6 February, 2025


Sampanthan: Second Class Or Superclass Citizen?

By Veluppillai Thangavelu

Veluppillai Thangavelu

Rajeeva Jayaweera is a Sinhalese-Buddhist supremacist who contributes regularly to The Island newspaper spewing communal venom against the minorities. His latest outburst is against R. Sampanthan, MP over his occupation of the house allocated to him when he was the Leader of the Opposition. Prior to that, he lived in a one-room flat allocated to MPs.

In fact, in accordance with tradition, Sampanthan should have been allowed to continue as Leader of the Opposition because the TNA was the second-largest party in parliament. The appointment of Mahinda Rajapaksa was illegal because he has resigned from SLFP/UPFA and joined the SLPP. As proof, he proudly flaunted his SLPP membership card to the media. What was the reaction of Jayaweera for jettisoning parliamentary traditions by the Speaker Karu Jayasuriya in favour of Mahinda Rajapaksa? Don’t he know that SLPP as a party has not contested parliamentary elections so far? To borrow the words of Jayaweera “who conspired and “cooked up” up to install Mahinda Rajapaksa as Leader of Opposition?”

Jayaweera is piggy about the renovation of the house allocated to R.Sampanthan at a cost of Rs.35 million. In the first place, Sampanthan did not ask for the renovation. And the renovation cost is capital expenditure which has increased the value of the house. Jayaweera’s argument Sampanthan has acknowledged LTTE terrorist leader as the sole representative is puerile. Not only Sampanthan but every government that came to power in Sri Lanka recognized Prabhakaran as the sole and authentic leader of the Tamils. It is on this premise that Ranasinghe Premadasa, Chandrika Kumaratunga, Ranil Wickremesinghe and Mahinda Rajapaksa held peace talks with Prabhakaran not once but many times. Not only the Sri Lankan government even the international community, especially the co-chairs, acknowledged Prabhakaran as the sole representative of the Tamils.

Prabhakaran is a terrorist for Sinhala – Buddhist supremacists like Jayaweera, but he is a freedom fighter for the beleaguered Tamils. He should pause to think about how terrorism sprouted in Sri Lanka, a Buddhist? It was the enactment of the 1972 Republican Constitution by the Sinhalese leadership that inspired the Tamil regional majority to officially demand a separate Tamil state (Tamil Eelam) in 1977. This was further influenced by their denial of equal rights (It robbed the minorities of even the scanty safeguards against discrimination) under the law to the minorities, evidenced by their deliberate exclusion of the provisions of Section 29 of the Soulbury Constitution (introduced at independence in 1948).

The likes of Jayaweera must answer the question why the Tamils have voted consistently, courageously, convincingly and overwhelmingly rejected the Rajapaksas at the parliamentary and presidential elections held in the Northeast since 2009? Rajapaksa repeatedly claims he liberated the Tamils who were under the clutch of the terrorist LTTE, but if this is true where are the garlands for the liberators? In the just-concluded presidential elections, Gotabaya Rajapaksa just managed to poll only a paltry 23,261 (6.24%) of the total votes polled in the Jaffna electoral district.

Granted the LTTE is a terrorist organization why did Ranasinghe Premadasa as President gave arms and ammunition to the same LTTE to fight the IPKF? Why did Mahinda Rajapaksa give Rs.500 million to the same terrorist organization to boycott the 2005 presidential election in the Northeast? It is alleged the cheque for Rs.500 million was handed over to Emil Kanthan, a proxy for LTTE, supposedly to construct houses by the TRO for the displaced in Vavuniya. It was later found the company name and address were bogus! What is your answer Jayaweera? I am sure you cannot plead ignorance because this to this day it remains an open secret!

Jayaweera asks rhetorically asks “How in heaven’s name did he contribute to national reconciliation?”. Jayaweera knows the answer but he pretends he does not. R. Sampanthan at a rally in Jaffna along with Ranil Wickremesinghe held the Lion flag to demonstrate his willingness to cooperate with the majority community. In other words, he believed in reconciliation and living in peace with the majority community. He attended the 2016 independence celebration in Colombo along with M.A. Sumanthiran again to demonstrate his commitment to national reconciliation. The counterparts of Jayaweera among the Tamils lost no time to carry out a well-orchestrated campaign to tarnish Sampanthan as a traitor to the Tamil cause. He was accused of selling the Tamils to the majority Sinhalese.

Jayaweera is lying when he accuses Sampanthan of accepting handouts? What handouts? Other than this blessed house what else did he accept for himself exclusively? It was Sampanthan who speaking in parliament challenged the government/opposition members whether he has robbed the government even a rupee? Jayaweera must be ashamed to level such unfounded and carte Blanche accusations without an iota of truth? As the leader of the Opposition, Sampanthan was frugal in the number of staff, vehicles and other perks he was legitimately entitled to. In this respect, he stands apart and tall compared to many Sinhalese Ministers who squandered public funds in millions.

Jayaweera is downright mean and is engaged in nitpicking, looking at the speck in other people’s eyes! One swallow does not make a summer. Simply because Sampanthan has been allowed to live in his official residence does not mean the Tamils have become first-class citizens! This is the type of perverted argument Sinhala – Buddhist zealots like Jayaweera indulge in to deflect the legitimate demands of the Tamil people. In the good old days, Sinhalese racists used to counter Tamils demands by telling ” look the Chief Justice is a Tamil, the Navy chief is a Tamil, three lingams, including Bhaskaralingam are running the government etc.etc.

