13 February, 2025


Sri Lanka: 259 Killed And 500 Injured On Easter Sunday Bombing

Updated 1.00 pm: On Thursday (25th April), health officials in Sri Lanka backtracked, saying the date toll could actually be almost one-third lower than the earlier number. A more accurate death toll might be closer to 250.

Updated 11.00 am – The death toll has increased to 310, police said on Tuesday.

Updated 9.45 am –  290 people were killed by Monday morning with 500 have been injured, Police Spokesman Ruwan Gunasekara said. He also said 24 suspects are currently in the CID custody.

Updated 7.00 pm –  207 people were killed and 450 others injured the police spokesman, Ruwan Gunasekera told media a short while ago. “The government has imposed police curfew and shut down social media and messaging services, he further said.

Updated 12.00 pm – 138 people have been killed and 402 wounded, the Director of Colombo National Hospital Dr. Anil Jasinghe told media a short while ago.

At least 130 people were killed and 402 wounded, in a hate-filled attacks targeting three churches and three five-star hotels in Sri Lanka.

The explosions happened almost simultaneously between 8.30 am and 9.00 am at St. Anthony’s Church in Kochchikade, Colombo and St. Sebastian’s Church in Nigombo and Zion Church in Batticaloa.

Explosions were also reported at three five-star hotels, the Shangri-La, Cinnamon Grand and Kingsbury in Colombo.

Latest comments

  • 11

    Who are behind this Terror attack for Christen believers? We condemned that. This is political motivated act by outside forces .
    But responsibility has to taken by who are ruling our nation since 2015 January 8th! Peace and stability is paramount of that all nations who follows Path of Democracy.
    This is a struggle between governances of Democracy and Terrorism of Political extremism by blessing of outside forces. But it is known to the Public! Only God Knows!

    • 9

      CNN’s so called security analysts has already released the narrative that ISIS and or associated Islamist groups are behind these attacks, but the Sri Lankan govt and media remain tight lipped and do not know and plead for caution and peace.

      Very strange indeed with FBI and Aussie Intelligence in country in such a short time and the CNN world knows the so called truth even though Lanka govt and people do not!

  • 7

    From 1915, Don Stephen had a hand, or paved the way for all future incidents of this like. Ranil said he will follow Don Stephen’s path. Divide and rule, Sinhalese Tamil, muslims, Malay, Burgers….

    $400, billions, 150,000 in one single operation, Annual events of Pogroms on minorities from 1948, Two Sinhala youths uprising, one Tamil youths separation war, a flourishing country is now bankrupt, Ranil is only one selling soreivign land to foreign countries to cover war expense in the modern days. M/S Navipillai asked them to take out that racist stature out of freedom Square. …..Ranil is saying that he will strictly follow the instigator of all these, no new fresh air to breath!

  • 15


    • 6

      The “attack on Sinhalese” by these cowardswas that blew themselves in tourist-laden high-end hotels. SL was rated the #1 country for tourism. Now, no more. This is an attack on all Sri Lankans, and not the way you see with your “____” tinted glasses pick your color :)

    • 6

      What do you know man? Please note the majority of dead people are Sinhalese. But the attack focused on Catholics and foreigners. It shows that Muslim terrorism has shown their power to the west by killing innocent people.

  • 6

    The most important thing is Public should not get involved in this violently at least by word. the best time to practice AHIMSA. Even though some made mockery out of that words. Ahmisa and Thisarana have mixed with Janz. It is by some eternally victimized FOOLS who will pay for this.

    • 2

      You should be ashamed to drag innocent journalists to this horrible situation. You have no shame. You obviously are spewing the same BS that the previous regime used to.

  • 24

    Long ago, I warned on this forum about the threat of Islamic extremism to Sri Lanka. Many did not understand. Well, we have reached the critical point now. You cannot blame BBS anymore. It is time to go to the SOURCE and eliminate it, such as the Rajapakses did with LTTE.

    • 1

      Ah doing the work of those involved in this heinous act. Promoting the Rajapaksa’s at the same time.

    • 2

      This is a random act. There is no one to “eliminate” other than the bastard government which is behind this.

