17 January, 2025


Sri Jayewardenapura Hospital Bleeds At The Rate Of Rs 4 Million A Day

Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital (SJGH) currently run by a Board of Directors chaired by Dr. Athula Kahandaliyanage who is an infamous acolyte of the Rajapaksa Regime as well as the current Minister of Health Rajitha Senaratne, is running the hospital at a whopping loss of 4 million rupees a day, Colombo Telegraph can reveal today.

Kahandaliyanage’s career is tainted by securing a politically crafted appointment as the Director General Health Services which was contested in courts. He was also scandalously removed from a full time course at the PGIM for pretending to be present while working at his station. He then rose to the ranks of Secretary Ministry of Health through pure servitude during the infamous tenure of Nimal Siripala De Silva. Kahandaliyange to whom securing, protecting and protracting illegal appointments is a second nature has been the guardian angel of Dr. Susitha Senaratne, political acolyte and stooge of Rajitha Senaratne who has been illegally occupying the office of Director Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital since 26th March 2015. 

Dr Susitha Senaratne, Dr Athula Kahandaliyanage, and Rajith Senaratne

Wool over the eyes of the law

The Board of Directors consisting of noted professionals have been instrumental in putting wool over the eyes of the law since 2015 by supporting Kahandaliyanage in this massive administrative irregularity as they too are acolytes of Rajitha Senaratne. With the exception of the three specialists who represent the interest of the hospital at the Board, no other member has protested this illegal appointment which is costing the hospital stupendous loss of  revenue in the form of spendings and bribes to Susitha Senaratne. 

Susitha Senaratne is intricately involved in the Procurement Process of SJGH and is illegally sitting at the Procurement Committee in his non appointed state. He is in the habit of determining TEC members appointed although it is the duty of the Chairman Procurement Committee, Kahandaliyanage to do so. Senaratne habitually interferes with the technical evaluation process by summoning servile member and dictating TEC reports. These include the maintenance engineer Victor who was found guilty of massive financial fraud through a disciplinary inquiry but was kept scot free for future use. It’s a small wonder that the hapless medical officer Senaratne who came only with his medical officer’s salary to SJGH bought a BMW 5X within one year of office. He crashed this vehicle in to a wall of the hospital and was found in a semi-conscious stupor. He neither paid damages to the hospital nor was an inquiry ordered by Kahandaliyanage. Instead Senaratne was promptly flown to Singapore ‘for medical treatment’ accompanied by Dr Upul Gunasekera, the PR officer of Rajitha Senaratne and close friend of Senaratne, spending public money. Photograph depicting their journey to Singapore below show no reasonable signs of life threatening illness of Senaratne to be air lifted to Singapore.

The quasi Director and the Chairman are in the habit of doctoring and manipulating Board minutes to give the illusion that the hospital is financially well off when the numbers tell a stark and different story.

It is also reliably reported to Colombo Telegraph that without bribing Senaratne no payment is processed at SJGH. If the hospital is doing well financially why is there a 50 million rupee delay in  making the payments for the suppliers of SJGH? This is due to the fact that unless interim bribes are paid to Senaratne no payment reaches the suppliers. In fact a supplier of building works reported to Colombo Telegraph stating “we are tired of paying bribes to the Director and the maintenance engineer. We will never ever look in the direction of SJGH again for another tender”. 

“President is calling me!” 

In early 2018, the hospital accounts were not available for 3 months due to poor financial management and the Board took no action against Senaratne for this stark irregularity and illegality. This financial crisis was notified to the Auditor General and Senaratne famously evaded all attempts by the Auditor General’s Department for scrutiny. Finally when a team from Auditor General Department arrived Senaratne pretended to answer a call on his mobile phone, stating “the President is calling to me his office” and rushed out of the meeting. Subsequently the Auditor General’s Department officials submitted their observations that “Senaratne evaded and fled the audit meeting”. Colombo Telegraph inquiry found that there are no logs of entry of Senaratne to the office of the President, nor President’s Residence on this day. 

A Board Without Morals

It is interesting to note that apart from the three specialists representing the Board no other member has had the administrative or the moral courage to question these serious irregularities. These members include Prof. Janaka De Silva who is a staunch supporter of Senaratne who has not had the professional integrity to question how a Post Graduate Training Institute where the PGIM (where Prof. de Silva is the Director) is sending trainees can be administered by a mere Medical Officer whose only qualification is political stoogery. Senaratne has been liberally commenting on Prof. De Silva at the Ministry of Health and other medical, administrative and counter- GMOA fora stating that he has secured so many favors for both De Silva and his wife (Prof Nilanthi De Silva) with politicians, negotiating political favours for the duo. Similarly Dr. Jayasundera Bandara (former Director General of Health Services) attending SJGH Board kept meek silence even when Senaratne declared to Colombo Telegraph that “qualifications are not necessary to be DGHS of Sri Lanka, and therefore I don’t need qualifications to be Director SJGH”.  

