18 January, 2025


Sinha – Le, Lion’s Blood?

By Shohorab Ahamed

Shohorab Ahamed

Shohorab Ahamed

The interviewer asked on TV from Ziauddin Yousafzai, the father of Malala Yousafzai, the youngest Nobel Prize winner, about the man who shot her. He replied “It wasn’t a man, it was an ideology”. I write this with a tingling sensation that warns me of a growing, instigated and extremely ignorant akin ideology in my mother country, Sri Lanka.

I am sure as a reader you would have definitely seen this new “Sinha-Le” image going viral not only through digital media like Facebook but also in print. Taxis are branding themselves with a sticker and even some boutiques have joined the band wagon. The image has the lion taken from the national flag accompanied with the word “Sinha (Lion)” written in yellow and the last letter “Le” in red. “Le” means blood in Sinhalese and the picture tries to portray the word Sinhale as a conjunction of the two words “Lion” and “Blood” very obviously trying to tell all of us that he belongs to the Sinhala race, born of Lions Blood. Who is funding this? Who is printing this image? Who’s idea was this?

Sinha leThose are questions that would come to your mind but the more potent question should be, “Is that what Sinhale Means”? I am a Muslim, my mother tongue is Sinhalese, my mother country is Sinhale (Sri Lanka is a new name) and I say to the intellectual who designed this ideology, you have got the whole thing wrong, so please don’t lead astray the future generations of this glorious and probably the most tolerant, genuine nation in the world.

The old story goes that Prince Vijaya landed in Thambapanni and met Kuweni who he betrothed. According to chronicles Vijayas father was Sinhabahu (Sinha=Lion, Bahu=Hands) who’s hands were like that of a lion. He inherited genes of his father who was a lion from whom he escaped from with his mother and sister. It is widely believed, taught in schools and spoken over food and drinks that King Vijaya was the first king of Sri Lanka. This idea that Sinhale means Lions Blood probably originated with this story where all of us think that we are descendants of King Vijaya.

Keeping aside that any human being with common sense will not believe a story so mythical, do you actually believe that Vijaya was the first king of Sri Lanka and all Sinhalese people are descendants of an Indian prince? This notion has been very openly negated by intellects in our country and yes, we had kings before that and our people were proud citizens of this country. Therefore, the origin of the name Sinhale is obviously not Lions blood, rather it has a much argued but very different evolution.

Sri Lanka is not our country’s name, neither is Ceylon or Ceilo. Our country’s name is Sinhale (Pronounced Sinhalay), and those who are born in this country are Sinhalese and we speak Sinhala. Of course now since the country is called Sri Lanka we have grown ignorant of our country’s heritage and what we really are.

It is only a commonly known fact that Sri Lanka had four tribes before the advent of King Vijaya called “Yaksha, Naga, Raksha and Deva”. Four in Sinhala is also “Siw” as you would probably know. Siw-pa is four legged. Siw-Hela is four tribes. This word Siw-Hela evolved into Sinhala, and Sinhale is our country, our mother nation. Everyone born in this country is a Sinhalese. You are Indian if you were born in India, American if you were born in America. Sri Lankan is a new phrase, Ceylonese is also a new phrase. We are Sinhalese.

Sinhale, our country has a great history unparalleled by most if not all countries on earth. The skeptics will have various views that could show our kings murdering their own siblings and sometimes even their fathers for power though alternative views emerge with new archaeological and historical studies. But I believe a good example would be the story of Puran Appu, the hailed hero who together with Gongalegoda banda, the widely accepted anointed king and Dingirala led the rebellion against the British occupation in 1848. It is though amusing to find us surprised to hear his real name, Veerahennedige Franciscu Fernando. He was from the Karave cast whose ancestry has several theories. Puranciscu or Puran Appu as the Sinhalese people called him had the support of the Sangha and is widely known to have been anointed by Ven. Kudapola thero. Adding to that, Gongalegoda Banda who was anointed as king of Sri Lanka according to established history of Sri Lanka was Wansapurna Dewage David crowned by the most Ven. Giranegama Thera. Yes, the Sinhalese Sangha were probably the most open minded religious leaders we could come across.

Putting some thought into the lately given names to our country like Sri Lanka and Ceylon, it is funny that no Muslim will accept wholeheartedly that he is a Sinhalese Muslim. That could even sound quite odd if you do not know that “this is the name of my great country”.

Thus, going back to the widely emerging Sinha Le (Pronounced “Lay”) ideology is false but is spreading. We are Sri Lankans, we are patriots, lets end this now with education and knowledge. There is a fine line between patriotism and nationalism. All of us who believe we are from different races, so be it. All of us from various religions, lets embrace them because Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism or Islam are not different races or nations blood is always red. Dear reader, please understand that we have one flag, we do not need different colours to represent us because those colours are all man made. Lets educate at least the one standing next to us. We are all Sinhalese.

Others will speak maliciously; we shall abstain from malicious speech here — thus effacement can be done. – Sullekha Sutta

Latest comments

  • 15

    ….The old story goes that Prince Vijaya landed in Thambapanni…

    There you have it;

    Vijaya led the first colonial invasion

    Tambapanni was the land he found.

    So Vijaya and his descendants are nothing but bloody colonial offspring (brown burghers?) and the land he colonised was Tambapanni. Not Sinhale!

    Get real Mr Ahamed, get to grips with the here and now.

    • 31

      Let s go for a genetic test – those who commend on the sticker meaning – sinhale- should have rather Balule (Dogs blood).
      Right at the moment, with diverse alarming problems we have to fight and resolve – these uneducated but lunatic fractions are trying to make is beyond all ethics and morals.
      Even nationalists in Germany after the war was over had to be silent, becaues the majority folks wanted to work to raise their head. That is how Germans did it. Why not us even if we are today in the absensce of Great Sobitha thero, we can all stand against those RODILE STICKER HOLDERs (all low class buggers whose blood vessels are filled with radical kind of blood rather than any other forms)-
      Time is up to go against any kind of radical thought bearers. Enough is enough.
      Those senders that publicly support the radicalists should be warned by the rulers of the country. Derana should be ashamed to do their job that way, making every efforts to paint total opposite pictures that are far from the reality.
      I thought they are neutral until recent days, but I am now aware of HIru and Derana would go on licking the balls of MR and thugs since they cant digest today s energies of the current day rulers.