Jayaweera in his wisdom is asking President Gotabaya to evict both Sampanthan and Sirisena from their government accommodations. Unfortunately, he is asking the wrong person, a person himself accused of monumental corruption. Robbing the government Treasury during broad daylight to the tune of Rs. 47.9 million.

Gotabaya Rajapakse owes a balance amount due to Land Reclaiming and Construction Authority being the cost of constructing DA Rajapaksa Foundation’s Mosealeam and Museum Rs.47.9? The original cost was Rs.81.2 million and only Rs.33.9 has been settled so far. Gotabaya used/misused state resources to construct the said edifice I am sure the old man must be turning in his grave seeing his sons constructing a Memorial at taxpayer’s expense! Is this not a disgrace for the Rajapaksa family? Is this not a case of misusing state resources for the benefit of the Rajapaksa family? Basil Rajapaksa disowned a house and property constructed at a cost of Rs.250 million because he could not prove the source of the funds.

Moreover, Gotabaya’s hands are soaked with the blood of innocents killed by government sleuths. Lasantha Wickremeatunga, Prabath Egnaligoda and Wasim Thajudeen just to name a few high-profile citizens of the country. Not long ago, Gotabaya Rajapaksa obtained a stay order from attending Jaffna District Court on a habeas corpus case citing concern about his security, But a few days later he travelled to the very same town to hold rallies in support of his candidature!

A close look at the cases winding up the steps of courUNP ts, Gotabaya is treated like a holy cow untouchable by the arms of justice. It is claimed that Minister Sagala Rathnayake threw the lifeline to Gotabaya when he was the Minister of Law and Order (11 November 2015 – 25 February 2018). The then Chief of Police Finance Crimes Investigations Division (FCID) Ravi Vaidyalankara was also responsible for safeguarding Gotabaya. Ravi Vaidyalankara is now openly campaigning for Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Gotabaya has already promised that if he is elected he will release all army personnel now facing charges in courts from prison.

Not only Gotabaya Rajapaksa his family itself is corrupt. Not long ago, ex-President Maithripala Sirisena asked the government to approve a proposal to pay Rs. 4.4 billion in outstanding bills accrued during the tenure of President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s government.

Among the unpaid bills are Rs. 2 billion due to the Customs for items imported by the Presidential Secretariat, Rs. 113 million also due by the Presidential Secretariat to Sri Lankan Airlines, Rs. 10 million to Ganga Catering Services for a function at Carlton House, Rs. 10 million due to Premasiri Stores for consumer items bought from the shop and various sums due for putting up of tents and temporary huts.

Fortunately, the Treasury has put on hold President Sirisena’s proposal. It wants an investigation on the expenditure incurred, instead of approving the payments due to both, private and state institutions through a Cabinet paper presented by President Sirisena.

Expenses of former President Rajapaksa’s overseas travel, expenses for entertainment incurred during visits of state guests, payments for hiring vehicles from a private firm, and money spent on lodging and meals for security staff are among the payments claimed.

Just to comment on the payment of Rs.10 million to Ganga Catering Services, it shows Mahinda Rajapaksa was entertaining right royally every dick and tom who went to see him or invited by him.

Now Gotabaya Rajapaksa is asking the public and public servants to fight corruption!

President Gotabaya has temporarily secured temporary reprieve in the corruption case filed against him in the courts. The case relates to the construction of the DA Mousalium and Museum at Geettamula. More than me Jayaweera knows the facts better.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, if he is serious about ‘draining the swamp’ and cleaning up this mess, should take steps to overturn previous cabinet decisions, and evict both Sampanthan and President Sirisena from their government accommodations, besides withdrawing facilities.

Sampanthan is entitled to nothing. Let the TNA, and its millionaire lawyers secure a residence and facilities for its leader. Former President Sirisena is entitled to an accommodation that befits his position of a former Head of State. Not that of a Head of State.

Jayaweeera is making the ridiculous claim that “Sampanthan is entitled to nothing”. Is he serious? Does he not know an MP he is entitled to free housing like any other MPs?

Jayaweera should stop his vendetta against Sampanthan, instead, he should go after the Rajapaksa family and expose their multi-billion big-time corruption!

Latest comments

  • 22

    TNA’s Sambanthan is shameless to occupy the opposition leaders house. If UNP is so fond of Sambanthan then they should rent and pay for an apartment for him.

    The UNP and TNA cannot be making deals with State property that belongs to the Citizens of Lanka.The opposition leader’s official house is State and Public property and cannot be traded among political parties in corrupt deal making.

    This is just further proof of the SL Parliament being a Cesspit of Corruption also with USAID “advisors” and projects, with politicians of all parties – UNP-SLFP-PP_TNA-JVP colluding to misuse and abuse the Public Property and state funds that belong to the citizens of Sri Lanka.

    • 8

      These ‘Para’ Dravidians do not know what is ‘SHAME’. That is why as descendants of slaves brought to this country, they want to carve out part of the ‘Land of Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo’ exclusively for them using a bogus claim ‘Traditional Homeland’. They know very well that they do not have a ‘Traditional Homeland’ in Sinhale. They are squatting on land once used by Sinhalayo thanks to colonial parasites. These Dravidians remind us the story about the ‘camel who was allowed to put its head into the tent’.

      • 22

        Modaya pala go and read some good history book.

      • 12

        Hi Eagle Eye,

        Are you an Aryan? Do you have blue eyes and blond hair? Probably not! You have eagle eyes, which many Aryans do not have. You are a bird, not even a human. Learn to talk in a civilised manner – but then you are not a human but a mere bird – so how can you?

