9 September, 2024


SL Muslims Want Indonesian Govt To Ensure Security Of Borobudur Buddhist Temple

The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka (MCSL) has called upon the government of Indonesia to ensure the safety and security of Borobudur against the threats that have been posed on the religious establishment by Islamic State militants (ISIS).

In a letter to Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, MCSL President N M Ameen has referred to the reports of the threats posed by the ISIS to the ancient and historical temple Borobudur, which is the largest Buddhist temple in the world.

temple BorobudurIt has been pointed out by the MCSL that the ISIS threat that has been levelled against Borobudur has been carried out with the sole intention of targeting places of religious significance in order to create turmoil across the world in the name of Islam.

“It is an act against the Holy Quran and the teachings of our beloved prophet Muhammad,” Ameen has asserted in his letter.

The MCSL has called upon the Indonesian government to ensure the safety and security of the temple and other Buddhist sites in Indonesia and to protect these places of religious significance from any harm.

Emphasizing on the fact that Islam is a religion of peace where no space is allowed for terrorism or violence, the MCSL has stated that these threats and violent actions carried out in the name of Islam are funded and armed by vested interests to destabilize the Arab and Muslim regions.

Furthermore, they have pointed out that Indonesia – the country with the largest Muslim population is duty bound to protect all religions’ places of worship as required by their noble religion.

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  • 13

    A commendable move by MCSL. Hats off.

    • 4

      Muslim Council of Sri Lanka (MCSL)

      “Emphasizing on the fact that Islam is a religion of peace where no space is allowed for terrorism or violence, the MCSL has stated that these threats and violent actions carried out in the name of Islam are funded and armed by vested interests to destabilize the Arab and Muslim regions.”

      Good move and point out the difference between Islam and ISIS, or rather the Satanic State of Iraq and Syria.

      ISIs and Its clones, Wahhabis, Salafis, Taliban and Beobandiss follow Satan.

      So they, the Satanic followers destroy, Shia, Christian, Sufi, Buddhist and other places of Worship.

      That is the difference.

      Satan is using its head, in the forms of ISIS, sadly prompted by UK, USA and the West to destroy Islam and Buddhism , Example BBS is funded by the Norwegians.

    • 2

      There is only one Koran and one Hadith. The so called moderates and extremists read the same Koran and Hadith. The word ‘kill’ is in the Koran at least 133 times in 100 verses. Leave out the context, the word ‘kill’ in the Koran mean to kill the Jews, the Christians and all the non believers of Muhammad and Allah. So called moderates and extremists pick and chose what they like to read. And that’s all.

      In Islam it is obligatory to destroy statues because Arabs before Muhammad were polytheists who worshiped various ancient Gods Lat and Mana. Muhammad knew if his ‘One God’ belief is to succeed he had to destroy statues. Therefore, personally destroyed all idols in the battle of Badr in 624AD. Hence we believe the Muslim Council of Sri Lanka is practicing taqiyya and kitman (lying to non-believers) as allowed in the Koran.

      • 7

        I am no muslim

        Thiru says “Sinhala racist are no different from ISIS terrorists: Remember all the pogroms against Tamils let loose by the Sinhala state and its rulers and people. It is a small step for Sri Lanka to be the next Iraq or a Syria.”

        So expose both. the Mara followers and the Satan follwers.

        Expose, Expose and Expose, the Para-Sinhala “Buddhists” who follow Mara and MaRa and NOt Buddhism, and expose the so-called, “Islamic” State of Iraq and Syria who follow the Satan, and NOT Islam.

        The Para-Sinhala Follow the distorted , racist “Buddhism” in Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

        • 0

          I know jihadi Amaraya read the same Koran that has the word ‘kill’ at least one hundred and thirty three times. Go join ISIS.

          • 3

            So `i am no muslim`

            means you are milsum doing the backchat??

            Go away and worship the tree it’s missing your loving poop.

            kill, bill,shill,& sil on sunday,while on monday you go to the dogs.