      • 18

        It is the Gota Stooge Dilith Jayaweera who designed the Sinha Le sticker through his advertising firm TRIAD

        • 4

          Upul Jayasuriya

          “Sinha Le “

          Need a New Ad showing Para-Le, Paradeshis from India, and showing the IQ of 79.

          Lanka, Land of Native Veddah Aethho: Para-Le: IQ = 79, Buru Le;

          Singapore, Real Lion -Le: IQ = 108


          The intelligence scores came from work carried out earlier this decade by Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish political scientist, who analysed IQ studies from 113 countries, and from subsequent work by Jelte Wicherts, a Dutch psychologist.

    • 9

      Should we the sinhalaya that oppose those fractions should have other kind of LE (blood) ?

    • 16

      Why dont we have the kind of laws to ban displaying any kind of stickers or placards that could work to the disharmony of the nation ?

      In Germany even today, they are not open to discuss about Hitlar and any kind of natinoalstic views. If you are the one to raise anything about that, then you are isolated by all means. That is the strength in Germany, they have all kind of laws to go against any citizen who violate or add anything to violate prevailing peace among the nationalities.

      Why cant the rulers LEARN it from Germany ? I think whoever taxifahrer or anyone who displays the kind of stickers should be banned in the context that can only further work to the divisions of the nation rather than converging to final peace. Just at right these days almost many are on the path of working for the permament peace – if some fractions work for the opposite, we need to react accordingly.

    • 7

      There is an Ordnungsamt (authority for law and order systems), that would react against anyone that violate the law prevailing in the country. The kind of laws need to be introduced to srilanka, because germans post war situation can some extent be related to that of lanka. Since the war fought for a period of 3.5 decades, average mentalities are filled with all kind of hatreds -perhaps, only Psychologists, sociologists or the like professionals can anlyse it. Else, I really dont know as to why any kind of authorities allowed to hang on with a bannar that further divide the nation rather than move an inch towards the reconciliation after the war is over.
      Just to proudly discuss them on local senders without any kind of shyness is really unbelievable – as if entire sinhalayas thoughts are being represented by those lunatic fractions. There is a saying among the elderly people in the country – onawata wada kisimadeyak honda nehe – any kind of extreme thoughts can only lead to disaster-

    • 9

      Spring Koha

      “Vijaya led the first colonial invasion Tambapanni was the land he found.”

      Were they the first ever Kallathonies to land in Thambapanni?

      Is there a connection between Thamirabarani River (Thamil Nadu) and Tambapanni?

    • 7

      Dear Writer,
      most that go viral across the folks are mostly not what anyone sane would consider as right. See at the time, those most radical so called sinahala buddhist or ones trying to be buddhists behave totally opposite way of buddhism. Buddhism has never taught anyone to act pro violations. Not even 10 years gone since the long held war is over. BUt very same fractions to even to react this way is very dangerous. That says everything actually. I think ministry of cultural affairs have to react accordingly bringing open programme making people very clear the kind of stickers that could divide or split the nation from the current situation further to be avoided. Then those fractions will sink in. I am ashamed to be sinhalaya, that is why I try myself to behave as a srilanken while continuing my stay in Europe.

    • 9

      Those fractions that are trying to create further problems should have

      බල්ලා ලේ
      ballā lē rather than having Sinhale.

      That is what we peace loving SRILANKENS (Sinhala, Muslims, Tamils, Burgher or other minorities)

      • 4


        “බල්ලා ලේ ballā lē rather than having Sinhale. “

        It is actually Para-De-Le, පර-දේල්

      • 4


        Why do you want to insult the බල්ලා?

        This is part of the Para පර New අලුත් Culture.

    • 4

      Hey guys, wake up. If anyone would add the kind of bannars or stickers, you need to question yourself why. We the srilankens must not allow any new form of ethinic dviisions.

      Say, one of you guys that are on an effort to spread the kind of new problems, got sick and needed full blood tranfusion – there your treating doctorrs would not care where the blood donators came from. Since we ALL have the same blood though the group is different.
      Please think about this. No matter who you are, what religion you belong to, what costumes and brands you are used to wear, what social background you are coming from – one thing we the srilankens should have in common – that is we are all srilankens. In the end, what matters will be if we have run a good life – for a maximum period of 100 years, why we need to create new kind of problems. Our new generations will have to pluck the fruits if we behave in a way more disharmony can be promoted. I think instead we need to common kind of peaceful stickers, rather than calling us SINHA LE BEARERS or DOGs LE BEARERs – dont you think so guys ?

    • 4

      Who is the law and order minister of the day ?

      Why donot they add their thoughts in this regard ? Press freedom should be there but wihtin the frames – that must not necessarily to the manner creating new kind of devisions.
      I bet, all those support Gonmanpila, Buruwanse 0.5 mio of ones living near to colombo are accoutable for the mess.

      If I had powers to introduce law and order, I will follow up the guidelines of today s Germany. Regardless of the status or background anyone that would go against the law, is caught by law.

      Idiot that have not the least respect for the tolerance will go on saying and betraying us the majority sinhalayas that go vehementely go against any form of devisions. Real buddhists would do so, since Buddhism is a philosophy that promote anti violative way of life.

      Those who bear the sticker or poster – should be fined with sums – that then can be used for the uplifting of the poor people.
      If there will be no rigorous law enforcement, this nation would be caricatured by Buruwanse the like folks turning it an another Pakistan.

  • 23

    The Sinhlese have their beginnings in BESTIALITY (Suppadevi copulating with a Lion), PARRICIDE (Singhabhu killing the lion, his father) INCEST (Sinhabahu marrying his sister Singhaseevali) and BRIGANDRY (Viyaya and his followers banished with half shaven heads because of their criminal behavior)

    What more can you expect from these fellows.

    • 6


      You have a curious affinity to bestiality, incest and all those ‘interesting’ things ! Should we read anything into that ? Is it just academic interest or something more ? There are a couple of others like you on these boards as well :)

      Anyway, whatever rocks your boat.!!

