Rights activists have launched an online petition urging Saudi authorities to pardon the Sri Lankan domestic worker who was sentenced to death by stoning after she admitted committing adultery while working in the Arab kingdom.
The petition said; “A 45 year old, unnamed Sri Lankan migrant domestic worker and mother of 4 has been sentenced to death by stoning in Saudi Arabia for ‘adultery.’ Zina – that is any sexual relations outside of marriage – are Hudud crimes or ‘crimes against God.’
The man in the alleged relationship who is single has been sentenced to 100 lashes for ‘fornication.’
We, the undersigned, condemn the death penalty and stoning or flogging, including for private sexual relations between consenting adults.
The state must not kill people for love.
The Saudi authorities must release the two and extradite them to their home country.”
Click here to sign the petition.
Ajith Goonawardene / December 1, 2015
For heaven’s sake, find a more refined and a cultured method of punishment. This type of punishment creates blood thirst in those who watch and especially in the young minds.
simonappu / December 1, 2015
whenever waiting for my transit, I always feel how stupid those folks should be. God given oil springs have made them rich, but they re not at all bearing any improvement in Brain. Sex abusive men have made all harm to poor housemaid, most of all, after that they treated them so inhuman and abusive… these men should be punished by Allah or any other gods for their uncililized nature.
Hema / December 2, 2015
Newly appointed Sri Lankan ambassador to Saudi Arabia Azmi Thassim has criticized the local media for their comments on Saudi law of stoning to death.
Recently a Sri Lankan house maid was sentenced to death by stoning in Saudi Arabia for alleged relationship with another Si Lankan. Media has criticized the law as inhuman. But the SL ambassador Azmi Thassim depending the saudi decision has told Arab News published in Jedda that “the problem lies with the lack of awareness of local laws. If someone is not happy with the laws of Kingdom, they should choose not to come.”
In fact what the SL Ambassador saying is that the women who is to be stoned to death should not have come to Saudi Arabia and we need to respect the decision of stoning her to death , commented a female human rights defender. Human rights are universal and stoning to death is being condemned world wide today, she further said.
Speaking at the Sri Lankan International School in Jeddah he has futher said that “our country is looking forward to a positive change and it is our duty as citizens to work together to put the country first, It is as important to start educating our community back in Sri Lanka that they should understand and respect the laws of Saudi Arabia.”
Arab News says that the Ambassador Thassim decried attacks on the rules and regulations of the Kingdom in the Sri Lankan media, He has said that media criticisms can harm our relationship with Saudi Arabia.
“This can harm our relationship with Saudi Arabia,” he said. “The problem lies with the lack of awareness of local laws. If someone is not happy with the laws of Kingdom, they should choose not to come.”
How can We Expect the Protection of our citizens when the said Ambassador is more concern about the FLAWED Rules and regulations of Saudi. Maybe the SL Ambassador should visit the Prostitute and Casino Houses of London, Paris to see the Saudi Kingdom’s Law Enforcement to discuss about the Law. The Lankan Politicians of all must end the SLave Labour economy created by Lazy and Corrupt Politicians who should be using their Brains to create new Industry that provide jobs in the nation. But we must question the Lankan ambassador to his role as the spokes person of the Terrorist state called Saudi
Spring Koha / December 3, 2015
The principle that Penetration earns a lighter sentence than Submission was not determined by Islam but by the 3000 Princes of the Royal? House of Saud. Shame on the tribe!
cimba / December 4, 2015
Psychoanalyists often cure mental patients by making them review their past and see life objectively. Perhaps if mankind will think more of their past, they would also have a better mastery over themselves. The knowledge that we have an animal heritage and that we are very near the beasts might help to check our behaving like beasts.
Passion: The Moses who in a fit of rage shattered the sacred stone tablets which had taken him forty days on Mount Sinai to inscribe in company with God, and in that he was no more rational than the Israelites who forsook God and took to worshiping the Golden Calf in his absence.
Jesus with his tears at Gethsemane and his doubts of the cross….
Shakespeare, who bequeathed his `second-best bed` to his wife….
Milton who could not get along with his 17 year old wife and therefore wrote a treatise on divorce and attacked then burst forth into a defense of the liberty of speech in Areopagitica…
Remember how Lanka stands by Palestinians (they are the same animal as Saudi; for 6 long years i watched them at campus and at the coffee house
woman was a bitch to kill)
You gave your soul to the devil by telling the world that BBS was terrorist because of a simple skirmish and got your pet government.
In the end, everything is a gag.
nothing like laughter.
Maveeran / December 14, 2015
Im not going to put my wife in a Hijab, Im not going to put my daugter in a burka and Im not going to get in my all fours and praying to Mecca and you can drop dead if you don’t like it. You can shove it up your pipe. I don’t want to hear about Islam, I dont want to hear one more word about Islam. Take your religion and shove it up your behind. Im sick of you! Christian Bible has been revived several times, Jewish Bible has been revived several times, but Not the Quran thou- they still live in the seventh century. What Quran teaches you is Kill homosexuals, cut the clitoris of women,put women in dark clothing, cut off anyones head who doesn’t agree with you. WHAT KIND OF RELIGION IS THIS?? WHAT KIND OF WORLD ARE YOU LIVING IN WITH THAT THROW BACK DOCUMENT OF YOURS WHICH IS A BOOK OF HATE. where ever you look on the earth there’s a bomb going off or a car going up in flames and its the Muslims screaming for the blood of the Christians or Jews or anyone they hate. They say its a religion of peace, but why don’t they proove its a religion of peace. Put down that book of hate for a minute and tell us why it says on Qur’an: 8.39 “So fight them until there is nomore Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone) It says if you see a stranger who is not a muslim, either convert him or kill him. Qur’an: 9:5 “fight and kill the disbelievers where ever you can find them, take them captive, harrass them lie and wait and ambush them” Page after page after page its about a religion that teaches you to either convert of kill, a religion that says kill homosexual, kill the Jew, kill the Christian, kill the infidel, oppress women page after page and we are supposed to sit here and listento this rubbish about the so called “Peaceful religion”.
Spring Koha / December 15, 2015
Maveeran, it is an infuriating religion to understand.
If you do wrong they may cut of your head. If you are innocent, (and born into the religion by a quirk of fate) they cut off the sensitive tip of your cock.
Wera / December 4, 2015
The Saudis are not worthy of respect whatsoever. The brand of Islam they practice must be condemned for it is radical fundamentalism which was created ages ago among the Beduin tribes that roamed the desert. They are the exporters and enablers of islamic terrorism which threatens the entire world. Just because of their oil wealth and the shameless and despicable patronage by the USA and other western countries these scoundrels are getting away with stone age barbaric acts of sadistic carnage. It is time our own government did some serious soul searching and bring to a HALT the export of our labour to this country. If it cannot be done overnight then phase it out in stages. We as a nation will bring our selves immense benefit by adopting such a strategy in the long run if we are to prevent that same unraveling of our nation that has befallen Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Afginistan, etc.
Maveeran / December 5, 2015
According to the noble Quran it is right to stone women, involve in peodophelia, cut the clitoris of women who insult islam or commit adultery. When Sumanthiran asked at the Parliament whether according to the Sharia Law if its right to stone women to death, the Muslim MP’s have responded with verbal abuse. Dirty thoppi’s why don’t you f… off back to Afghanistan or somewhere to the Middle East. Roshard Bathiudeen up yours.
zero / December 5, 2015
When the Archbishop of Canterbury tried to discuss sharia law the British public hooted him in 2008.
wont the british public ask you to f…off??
The Archbishop made no proposals for sharia in either the lecture or the interview, and certainly did not call for its introduction as some kind of parallel jurisdiction to the civil law.
Instead, in the interview, rather than proposing a parallel system of law, he observed that “as a matter of fact certain provisions of sharia are already recognised in our society and under our law” . When the question was put to him that: “the application of sharia in certain circumstances – if we want to achieve this cohesion and take seriously peoples’ religion – seems unavoidable?”, he indicated his assent.
The Archbishop opened his lecture by noting importantly that the very term sharia is not only misunderstood, but is the focus of much fear and anxiety deriving from its ‘primitivist’ application in some contexts. As such he said that sharia is a method of law rather than a single complete and final system ready to be applied wholesale to every situation, and noted that there was room, even within Islamic states which apply sharia, for some level of ‘dual identity’, where the state is not in fact religiously homogenous.
– See more at: http://rowanwilliams.archbishopofcanterbury.org/articles.php/1135/sharia-law-what-did-the-archbishop-actually-say#sthash.lyz3Y6jd.dpuf
Native Vedda / December 1, 2015
Ajith Goonawardene
If committing adultery is punishable by death, then most rich Saudi men should have been stoned to death by now.
State has no business in individual’s sexual preferences/choices. It is a matter between two grown ups.
This is another reason as to why men should not be allowed to judge others especially the women, with their own brand of perversion and hypocrisy.
Have more sex for peace as the flower power peaceniks demanded in the 1960s.
Amarasiri / December 2, 2015
Dear Rights Activists,
RE:Saudi Arabia: Stop Stoning Sri Lankan Domestic Worker – An Online Petition Launched
“Rights activists have launched an online petition urging Saudi authorities to pardon the Sri Lankan domestic worker who was sentenced to death by stoning after she admitted committing adultery while working in the Arab kingdom.”
“The man in the alleged relationship who is single has been sentenced to 100 lashes for ‘fornication.’”
Thank you very much for bringing this Double Standards and Stoning Issue to the Surface.
Please, go to the core problem. The Wahhabis and their clones(Salafis, Towheed, Nagadis, ISIS, ISIL, Al Queda,Taliban, Boko Haram, etc.) all Follow the Iblis, Satan, Devil and Double Standards.
Accuse the Wahhabis of being Kuffars and Devil, Iblis followers for going against the Quran, and Allah’s word. Tell them that the Saudi Wahhabi are Hypocrites.
Then expose the Saudi Wahhabis as Iblis Devil Followers. )Remember, the Saudi Wahhabis are the Daesh, ISIS that made it.)