      • 5

        Such ill-informed responses by retarded individuals do the Sinhalese race grievous harm. The man’s synapses are no longer firing, due probably to age and infirmity, or to creeping insanity. Eagle Eye has obviously long lost its telescopic capability. It now seems to have got its head up its rear end. Reading well-thought-out responses is always looked forward to. Such garbage is good for people with zero IQ.

      • 1

        If all Sinhalese People are thinking like this , the country will never go forward. Fortunately there are men of understanding ,intellect and giving values to Buddhist values.

    • 16

      Did Sampanthar ever think of the Tamils fighting/crying for their own lands and houses when he went to occupy his luxurious house in Colombo7?

      • 1

        I also think Sampanthan should have, vacated the house after a reasonable period. He also behaved like ordinary politicians in selling his vehicle permit just damaging his image. Of course most of his partymen sold the permits.

        • 1

          He did not buy a car.

          • 1

            According to Newspapers of two years back, Prominent Tamil Politicians who sold the permit include Hon.Sampanthan, and Senathiraja.. The said news item on an RTI inquiry carried all the names of Parliamentarians who sold their permits.

    • 15

      The sick notion of Parliamentary Privilege that Bondscam Ranil and the Jarapassa brothers and their supporters use to avoid the law must be abolished. Politicians of the corrupt parliament think that they are above the law.

      Politicians are not above the law and should NOT have any privileges.

    • 0

      “TNA’s Sambanthan is shameless to occupy the opposition leaders house.”

      not only shameless but careless too,just like amirthalingam who got shot opening the door to gunmen.the opposition leaders residence must be bugged left right and center and all sampu’s future strategies for the tamils will listened upon by intelligence.

  • 31


    Tell us how much wealth Rajapakse family has and how they got that wealth (including a timeline)?

  • 9

    Mr. Sambanthan is not the Opposition Leader now. But, he is occupying the same COLOMBO -7 house that he was occupying when he was the Opposition Leader. It looks he is going to keep that house as his retirement house. What do you say about that.

  • 22

    Thank you CT for providing this platform for publishing articles and making comments by the readers.
    I think you should ask the authors to come back and answer some of the important questions put by the readers and other authors. That will raise the standard of CT and also would stop Rajaweera kind of people writing rubbish. If the authors of the articles do not comply they should be banned from writing articles on CT.

    • 20

      CT monitor comments by the readers and remove them when they are not complying to the standard set by CT. Freedom of speech (if I can call it that way)does not fully apply to the readers. Same should apply to the authors.
      What is the standard set by CT for the authors of the articles?

      CT should ask Rajaweera to write a meaning full reply to Mr Thangavelu.

    • 5

      ‘If the authors of the articles do not comply they should be banned from writing articles on CT.’

      Very good idea. Most of the articles that will be banned are articles written by Demalu and Muslims because most of these articles contain rubbish.

      • 14

        Yours will be the first one.

      • 13

        I am sure you will be happy if Tamil/Muslim opinion is banned altogether and if they could be chased out from Srilanka so that the Sinhalese can live like Frogs In the Well. Mabe that all opinions against yours too should be banned.

    • 13

      “That will raise the standard of CT and also would stop Rajaweera kind of people writing rubbish. If the authors of the articles do not comply they should be banned from writing articles on CT.”
      You are entitled to your opinion, and Rajeewa J is entitled to his. If CT decided to ban contributors according to their opinions, this forum would be as interesting as the Daily News.
      Do you really want that?
      CT gives you the space to fight ideas with other ideas.

      • 12

        Thank you Old Codger.
        You are much experienced than me in these things. Opinion is different from facts.
        In my opinion, Mahinda Pala kind of people are not writing any “ideas” or facts.

        • 10

          There are ways to get under the skin of the Eagles and Palas. Sarcasm works. Let lying dogs sleep, as Churchill said.

          • 0

            Just noticed that you inverted Churchil’s quote.
            I think that it was “Let sleeping dogs lie”.

            • 0

              I believe that Churchill said this when he noticed one of his opponents was asleep during one of his speeches.
              Let sleeping dogs lie is the normal form.

      • 9

        Old codger

        I was worried by your absence in these columns during the past 52 days.
        Are you observing a vow of silence during this unsettled times or for health reasons?

        “CT gives you the space to fight ideas with other ideas.”

        Actually we are trying to fight Modayas with our ideas.
        It appears difficult but doable.

        • 7

          Thanks for your concern. No, I have not been restrained by doctors or white van operators.
          Just roaming in foreign parts for a while.

          • 4

            Old codger

            Are you planning to stay away for the next 5 or more years or permanently?

  • 5

    How can Mr Sampathar be the Opposition Leader of the Lankawe Parliament with only 14 Seats, put together by 4 Tamil Parties ,some of which openly helped the LTTE Trrorists if Mr Samoathar is a Second Class Citizen?.

    Velupulle is right on the money.
    Mr Sampathar is even better than First Class for sure .

    Wonder whether Mr Sampathar’s own residence is in Jaffna or Trincomale?..