Senaratne boasts that the current DGHS Dr. Anil Jasinghe was selected as DGHS over Dr. Sunil De Alwis (DDG ET&R) who was the most qualified candidate, due to his lobbying and influence on Rajitha Senaratne. Jasinge, accordingly ,has maintained silence on this illegal appointment thus far. Even respected accounting professional and expert auditor Nanda Lalith Senanayake, former DDG of Finance Anula Harasagama, Chamath De Silva, engineer by profession and Chairman of Waters Edge have not had the moral courage to question these administrative and financial frauds. R. Semasinghe famed for his arrest in relation to the infamous Sil Redi fraud of Lalith Weeratunga is the current representative of the treasury at SJGH Board. As a bird of feather he is the closest ally of both Kahandaliyanage and Senaratne is justifying the illegal appointment of Senaratne and a staunch supporter of all forms of fraud executed and perpetuated by the duo. 

The current pathetic declaration of Senaratne is that even if he is kicked out of his non- existent appointment by the courts he will get the Prime Minister to appoint his as Chairman SJGH displacing Kahandaliyanage. 

No Financial Viability

SJGH to date remains dependent on an approximate annual grant of 500 million from the Ministry of Health budget and is completely dependent on the state for payment of salaries and the procurement of equipment. In spite of many a grandiose claims made by Senaratne, minuted by Kahandaliyange at Board meetings, SJGH has plummeted in its financial viability and credibility over the last 3 years. 

In the month of January 2018 the daily loss of SJGH was estimated at 4 million rupees per day in spite of the Chairman and Director screaming from their administrative rooftops that they have made SJGH “financially viable under their best administration”. Colombo Telegraph also draws attention to the first sentence of the document which clearly states” financial performance without considering the recurrent grant”. This clearly indicates that without the recurrent grant of the Ministry of Health SJGH cannot keep its financial nose above water in spite of grandiose fabrications by its Chairman and Director at different fora where they self-glorify their financial achievements.

Machines, Machines And More Machines

Senaratne is in the habit of influencing and coercing specialists to buy machines and consumables from the drug and equipment companies that are providing him inducement. He famously bought an inferior quality machine for the detection of heart attacks to the ETU against the advice of specialists from Analytical Instruments Pvt. Ltd infamous business wheeler dealer of the Ministry of Health. This machine which generates false positive results is endangering the lives of patients who are medicated with strong blood thinners when they do not have a heart attack. 

He has been instrumental in securing janitorial supplies and other service tenders to those who bribe him liberally using the name of Rajitha Senaratne. In the immediate aftermath of his quasi appointment he summoned selected members of the TEC of the janitorial tender and coerced them to award it to Ultrakleen Pvt. Ltd claiming “they donated 1 million to Rajitha Senaratne’s campaign”. This open and public claim made in front of a number of employees shocked the onlookers and finally it was not awarded to the said tenderer by the TEC. It is widely believed that Rajitha Senaratne is largely unaware of the names dropping done by Susitha Senaratne liberally telling the suppliers that they have to bribe up the “Minister’s Share”. Susitha Senaratne also coerces money out of suppliers in the pretext of being Rajitha Senaratne’s relative, due to their shared surname, threatening adverse repercussions if they report to the Minister. 

Colombo Telegraph investigation found that the secretary to the Director Anjana Sendanayake is the mediator for bribery negotiating, recording conversations and touting inducement. It is common knowledge that Sendanayake takes up to Rs 10,000 to 20,000 depending on the amount of bribe for the suppliers and tenderers to meet Senaratne. It is a small wonder that Sendanayake on a junior clerical appointment leads a lavish lifestyle not explained by a clerk’s income. Colombo Telegraph reliably learns that a group of resisters within are in the process of notifying Sendanayake to the Department of Inland Revenue and the Commission of Bribery and Corruption as a collateral measure. 

Breakdown Of Discipline

While Senaratne goes on a rampage of bribe collecting in the name of Rajitha Senaratne, the Minister has been defending Susitha Senaratne at every forum. In a recent 10 day strike where 600 cadre of nurses took part in a continuous strike at SJGH that was a first in its 34 year old history, there was total breakdown of law and order among the employees. Violent and irregular union meetings, hooting, protesting and total breakdown of services ensued. Even after this catastrophic event that endangered the lives of pregnant mothers, ICU patients, young children and neonates Kahandaliyanage shamelessly claims and minutes that “this was the best Director and this is the best administration”. 