      • 4

        Dear Champa,

        This is only the beginning. The Muslims are the fastest growing demographic in Sri Lanka, as per census data. At some point, when the demographics are appropriate – Sri Lanka will have a Kashmir-like situation in the Eastern provinces. Sri Lanka is very small, geographically speaking. It is not like the West, where one community can live isolated, for the most part peacefully, from another in big cities. In Sri Lanka, ethnic tension can and will escalate into violence very quickly. Another point is that Sri Lanka is not wealthy like the West. So the economic jealousies and difficulties will exacerbate any ethnic tension. Lastly, the Sri Lankan government is clueless on how to deal with Wahhabbi extremism, which, unfortunately, has made its presence felt in the East. The Wahhabbis are well-funded, particularly by rich donors in the Gulf. If the Sri Lankan Government does not take measures to integrate/uplift poorer elements of the Muslim community, the Wahhabi influence will continue to grow and we will have more attacks like this.

    • 5

      Well said sir I salute you for your courage to say the truth,ignoring “political correctness”
      Violence is linked to only one one particular faith the whole world knows what that is

      • 0

        You hate us
        We are extremely sorry

    • 3

      Also, Long long ago, the Govigama Mafia Ruling Elites, Sinhala racists and the Zionists planned it to arrive at this stage. They were really successful in creating multiple Terror groups by employing the Sinhala Terror groups. They kept on banging and minority bashing that created the reactionery force in the LTTE. It is then COMES the fake warning. First planning the outcome of terror, then Warning about it. So, the same racist elements and the system are responsible. No Smoke without Fire. This false flag operation has multiple objectives. Fitst is to fix the Muslims on the conflict then to bring in the destructive pro Israeli Rajapakses to the power again. Let is give you the new warning… If by chance, the Govi Mafia manage to bring Rajapkses to power back again, Sri lanka will be pitted against the GLOBAL WAR which is planned by the US/NATO and Israel in creating the climate to destroy Pakistan and Iran. Its a long long term plan. SL economy will go for six. Govi criminals will start borrowing more by fixing the population on the debt rope as Muslim nations will start to check on the history of Islamophobia and the very same client country becoming the backstabbing enemy of the Muslims. There are more goodies waiting when Gota becomes the mass murder president of SL. The waterloo of the Sinhalas are waiting to happen. Lets see when the show…..begins.

  • 4

    Amarasiri had written a comment. That may be true. Ask CIA what do they know about this. One Retd. Major General, not a small person in Srilanka, says Rajapakses.

  • 13

    These bomb blasts will have tremendous effect on Tourism and Economy of the Island The SLR may rise to 200 per US dollar. By going through some of the comments I infer that it Ia promotional strategy for Gota. There is deep political involvement in these incidents. Very soon a communal minded bright politician like Chadian will put the blame on LTTE Sri Lankan’s are very good in Gossiping

  • 8

    Is Srilanka on the tip of an Iceberg?
    In the morning of Easter Sunday, 3 Christian/ Catholic places of worship including one in distant Batticaloa.
    3 Five-Star Hotels; 27 Foreign Nationals killed.
    In the afternoon when there was Mayhem all round another two blasts; A hotel[ not 5 star] next to the Dehiwela Zoo and some place @ Dematagoda.
    The timing should be noted; End of the Sinhala-Tamil New-Year and Good Friday Easter Sunday religious events.
    Tourist Hotels and Places of worship are as different as chalk is from cheese!
    So, we see a master plan behind this whole operation; The choice of Targets is possibly to cover up the tracks of the culprits!
    The question is What is the Motive?
    In recent times several people have been rounded up with large stocks of Heroin,Ice, Hashish etc.Srilanka has now become a very prominent region for the Drug Industry..
    This is by no means a cottage-Industry but a Multi-Billion dollar affair.
    All this happens in the festive season, and I quote the English Poet- John Donne………
    Any Mans death diminishes me because I am involved in Mankind.

  • 10

    All emigrant Sri Lankan should unequivocally condemn these heinous terrorist attacks. So should other attacks on other faiths be condemned. But on this series of well coordinated attacks, let us wait for FACTS. Clear as to the motives but not clear which organization or group was behind it. Please wait for facts

    • 5

      Mano Ratwatte.
      You’re talking about Srilanka or Australia?? You can get the facts from first world countries in black and white, certainly not in Srilanka, so don’t get fooled , it will be all adultered version for the true culprits to escape the crime , and punish the innocent. That’s what happens in Apeh Aanduwe, and wait for the FACTS you’re expecting!!!

      • 10

        Rishard Badurdeen the Islamic racist told Al Jazeera TV that Tamils are disturbing the peace by organizing 10th anniversary celebration of war dead. What a totally irrelevant way to cover up a crime committed by his fellow Islamic terrorists.