Example 1. Stoning to Death: A Violation of the Qur’an.
Since the Wahhabis and their Clones follow Iblis, the Devil, this is no big issue for them,
“This is a chapter We have sent down and made obligatory. We have sent down clear revelations in it so that you may take heed: flog the male and the female adulterers and fornicators (الزانية والزاني) one hundred times. Do not let compassion for them keep you from carrying out Allah’s law if you believe in Allah and the Last Day – and ensure a group of believers witnesses the punishment.” (Qur’an 24:2)
Amarasiri / December 2, 2015
RE: Saudi Arabia: Stop Stoning Sri Lankan Domestic Worker
It is Always the Devil Following Wahhabis behind all these Crimes Against Humanity. More evidence that Wahhanis follow the Devils Plan..
Remember, the Saudi Arabian Wahhabis are the ISIS that made it with the help of the British and the French.
Now the ISIS Wahhabi are trying to make it in Syria and Iraq with the Help of Saudi Wahhabi Arabia, USA, Britain, France and other evil supporters.
Wahabi Terrorist Stone to Death a Young Girl for Operating a Facebook Account in Syria
Posted on February 22, 2014 by Jafria News
NN 19 Feb 2014 Rakka, Syria: A young girl was stoned to death by Wahabi Terrorist groups in Syria for operating Facebook account.
Fatoum Al-Jassem was taken to One of a Self Made Sharia court after she was caught using the social networking website, in Rakka, Syria. The Sharia court declared that using a Facebook account amounts to adultery and the girl should be punished by stoning, according to a news report published in Iran’s FARS news agency which quoted a report published in Arabic-language Al-Rai Al-Youm.
The members of the Al-Qaeda group in Iraq, also known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) were behind the incident.
The ISIS, or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, is an Pure Wahabi / Salafi group based in Iraq. They have been fighting an active war against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Syria and the government forces in Iraq.
The group’s ideology is based on extremely strict Ale Saud’s interpretation of Islam.
Ironically, the Al-Nusra Front operates a Facebook account of its own.
A Girl Strangled to Death as per the Punishment Declared by the Wahabi Terrorist , who rule some parts of War Torn Syria .
But War in Syria has so far claimed over 1,40,000 lives and forced millions of people to seek refuge in neighbouring countries. Historians have described the war as one of the most tragic in recent times.
Few days ago, a video was uploaded by Syrian Observatory of Human Rights showing execution of young girl. In the video, a hooded executioner can be seen strangling a girl with a metal wire.
The news report published in Iran’s Press TV claims that the girl was put to death because she refused to recognize the beliefs and diktats of the group.
This is the second incident in which ISIS has been caught exercising excess on innocent civilians. Few days ago, a girl was allegedly stoned to death for operating a Facebook account.
The stoning was ordered by the Sharia Court in Syria’s Rakka.
The veracity of the video could not be verified by the Independent sources , but Syrian Observatory of Human Rights claim that execution was carried out by the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL)
Amarasiri / December 2, 2015
RE: Saudi Arabia: Stop Stoning Sri Lankan Domestic Worker – An Online Petition Launched
Stoning- Specialty of the Devil, Iblis Following Wahhabis and their Clones.
Stoning to Death: A Violation of the Qur’an
“This is a chapter We have sent down and made obligatory. We have sent down clear revelations in it so that you may take heed: flog the male and the female adulterers and fornicators (الزانية والزاني) one hundred times. Do not let compassion for them keep you from carrying out Allah’s law if you believe in Allah and the Last Day – and ensure a group of believers witnesses the punishment.” (Qur’an 24:2)
This Stoning business was originally owned by the Jews and Christians, ( “Abrahamic” Religions”as per the Bible.
Stoning is called Rajm (Arabic: رجم) in Islamic literature, and a practice found in United Arab Emirates, Iran, Iraq, Qatar, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Northern Nigeria, Aceh in Indonesia, Brunei, and parts of Pakistan.[1][2][3] In some countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq, stoning has been declared illegal by the government, but it is practiced extrajudicially.[2] In several others, people have been sentenced to death by stoning, but the sentence has not been carried out. In modern times, allegations of stoning are politically sensitive, as in case of Iran, which describes such allegations as political propaganda.[4]
The Jewish Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) serves as a common religious reference for Judaism. Stoning is the method of execution mentioned frequently in the Torah. (Murder is not mentioned as an offense punishable by stoning, but it seems that a member of the victim’s family was allowed to kill the murderer – see Avenger of blood.) The crimes punishable by stoning were the following:
Touching Mount Sinai while God was giving Moses the Ten Commandments, Exodus 19:13
An ox that gores someone to death should be stoned, Exodus 21:28
Breaking Sabbath, Numbers 15:32–36
Homosexual practices (Leviticus 20:13), both should be stoned
Giving your child to Molech (infant sacrifice), Leviticus 20:2–5
Having a “familiar spirit” (or being a necromancer) or being a “wizard” (Lev. 20:27)
Enticing others to polytheism (Deuteronomy 13:7-11)
Cursing God (Lev. 24:10–16)
Engaging in idolatry (Deuteronomy 17:2–7) or seducing others to do so (Deut. 13:7–12)
“Rebellion” against parents, after repeated warnings (Deut. 21,18–21)
Getting married as though a virgin, when not a virgin (Deut. 22:13–21)
Sexual intercourse between a man and a woman engaged to another man in a town, together, since she did not cry out (extramarital sex), both should be stoned, Deut. 22:23–24)
Sexual intercourse between a man and a woman engaged to another man in a field, forced, where no one could hear her cries and save her (rape), the man should be stoned, (Deut. 22:25-27)
Describing the stoning of apostates from Judaism, the Torah states:
If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which [is] as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; [Namely], of the gods of the people which [are] round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the [one] end of the earth even unto the [other] end of the earth; Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die; because he hath sought to thrust thee away from the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.
— Deuteronomy 13:6–10[11]
A conspicuous concrete case noted in the Bible was that of Achan, stoned to death together with his sheep, other livestock and his children for having pillaged valuables from Jericho during Joshua’s Conquest of Canaan. The inclusion of the children in the punishment was troubling to later Jewish commentators, who wrote much about the case.
Thomas / December 2, 2015
The Bible tells us a similar story where Jesus, asked the men who were to stone a prostitute to death, to cast the first stone by those who have not sinned. The men disappeared! Times have passed….we have come a long way and to feed children, our women go out of the way. In the process, some get raped, some get killed and some forced to work for more than 15hours a day. Have we seen any prosecution? Money talks but very oily & slippery.
tika / December 3, 2015
when india and pakistan have banned their women from going its the muslim men of lanka who are sending them there to feed the urge of Saudis and in return the lanka muslims live like kings. Of course the sinhala buddhist too make hay on that supply.
Amarasiri / December 12, 2015
“The Bible tells us a similar story where Jesus, asked the men who were to stone a prostitute to death, to cast the first stone by those who have not sinned. “
The Satan following Wahhabi are sinners.
95% of the Iblis Devil Following Wahhabi men are sinners and they gave AIDS and gave to their wives.
95% Saudi women got AIDS from their hubbies
Dec 2, 2015
JEDDAH — About 80 Saudi women were diagnosed with AIDS in 2014, Sanaa Filimban, AIDS program director in the Ministry of Health, has said. “It was a shock to many women. Most of them did not ever leave the Kingdom and 95 percent of the patients contracted the disease from their husbands through sex,” he said.
The ministry participated in the International AIDS Day, celebrated every year on Dec. 1, by raising awareness of the disease through workshops and lectures.
Filimban said the ministry has set up 48 centers for AIDs checkups and consultancy in the Kingdom. Out of them, 36 will be stationary and 12 mobile, he said.
She added that confidentiality of the patients is paramount in AIDs centers.
“We deal with the women by giving them numbers. We don’t call them nor record their names to protect their privacy. Only their doctor knows their names for administrative reasons,” said Filimban. She added there are 21,761 AIDs patients in the Kingdom.
“Of them 6,334 are Saudis and 15,427 non-Saudis. In 2014, the program recorded 1,222 new patients. Of them 364 are Saudi men, 80 Saudi women and 778 non-Saudi women,” said Filimban.
She also said the Kingdom recorded its first AIDs patient in 1984. “Statistics show that 3 percent of the recorded patients are children and the rate of contracting AIDs through breastfeeding from an infected mother is also 3 percent. There is one Saudi woman with AIDs for every four Saudi men with AIDs. Saudi patients aged 15 to 49 constitute 81 percent of the total number,” said Filimban.
She added only 2 percent of the patients contracted the disease by taking drugs through syringes.
“AIDs is usually transferred through men and women during unprotected sex. In developing countries where most people have protected sex, homosexual sex is the most common way of contracting the disease,” said Filimban.
She added there are other ways of contracting the disease mainly by using infected equipment such toothbrushes, razors, tattoo tools. Patients can also contract the disease by going through an organ implant surgery in which the organ implanted was infected with AIDs.
Meanwhile, Prof. Tawfiq Bin Ahmed Khoja, director general of the Executive Board of GCC Health Ministers, said the rate of HIV cases among GCC citizens ranges between 0.15 and 1.95 for every 100,000 people. “This is the lowest rate in the Arab region,” he pointed out.
Khoja said the number of HIV cases among GCC citizens increased in recent years as a result of unhealthy lifestyle followed by some groups of people and lack of knowledge about the dangerous impact of the disease.
“Increasing foreign travel, important social transformations in major cities, rising use of drugs through injection and presence of a large number of expatriates from different countries are other reasons for the growing HIV cases in the GCC,” he added.
Khoja said health ministries in the member countries have taken a series of measures to contain the contagious disease, including stoppage of blood import, increasing public awareness through the spread of moral and religious values and explaining methods to protect against the virus. “We also provide HIV-positive patients mental and social care,” Khoja said.
Uthungan / December 2, 2015
Suit Goonawardene
Adultery is not a criminal offence as far as I am aware in the penal code of any civilzed country of the world.
So what are you on about “a cultured method of punishment?”
