16 January, 2025


Smoke Out The Perpetrators Of Terror

By Mass L. Usuf

Mass Usuf

Much has been talked about both locally and internationally, about the attack on the UNHCR shelter in Mount Lavinia by a gang of thugs led by men in robes. Following this cowardly attack, they heroically claimed that they had smoked out Rohingya terrorists hiding in Sri Lanka. They did smoke out indeed, but, whom? A frightened group of speechless and terrified nine men, seven women and 16 children

These were people who had been taken into custody by the Sri Lankan Navy for entering our territorial waters. The Navy had provided them with whatever humanitarian assistance they needed and handed them over to the Kankesanthurai Police on 30.04.2017.  The legal process took effect and the Mallakkam Magistrate ordered that they be handed over to the UNHCR. They were subsequently housed at the Mirihana detention camp by the UNHCR pending onward transfer to a host country. Up to this point, Sri Lanka was a democracy with the rule of law in full effect. Up to this point, all those involved displayed that innate quality of what is called humanity. Up to this point, all those involved did their part without racial or religious prejudices. Up to this point, all those involved showed concern and empathised with these innocent people fleeing for their life. Among them was a pregnant woman who later delivered her baby while in custody. Up to this point, all behaved in a civilised and noble manner.

Condescending Behaviour

Then comes the fringe elements who begin to play their evil role. While in the camp a young girl was raped by a Policeman attached to the camp. Any one may question, who would rape a young girl who has come as a refugee seeking your protection? Well, this Policeman did it. A case No. B/2030/17 is now pending at the Gangodawila Magistrate Court. Obviously, the state of affairs dictated that these people cannot be kept their anymore.  Fearing for their security and protection, the UNHCR as a responsible organisation, with the concurrence of the court and the Police decided to house them in Mount Lavinia.

When these grief-stricken people were in their new abode, staring at a hopeless and empty future, trouble strikes them again. A bunch of pussies stormed the UNHCR shelter followed by a tumultuous mob. Colombo Telegraph on 29 September 2017 carried the story along with two videos. Besides, the abused hurled at the Policeman, some lawyers opinionated that many laws have been violated by these thugs. Focussing only on the Penal Code, one may consider the following:

1. Abetting, Section 102;

2. Conspiracy, Section 113A;

3. Promoting ill will and hostility, Section 120;

4. Unlawful assembly, Sections 140 and 148;

5. Wanton provocation to riot, Section 150;

6. Obstructing a Public Officer, Section 183;

7. Utterances wounding religious feelings, Section 291A;

8. Deliberate acts to outrage religious feelings, Section 291B;

9. Criminal trespass, Section 433;

10. Intentional insult to provoke a breach of the peace, Section 484;

11. Making false statement breaching public tranquillity, Section 485;

It is known to the Police that amongst this unlawful crowd was a notorious person against whom there is a pending criminal case No. B/3720/16 in the Fort Magistrate’s Court. His name is Dan Priyasad and the video carried by the Colombo Telegraph clearly shows his behaviour.  He was earlier remanded and bailed out on strict conditions especially not to engage in unlawful activities that would endanger peace and harmony in the country. Subsequent to his been enlarged on conditional bail, there have been several instances where complaints had been made against him to the Police.  The following list provides the details:

1. Complaint made on 26/05/2017 – CIB No. II 22/91

2. Complaint made on 01/06/2017 – CIB No. II 35/100

3. Complaint made on 14/08/2017 – CIB No. III 60/14

4. Complaint made on 14/08/2017 – CIB No. III 63/15

5. Complaint made on 14/08/2017 – CIB No. III 66/16

6. Complaint made on 20/09/2017 – CIB No. III 82/19

7. Complaint made on 26/09/2017 – CIB No. III 277/272

Rule Of Law

The Bail Act No 30 of 1997 under Section 14 provides the circumstances when court may refuse bail or cancel a subsisting order for release. 

14. (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the preceding provisions of this Act, …………  or upon application being made in that behalf by a police officer, and after issuing notice on the person concerned and hearing him personally or through his attorney-at-law, cancel a subsisting order releasing such person on bail if the court has reason to believe:

(a) that such person would:

(i) not appear to stand his inquiry or trial;

(ii) interfere with the witnesses or the evidence against him or otherwise obstruct the course of justice; or

(iii) commit an offence while on bail; or

(b) that the particular gravity of, and public reaction to, the alleged offence may give rise to public disquiet.