Rajitha Senaratne at the height of the said nurses strike made a cameo appearance in the hospital premises to defend and supporting Senaratne shamelessly stating” I have appointed him. No matter how many people strike he will not go” referring to the appointment of Susitha Senaratne to SJGH. However, this appointment is now verdicted to be illegal by court of appeal by its verdict No: CA WRIT 184/2018, suspending Senaratne from the Board of SJGH. (By Chinthika De Silva)

Latest comments

  • 13

    This is a defamatory article, run without any evidence of malpractice causing the losses. You scan the world (Britain, US, Australia or anywhere else) wherepublic hospitals are run at a profit. This is nothing unusual and enemies of current management are using CT to attack whom they do not like. Pity you have fallen for that.

    Remember our free public health system is not there to make profits, But run efficiently to heal those who can’t afford private ‘sick’ care. The losses are part of it. So be it.

    • 7

      Jeevaka ,

      SJGH is Public Private partnership Hospital to the best of my
      knowledge . Patients have to pay for services and the fees are
      fairly low to compare with Private hospitals which is a relief
      to those sitting between the high and low income lots .There
      could be only about two percent of genuine Tender procedures
      even in some highly reputed private companies in the country .
      It is common knowledge that “Tender means commission” in
      the country . You scratch my back and I scratch yours theory
      starts in everyone’s family ! Tell me one single example where
      parents don’t expect children to look after them in their twilight
      age ! One might call it a beautiful culture we possess but the truth
      is , it is politics ! We look at the West even for toilets and we don’t
      see that Children in the West have no such responsibilities but the
      State looks after them , they look after themselves with of course
      proper care from children but not necessarily financial . Only Love .
      So , imagine where everything starts and ends .

    • 13

      I agree that Public Hospitals do not have to run as profitable institutions. What people hate is politicians interfering in management and corruption involved with purchasing using public funds. Although this Government came to power promising to fight against corruption, there is a general agreement among people that corruption is rampant.

    • 5

      What I find interesting is the fact that, while making the accusations you have, you have chosen to conceal YOUR identity behind a pseudonym.
      In all fairness, for the benefit of those who are interested in the truth of this matter, it would help if those contributing to the discussion provide their names and, preferably, their connection to the hospital in question, if any.

      • 8

        Emil ,

        With due respect to you , I think you should not expect anyone
        on this forum to shun their right to appear in pen names or
        what is called ‘pseudonyms.’ Contributions can be rude , funny
        or even false but there is a law to see it and we should leave it
        to them . The police have informants everywhere , their names
        are not disclosed ! What is said in parliament under the cover of
        privilege is not said in public . Politicians accuse each other
        without calling names , why ? For security obviously ! So , why not
        the masters , the general public , follow the same route ?

      • 0

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

    • 7

      These Enormous Egoistic Nincompoops of. GOSL and their equally Egoistic friends should be INVESTIGATED, NOW AND SOON ….for this country to move forward.

      The future generation I mean the children , the Teens and the Kindergarten children are
      CONFUSED , YES Totally confused of the Morals of the Adults , of the Law and Order, including the SPIRITUAL LEADERS ACTIONS OF IMMORALITY AT PRESENT and Past TIMES.

      THE TRUE Patriots are speaking openly for the FIRST TIME About the Morals of the Adults.
      Who will Educate this Young ones of Rights and Wrongs??
      Can we trust any Mafias in Adult forms ? Can the children follow the Paths of the Mafias and choose the Path of Righteousness ???
      These confused generations are good for what in their ADULT LIFE??
      Will they follow the RAJABALLA OFFSPRINGS AND THE OTHERS WHO HAVE LOOTED THE COUNTRY AND STILL WALKING THE TALKS , would it be the ultimate destination the Prison ??
      Reminding all here that how Namal R was refused entry to board a flight to USA! Recently.
      Disgrace yes!!! Or No??
      For “Once Prince of SL ” was disgraced abroad??

    • 0

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

    • 0

      RE: Sri Jayewardenapura Hospital Bleeds At The Rate Of Rs 4 Million A Day

      Are people dying or being cured or dying to the other hospitals?

      How many were cured and how many died?

      Divide the loss by the number cited vs, the number who died.

      Then one would know what to tell the patients.

      Go to this hospital to be cured, and go to that hospital to die.