  • 4

    Mr. V. Thangavelu asks two questions:
    “Granted the LTTE is a terrorist organization (1) why did Ranasinghe Premadasa as President gave arms and ammunition to the same LTTE to fight the IPKF? (2) Why did Mahinda Rajapaksa give Rs.500 million to the same terrorist organization to boycott the 2005 presidential election in the Northeast?
    1. Pirabhakaran along with his LTTE was trained by Indian RAW with the sole intention of destabilizing Sri Lanka; the best way to teach the Indians an unforgettable lesson was to turn their own trained terrorists against them. President Premadasa did the first part of this project well and the LTTE with his support killed over 1600 IPKF soldiers and mimed over 3000. In addition, they killed Rajiv Gandhi who had bullied Sri Lankans by ordering a ‘Parippu’ drop to the north of the island. By the time Premadasa was killed the Sinhalese had wanted to get rid of him for many a crime committed by him and his men during the 88-89 insurrection.
    2. MR gave a bait just like a fisherman attaching a worm to his fishing hook. Pirabaharan swallowed it greedily and died on the Nandikadal lagoon. The fool saw only the money (bait) but not the bullet (hook) attached to it. The fact that it was an expensive bait (Rs. 500 million) was a question to many but given the results it generated, this bait was just a peanut for the people of Sri Lanka.
    Sri Lankans, specially the Sinhalese are a peace loving nation; they are not interested in arms or arm struggles. They don’t support those who take up arms and the best example is their electoral response to the JVP. Actually there is a saying in Sinhalese:
    “Those who take up weapons get destroyed by the weapon itself”.

    • 8

      The answer is simple. RP was, as MR is, a politician with both having the sort of scruples typical of their tribe, fettered by their political myopia and interested primarily in personal progress. As for that saying in Sinhalese, there is a saying no less well known attributed to Jesus Christ which says, ‘Those who live by the sword will die by the sword’

    • 13

      Raj, You’re just blowing hot air. Sri Lanka has never been a peace-loving nation. Successive governments, since independence, have either acted violently or encouraged such actions against Tamils. You can go back and check out the origins of communal troubles, for it is far too numerous to mention here.
      Finally, “Those who take up weapons get destroyed by the weapon itself” is not a Sinhalese saying; The phrase comes from the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 26, 26:52), in which one of Jesus’s disciples is described as having struck the servant of the High Priest of Israel and cut off his ear. Jesus is described as having rebuked him, saying: “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” Always get your facts right.

      • 3

        You’re pretending to be a smart kid. As you know the Sinhalese in this island have a long history that goes back to over 30 centuries. They have a written history of 26 centuries documented in Mahawansa and Deepawansa. India’s Ramayana and Mahabharatha mention about the war between God Rama and Lanka’s king Ravana.
        Given the wordings of the above saying in Sinhala “Avi gaththo aviyenma neseth”, (Those who take up weapons get destroyed by the weapon itself), I am sure it is not a translation or borrowed one from another source.
        Majority Sri Lankans are a peace loving people; their history proves it. However, you speak about the period after 1948 and that period demonstrates a different fact, unique to them: if you love peace you can live with them like members of one family, if you hate them and love war they will give you 3 chances and that’s it!
        Pirabaharan and his LTTE had 3 chances to make peace with them but got destroyed at the 4th Eelam war!

        • 6

          Raj, Raj,
          I envy your patriotic enthusiasm when you say “Majority Sri Lankans are a peace loving people; their history proves it”.
          How would you explain the fact that the Mahavamsa itself states that very few kings died a natural death? Most were murdered by their siblings, children, or rivals. Keep it up.

          • 6

            Old codger

            ” Most were murdered by their siblings, children, or rivals. Keep it up.”

            Come on you must be reading a completely different Mahawamsa that of the one Raj is used to.

        • 5


          “Majority Sri Lankans are a peace loving people; their history proves it.”

          Of course they were and are.
          What peaceful people who intermittently celebrate their uniqueness.
          My Elders tell me indeed you celebrated peace historically in 1915, 1958, 1961, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1981, 1987-1991, … 1983 – 2015, 2014, 2018, 2019, …..

          “As you know the Sinhalese in this island have a long history that goes back to over 30 centuries.”

          Have you? It is interesting.
          What were they doing during the past 30 centuries?
          What happened to the Sinhalese 30 centuries before?
          How come the Sinhalese suddenly popped into the island and start destroying everything?
          Where were they before appearing on this island?

          “Pirabaharan and his LTTE had 3 chances to make peace with them but got destroyed at the 4th Eelam war!”

          What if they achieve their objectives without a shot being fired?

        • 1

          Sinhalese have a long history of 30 centuries and have a written history of 26 centuries ! From where is all this bullshit coming from.? Sinhalese language and the Sinhalese people only came into existence from around 7AD-9AD. They evolved from the native Dravidian Tamil or Semi Tamil speaking Yakka, some Naga and other indigenous tribes , who mixed up with immigrants/invaders from India. most of them from the Tamil country in South India and some from North East India. The Sinhalese language is a blend of the native Tamil dialect , Pali/Prakrit of Buddhism and now Sanskrit. Everything about the Sinhalese reeks of Tamils and no one else. Their food, dress, customs , the gods they worship, festivals, music, dance all reflection of India’s two southern states, Tamil Nadu and Kerala( that was Tamil until a few centuries ago). Even now the Sinhalese language despite deliberate Sanskritisation , as a 40% Tamil derived vocabulary. Its grammar , syntax , lexicon and alphabet is purely derived from Tamil not Sanskrit or Pali. What you state as ancient writing found in the island is either Prakrit of Tamil Brahmi. Definitely not Sinhalese. Please do not lie

    • 8

      Rs 500 Million peanut? That is why you send your women to middle east

    • 1

      //He should pause to think about how terrorism sprouted in Sri Lanka, a Buddhist? // find the answer to this question in this article

  • 3

    “Prabhakaran is a terrorist for Sinhala – Buddhist supremacists like Jayaweera, but he is a freedom fighter for the beleaguered Tamils”
    Is that the view of your ‘beleaguered Tamil’ whose boys and girls were taken forcibly by VP? Is that the view of parents and spouses of Tamil suicide bombers who were sent to death and asked to swallow cyanide? But VP remained to be shot like a dog without guts to swallow a cyanide capsule of blow himself up with a grenade? Some freedom fighter!!!