From the wordings of Section 14, it is clear that the cancellation of bail is not automatic upon the occurrence of events stated in 14 (a) (i) to (iii) and 14 (b).  The Section requires the Police to make an application.  In the current context, if the Police has initiated investigations on the seven complaints made as listed above, it can make this application under 14 (a) (iii) viz. “commit an offence while on bail” and 14(b).  In addition, the recent attack on the UNHCR safe house provides overwhelming evidence of the possible violation of at least eleven offences of the Penal Code.

For some reason best known to the Police the complaints are all in an indeterminate state.  The consequence of which is an increased sense of impunity clearly seen in the violation of the several laws by this person. Far worst, the unabating incitement of hatred and violence.  The results of which could trigger widespread riots causing chaos and instability in the country as a whole.

The entire nation is at stake and the damaged done already by these pussies targeting the UNHCR shelter has brought much disrepute to Sri Lanka.  Condemnations were expressed by the UN, world leaders and the unpleasant news splashed internationally in all the media. It is imperative on the Police and the judiciary to take cognisance of this evolving serious situation.  Arrest the men in robe and their cowardly cohorts and bring them to justice.

The call is to establish the Rule of Law without fear or favour.

Latest comments

  • 8

    There has never been a deficit in the written law in Sri Lanka. It is enforcing the law that has been a problem. The worst is when the perpetrators hide behind a yellow robe or a political party slogan.

    Sri Lanka police lately have not been known for its professionalism even if we go by the many reports CID has put out on unsolved murders.

    Sri Lanka police has turned to be a dogs-breakfast no self respecting person want to join. So the country is left with the bottom feeders to fill positions. Come to think of it politics is no better.

    • 1

      Mass L. Usuf

      RE: Smoke Out The Perpetrators Of Terror

      Who are the The Perpetrators Of Terror Globally?

      1. Theravada Buddhists , the Sinhala-“Buddhists” of Sri Lanka.

      2. . Theravada Buddhists , the Mayamat -“Buddhists” of Burma

      3. The Wahhabi-Salafi, “Muslims, rather Iblisis of Saudi Arabia and their cronies, .ISIS, ISIL etc.

      4. The Wahhabi-Salafi, “Muslims, rather Iblisis of Maldives and the cronies, of Wahhabi-Salafis Saudis.


      Maldives woman sentenced to death by stoning wins reprieve
      Unusually harsh sentence for mother of five convicted by local judge on remote island of Gemanafushi in the Maldives overturned by country’s top court

      The Maldives’ highest court has overturned an unprecedented sentence of death by stoning for a woman convicted of adultery, a crime in the Muslim island nation, media reports said on Monday.
      The woman, identified by local media as a mother of five, was convicted by a local judge on a remote island in the Maldives, a popular tourist destination that has seen a rise in Islamic extremism.

  • 14

    “Smoke out the perpetrators of terror” .Well said Usuf. let us start with Muslim terrorists who have committed murder and ethnic cleansing of Tamils in eastern province and have appropriated the lands of the fleeing Tamils. Bring all those Muslims including racists like Hisbullah, Atahullah and Badurdeen who had been in the forefront in these atrocities and are roaming freely. Your call to establish the rule of law without fear or favour is an empty rhetoric if you do not commence to put your hose in order. Please tell the government to arrest all these culprits and send them to gallows.

    • 6

      Well said Gnana. when that happened where was this brilliant human right man? their human nature comes out only when their own members being given the same medicine. muslims are the cancer of this world.which need to be cure of .

      • 5

        Looks like the bigots are out today. To think some may be paid to spew this garbage.

      • 3

        Trained in Tel Aviv? It shows.

    • 0

      Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam.

      “Smoke out the perpetrators of terror”

      In the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

      First, it was the Para-Sinhala from Bengal Orissa, who were the the perpetrators of terror.

      Second, it was the Para-Tamils from South India who were the the perpetrators of terror.

      Third, it was the Para-Portuguese from Portugal who were the the perpetrators of terror.

      Fourth, it was the Para-Dutch (Hollanders) from Holland who were the perpetrators of terror.

      Fifth, it was the Para-English (Britishers) from Great Britain who were the perpetrators of terror.

