing business, Tamil Nadu ranked 18th state in a recent survey. Yet the lady CM used to proclaim ad nauseam that she will make the state numero uno in India. The unemployed in their lakhs know well and truly the dishonesty behind these pronouncements.

The patience of the young in their multitude is at an end. The peaceful wait is over. They have got on to the threshold of taking power into their own hands; may not be immediate but when the appropriate hour strikes. The mafia of usurpers certainly dreaded the Jallikattu mass movement surging menacingly against it. It was assuming a different form with a more militant objective. In a preemptive strike on the students on Monday 23rd January, the mafia set out to overawe the students through an unwarranted violent lathi charge. Against what? Against an impending upheaval of the students to prevent an illegal capture of political power. The conspiracy has unraveled over the last two weeks. What is yet to unfold, this week will tell. Vast inflow of information and quite a protracted reflection over the last two weeks lead to this conclusion.

A Glaring Default

The ferment of ’13 and the revolt of ’17 had the same shortcoming – lack of a well-crafted organization with a geographical spread and an acknowledged leader for two-way communication. Current thinking seems to be to set this fault aright. A leader of proven credentials, comprising unswerving character and uncompromising integrity has been identified in the personage of U. Sahayam IAS. What Subhas Chandra Bose did at age 25 in not accepting ICS, Sahayam can be expected to do at age 55 in relinquishing IAS. He has an obligation to respond positively to the wishes of his compatriots.

May it be appreciated that the students have thought out well and clearly. They have set aside tainted veteran politicians. Dravida maayai is correctly eschewed. The cinematic glamour has lost its spell with the students. Money power is treated as tinsel. What Tamil Nadu needs is a break with the recent past. Premium value has to be on plain honesty. Let the leader lead by sheer example.

We Tamils have a repository of learning. If China has her Confucius, the West her Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and the US her Founding Fathers, then Tamils have their Thiruvalluvar and Subramania Bharathy with their sheet anchor of moral norms and ethical values. Let them compose the fount of Tamil politics.

*The writer, an SLAS officer is Rtd. Secretary and a former Advisor to President of Sri Lanka, Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumarathunga

Latest comments

  • 3

    Please don’t write about the Tamilnadu youth uprising. It is this Dravida Nadu movements that created LTTE.

    But the Tamilnadu politicians come to power (forget their objectives), join the central government and make money! We Sri Lankan Tamils fight until we die?

    • 10

      If you can’t read the article never write a comment. By calling yourself a Tamil why do you disgrace the community?

      • 4

        WHER ARE YOU?????. IN THE WEST?????.


        Why YOU / we want to worry about Tamil nadu youth, they never worried about our Tamilan Youth, who died for unwanted Killer Pirabaa’s war.
        what we got??????.
        only bad scars on our brainy, brilliant misled young generation
        there are some Tamil nadu politikkas who are waiting to get Famous and FOR votes shouted and now going / running after runaway bulls.



        NOT IN PIECES.

        • 4

          To me the article is all about an evolving new leadership in TN. There is no connection with Tamils of SL

      • 0


        The very meaning of your pseudonym speaks of your character.

      • 2

        There is nothing special for being a Tamil… we all play for MotherLanka’s team as Sri Lankans… no frucking fake Tamil issue can stop our march to make Sri Lanka great again.

        • 4

          P U Kaymile

          “we all play for MotherLanka’s team as Sri Lankans”

          What is this MotherLanka’s team. Can you define Sri Lankans?

          “no frucking fake Tamil issue can stop our march to make Sri Lanka great again.”

          What do you mean by frucking fake Tamil issue?

          If you do not know what you have just ranted, just forget it.

          • 1


            I should waste my time explaining to you… because…?

  • 6

    Tamil Nadu people are without a leader.

    Otherwise the Tamil Elam campaign should be in Tamil Nadu.

    • 1

      ha ha ha… great one liners that make Tamil Terrorist Diaspora parasites pi$$ in their pants.

    • 2

      Only people campaigning for separatist ideology now is ISIS.

  • 5

    The writer, an SLAS officer is Rtd. Secretary and a former Advisor to President of Sri Lanka, Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumarathunga.

