Despite obtaining video footage, police have failed to nab the attackers of the Rohingya refugees on Tuesday in Mount Lavinia, while they were under the care of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
On Wednesday Minister of Finance and Media Mangala Samaraweera and government spokesman Minister Rajitha Senaratne have condemned the mob lead by Buddhist monks and urged police to take action against the perpetrators.
The attackers were ‘thugs in robes,’ Mangala Samaraweera said. “It is a shameful act and every right-minded citizen of this country especially Buddhists must condemn this action by this so called priests and I also urge the police to take the strongest possible action against the perpetrators of these crimes against these innocent refugees,” he said.
Asmie Mohammed / September 29, 2017
UNHCR has violated sovergerity nation by unlawfully trespass country land her own shelters for undocumented people who have been smuggle by human traffickers back by some UNHRC unknown officials ?
How can UNHRC of UNO agency under the banner of” Refugees” can forcefully bring Muslim refugees into Sri lanka?
The UNHCR mandate of 1951 Protocol and 1967 convention related has not been that rectified by Govt. of Sri lanka?
Even countries who has been that rectified UNHRC conventions has send back to hundred thousands of the asylum seek back country of Origin or their territory last 40 years; it may be more than million of real refugees.
These Rich Countries has denied even without considered humanitarian background of refugees by those countries that refugees keep limbo?
The so-called UNHRC ratifies countries that offices of appoints by Govt. are of Racist who denied claim of Asylum seeks right of eligible for the refugees status?
The govt. officers guided by white RULE . That they making so many concord stories against Asylum seeks by denied their claim?
This what happen in Western World of that whom seek refugees claimers by USA UK and other rich nation invading many ways of poor countries?
The refugees are victimizes of system of Un-Democracy , War and by an Invading by USA or UK OR other white nation politics of ‘democracy’.
Leading countries are :For Example UK, USA, Canada, Japan, Austrails, New-Zealand, Germany ,France Italy, Norway, and Sweden are leading nations who closed doors for Refugees? ?
The Muslim refugees must go to rich countries should no that come country like Sri lanka is more poor than before 2015 January .
mohamed / September 29, 2017
To rectify this any one can come on the road and shout ‘Para Thambiya’, ‘Keri Marakkalaya’ etc. and threaten the Muslims of Sri Lanka for this.
Is this what you are saying Mr. Assmie Mohamed?
Native Vedda / September 29, 2017
somass Ji, Hela, Ravi Perera, ………………………………………………………….
Is this white shirt wearing bearded thug standing next to the hungry looking lean saffron clad thug your grandson? His face look familiar.
Burt / September 29, 2017
UNHRC has violated nothing. UNHRC did not bring them here. Once one request refugee status the govt has no option other than to turn to UNHRC or settle them by themselves.
Also read Universal Declaration of Human Rights Section 14.
Native Vedda / September 29, 2017
“Also read Universal Declaration of Human Rights Section 14.”
I am surprised you still have high hopes for the saffron clad thugs lead rent a mob.
Native Vedda / September 29, 2017
Asmie Mohammed
“UNHCR has violated sovergerity nation by unlawfully trespass country land her own shelters for undocumented people who have been smuggle by human traffickers back by some UNHRC unknown officials ?”
What are you trying to tell us? Please clarify, doesn’t matter how long it takes you to type your clarification.
Signofthetimes / September 29, 2017
I think you missed the bus here. The refugee safe house which was stormed had persons who were going to another destination from India. They were taken on the high sea by the SL navy and brought here. The UNHCR had placed them in shelter and working on the process of sending them to another country. Please note there are refugees from other countries that have entered SL for a very long time. They are from other countries at various times and been moved to a 3rd nation later. There is a humanitarian issue here. Whats the point of preaching about this great religion when the person who should guide it are behaving thugs. Isn’t this a a shame?
malik / September 29, 2017
Asmie Mohammed
Before you start quoting the so called law, Why has the Sri Lankan Police failed in its duties to prevent and arrest individuals who disturb the peace and commit unlawful acts? No matter the robes????
I would think the Brown Man is responsible for the destruction of Good Policing in sri Lanka, and the Law and Order in sri lanka.
When Gobs and Thugs in robes are allowed to Run riots, even assaulting refugees.
undocumented people???
Bit difficult when they cant for obvious reasons get the documents. I think you might need to read the Charter of the UN when it comes to Refugees. Even a nation like Kiribati are liable for protection of refugees. And I am sure they do a much better job than our goons.
Hamlet / October 2, 2017
The Buddha’s Simple Sivura seems to be an excuse for Uneducated Thugs to reach the Limelight, as Our Pollies have been doing since they took over from the British!
Radical Ideas / September 29, 2017
The problem the country is facing is a JEWISH problem. This is the problem caused and created by the criminal ELITES who are in control of the affairs of the state and its entire apparatus. The JEWISH and BRAHMIN backed TELUNGU infiltrators, meaning the GOVI sect criminals are to be held responsible for this incident and all the incidents that happened in the past and also the evils they have planned for the future. These are the NAYAKKARS from the TELUNGU parts of INDIA who plotted the conspiracy against the last KING of Sri Lanka after serving under his TRUE NATIVE KINGDOM, by working for the BRITISH to unseat the KING and to capture the power for their keep. They have a history of transformation from Being Hindus and then becoming BUDDHISTS, and then to CATHOLISM/CHRISTIANITY for the purpose of serving the BRITISH and now back into BUDDHISM to win back the support of the dumb and blind Sinhala populace to lead them in their affairs.
The Senanayake, Bandaranayake, Jayawardene, Wickremasinghe, Rajapakse, Gunawardene, Gunasignhe, Hewawitharana (Top Racist Anagrika), are some of the GOVI criminal families who have spearheaded the blood spilling RACIST BUDDHIST REVIVAL TERRORISM they unleashed through the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY ( A Jewish invented/funded project to transform HINDU/Buddhist systems to unify in the fight against ISLAM in the early 1900s) by the Jews Blavatsky and Olcott, both of them having embraced Buddhism ( a fake conversion) to infiltrate into the system to make the transformation acceptable to the gullible and stupid Sinhala masses. The GOVI criminals are DECEITFUL, CORRUPT, RACIST, THUGGISH and MURDEROUS Thieves.
malik / September 29, 2017
@Radical Ideas
WHICH boat did you come on???????
It’s High time you with your dum and stupid analysis get on that boat with your fellow travelers..
Good Idea
Radical Ideas / September 30, 2017
Yo Malik, I came in the Telungu boat that had the criminal Vijaya and his gang of thieves and rapists…. these are hustorical garbages….. ok lets talk about something meaningful without wasting everyone’s time and money…….. just read the following i kept preapared……..
