6 December, 2024


Sajith Endorses UNP Leadership Council And 19 Powers At Party Convention

UNP MP and former deputy leader Sajith Premadasa who has refused to sit on the leadership council chaired by Karu Jayasuriya criticising it as a cosmetic change that was a breach of the party’s agreements with Buddhist monks stood up and voted to endorse the resolution to set up the Council and vest it with 19 key powers at the Party’s 55th Annual Convention today.

Sajith Premadasa

Sajith Premadasa

Premadasa who was nominated to sit on the nine member Council by the Party’s Working Committee has decided not to accept the appointment.

However he stood up and voted to endorse one of four resolutions establishing the Leadership Council and also the 19 powers granted to it by the Working Committee that once vested it with the UNP Leader at Sirikotha today, observers said.

He also voted in favour of three other resolutions that were put before the Convention today.

The MP from Hambantota voted for the abolishing of the Presidency and the resolution that all UNP members would speak in one voice to ensure Party success. The UNP also resolved at the Convention today that it would fight against corruption and to reduce the cost of living.

Latest comments

  • 3

    Is it a metamorphosis or what? however it is a good s sign. Thank you Sajith

    • 1

      Sajith is an UNEDUCATED unethical liar who told stories about getting a degree from London School of Economics.
      He is not fit to be in any leadership council and should be sacked from the UNP.
      That the UNP is desperate to get him on the commitee shows the lower depths to which the party has sunk! No one will vote for it with this bunch of clowns.
      CBK has a great future!

      • 1

        Another Sinhala Buddhist chauvinist trying to lead Sri Lanka to further disasters on top what is done by the majoritarian predecessors.

        • 0

          Lets get this double crossing [Edited out] Karunarathne Jayasuriya to do whatever he wants.That is till the voters at Gampaha send this Judas/Brutas down the loo!Ha ha ha!Sudu redi hora!

    • 0

      Thank you Sajith,eh?Now Sajith is a good guy,eh?Wait and see when Sajith pulls the carpet from under the feet of those con men!Ranil alias Don juan,Karunarathna alias two in one Judas/Brutus will learn the lesson of their lives.Don Juan and Judas/Brutus will see living day lights.It’s a matter of time before Sajith has the last laugh!Ranil the bloody “national leader”.And Karunarathne the chairman of the council of clowns.A damned set of loosing jokers!

  • 1

    Sajith is a MAMA BOY.

    • 1

      I trust Dr. Harsha De Silva.
      He explained to the press that all the powers of leader is now under LC.
      What else this bugger Premadasa Junior wants RW to do.
      Sajith ´s problem is wihtout having exp. trying to work on culprit agendas. He is a threat to UNP RIGHT at this critical juncture of the lanken politics.

      • 1

        Sajith is trying to achieve his political future by saying about the good done to the nature by his FATHER. But people of the country will never forget how his father ´s regime acted in late 80ties killing the youth of the country to the number not less than 50 000. I have lost my old mates at Pera. We hardly escaped our lives from the JVP/Premadasa killers then.

    • 0

      “Sajith is a MAMA’s BOY”.Quite true!How about our Don Juan alias Ranil?Not a Mama’s boy!But a “GAL” boy!Then how about the leader of the chairman of the council of the clowns,Karunarathna Jayasuriya?A Bodhisathwa turned Judas/Brutus!We enjoy this traveling circus!Now that we failed in defeating that war criminal Jarapkse,lets have a go at that Mama’s boy Sajith.If everything fails lets ask our David to help us out in our need of grief!But for one moment i wouldn’t trust this David character.Next what?Guess we are running out of options.But lets never give up hope.Our beloved tailor(not Mark Tailor)Mangy will do the needful with his Kurundu Polu Hamudawa.Of course we can count on Colombo based Wigne,Shiranee,Nimalka,double madams Dharshika,Pinto,Thissarani to help us out.Whatever it is now that we have failed in getting rid of that Jarapakse,lets try it on that Mama’s boy Sajith.If everything fails what?A Batalanda act?No i don’t think.Lets all make a trip to the north and drown ourselves at Nandikadal lagoon.A bloody set of day dreaming clowns!

  • 3

    United National Party………. Way to go…….. Move on (Ohoma Yang)

  • 3

    It is to be hoped that the UNP will oppose tyranny by speaking with one voice in the future – for removal of the Executive Presidency, and removal of the 18th Amendment.
    It is their duty to this nation now that they have regularised the powers of the leadership.
    The future of the nation is in their hands.

  • 2

    Good on you sajith,for not embarking on a confrontational course,otherwise you will be made a scapegoat one day for UNP defeats.Age is on your side,just be patient.

  • 4

    No doubt Sajith has enough time to come to the top. Yet it would have been good for him to strengthen the leadership council. RW’s speech was all about, I did this and I did that. Cant he forget himself for a moment and talk about We? UNP is about We not Me.