    This is what former Sri lankan diplomats do.

    How could they have expected any patriotism or loyalty to the country from these People who are writing always thinking Tamilnadu and Sri lankan North are one and the same society.

    • 12

      You don’t seem to have elementary common sense to understand why diplomats or writers mention their background very selectively on rare occasions. What appalling vacuity to think that a Sri Lankan should never look outside his Island, a frog see out of the well!

      • 4

        “What appalling vacuity to think that a Sri Lankan should never look outside his Island, a frog see out of the well! “

        I agree. Tamils always should look outside Sri Lanka. Look up north of Jafna.


        • 4


          “I agree. Tamils always should look outside Sri Lanka. Look up north of Jafna.”

          You look up further North of this island Sinhapura, Venga Lata land for inspiration for your Sinha Le origin and build your Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto in the south though most of your ancestors came from South India.

          What a hypocrite you are.

      • 3

        Are you talking about common sense to Mr. Softy’s in his pants? Only thing he belives is: humans had sex with lions and Sinhalase came. Therefore it is ok for monks to have sex with goats. This is the only thing Dalit Softys believe.

    • 4

      How true? Another parasite who ate up public money… soon he will also write a book about the “root cause ” of the “Tamil struggle” which still a money spinner.

      I don’t know whether to cry or laugh!

      • 3


        “Another parasite who ate up public money… soon he will also write a book about the “root cause ” of the “Tamil struggle” which still a money spinner.”

        How true another parasite and a war criminal Kamal wrote a book claiming how he single handedly won the war. The income from book sale was to supplement his meager state pension.

        The public racist Fonseka is writing his book on the war, again he is expected to write how he single handedly won the war.

        All those involved in killing business (made loads of commissions out of death) continue to sell war for their own benefit.

        “I don’t know whether to cry or laugh!”

        That is why you are a bigoted racist.

        • 1

          Dumb Native Veddo:

          All those involved in killing business (made loads of commissions out of death) continue to sell war for their own benefit.

          that is why overseas living – kallathonis who lost the investment are still crying out loud to how they lost the investment.

          How come you barbarians talk about homeland here while talking about stupid games in tamilnadu ?

          You Tamils have amazing excuses for everything you do. See one idiot justifying author self-immolating about Tamilnadu youth.

          • 4

            Sinhales are fed up that now the whole world knows aobut war crimes. They need an excuse to hide. They use the safron sarees to hide under. While hiding under the safron saree, Jim couldnt resist what is underneath the sareee. So Jim is having a small lolipop

    • 3

      retired people shut up, because here in Sri Lanka Jimmy doesn’t like retired people expressing their views. The freedom of expression is only for land grabbing homosexual Dalit monks.

  • 4

    The Jallikattu factor is unlikely to match the forces that shot Arvind Kejriwal to political heights in Delhi – the inspiration upon which
    Shri Sahayam, IAS and friends seems to rely upon. While it is true, there is still a power vacuum in the strong State of Tamilnadu to dislodge the established DMK and AIDMK whether this new, untested political force can capture the public imagination is a question. Besides, TN voters are swayed by known political faces and parties like MGR, Jayalalitha, Kalaignar et al whose symbols are well established in the eyes of the large but mass of elite voters of TN State. The advantage of the crucial but necessary resources factor will continue to favour the two established parties. This is why Vaiko, Nedumaran, Seeman, Tholar, Vijaykant and others cannot go far to levels to capture power in the State. Their power bases remain largely regional and caste-oriented. The passing away of Jayalalitha will considerably affect the AIDMK’s future fortunes. The new leader Shashikala may find the going
    quite rocky from now on with the AIDMK already in the throes of division.

    The DMK under the new leadership of M.K. Stalin will in all probability succeed Shashikala’s AIDMK in due course. The AIDMK will very likely go through a tumultuous period in the coming months creating doubts if it can run the course united during its allotted time.


    • 4


      I never understood the dichotomy between Aryan and Dravidian. Could you explain.