The Sri Lankan system is controlled by the Zionists. Also, no one can become a President or a Prime minister if he is not belonging to the Govi sect of the Sinhalese. This Govi sect members are thick racists, corrupt and murderous. So, there is no way to change this status quo until God sends his punishment to this lot by way of a foreign invasion or a devastating war with a foreign country. to be continued……
Radical Ideas / September 30, 2017
Part 2, continued……..
The Govi sect is actually is from an Indian root from the Telungu part. This Telungu set of people are called Nayakkars who served under the local kings under various professions became sinister in planning to capture the ruling powers of the Island nation. So, they always keep their religion and the identity changed to suit the conditions of attaining the trust and the respect of the majority.
In the beginning they were Hindu Brahmins. Then they became Buddhists while serving the local kings. When they knew that the British has an interest in the invasion of the land they plotted with them from behind the back of the true ruling elites of the kingdom and were successful in toppling the native kingdom and joined hands with the enemies by declaring themselves as Christians to earn the favour of British.
The Govis were given enough power under the governor of the British Empire in the positions of Mudliyars and other local community head positions to control the masses on behalf of the British government.
So, when the British government decided to grant independence, they created the elites from the Govis to take over the power from them.
Thus the British educated bourgeois class in the likes of Senanayakes, Bandaranayakes, Gunasinghes, Jayawardenes, Wickremasinghes, Wijewardenes etc became the next holders of power politics.
—-See part3—-
Radical Ideas / September 30, 2017
Part4-continued——That’s why we had almost 99% of the leadership coming from this Govi lot. Only they can become Presidents. Or even the prime ministers
So, the Govis are masters in using divide and rule tactics to keep the non Govis busy fighting one another or become always antagonistic towards the minorities to show the majority that they have an enemy to deal with.
The Govi leaders have the backing of the Jewish system in the world. They are pumped with Jewish influences and money on interest to keep the non Govis always in debt so that they cannot think about coming to power to serve their lot. The present mission of the Govi criminals is to put the country into chaos and total destruction of the economy by bringing in criminal elements to high position in the political order who are corrupt and who can be controlled by manipulation by the Govi.
Radical Ideas / September 30, 2017
——Part 5—–
You can see how they bring in the pick pocket criminals and robbers into their political parties as important
members and have made them ministers and holders of public high positions. Maithree Ranil, both Govis are systematically destroying the system by bringing in most of the condemned politicians back in to the government to be their support Base.
Champika Ranawaka is the racist Mafia gangster,
a thief of public money and a psychopathic criminal who is given or being entrusted
with the job of creating unrest among the minorities and planning almost all the mob violence against them. Mahinda Rajapaksa Govi family are mere thugs, rapists and thieves whom were handed over the power for certain period of time to do the mercenary job to destroy the system in systematic way breaking down the rule of law and install a fascist model that can be taken to the future to rule the masses with an iron fist. They used all the criminal types of methods (trained by the Mossad/CIA/MI6) and brought down the system to the present day gutter levels of which Maithree and Ranil is taking forward in the same methods used by their dear Govi blood relative.
Native Vedda / September 29, 2017
Radical Ideas
“The problem the country is facing is a JEWISH problem. “
Aren’t you the real problem?
Radical Ideas / September 30, 2017
Yo Native Vedda, Just focus your attention to the points i am making with a sharp eye. You see, there are ample evidences available in the open media that we can pick and choose the correct pieces put them together and then connect the dots and THE AMAZEMENT you will be felt as a result will either shatter your long held belief in the acquired knowledge about the whole thing OR you will still remain as one of those dumb masses who are in the millions doing the same thing in believing the mainstream Jew controlled media garbages and commenting on endlessly without any substance to any good to the humanity and be like A dog stupid barking at the mountain (as a sinhala proverb tells). COMING TO THE MAIN POINT…. have you noticed lately that on many occassions, the GOVI masters running to India on political and private missiond and in those trips one thing is always bundled together without a miss…..a visit to the TIRUPATHI TEMPLE and a sure visit to the ASHRAM of SAI BABA?…. what is this? is it BUDDHISM? …. ask the Buddhist experts…….RANIL goes MAHINDA goes and even SIRISENA went there with his family to seek the blessings of the TELUNGU gods. dont you get it now? The Govi crminals have always kept their ancient bloodline connections and their racial traditions undying as they need the power from some source to take to the future and it helps them to commit horrendous crimes in their persuit of attaining the Political Power to keep their progeny going. connect the dots……you see, You need a Radical thinking process and get out of the bix to get to know the real stark truth.
Radical Ideas / September 30, 2017
Part 6—–
We don’t see any stop to racist attacks perpetrated by the same Govis who ruled the previous regime and which is allowed to continue to the present day.
The Govi leaders hate rule of law. Because, if there is a proper rule of law is prevalent then their criminal plans cannot be enforced on the population to keep them under their fascist control. That is why the present government is not taking any action against the racists and for their criminal actions.
For us to know why things are happening this way, always wrong, for that we must dig into the problem to find the root of the origin, to find something In the rabbit hole where there will be Jews, Indian Brahmin ruling class, Burmese secret Jews and the Govi criminals are hiding inside with their agenda and in a secret alliance…. Which is why we see they all supporting each other in their criminal mass murders committed throughout a century….
Aung Sung Tsu kiy is a Transgender Man to Woman Tranny piece who was living with a Jew who happens to be this creature’s husband. Israel has invested in them to conduct much more bad things to the local population. Genocide against Rohingyas is the first….. Along with it is the destruction done to the religion of the Buddha. Its been transformed into a fascist ideology that causes immense danger to the humanity.
Aku / October 1, 2017
Some radical advice – ‘when you talk sh.i, talk softly’…..
Native Vedda / October 2, 2017
Radical Ideas
What is your point if you have one?
Radical Ideas / October 4, 2017
Native Vedda, The point is, there is a historical sinister campaign is going on to destroy this nation with the collaboration of Jews, Brahmins and fake Sinhala Govigama Elite forces. All of them is hiding the real factor behind the Racist policies and draconian laws and the continuous refusal of upholding the Rule of Law by the ruling class, in our case the unbroken chain of Govigama leadership doing everything wrong for the country and never have a solution to the burning issue of Racism, turning a blind eye to the attrocities of the thugs they have deployed as Nationalist minded groups and monks, allowing them to organize mass criminal activities in they perpetrate openly on a daily basis is a sure tell tale sign of a Secret Jewish Agenda. India, Burma and Sri Lanka is on a stupidWarpath with Islam. All of them are secretly and openly connected together with a one single ideological slogan, Islamophibic War on Terror – Asian phase …… This is carried out with the careful guidance of the US, Britain and Israel.