      • 0

        Seems you have been blindly misled by a common opinion. Why don’t you watch this video of a jew interpreting the teachings in the Quran. She covers your incorrect belief quite succinctly.


  • 9

    Thank you MCSL.

  • 8

    Thank you . not every one is mad .



    • 12

      jimSofty, Abhaya, Thrishantha,
      Good to see your thanking notes. Looks like all of you are very happy to receive this help, support form Muslim leader to protect something you love…. But just thanking is not enough, help to protect Muslim temples in SL as well, make them happy too.

      • 9

        Do jim Softy, Abhaya, Thrishantha and other Sinhala racists realize that if the Sri Lankan Muslims can request Indonesia to protect a Buddhist Temple there, what will stop them later from asking Indonesia and other Muslim countries all over the world to put pressure on Sri Lanka to protect Muslim Mosques form destruction by BBS ans others, which is going on with impunity?

        Do these racists realize that it’s double edged sword?

        Just like the Tamils’ grievances are now internationalized, Muslims woes in Sri Lanka are also getting internationalized. Sinhalese Buddhist racists must realize that they can’t do anything they please with the other communities and get away with it in an ever shrinking world.

        Sinhala racist are no different from ISIS terrorists: Remember all the pogroms against Tamils let loose by the Sinhala state and its rulers and people. It is a small step for Sri Lanka to be the next Iraq or a Syria.

        • 2


          “Sinhala racist are no different from ISIS terrorists: Remember all the pogroms against Tamils let loose by the Sinhala state and its rulers and people. It is a small step for Sri Lanka to be the next Iraq or a Syria.”

          Well, stated.

          Expose, Expose and Expose, the Para-Sinhala “Buddhists” who follow Mara and MaRa and NOt Buddhism, and expose the so-called, “Islamic” State of Iraq and Syria who follow the Satan, and NOT Islam.

          The Para-Sinhala Follow the distorted , racist “Buddhism” in Lanka, the Lanka of Native Veddah Aethho.

        • 0

          ISIS is the mirror image of LTTE. It was ironic how the world reacted to ISIS beheading american journalist and the LTTE burnt alive SLn journalists from Rupavahini at their beginning.

          LTTE has done exactly what ISIS is now doing today. It is a shame SL gover and media does not point this out.

  • 6

    Why is this MCSL bending over backward to appease the Buddhist extremists? Why don’t they condemn the ISIS barbarians who are committing genocide of the minorities in Iraq and Syria? You think this site in Indonesia is more important than human beings? No wonder the Sri Lankan Buddhist extremists are treating the Muslims badly.

    • 6

      ISIS is a creation of FBI and MOSSAD,The leader is Zionist Jew,please read the inside report by Alex jones

      The highest body of Islam Makkah has condemned this act as totally unislamic and has nothing todo with Islam

      Most atrocities are carried on by plotters and planners to destroy Islam because their economic power mainly controlling the world Oil….you know that no drone or aircraft can operate without oil….unfortunately due Puppet Muslim leader both Zionist and Right wing Christian have succeeded in their agenda…They are invading and destroying country by country…some countries such as Iran was hard to penetrate but the are trying to destroy their historical sights in Iraq thru ISIS to get them involved ,Their strategy is create civil unrest make groups fund them and make them destroy each other so their puppet government will be placed to take control of their wealth..Oil

      You need to read deep and understand

      • 3

        Postman’s son Nasser the terrorist pan_arab was the creation of Pan_Islam.

        Every demon comes to the west learns war tactics officially then starts killing fields. Its their parents upbringing that is to be blamed.

        Libya after the spring- the Libyans could not run the oil wells to efficiency so they had to call back the Italians etc.
        Similarly your CPC had a problem with a faulty Hose and valve under the sea?? Why cant you manufacture it when there is rubber?? Loku Olu.!Vingi Talai.

        The patent rights for oil belongs to the US therefore the military bases to protect the patent rights.(getting patent rights alone arnt enough but it has to be policed by the owners therefore the high cost.)

        The day UK decided to turn to diesel fired ships the richest man in the world became a Portuguese at Iran.