      • 5

        Native Veddah

        I concede the term Dravidian – and, thereby, Aryan as well – leaves room for much scholarly debate. I used the term Dravidian in the usually accepted sense viz: relating to language, culture of the peoples of South India (and Sri Lanka) But here in Sri Lanka some falsely, and foolishly, take upon themselves to patronisingly claim they are Aryan. They subtly suggest thereby they are, someway, culturally superior. Comedy enters the area of the ridiculous when they even claim their “National Dress” is unique. Whereas the truth is what is wrongly called Arya Sinhala dress is that worn mostly in Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. The issue reaches hilarious proportions when they take Indian names e.g. Sarath, Ramesh, Arjuna, Lalith, Ranjeeth, Arvind, Kumar, Bharath etc. and pretend they are indigenous. So it is with the Sinhala female gender. What is astonishing is, in both genders, there are beautiful Sinhala names and yet they copy the Indian variety. Why?


        • 2

          “The issue reaches hilarious proportions when they take Indian names e.g. Sarath, Ramesh, Arjuna, Lalith, Ranjeeth, Arvind, Kumar, Bharath etc. and pretend they are indigenous. So it is with the Sinhala female gender.”

          Yes, this is a source of endless fascination to me. Names like Heenmenike /Somawathi/ Ranbanda/ Kalubanda etc are very much out of favour, replaced by meaningless Sanskritized names.Even the Indian-origin Sarath, Ramesh, Arjuna, Lalith, Ranjeeth, are frowned upon.The Sinhalese have a history of imitating names of the colonizers current at the time, from Brampy Singho through Don Carolis to Solomon West Ridgeway.
          This leads me to believe the Sinhalese are not too comfortable with their own identity.

          • 1

            Dear Old Codger

            Tku for your usually enlightened intervention. I am sorry our
            Sinhala brethren have a multiple identity crisis – racial, religious, geographical and cultural. Is it a regional malady? In nearby Pakistan they try to shake off their own identity, deeply rooted in the Indian Sub-Continent – and attempt to identify themselves with the Arabs. This more in the post-1970 period when Arabs became mega-billionaires through their oil deposits whose global prices were quadrupled unfairly. The Arabs have neither the time nor the inclination to share this loaded offer.


  • 3

    The writer is living in Utopia/Ivory tower. It is news that the youth of Tamil Nadu have formed a “Tamil Nadu Party of Youth” political party. It has chosen the logo of the bull symbolising Jallikkaddu. Politics is too serious a matter to be left to youth who are schooling in colleges and universities. Once their studies are over they will be looking for jobs, marriage and so on. And not politics.
    The students rallied not in support of the barbarous practice of Jallikkaddu, but more markedly due to the perception that the centre is sidelining TN on many issues like setting up a Tribunal for Cauvery as ordered by the Supreme Court.

    The general populace and students resent the dominance Hindi in everyday life. Air flights carrying Tamil passengers to and from Chennai airport have to listen to Hindi and not Tamil announcements.

    Two million is a highly exaggerated figure, two lakhs will be closer to the truth. The rally fizzled out on the 6th day. A majority of students dispersed peacefully, but some unsocial elements refused to disperse. Police have to use batons to clear the beach for Republic Day celebrations. In the process many got beaten, vehicles were burnt and police raided the adjoining slums and attacked the fisher folk.

    It is not known who gave the orders to the Police to use violence to disperse the crowd. The use of violence by Police was disproportionate to the use of violence by students.

    It is not the people of TN, but it is the writer who is suffer ting from hallucination. It is a supreme insult to the people of TN. Suffice to say the TN is ruled by DMK/ADMK/ both the off shoots of Periyar’s Dravida Kazhakam’ for the last sixty years without intermission.