      May I point out that you have no sense of allegory. For all you know “Sinha” may have been the name of a person. Just because your handle is “Cassandra”, should I automatically assume you are a Greek ? And Apollo spat in your mouth ?

      Also, let me direct you to the following for further reading. Khajuraho in Madhya Pradesh, Sun Temple in Konark, Markandeshwar in Maharashtra, Padawali in Madhya Pradesh.. There’s 14 in total but these should be enough for you to start with. Happy reading !! And don’t get too excited !

      Let me tell you, back in the day, Indians/South Asians knew how to have a good time !!!

      That is, until the British Raj came along and shoved Victoria up our collective @ss., something which we have yet to recover from.

      • 3


        What exactly is the point you are trying to make?

        Seems to me Cassandra was merely stating what many Sinhalese believe, rather than your insinuation that it is “something more”, with hints of sexuality thrown in for good measure.

        Maybe that “rocks your boat”, but now we have our President, no less, recommending stingray-tail lashings, which indicates that those Victorians were rather successful with our Sinhales!

        • 5

          @Kama Sutra

          The point I am trying to make is that no society or race has it’s origins in bestiality.

          @Cassandra kindly adds incest and patricide all the while making significant effort to point to Sinhalas. I am merely indicating that there are far older examples of his preferences in India and that it might be that sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander.

          i.e. If you wish to tar Sri Lankans, specifically Sinhalese with the bestiality brush, then you must also tar the Indians and others with it.

          There are a few others who harp on this bestiality-theme throughout these pages, generally. And yes, I believe this indicates more than a passing interest in the theme on the part of these contributors

          I trust that clarifies things for you

          Do YOU honestly believe that “Sinhalese Have Their Beginnings in Bestiality ? That the lion story is FACT and not allegory, despite the scientific and natural impossibility?

          If you do, then I am afraid no amount of clarity on my part will result in understanding on yours. I am sorry.

          • 4


            Thanks for your explanation.

            No, I don’t believe that “Sinhalese have their origin in bestiality” any more than I believe that Adam and Eve were the original man and woman. However, we still have supposedly ‘intelligent’ individuals who do and perhaps Cassandra was referring to the myths that many Sinhales believe.

            Just goes to show that the world is still full of fundamentalists who believe crap like this and use it as a defense or justification for violence and bigotry!

            Don’t be “sorry”, we are probably on the same page!

            • 2

              @Kama Sutra

              thank you. I think we ARE on the same page. :)

            • 3

              ‘However, we still have supposedly ‘intelligent’ individuals who do and perhaps Cassandra was referring to the myths that many Sinhales believe.’

              No Sinhalese believes this. But many Sinhalese believe they are ‘special’. Just as the Jaffna Tamils do, and the Jews, the English, the God-Bless-The-United-States-Americans and almost every other race and religion.

              • 1

                Yes many sinhalese believe that they are special. This we got verifieda also from the last general eleciton. No matter anythign and everyhting on the high profile corruption were informed, every 2nd among the vote eligible voted for the criminals. Yes, that is the speciality of those stupid sinhalayas. That is a curse for the entire country. Even today, how many of the stupid sinhalayas would go and lick the balls of most abusive president. Here no matter they are eduated or not, number 01 among them is Dayan Jayathilaka. For his revengeful agendas, he is on a non-stop mode attacking RW, MY3 and CBK. May be he has personal attacks towards RW. These should have been coming from long long years. Else, a man who has done nothign but bla bla added to the lanken and international press – today, to be named as the most distintive LOSER -Dayan to oppose any good move- is unthinkable. I got to know from his relatives – none of them respect him anymore. Since Nugegoda stage drama – only slum dwellers and uneducated masses only respect Dayan. Those masses also respect Wimal Buruwanse.

    • 7

      If wethe sinahalyas coming from a lion is just a fairy tale and a myth. If this is true, the latest breakthrough that humanbeings to have started with a hybrid from an chimapansee and a pig should be right. Those boston scientists have their say to explain the story.

      Anyways, lanken fools even if I myself am a sinahalya, would never stop not wanting to be fools.

      Today, gommanpila hoisting a black flag for no reason. These radicalits must be eliminated from the society if we at all want to achieve the last goal – which is peace for all srilankens.

      • 4

        It is also said in what we call Roman History, that the Twins Romulus and Remus were suckled by a She Wolf! Was she really their Mother?

        Romulus then went on to establish Rome and her Civilisation, which has influenced all of European Culture!

        Read the whole story in Google. It sounds even better than the Mahavamsa Story!

        Judging by the way People comment on CT, it is no wonder they believe in the Vijaya Story from the Mahavamsa, with their own Embellishments and Interpretations!

  • 7

    We think Sri Lanka is well known to the world. It would surprise most to hear that every other Westerner do not know that such a country even exists and even some of those who know the name think its part of India!

    • 5

      you are dead right.

      Lankens in general (those who have no access to Europe OR other coutnries).

      think -make them believed

      a) Srilanken Education is the best (refering to Uni)

      b) Health system is the best (since it is free to some extent)

      c)Schooling is the best (even if the general knoweldge is not the avarage comapared to those going western schools)

      That is the typical thinking of Srilanknes.
      See, there are various institutes that offer CIMA or other like courses in the country, but lankens in general are against any private Universities being started within srilanka.
      These frog in a well mentality should be changed with the time – media institutes have to work hard to feed the nation with facts about the world.

    • 5

      Only Cricket and Sangakkara have put us on the Map!