      Sixth, it was the Para-Sinhala from Bengal Orissa, who were the perpetrators of terror, again, this time against the Para-Tamils from South India of an earlier era.

      Seventh , it was the Para-Tamils from South India, (LTTE) of an earlier era, , who were the perpetrators of terror, again, this time against the Para-Sinhala and Para-Muslims from an earlier era.

      Only LTTE, the Para-Tamils of an earlier era, has been smoked out.

      Yes, it is some to smoke out the other perpetrators of terror, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

    • 1

      Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam

      “let us start with Muslim terrorists who have committed murder and ethnic cleansing of Tamils in eastern province and have appropriated the lands of the fleeing Tamils. “

      Why don’t we simultaneously start investigation with those who committed ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Northern province and elsewhere? Will you trace those cadres of the PSYCHOPATH who robbed every last cents from every Muslim family and forced them out of their habitats. Do you know how much did they lose in cash, jewelries, income, dignity, ………………….?

      There were 55,000 Muslims living in the North. Did all of them including babies and children pass information to the state? If you thought they all did pass information , according to your moral standards whats wrong with state’s armed forces targeting all Tamils including young and old?

  • 3

    Mass USUF: In which world you people live. In those videos you show how many buddhists monks and in what way they involved. It was two Young Buddhist monks, simply they thought of involving. Go and talk to them. YOu should have done that first. They were simply had the courage to talk. For those unemployed youth becoming hooligans should have been more fun and feel like heroes. Those Hooligans were a setup. they were hurling obscenities against Police because they wanted to be arrested. I think they get more money as they did their job well. Talk to them. they may have learened already how to talk in case they were caught. the same thing happened n elelction rallies of TRUMP election (Republican) and they proved it was organized by their opponents which was Democrats.

  • 7

    The last thing Muslims in Sri Lanka want is ‘Rule of Law’. If Rule of Law is established, 99.99% of MUSLIM politician, MUSLIM businessmen, MUSLIM lawyers, MUSLIM ……., MUSLIM ………, etc will be jailed for life. There are 4 million MUSLIMS in Sri Lanka.

    Sri Lanka have a FREE education and FREE healthcare. So who’s paying for these non- Sri Lankan citizens for their facilities??? Muslims are abusing FREE education and FREE healthcare in Sri Lanka.

    It’s time to take actions against the MUSLIM politicians and MUSLIM organizations who have invited and assisted Rohingyas. Without the help of MUSLIM politicians and MUSLIM organizations, Rohingyas wouldn’t have come to Sri Lanka. Producing fraudulent birth certificates, fraudulent nation IDs, and fraudulent land deeds are big business among Muslims.

    This sort of protest sends a message to Muslims culprits that Sinhalese are watching their every move. Sinhalese are Buddhists but they are no longer pushovers.

    • 0

      “The last thing Muslims in Sri Lanka want is ‘Rule of Law’. “

      This time I am with you John. Still I would make a minor change “Muslim Writers and Minister” instead “Muslims”. I have not seem mass accused of involved in crime and licking the feet of Muslim-Sinhala Appe Aanduwa seeking impunity to get out of it.

      This time Usuf joining hand with other writers like Hilmi, Latheef in framing, out of the way. Well! Raping a minor, refugee, non-citizen – that case will receive a harder frown by ordinary judges of other countries. But where the Law and Defense machinery is trained to use rape a weapon, it is not a crime, and they brush it off.

      The rest is master piece of Usuf. The Muslim Sinhala Appe Aanduwa torn of pacts with Tamils alone is many, more than the cases filed against the Bald head -which Usuf has listed. 19 Commission alone appointed to investigate the attacks on Tamils- the reports never came out.

      Usuf picking on a ordinary policeman. (this not an argument the policeman is not guilty). But the Lankawe Justice Minister, who accused of involving sex and Murder, was part of the team dismissed unlawfully the CJ of Lankawe. Usuf would talk of that but would talk of ordinary policeman rape? A case is filed agisnt the police. Justice Minister was never brought to justice or never a case was filed. Is that Usuf sensing a Sinhala policeman may not politically strong like a Muslim Justice Minister? Usf may not want to get into framing. This will shadow the young victim getting proper compensation and justice from Appe Aanduwa.