Al-faqurlah / September 29, 2017
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Singha Atygalle / October 5, 2017
Your ignorance is chilling. Go back to the history books before you spout any more gobbledygook. You are worse than the saffron-robed thugs. This is mythos, and not even historia. It’s forgery and counterfeit history. Your literalization of phantasmagoria can only lead to genocide.
Ralli Ameen / September 29, 2017
Asmie Mohammed, I know why you are spitting so much fire on UNHCR. May be you was a refugee deported from a Western country.
Al-faqurlah / September 29, 2017
Ralli Bin Balli, you are a refugee deported by Portuguese to Kandyan Kingdom
Ralli Ameen / September 30, 2017
Oooooh Al-fuk I am so Happy.
Al-faqurlah / September 30, 2017
Stop attacking Buddhists who saved you from extinction, you ungrateful idiot.
Ralli Ameen / October 6, 2017
Al-fuk donkey, who is attacking Buddhism? Go through all my post and just give me one where I have attacked Buddha and Buddhism. None, but I have attacked all racist.
Raj / September 29, 2017
Asmie, you have got your facts all twisted. There maybe countries like the US, UK & Australia who are not sympathetic to refugees but certainly some European countries, such as, Germany, Italy, Greece & Scandinavian countries have done more, despite a backlash from some of their own citizens. However, I agree that, particularly, rich Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran & even Malaysia & Indonesia should take an active role to help their Muslim brothers, than poor countries like Bangladesh & Sri Lanka.
whywhy / September 30, 2017
Raj ,
While providing shelter to fleeing refugees in other countries
is a timely action , the world must act to stop the genocide
so that refugee crisis settles down . The world that is rushing
to punish Iraq, Afganistan and Syria must do the same elsewhere
when human rights loudly violated and UN calls unheeded . Can
not understand why the world choose to act against barbarism
selectively ! In Srilanka , a section of Buddhist monks together
with a selected lot of thugs are publicly going round doing
everything necessary towards a Myanmar style scenario to the
Muslims . Present government is well placed to take action to
reverse the trend but foolishly tries to avoid clashing with the
perpetrators . Thugs are led by the monks , and it is funny that
monks are left free and only one thug is spotted in this Mt lavinia
episode ! Is this independent police commission or a Police
commission private Ltd ?
Chitra / September 30, 2017
“How can UNHRC of UNO agency under the banner of” Refugees” can forcefully bring Muslim refugees into Sri lanka?”
You seem incapable of reading articles and grasping what has been written…..the UNHRC did NOT forcefully bring any refugees to Sri Lanka. They did what they do all over the world, make sure people with no means or rights are protected, until they can be safely settled down.
Your comment is long and wrong.
Mallaiyuran / September 30, 2017
Even countries who has been that rectified UNHRC conventions has send back to hundred thousands of the asylum seek back country of Origin
Did you share your collection with Tony Abbott? If you had, he would have allowed more of Old Prince’s Navels junkyard boards to land. More income. It is your greediness destroyed from using the Geneva convention in proper way!
Aku / October 1, 2017
Gosh Asmie… are you human??? Follow this golden rule – when you talk shit… talk softly… You are such an inhuman bastard and should be shot with your own shit!!! You a muslim??? What are doing in a so called ‘buddhist cuntry’???
Justice & Fairplay / October 2, 2017
Dear Mr Asmie Mohammed,
I think you are talking through your fundamental orifice.
Leonard / October 7, 2017
Asmie Mohammed
Where do you get your facts from fake news or you just get up in the morning decide to make some noise. Tit bit of information for you to get hyped about in the fiscal year 2016 US admitted the highest number of Muslim refugee’s over 45000. I have to admit it’s become insignificant and miniscule compare to what was it now number 40 was it? refugees in a safe house waiting to shipped to a third country. Mind boggles, I know no need to come back with usual histrionics how America and the Western nations are the evil war mongers. Trump is the incantation of devil himself China, North Korea, Egypt are among the heavenly countries to live but Many Sri Lankans rather get in to evil empires in the West any means possible now go figure that.
Chitra / September 29, 2017
How convenient that they have failed to apprehend the thugs, who is very easily identifiable, and easy to find. What have we here? An incompetent police force?
Our entire system is corrupted by politicians and big shots in the government, who protect these trouble makers, filled with hate. If the government does not hold these thugs in saffron robes, and others who joined them, accountable for this ugly incident, it will embolden other racists rats, to act up too. Throw them in jail.
Native Vedda / September 29, 2017
Ben Hurling
I am repeatedly told how the Sinhalese people have helped the Tamils when the 1983 riots broke out. I accept they did help. Good. However, did the the good kind hearted people challenge the thugs, who were lead by local well known saffron clad thugs?
On these clips we see even the Police is very reluctant to challenge these thugs. The saffronista are more powerful than the state, because the grant duke of Assgiria does not see the actions of these thugs as criminal act but as service to the grant nation, protecting it from whoever it is, according to their paranoia at the time of the incident.
Where are the good kind hearted Sinhalese and Buddhists who say they do not agree with such violence but reluctant to challenge these thugs on the streets, at the Viharas, ……….. . Unless these thugs are confronted by real people at the moment of these conflicts, the goons are going to replicate through out the country, under different circumstances. Where is counter demonstartion by the good people.
When good people keep mum, fascists take over not only your assets, mind, thought process, life …………………… eventually your women folks.
Ben Hurling / September 29, 2017
We are all being BITCH-SLAPPED by racial and religious extremists. I feel personally humiliated myself.
Jimsofty / September 29, 2017
Brain Dead Native Veddo: did you Tamils ever apologize for what you barbarians did to Sinhala and msulims people ?. Instead, you refuse to accept that you are South Indians and want more. Why YOu South Indian immigrents continue to think that you are superior to the native Sinhalas ?
whywhy / September 30, 2017
Hi Jim ,
How nice to see you feeling for Muslims ! What do you like
for lunch , Biriyani ?
Native Vedda / September 30, 2017
“What do you like for lunch , Biriyani ?”
With Watalappam, only if free.
Don’t forget Jimsofty the Dimwit is a Sinhala/Buddhist hence he likes Chicken Biryani and Devilled Beef on the side.
wannihami / September 30, 2017
Many many household in Colombo sheltered Tamils during the 1983 riot which in fact was sponsored by the goons of the then government. The ordinary Sinhalese did not have the power to stop a government sponsored riot. The sporadic violence towards Muslim establishments that we see from time to time in the recent past is also sponsored, and not a grass roots or spontaneous movement, that is why the monks who are involved are never arrested. Mate rather than getting your knickers in a twist and throwing scat in every direction, sit on your tail (bone) and think a little, and offer some constructive comment. You are embarrassing the old school tie etc.