    • 1

      Why is it defamatory? A defence to defamation is truth and also public interest. Bellana on tape admits to corruption and says he will engage in any corrupt act as long as he has got the backing .

  • 11

    Best to list the hospital on the stock exchange and allow it to be run by professionals without political intervention

    • 2

      Unfortunately nothing in this god-forsaken dump is run without political interference. Even private companies have to bow to the whims of the politicians. For example I know of many private finance firms who are given a quota of state lottery tickets to be sold on behalf of a so-called vip. If they refuse, they will find it impossible to deal with the Income Tax and Company Registration departments and will not be able to have their work done.

  • 8

    This is information manipulation and yes, a defamatory article similar to few others on the same topic (SJGH).

    You could see it as half filled glass of water or half empty.

    For example, information that were in ‘comments; of the article “The Quasi ‘Director’ Of Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital Suspended From Board” have been taken by “CHINTHAKA DE SILVA” (profile of the writer of this article and few other articles on the same topic) have been published in this article.

    This guy must be a friend of the people who are against the current management of SJGH, not to mention the comments that were removed in which the real names of these people were exposed. hope this will be published by the moderator.

  • 5

    It was disappointing to note that CT has based its article on incorrect information given by misleading elements. Its a pity that CT has fallen into a trap by publishing the views of individuals based on personal enmities.It’s appreciated if the information provided are verified before publishing because it creates wrong impressions of individuals.
    As a reader has commented SJGH is not meant to be profit making because it’s funded by the government as a service to the people. It’s a public enterprise and a service not a business intended to make profits. It’s one if its kind to serve those who could afford at a subsidised rate. It has never shown profits in 30 years of its existence.it was never meant to be so. So do not call it losses. It is an investment on the health of people. We are the beneficiaries of this hospital which is currently doing a great service to us. We see it unfair of you to show only the wrong side of the story -Sam

  • 3

    The hospital appears to be providing adequate services –
    It is a private hospital – maybe also funded partly by the government – and its affairs appear to be managed by a group of persons.
    It is this group who are responsible for any financial irregularities which maybe highlighted by annual audit reports.
    Qualifications of personnel too are a matter for this group, and these may not adhere to those in force in the state health services.
    The minister appears to have political & not direct control of its affairs.
    It appears to be like any other financial enterprise.

  • 5

    This article is defamatory indeed giving wrong information causing damage to respected idividuals of our society whom we treat with respect. I respect CT for its investigative journalism but this is certainly a sad story. Let me correct you.Dr Kahandaliyanage has been my colleague and I know his background well. I feel obliged to safeguard him.
    He was appointed as DGHS in 2002 by the last UNP government when Mr Dayaratna was the Minister following a recruitment procedure. This was the first time DGHS was appointed on a selection procedure. Prior to that it was just a Cabinet decision. People were even brought from outside Before 2002. Applications were called and interviews were held by a Cabinet appointed panel of Senior Civil Servants. There were 13 applicants and he was selected ithrough a competitive selection process and was appointed by the Cabinet.
    There was NO such court case EVER against his appointment as DGHS and he served a period of five years as the longest and a successful DGHS doing a great job during the most difficult period of the tail end of the war.. I worked with him. It’s defamatory and unfair to give wrong information for the noble work done.
    He was promoted by President Rajapaksa in 2007 in recognition of his work. That itself shows that his promotions have been done both by UNP and SLFP and not on party politics. There after he was recruited by the WHO as a Director a rare position for a SriLankan, in Delhi Regional office, on his own merit. He was very much respected in UN.
    Second false statement is that “he was scandalously removed from a PGIM course” This is utterly false. You should verify this from PGIM. He got his Postgratuates from PGIM in 1992 and was granted a fellowship to Boston University in the following year. Why don’t you ask him?

    • 9

      You seem to be from the inner circle of Dr Karandaliyanage!! if you’re 100% sure of your statement here you should question CT for the story, if you’re not sure ,
      shut up and let the ( F )Law and Order of SL to take it up!!!

      • 1

        PL Read below as
        Correct Interpretation of(F) Law and Order of GOSL = ( Flawed) Law and Order of GOSL.

  • 6

    Have been a great fan of Colombo Telegraph and respected their independence until it ended up criticizing an issue at our door step.

    It is then that it disappoints me to note that it is a playground for bandits to settle their personal vendetta and the facts presented are not necessarily verified and authenticated prior to publication. These could lead the website to disrepute.