  • 3

    Both the national parties the BJP and Congress are not represented or under represented in TN Assembly.
    Sivathasan sitting in comfort in a salubrious clime should not pass judgement on TN and its people. There is no doubt corruption is endemic, but TN is not the only state in India riddled with corruption. This is a general malaise affecting third world countries. So to single out TN State alone is unfair. If wishes were horses beggars would ride is a nursery rhyme. Sivathasan cannot make any change sitting in his easy chair in US.
    To Sivathasan living in the lap of luxury, freebies may look an incredible economic waste. But to the poor and the down trodden people of TN it is a boon. The state has to close the gap between the rich and the poor and lift the millions of people from squalor.
    Owning a laptop may mean nothing for a student whose parents are rich, but to the poor students it is a god send gift.
    Ceylon was once a welfare state as well, giving free rice and subsidized foodstuffs through co-operatives.
    TN govt. is exactly doing what Ceylon did fifty years ago. Today, no one in TN is going to bed with empty stomach. Compared to the eighties and nineties, today you cannot see beggars in the streets or around temples. This is because of free meals given by the temples and food sold at state run mini-restaurants at subsidized prices to the needy. I saw this with my own eyes when I visited TN (6th visit) after a lapse of 28 years. There is a sea change in the living conditions of the people. The vegetable vendor, the auto driver and others are having cell phones not one but two. It is so cheap.

  • 5

    In 2014 the Indian Supreme Court banned Jallikattu after declaring it to be an act of “inherent cruelty”. If a mass movement of resurgent Tamil youth needs to use Jallikattu to mobilise the masses, whatever its pros and cons, it shows a poverty of ideas and lack of creativity. After all the corruption of the establishment should provide enough constructive openings to energise the masses. Tamils who place their hopes on such a movement are likely to finish up in tears, as many did after the LTTE’s inevitable demise.

    • 1

      Following the ban by the Supreme Court in 2014 Jallikattu thamasa during subsequent Pongal festivities had remained subdued and there was not much interest or enthusiasm for it’s revival until the PETA appeared on the scene and revived old memories about Jallikattu during the period of Pongal festival in 2017.Jallikattu would have slowly got diminished and forgotten with the use of agricultural machinery by the farming community. Tamil farmers suffer great inconvenience and live frugally and while engaging in agricultural activity depending on unpredictable weather pattern that affect the region and grudging access to water from adjacent states.
      Latent grievances that had remained piled up under the surface in Tamil Nadu for some time then burst out into a conflagration in the form of Jallikattu.
      In this regard it would be of interest to explore the real roots of NGO’s like PETA and it’s motives to engage in diversionary tactics to distract the people from more important issues that affect their daily lives and the future welfare of their children and grand children.

      • 1

        I think this going back to Jallikuttu Tamil’s inborn attachemt to bloody violence. Tamils are natually violent.

        On the other hand, Every Tamil in Sri lanka is not kallathoni came from Tamilnadu.

        • 4

          Do you know the meaning of Kallathoni in Tamil. It means “illegal Sinhala immigrants.” First know the meaning of something before your verbal vomit

      • 4


        “In this regard it would be of interest to explore the real roots of NGO’s like PETA and it’s motives to engage in diversionary tactics to distract the people from more important issues that affect their daily lives and the future welfare of their children and grand children.”

        PETA never understood the the relationship among land, cattle, agriculture, bull selection, human, ……

        PETA’s actions/motives could result something similar to using terminator seeds. Over a period of time the farmers would have lost their seed selection skills.

        PETA may have honourable motives, however may also inadvertently serve the interests of large companies. Once Jallikattu has been banned, within few years time cattle owners may loose their skill to rare bulls and bull selection, would be forced to import sperm cells, cattle feed, and medicine, ….. becoming totally dependent on imported stuff.

        We should question PETA’s intention.

  • 3

    Instead of old Austin and Ambassador cars, one can see BMW, Mercedes Benzes, Toyota every where. Here is the list of automotive plants both passenger and commercial vehicles operating in Chennai and other big cities in Tamil Nadu.
    BMW India, Daimler, Ford, Mitsubishi, Hyundai Motor India Limited, Yamaha, Renault India Private Limited, Nissan Motor India Private Limited, Ashok Leyland, BharatBenz, TVS Motors, Hindustan Motors, Ashok Leyland, Kamaz Vectra Motors Limited, TAFE Tractors,Caterpillar India Pvt. Ltd.etc. No wonder Chennai is nicknamed the Detroit of Asia due to the presence of major automobile manufacturing units and allied industries around the city.
    Sivathasan laboured in vain to paint TN as a backward state. But the facts prove otherwise. TN has the second largest economy in India with a current GSDP of Rs.13, 842 billion (US$210 billion). Per capita GDP of TN was $3,000 in the year 2014–15, the third highest in India. Over 50% of the state is urbanized, accounting for 9.6% of the urban population in the country while only comprising 6% of India’s total population. Services contribute to 45% of the economic activity in the state, followed by manufacturing at 34% and agriculture at 21%. Government is the major investor in the state with 52% of total investments, followed by private Indian investors at 29.9% and foreign private investors at 14.9%. It has been ranked as the most economically free state in India by the Economic Freedom Rankings for the States of India.
    Sivathasan is extremely naive and simple-minded to think Sahayam IAS (retd) is going to be the future Chief Minister of TN. It is true he was an honest and hard working civil servant like Sivathasan, but that is a far cry to consider him “a leader of proven credentials, comprising unswerving character and uncompromising integrity.”