        Are you using stolen software for your PC by any chance?? Well you are lucky because American BillG has a heart for the poor.

      • 1

        ISIS is a creation of the Koran and Hadith with Saudi money. Mujaheddin of ISIS follow instructions of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, pbuh.

        Read Hadith: Muslim (969) narrated that Abu’l-Hayaaj al-Asadi said: ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib said to me: “Shall I not send you with the same instructions as the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) sent me? ‘Do not leave any image without defacing it or any built-up grave without leveling it.’”

      • 2

        “ISIS is a creation of FBI and MOSSAD..” This is standard fare among Muslims when their sinister plots to take over other societies fail. “The leader is Zionist Jew…” is a crazy idea to mislead in the belief the word Jew will win over all Muslims whose minds are programmed to hate anything Jewish.

        This commentator better understand the importance of oil is slowly receding. USA is no longer a significant buyer of Arabian oil they were earlier. The USA is going for alternative energy and are drawing from their enormous local reserves too – tired of being blackmailed by the Arabs.

        Islam is being destroyed by the many contradictions within. The coming of modern communication, IT, Social media are penetrating its earlier advantage of keeping followers of Islam in ignorance. Most Islamic societies in Arabia and aroud are without even formal basic education. Most of the killers who were recruited and sent by the Pakistani ISI to destroy Bombay were illiterate or near illiterate rural youth.


        • 1


          It is true most arabic countries dont have formal education and illiterate. What did literate, sophisticated USA, west did in middle east?

          The turmoil the middle east countries are by products of USA short sightedness, half baked solutions. After they toppled Saddam Hussain now Iraq is in a civil war.

          Same in Libya. The internal faction in Libya fighting each other.

          In Syria west started arming the rebel to fight against the regime . The arms went into wrong hands of ISIS terrorists. This is same mistake US did Afghanistan and created Al-Qaeda. Now another monster ISIS created. Now west have to fight ISIS instead of toppling Assad regime. West so desperate that they have to even get assistance from Iran to fight against ISIS. -:)

    • 4

      I was scrolling through this comment section thinking “oh boy, jimmy and co. is gong to be mad as hell the Muslims acted like human beings”, but saw the regular crowd thanking the MCSL, seemingly happy at this (publicly at least).

      But then i happened on you comment and was vindicated in my belief that no matter what someone does, there’ll always be someone to see something wrong in them. Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity’s pettiness. We could achieve world peace tomorrow, and you’d still find something to whine about it.

    • 0

      LTTE worshipers pointing at ISIS…..lol…ISIS is the mirror image of LTTE’s early days…

      For muslims,
      IF any one used ISIS to tarnish islam and muslims remind them about LTTE and how west supported them :)

  • 11

    This is what distinguishes Muslims from Tamils.

    If it were Tamils, they would have hailed the LTTE for attacking Buddhist shrines.

    Muslims are more intelligent and peaceful.

    That is why there are 50 Muslim countries and NO Tamil country.

    • 4

      I wonder why this stupid ISIS want to destroy a Buddhist monument in Indonesia. I am pretty sure that this has been funded by some dangerous powerful elements to undermine the peace in order to carry out their long term projects with their own interest.

      I don’t think any Muslim country is involved in such a heinous act of some terror organization while they are busy sorting out their own domestic problems. Muslims real enemy today is Zionists (Not entire Jewish) and some Western elements which support the Zionists. If ISIS wants to take revenge they must deal with them not with Buddhism or Buddhist interests. Buddhism isn’t a threat or an enemy of Islam. Virathu & Gota+Gandasara are piece of shit even the Buddhists in respective countries don’t care them.

      Good move by MCSL. Thank you for showing your solidarity. Besides doesn’t Islam say ‘Your religion is for you and mine is for me’ (someone correct me if I am incorrect) in your holy book.

      I have seen pics of ISIS leader enjoying himself with white women in parties although I don’t know about the authenticity of those pics.

      • 6


        “I wonder why this stupid ISIS want to destroy a Buddhist monument in Indonesia.”