      • 3

        What about Ruhunu born scientists like -Cyril Ponnamperuma and several others that work on research to this date – they are doing well, but not being SRILANKA. They also put the lanken on Map.
        Else, europeans or americans are far from knowing about the folks until Mahinda Jarapakshe started to ruin the nation.
        If you d google you would see it right – whatever being explained on MR is a thing to be ashamed all because of his low level politics. Not even Premadasa was fallen to that level, even if I hated him in late 80ties for kllings my batchas at the Pera

  • 1

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  • 1

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  • 11

    You can stand on your heads and claim you came from North India, East India and whatever. The truth is the Sinhala race, language, culture, names, religion, cuisine, cultivation systems etc. etc. all came from
    nearby South India. That includes Mahawansa, the Buddhist Sinhala super-hero Dusta Kaimunu (Dutugemunu) Parakrama Bahu, Vihara Mahadevi and the whole lot. Over 9,000 years ago the Northern tip of the Island and the Southernmost tip of the present Tamilnadu were one undivided terrain. If Tamil, Sanskrit, Pali words are removed from the Sinhala language it will become unrecognisable babble.


    • 6

      They have been lied to and brain washed from their childhood by their politicians historians clergy teachers and all their peers about the Mahavamsa myth and their pure Aryans just like the Muslims in the island have been lied again by the very same people from their childhood about their pure Arab origin. Both people have also been taught to hate and look down on the island’s Tamil population from their childhood and it was and is still is their right to do anything to them and they can get away with it. Kill loot rape steal their lands and property ethnically cleanse them commit genocide on them and the powers to be will protect them and reward them. So imagine to their shock and horror now to realise, that all this was a lie and a myth and they are all descended/originated from the very same Tamil people whom they had been taught to hate despise and look down upon from their childhood by their parents teachers clergy politicians the media ETC and that they had been fed a lot of poppycock and bullshit. Anyone with some thinking power and brains should have worked this out as soon as they reached some form of maturity. However people want to believe what they want to. This is the reason many Sinhalese and Muslims will still stubbornly deny their real Tamil Dravidian origins and still stand on their heads and state that they are descended from Aryans or Arabs. It is like you had been lied to believe from childhood who are real parents were and then find out that they are not someone else whom you were taught to hate and look down upon are your real parents.

    • 4

      All these comments talk only about the ‘Recent’ past. We forget that all Humans had a Common Ancestor that left Africa Millions of Years ago.
      Why not call ourselves African Humans, rather than all these other classifications that people are so besotted about!

      No Castes, Creeds or Races, No Wars, no Bigotry, no artificial Walls between Peoples!

      Then maybe we can begin to live in Peace!

      • 3

        There is no utopic world even if we would have imposed all kind rigorous laws. However, balance of the soceity you will immediately notic, when rule of law is properly enforced (e.g EU countries, Singapore, Australia). We dont need to take any other examples – but the behaviours of BBS (Bodubalasena) today and before the 8th Jan 2015 – there you will definitely see the greater difference. BBS head – Ghanasara is made silent today to a tangible level. His wording has turned to good,leaving all hatred phrases. He has become somewhat cautious to this day…. all becaues the current regime has changed the way it moved before…. sure, we can t agree with the level of changes…. anyways
        Humanbeings are no different to apes in any environments where law and order is not properly set up. The nature of human beings is that many of them cant control their emotions, behavoiurs if professionals would nt guide them. Even so called buddhist monks known to all today behave like butchers or workers in slaughter houses. Had the politicians taken up

        Depending on the person s bring up, everyone s good and bad are changed – comparable to a sand watch works from one direction to other. Taking an example from the society – Duminda silva was like a god to Kolonnawa poor people. But almost everyone knows how he abused the very same society, with the direct patronage of former President. We the people – if not all but majority are crytal clear that he is mass murderer – multi criminal – USA would put him jail for rest of his life – but leaders of the country, protected him. The drug kin pin -Lanza is believed to be one of the key dealers for drugs to the country – but former president stood by him, just becaues his political campaigns could loose a lot if MR went against those men. Particularly in third world countries, developing countries, the gap between the educated and the uneducated is really high. Not only education in the aspect of schooling but the manner they have been raised matters in the life.

        Dont you agree that lanken Parliament- decades ago was multiple times better than the one we got to see today ? Their behaviour, their manner of getting on with people s issues are no longer respectful. So any vulnerable fractions of the society would not see any examplet to follow.
        I still remember how I attentively I listened to the speeches held by Ronie the Mel; lalith athulathmudali, JRJ (except consitutional issues) in 80ties. The repsect and dignity of life were above everything to that time. Police was reliable. Police deserved resepct. School teachers, buddhist monks were key roles in the building of the society. Even it Internet revolutionized the world, our people s knowledge in many areas stay stagnated. Election results indicate the manner their thoughts and minds work. Not even the word Yahapalanaya- is not defined to them – they would not care either what that means – if they could gain anything fairly or unfaily, they seem to feel good governance is done by the govt. Today, the deterioration of lanken society is reached to all unbearable levels. No respect at all – having listened to Mahindananda (former minster for sports) lately, I felt, my god, what kind MPs people have sent to the parliament.

  • 5

    Good writing Ahmad.

    The problem is not with people of the country but with the constitution and the those holding power. If their powers are clipped and if a just constitution is drafted, preferably bu non – political educated persons, probably the people may not have radicalism. In Ghana the Muslims and Christians live very friendly. It is the politicians who are creating disharmony due to their greed and lack of education. Most of the People who respected peace and harmony had migrated due to the bad politicians since 70’s.

    There’s no sign of improvement as treasury now is bankrupt. It is only when these politicians are skinned alive by the people, peace will return.

  • 0


    It would have been better if the Raj stuffed a red hot miris up yours

  • 4

    Thank you for the timely & very important article.

  • 16

    Shohorab Ahamed
    “Our country’s name is Sinhale (Pronounced Sinhalay), and those who are born in this country are Sinhalese and we speak Sinhala.”

    Do not blabber utter rubbish!

    If you take the Muslims (Moors) living in the Southern & Western province or Northern & Eastern province or the Central province, they all speak Tamil as their mother tongue. Have you come across any Muslim (Moor) family in Sri Lanka speaking Sinhala as their mother tongue or even Arabic as their mother tongue? Even those Muslim (Moors) who study in the Sinhala medium speak Tamil at home.