  • 3


    Politics is different from bureaucrats signing letters and chairing meetings.
    An ex-civil servant Sivathasan should know better than any one else having served under several ministers of all hues and pursuasions.
    Jayalalithaa’s style of govvernance is debatable, but she was a brave and popular Chief Minister is undisputable.
    India is no more a third world country. It is the super power in the Indian Ocean. India’s economy surpassed that of UK, for the first time in more than 100 years. This dramatic shift has been driven by India’s rapid economic growth over the past 25 years as well as Britain’s recent woes, particularly with the Brexit. Once expected to overtake the UK GDP in 2020, the surpass has been accelerated by the nearly 20% decline in the value of the pound over the last 12 months, consequently UK’s 2016 GDP of GBP 1.87 trillion converts to $2.29 trillion at exchange rate of ~GBP 0.81 per $1, whereas India’s GDP of INR 153 trillion converts to $2.30 trillion at exchange rate of INR 66.6 per $1. Furthermore, this gap is expected to widen as India grows at 6 to 8% p.a. compared to UK’s growth of 1 to 2% p.a. until 2020, and likely beyond ranking at fifth place in terms of GDP.
    India has taken significant steps in nuclear and space technology, especially the latter. India is now capable of launching a record number, as high as 20 satellites in a single mission. India also took a giant step towards to making its first manned space mission after it successfully launched its latest rocket with a crew module. India will create history by launching a record 104 satellites, including 101 foreign ones, on February 15 from Sriharikota spaceport in Andhra Pradesh. I like Sivathasan to grow up.

    • 1


      I have found the writer addressing mature readership generally, bypassing the average.

    • 1

      Per Capita GDP for India is still smaller than for SL, even though the total GDP puts India above UK. So, while it gives India certain powers, and a thriving middle class, it is still going to be surrounded by a large population below poverty line, so India will remain a third world nation for the next several decades.As for the number of satellites per launch, they are talking about very small satellites for getting low resolution imagery, perhaps as small as a laptop, not the big ones that you see in NASA pictures.

  • 5

    Hmm the writer is proving that the Tamil homeland is in South India, not Lanka. So who is the real minority here?

    • 3


      “Hmm the writer is proving that the Tamil homeland is in South India, not Lanka.”

      The author is trying to subtly remind the Sinhala people their ancestral origin which was South India.

      It is too complicated for you to understand. Just forget it.

      By the way somasss is building a Ghetto in the south for people like you. Join him. I support him so that rest of us can live in peace.

      • 1

        The author is trying to subtly remind the Sinhala people their ancestral origin which was South India.

        Those who are braying cannot prove where from Sinhala Language, the unique culture and civilization came.

        Tamils language, barbaers, toddy tappers, etc., are just 16 KM away. Only tobacco famrers a little bit far away.

        • 4

          jim softy dimwit

          “Tamils language, barbaers, toddy tappers, etc., are just 16 KM away. Only tobacco famrers a little bit far away.”

          They are now known as Sinhala/Buddhists in this island.

        • 3

          LOL Kallathonis wish they are from south India. Kallathonis are from Pakistan and Bangaladesh, third world countries.

      • 1

        [The author is trying to subtly remind the Sinhala people their ancestral origin which was South India. ]


        Who the [Edited out] in their right mind wants to indulge in finding their origin in this time of the history? This is the time of the history where people of ‘all color, race, creed, religion’ pick up their pieces, united in finding freaking common grounds, and march forward to conquer Mars.