Burt / September 29, 2017
The President and PM are still silent on the issue. Asgaria and ||Malwatte Mahanayake cannot control their monks but want to tell the govt how to run the country.
This should be a good opportunity remove religion from the constitution and give due place to the constitution which is the supreme law of the land.
Native Vedda / September 29, 2017
“Malwatte Mahanayake cannot control their monks but want to tell the govt how to run the country.”
Grant Duke of Malawatte is too busy planning to ambush the new constitution process. Tell me one incident in which the Grant Duke condemned organised violence against minorities in this country.
Coolio / September 29, 2017
This is going to be a nother case that’s going to perform miracles in the police & judiciary systems, a repeat of the recent Gnanasara saga. Lets face it the yahapalana govt is spineless in the face of these saffron robed terrorists. Just as with the mad monk Gnanasara, the police will find it impossible to locate these fanatics, and when they finally surrender to courts they’ll be given express bail with speeds faster than a 5G network. In between we can see some entertaining rallies and protests in support of these radical terrorist elements. The asgiriya sanga mudalali’s will be at the forefront of these protests threatening the spineless govt. There’s a clear cut reason why this country’s own people are of the opinion that it’s a banana republic. Shame on the boru drama this govt is going to perform in the coming days regarding these thakkadiyas & kattadiyas. Everybody knows the script by now lol. At the end of the day the dirty monks always win and this govt is gearing up to go home in 2020. The sanga mudalali’s are not going to support ranil or my3 no matter how much back scratching these two idiots do to the mad monks. So they might as well put these radicals in prison and appeal to the saner people of this country, afterall its the silent majority that brought this govt into power and not these radicals who are few in number, and are attacking this spineless govt at every turn.
Jimsofty / September 29, 2017
This is very definitely a setup. It looks two young monks were also caught in it. Similar incidences happened during the TRUMP’s elections ralleys. the oppositio democratic party sent organized squads to make unrest and destructive acts. We do not see any violence by buddhist monks except some hooligans shouting babging pieces of wood. It is all acting for the photographers. Otherwise the Bangladeshi Muslims i Sri lanka are because of people smuggling since 2008. Eventually they are moveing to particualr western countries. Probably, they will make Arakhin State Liberation Front living in Exile. This is definitely something i nthe making.
Balu Gnane / September 29, 2017
The third class thug Dan Priyasad is busy pulling off a ‘Gnanasara’. The thug has posted a video saying that he is in hiding after cops visited his house to arrest him. Isn’t this exactly what gnane did a few months back? I already know where this story is headed, so yawwwnnnn…the police, the buddist thugs and the judiciary need to pull off some new stunts instead of the same old tricks, to keep us folks entertained. Our taste in the hamuduru entertainment industry only gets better you know? ZzzzzzzzzzzZ…
SSL / September 29, 2017
Whoever compiled this news item has made an unsuccessful attempt to tarnish the image of Maha Sangha in Sri Lanka. Maha Sangha of Sri Lanka is duty bound and entrusted to ensure the existence of the country of Sinhala Buddhists; SRI LANKA (Actually SWARNA LANKA is the original name of this island nation) . I have viewed the video, and there is no evidence of of any physical or verbal attacks on Rohingyas as claimed by the writer or the atheist and fun loving whisky guzzling Ministers of the present government of the country. The present government has mislead the people; they have publicly claimed that there are no Rohingyas in the country a few days earlier. But contrary to their claims, a particular Buddhist organization has come to know that Rohingyas are roaming in Colombo. They have been housed among the civilians. They are illegal bunch of foreigners. If UNHCR was responsible, there should have been UN flag or some UN sign with police protection in the luxury building that Rohigyas were housed. The government of Ranil (non Buddhist)and the atheist ministers have deliberately provoked the Sinhala Buddhists with this sinister ploy to tarnish the image of Maha Sangha. The government must have decency to apologise for defaming Maha Sangha revered by the Sinhala Buddhists.
Hamlet / September 29, 2017
If this is the Buddhism that these ‘Saffron Robed Thugs’ are trying to save;
I would ask them to go back to a Pirivena and Study the Buddha’s Dhamma, of Love and Compassion!
Have they ever had an Education in Dhamma before Ordination?
SSL / September 29, 2017
Salam Alaikum Ham;
Maha Sangha will fulfill their duty to protect the land blessed by Lord Buddha many times. We do not need pretentious Buddhist political leaders and their Muslim lackeys or the perverts and atheist politicians to protect our nation.
Pirivenas are not like “Madrasas” that you came from. For your information , Kelaniya and Jayawardenepura Universities were Pirivenas, (Vidyankara Privena and Vidyodaya Pirivena) most likely ignorant like present day Muslim extremists were born.
Allah Karim
Hamlet / October 1, 2017
By the Way, SSL; I am a Sinhalese and a Practising Buddhist, so you need not insult Muslims unnecessarily!
‘Maha Sangha’ are not Gods, so cannot protect our Country. They can only do so by Following Righteously the ‘Ariya Astangika Margaya’ and the Four Noble Truths!
As The Buddha Himself said, ‘Buddha’s Only Show the Way’; All the Effort must be made by us!
Fearless / October 1, 2017
A message for you to the Maha crap…. You are terrorists in robes and this is all a part of the tsunami rouge to cause trouble and trying to force trouble… So this is what Buddhism teaches you??? Are you monks human??? No!!! You are just ‘punk monks…
Arrow / September 29, 2017
SSL you moron, what’s there to hide? How and when did the govt lie about refugees? Don’t you village idiots own a tv? These refugees were intercepted by the navy back in APRIL and it was all over the news! Everybody knew they were here except you sinhala buddist fanatics who only know how to repeat these blantant lies that the robed thugs spread. Its not the governments fault that you idiots don’t own a tv and are too illiterate to read a newspaper! THE GOVERNMENT SAID THEY WON’T LET IN ANY NEW REFUGEES FROM THE LATEST CYCLE OF VIOLENCE IN MYANMAR! And they stayed true to their word! Unfortunately you buffoons run around screaming that the govt lied to you which they did not! Your thattayas and their goons are first class illiterate morons!
SSL / September 29, 2017
Salaam Malikum Naana;
“How and when did the govt lie about refugees? Don’t you village idiots own a tv? These refugees were intercepted by the navy back in APRIL and it was all over the news!”