    • 2

      Beleaguered Tamils Did he say?..

      The whole Cabal of the TNA Tamils live in Cinnamon Gardens and Wellala Gardens.

      In fact the Boss bloke of the TNA Alliance got a new house there for his Retirement.
      And they are the ones who are hell bent on forcing the SL government to jettison North and East from the rest for them to rule.

      How many of the offsprings of those Vellala Stock did wear Mr Pira’s Cyanide Capsule?..

      • 4

        KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

        “The whole Cabal of the TNA Tamils live in Cinnamon Gardens and Wellala Gardens.”

        If true somass is going to have field day.
        He will have good targets for his next planned riots.

        Does Gota know the meaning of Nepotism?

  • 3

    So many Lingams flying about, I had to duck and take cover. Ofcourse Rajiva Jayaweera will take a pot shot at Sampanthan’s allocation. RW knows what side of his slice of stale bread is the buttered side, and who butters it. He couldn’t give a flying lingam for all the other abuses by politicians and government servants who outstay their welcome in government property – sometime by years. (Especially if they are of the same tribe.) Oh no, RW cannot change his spots. What a load of old cock I say! This is Sri Lanka.

  • 2

    Velupillai Thangevelu
    Are you such a bankrupt individual, you had to use the title of my Opinion piece published in The Island on 01 January 2020? http://www.island.lk/index.php?page_cat=article-details&page=article-details&code_title=216315 Could you not think of anything original?
    For the benefit of readers, I was unable to publish the piece in CT as ‘The Island’ does not inform the date of publication and CT does not publish articles once published elsewhere.

  • 16

    ……………….……………………..and, Sellappillai Mahendran died after being in jail for 26 years as a Political Prisoner.(Tamilnet)
    He was jailed on instructions from Gotabaya Rajapakse who was the enforcer of the PTA.
    In any other country, this would have been headline news

  • 12

    To me, the position seems very clear. In accordance with precedent and the importance of the Office of Leader of the Opposition, Mr Sampanthan was entitled to various benefits arising out of that office. But those benefits apply only while he occupies that position. And when he ceases to do so, he has to revert to receiving only those benefits appropriate to an MP. It was clearly out of order If Mr S was provided an official residence for use for the duration of his leadership of the TNA, even if he has ceased to be the Leader of the Opposition, and the matter should now be put right. Regarding former President Sirisena, it is my firm belief that a President on leaving office should try to maintain the dignity of the Office of President by ceasing to be in active party politics thereafter. It seems to me that our ex Presidents, with the rare exception of maybe, DB Wijetunge have brought down the prestige of the Office of President by continuing to be in (grubby) active politics. MR showed poor judgement/discretion in entering parliament again as an MP. Sirisena has indicated he wishes to follow a similar course. But after being President, is it not a real ‘come down’ to seek any other political office which by definition will be lower? At a practical level, if outgoing Presidents wish to remain in active politics, they should be prepared to at least give up the Presidential retirement benefits during that time.

  • 5

    “Rajapaksa repeatedly claims he liberated the Tamils who were under the clutch of the terrorist LTTE, but if this is true where are the garlands for the liberators?”

    These dumbos cannot understand the difference between ‘Rajapakse Liberated ‘ and ‘Rajapakse gave Leadership to Liberate’.

    Can you deny that Demalu were under the clutches of Prabhakaran. He killed all his opponents and showed that he is the sole representative of Demalu. As a result of defeating LTTE barbarians, mothers who were scared that their children will be grabbed by LTTE to be recruited as child soldiers got a sigh of relief. Isn’t that liberation. Sri Lankan Armed Forces liberated about 300,000 Demala civilians who were kept as a Human Shield by LTTE barbarians. Didn’t you hear about that?

    ‘Para’ Dravidians do not appreciate what Rajapakses did because the religion they follow or their parents have not taught them the notion of ‘Being Grateful’ to someone who helped. Sinhalayo should not show any sympathy to these ungrateful ‘Para’ BPs.

    • 14

      Mr. Eagle Eye, with all due respect you’re talking out of your backside without any factual evidence to back it up. When and where did the story begin? Did Prabakaran appear out of thin air? You better ask yourself these two important questions and numerous other questions before putting your pen to paper and coming out with “modaiya emotional statements.”

  • 3

    I do not think the tax payers in this country should allow Sambandan to live in the residence of the Leader of the Opposition and Sirisena to live in the house he used as the President because both these guys did not make a significant contribution to the development of the country. In fact, both these guys played a role in ruining the country. Sambandan wholeheartedly supported Dravida terrorists who slaughtered thousands of innocent civilians and ruined the economy. Sirisena paved the way for Ranil who ruined this country to become the PM.

  • 4

    Mr. Thangavelu: Sambanthan is gentleman enough or Ayya enough to live among Trincomalle voters who gave him an Income and prestige to Live. Sambanthan is very cheap man.

  • 15

    The house allocated to R.Sampanthan was previously occupied by late Ratnasiri Wickremanayake in his capacity as Prime Minister of Sri Lanka from 2000 to 2001 and again from 2005 to 2010. He was a National List member of the Parliament of Sri Lanka. It is after his demise on 27, 2016, the house was taken over and allocated to R.Sampanthan after renovation in 2017.