      UNHCR has to push the rape case like UK pushed Tangalle PS chairman’s murder of British Salvation Army Muslim volunteer.

  • 8

    Mass L. Usuf

    RE: Smoke Out Smoke Out The Perpetrators Of Terror

    Ask any Sri Lankan Tamil who the The Perpetrators Of Terror are?

    The bigger picture……

    Para-Sinhala “Buddhists” who are an insult to the Buddha, and who believe every word of Monk Mahanama of Mahawamsa that spawned LTTE with the support of India. What you see is simply a continuation of the same saga. This time the victims are the innocent refugees. However, credit should go to the Sri Lankan Navy for rescuing these hapless refugees.

    Looking back, they* all are victims of British Imperialism, and the artificial borders drawn when they withdrew in the 1940’s after the Second Great Imperialist War.

    *They: The Rohingyas, the Sri Lankan Tamils, The Sinhala, the Muslims, the Kashmiris, the Bengalis, the Kurds, the Turks, the Syrians, the Arabs, the Palestinians etc.etc.

  • 6

    Mass L. Usuf

    “Much has been talked about both locally and internationally, about the attack on the UNHCR shelter in Mount Lavinia by a gang of thugs led by men in robes. Following this cowardly attack, they heroically claimed that they had smoked out Rohingya terrorists hiding in Sri Lanka.”

    Refugees. Sri Lanka does not take in Refugees. However, Sri Lanka does rescue refugees stranded in the high seas, and ultimately settles them in the West, USA and or Canada.

    The last time they took in refugees, Vijaya the bandit, was when he and his gang forced themselves in the Land of Native Veddag Aethho, 2,500 years ago.

    However, The Defense Secretary Gotabaya has rescued 100 and 150 odd refugees during 2008 and 2012, and they ultimately settled in USA and Canada. Watch the Video link.

    All thesemesses are the repercussions of the British Imperialism, and those who are left behind have to manage the fallout.

    Who Says Sri Lanka is a Buddhist Country? Who accepts it? Not Buddha!

  • 7

    Why cant the Police be taken to task for not taking action to disperse the unlawful,disgraceful,inciting,hooligans,insulting Lord Buddha’s teachings & harassing the Police too ? Would those Priests act in the same manner if the victims were Buddhists ?

    • 4

      Buddhist priests will not act in the same manner if the victims were Buddhists. Their place will be taken up by Mullahs and Imams like what is happening to Buddhists in Islamic racist countries Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia.

  • 4

    It is either the Police does not know the Laws or the Politicians are not suitable to maintain law and order. Both are not suitable to hold their positions and public should form a team to maintain law and order within their areas. Chase if these rascals come to exercise their authority with force.

  • 4

    The Maha Sangha – so far did not condemn this cowardice and inhuman acts of the Monks. In Sri Lanka although a Buddhist majority country the Buddhist monks does not preach or act what Lord Buddha preached and practiced. Lord Buddha traveled on foot to serve the people. But our Buddhist clergy go around in luxury cars and behave like animals as one Minister said recently.
    As long as Buddhism is the State Religion and if the Buddhist clergy are allowed to interfere in the democratic system of government, then what is the use of Parliament, President, PM & MPS.????

  • 6

    I’m afraid the definition of terror always turns against Muslims.

    This is the sad truth.

    • 2

      What an idiotic comment. It was not Muslim “terrorists” that plagued our nation, causing bloodshed and fear. Let’s go by Sri Lankan history.

  • 7

    There is no difference between those using Islam for terror and those using Buddhism for terror.

  • 1

    While the monks should be punished for their behaviour , we should keep a close watch on who is coming into SL as refugees. Look what is happening in Europe !
    Of course we cant trust the politicians to do what is best for the country and it’s people .

  • 1

    Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam!

    “let us start with Muslim terrorists who have committed murder and ethnic cleansing of Tamils in eastern province and have appropriated the lands of the fleeing Tamils. Bring all those Muslims including racists like Hisbullah, Atahullah and Badurdeen who had been in the forefront in these atrocities and are roaming freely.”

    Good Dr.(?) then we start investigation of the 1990 August Kattankuddy killings by Tamil tiger and in October ethnic cleansing of the Muslims from north and the MPs who supports the despicable thing .