Stoning to death the poor woman as a punishment for adultery is a barbaric and uncivilised act.
That illustrates what Wahabic Islam in Saudi Arabia is about. and it would stand out as a barbaric nation condemned by every fountry in the world. It may be rich in petro dollars, but poor when it comes to human decency.
The UN should take a positive action in the safety of the Lankan woman if the SLG is dragging it’s feet and not able to influence other nations of the world that recently supported the war against terrorism in support against the said woman who is after all a Lankan subject.
Amarasiri / December 2, 2015
RE: Saudi Arabia: Stop Stoning Sri Lankan Domestic Worker – An Online Petition Launched
Iblis Wahhabis Double Standards.
“”The petition said; “A 45 year old, unnamed Sri Lankan migrant domestic worker and mother of 4 has been sentenced to death by stoning in Saudi Arabia for ‘adultery.’ Zina – that is any sexual relations outside of marriage – are Hudud crimes or ‘crimes against God.’””
“The man in the alleged relationship who is single has been sentenced to 100 lashes for ‘fornication.’”
95% Saudi women got AIDS from their hubbies, who are Iblis following Wahhabi Saudi Arabs.
Please stone them for the Crime of adultery AND Causing Disease to their wives.
JEDDAH — About 80 Saudi women were diagnosed with AIDS in 2014, Sanaa Filimban, AIDS program director in the Ministry of Health, has said. “It was a shock to many women. Most of them did not ever leave the Kingdom and 95 percent of the patients contracted the disease from their husbands through sex,” he said.
The ministry participated in the International AIDS Day, celebrated every year on Dec. 1, by raising awareness of the disease through workshops and lectures.
Filimban said the ministry has set up 48 centers for AIDs checkups and consultancy in the Kingdom. Out of them, 36 will be stationary and 12 mobile, he said.
She added that confidentiality of the patients is paramount in AIDs centers.
“We deal with the women by giving them numbers. We don’t call them nor record their names to protect their privacy. Only their doctor knows their names for administrative reasons,” said Filimban. She added there are 21,761 AIDs patients in the Kingdom.
“Of them 6,334 are Saudis and 15,427 non-Saudis. In 2014, the program recorded 1,222 new patients. Of them 364 are Saudi men, 80 Saudi women and 778 non-Saudi women,” said Filimban.
She also said the Kingdom recorded its first AIDs patient in 1984. “Statistics show that 3 percent of the recorded patients are children and the rate of contracting AIDs through breastfeeding from an infected mother is also 3 percent. There is one Saudi woman with AIDs for every four Saudi men with AIDs. Saudi patients aged 15 to 49 constitute 81 percent of the total number,” said Filimban.
She added only 2 percent of the patients contracted the disease by taking drugs through syringes.
“AIDs is usually transferred through men and women during unprotected sex. In developing countries where most people have protected sex, homosexual sex is the most common way of contracting the disease,” said Filimban.
She added there are other ways of contracting the disease mainly by using infected equipment such toothbrushes, razors, tattoo tools. Patients can also contract the disease by going through an organ implant surgery in which the organ implanted was infected with AIDs.
Meanwhile, Prof. Tawfiq Bin Ahmed Khoja, director general of the Executive Board of GCC Health Ministers, said the rate of HIV cases among GCC citizens ranges between 0.15 and 1.95 for every 100,000 people. “This is the lowest rate in the Arab region,” he pointed out.
Khoja said the number of HIV cases among GCC citizens increased in recent years as a result of unhealthy lifestyle followed by some groups of people and lack of knowledge about the dangerous impact of the disease.
“Increasing foreign travel, important social transformations in major cities, rising use of drugs through injection and presence of a large number of expatriates from different countries are other reasons for the growing HIV cases in the GCC,” he added.
Khoja said health ministries in the member countries have taken a series of measures to contain the contagious disease, including stoppage of blood import, increasing public awareness through the spread of moral and religious values and explaining methods to protect against the virus. “We also provide HIV-positive patients mental and social care,” Khoja said.
Amarasiri / December 14, 2015
RE: Saudi Arabia: Stop Stoning Sri Lankan Domestic Worker – An Online Petition Launched
“For heaven’s sake, find a more refined and a cultured method of punishment.”
Those who Follow Satan, Iblis called Wahhabis are not cultured.
Truth about islam from an ex-muslim lady
This video was online one time before, when it was the most discussed ever on youtube. But the halal-hippies of youtube removed it, because the western halal-hippies are too embarrassed about being from the west that they gave in to the claims of the fundamentalist muslims.
Amarasiri / December 14, 2015
“For heaven’s sake, find a more refined and a cultured method of punishment.”
Truth About The Saudi Wahhabis…
Uploaded on Apr 9, 2008
you muslims blame us other people critizising islam.
fortunately we are not only people who has brains.
for too many years in islam only men have been allowed to say what is right and what is wrong.
colombo man / December 1, 2015
STOP sending Sri Lankan women to Saudi Arabia immediately !!!!
Banjiappu / December 1, 2015
Leaders should have a strong backbone to go for this.
Westren countries can hire lanken nurses and skilled workers – we must now stop sending uneducated women as housemaid to Middle east countries. Most of them face their ffamily back in SRILANKA all torn- those children reportely addict more drugs and sex dealings. We need to find therapies for the root cause of youth problems of the day.
Just because those women and men sent to MEcountries bring the highest earnings, we the nation must not ignore the rapid social destruction of the country.
Today, even housemaids can earn good monies if they would work in the country. Just for 2 to 3 hundreds of dollars to leave that far and get abused to arab bastard for their sexual fantasies should not be allowed anymore.
Those arab men that rape or abuse lanken or other women should be punished by cutting their best parts. There the sharia law should be applied. They are a shame for the entire humanity.
tika / December 3, 2015
“Westren countries can hire lanken nurses”
Can is good for 3rd world care standards but no good for western society.
The westerner receiving care is complaining and it is being listened.
Some communities have got into this deptt by politics of ghetto.
The west does not need more people from 3rd world to change their culture but robots. Plus the west has to address the demands of the rising far right.
Hard luck pull your socks and think alternative.
at the end bad logic wins.
Leelagemalli / December 3, 2015
I as a former lanken, graduated in Germany, really dont know if you the like folks only read lanken tabloids – I truly know almost many countries in Europe want learnt and able graduates to work for them. There are also rural parts of England and Scandinavian countries they would be happy to welcome well-trained skill workers or profesisonals from our countries. The truth is in terms of Germany, they still want more medical doctors, Radiology assistants, physiotherapists, study nurses and for varied other areas. Even without basic langague skills but with good English, they have hired east europeans for german hospitals. They still want more doctors to fill their vacancies. Most work for various kind of research areas – do want to study nurses and the like professionally qualified ones. SO long they bring with a sound knowledge in English- no doubt our nurses could be trained on this. Govt should invest on this giving them pre training before being sent them to Europe or anywhere. Lanken graduates and skilled workers are capable of learning the standards – they are no so stupid as you the like ilk that seem to be well rotten being frog in a well.
tika / December 4, 2015
“”really dont know if you the like folks only read lanken tabloids””
You can be a graduate of even swiss college or Yale.
You think humans think with their minds so you are what we call lenery poohy who came to the west and still have relatives at lanka so you are politicking stupid JT trolling.
Today we talk of `feeling` the truth than `thinking` the truth.
(perceived knowledge and conceptual knowledge)
refugee or immigrant or even receiving nationality is not a human birth right but given by politicians as and when needed- can you demand nationality at Japan or UAE or Saudi even if you are billionaire??
there are refugees with UN papers married to white and child but nationality refused to both child and man for ages- no obligation.
Seeing inside hospitals and talking to the consultants plus care workers from the south of Europe to the north of Europe (have friends who are surgeons at Leuven(the oldest catholic uni in the world the best of europe not Germany) to London. Older white folk naturally prefer their own kind and this is a simple social order. A couple of years ago Indian and Pakistani had to go down to Supreme Court to get appointments using human right- they won yet many are not accepted and very soon human rights would not be something non-natives would be in a position to use. All registrars (FRCS fully qualified) get max 6 months contract at the hospital and to become consultant is very hard even for the English and that too is on 2 year contract so most English go to Canada states etc where they are loved. I met a young JT born here nice guy registrar but his contracts are 3 months to 6 months at different hospitals Personally I prefer a European doctor because they have the verbal virtuosity and that itself cures the person partially so I am choosey.England had the MRSA bug while the cleaning staff was all black and Asian but now they changed the staff to Bulgarian and Romanian and the place is pristine.You move with Asians so you are not aware how white’s patients feel they too have feelings- not just the English most whites have a stiff upper lip they are all nomads unlike Asians.
They prefer catholic Filipino to any other coloured from Asia. Local politicians have recently added many Bengalis born in UK to hospitals as nurses all on contract but they are not clean and when reports go they will go elsewhere. You learn basic hygiene at home not at nursing school. Get a white woman from hired cleaning services to clean your kitchen and an Asian from anywhere to clean you sees the difference.
Stupid folk think paper qualification alone takes the cake that is why they stay as worker.GP’s are private contractors to NHS- most are getting shut and made into 1 unit like in the Netherlands.
Please don’t make your judgement based on politics, cast or class as I don’t like to hear since I pay for my services and am choosy. The Chinese are very dirty too and i never eat in a Chinese restaurant because they are digging their nose.
Most retired Jewish (Jews are Germans) folk from all over Europe go to Germany because of the care even though they don’t speak German. Even the allied forces Brits who are supposed to leave Germany in 2020 don’t want to come back to UK because of quality. WW2 England was crossed with Germany because they were called dirty and the same Japan China. The law to accept refugees from cultures unknown was forced by UK to Europe and natives of Europe are unable to cope. Like Australia’s Abbot did Merkel has just gone even to Afghanistan to stop the refugee from reaching. Do you know there are doctors and doctors at Spain working at pubs and not at hospitals because they don’t like the administration of Germany or England? So there is no dearth. The largest heart hospital of Europe is Barts London (combination of 5 hospitals) its just being put together and very soon the consultant Indians, Nigerians Jamaican’s etc. plus would lose their contracts and other local whites would come in- patient preference. The immigrant patient used my language my culture but that has become outdated- everything has a life span. During Franco period most Spanish women fled to north Europe and spoke only Spanish so they worked as cleaners and have gone back- today the English cry for them because the others have no touch and even their nursing is class because they come from catholic mission education. Don’t push race card in Europe (whites don’t like to here it when they like to help) keep it to lanka where you really need it because here in Europe we have option of selecting even if the person does not pay.