    An ordinary MP has the use of a state bungalow and two vehicles.

    The previous government had taken a decision to allow former Opposition Leader R. Sampanthan to use his official residence in Mahagamasekara Mawatha, Colombo, as long as he remains the leader of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA).

    The official residence is located on B 12, Mahagamasekera Mawatha in Colombo 7 and has been allocated to him through a Cabinet decision.

    Parliamentary Affairs Minister Gayantha Karunathillake had submitted the Cabinet paper on February 26 this year (2019) seeking approval to allow this house to be used by Mr Sampanthan as long as he is the TNA leader.

    R.Sampanthan served as Leader of the Opposition from September 2015 till December 2018. Prior to moving into his present residence, he was living in a 2 room flat in Colombo meant for MPs. The flat was located on the top floor of a multi-storied building, without an elevator. Being 86 years old, he found it challenging to climb several flights of stairs up and down daily.

    If R.Sampanthan is not a Tamil but a Sinhalese Rajeeva Jayaweera and his likes will not be beating their chest in this fashion.

    Jayaweera silence over the corruption involved in making use of state resources by Gotabaya Rajapaksa to construct the DA Mouseleam and Museum is deafening. Gotabaya gave orders for the construction when he was the all-powerful secretary of Defence Ministry as well as Secretary of the Ministry of Development Authority. (https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/da-rajapaksa-foundation-owes-slrdc-rs-47-million-for-rajapaksa-memorial/)

    • 14


      Facts and jealosy prone Rajeewa don’t mix.
      If ever there is competition for pettiness you know who will win the second place after Wimal Windbag Weerawansa.

    • 10

      Dear Thanga,
      I’ve read very little
      of the article or the comments, but I thought your long comment and excellent explanation of what all this ho ha is about a sufficient summary.
      How much time have we got to read rubbish?
      By the way, you should take a look at this article which seems to have lit fires in the breasts of most Sinhala_Buddhists who have too little intellect to understand what the fine young author is saying:
      I wonder what Gautama would have said.
      Read it, you’ll find it, and some of the comments, most interesting!


  • 17


    You tell this nice story to your grandmother! That Rs.500 million is just peanuts!

  • 4

    R Sampanthan does not deserve anything.

  • 6

    Sampanthar cannot hold anything not his own or due. But the case here is different.

    Ask it from Buffoon De Silva. He tells how he sabotaged Chandrika and Helpless Hambantota help to crown the Old King. Royals lavishly robbed more than $18B. With that of ocean water, they bought all needed legal protection and political protection and Sinhala Buddhist votes to come back to power. Sinhala Majority overwhelmingly out throws the minority interests. It is not Sinhala Buddhists, even Rishard, Hakeem, Deva, Hezbollah, Karuna … all got rich. Hezbollah is buying Islands in Lankawe. Karuna, bicycle shop repairman became the fourth richest politician in Lankawe. Nobody account where and where Rishard owns land in Vanni. Old King accused Rishard, in his time alone, grabbed 5,000 acres.

    In that circumstances, why Sampanthar should not rob something for him; it is just one house? Why? Is that because Appe Sinhala Buddhist Aanduwa writing off all Tamils Tax liabilities?

  • 5

    Why is Sampanthan living in a gated, Rs 35M house and asking for Eelam, while the future citizens of Eelam are living in tin shacks? Sampanthan’s hero Pirapakaran had the same mentality, a house with a big swimming pool, pajero, Western schools for the kids. While Vanni kids were forcibly recruited and forced to fight in the jungle. This is true, regardless. All leaders of so-called revolutionary movements live like kings and let their followers fight for a foolish cause. After Fidel Castro came to power, he lived every day of his life in a palace. Same with Stalin.

    “Granted the LTTE is a terrorist organization why did Ranasinghe Premadasa as President gave arms and ammunition to the same LTTE to fight the IPKF? “

    Because IPKF were foreign invaders to the island. Better to let the LTTE fight them than use SLA.

  • 2

    History repeats itself when people arrogate to crown themselves like Napoleon Bonaparte. Europe, in its recent history records people with extremist views to call themselves the Fuhrer (leader in English and Thalaiver in Tamill). At least Adolf Hitler won one round of elections to get the control of the German Government and perhaps to call himself the sole representative of the German people. Did the gun toting Thalaiver of North of Sri Lanka win any election to call himself a representative of some people leave alone being crowned as the sole representatives of an ethnic group of this country? Just because a third party performed some activity such as holding talks for something or the other is that any substitute for an election by the electors? I wonder where the author of this article was during the 30 year war when a lot of people in the Northern Province really suffered under the Jackboot of a megalomaniac who holds a record of killing tens of thousands of people of his own ethnicity in the form of executions for “insubordination” to call himself the sole representative of the very same people whom he milched upon? The answer is most likely in the salubrious climes of the Western World. Just as much as the Nazi government went after the Jews for their extermination the local Fuhrer went after the so called “high caste Tamils” and pounced on them for the slightest excuse. The reference to “recognition by Premadasa” reminds me of what some boutique keepers close to Fife Road tells my friends, that is a top bureaucrat of the Premadasa regime comes home frequently being blackguarded by his boss “May Govigama Ballants wedak karanna Ba” (Govigama dogs can’t do a job of work). Yes! There were similarities between the two.

  • 18


    I loved the point you made on Premadasa and Rajapaksa channeling funds and money to the LTTE, a point conveniently forgotten by today’s armchair expatriate Buddhist belligerents. Thank you.