    Dr.(?) why you and all others like you bring unrelated thinks to the problem in hand. Are you medically alright? You better find a way to protect you Dr.(?) title. What do you want us to do? Keep quiet whatever happens to us and fellow human who were under protection of UNHCR.

    • 4

      Yes go ahead and investigate the killing in Kattankudy mosque. The perpetrators have been killed in combat and you know that when a person is dead there is no case. The only person who had the command responsibility for that who is still alive is Karuna who is the darling of the Sinhalese and you can do nothing to bring to book. Tamils have repeatedly accepted the crime and have apologised for it, but none of the Muslims have accepted crimes committed on Tamils or apologised for it. This was brought in as the writer wanted to smoke out terror and establish rule of law. There is no time limit for crime unlike civil cases, and any crime committed if not brought to justice must be investigated even at late stages. When you can shout for foreigners, why cannot we shout for our people who have been wronged. If you are a honest person. condemn atrocities committed by Muslims and apologise for it, as otherwise you are another of Islamic fanatics who justify atrocities committed by Muslims on non-Muslims and do not want any of them punished by law. By the way the way the first killing of worshippers inside a mosque in Srilanka happened in 1974 in Puttalam and the perpetrators were Sinhala policemen. I am sure you will never ask for any inquiry into that as you are mortally scared of Sinhalese.

  • 1

    What a beautiful place this world would have been if there were no religions to divide mankind and make it easier for the Elites to rule them.

  • 1

    Dr Gnana seems to be reminding the ilk of Dr Bala of LTTE fame. Carrying this Dr bring shame to others who carry the same. Unfortunate that Dr Gnana lost the ability to distinguish Justice Vs injustice.

    • 4

      Please do not come out with crap. Justice has to be done equality to all. Why should Tamils who committed crime either have been killed or languishing in jail while Sinhalese and Muslims who committed crime on Tamils are on the loose. When crime committed on Tamils by Muslims are mentioned and justice sought, why are you getting angry. Please accept the truth and correct the injustice. The crime committed by Muslims on Tamils in eastern province is well documented by human rights groups and to deny and prevent any action taken against the perpetrators is a crime. This is the reason that Muslims are not willing for an impartial investigation on this matter in order to bring out the truth.

  • 3

    Mass L. Usuf has the Rohingya incident in mind in ~ “Smoke Out The Perpetrators Of Terror”.
    The “terror” is vocal assault up to now. Of course the alleged rape by a policeman of 15 year old refugee is heinous but is yet to be proved. To bring out the truth pressure from community leaders will help.
    The criticisms by Mangala and Rajitha of the sorry Mt Lavinia Rohingya camp break-in by men in saffron robes has clawed back some reputation. Lankan community leaders have gone along with the criticisms but the silence of Muslim leaders is stunning – they want “others” to smoke out the perpetrators!

  • 1

    Gnana Sankar

    Are you trying to express your hatred of the Muslims.

    We are talking about Rohingee refugees but you are talking about the Muslims who committed crimes
    On Tamils having ignored what happened to Jaffna Muslim in 1990 and the Kattankudy mosque massacre. How does your argument relevant to the subject discussed here
    If you have a genuine doctorate I do not this you will talk rub busy like this.

    How and where did you receive your doctorate.

    • 4

      Speaking out the truth is not hatred. If it is so, when Muslims are speaking out against atrocities committed by Buddhists, it is hatred against Buddhists. Please do not come out with lies. Tamils never endorsed what LTTE did to Muslims and they have accepted it as wrong and apologised for it. So far no Muslim has accepted wrong done to Tamils, nor apologised for it. If you are a honest person, accept what Muslims had done to Tamils and apologise for it without finding false with Tamils. Every atrocity has to be treated equally and perpetrators punished. If you are worried about foreign Muslims being ill treated by Buddhists, why are you getting angry when exposing the atrocities committed by Muslims on Tamils, unless you want to sweep them under a carpet and say Muslims were totally innocent. My doctorate is in the most noble field and the original one to be conferred.

  • 5

    Buddhism and Islam: are these really two different faiths?? You decide!