    Our present population is categorized as follows:

    If a person’s mother tongue is Sinhalese and if s/he follows the Buddhist culture then that person is a Sinhala-Buddhist.
    If a person’s mother tongue is Sinhalese and if s/he follows the Christian culture then that person is a Sinhala-Christian.
    If a person’s mother tongue is Tamil and if s/he follows the Hindu culture then that person is a Tamil-Hindu.
    If a person’s mother tongue is Tamil and if s/he follows the Christian culture then that person is a Tamil-Christian.
    If a person’s mother tongue is Tamil and if s/he follows the Muslim culture then that person is a Tamil-Muslim (also known as Sri Lankan Moors).
    If a person’s mother tongue is Malay and if s/he follows the Muslim culture then that person is a Malay-Muslim (also known as Sri Lankan Malays).
    If a person’s mother tongue is English and if s/he follows the Christian culture then that person is a Burgher.

    Our country’s name is Sri Lanka, and those who are born in this country are Sri Lankans and we speak Sinhala, Tamil, English and Malay”

    • 6

      This so called Sinhalese speaking Muslim (sic) is a puppet and bootlicker, a traitor to the island’s entire non Sinhalese population, that largely speaks Tamil( Hindu, Christian and Muslim) and other minority groups like the Malays Burghers ETC. He has been set up by the Sinhalese hardliners and extremists both in government and in opposition to mouth and blabber this nonsense that the country should be called Sinhaley ( Sinha lie is more appropriate) and we all should be called Sinhalese and speak Sinhalese. This is their Mahavamsa dream to make the entire island and its people Sinhalese, by forcing their ethnic identity on them and speak Sinhalese by foisting their language on them. Later they will get this so called Sinha lie speaking Muslim to state, that everyone born in this country should be Sinhalese and speaking only Sinhalese but also be Buddhists and identity themselves as Buddhist. What a load of extremist Nazi like crap and propaganda. They cannot and do not want to mouth this so have got some Muslim turncoat and bootlicker to do their dirty work and mouth their racist propaganda and agenda.

    • 3

      Tuan Miskin:-
      Who are you to classify people as above.
      It is Classifications like this that create Disharmony.

      In the USA everyone is and American whether they Immigrated from Japan or Timbuktoo.

      In Canada and Australia it is the same. Everyone is a Canadian or Australian. That is why they progress.

      While we in Sri Lanka break people up into all these categories, so that we cannot have a Cohesive Government!

      • 4


        I am talking about the actual situation in Sri Lanka that existed ad still exists. You are talking about America,Canada and Australia.

        Looks like you were born outside Sri Lanka, have you ever visited Sri Lanka?

        • 5

          Tuan Miskin;
          I was, born in Ceylon, 82 years ago. And I am so sad about the Road that Sri Lanka seems to be taking.

          Sri Lanka is also a Nation of Immigrants from all over the World, as judging from your name, Your ancestors were. Maybe immigrants longer than Present Day Americans, Canadians and Australians,.

          I don’t care where my ancestors emigrated from, whether it was from North, South, East or West India, all those Centuries ago. I am a Sri Lankan now!

          • 3

            Then what is your problem?
            What you are saying is exactly what Tuan Miskin is saying is about those in Lanka now and consider themselves as such.
            Every one born and bred in the island is Lankan though they may speak different languages according to their ethnicity depending on the regions or parts of the island they originate from.
            As a whole we are Lankans.
            The Sanskrit Sri part got stuck in front recently for no reason, and the said word does not in any way mean what it denotes if what goes in this benighted country is considered.
            it is a misnomer.

        • 3

          Actual situation regardless of their ethinicity or religion , they are all srilankens, they are all holding srilnaken passports, they are all have more in common that is HUMAN BLOOD, Homo sapiens blood. That is it.
          I have to agree with Hamlet, in the same manner, in Germany, they dont call them as turkish germans or Pakistan-German when migrants from various countries are quoted. So knowing all these, why cant cultural ministry take due action against anyone that add anything to create problems of this country.

          There should be guidelines showing those radical fractions, that they can not behave the way they think is right. They have to adjust themselves to the system.

          Gonmanpila to hoist Black flag for no good reason should be banned.
          If that was the case in Germany or even Uk, respective authorities would check the man through Neurologists and bring a statement to say how sick the man has been. The kind of idiots should be round up by all means.

          May god bless to lanka.

      • 3


        When we go outside Sri Lanka, irrespective of our ethnicity and religion, we call ourselves by our nationality Sri Lankan. It is only within the country, we are divided into different ethnicities and religions such as Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Christians, etc. It is the same case even in America and all other multi-cultural countries where many ethnic and religious groups live. People identify themselves with many different labels.

        The best part is, just a few minutes after your birth, they decide your name, ethnicity, religion, nationality, etc and you spend the rest of your life defending something that you did not choose. However, you have the freedom to change all what others chose for you at birth.

        • 2

          You are spot on.

          While living in Europe – during the last few decades, they all along refer me as one coming from Srilanka. No matter what ethinicity, blood group, genetic diseases, religion or my academic qualifications – they call me as an another Srilanken. This I think is very right since I dont have have a banner placed on my forehead to be branded me as sinhalese.
          Those modayas- stupid by birth- most example of the day -Wimal Buruwanse or Gommanpila or Dienshgunawardhane – that seem to create new kind of problems should become the minority of the nation, if this nation at all want to raise their head.
          Now, I am not a lanken citizen, but, earlier I had my srilanken Passport – so they the authorities never differenciate mine with those tamil or sinhala refugees that have sought asylum in Europe. These are the facts. Most living in srilnaken WELLS have no idea but make every effort to spread their thoughts by introducing stickers is a big joke acutally.

    • 3

      Tuan Miskin

      “If a person’s mother tongue is Tamil and if s/he follows the Muslim culture then that person is a Tamil-Muslim (also known as Sri Lankan Moors). “

      However, there are a small number of Sri Lankan Muslims, where the Father was Tamil Muslim or Malay Muslim, and the mother Sinhala Buddhist or Sinhala Christian, who grew up being Muslim, but spoke Sinhala at home, because the mother did not know Tamil or Malay, and they are Sinhala Muslims, as their mother tongue is Sinhala.

      This is the way, the mother tongue of Muslims became Tamil, instead of Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Gujarati or Hindi.

      The word Moor is a misnomer, because that was the word used by the Portuguese, and they meant North Africa.