        I too wonder why the stupid Sinhala/Buddhist police, politicians, thugs and army destroyed Jaffna Library?

        • 2

          Good one Native,
          Why on earth Gota destroyed that old historical mosque in Kinniya.

          Jaffna library burnt down – Courtesy Gamini Dissanayake.

          Gamini, Cyril Mathew, VP, Varadaraja Perumal, Gota, Champika, Gammanpila, Tilak Karunaratne, Mahipala Herath, Soma, Gandasara, Taleban, BJP/RSS, ISIS, Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfelt, Howard, Butler (Richard), Virathu, Natanyahu, Hilary Clinton, Obama, Fukushima, Shill Waduge, Rajpal, Hisbulla all are ‘eka walle pol’

          All should be eliminated from this world. The sooner we do that the better for the world.

          • 3


            “All should be eliminated from this world. The sooner we do that the better for the world.”

            Killing is not the way forward. Where are you going to draw the line. If that is the only way you intent to change the world who is going to eliminate the last person on this earth?

            • 1

              Elimination doesn’t mean killing.

              • 1


                “Elimination doesn’t mean killing.”

                Bear with me I am bit thick. What exactly does it mean?

                • 0

                  Limen = Process of removing someone/something, so in this case remove/eliminate all of them from holding freaking power.

                  By the way Killing isn’t an answer. It might be just one way to get rid of (again another meaning of – elimination) which is what Gota is practicing.

      • 1


        “I wonder why this stupid ISIS want to destroy a Buddhist monument in Indonesia. I am pretty sure that this has been funded by some dangerous powerful elements to undermine the peace in order to carry out their long term projects with their own interest. ”

        Who funds them and who inspires them?

        1. Norway
        2. Israel
        3. Christian and Imperialist West.

        Who funded BBS?

        The Same people.

        More Calamity between non-Christians, better for them.

        What did the Pope want? in 1492, 1600, 2000 ?

    • 2

      “That is why there are 50 Muslim countries and NO Tamil country”.
      That is a very un-wise statement to make since Tamils, like Japanese, are a race while “Muslim” represent, predominantly at least, a religion.

      Therefore the real comparison must come between Muslim countries and, say Christian countries or Hindu countries.

      If you say there aren’t hundreds of Hindu countries, that is because Hindus are any less intelligent and less peaceful than Muslims, then you need to get your head examined. Because, the real reason for this difference in spread is because Hinduism is not an expansionist religion unlike Islam, whose main aim is to expand at all costs, both human and material.

      • 5


        There is huge difference between Islamisation of the entire world and Arabisation through Islam.

      • 1

        “50 muslim countries, No tamil country”

        That is why he calls himself a modaya!


      • 2

        Paul you are a liar.

        Money for Jam: Poor nation needs money on tourism so please help them. No problems but for- faith.ha ha.

        National Geographic. november – 2013
        Archaeologists Robin Coningham and Kosh Prasad Acharya direct excavations within the Maya Devi Temple.

        She was cautious about the oldest Buddhist shrine claim.

        “The worship of trees, often at simple altars, was a ubiquitous feature of ancient Indian religions, and given the degree of overlap between Buddhist ritual and pre-existing traditions, it is also possible that what is being described represents an older tree shrine quite disconnected from the worship of the historical Buddha,” Shaw says.

        “Still, it does indeed present some new insights into the archaeology of Indian ritual in general,” she adds.

        Coningham called the chance to study the site and contribute toward Lumbini’s conservation important, particularly due to its growing popularity as a pilgrimage site. By 2020, more than four million pilgrims are expected to visit.


  • 0

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  • 8

    It is a great pity that the Bamiyan statue in Afghanistan was singularly targeted and destroyed by the mad Taliban a few years ago. I wish the muslim countries could have done something at the time to prevent this wanton destruction of years of Buddhist culture and history, all in the name of Islam. It was indeed a great loss to the world at large, not only to the Buddhists. Hope something turns out of this protest now, however meek a voice the MCSL may have. Its a great move, to start with.