  • 6

    Sajith, You have enough time ahead. You are still not yet fifty. Your father was above fifty when he became PM. If you are to follow the foot-steps of your father you should not swallow dead ropes given to you by the government. Karu Jayasuriya was a confidant of your father. Your father even offered him to be a Minister of your father’s cabinet, which he politely declined. Karu will be a fatherly figure for you. He will show you the way to achieve success as a politician. Educated people were laughing at you when last week you openly declared that you would be crowned on 21st December, 2013. At present you are intoxicated with greed for leadership and unless you curb your self-praising statements at public meetings your political funeral will soon catch up with you.

  • 9

    Manipulated and bamboozled by MARA and his proxies like Sirasa, Tirun Hulus et al this buffalo rejected Leadership Council all the way. His participation at this very late stage is proof that he has admitted defeat. This is the end of his political life. On the other hand Ranil has set sailed to safety the UNP ship. Matara march was the final assault orchestrated by the regime to expel Ranil but Ranil yet again proved his inexhaustible resourcefulness, wisdom and chivalry by playing the card of Leadership Council which by the way is truly and deeply rooted his UNP’s new constitutional concept of devolved leadership powers and governance responsibility. He embarked on the new constitutional amendment and implementation policy and principle at the most correct and auspicious time by confronting the Mahinda cum Sajith Rajapaksha assault against him by setting up Leadership Council (LC). One is fascinated on how Ranil has managed to drive UNP home against all sorts of conspiracies, strategies and assaults aimed at its disintegration and splinter. For a man of Ranil’s stature with such nuanced talents, flexibility, patience and endurance who stood on the burning deck of UNP’s wreckage wrecked by party’s own men and rivals, and when observing how all the other political parties, trade unions, people’s collective fights etc. around have been disintegrated into pieces due to conspiracy tactics implemented by MARA, Sri Lanka is privileged and fortunate to have a invincible leader like Rani who is also honest and honorable to rescue the country in the 12th hour. He is the Phoenix who will rise from the ashes of UNP and those of the Rajapaksha destroyed Sri Lanka. He is the Good Samaritan about whom the future historians of Sri Lanka and the world would ink in golden letters as rescuing this country from Rajapksha hell, poverty and ignorance and imparting to its people peace, dignity, honour and prosperity.

  • 3

    Sajith is no leader he chickened out when he should have contested the leadership post and accepted the deputy leaders post. Dropping all those who supported him.

  • 1

    I have commented on this time and time again. Everyone lashes out at Ranil and ridicules him mercilessly. No one asks a simple question. If all those who shamelessly crossed to the government stood by the party by now this regime would have sunk. The irony is that having been elected under the UNP they cross to the government and call Ranil a loser. This type of stupid talk is possible only in this resplendent island.

  • 3

    Sajith time for you to leave the UNP and join your buddies Tiran, Maithree , Lakthilaka etc. You are a misfit and a curse to the party. Your friends were talking of a new party. You can be the leader of that. Try contest the next elections and see how many votes you and your gang could get.

  • 0

    Before leaving the party, Tamara’s request, there is
    a more important thing Sajith should do – see a good

    He is the voice of Kili Maharaja and Tiran Allas, the
    two,believe they can make leaders and produce governments.
    That era is long gone.

    The pseudo nationalist who has secret links with many
    in the Government thinks people do not know it.He is
    wrong. He will sell anyone for a little gain. The father,
    though an autocrat, was a different kettle of fish. He
    evoked fear. Sajith evokes laughter.

  • 0

    Sajith’s only merit is that he is his father’s son. His degree is bullshit. But although the father had good points he was a murderer. He killed Richard De Soyza.UNP has got to be different . We don’t want another Rajapakse

  • 0

    UNP is too busy fighting among themselves. They do not speak a word about the present President who kills the press editiors, kidnaps political opponents, tramples the judiciaries and rules over mass graves.

  • 0

    Sajith is Jarapaksa’s boy. Sajith is [Edited out] by maharaja and Ravi Wijeratna as advised by Sajin vaas Gunawardana.
    Sajith is been used to destabilise UNP.
    Sanity is NOT a chip of the old block.

  • 0

    The more I read or hear about Sajith, the more I get
    disgusted. The latest is his announcement that he
    would join the Leadership Council if the Maha Sangha
    wants him to do so “unanimously.”

    It is true he is a good orator and crowd puller. But
    he has proved beyond doubt to any average (or less than
    average) student of politics that he is manipulated by
    a set of mercenaries – Raja Mahendran (Sirasa), Tiran
    Alles (the LTTE crony), Thushara Gunaratne (Mawbima) and
    Maithree Gunaratne.

    He he said anything sensible than simply berate the UNP
    leadership? He is used to the habit of standing beside
    VIPs visiting Sri Lanka, having himself photographed
    and getting them published in the local media. He would
    even claim he held official talks when there was none.

    How would such an asinine idiot be the future leader of
    Sri Lanka? His father was very controversial but no one
    will deny he earned a place in politics in Sri Lanka. He
    had a vision. His motto was consultation and compromise.
    Sajith’s one is criticize and condemn the leadership all
    the time.

    The time will come sooner than later when this vain looking
    monkey will be ostracised from politics. After all, people
    who are not members of any political party except those in
    the opposition to play their role so others could enjoy a
    decent quality of life. Here is one who is trying to shine
    on the reflected glory of his father and the misguided notion
    that the Maharajas and Alleses can foist him to power.

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