Naana you seem to be another delusional Muslim extremist suffering from “Selective Memory Syndrome” Spin it as much as possible. The illegitimate government said those brought by Navy have resettled in other countries and there are no Rohingyas in our beloved land of Sinhala people.
paul / September 29, 2017
‘Whoever compiled this news item has made an unsuccessful attempt to tarnish the image of Maha Sangha’
The Maha Sangha does not need others to tarnish its image, it is quite capable of doing that itself.
Native Vedda / September 29, 2017
“Whoever compiled this news item has made an unsuccessful attempt to tarnish the image of Maha Sangha in Sri Lanka. “
Was there anything left of the Maha Sangha to tarnish. The then Malawattu attempted to kill the king Kirti Sri Rajasimha in an elaborate failed plot. The first political assassination was not carried out by JVP/LTTE but by a saffron clad murderer. Monasteries under grant dukes had their own slaves until the white man abolished slavery.
On one incident Grant Duke’s special representative at the round table conference suggested JR destroyed entire Vanni jungle in order to deny LTTE the cover.
Did the grant dukes condemn the killings of innocent youth in 1971 and between 1987 and 1990? Probably these saffron clad men were hiding behind their grand mother.
When and where did the grant dukes condemn race riots against the minorities? What actually are their contribution to the people, country and the world at large?
You suffer from a serious sickness of selective amnesia, ………………… paranoia, ………….
SSL / September 29, 2017
“The first political assassination was not carried out by JVP/LTTE but by a saffron clad murderer. “
Bloody humbug. Truth was never revealed at the commission appointed to inquire into assassination of SWRDB, the Malayali Christian (Like you) who converted to buddhism to hoodwink the Sinhala Buddhist. You cannot come to a conclusion that Buddhist Monk was responsible; just because that is what the anti Buddhist forces want to hear.
Can you say definitively how D.S.Senanayake died. (Just because the police report says he had a heart attack, collapsed and fell off a horse); that is real horse shit. There was no commission of inquiry for his death. There were two guys with him at that time, do you know who were those guys. Speculations, speculations and speculations. Anti Sinhala Buddhist forces keep on spinning the story.
So N.V for your information the accused monk died as a Christian not as a Buddhist Monk. Why don’t you spin that too.
Native Vedda / September 30, 2017
Suspense thriller, you type well under paranoia far better than Agatha Christie.
Keep typing, one day you will be invited to update Mahawamsa, or you could type a volume of Chutiwamsa.
Any other plots that you are aware of?
SSL / September 30, 2017
It is not marvelous, It is a TRAGEDY.
Attempts to dispute or denigrate Mahavamsa have been waged by Non Sinhala Buddhists, I am aware of that fact. However, the DARKEST ERA of History originated with the death of Hon. D.S.Senananayake. We are living in that DARKEST ERA, the end is in no-sight. Some agents of darkness predicting they will drag the period until 2025.
The only plot I am aware of is “jackals like you are feeding the hyenas engaged in divisive politics in Sri Lanka” These Jackals do not miss a chance to exaggerate inconsequential events to polarized various ethnic groups. For example; the spontaneous visit made by(somewhat energetic group of Buddhists) Rohingyas’ luxury accommodation retained in Colombo under different ruses of the present regime.
Native Vedda / September 30, 2017
Please revert back to your earlier version. You are repeating almost every word like your previous avatar.
Be a man, stick to one pseudonym.
SSL / September 30, 2017
Looks like you have hit the bottom on this topic, if you have any substantial matter, bring it on! SSL will be SSL
whywhy / October 2, 2017
Case no : 2030/17 at Gangodawila courts against a police man
serving at Mirihana police for sexual abuse of Rahingyan
asylum seeker tells many things , not just one thing about the
pathetic state of our institutions . To add more to it , Monks,
thugs and spectators who are Buddhist Sinhala public
alongside the police , exhibited to the whole world what they
are capable of . It is now being disclosed that , relatives and
friends of the accused in the above case were involved in
the attack of these Rohigyans and it is not hard to guess why
the police wanted behave how they behaved ! No need to
drag it endlessly . The police of Mt Lavinia , Monks , Goons
friends and relatives of a policeman accused of sexual assault
all together shouting to deport the UN assisted and lawful
asylum seekers who are just rescued from the sea and brought
to temporary shelter . One must be ashamed to find excuses
or trying to hide under early stone age unverified glories .
jmmy / September 30, 2017
I read a book about the assassination of SWRD written by a retired police officer involved in the investigation. As I dont have the book I quote from wikipedia:
The Conspiracy was hatched by Mapitigama Buddharakkitha Thero, the chief incumbent of the Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara, Somarama Thero reluctantly consented to assassinate the Prime Minister, “for the greater good of his country, race and religion”.Although Buddharakkitha Thero attributed Bandaranaike’s failure to aggressively pursue the Nationalist reforms as the motive to eliminate him, the real reason appeared to be the Prime Minister’s refusal to award business deals, in particular a shipping contract, to a company floated by the Chief Priest, Mapitigama Buddharakkitha Thero.
“The Malayali Christian (Like you) who converted to buddhism to hoodwink the Sinhala Buddhist” . He was 14 when he when he was robed so are you saying that this was a elaborate plan hatched several years before by the Christians?
What excuse do you have for Mapitigama Buddharakkitha Thero? Was he a Christian as well who became a Buddhist to hoodwink the Sinhala Buddhist?
If these are your theories then could it be possible the present robed monks who are trying to create another 83 against the Muslims are Christians as well who are trying to hoodwink the Sinhala Buddhist?
Native Vedda / September 30, 2017
SSL, sach, ……………………..Shenal, ……………… and few others type anything as they go along without citing any source. The sole aim is to tire you out .
We should not take them seriously. Instead let us have free fun with them.
SSL / September 30, 2017
Dear Jim Softy;
I think you have forgotten or conveniently drop the name of the woman involved in the conspiracy, WIMALA WIJEWARDENE. The conspiracy has not been fully revealed and therefore we should not believed everything that was documented by the arch-enemies of Sinhala Buddhists. Also, it is not secret that Buddharakkitha was a “Dusseela Hamuduruwo” ,and I do not disagree with you but it does not lend license to the all the non Buddhists to denigrate Maha Sangha.
Sorry, I don’t understand the relevance of 14 year old boy. But SWRDB (Malayali Christian) knew fully well as an adult, that his dream and his fathers dream will not be realized in Sri Lanka, until he pretends to be a Buddhist.
jmmy / September 30, 2017
I am not Jim Softy,
Sorry I thought you were referring to Somarama Thero as convert to Buddhism as a christian conspiracy against Buddhism.