Even when it comes to corner shops or supermarkets Tesco, Sainsbury run by majority Indians, Pakistani the draw of customer is coming down but as soon as they change to Greeks etc the sales is more.(born here speaks with their monkey accent but they don’t make it) there is no race but the customer service is not there because they have lived in their ghetto like Chavs and don’t even know the history of Europe nor do they know the history of their forefathers nation.
Why did your nice girl JT at Scarborough lose the election whence the party won?? I was at Toronto for a couple of days end of last month.
I travel because I appreciate art and culture. Enough said.
maalumiris / December 4, 2015
One sentence in your wandering, pointless diatribe says it all about how
much your self-advertised travelling has allowed you to appreciate anything, let alone Arts and Culture !
“Jews are Germans”
Maybe you need to travel more !
tika / December 5, 2015
One sentence in your wandering, pointless diatribe says it all about how
to put it bluntly they are low class like you in your ambude.
Rarityminds / December 5, 2015
Low class and high class have no existence even in the UK for today.
You the guys should be born brain sick – to stay stagnated not allowing a peace and equality a chance anywhere you the ilk are going to be. We have to produce new kind of glycophosat to round up you the like rather than anyone else. Then only we could ever think of a peaceful nation and a country.
As Malumiris noticed it right, you definitely need more travels to heal your genetically racial mentality. That is for sure, I would put some gold in the Malu s mouth :) get well Mr, give peace and equality a chance – we the homo sapiens have the same genetics. We are not that differeent to other primates either- over 98% of human genome has all common with those of higher primates. So… it is no worth stay talking about classes anymore. I love to see we dont have caste system back srilanka as had been few decades ago. That is a greater improvement in our society even if Indians still fight with that in their places.
tika / December 5, 2015
“anywhere you the ilk are going to be.”
stay on all 4’s your bark is bigger than your bite its the garlic you swallowed.
“As Malumiris noticed it right, you definitely need more travels to heal your genetically racial mentality. “
stupid refugees like you say racist at the drop of a coin so there is UKIP to drive the smell away- its all over the web.
Ever read best seller and trilogy -`Why i am not a Jew`. you cant even afford it and even if you did you never read outside your subject.
another demala from nandikadal with no proper underwear to his rescue.
you are afraid of your own shadow.!!
What `exist is important` not VP backside that tried to become king class or JVP trying to prove a point. Not knowing what to do Even Putin has gone to the farm to try out Organic food production and world’s best. Hooo!
UK clearly has Tory and Labour plus UKIP – there is clearly a definition of what is labour class. Even Karl Mark did not understand the English ` way of doing things` We still have the guillotine if any commoner has sex with royalty with or without consent.
Gamayate magic doesn’t bring your family’s new found glory- with something like the October revolution to England. See Pakistan today which was not in the map before – its called Samsara!!
See the present big Tamil names in the world for their knowledge – they are all brahmins- lankan demalas are a disgrace.
terrorist very soon you would be nobody- the trail is coming back via France/London link as of today.
You are stupid wasted space keep to your invertebrate background than mess about.
Leelawthie / December 6, 2015
who is this TIKA.. either he is talking from the other end or as other commentators pointed out – should be an another racist. CT please dont allow these racists to add their two cts worth this valuable forum. Thanks.
Sama / December 6, 2015
what an idiot who seems to know nothing but literally sound to be a racist
“another demala from nandikadal with no proper underwear to his rescue.”
I have nothing to hide – even if I am sinhalaya, I dont care what I am since we are all Srilankens.
Actually, CT should not allow the kind of racists to add their two cents worth to this forum. These men can only damage the peace in srilanka.
I am ashamed to see the kind of sinhalayas. We need rigorous laws go against these criminals.
tokka / December 6, 2015
“what an idiot who seems to know nothing but literally sound to be a racist “
Ha ha ha, its like bringing up Mr Briggs!!
“”I am ashamed to see the kind of sinhalayas. We need rigorous laws go against these criminals.””
Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?
Why did the woman at Scarborough lose her seat when the government won overwhelmingly??
her seat was restructured…
The 2 way process of Boat-people. mafia art and politicians.
will that smart woman help invertebrates I doubt it.
Penicillin for Pri*k P4P
Why did the much fancied BTF Labour party Tamil girl lose her seat?
Same as above.
You can never psyche the west as they have bad logic as a weapon.
Equality of opportunity is utopia.
Sama / December 13, 2015
Tika or bokka seems to have spent days to click on “likes”
Leelawthie / December 8, 2015
This Tika is a sick person. I really dont thin worth responding to his.
The kind of idiots would never learn it. Apata budusarnai so long this men are there to represent the nation.
tika / December 4, 2015
“Lanken graduates and skilled workers are capable of learning the standards – they are no so stupid as you the like ilk that seem to be well rotten being frog in a well.
stupid sloth, at Bloomsbury surgery there was a Locum woman from Vanni she had qualifications longer that you Pannam K***e leg. She was given just 2 days work and the boss was Chair Primary Care Trust plus her Hubby who folk say was the best GP they ever met (from Manchester, He would take even the coat off a patient, he knew medicine like no other, musician artist, IT.net) She was there for 8 years then she was made partner and after 1 year she got the boot for playing low down card.
IT the classic JT sickness.
I am not surprised neither the Indians nor the Chinese gave your relatives a toilet at jaffna.
“ilk that seem to be well rotten being frog in a well. “
You are the FLUF not I – Funny Little Ugly F**ker.
we will send Sinhalese dog after you VP backside.
You are just pseudo- so what was your fathers profession?? cleaner clerk??
Shelton Gunaratne / December 3, 2015
I agree with Banjiappu – if lanken politicians could do the job well through their diplomatic connections, we could provide them with well trained nurses, physiotherapists and the kind of assistants insteand of sending lanken married mothers or house wives to please stupid arab men – as housemaids.
These housemaids each of them has got untold stories to share with. They are traumatized by all rude vulgur behavours of those highly abusive arab men. Most of them have no heart but being intoxicated to allah, they secretly enjoy their fantasies with their housemaids.
Unlike in other countries, those wives married to thoese stupid arabs have also not the basic rights. Man in each of those families are the boss for everything.
Most women in those so called highly islamic countries have not the basic schooling.
This world is so perverse, if God is existing to scatter those natural resources only to Middle east – I am talking about oil resources – where oil is there, they are born rich.
I got to know varied kind of arab muslims while staying in Europe, most of them coming from ME are not that religioius as being caught by allah – being so scared, they bend 5-10 times a day being so stupid – instead they can better use those times for personal developments.
Germany will definintely face a dillemal problems soon, if the politicians would not take stern actions stoping syrian or those arabs taking refuge in this country.
Middle east should open their doors for Syrian refugees – BASTA.
Samuel Jayaweera / December 8, 2015
Not that Housemaid but you deserve [Edited out]
That we are now very clear having read all of your thoughts sofar. Travel more so that you could one day learn it. Good luck
Native Vedda / December 1, 2015
colombo man
“STOP sending Sri Lankan women to Saudi Arabia immediately !!!! “
Send in Gota, Fonseka, Jegath, Svendra Silva, ………………. to liberate Arabs from Wahhabi’s and democratise the country. Will they help stop Saudi international terrorism?
Rizwan / December 1, 2015
I disliked your comment.
This is not because I support our workers going to Saudi Arabia, but rather because I oppose the banning of it.
Our workers go there because they have no options. Do you think our people WANT to work in such difficult places?
However to ban migrations there means to cause poverty to these people.
Say rather: “Improve the economic freedoms and circumstances in Sri Lanka so that our people DO NOT HAVE TO travel to Saudi Arabia for work”.
tika / December 3, 2015
I can see you are one of the perpetrators supplying I_slam humanity with their carnal desires and minting money.
India over a thousand die daily due hunger related diseases but it has banned single women from going to the middle east as housemaids. Yet has the maximum number of contracts with the middle east from construction to services.
Pakistan even with the war has banned housemaids.
Bangala with women in a brawl after independence (which the Punjabi Hindus got for them ) sends women to prostitute.
I suppose your DNA is Bangladeshi.
Rizwan / December 3, 2015
Are you hurling insults here and wasting my time instead of addressing the problem and debating objectively?
No wonder our women are dying in the middle east. It is because of time-wasters like you!
I am not sure what point you are trying to make with your statements. It looks as though for all these countries restricting migration has resulted in poverty, which supports my original statement.
I do not support migration. However for a government to ban it is a form of forced imprisonment. Would you prevent a people from migration just because of your high-handed morals? What arrogance to decide for THEM how you feel.
Let them weigh the risks and consequences and make their own decisions. In the mean time let’s address the situation at home so that they do not have to go.
tika / December 4, 2015
“No wonder our women are dying in the middle east.”
Muslims wonder after being the Agent behind sending housemaids/sex-slaves to ME and boasting.
Even with it there is poverty because they pay how much cash in hand??
A friend ours has 2 housemaids and pay them $600 pm each goes straight to account plus everything else is provided because we have always had servants in our life.
you are sending to the new rich camels who still put their feet on dashboard because they don’t know where the money is coming from- they are still beast. there is no human dignity.
Stopping them is the right thing.(for gods sake i don’t want to hit your business below the belt)
while at campus for 6 years as a foreign student I had the opportunity to see Arabs at hostel, coffee shop and all engineering streams.
Almost everyone hated them for exactly this and the girls who were by then about 20% ran away from them.
They came with flashing mo-bikes I have money come bi**h get on my pillion.
they ruined many lives.
I have been in the middle-east many nations on assignments but I have been quick to move away because I don’t like what I see and here.