        Leave time wasting department to NV.

      • 0

        How this has anything to with proving Sinhalese ancestral origin being in South India which is again false.

        Remember this idiot the immigrants who got absorbed to the larger Sinhala nation may have come from all over india but Sinhala nation is the product of Sri Lanka that is why you have nothing to show as yours in this island

  • 3

    “India is no more a third world country. It is the super power in the Indian Ocean. India’s economy surpassed that of UK, for the first time in more than 100 years. This dramatic shift has been driven by India’s rapid economic growth over the past 25 years as well as Britain’s recent woes, particularly with the Brexit. Once expected to overtake the UK GDP in 2020, the surpass has been accelerated by the nearly 20% decline in the value of the pound over the last 12 months, consequently UK’s 2016 GDP of GBP 1.87 trillion converts to $2.29 trillion at exchange rate of ~GBP 0.81 per $1, whereas India’s GDP of INR 153 trillion converts to $2.30 trillion at exchange rate of INR 66.6 per $1. Furthermore, this gap is expected to widen as India grows at 6 to 8% p.a. compared to UK’s growth of 1 to 2% p.a. until 2020, and likely beyond ranking at fifth place in terms of GDP.
    India has taken significant steps in nuclear and space technology, especially the latter. India is now capable of launching a record number, as high as 20 satellites in a single mission. India also took a giant step towards to making its first manned space mission after it successfully launched its latest rocket with a crew module. India will create history by launching a record 104 satellites, including 101 foreign ones, on February 15 from Sriharikota spaceport in Andhra Pradesh.”

    Tamils in Sri Lanka, particularly those in the estate sector should be educated, enlightened with this bright side of mother India.

    With all this there is an inherent superiority in the Sinhala Buddhist society judging by the reluctance of majority Tamils to move out.

    Events are moving fast. Hopefully soon there will be a day when Tamils in Sri Lanka will prefer Tamil Nadu over UK to migrate to.


  • 0


    Thanks for well articulated responses to Sivathasan’s article.

    Mr sivathasan is clueless about the dynamics of politics- the up and down and the u- turns.

    I thought he would have learnt a lesson after the defeat of Hilary

    Let him look at what is happening in the west.

    • 4

      Only two words. What you write is PATRONISING & DISPARAGING.

  • 2

    Resurgent Tamil Youth In Tamil Nadu?

    why are they not rebelling against chinamma Sasikala attempt to become CM?

    • 2


      “why are they not rebelling against chinamma Sasikala attempt to become CM?”

      I don’t think you should set their political agenda. It is up to them to deal with each matter as they see fit.

      The Hindians are waiting in the wings looking for the right time to break each movement that spontaneously arise in India.

      The Hindians are still living in Chanakya period (371 – 283 BC) act according to Chanakya’s dated principles, Sama – conciliation, Dana – gifts, Behda – rupture, and Danda – force.

      The moment Delhi Hindians see a people protest the first thing they do is break it into several manageable factions.

      Soon you will see the student/youth movement would be fighting among themselves.

      • 0

        well you are right

        I am having a dig at S. Sivathasan :)

        protesting for jallikattu to take head on a 4 legged bull is different to take head on a two legged cow who wants to be CM

        • 0

          “…is different to taking head on …”

  • 0

    Native Veddah

    On the Aryan-Dravidian discussion, it will be nice to read the
    comments of Prof. Charles Sarvan, who has enriched the pages of
    CT in recent times with his brilliant intervention on many a matter.


    • 2

      Dravidians are without a nation of their own.

      Living in other people’s nations at their mercy.

      • 1


        You seem to know something about nation.

        Could you define Nation and explain “Living in other people’s nations at their mercy.”

        Don’t bother if you really don’t know anything about nation or your rant.

      • 0

        Pity for Subra is the only thing I can think of. Sans intelligence, rational capacity and a basis knowledge of history he/she is bestowed with much prejudice. Indeed, it makes of all sorts to make the world.


  • 4

    Colombo Telegraph

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