    It is quite interesting to note that the comments seem arise from the sources of information to the author of the article and the continuous comments from two significant sources who are seemingly interested in getting rid of the present Director. Is it that they personally stand to benefit from this? Isn’t this pretty obvious to any of us? If else, who would waste their time so diligently? It’s is so sad our country bleeds for true patriots.

    It is also interesting to note that there seems to be a lot of fear among these authors that despite the personal insults, mud slinging campaigns and character assassinations, the management will return back strong to their seats. It is as always, the Millions we gain – WHAT IS IN IT FOR ME or HOW MUCH WILL I GAIN FROM THIS?


    I will here on read articles on Colombo Telegraph with a pinch of salt!

  • 9

    The following facts remain:
    1. Susitha Senaratne is completely unqualified
    2. He is on a political appointment
    3. Athula Kahandaliyanage is protecting Senaratne
    4. The members of the Board have acted as stooge, not as respinsible members
    5. The SJGH was gift of Japan not a money making outfit. HOWEEVER it is running at a loss.
    6. If you do the rough calculation s the title of this article is accurate. It is havung a daily loss of 4 million.
    7. It is not possible for hospitals of this nature to have huge profits
    8. I think the author is trying to high light that in spite of huge losses the chairman and director are trying to portray a lie.
    9. The auditor general, inland revenue and commission on bribery and corruption should simply investigate Senaratne. Then the truth about income and bribes will come to light.
    10. CT has been exposing these administrative corruption with evidence. The verification of financial corruption remains.
    There is no denying that the common law has been violated by this illegal appointment.
    This is my unbiased view.

    • 3


      It seems, Senaratne has been appointed by the Secretary – Health to cover up duties until the replacement is brought in permanently. .

      So, if all what is said about is true, what were these “Patriotic Law-abiding Goons” doing ?

      Surely, being a public Enterprise, there would have been representatives from both the good guys and bad guys on the board isn’t it? So they are all responsible in continuing with ‘Covering Up’ Director! Surely the board should have acted on the issue across the table within the board room, rather than acting like the ANTHARE! ( or are they part of them)!

  • 8

    Guys! Guys!
    We need to be Proud ! Why ?? At least we with the help of few Websites especially The Colombo Telegraph Web we are able to expose the Criminals and Crooks who survived with the help of Political Mafias of Present And Past days who helped to hide their UnPatriotic Lives .
    They were UnPatriotic because they Swindled and Stole state wealth.
    Come on guys more and more to expose without the fear of Murderer Mafia “GOTLER” with white vans and Shark dens to Feeds in the back garden.

  • 7

    Looks like Senarante and Kahandaliyanage have entered the game with some paid goons to post comments. If CT is biased why is CT publishing all these negative comments on CT. Grow up guys! What does CT gain by any of this? CT is merely exposing the current situation. These people rushing to Kanhandaliyange’s defense- what have you got to say about this illegal appointment protected for 3 years by Kahandaliyanage? Is Senaratne qualified? Why has the Board protected him? What is Kanhandaliyaange getting in return for this? It is the CT attackers who have stooped low.

  • 6

    The country is bleeding billions of rupees due to mismanagement like this in all public sector organisation and institution run by the government and this compounded by bleeding of billions on mega white elephant projects…

    Apparently there is no cure for the patient. The patient will just limp along

    even donors have refused to inject fresh blood…. ….unless the bleeding is stopped….what chance of that happening

  • 4

    The penultimate paragraph ~ “………..Kahandaliyanage shamelessly claims and minutes that “this was the best Director and this is the best administration”………”.
    What Kahandaliyanage says is, “In a pot of corrupt beans, one can only pick corrupt beans”.

    This is our bane. How and why did this corrupt structure build?

  • 8

    Rs 4 million/day = Rs 1.5 billion/year. how many Lankans slaving in MidEast will it take to remit this amount?

    The Lankan villager earns between Rs 10,000/- and Rs 20,000/- per YEAR. At the 20k level, the Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital (SJGH) loss per DAY = 200 villagers income per YEAR.

    The priorities are set by the Colombo elites to Colombo elites.

  • 1

    sri lanka bleeds at the rate of 4 billion a day.When will the pyramid collapse?When new loans stop?

  • 0

    Two Senarathnes – Rajitha and Susitha.
    Are they related?
    Is there any nepotism? If yes Rajitha should be sacked.

  • 0

    Not many comments.
    When it comes to corruption/nepotism/impunity our minds are fatigued. But look at the furore over the leopard killing with sticks!

  • 0

    One more into the fires of sacrifice. Will the vanderlism of our resources and institutions with dedicated people never end with the putrefaction of politics and corruption and fraud.

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