This is not the newsgroup for me to discuss this matter- look into your heart.
Just Baddi gave you that break to learn English by letting down others but that never effected me because I was gone before that.
I know big time decent Muslim businesses like Yusufali then other Brokers etc but why stick to this `harem style` business??
first time Pavement hawker Premadasa allowed you to do this- let the same party ban it for ME only please if that solves your problem- once again have a heart.
You are sending folk to korea so try that area because that is growing but try something else. If you stop things like this even BBS would hug you.
good luck ish allha.
tika / December 4, 2015
“I am not sure what point you are trying to make with your statements. It looks as though for all these countries restricting migration has resulted in poverty, which supports my original statement.”
You stay up the gum tree thinking Hindia is hindu and the thousands die because they stop migration.
Hindia is Nawab from Turk and this became Nabob from Brit copy. the english at UK disgusted reported to Queen Victoria and she nationalized- (1858 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom and It became British Raj)
the company to stop this sex-slavery (even today prostitution is banned at UK)
Once Hindia got independence the Nawabs once again started trading as per sharia law and it goes on at New Delhi.
That actor knocked and killed somebody- they have a bed on payment that is their home and business place they sh*t by the side and a man takes it away- sharia style.
Hindia is well known for sitting on the pot of of money. Before the TRP holders were asked to leave Ceylon we use to tease the Boras and Gujarati `sitting on pot of money` because Ceylonese were spenders.
The most expensive home in the world is Ambani Gujarati $1 billion in the middle of slum- Nawab ka Mahal kithna mal hey??
That is why they are poor.
Government took horse racing from Muslim and you did not mind Casino why??
prostitution and drugs go with it.
You are looking for big money to pay a big household why when lanka has family planning? you should cut the cloth right.
you cant hide these from me because I appreciate art and culture and travel.
Rarityminds / December 3, 2015
You may be a bastard not seeing the reality by your own eyes.
We need to build up a healthy nation. In order to build up or future folks, we need to plan now…
Please do some reasearch and get the facts right, most that get caught by drugs and alcohol among youth today are coming from the families that their parents are not available to take care of them enough.
Please read it going thorugh all the archives. I have not lived in the country for the last 3 decades but Iam well alert on th eissues, since all these affect on lanken future.
In my days few decades ago, in the country we did not have any drug addicts.
tika / December 5, 2015
“You may be a bastard not seeing the reality by your own eyes.”
“I have not lived in the country for the last 3 decades but Iam well alert on th eissues, since all these affect on lanken future. “
Hoooo! Hercules!!!
30 years work Home TV cheering Lankan cricket- that’s your standard stupid bigot.
if youth take drugs- there are several reasons for them to be disenchanted.
there is supply demand. Hambugtota was known in the world as Hippy from the 70’s when there was no middle east income or women working.
You are gamayata magic- like the 70’s Eddie colombo malasanya.
Bury yourself there don’t go back.
tika / December 5, 2015
“You may be a `bastard` not seeing the reality by your own eyes.”
“In my days few decades ago, in the country we did not have any drug addicts.”
you were born in a coconut shell- bestiality breed.
have you heard of Hikkaduva?? It was the place of heroin for tourist from 70’s
– the hippy generation.
Go to Magistrates courts and check achieves of Colombo from the time of independence than blow your but because you are a retired security guard.
You need to take your tablets from Psycho than tell us bull and call folk Bastards/.
Simonappu / December 6, 2015
simply racial statements. Thanks go to your parents. Please travel to more places and be civilized -much more in your person to be built up in order to get on with the readers of CT. Good luck Tika.
As rarity and other few make it very clear, yours kind are the majority among the lankens. You need to mingle lot more –
[Edited out] of your kind can deivide the nation further – that is what I feel having read all your incoherent responses to this forum.
Samuel Jayaweera / December 6, 2015
For Tika anyone that would talk against him are DEMALA. This kind of men of the lanka should be taught about self immolation tactics, so that we the peace loving can finally guide the rest of the nation towards sustainable peace. He himself seems to be boasting to have travelled a lot but all his verbal diarrhe prove what kind of a person he should be. Not far from frog in a well mentality. Good luck to srilanka, so long the kind of mentality is there. These men should be punished by hanging by their balls. Basta.
Paul / December 6, 2015
What balls?
Sama / December 8, 2015
No point of talking even about it. He has no balls. That is why he reacts this way. This bugger et al TIKa is boasting about his travels.
Actually CT must not allow the kind of buggers to spread walpal this way.
tokka / December 7, 2015
Kussi appu,
Sheila used by Khan in comes Chammak Challo Akon Do you see race little maggot.??
There is only horse race
Samuel Jayaweera,
kassipu kollo,
“These men should be punished by hanging by their balls. Basta. “
`basta` because ¬political correct`Hillary thought she was responding in latino to Trumps Bright economy` response to stop the drug traffickers and prostitutes.
you are still ambude trying to creep go back and fish for your protein.
Sinhala_Man / December 1, 2015
After posting an earlier comment, I have found this in a Sri Lankan newspaper:
Another aspect is justifiably highlighted here; the poor woman is doomed; why allow the family to be stigmatised. A valid point.
By the way, I have been sent this by a Muslim friend and I have signed the petition:
Why don’t ALL readers spend one minute doing so? the least we can do!
Manjula / December 2, 2015
Yes, living in Saudi Arabia is like being in a prison. Our government will never take any action against any of these incidents because if they do something, our Gov knows that they would not receive foreign income from those hardworking people in Middle East countries.
Thiru / December 1, 2015
Saudi Arabia is living proof of barbarism in modern world: These Muslims are still living in the dark ages, ruled by selfish rulers.
Will the Muslims ever rise against this barbarism in name of an imaginary god? Utter stupidity and cruelty imho.
GrandMuftiOfRationalism / December 2, 2015
From my personal experience I would classify KSA (Saudi Arabia), as the most racist place on earth. It is truly a great Islamic achievement.
simon / December 1, 2015
Do they punish white woman this way?
Sinhala_Man / December 1, 2015
They just might, but I don’t enjoy researching such subjects. I don’t think that we should shift the emphasis from sexism and fanaticism to race.
However, this was quite a recent happening.
The Brits did succeed in getting this poor man back safely. As I said, I’m not going to research this. However, here’s an account in a RIGHT-WING , British newspaper, which is usually considered racist. Contrast the number of responses there with the half-hearted responses from us.
Why haven’t we been given details of this woman – said to be from Maradana? I’m sure that her family, although they may not approve of her adultery, would not want this barbaric punishment for her – which is almost certain to take place on Friday, the 4th of December. Why can’t our government work on it, and get her husband and children to plead for her?
There is some sane writing here:
This woman is not a Muslim; it may be that the majority of Sri Lankans in KSA are not Muslims. Rizana was, of course, and what a mess Dilan Perera made of that!
Now what do we do to Azmi Thassim? In case you don’t know, that is our current Ambassador to KSA. The guy is actually concerned about our protests irritating the Saudi government! Are we going to allow this monster to continue representing us?
I just can’t find the woman’s name. She will be stoned on Friday. Can’t we at least make sure that this does not happen to anybody else. Shame, even on me, for not protesting more effectively!
Civil Servant / December 2, 2015
“Now what do we do to Azmi Thassim? In case you don’t know, that is our current Ambassador to KSA. The guy is actually concerned about our protests irritating the Saudi government! Are we going to allow this monster to continue representing us?”
And this is just ONE of the “monsters representing us”, so what do we do with the others as well, is the question!
Doesn’t look like much has changed from the Chinthnaya to Yahapalanaya in this area of governance either!
Sylvia Haik / December 8, 2015
No they don’t. Sharia Law is strictly applied only to poor Asian migrants. British hospital nurses caught cavorting with other men and drinking alcohol were simply deported. A few days ago, a British man convicted of brewing alcohol and sentenced to 360 lashes was excused and deported. The fact is we could be on a par with the British if only we had the guts to ban our maids going there. Resulting from several countries banning domestic workers going to the Middle-East, they need our maids more than our maids need them. We need to demand better working conditions and at least their Labour Laws applying equally to our maids.
baludeen / December 1, 2015
[Edited out]
MirakRajBanda / December 1, 2015
Fair enough. stop sending our women to Mideast and find an alternative source of income by creating more jobs. Jobs can only be created if overseas companies set their companies in our shores. To attract the foreign companies we must have stable government and policies that attract the investors in terms of tax concession; relaxed duty concession; etc., (technically)able work force and lower wages comparing to the country of origin. We meet non of these criteria !!!!!
Lower and middle income families bread winners are the wives who employ in Mideast mostly as maids and the income of the husbands are not enough to meet the day to day needs. we have no other alternatives.
Now, stoning Sri Lankan domestic worker? yes, stop sending our women to Mideast.
Native Vedda / December 1, 2015
“Now, stoning Sri Lankan domestic worker? yes, stop sending our women to Mideast.”
Good idea.
Who is going to feed their family?
Remember these are not rich women going on a pleasure trip to Middle East Medieval kingdoms.
Before stopping them from working in Middle East find them alternative descent employment. By the way please help their men folks suitable employment. The men are having good time while their women folks are eking out a living under most difficult conditions.
soma / December 1, 2015
Up to the Muslim political leaders and Immams.
They CAN talk to the Saudi Embassy.
Saudi Arabian embassy must be told in no uncertain terms that this is likely to have a serious impact on the Muslims in Sri Lanka. For heavens sake this incident MUST be avoided.
Government can solicit assistance of USA and Western countries. These slavish Saudis wouldn’t dare to think of doing it with a white woman.
Backlash / December 2, 2015
Even if the Saudis, God forbade, stone this woman to death what has that got to do with our Muslims. They are as innocent of the possible crime as the Sinhalese, Tamils and others. Of course, misleading and ignorant Buddhist priests may lead a large horde of thugs and rogues in many parts of the country to burn and plunder using this as the excuse, as they did in 1977, 1983 etc – that’s the Lankan way for which we have a global reputation.