So lets clarify a few things:
1) Somarama Thero who assassinated SWRD was a Sinhalese Buddhist ?
2) Mapitigama Buddharakkitha Thero was a Sinhalese Buddhist?
3) I did not know about Wimala Wijewardena. But Wasn’t she a Buddhist Sinhalese?
So from where does the Christian Conspiracy come in?
It is funny with some of you Sinhalese. SWRD is venerated by the Sinhalese as a great Sinhalese Nationalist Buddhist leader who remedied the injustices done to the Sinhalese by the British.
Now you claim that he was a pretender.
“non Buddhists to denigrate Maha Sangha.” This has been done by Maha Sangha themselves. By playing politics to suit politicians and behaving like common thugs they have brought disrepute to themselves.
These days when ever I see Monks I worry as i think they are going somewhere to create mischief.
SSL / September 30, 2017
Wimala Wijewardene was a Buddhist only by the label.
“SWRD is venerated by the Sinhalese as a great Sinhalese Nationalist Buddhist leader who remedied the injustices done to the Sinhalese by the British.”
It is an interpretation and a deceit carefully planted by the politicians in the mind of the Sinhala Buddhists. A part of the strategy to keep the Sinhala Buddhist Majority divided forever in order to ensure the grip on power in Sri Lankan politics. Just imagine what will happen to Ranil and Mahinda Rajapaksa (Rajapaksa family) , if all Sinhala Buddhists opt to rally around a leader like Modhi, a leader brought to power by the Hindu majority in India. Moreover, SWRDB’s economic and cultural/language policies were introduced to strengthen his political party’s elect-ability factor, not to help Sinhala Buddhists or the nation. In fact SWRDB’s social experiment of planting discord and false hopes among Sinhala Buddhists immensely contributed to the war with Tamil citizens that lasted more than 25 years and turned Sri Lanka into a Banana republic besieged by corruption.
“I see Monks I worry as i think they are going somewhere to create mischief.”
That is your personal problem; you are free to have your own judgement.
Mallaiyuran / October 1, 2017
I thought you the Old Royals did it through the Vapa that time so you guys can kill Prabhakaran and LTTE and convert the country into Buddhism only, instead of SWRD’s Sinhala only.
But you think Christian did it? Interesting.
So one Christian wanted to be killed so he became as Buddhist and acted like saving the Sinhala Buddhist. Another Christian became a Buddhist monk and acted like saving the Sinhalese even better than the first. Then there was a competition which Christian saves the Buddhist better in that second one killed first Christians? At the end the survived one became Christian again? Interesting tale.
But the thing I still want to figure out is why the Christians charge relions to kill and get killed. Is that some think like “Straight Road” is better place for Duals? Buddhism seems to very convenient spot for these jobs, with Buddha compassionately giving out free licenses to muder and protection for impunity? .
Citizen / October 1, 2017
Wimala Wijewardene was a Buddhist only by the label.???
Is this right??? Like you and this Maha crap??? and like the Boru Bana Scoundrels and so many more??? You mean you have been bullshitting Sri Lanka in the guise of a Buddhist??? Wow… now this makes sense … robed terrorists… By the way, can you define WHO a Sinhala Buddhist is??? And whats so different from other genuine Buddhists around the World??? If this Sinhala Buddhist is so special, why do you visit other Buddhist Countries for ‘blessings’ and stuff???
Jmmy / October 2, 2017
“It is an interpretation and a deceit carefully planted by the politicians in the mind of the Sinhala Buddhists”
Which politicians? Can you name them please.
“Just imagine what will happen to Ranil and Mahinda Rajapaksa (Rajapaksa family) , if all Sinhala Buddhists opt to rally around a leader like Modhi, a leader brought to power by the Hindu majority in India”
Modhi is a murderer. So you want a Sinhalese Buddhist who murders a few thousand people in Sri Lanka to be your leader. Preferably it seems you want this leader to kill a few thousand Muslims to prove his eligibility to lead the Sinhalese Buddhist. That’s why it seems their is a race by BBS,Sinhala Ravaya to create a situation similar to 83.
By the way were these Sinhalese Buddhist or Label Buddhist:
1) Sirimavo Bandaranayake
2) Premadasa
3) Mahinda Rajapakse
Goraka / September 29, 2017
SSL, Monks will single-handedly tarnish Buddhism. You don’t need anyone else do that job.
SSL / September 29, 2017
Sala Alaikum Goraka Naana;
That is something that we the Sinhala Buddhists must worry about. You a Non-Buddhist and others like you have to worry about your religion, if you have any.
Allah karim
Monkey / October 2, 2017
SSL… Have you read the crap you have written??? You need something hard where the sun doesn’t shine and am sure there will be many takers in your sanga.. You are a big frustrated lot…
harry hatton / September 29, 2017
A lot of Sri Lankans go to western countries on false pretenses and remain there as economic refugees. When a Sri lankan gets into USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand , Canada, Germany ,Italy etc they will do anything and every thing to make it a permanent stay. They will take full advantage of the situation making money, education for children, family reunion etc.
Because they earn good money there even families at home prosper
As a result of their illegal entry even genuine travelers are harassed by Visa officers in Colombo.
Sri Lankan travelers are looked at with suspicion by them. We are considered unreliable liars and conmen. Now even countries like Thailand have tightened the rules for Sri Lankans.
It seems most countries treat Sri Lankans with contempt.
whywhy / October 2, 2017
harry hatton ,
“even genuine travellers are harassed by Visa officers.”
You mean , travellers like Basil , Gota and Karuna Amman ?
Ad / September 29, 2017
Hatred breeds hatred. Our Sinhalese Buddhist monkeys are spreading hatred for no reason. It is common sense that the refugees case would be correctly handled by the authorities. What has these monkeys got to do with breaching the peace? Police has to be empowered to arrest these monkeys and their lackeys should be immediately remanded for disturbing the peace. As a further punishment all these monkeys should be de-robed to keep the respect of other decent monks. Attacking some community will cause attacks somewhere else and it is a continuing episode. It is now becoming a priority to regard human beings more humane than being religious.
Raizuh Langai / September 29, 2017
Gon Prasad & his cahoots should know when someone illegally enters SL the political leadership along with the Immigration authorities take a decision. If they claim To be refugees, SL being a country signatory UNHCR charter takes steps to shelter them with the concurrence of the UNHCR officesin SL.
Now Gona & Co has misused to the maximum right to express views & protest. If we the people behave like this at the drop of a hat, then governments can’t function. This has to be stopped before we lose our right/ freedom to express.
Please don’t make “White Vans ” reappear in our streets.