    • 0

      MCSL can start with Kuragala, Muhudu Maha Viharaya and Devanagala.

      Encroachment and destruction of ancient buddhist ruins in SL by muslims have been the cause of sinhala-muslim distrust these days. Actually these are the things what fuels BBS.

      If the MCSL is smart they should work to free these ancient buddhist sites from encroachments. This can lessen BBS’s power

      • 0

        Greediness at its supreme. You have so many, and you still wan’t to claim more, even what belongs to others as well. Typical Buddhist narrow minded materialistic, selfish and greeeeeedy minded hermit. May you be reborn by coming back from the dead to haunt those places.

  • 3

    I think the maximum no of buddha statutes in the world are in China especially longman grottoes.
    Its cared for now and are tourist attractions.
    The communist have destroyed and defaced many and of course some have been damaged by thieves.

    Where was Gautama born ? No one really knows even today.-

    • 2

      “Where was Gautama born ? No one really knows even today.”

      Don’t advertise your naivety so loudly Javi, people might notice.

      Search the Internet or read a good book on Buddha’s life and you will get the answer. Emperor Asoka erected very clear landmarks of most places of interest relating to Buddha’s life. If you come across contradictions in any two authentic sources get back to this forum.

      • 2

        quite recently.
        All that they found at lumbini which I have spent many moons at was tree worshipers.I can tell you spots on that track which you would not find on the internet idiot. Your sihala beggar priest there now is another politician.
        The work there of the place is fully financed by the Japanese and there were . Post mordenist kenzo tange (american japenese was the first) you go seach your wiki god. I have travelled in that whole region and have many friends all the way from cat-man -do to lumbini and dharamsala.
        prove it not?
        Gautama is not a lankan slave who came by boat and went to bed with with an animal moron the east and countries that dont beg with your concept are more interested like me.
        Faith is one thing but you are behaving like some idiot.

        The japenese are now saying its taxila and have not tried any other excavation there as yet because of the political situation.

  • 4

    Sri Lanka is special soil. From Sri Lanka came Theravada Buddhism which spread to the other Asian countries, and still is spreading. Hindus are learning moderation in caste systems and gods (pity about the 30-year-old-war). From Sri Lanka will the goodness of Islam also be spread. Profound!

    ps. But Christians, on the other had are the arrogant lot. Never mind, they will learn from the others.

    • 3

      No one goes around with the begging bowl as much as you do. Beggars cannot be choosers so they like to be nominated and the confused Muslims of Lanka are forced to pay for it.
      Mahawamse is maheenan mahahenayak.
      The day Mouse Tes Tung died his red book was thrown into the yellow river. That is exactly where the therawada will go – via mahaweli so that the rivers may flow- your national black magican cannot stop the rot.
      We believe the buddhist kingdom of bhutan has much to offer in simplicity than your druggery, thuggery. tatte motte bette- 3 rotten hairy balls.

  • 4

    What about the Buddhist sites in the East of Sri Lanka – some of which have been demolished , and others under threat ? Charity begins at home MCSL !!

  • 1

    Why would MCSL make this request? Are they trying to suck up to BBS to prevent more violence? Were they silent on Bamiyan? I hope this gesture does not backfire. It draws attention to the fact that Indonesia and Afghanistan were once Buddhist countries that were invaded by Muslim armies.

    • 5

      `It draws attention to the fact that Indonesia and Afghanistan were once Buddhist countries that were invaded by Muslim armies.`

      Knowledge without education is but armed injustice.

      This was just a passing fancy during that period of time as anywhere else.
      No one still knows where he came from or where he went – the same as Taoism (the civil servant)looking for his shoe.

      NaMo can carry out that request the best because it was the Gujarati’s of the Deccan plateau who took Islam to Indonesia with out the middle east sword.

      In any case why do tree worshipers have to worry about statutes?

      Sculpture is the art of intelligence- that’s it no more.

    • 0

      [It draws attention to the fact that Indonesia and Afghanistan were once Buddhist countries that were invaded by Muslim armies.]

      It draws concrete evidence!