  • 2

    Dogs are barking caravan is moving. Country is not two we have fight to stop it from becoming three. Writing is on the wall.

  • 8

    Supposing R.Sampanthan was a Sinhala M.P. to whom a Bungalow was assigned by virtue of his office[ Leader of the Opposition] would Young Rajeewa fly high like in his Air-Lanka days to to take up this holier than thou holy attitude to publish articles in the Island newspaper? Chances are that it would not have been published.
    It appears that folks like Rajeeva are powering the Tamil cause like a battery in a mobile phone!

  • 14

    Rajeeva Jayaweera
    It is not me but CT that left out the second part of my heading! Even otherwise as usual you are nitpicking.
    Persons like Jayaweera forget the fact Sampanthan was living in a two-bedroom flat for nearly 3 years till he was allocated the present house.
    As for LTTE leader being demonized as a tyrant by the Sinhalese, Prabhakaran still remains a powerful, heroic vibrant symbol of the Tamil armed struggle.
    Those Sinhala – Buddhists zealots, who allege that Prabhakaran lived in the lap luxury, should be told that he lived a frugal life sleeping on a mat without pillows! He owned no houses, resorts, automobiles, bank balances, shares in corporate companies etc. unlike the royal Rajapaksa family. His only known source of income is the monthly allowance paid to him by LTTE Treasury department.
    As for KA Sumanasekera, he is suffering from acute and incurable Vellala phobia. I readily admit caste is an evil practice and a curse. It originated in the four-fold division of labour laid-down by the Vedic religion. However, there is casteism in Sinhala Buddhism as well, but it is less rigid compared to Tamil Hinduism.
    To begin with, 80% of the Buddhist Sangha or clergy in the time of the Buddha hailed from the caste conscious Brahmana, Kshatriya and Vaishya castes! The Buddhist Nikayas are based strictly on caste basis and is the antithesis of what Buddha extolled. 1/2

    • 11

      Well Said Thangha. Almost all western scholars have depicted Hinduism as casteist and Brahmanised and conveniently overlooked the role played by Buddhist, Islamic and Christians in propagating this menace in India and the rest of the suncontinent. Very often religious ideologies falsify the past according to their present ideological needs. That is the reason history of casteism in Buddhism is not discussed as it suits all current leaders to blame Brahmins for that. Even Indian religious intellectuals and leaders (i.e. the secularists or the Neo-Buddhists) are sharing and supporting that colonialist view still today”—Castes in Buddhism – Is Caste Only a Hindu Problem?
      It is true that Casteism started in Hinduism but it was Buddhism which institutionalized it and spread it to nook & corner of India. Monks were selected only from priestly class and low castes and untouchable were not ordained. The vast majority of the monks were from the Brahmama caste then from Lord Buddha’s Kshatriya caste and a few Vaisiyas. Buddhist society had untouchables as well. Between 2nd -11th Century as most of population in the Indian subcontinent as well Sri Lanka and Afghanistan were Buddhist; during this period this inhuman practice got sanitized in society. Casteism in Buddhism was prevalent not only India but in Sri Lanka, Japan, China, Tibet and Korea also. Casteism is still practiced in Tibet and Ladakh area as well as in Sri Lanka. The upper caste Govigamma have their own orders and temples and lower castes are not ordained and hardly attend these temples. The South Indian origin Karawa, Salagama and Durawa have their own orders and temples. As Buddhist always denied existence of caste but practice it. So do South Asian Muslims and Christians.

    • 5

      Thank you Thanga. Keep on doing the good work.

    • 2

      “However, there is casteism in Sinhala Buddhism as well, but it is less rigid compared to Tamil Hinduism.”

      There is nothing called ‘Sinhala Buddhism’.
      Sinhalayo do not have a caste system as in Hinduism where the caste is determined by from which part of the body of Maha Brahma you came. Sinhalayo have a Guild System based on the profession that a person practice.

    • 0

      What passes for Buddhism here is lip service to the Buddha plus a load of Hindu rituals and witchcraft. Hindu gods dominate in the shrine rooms of Buddhists.
      Can you explain why there is no Caste among Myanmar’s Buddhists or for that matter the Thai Buddhists?
      Thailand had a 4-tier social hierarchy vaguely like the Hindu ‘Varna’ scheme. But again Thailand, a rather hierarchical society, with some Brahminic rituals has no a structured caste system.
      The Sinhalese caste system has much to do with the Hindu origins of several caste groups. Except for the Rhodiya outcast community there is no exclusion like untouchability.
      Caste is the most unifying parameter of all Hinduisms, about which caste Hindus are proud.

      • 9


        Don’t spoil a super debate with your usual nonsense of ‘Hindu witchcraft’. Myanmar and Thailand may not have caste but are far more inegalitarian than the Sinhalese are. Ask the people of North East Thailand (remember the Red Shirts?) – or the Karens and Shans in Myanmar, both Theravada Buddhists but shunned by the Burmese. The Lao similarly despise the highlander Meos or Hmong. Stick to the topic. We are discussing Sampanthan and the attacks directed at him, not caste although you have your usual pet peeves.

        • 0

          When super debates are adulterated with super lies some one has to call the bluff.
          BTW, there is difference between caste and ethnicity.
          The Tamils, Muslims, Burghers, Malays and others are to the Sinhalese what the Karens, Shans, Arakans and other are to the Burmans.
          (Do we really love each other?)
          I have commented on Sampanthan elsewhere. Here is something else that Thanga started.
          Scold him if you have to scold anyone.
          If someone tries to disrupt your erudite discussion, just ignore and box on.
          The point is to keep your cool in these matters.