      Right now there are more and more Southern Muslims who use Sinhala as their language at home and in a few generation, they will all speak Sinhala.

      Thank LTTE and Velepillai Probakaran’s Ethnic cleansing for that transformation. So the Sri Lankan Muslim instead of being bilingual or trilingual are becoming bilingual and monolingual.

      When the Portuguese brought Tamils and Malayalees as Karave from India, after a few generations they became Sinhala Buddhists or Sinhala Christians.

      Genetically, are they Sinhala or Indian?

      They all are Paras, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

      • 2


        Mixed marriages/inter-marriage in Sri Lanka is taking place for quite a long time. Muslims (moors), Muslims (Malays), Tamils, Sinhalese, Veddas and Burghers have all inter-married and changed their religion, language, culture, etc but the percentage is very small.

        However, the mother tongue of the entire Muslims population in Sri Lanka becoming Tamil is a different story.

      • 2

        More than 70% of the Tamil Muslims have lives in the south of the island for centuries and have never changed their language and the chances are very of them will change it. They may study in the Sinhalese medium but will always be fluent in Tamil as it is part and parcel of their culture literature and what it is to be a Muslim in the island. Further is they need to keep in contact with the larger Muslim population in southern India, many of them their close relatives, for trade and to keep up with the latest Muslim literature and philosophy produced in the huge Islamic colleges and centres in Tamil Nadu, they will need Tamil not Sinhalese. They will only end up being frogs in a little well if they only rely on Sinhalese. LTTE only chased out around 70000 Muslims the most and that number is peanuts compared to the total Muslim population in the island. The Muslims ( as well as the Sinhalese ) chased away and ethically cleansed hundreds of thousands of Tamils, especially in the east and still continue to do so.

    • 12

      Tuan Miskin

      If the mother is from Iceland and the father is from Cuba is the child an

      • 6

        @Native Vedda

        Definitely. And today, he is a famous singer and actor. Ice Cube, I mean. :)

    • 4

      Babath Tuan

      In Ceylon, Sri Lanka the majority call themselves Sinha le, the Tamils call themselves Dema le, then comes a small minority whom they call themselves Api NiyaMalay

  • 1

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  • 4

    First of all its a myth that king vijaya was the first king cs the history goes beyond king Ravana and there were yakshas and nagas king vijaya was a person who came from india may be there were descendends of them but we had a srilankan origin. Next thng even as per singha bahu the sinhaya could mean a man with heavy strenghth who lived in a forest.Im proud to be born a sinhalese and sinhalese is a a great race and yes the identity sinha or lion blood may have been given to a courage of a nation which we saw from our soldiers in the war front but thats the courage of all Srilankans so even if you are muslim or tamil if you love this country as a soverighn nation you all are lions.. In my opinion a real sinhalese is a person who can live in harmony loving every one thnking we are true srilankans..if all srilankans thoughtvthe way the writer mr ahamed does we would have no racial disharmony ..im proud to be a sinhalese but im also tamil when a tamil person needs help im muslim when a innocent muslim needs help im burgher when a innocent burgher needs help..most of all im a sinhalese who will respect all srilankans who consider themselves true srilankans not based on their race or religion

    • 1

      Iam a Burgher Sri Lankan does that means that i should have a sticker on my car saying (BURGHER BLOOD)? Sri Lankea BLOOD WE ARE ALL SRI LANKAN ,do we sri lankans need another 30 years???????????????????

      • 0

        At this rate it will not be surprising if the blood bank staff in our hospitals are going to be burdened and pressurised with the task of not only classifying blood on the basis of groups but also on ethnicity.
        It is high time they consider trade union action to increase their salaries and wages.

    • 0

      You said it well. Positive factors in myths, origins, traditions, history, etc. etc. should be taken as guidance for harmonious living. Man has adopted one religion or another from time to time. Religions too have given good guidance. World has changed and continues to change and the pattern of needs for man to live continues to change and has become a challenge. And human understanding and unity is needed to face such challenges. Let us look towards a positive change; not a negative.

    • 1

      If the Mahavamsa (king vijaya story) is a myth, then even Ramayana (king Ravana story) is also a myth and also the Mahabaratha (Yaksha, Naga, Raksha and Deva) is a myth.

      • 2

        Of course they are Myths.
        No one thought of writing History about actual Occurrences.
        It would have been so boring, No one would have read them.

        It is like the Commentators on CT. Only the Myths are commented upon, not the actual facts!

  • 4

    The “SinhaLe” slogan is another attempt to whip up the great unwashed.

    Some @sshole noticed that “Le” means blood and thought up a catchy by-line by using an old Sinhala word.

    Naturally, the dissatisfied brain-dead zombies followed.

    And our President is busy addressing more important issues such as brassiers, latin singers and attacks on our “sanskruthiya” rather than this creeping insidiousness !

    • 2

      Eating Malumiris seem to have given you a permanenet shivering feeling.

      Anyways, I believe Prez has allowed this to stay this way – since it is the freedom of expressions for some fractions. But there are countries, whose respective instituations would not allow any kind of statements that violate the harmony among folks to go viral this way.

      See, in a country, Wimal Weerawanshe to gain over 300 000 votes in the last election – in the province where most educated ones live together, do you think masses in this country would think before leap. That is their nation. Anything and everything can easily manipulate their minds. No matter, that can harm the nation -even creating more harm to future generations, they just let it go. That is the typcial nature of the average LANKENS.

      • 2

        Mr Samuel Jayaweera let me correct you. Wimal weerawansa got all the slum votes in colombo.
        In future when the slums are cleared he is f*&(#d.

        • 1

          I never thought the number in slums are that high in the country even today. This is not Philiphines, but Colombo suburbs. 0.3mio are living in lanken slums ? Are there over 300 000 slums still in the coutnry even if our so called Raja men reiterate that we are mid income nation. Even last saturday, Sirasa men resound that we are not poor but mid income, as we are all aware, that there are over 60% in the country whose daily wages are not even 5 dollars. Those idiots pro Raja -I mean the journos of the selfish kind spread all kind of lies to manipulate the masses inlcuding Sirasa men.
          They need to ask themseves, we are at all real mid income earners ?