      But doubt they were invaded by Muslim armies. Most probably the inhabitants conglomerated all their Buddhist psyche into Islam…….Nirvana became personified into Allah……..and especially as the persons coming to their lands were not the cut-throat, adulteress-stone-throwing, thief-hand-chopping, et al types, but were rich merchants who brought goodies from overseas and married 4 women thus making them very comfortable, Indonesia and Afghanistan then gradually slid into Islam.

      • 0

        However, it is seen that the Lankan mindset, being more purely Theravada, is more in tune with Buddhism. Also, in the presence of modern science, Buddhism holds more sway world over.

  • 3

    Is this a move in self preservation or out of love for Buddhism?. If latter, where were these guys when Bamian Buddha statues were bombed and destroyed in Afghanistan few years ago?

    Any move to preserve and protect other religions, is by definition, anti- Islam hence haram. Just contemplate what this statement means:

    Islam is a religion that sees as every Muslim’s duty a commitment to form an Islamic state wherever they are. Islam came to reform society and to form a nation and government. Its mandate is the reform of the whole world and make the all followers of Islam through Jihad.

    • 3

      The Island will soon enter the china phase of the cultural revolution where food would be scarce.- Mahawamse/Mao.

      If religious people deny paradise to their opponents or to ‘non-believers,’ atheists would likewise seek to eliminate ‘dangerous’ believers with their ‘childish’ ways and their heads in the clouds.- Tariq Ramadan

  • 1


  • 3

    Teaching others a lesson – by stoning, beheading, bombing if necessary – isn’t this the foundation of the religion you follow?

    • 2

      You are brought up on Menticide, facticide for your paypack.
      How much is it troll(beggar boys) in US$ ??
      you make us scream and cry what bollocks you spawn.
      Show me proof because Tiribuvan University professor just reconfirmed (over the phone) that the temple of the mother was never found though the story was very long like most of these stories and he is from a practicing Buddhist family. I have lived in these places and do speak most of their languages to get by. There is also a seminary in scotland run by the rin poche who are still trying to find a location of his birth and mother.

  • 0

    The tallest and the largest Buddha image carved on a single piece of mountainous rock was dynamited by the crazy Taleban in Afghanistan some years back. USA forces bombed out the Babylon garden city , the museum in Iraq.How many things are being destructed in every country. Mosques, Churches and Temples are destroyed and bulldozed in Lanka by the regime and racist people. These brute narrow minded rascals are only destroying themselves. Borobudur Buddhist Temples are great treasures of the civilization of the mankind and so are many ancient temples of several religions. The architecture and the constructions are all masterpieces of the world’s heritage. There are more in Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, India and in several other countries.
    Religion should not be taken into consideration when giving protection to these irreplaceable ancient gifts.

  • 0

    This is silly to call upon the government of Indonesia to ensure the safety and security of Borobudur against the threats that have been posed on the religious establishment by Islamic State militants (ISIS). It would be better to write to IsIS directly and request them to desist from attacking and destroying any or all of the historic cultural centres in all parts of the world, irrespective of any religious beliefs or background those represent.

    A Muslim organization championing the cause of saving statues of historical values in anothe Muslim country, is very laughable. The Prophet himself detroyed 360 idols of various pagan gods placed inside the Ka’ba in Macca, and washed it and cleaned it and made it available for Muslims to conduct prayers and circumambulate the Ka’ba to this very day. Now in this case, a Muslim representing a Muslim Organization bending over backwards to please our local Buddhist monks by writing a letter requesting protection for statues that have no useful purpose nor are of any value to us as Muslims. These are the same monks who caused massive damage and loss of income to so many Muslims living in Aluthgama, Beruwela and Dharga Town. O.K if not all of them, at least none have yet condemned the actions of their compatriots in BBS, SR, SU and JHU. The carefully crafted pillage, bloodshed and loss of lives thru murder of Muslims living in those towns will never be erased in a hurry from the Muslim mind.

  • 0

    sri lankan buddhist clergy have pressured sri lankan muslim council to influence muslim nations towatds protecting buddhist heritage sites

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