As to adultery the Saudis, more the oversees-visiting rich Saudis lead a debaucherous life, with rare exceptions – and they go scot free. Adulery among whites in the Arab lands is ignored. That is the nature and content of Sharia law, which some of our Muslims want to import here.
Sena / December 3, 2015
“Of course, misleading and ignorant Buddhist priests may lead a large horde of thugs and rogues in many parts of the country to burn and plunder using this as the excuse, as they did in 1977, 1983 etc – that’s the Lankan way for which we have a global reputation.”
Stupid so what they would have a change of government faster than your dream and of course with the Tamils kissing them and prodding them along.Its your love story under the palmyrah tree.
You would be better off converting to I_slam humanity than fighting the Sinhalese and bringing chaos to the nation and its neighbours.
Salma Junaideen / December 5, 2015
Why should this have a repercussion on the Muslims of Sri Lanka. If a Muslim in any part of the world commit a crime are we to be blamed. Do you blame the Christians for what Blair or Bush do. We are 2 million in Sri lanka and if one of them commit a crime, do we blame the Muslims. That is what the racists were doing here
When Rizana was murdered there was no such repercussion. Sri lankan Muslims do not subscribe to this law. All Sri Lankans are not fools to accuse the Muslims living in this country for a crime committed by some one or another country.
Paul / December 6, 2015
When the BBS was causing chaos everybody criticised the Buddhists for their silence. Its the same thing.
Sylvia Haik / December 12, 2015
The Muslim political leaders in Sri Lanka rely too much on the funding they receive from Saudi Arabia and excuse their atrocities and will not intervene in order not to upset the ultra sensitive Saudis. We found this out when young Rizana Nafeek was beheaded for a crime she most certainly did not commit but they had a confession in Arabic which she doesn’t understand and she was also beaten up. The Muslim community derive absolutely no benefits from these funds except more mosques for which there’s no demand and Arabianising of the streets in predominantly Muslim area with street names in Arabic which the locals couldn’t read and planting palm trees, all of which died within weeks.
Silva / December 1, 2015
Then each of them went home, 1 while Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2 Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him and he sat down and began to teach them. 3 The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery; and making her stand before all of them, 4 they said to him, ‘Teacher, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery. 5 Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?’ 6 They said this to test him, so that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, ‘Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.’ 8 And once again he bent down and wrote on the ground. 9 When they heard it, they went away, one by one, beginning with the elders; and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. 10 Jesus straightened up and said to her, ‘Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?’ 11 She said, ‘No one, sir.’ And Jesus said, ‘Neither do I condemn you. Go your way, and from now on do not sin again.’
Paul / December 2, 2015
The Old Testament is full of stoning for the most minor of ‘crimes’. Why do Christians only quote from the New Testament eh? Right, I’m off to get stoned man.
Sylvia Haik / December 2, 2015
Christians had the good sense to review and reform medieval cultures. Islam is stuck in a rut because their medieval barbarism cannot be reviewed let alone reformed. The Sharia Laws flout the Geneva Convention on torture. Also in Saudi Arabia it is suspended for white Caucasians. The poor migrant workers suffer the most because there is no Cameron or Obama to intervene.
cici / December 3, 2015
“The poor migrant workers suffer the most because there is no Cameron or Obama to intervene. “
you are wrong.even today there are Ceylonese from Colombo living in the west who have established close relationship with the present Saudi family as friends.However, after 83 they like us have disowned the island and its people. One I know of at Swiss is neither a Muslim or Sinhalese.
US/UK bully is not everything if only folk at home stayed together as one.
Gunadasa / December 2, 2015
Hell with Jesus, and his imaginary God. These frauds as missionaries and imperialist bastards are the bane of modern society. We live in the 21st century and most modern thinkers and scientists do not believe in this Christian bullshit. Right thinking people do not believe in this God fellow who created a Universe in 6 days and took a holiday on sunday because he needed a rest. And this God fellow watches as millions of his flock die of Sunamis, Earthquakes, Epidemics. Starvation due to droughts , Wars, etc while this God fellow says we,must thank him and venerate him because God loves us all. Intelligent people Read and watch the sayings of intelligent scientists Such as Dawkins, Hawking, Neil Tyson, Sagan, Kraus, And Einstein.We live in the 21st century where the knowledge of our real place in the universe is being slowly unravaled.Why do we as some humans yet believe in doctrines that were believed by stone age people. I venerate Buddhism as a great Philosophy that we can all live by and embrace. A young vibrant new generation of people see the Universe in all its glory through the new Knowledge of Astronomy, Quantam mechanics and thru fantastic Telescopes like Hubble. We now can peer into the earliest forms of how the Universe was born and the remnants of the Big Bang thru our own eyes,via Radio Astronomy and the powerful new Telescopes that are fast coming on line. Soon religion as preached by people who believe in God {No one has seen this God or spoken to him}Will in the coming years vanish as religion and its hocus pocus bullshit is discarded by a generation of intelligent scientists and new a generation of non beleivers and thinkers see the light.
Sylvia Haik / December 2, 2015
Gunadasa. I cannot understand your rant against religion. The renowned scientists you mentioned may have not believed in religions, but none of them ever did disrespect people’s beliefs. I am an atheist but I am glad people do believe in religions because it gives them comfort. Just because a minority cause havoc in the name of Islam or Christianity or Judaism or whatever, you cannot condemn the whole edifice. Being a non-believer is also a belief and you cannot impose that on other people.
Sena / December 3, 2015
`I am an atheist ¬
school teacher, your name selection confirms you are lying to get your message around.
Patriotism is to politics what faith is to religion:
Similar to religion, patriotism is an emotion, as opposed to a rational thought process. The unquestioned acceptance of information that is either unverified or that may actually be in conflict with factual evidence. Patriotism is the incubator of wars.
Today we talk of `feeling` the truth not `thinking ` the truth.
Native Vedda / December 3, 2015
“Patriotism is the incubator of wars.”
Patriotism is the best refuge to hide all sins committed by the smart ass patriots.
Therefore rationality is the best tool available to mankind in the process of exposing all crooks.
However rationality and Sri Lankies don’t mix, both are mutually exclusive.
Sena / December 3, 2015
Gunadasa like Einstein who at the end of his life believed like the man of the mountain- `put everything right under heaven`- the foolish Buddha.
This world has always been ruled by `passion` but never `rationality`.
Native Vedda / December 1, 2015
“Saudi Arabian embassy must be told in no uncertain terms that this is likely to have a serious impact on the Muslims in Sri Lanka.”
What are you planning to do to the Muslims? Pack all of them and send back to South India? Please back your verbal threat by your stupid actions.
Which of Muslim-owned properties and businesses are you targeting this time?
Salma Junaideen / December 1, 2015
Muslims in Sri Lanka has nothing to do with what Saudi or any other country does. Also all the Muslims in Sri Lanka are not responsible for a crime committed by a Muslim even in Sri Lanka. For instance if a Christian or Buddhist commit a crime, do you blame the entire Christian and the Buddhist community for this crime. Rizana Nafeek was murdered in Saudi. At that time no one said that Muslims in sri lanka had to suffer.
Wrong reasoning
Uthungan / December 2, 2015
Yes Salma what you say is true, but why is it one does not see/.hear about the position taken by the Ulamas and the Muslims or their religious theologians in this country on this matter of stoning to death of one of their own?
That is sad is it not?
tika / December 3, 2015
“”Muslims in Sri Lanka has nothing to do with what Saudi or any other country does.””
Muslims use by date is coming to an end by the end of the decade.
As Cameron says all are “terrorist sympathisers”.- from now on all coalition forces would be carrying out air raids until no Islamic soul is left. They the pipe line will flow direct to EU.
At present the largest export market for Lanka is to EU. Most aid and grants come to Lanka from EU.
Like Michael Jackson muslims must convert or be dammed.- that is life live with because you have played ball from independence- time out
Leelawthie / December 5, 2015
why not you the sick man think of a brain surgery to become a normal breathing person ? Ur comments have no substance at all. Not the cows but you guys behave as if you are suffering from mad cow disease. Try to be normal man, even if you self proclaim to have travelled across the globe- your says give no least impression about that.. Get well man.. leave regular CT readers a break. Thank you.
tika / December 5, 2015
demala Leelawthie ,
And what makes you think you are right you mean, nasty, ugly disgusting smelly malodorous, totally evil foul little douche-bag?
Simonappu / December 6, 2015
simply racial statements. Thanks go to your parents. Please travel to more places and be civilized -much more in your person to be built up in order to get on with the readers of CT. Good luck Tika.
As rarity and other few make it very clear, yours kind are the majority among the lankens. You need to mingle lot more –
Ballige puthas of your kind can deivide the nation further – that is what I feel having read all your incoherent responses to this forum.
tokka / December 7, 2015
kussi appu,
Sadly for you who goes to work(maybe) then straight home and TV or PC – that is your world view- classic gas gembo from the village.
racial, religious and civilisation.
It’s your own Ivy that has engulfed your soul – bigotry, prejudice, racism and fear drive.
get flushed in the Mada kaapuva.
Alan / December 1, 2015
Native Vedda,
Even this soma should be sent back India where they came from. So Native vedda you can sleep peacefully.
Native Vedda / December 1, 2015
Thank you.
k.soysa / December 1, 2015
“Then the scribes and the Pharisees brought before Him a woman caught in adultery. …… (They said to Him), “Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery. The law requires her to be stoned to death. What do You say?”.
“He said to those who brought her, ‘He who has no sin amongst you, cast the first stone’.
They all turned and walked away. Why? Because they were all convicted of their own sin.
‘Nuff said.
Paul / December 2, 2015
The Old Testament is full of stoning for the most minor of ‘crimes’. Why do Christians only quote from the New Testament eh? Right, I’m off to get stoned man.
DuH / December 2, 2015
Because the new testament supersedes the old T.