        • 1

          Yo retard, if anybody does sonething horriffic, should an entire community to which the culprit belongs to, take full responsibility for the acts??? By the same logic, will the Sinhalese entirety take responsibility to the 100 years of Sinhala Buddhist racism and terrorism that plagued this nation???? also, the Tamils for the 35 years of violence in the separatist conflict??? should also the Western nations for the British colonialism??? etc, etc… The Sinhala Racists always push anyone with the expectation of retaliation like what they did to the Tamils. Gnanasara was proudly announced that he was happy to create more 10-100 recruits to push forward the Islamophobia ( according to his Israeli connected agenda) and the results showing now. Without Sinhala Buddhist Terrorism, there would not be any other terror being born. No smoke without a fire. The Eagle (US) has landed in Lanka with its Zionist agenda.

          • 1

            Radical ideas,

            I am certainly no apologist for Sinhala Bhuddist terrorism – I accept that it exists and is a primary reason for the ethnic tensions in the island. But do not attack Lanka Perera, what he said is valid. Note well that he DID NOT blame the entire Muslim community – he blamed one politician, who is indeed known to be a racist, and if he had said what Mr. Perera claims he said, then it is indeed a way to distract attention from these dastardly attacks. Rishard should condemn these dastardly attacks, with no ifs and buts, and with no other distracting statements.

    • 1

      Mano Ratwatte ,

      A Mosque in Puttalam is reported to have been bombed . State secretary
      for defense has spoken . An incident at Dematagoda between the police
      and a couple of people in a house has ended in a bomb blast according to
      reports . State secretary of defense is reported to have said that all
      extremist organizations should be banned . So , why wait for facts ? Not
      hard to draw conclusions ! It’s the timing that is crucial ! Elections , bad
      politics , Gota’s candidacy speculations and religious extremism . If these
      are not enough , you do have International power struggle to choose the
      right cause for their advantage . So , it is very well planned .

  • 10

    Dear Sri Lankans, we should all stay united and strong. This is a despicable act, done by despicable people, and for some devious reasons, have picked on our little country, to kill and cause chaos. Remember we do not want another Black July massacre and riots again. We do not want to look like Myanmar and have innocent people killed because of unfounded rumors, our economy and progress depends on how this is handled by the government, and how we as people react. Evil forces are banking on the way mobs overreact to such situation. Sadly our people are willing to attack, destroy, and harm, for a few rupees, or a shot of arrack, and will not hesitate to destroy buildings, and attack people. Do not get duped by those feeding lies and spreading false rumors. LET US ALL REJECT THIS EVIL THAT HAS AFFECTED THE COUNTRY.

    False Flag Operations
    A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

  • 6

    The talk of the town is there is no governanace in Sri Lanka including that of Police after last years faied politial coup. All are thinking about self, election and not the People. Indian Media have clamed that it has warned Sri Lanka Government and Police of a possible attack on churches . There is one solution Ranil must resign and get a fresh manadate.

    All countries in Tourism must ensure the safety of the guests. These countries should have woken up after Bali Incident where hundreds of tourists died. Most of our top hotels do not have security scanner, as in Air Ports or in Hotels in most countries. I t is known that some extremist organisations target Western Tourists, where ever they are.

    • 1

      Raza – Absolutely spot on …there is no governance in Sri Lanka …no police, no judiciary ….

      worse of all the entire armed forces is camped in the North East ….while in the south the terrorist and drug pushers are are having a field day…
      I bet the attackers bribed the police and the security guards of the hotel to smuggle in the explosives….

      the entire political lot are jokers….

      when there us a weak government with infighting …..the country becomes a soft target

      pull the armed forces out of the NE and deploy them where needed!

    • 4

      Why should Ranil resign?
      Ranil has been nominating SF for the post of defense minister for how long now?
      Who is standing in the way of justice?
      If you want a solution please blame the actual culprit instead of pointing fingers for the sake of it.
      Stop being so blind and lead by emotions and feelings. Look at facts, and let us reason like intelligent human beings.
      Where is Sira when the country is on fire?

  • 19

    Another attack on the minorities. First it was the Tamils, then it was the Muslims and now the Christians.

    • 5

      Yeah, the majority who were killed are Sinhalese Christians.
      I agree some people want to incite people against each other. Nice way to 1 for 1 thumbs.