Upali / September 29, 2017
Its time that we convene a Sangha Council and wean away thugs in saffron robes. We must show them where they belong to. They are going against Buddhas teachings and trying to prolong the sinhala buddhists stay in samsara an suffer. If we buddhists follow buddhas teachings we will all attain nibbana and vanish from earth. no buddhist can say that sinhala race is threatened with extinction According to buddhism lt should happen ..
whywhy / October 3, 2017
Upali ,
There are , round about a million Sinhalese living in all parts
of the world but learning nearly nothing valuable about
living with different cultures , an experience that should not
be missed . Anyone who speaks another language must also
learn and understand the value of that culture by interacting
closely with them , it is an opportunity , especially English,
German, French , Italian and Arabic speakers who are living
or working in those countries . It is very unfortunate that
many of those writing the most despicable comments here
in good English are doing it for a very negative purpose
with that knowledge and they are under the impression that
this serves their faith and the culture but back at home , all
of them are standing naked with all their weaknesses fully
exposed everyday from the very top to the bottom . Bribery,
corruption , fraud , robbery , drugs , rapes , suicides , murders ,
adultery , lies and deception at all levels ! And the Monks
have nothing useful to do except sending all these sinners
in this world to Nirvana after their demise and making more
sinners through acts like organizing attacks against
defenceless and stateless destitute mothers and children .
Monks are abusing their robes in public for everyone to see
without a sense of shame and today we have an educated
crowd to oil it and shamelessly feel proud of it !
Ceylonese / September 29, 2017
This is a national tragedy. The primary objective of a Police Force is to protect the innocents, hapless and the helpless from acts of evil by thugs and criminal elements. It is indeed most disgraceful that the Srilanka Police Force is doing the very opposite of what it there for in the first place and most unashamedly stand shoulder to shoulder with dastard criminals.
MR / September 29, 2017
Northern Provincial Council has passed a resolution unanimously, brought by its member Sivajilingam, to give refuge in the northern province to those Rohingya community members detained in Boosa.
Well done members of NPC ! !
Seneka UK / September 29, 2017
The Sri Lankan Buddhist monks who are real thugs insult the religion, Why does not Police arrest all these thugs. This sort of activity not only disgrace to the buddhist religion, it is also disgrace to the whole country.
Estate Labourer / September 29, 2017
India’s sacred cows give milk and have four legs, Sri Lanka’s sacred cows have two legs, bald heads and wear saffron robes. Any police officer who arrests, puts in a cell and files charges against a sacred cow here will be admonished and transferred to a difficult area the following week. You can verify this with the IGP.
Chitra / September 29, 2017
Why indeed? What makes these thuggish Buddhist monks exempt from being punished under our laws, and thrown in jail? They keep behaving like goons, terrorizing the minority, because the know they can get away with it, time and time again. What make our leaders afraid? Why are the Mahanayakes speaking against these thugs, who bring disgrace and embarrassment to the religion? Are getting votes far greater than having peace in this country? Why are these rabble rousers always getting away with hate mongering and rabble rousing?
Disrobe these thugs and have some kind of standards in the clergy.
Neesha Bitchwal / September 29, 2017
Arrest Warrant Issued by courts, arrested and produced to courts then bailed out or, arrested, remanded, prison hospital next court date bailed out. The Government as usual is lethargic as Ranil and Sira and the Maha Sangha not coming forward to put a full stop to this complex issue.
I appeal to the UN please for gods sake please set up a hybrid court in SriLanka with International Judges.
Plato. / September 29, 2017
The Republic of Srilanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana………..
Well this is what the Constitution says and the Police will not raise even a little finger to arrest Buddhist Monks,even though they have been rightly identified as Saffron Robed Thugs!
Native Vedda / September 30, 2017
“the Police will not raise even a little finger to arrest Buddhist Monks,even though they have been rightly identified as Saffron Robed Thugs!”
Please remember 99.999999999999999999999999% of the police force is manned by Sinhala/Buddhists, some of them are fascists like the saffron clad thugs.
roy / September 29, 2017
shame shame shame, My dear real Buddhist brothers, don,t fall for these fake Buddhists who are destroying the image of Buddhism.
I have seen Dan Prasad at Ballys casino playing big money and flirting with chinese hookers, he has a connection with MaRa and a bunch of racist Buddhist businessmen.
This devil Dan Prasad and the horrendous fake monks are not doing this for love of Buddhism ,they are doing this for money and fame. These thugs have taken the law into their own hands and doing these atrocities repeatedly and getting away. Is our Police force one of the worst in the world or they don’t have power. The real Buddhist Brothers ,you have seen Dharmista Yahaplanaya and so forth in the past and nothing is working . Its high time the good Buddhists to unite and fight against these animals to bring this to end to make to bring respect to Buddhism and to make Mother Lanka a peaceful and respectable place to live.
Hamlet / October 4, 2017
‘…these fake Buddhists who are destroying the Image of Buddhism.’ look as if they are on ‘Mind Changing’ Drugs, like the Gunman in Las Vegas!
The first problem for the Government and Police to solve, would be to stop this Trafficking in Illicit Drugs!
“Surameraya, Majjha Pama Dhattana, Veramani Sikkha Padam Samadiyami”
Which, Users have conveniently understood to mean, that it is OK to take Alcohol and Drugs as long as it is in Moderate Proportions! (Madhya Pramanayen)
Thengai Srinivasan / September 29, 2017
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/
lanki / September 29, 2017
Is this issue related to the type of Buddhism that is followed in Sri Lanka? If we look at Burma and Sri Lanka, Theravada Buddhism is followed and in both countries the Buddhist Monks are violent. Contrary to this in countries like Japan where Mahayana Buddhism is followed we do not see violence.
Champa / September 29, 2017
Exposing smugglers is not a crime. Because of the protest organized by Buddhist priests it came to light. Arrest smugglers, Muslim Ministers and Muslim lawyers who are in the racket.
Hey, how about Vijayakala Maheswari, who gave protection to Vithiya’s rapist, Swiss Kumar???
Before laying hands on Buddhist priests, ARREST Vijayakala and file charges against her. She is a despicable woman who supported rapists.
She is the State Minister for Child Affairs!!! Disgrace.
Vijayakala should be sacked from her Ministerial Post and sent to jail for 50-year Rigorous Imprisonment for aiding and abetting a rapist of an underage Tamil girl, to flee.
Why didn’t the court order her arrest?
I heard that Swiss Kumar’s gang who raped Vithiya made an appeal. What is the law in this country? Rapists who found guilty without any doubt can make appeals? Will they file bail applications too??? No way!!!
Goraka / September 29, 2017
Never forget the brave Sri Lankan Navy (presumably good Buddhists) who saved these Rohinga refugees, whereas the Buddhist monks and their supporters were acting like thugs.