    “The way to happiness is: keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, give much. Fill your life with love. Do as you would be done by.”
    Gautama Buddha

    “You should desire for others what you desire for yourself, and hate for others what you hate for yourself. Do not oppress, just as you do not like to be oppressed. Do good to others just as you would like good to be done to you. Dislike in yourself what you dislike in others. Accept that treatment from others which you would like others to accept from you. Do not say to others what you do not like to be said to you.
    Ali ibn Abi Talib (1st Imam of Shia Islam)

  • 2

    Agreed. Smoke out ISIS followers who plan to go to MidEast. Wipe them out. Wipe out all rapist savage ISIS Wahabi muslims with the same passion as to wipe out rightwing fake Monks. Wipe our muslim radicals in Bangladesh attacking and killing buddhist monks and hindus. Wipe out the Wahabi Saudi funded terrorists in Burma who have killed Hindus and Buddhists. Wipe out these charlatans in Colombo who accuse the refugees. Wipe out, smoke out and kick out the Paki radical Wahabi mullahs invading our multi religious nation and secular nation. Yes these buddhist monks should be smoked out with the same eagerness you peace loving honest balanced Muslims show for smoking out ISIS terrorist sympathisers.

  • 0

    Gnana Sankar

    I am not protecting any terrorist whether he is a Budhist or Muslim or even
    a Tamil. I think there are individuals in all three communities who commit terror
    and they should be wiped out in the same way Tamil terrorists were wiped
    out in 2009. You are right several terror attacks were committed by militants who are Muslims.

    Whatever degree you have achieved you do not seem to have
    learned to argue without making the issue complex and unproductive.When
    presenting your views you need to confine to the topic in issue with decorum and order.

    I cannot see a terror attack worse than the massacre of worshippers in a place of
    worship in Batticaloa. I see you are carrying the worst harted on Muslims because the Muslims did not support Tamil terrorism for a separate Tamil Eelam.

    • 2

      Muslims did not support Tamil Terrorism for a separate Tamil Eelam as they were very busy supporting state sponsored Sinhalese racism, genocide and ethnic cleaning activities against the island’s Tamils , for their own political and economic agenda. Especially in the east and in the south of the island. Deapite being a very microscopic minority in the north, they were making preparation in the north too, like spying for the racist Sinhalese Sri Lankan armed forces and storing arms , the LTTE found out in time and did not want a repeat of what happened in the east or south so packed them off. This is not correct but this is the reason . The Kattankudi Mosque was attacked because it was a hot bed of Islamic extremism and still is and was the headquarters and arms storage depot for the Muslim home guards who were ethnically cleansing the surround Tamil Hindu villages. The only thing that separates the island’s Muslims from the Tamils is their religion , not language ethnicity or origin. You are not Arabs or Moors as you fondly want to call yourselves but largely descended from low caste Indian Tamil immigrant converts, who came to the Tamil east a few centuries ago begging for refuge from the Portuguese in the west and then the Sinhalese in the central province. Now backstabbing the very same people who helped you. Asking for self determination for your land , especially when facing discrimination and genocide is not terrorism go and read the UN charter, however people who aid abet genocide and ethnic cleansing like the Sri Lankan Muslims are ware criminals and terrorists. I am with the Rohingyas but not with you opportunistic selfish backstabbing fake Arab low caste Indian Tamil Hindu converted Sri Lankan Muslims. I can distinguish their horrible plight and sympathise with them but also can see through the Sri Lankan Muslim selfish opportunism

      • 8

        “You are not Arabs or Moors as you fondly want to call yourselves but largely descended from low caste Indian Tamil immigrant converts”, – Real Siva Sankaran Sharma
        “The lower caste people were killed as part of a conspiracy to dismiss my party’s government.”- Lalu Prasad Yadav
        “I am neither a child, a young man, nor an ancient; nor am I of any caste”.- Guru Nanak
        “Hinduism dies if untouchability lives, and untouchability has to die if Hinduism is to live.”- Mahatma Gandhi
        “Caste is a state of mind. It is a disease of mind. The teachings of the Hindu religion are the root cause of this disease. We practice casteism and we observe Untouchability because we are enjoined to do so by the Hindu religion. A bitter thing cannot be made sweet. The taste of anything can be changed. But poison cannot be changed into nectar.”- B. R. Ambedkar
        I want the Brahmins to realize that the Dravidian people today are very much hating those who cunningly cheated them with absurdities. They are now aware of the particular community making a living by spreading the foolishness. People have begun to hate god, religion, caste, mythologies (puranas) and so on”.- Periyar E. V. Ramasamy