Perfect Charity (forgiveness and love) of the NT supersedes the law and the prophets of the OT.
k.soysa / December 2, 2015
Yes, the punishments meted out on the Israelites (Israelis) so many thousand years ago was harsh. I am content that God who gave these laws and commandments through Moses on the mountain (those who saw Charleton Heston as Moses in the old movie, “Ten Commandments” will know, even if you are not a Bible reader) had a reason. However,after the Advent of Jesus Christ, He (Christ) gave just ONE commandment: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and body. Likewise, love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Laws and the Prophets’. If you love God and also love your neighbour as much as you love yourself, then there will be no crime, no sin, no murders etc. Right?! So the question of executions will not arise.
Paul / December 2, 2015
I see. So either stoning and all the other barbarities in the OT (mostly committed by God himself) were right for the time, or the OT is just a fairy story.
k.soysa / December 3, 2015
I am not saying its right. Or wrong. These are the laws (The Ten Commandments) given by the Creator God, on which, incidentally all present day laws are based. I will not debate on the wisdom of God. IF the commandments given by Christ (to love God and to love your fellow-men) is observed, then we will have no barbarism.
Paul / December 3, 2015
How about the Second Commandment?
“You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above…….For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me…..”
Sounds like a nice guy, if he exists.
ramona therese fernando / December 2, 2015
One question to Islamic Scholars:
Why, do Islamic men, who are given the go ahead to have multiple wives (and usually do), feel the need to stone a woman for adultery?
Is it not, then sorely illogical (and Islam bases it’s religion on logic)? For a woman too has needs of sexual nature, an if a neglected woman is left alone too much (due to her husband having 4 wives), adultery will be the natural consequence.
And if Islamists outside of the Middle-East, do not generally follow the rule, they still ponder on the possibility during religious lectures and worship.
Hence, shouldn’t the realization of the illogical nature of stoning-a -neglected-woman give them greater logical awareness, rather than justifying it by going on a mad rampage of blood-lust via stoning, at their inability to hold the attention of 4 wives?
Sinhala_Man / December 2, 2015
For once you talk sense.
Try to apply it to your politics as well!
ramona therese fernando / December 2, 2015
Always sensible, Sinhala_Man…..always!
Sinhala_Man / December 2, 2015
Smugness such as yours can never be sensible, “Know-all” ramona therese fernando.
Mahinda Raja / December 2, 2015
Sinhala Man – Hahahahaha – “for once” being the operative words – followed by excellent advice!!
Let’s hope she takes it, but judging by her response it’s like pouring water on that proverbial duck’s back!
Rizwan / December 2, 2015
The stoning of an individual to death breaches the punishment limits set by the Quran. Stoning is not mentioned. Punishment to death is not mentioned.
Therefore it is fundamentally outside the boundaries of the religion.
Amarasiri / December 2, 2015
“The stoning of an individual to death breaches the punishment limits set by the Quran. Stoning is not mentioned. Punishment to death is not mentioned. “
The Wahhabi Saudi Arabia follow Iblis, Satan and therefore they are not bound by the Quran, bit by the but by the whims and wishers of the Devil Iblis.
This is because Wahhabism and its clones, Salafisn, Towneedism , ISIS, ISIL, Al Queda, Taliban, Boko Haram are not Muslims, but Iblisis, Satanists. They will ALL end up in Hell just like Iblis, Satan, as per the teachings of the Quran.
Stoning to Death: A Violation of the Qur’an
“This is a chapter We have sent down and made obligatory. We have sent down clear revelations in it so that you may take heed: flog the male and the female adulterers and fornicators (الزانية والزاني) one hundred times. Do not let compassion for them keep you from carrying out Allah’s law if you believe in Allah and the Last Day – and ensure a group of believers witnesses the punishment.” (Qur’an 24:2)
Paul / December 6, 2015
‘Punishment to death is not mentioned’
Rizwan read your Koran, the holy book of Islam, the religion of peace.
2:191 And slay them (infidels)wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.
Rizwan / December 7, 2015
Obviously you have chosen to mislead readers by not mentioning the previous verse to what you have quoted:
“Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors.” Quran 2:190
Context is everything!
Amarasiri / December 2, 2015
Beyond blind faith – question to Islamic Scholars, Other Scjolars and Faithful
“Religion is the Opium of the Masses” Karl Marx.
What do the Wahhabis and other Faithful Believe? Just Brainwash them, on what you want them to believe. No evidence necessary, just brainwash..
(Qur’an 24:2)
Stoning to Death: A Violation of the Qur’an
Who is Jesus? Is Jesus God? See what Jesus said about himself, his equality with God, and what exactly Jesus did to prove it.
It is impossible for us to know conclusively whether God exists and what he is like unless he takes the initiative and reveals himself.
We must scan the horizon of history to see if there is any clue to God’s revelation. There is one clear clue. In an obscure village in Palestine, 2,000 years ago, a Child was born in a stable. Today the entire world is still celebrating the birth of Jesus, and for good reason.
Is Jesus God? Did Jesus ever claim to be God?
We’re told that “the common people heard him gladly.” And, “He taught as One who had authority, and not as their teachers of the Law.”1
It soon became apparent, however, that he was making shocking and startling statements about himself. He began to identify himself as far more than a remarkable teacher or prophet. He began to say clearly that he was God. He made his identity the focal point of his teaching. The all-important question he put to those who followed him was, “Who do you say I am?” When Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,”2 Jesus was not shocked, nor did he rebuke Peter. On the contrary, he commended him!
Jesus frequently referred to “My Father,” and his hearers got the full impact of his words. We are told, “The Jews tried all the harder to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.”3
On another occasion he said, “I and My Father are One.” Immediately the religious authorities wanted to stone him. He asked them which of his good works caused them to want to kill him. They replied, “We are not stoning you for any of these but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”4
Is Jesus God?
When a paralyzed man was let down through the roof wanting to be healed by him, Jesus said, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” The religious leaders immediately reacted. “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?”
When Jesus was on trial for his life, the high priest put the question to him directly: “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?”
“I am,” said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
The high priest tore his clothes. “Why do we need any more witnesses?” he asked. “You have heard the blasphemy.”5
So close was Jesus’ connection with God that he equated a person’s attitude to himself with the person’s attitude toward God. Thus, to know him was to know God.6 To see him was to see God.7 To believe in him was to believe in God.8 To receive him was to receive God. 9 To hate him was to hate God.10 And to honor him was to honor God.11
Is Jesus God? There are possible explanations.
“As we face the claims of Christ, there are only four possibilities. He was either a liar, mentally ill, a legend, or the Truth.”
The question is, was he telling the truth?
Maybe Jesus lied when he said he was God. Perhaps he knew he was not God, but deliberately deceived his hearers to lend authority to his teaching. Few, if any, hold this position. Even those who deny his deity affirm that he was a great moral teacher. However, they fail to realize those two statements are a contradiction. Jesus could hardly be a great moral teacher if, on the most crucial point of his teaching — his identity — he was a deliberate liar.
Another possibility is that Jesus was sincere but self-deceived. We have a name for a person today who thinks he is God. Mentally disabled. But as we look at the life of Christ, we see no evidence of the abnormality and imbalance we find in a mentally ill person. Rather, we find the greatest composure under pressure.
Is the Sun going around the Earth as Joshua 10:13 Claimed?
New International Version
So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day.
Amarasiri / December 2, 2015
Beyond blind faith – question to Islamic Scholars, Other Scholars and Faithful
So, are you going take everything that is in the scriptures as the truth because it is divinely inspired or divinely revealed?
“Religion is the Opium of the Masses” Karl Marx.
What do the Wahhabis and other Faithful Believe? Just Brainwash them, on what you want them to believe. No evidence necessary, just brainwash..
(Qur’an 24:2)
Stoning to Death: A Violation of the Qur’an
Who is Jesus? Is Jesus God? See what Jesus said about himself, his equality with God, and what exactly Jesus did to prove it.
It is impossible for us to know conclusively whether God exists and what he is like unless he takes the initiative and reveals himself.
We must scan the horizon of history to see if there is any clue to God’s revelation. There is one clear clue. In an obscure village in Palestine, 2,000 years ago, a Child was born in a stable. Today the entire world is still celebrating the birth of Jesus, and for good reason.
Is Jesus God? Did Jesus ever claim to be God?
We’re told that “the common people heard him gladly.” And, “He taught as One who had authority, and not as their teachers of the Law.”1
It soon became apparent, however, that he was making shocking and startling statements about himself. He began to identify himself as far more than a remarkable teacher or prophet. He began to say clearly that he was God. He made his identity the focal point of his teaching. The all-important question he put to those who followed him was, “Who do you say I am?” When Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,”2 Jesus was not shocked, nor did he rebuke Peter. On the contrary, he commended him!
Jesus frequently referred to “My Father,” and his hearers got the full impact of his words. We are told, “The Jews tried all the harder to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.”3
On another occasion he said, “I and My Father are One.” Immediately the religious authorities wanted to stone him. He asked them which of his good works caused them to want to kill him. They replied, “We are not stoning you for any of these but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”4
Is Jesus God?
When a paralyzed man was let down through the roof wanting to be healed by him, Jesus said, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” The religious leaders immediately reacted. “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?”
When Jesus was on trial for his life, the high priest put the question to him directly: “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?”
“I am,” said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
The high priest tore his clothes. “Why do we need any more witnesses?” he asked. “You have heard the blasphemy.”5
So close was Jesus’ connection with God that he equated a person’s attitude to himself with the person’s attitude toward God. Thus, to know him was to know God.6 To see him was to see God.7 To believe in him was to believe in God.8 To receive him was to receive God. 9 To hate him was to hate God.10 And to honor him was to honor God.11
Is Jesus God? There are possible explanations.
“As we face the claims of Christ, there are only four possibilities. He was either a liar, mentally ill, a legend, or the Truth.”
The question is, was he telling the truth?
Maybe Jesus lied when he said he was God. Perhaps he knew he was not God, but deliberately deceived his hearers to lend authority to his teaching. Few, if any, hold this position. Even those who deny his deity affirm that he was a great moral teacher. However, they fail to realize those two statements are a contradiction. Jesus could hardly be a great moral teacher if, on the most crucial point of his teaching — his identity — he was a deliberate liar.