          The reason why people – masses of them to get caught by idiotic selfish radical men like Buurwanse, Or Gonthadimanpila – them not having proper information. They have no ways to inform themselves, Rajapakshe thorugh those actors of all blood sucking nature (Jackson Anthony) caused people to become deaf and blind but being intoxicated BY Rajaano principle. Entire world perhaps incl. Uk make every efforts to be free from Monarchies but ours to affine to that is really stupid.

          Journos, please react with conscience, whatever being spread by you, do cause the poor people- that are vulnerable to anything and everyhing (income, life struggle, health etc).

      • 2

        @Samuel Jayaweera

        The President has no choice in the matter any longer. He opened his mouth without thinking ahead and now the issue has gone beyond his control.

        Brassier-flinging is not a suitable topic for any Head-Of-State to address.

        Tungsan Yu is correct. Colombo slums will NEVER be cleared in an administration that includes the UNP. There are far too many votes to be had there. You should visit them sometim . You will be surprised at the population density.

        • 1

          On one hand you guys go on saying, president of a country should not have much powers as was the case with Mr Madamulana who looted and rooted the nation. In the same time, when today s Prez being away allowing parliament to function as it is expected, there too, you come with that president has no powers. What do you guys want him to do ?
          I think if time would be given, RW led govt will function well, of course, those HORU would not sabotage any good moves.

          At the time, Mr Madamulana was dictating the nation, there were no any kind of criticism read onteh tabloid why ? Why dont you guys see it right today with given all kind of press freedom ?

    • 2

      Unfortunately, if we divide ourselves as Sinha LE, Dema LE, Maraka LE and so on, the only thing that will happen in the future will be a LE bath, all these 3 blood will flow on the streets of Sri Lanka and the country and our people will be doomed.

      Someone should stop this stupid sticker campaign, buy a can of black spray paint and spray on top of it. If one or two vehicles get spoiled and needs repainting, people will stop sticking them.

      • 0

        You are right, if the SL government is not going to stop this nonsense, it is high time that someone form a motorcycle gang and equip them with spray paint cans to spray on top of these racist stickers where ever they see them. This is the only way to stop this nonsense before it turns into another war.

  • 5

    Excellent article for sure!

    The writer, Shohorab is an enlighten youth member of the minority community. Sri Lanka needs more of your kind.

    Now, again, let’s say it one more time, that “WE ARE ALL HAPPILY SINHALESE”.

    • 2

      David, shall we say Happily “WE ARE ALL SRI LANKANS”

  • 3

    As an individual Muslim, no one can deny this Writer speaking and otherwise treating Sinhala- or even Urdu – at home and even in the schools of his children. But the fact that Tamil is the mother tongue of all those Muslims who came here from South India is undeniable history. That unprincipled and opportunistic Badi-ud-Din Mahmud (was his Birth Certificate written like this?), to preserve his Cabinet Post in the Mrs.B Govt, went about telling Muslims to “change” their Mother tongue to Sinhalese. He even wanted to change the colour of the community’s flag from green to black. At that time some Muslims did give this a try. The vast majority of them, however, stayed true to their true history and treat Tamil as their mother tongue. In 7/83 Buddy himself joined Muslim delegations to Madras and pleaded they are of South Indian origin and to protect them!!!!

    Today, we learn several Muslims in the Nugegoda area have woken up to see intimidating graffiti in their walls/gates in Sinhalese reminding them of “Sinha-le” This is crude fascism to scare an already frightened small minority community. Very soon Dehiwala and other parts of Sinhala-majority areas will see this. One does not have to waste time guessing who is behind this. It is time for the Yahapaalanaya Govt to act quickly and effectively to allay the fears of our Muslims.

    Muslims are a useful and peaceful community to whom their religion is precious. Although there are a very few activists amongst them given to today’s Islamic Fundamentalism – even ISIS – the community as a whole remains loyal to the motherland. It is not only the duty of the Govt. to protect the persons and property of our Muslims but also take steps to eradicate this organised campaign to terrorise them. One of the steps the Muslim political leadership will surely take is to continue to seek the support of Tamilnadu/India, among others, to come to their defence. This is natural.


  • 1

    Breaking News!
    “Some Muslim residents in the Nugegoda area yesterday were disturbed to find that their walls and gates had been spray painted with the word `Sinhale` by some unidentified groups during the night.
    The `Sinhale` campaign was started on social media platforms, such as Facebook, by an extremist group seemingly supportive of the Bodu Bala Sena organization and former President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
    It was first launched as a sticker campaign and it is now being used as a tool to harass ethnic and religious minorities (especially Muslims) in the country, social and political observers said.”

    With Bald headed Buddhist Monkies going to the extreme in provoking Muslims, it is just a matter of time before ‘ISIS’ trains its guns on these bald headed Monkies.

  • 1

    Another Breaking News

    “36 Sri Lankans gone to Syria; some to join ISIS: Def. Secy.” – daily mirror.

    These BBS influenced bald headed Buddhist Monkies are playing with fire.

  • 1

    singalese are not native to srilanka they 2500 years ago from eastern part of india there languages mix from hindi bengal orriya. they protend them self they think there are native, who is ravana he is tamil so tamils live there more than 40.000 years singalese only 2.500 years can you see the difference, they kie to the world saying that there are the only native the world believe it that but world are realise that singalese lying the history, so tamils are native of the land singalese create the population that’s it.

  • 0


    What does the Lion holding a sword in our national flag symbolize?

    Our present National Flag is actually a symbol of ignorance and the Sinhalese of the country are not represented in the National Flag!!

    The National Flag of Sri Lanka is a modified flag of one of the three flags that were captured in 1815 by the British in the Kandyan Kingdom. It was then kept at the Chelsea Royal Military Hospital. A painted copy of it was obtained and it was published in the Sinhala paper Dinamina.

    Sinhala ‘Thēravāda’ Buddhists at once associated the flag with the Sinhalese thinking that the lion symbolizes the Sinhalese people! They failed to conduct a scientific study of the flag, as they did not have any knowledge on the subjects Symbolization and Symbolization of Buddha and Buddhism.