        • 3

          Pretend Che Guevera , did I ever state anywhere low caste people are inferior or bad? There is nothing wrong with stating the actual origin of the person who is pretending to be something else, as they not me who feel, that their actual low caste converted Indian Tamil Hindu origin is inferior, bad and have to claim a fake Arab/Moor origin to feel superior and good about themselves and then lord over the rest of the Tamils. Do not try to shoot the messenger and lord over with all this Brahmin oppression nonsense, as most Brahmins do not lord over anyone. They are dirt poor temple priests teachers of Tamil/Sanskrit or other Indian languages or work part time as astrologers or marriage brokers , living on the brink of starvation and the charity and goodwill of others. You are just another Muslim angry that your actual origin being revealed and are trying to deflect the issue by trying to highlight that I am a Brahmin. What if I was a Tamil Dalit revealing the truth? Stating the obvious truth is not casteism , just because it offends someone , then historians and anthropologists cannot do their work and report history and the actual origins of people accurately, as people may get offended and what to cling on to myths

          • 6

            Dear RSSS
            Very short answer to your tirade:
            Look up the definition of “Low”.

            I only quoted to you what other Hindus have said about Casteism, including RV Ambedkar. If you were a Dalit, you surely would know him.
            “How easy it is to see your brother’s faults, how hard it is to face your own. You winnow his in the wind like chaff, but yours you hide, like a cheat covering up an unlucky throw. Dwelling on your brother’s faults multiplies your own. You are far from the end of your journey. The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart. See how you love.” – Gautama Buddha
            “Find out for yourself what is truth, what is real. Discover that there are virtuous things and there are non-virtuous things. Once you have discovered for yourself give up the bad and embrace the good.” – Gautama Buddha
            “Whoever counters the malicious with malice can never be free, but one who feels no maliciousness pacifies those who hate. Hate brings misery to humanity so the wise man knows no hatred.” – Gautama Buddha
            “Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind.” – Gautama Buddha
            “Believe not because some old manuscripts are produced, believe not because it is your national belief, believe not because you have been made to believe from your childhood, but reason truth out, and after you have analyzed it, then if you find it will do good to one and all, believe it, live up to it and help others live up to it.” – Gautama Buddha
            “Let all-embracing thoughts for all beings be yours.” – Gautama Buddha

            • 1

              it is easy to see your brother’s faults. Is that why are blind to the faults of the Muslims and pick on others? Sri Lankan Muslims never want to admit to their own faults and shortcomings. Only pick on others, especially the Tamils, as they imagine that they are the superior Arabs( what superiority, most people do not like Arabs) and not low caste Tamils that most of them really are.

              • 5

                If Muslims claim falsely that they have Arab origins, then they have the same inferiority complex as those who claim to be superior due some accident of birth.

        • 1

          Sri Lankan Muslims denying their actual origin and pretending to be someone else and then lording over and backstabbing the Tamils in the name of this fake origin, is not an issue to you at all, as you are also one of them but Siva Sankaran, stating the truth regarding their origin is an issue and he is casteist. Who is the nasty and casteist, the person stating the truth or the one denying who they really are and pretending to be someone else and creating a lot of damage. Whom are you trying to fool?

          • 5

            I believe CheG was only giving us quotations from notable personalities including Lord Buddha.
            You seem to have missed the forest for the woods. Or is it a classic example of “Pearls before Swine?” (pun intended)