Another possibility is that Jesus was sincere but self-deceived. We have a name for a person today who thinks he is God. Mentally disabled. But as we look at the life of Christ, we see no evidence of the abnormality and imbalance we find in a mentally ill person. Rather, we find the greatest composure under pressure.
Is the Sun going around the Earth as Joshua 10:13 Claimed?
New International Version
So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day.
So, are you going take everything that is in the scriptures as the truth because it is divinely inspired or divinely revealed?
justice / December 2, 2015
ramona therese Fernando,
Poliyandry was practised in ancient times in Sri Lanka.
Brothers in the same family shared favors of one female.
ramona therese fernando / December 3, 2015
Hey, maybe our lawyers can justify this case, citing that she was following ancient Lankan traditions.
The woman can say that she wants to learn another culture (being only a servant in an Arab household, she was clueless of the Arab Islamic culture).
She can say she is willing to convert to Islam (i.e. if she isn’t Islamic already), and learn what Allah expects of women.
If she is Islamic, she can say that the truth of Allah’s words, didn’t quite descend onto her, as she was following traditional Lankan culture.
She will then be surely pardoned.
ramona therese fernando / December 3, 2015
On the other hand, she can hold her head high and say that she is first and foremost, Lankan, irrespective of being Buddhist/Islamist/Hindu/Christian, and will remain Lankan throughout. She might say that she was staying true to her natural desires, in the absence of loved ones in harsh foreign country, and true to the Lankan tradition of greater understanding of the human spirit. But, then, they will stone her even worse then.
A Better Muslim / December 2, 2015
Stop it! Just Stop!
Spring Koha / December 2, 2015
I fear that this is not a petition that is likely to change the stone hearts of the Saudis. On the other hand, the uncalled for and insensitive comments of Ambassador Thassim would have given much comfort to the men in Riyadh.
The perpetration of this evil practice is unbecoming of those who profess to practice Islam. How much longer must our citizens risk this barbaric punishment just for the sake of earning an honest living?
Asterix / December 3, 2015
Lanka does not have even soft diplomacy because it has squandered by infighting so the only way is follow India and Pakistan.
Religion is only the cover for polygamy. The citizens of England complained to Queen Victoria the lifestyle of the Nabob’s who were imitating the Turk (Mughal) Nawab invaders of north India and she nationalised East India Company- Government of India Act 1858 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. With it Life in India suddenly changed.
Abe / December 5, 2015
Not sure what the Act of 1858 has to do with this debate.But you cannot be a bad guy with the name of that lovely character Asterix.
Lilliput / December 5, 2015
don’t you have a better way of asking than `what has that got to do??
Sharia law which was introduced by the the Turks- Mughal Empire- The Mughals 1483 (Turks+Mongols)
Sharia law commerce is still in practice at north India.
Please go read `time line` than me spell it out to you
– and dont forget to you use your head at networking data- the world is not flat-see what turkey is doing right now for it’s master Obama.
The hood is the hood because there are only hoodlums in the hood the poison in the well.!!
Turkey for Christmas.
Manjula / December 2, 2015
Are those people still living in the stone-age??
Canadabas / December 2, 2015
[Edited out] Please write instead of posting links – CT
Sylvia Haik / December 2, 2015
Are we totally devoid of intelligent Sri Lankans that we send a moron like Azmi Thassim to represent us as our Ambassador in Saudi Arabia. While the entire world, including many Muslim countries, condemn the Saudi punishment of stoning a woman to death, he favours them by declaring it is their law and if we didn’t like it we should not go there. By that logic, Hitler was right too as he was legally entitled to discriminate and discard people based on race and religion. If Bodu Bala Sana had been victorious, we too might be facing unjust laws and would Mr. Azmi Thassim approve of Muslims being deported much like Myanmar is aiming to do to the Rohingya Muslims.
Amarasiri / December 3, 2015
Sylvia Haik
“Are we totally devoid of intelligent Sri Lankans that we send a moron like Azmi Thassim to represent us as our Ambassador in Saudi Arabia. While the entire world, including many Muslim countries, condemn the Saudi punishment of stoning a woman to death, he favours them by declaring it “
Excellent Question.
Is it because the Morons are in power and the Morons are in the selection boards, and they know only to select morons?
This Moron Thassim dies not even know what is said in the Quran, just like the Devil, Iblis following Wahhabi Saudi morons.
The Saudi Wahhabi Devils Morons claim, Crimes Against God?
Where in the Quran, God’s Word does it say, kill the Adulterer by stoning? That is the wish of the Devil only?
The Holy Quran says (Qur’an 24:2) ” This is a chapter We have sent down and made obligatory. We have sent down clear revelations in it so that you may take heed: flog the male and the female adulterers and fornicators (الزانية والزاني) one hundred times. Do not let compassion for them keep you from carrying out Allah’s law if you believe in Allah and the Last Day – and ensure a group of believers witnesses the punishment.”
So, why are the Morons following Iblis, the evil? Follow the Quran, and let her go after 100 lases as God Commands in the Quran.
ibadun / December 2, 2015
There are several medias and individuals who criticize the laws of Saudi Arabia. Every country enacts laws for their convenient and need of its citizens where they intended to moderate its society.
If anybody who is visiting/working in Saudi Arabia, it is must to obey the laws of that country otherwise you will be penalized, no matter whether it is Islamic Law or not. Or if you guys don’t want to obey or not to be punished you should not think to go there! As we don’t wish to hear foreigners who criticizes our laws the same way they also don’t ..
Lankan / December 3, 2015
Yes, they are stupid uncivilised beasts, very different to most cultures.
Other countries shouldn’t have dealings with these monsters, but unfortunately
the West is propping them up, with their double standards on human rights, for reason of politics and power.
Paul / December 6, 2015
Have you never heard of internationally agreed and accepted Human Rights?
S.Jeyasankar / December 2, 2015
It is our responsibility to innovate ways and means to establish self sustainable societies instead of depending on revenues from sacrificial, tortures and inhuman professions harnessed on ordinary people particularly on women. It is not only a shame for politicians but also to academics and artists too.
sinhalese buddhist / December 3, 2015
Why haven’t Mr. Muhammed Fazl and Mr. Izzeth Hussein commented on this issue?
Bobby / December 3, 2015
why have you forgotten that stupid bigot Ariyasinhala the permanent rep at Geneve who is chair of SARC labour and laws to the middle east?
sinhala buddhist are typically lazy and corrupt.- shape shape shape race.
Corsair / December 3, 2015
I am not an exponent of Islamic Law, but as far as I know if a married couple has been separated or out of physical contact with each other for more than 3 months then as per Islamic law the marriage can be considered to be null and void by either party.
If a smart sharia law lawyer takes up this stance the death by stoning should be able to be reduced to lashes like the male counterpart in this case.
John Stewart Sloan / December 3, 2015
And Basil Fernando and the AHRC have done………….
Asterix / December 4, 2015
He is a `trade union` and does not handle individual cases.
Priya / December 4, 2015
Where are the cry babies like Fazel Mohammed,Hilmy and Izeth.
They are always mourning about the injustice and human rights violations all the time. However they are stony silent when something grossly inhuman like this related Islam is taking place.
Guys,a poor woman far away from home in an emotional vulnerable state has had consensual sexual intercourse. Is it a crime?. In any civilised country no one will think about punishing her.She hasn’t committed anything criminal.. She might loose her marriage and be humiliated mostly. She may even be muslim but I don’t care about her ethnicity.You may argue she would have known the laws of the country.
However, whatever the way you look at it, this punishment is too harsh and barbaric. Please accept that.
This Saudi(?Sharia) law is medieval. It does not go with the modern free world. Some one who had kept nine wives has preached to stone women who commit adultery and the rest of the Muslim world are scared to raise their objections against the injustice because it is believed to be a divine order(I have my strong doubts about the degree of divinity). These fools also believe when they die for the religion they are rewarded with 72 virgins in the heaven. These blind believers who cannot think rationally,act blind and deaf when atrocities committed like this according to their medieval scripts. But they are up in arms against for any other trivial matter related to any other faith. These hypocrites are the worst and the silence of them and the West who benefit from their oil rich money are the main reasons for these countries to carry out these out dated barbaric practises without any hindrance.
EDWIN RODRIGO / December 4, 2015
Dear All,
Before you start denouncing Saudi Arabia and our ambassador there, it would be prudent to investigate comprehensively, why this has happened and not give in to emotional rhetoric based on half baked knowledge.
The Holy Quran lays down precise conditions on the punishment to be given just as it does for all other things the Holy Book covers. On the punishment it says, “Only a married person who commits adultery is to be stoned to death. The punishment for an unmarried person is a hundred lashes”. So the lashes prescribed for the man in this case, very likely, is not based on gender inequality.
I say, very likely, because I do not know his marital status. The person who pardons such a person is himself committing a sin and is punishable irrespective of his position.
Let us appeal to them but not insult them and make things worse.
What I suggest is that we take this case as an example and educate the Sri Lankans going for employment in Saudi Arabia about these strict rules. That would be more practical than trying to correct that country.
Julius / December 5, 2015
These Wahhabi {edited out]
leslie / December 5, 2015
[Edited out]
leslie / December 5, 2015
[Edited out]
leslie / December 5, 2015
[Edited out]
M. Zahran / December 10, 2015
How about including in the contract of employment the details of the punishments for various crimes committed in Saudi land. In the event of committing same, the employee will have to face the music.
Citizen / December 14, 2015
When Indra Gandhi was PM of India, an Indian woman was sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia. No sooner she heard she warned Saudi Arabia that hundreds of Arabians will be massacred in India. Immediately the Indian woman was released. Will Sri Lanka’s rulers have such guts like India?
Adrian / December 21, 2015
If a religion cannot define the meaning of God, then laws based on religion has to be regarded as primitive and should not be practiced. Saudi government must abolish religious laws and adopt a democratic path. God has not told anywhere to kill anyone. It is god who had given the sex organs and the right to use it. How can it be a sin then? For not obeying certain rules, the punishment should be related to the offense and taking the life of the person.