Sri Lanka Police are just tax-payers paid onlookers. Useless scums.
Jimsofty / September 29, 2017
CT is in some organized campaign again buddhist monks in the world. It looks even the new commentators are bought for some specific purpose.
Champa / September 30, 2017
Don’t worry Jimsofty. Our number is more than enough to elect a strong government without minority votes. Buddhists should get together and vote for one Buddhist candidate. That’s all. Sinhalese Buddhists are now more united than they were in 2015.
Native Vedda / September 30, 2017
Champa the patriotic practitioner of the oldest profession.
“Buddhists should get together and vote for one Buddhist candidate. “
True they Buddhists should. However where would you find Buddhist candidates?Maybe in Tibet.
“Sinhalese Buddhists are now more united than they were in 2015.”
Are they? They are turning themselves into fascists, soon the are likely to hit the bottom.
SSL / October 1, 2017
Thanks Champa; you said it right. This ploy of dividing Sinhala Buddhists were masterminded by several power hungry politicians in Sri Lanka. Minority thinks that they are the “King makers”
Hamlet / September 30, 2017
Are you Soft in your Head?
There is no ‘organized campaign’ against Good Buddhist Monks!
The Campaign is against the ‘Saffron Robed Thugs’ who don’t have an Inkling of what the Buddha Taught, and are creating Antipathy towards Buddhism!
Who is paying them to do it?
yusuf / October 1, 2017
Dumb Jimmy,
Yes, the following are receiving $ 250 from Wirathu for each comment supporting Buddhist monk terrorism:
Champa, SSL, Lion, Johnny, Wannihami.
I hear Dumb Jimmy gets only 50 cents.
K.Pillai / September 29, 2017
CT ~ “UN Safe House Attack: Police Fail To Nab Saffron Thugs”
Lankans know that the police follow orders of the puppeteers.
Inside the article ~ “On Wednesday Minister of Finance and Media Mangala Samaraweera and government spokesman Minister Rajitha Senaratne have condemned the mob lead by Buddhist monks and urged police to take action against the perpetrators”
Truly pathetic – two senior ministers confessing that the police are not heeding the GoSL.
The drama is a precursor to what is in store over constitutional reforms.
SJ / September 29, 2017
Look on the positive side: two of them denounced it.
What do the others think?
SJ / September 29, 2017
Look on the positive side: two of them denounced it.
What do the others think?
Plato. / September 29, 2017
I do agree with you on the issue with respect to Wijekala Maheswaran.
She has no right to hold public office! Protecting a Murderer is as good as Murder!The judgement says that she had been on the road for around two hours until swiss Kumars relatives came from one of those islands off jAFFNA. Why? For the promised Money eh?
Mallaiyuran / October 1, 2017
He is her relative. Her fault is not she protected him from mobs or angry people, but she had duty to hand him over to police that she didn’t do. Further, it was not just Vijayakala, but it is the entire UNP machine attempted protect him.
Goraka / September 29, 2017
Maha Sangha has no backbone in this issue of insult, unless it want to complain about others.
They are self-destructing Buddhism but will keep blaming others.
jehan / September 30, 2017
normal shape mentality. the monkeys did it again. world wide shame for buddhist,represented by monks who support genocide. no justice as usual.
M A C Perera / September 30, 2017
What hypocrisy! The culprits were plain to see for the whole world via the media but our police is still looking for them! What a sham! What hogwash! Shame on the Srilanka police! Repeat of the conduct of the previous infamous regime…
Mallaiyuran / September 30, 2017
Yahapalanaya of DS, in 1948 started running governing staging sagas & dramas, instead of administration. The legacy not just continuing, but if DS become awake, he would be surprised the way the Sinhala intellectuals have nurtured and cared the young boo tree he planted. It is now a “Virudhcham”! Bravo Yahapalanaya!
It is only a matter of minutes for the police to disperse mobs and allow the usual matters to take place. Yahapalanaya is holding the child blocked during the birth (arresting the bald head mobs) just at the minute the head appeared, so it can profit from the cry of the pain of the woman. It is this dirty Yahapalanaya promised to have law order restored in the election to come to power. Until Yahapalanaya finishes its term of sucking out from China and Arabian counties, the staging of sagas has to go and the citizen has to keep enduring the pain of never materializing child birth (the law and order restoration).
Ranil, Malik and Gang have to sell the Hangbangtota to China; collect the commission. Yasmin Sooka issue has to be put to rest; there are many trades Yahapalanaya has to attend now. So the dirty politicians are playing dramas to keep the business moving forward.
Ruling rogues are producing mountains out of mouse hole. How many counts of boats left Lankawe during these barbarians were carrying out their genocide for 70 years? Sunsea was travelling for months in the open Ocean and reached Canada. Did their government played any saga with that? How many Sinhala Buddhist rapist armies have claimed refugee status in foreign countries and now funding the Sinhala extremism with that income?
Mallaiyuran / September 30, 2017
Now Yahapalanaya is issuing challenge to UNHRC that if they sit and watch Jasmin Sooka using Universal Jurisdiction to sue the Yahapalanaya’s war criminal babies in the foreign lands, then they will humiliates the UNHRC’s foreign refugees they holding kidnapped on the high sea. So they are playing the Aluthgama, exactly in same way Chitanta government played it with the help on Muslim Ministers.
The world’s greatest liar Mangala and the cheater Rajitha are the makeup artists of barbaric the face of Yahapalanaya. They are hired only to put beauty face to barbaric, wild life, bestial lion face of the Yahapalanaya. Those two rogues hide their sincerity in their underpants when they come out and face the world on media and lie in words and languages the mobs wouldn’t understand. Mangala, who has nothing to do with this, is making a statement without Buddhist or Muslim Religion ministers with him. Rajitha is one stayed until the boat sank with the Chitanata ruling. New Minister of Buddhism or New Justice Minister or the law and order Sagala, Hakeem, Richard or even IGP did not come out of their summer homes while Mangala was fooling the international Media.
To neutralize Jagathy’s saga, Aanduwa released a fake draft of Secret Solution. Now to neutralize that, it is playing Rohingya Refugees drama. The Muslim-Sinhala Appe Aanduwa, sharing and exchanging the Hero and Villain roles is playing and replaying flaring sagas & dramas to keep its business going.
Is that really honest when the crooks in the government are saying that they cannot control this tiny mob, but going to control the islands wide army and implement the Secret Solution. Didn’t the European envoys and American undersecretary ask the Tamil leaders and mass if they believe Yahapalanaya and the Sinhalese will do anything for Tamils going against their will?