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      contd. You may follow the same religion but are two completely different people. One of largely east Bengali descent speaking a Bengali dialect similar to Bengali spoken around the Chittagong region of Bangladesh , the other claiming to be of Arab/Moorish descent but in reality 95% or more descended from largely low caste Indian Tamil Hindu converts to Islam , 90% of whom migrated to the island a few centuries. If there is any Arab/Moor blood it is found only in a few hundred families and even these people are of predominant Indian Tamil descent. Islam is a religion and followers of Islam are called Muslims. It is a religious identity and not ethnic. Being Tamil Arab Rohingya Turk Farsi/Persian or Malay is an ethnic identity. People following the same religion can belong to different races , linguistic and ethnic groups and even follow different forms of the same religion. People belong to the same ethnicity can follow different religions. You can have a Tamil Christian, Hindu Muslim or Jain. A Punjabi Hindu , Muslim Sikh and even Christians. Do not confuse religion and religious identity with ethnicity. Muslims in Sri Lanka are Tamil and not Arab or Moor by ethnicity . Understood. You can jump up and down and abuse me as much as you like but this is the truth. It for dirty politics and to divide and rule the Tamils that the British and then the Sinhalese entertained this fake Arab/Moor claim , fully well knowing there is hardly any Arab or Moor amongst the Sri Lankan Muslims. Just look at the phot of the author of this article and all the Muslim authors. None of them remotely resemble any Arab or Moor but all look like typical South Indian Dravidians that they really are. You can shout up and down some foreign Muslim like the Rohingya or the Palestinian Arab with whom other than the slender thread of Islam , there is nothing in common but aid and abet the genocide of your fellow non Muslim Tamils with whom you share everything other than religion. A common language origin and ethnicity binds people far more closer than religion. Only in Sri Lanka for dirty politics a religion has become and ethnicity

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      Do not be an apologist for Muslim terror on Tamils. The first massacre of worshippers happened in Panadura in 1958, when Hindu worshippers were killed and the chief priest burnt alive, and the perpetrators were Sinhalese and not LTTE. The second massacre of worshippers happened in Puttalam in 1974, when Muslim worshippers were killed by the police and not by LTTE. Massacre whether of Muslim worshippers or others is crime. There are several such massacres have taken place in other parts of the world of worshippers of other faiths by Muslim and are they also not worse terror attacks than what happened in Kattankudy. There is nothing wrong in Muslim not supporting the Tamil struggle for justice, but for Muslims to join hands with Sinhalese and kill Tamils is a dastardly act. Please remember that Kattankudy massacre took place only in 1990, while killing of Tamils by Muslim home guards had been going on since 1985. Please place facts before accusing others. When PLO killed Christians for collaborating with Jews, you did not find it wrong, and when the Muslim terrorists killed Hindu Rohingya refugees you are remaining silent. Had Muslims remained without giving information since 1973 which led in some cases arrest and murder of innocent Tamils, none of the problems faced by Muslims would have happened.

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        Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam

        ” There are several such massacres have taken place in other parts of the world of worshippers of other faiths by Muslim and are they also not worse terror attacks than what happened in Kattankudy.”

        As a doctor are you suggesting that just because these massacres happen all over the world and in rest of Sri Lanka, we forgive and completely forget the psychopath VP for his part in all massacres and war crimes?

        Good idea.

        Then of course are you and your fellow Tamils/Muslims/Sinhalese/Hindus/Buddhists/Christians do the same for all massacres and war crimes committed by others?

        “Please remember that Kattankudy massacre took place only in 1990, while killing of Tamils by Muslim home guards had been going on since 1985.”

        There had been isolated incidents in which Muslims traders were killed by EPRLF in 1985. Is there a competition to find out who killed first and then reward them prizes?

        “Had Muslims remained without giving information since 1973 which led in some cases arrest and murder of innocent Tamils, none of the problems faced by Muslims would have happened.”

        I take it Tamils were not complicit in business of passing information to the authorities. Come on good Dr you must have lived in a completely separate Tamil nationalist paradise/universe.

        Was Pon Sivakumaran who committed suicide (June 5, 1974) betrayed by Muslims?

        Could you let me know the name(s) person(s) who betrayed Kutti Mani and Thangadurai.

        Were all those TELO and EPRLF cadres Muslims who betrayed Tamils (assuming that betrayal only comes from Muslim actions) that the Psychopath was forced to eliminate?

        Are you of the opinion the PSYCHOPATH eliminated only Muslims and no other?

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    What about the man who shouted “Allahu Akbar” and stabbed two innocent women to death in Marseilles yesterday? terrorist or a freedom fighter to get 70 virgins by propagating your hateful Wahabi ISIS ideology? What about the man in Canada? the men who ran cars up roads in London to kill innocents? You are a queer sort of fellow not to talk about Islamic terrorism.

    WIPE all terrorists out and jail those who inflame people be they so called buddhist monks or the Kattankudy Islamists who want to chase Buddhists out and have already engaged in racist activities.

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    With a constitutional principle of official secularism, the Turkish government has traditionally banned women who wear headscarves from working in the public sector. … The ban on headscarves in the civil service and educational and political institutions was expanded to cover non-state institutions.

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