    In the original flag of the Kandyan kingdom we find a male lion facing our left holding a raised sword placed at the centre of a rectangle with four pinnacles pointing inwards at the corners. In the Dambulla painting that depicts Duttagamani – Ellara fight also, we find similar lion with a raised sword facing our left, but kept at the centre of a square with two triangles each having two equal sides.

    Animal lion has nothing to do with a sword. Therefore, the lion should symbolize a human.

    In one of the stories of the Commentary on Samjutta Nikkaya, we find Buddha being compared with male lion, horse, elephant and Bull.

    In the ancient coins and sculptures also, Buddha had been symbolized with these four animals. In the Buddhist temples and architecture we find these animals. In Mihintale Temple, Kanchi Thupi Gate Thoranas etc. we find these animals.

    In the Lion Capital of Saranath that symbolizes Buddha preaching the Four Noble Truths that emphasize the Middle path, we find on the cylindrical wall these four animals rolling Cakkras depicting Buddha rolling the Dhamma Cakkra!

    In the Tamil epic Manimekalai, Buddha preaching Dhamma in Lanka is being described as Buddha rolling Dhamma Cakkra in Lanka. Therefore, the Lion in the flag may symbolize Buddha. But we have to confirm it through the other symbols.

    The Tamil Word for a sword is “VaaL”(வாள்). The grammarian Tolkaapiyan in his “Tolkaapiyam” has said: “VaaL OLiyaakum” (வாள் ஒளியாகும்). Therefore, a sword could symbolize light, Enlightenment. Therefore, this Lion in the flag is an Enlightened Lion, Lord Buddha!

    However, we have to confirm this with further evidence.

    The Lion in the flag is placed at the middle of a rectangle that has four pinnacles at the corners. The “nature” of a rectangle with pinnacles at the corners is “a group of Four equally important things.” Therefore the rectangle with pinnacles at the corners could symbolize “the Four Noble Truths!

    Buddha who realized “the Four Noble Truths” adhered to what it emphasizes and attained Nibbana. It could be symbolized by placing the lion with sword at the centre of a rectangle with pinnacles at the corners. Therefore the lion flag of the Kandyan kingdom symbolizes Lord Buddha who adhered to what the Four Noble Truths emphasize and attained Nibbana!

    As the sacred Tooth relic was kept at Dalada Maligava in Kandy, this flag could have been hoisted at Dalada Maligava to symbolize reign of Buddha.

    The Parliamentary Select Committee with Sinhala ‘Thēravāda’ Buddhists and others who did not know anything about Symbolization and Symbolization of Buddha and Buddhism, made modification in the original flag. Not knowing that the original flag symbolizes Lord Buddha and Buddhism, they removed the pinnacles at the corners of the rectangle and inserted Boa leaves with the explanation that the four leaves symbolize Metta, Karuna etc. and associated Buddhism with the Sinhalese!

    Mr. S. Paranavithana who was appointed as the Secretary to the Committee also did not know anything about Symbolization of Buddha and Buddhism consented it.

    S. Paranavithana who wrote a “Great Book on Brahmi Inscriptions of Lanka” was unable to understand what the 65 symbols that were found marked in different Combinations on the Brahmi inscriptions severally and jointly symbolize! Thus, when he died also, he did not have a scientific knowledge on Symbolization and Symbolization of Buddha and Buddhism!!

    Theravada Buddhism rejects symbolization and Symbolization of Buddha and Buddhism. Thus, it rejects Puranas,literatures,Dance,music and other fine arts! Mahāyāna Buddhism only accepts these.

    Therefore,when we speak about arts and architecture of Lanka, we cannot claim them as “Sinhalese Arts and Architecture.” We have to say “Lankan Mahayana Arts and Architecture.”

    Therefore, the Lion flag of Kandy should have been designed by Mahayana Buddhists, But, in designing the flag, the Tamil word “வாள்” (sword) has been used to symbolize Enlightenment! Therefore, the Lion flag of the Kandyan Kingdom should have been designed by Tamil Mahayana Buddhists who had a thorough knowledge on Symbolization and Symbolization of Buddha and Buddhism.

    Therefore, in the national flag of Sri Lanka, Sinhalese people have not been represented!

    On the other hand, in the National flag, the Tamils and Muslims are placed along with Lord Buddha!

    This is a great insult to Buddha and Buddhism!!

    Therefore, the National Flag of Sri Lanka is a symbol of IGNORANCE that insults Buddha and Buddhism!

    Will the politicians and religious leaders make necessary modification in the present national flag?

  • 1

    We all lived peacefully in Sri Lanka through many riots and uprisings in the past. Corrupt politicians of different ethnic groups have created mayhem without a thought for the common man who faces all the suffering.

    Over the years many slogans have been displayed on vehicles stating their faith and loyalties. Why make a fuss now of Singha-le. Are the Sinhalese pariahs in their own country?

  • 0

    Any one wants the Singha le slogan, should accept that they are Ruth animal not human being. by saying that the bllod of lion is running on their vein they insult theier own mothers.

  • 0

    I like the way you think but not every Muslim thinks like you.
    Have you ever been to Maradana?
    They dress like Arabs, They name their streets to highlight Arab (ex. Arab Passage). They run their businesses giving priority to Arab (ex. Arabian Motors)
    Have you ever come across Zahira College recruiting a Buddhist, Hindu or a Christian without having to change their Religion?
    Have you ever seen those students travelling in a vehicle owned other than a muslim? You will even witness them supporting Pakistan during a Sri Lanka vs Pakistan match.
    Look at the opportunities Muslims have in Wesley, Peters Josephs and Thomas and even in Isipathana, Ananda etc.
    That’s the reality I’ve seen. So are the Muslims really protecting our Sri Lankan Culture?
    Having said that I am with you against the “Sinha Le” Sticker. But you cannot look at one side of the picture for the emerging animosity with the Muslims. Those who call themselves Sri Lanka Muslims, Take a look at what They have done to Wilpattu. Look at the Kuragala incident where a Sri Lankan muslim women was trying to justify to protect the Arabian culture with Gotabaya Rajapakse

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