    • 2

      Prabhakaran was a lunatic and a terrorist who used other people’s children to fight his war. He gave them a cyanide capsule and told them never to surrender. But when he was cornered at Nanthikadal, Prabhakaran was too scared to use the cyanide. He begged the SLA for mercy, what a coward!

    • 8

      Well said once again Thanga.

      A quote from the Mahavibhasa, a 2nd century Buddhist text would be appropriate here. It mentions:

      ‘What the Aryans say is the truth, what others say is not true. And why is this? The Aryan ones understand things as they are. The common folk do not understand. Furthermore, they are called Aryan truths because they are possessed by those who are conceived in the womb of an Aryan woman’.

      There was untouchability in medieval Japan (Burakumin) and Korea. The Neo Confucian revival in both countries at different times undermined Buddhist institutions and the related practice of untouchability. Tibet was another Lamaist monstrosity built on monastic slavery.

      • 0

        Is this also about Sampanthan?

        • 7

          Too smart for your own good SJ! Thangavelu spoke on Sampanthan in response to Raheem’s. Sinhala Buddhist fascists and you digressed to talk of caste, and you, a Tamil, went a step further to talk of Hindu witchcraft. Shame on you! Thanga, Tissaveerasingham and Sharma then responded to efforts at digression. Who cares if caste, ethnic exploitation and slavery are different. They are all bad. Respect your colleagues and do not bad mouth their religion as your always do! Your twisted psychology made a lot of people dislike you in academia.

        • 6

          I was responding to individuals like you who went off on a tangent. You write that the Sinhalese are more “Hindu” than “Buddhist“. That’s true of any “Buddhist“ society that took on the character of their pre Buddhist past. There’s little called “Buddhist“ sociology or law. It’s a philosophy and school of mental development. You used the predictable “caste” stick to attack both the Sinhalese and Hinduism. Mahindapala and you are two sides of the same coin.

          • 0

            You talk of respecting colleagues and resort to personal abuse.
            There is a lot of shame suffered by Tamil nationalists about caste oppression when reminded about it. caste oppression is still alive and ones annoyed by reference to it console themselves by arguing that the Sinhalese are no better.
            I have attacked no faith, as I have no need for it. But there are evil practices that deserve attack as long as they exist.
            Get something straight about Buddhism: It was the only system that challenged the caste system explicitly. It attracted Dalits across India.
            Buddhism got corrupted by royal patronage. Ask yourself why there is no caste system among Burman Buddhists. Burma had no significant Hindu influence.
            Have you been to any shrine room of a Sinhala Buddhist? Have you looked at the coloured threads on wrists? Where did all the witchcraft originate? The late settlers from India who are a majority among Sinhalese have strong Hindu origins which have not lost their impact in their system of belief in deities, astrology etc.
            As I said earlier if you see someone going at a tangent, you could simply ignore it, as nobody objects to your tangential orbits.

  • 9

    The Asgiriya and Malwatte chapters do not ordain Non-govigama castes. The caste system is common to both Tamils and Sinhalese since the rulers up to Devanampiya Tissa were Hindus. Caste rigidity is breaking down thanks to Prabhakaran and LTTE and migration to foreign lands. Inter-marriages tool place among LTTE cadres.

    Eagle Eye must tell us why terrorism sprouted in a Buddhist country? Are terrorists born or are they made? Prabhakaran has repeatedly said that he won’t be carrying an AK-47 if JR Jayewardene was a good Buddhist.

    Finally, may I ask Eagle Eye why he sought refuge in a Christian country ruled by Elizabeth II, styled Queen of Australia, who has reigned since 6 February 1952? 2/2

  • 2

    I know a little about the personal circumstances under which Sampanthan continued to be in the said property.
    Despite all his faults, Sampanthan’s life style is simple.
    MR had magnanimously consented to Sampanthan’s staying on even after he ceased to be Leader of the Opposition.
    The Cabinet decision was to legitimise it. MR by not demanding the property for his occupation acted far differently from the way he acted with his predecessor in 2005.
    Although Sampanthan did no do anything irregular, he would have been politically wiser to move out.

  • 9

    Mr.Tanga Velu ,
    When you were in the payroll of the Tigers, didnt you contribute to Ulaga Thamilar, the official paper of the Tigers and pro Tiger weekly Mulakkam( Thunder) ?
    Didnt you you spew communal venom against the Sinhalese and Budhists?
    What moral rights do you have to speak or write against someone who is spewing venom against the Tamils?
    Have you ever propagated peace in Srilanka?
    Who killed Mr.Amirthalingam ?Have you ever condemned the killing of your leader Mr.Amirthalingam?Have you ever organized any meeting for your leader Mr.A?

    Sammanthan had been supporting the UNF government and acted as an agent of the UNP.How can Sammanthan be the opposition leader ?Has Sammanthan ever voted against the budget during the UNF tenure?
    If he is a gentleman ,he should have vacated the luxurious bungalow immediately, as soon as Mahinda became the opposition leader .
    During madam Chandrika’s time,your leader Sammanthan did the same thing.He got bullet proof car, STF, luxury bungalow etc. etc from Chandrika and later on betrayed her by not supporting her proposal in August 2000.
    As far as the Tamils are concerned ,he is the real traitor,for not having supported Chandika’s proposal which is equivalent to federalism .

    • 0

      R, K
      “Chandika’s proposal which is equivalent to federalism”

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