    • 6


      Isn’t it a minority attack on the majority?

    • 3

      Not only on the minorities. Tourism for the #1 ranked country is now ruined.

    • 0

      So, who is behind these attack on the minority Christians?
      Majority Sinhala Buddhists?
      Rajapaksa Clan?
      ISIS and its clones (Foreign Islamic Radicals)?
      Any other group???

  • 17

    All these things are happening because we have a MORON as a President and a EUNUCH as the Prime Minister! But the remedy is not to bring in a WAR CRIMINAL as the President!

  • 9

    I respect the freedom to comment which is sacred. But this sad occasion is not the time to speculate irresponsibly and vent out personal preferences. The source of all this trouble is yet unknown. Web newspapers indicate that there were suicide bombers. Let professional investigators do their job free from other interferences to let the public of Sri Lanka know what on earth is all about this.

    • 4

      Yeah, we all know how the “professional investigators” have done their jobs in respect of all the “emblematic cases” that have been going on for donkeys’ years!

  • 7

    My sincere request is to Sinhalese.
    Don’t try to give a lifeline to this bastard government by resorting to religious riots.
    I am talking about the Indian news item which is provocative.
    Only the other day Mangala said that this government which was formed with greatest difficulty cannot be sent home easily (similar words). Therefore, please be understood the motive behind these attacks.
    The timing is seriously odd.
    There was no terrorist threat to the country. If so, the intelligence sources should have known. How many times the police carried out island-wide raids recently?
    This is planted.
    This government has only a few months left. I said since 2017 that Yahapalanaya government would not go home that easily. Instigating Sinhalese against other communities is a tactic which has been tried by this government several times already.
    The government will give various interpretations as usual.
    Ranil has already said that the blasts were carried out to unstable the economy and the country which is hilarious. The country and the economy was unstable since 2015. It is not new. There is no need for anyone to randomly blast a few bombs to destabilize the country.
    The motive is obvious.
    The slave government is seriously in need of a LIFELINE to stay.
    I stand by what I said in my first comment.
    Therefore, I earnestly urge all Sinhalese, especially Buddhists.
    See the TIMING.
    Don’t be provoked, Sinhalese.
    Stay calm and self-composed. Don’t let Uncle Sam to send his agents here.
    Don’t give a reason for the slave government to postpone the Presidential Election which is due in 5-6 months.
    Do you see what I see!!!!!!

    • 7

      Interesting news coming out!!!!
      Sports Minister Harin Fernando says he didn’t go to Kochchikade Church as he was informed by “intelligence sources” about a possible “suicide attack”!!!!!!
      Look at that!
      Harin Fernando saved his life but didn’t bother to warn other people to do the same.
      It is hard to believe these are suicide attacks.
      According to Harin Fernando, he didn’t go to Kochchikade Church today, because he was aware of the bomb blast.
      Sports Minister Harin Fernando admits that he knowingly let 215 people to be killed and 450 to be injured by bomb blasts!!!!
      Only his life is matter to him, not others!!!!!
      Interestingly, Ranil says he or his Ministers were not aware of any attacks or the intelligence didn’t forewarn them.
      This is not the first time Harin put his foot in his mouth.
      Do we need any other proof that the slave government is behind these attacks?

      • 0

        all these weeks, BP Rajaapkshes had been very upset not being able to allow SIRISENA the candidacy to next PE. THere not just you many would feel that MR et al could be very likely to have every reasons to work with extremists.
        Mahinda Rajaakshe has beahved so lot more times in the past. Latter was the view of incumbent president few months ago. He there revealed, it was Rajapakshe behind the attacks of Kandy Muslim-Riots in 2018. .
        So why not you guys being part of Rajapakshe go and ask how did the bugger plan today’s attacks.

    • 9

      Don’t show your real Mahinda & Gota face again. A few days ago Mahinda said” the govt will be removed soon”. So, there is a 99% possiblity it is another coup by Gota & Mahinda group. Only they are capable of organizing such a monsterous attack on Chiristians and foreginers. This attack is not against Buddhist Sinhala. It is against Tamil and Sinhalese Christians. Not a single Buddhist Sinhala was targetted and the motive of this terror is not against Buddhist Sinhala. Why do you encourage Buddhist Sinhala to go for another bloodbath of other communities. The way you behave clearly proves that it is the work of a group you belong to.

      • 3

        Quote and show me where I said anything to prove that I “encourage Buddhist Sinhala to go for another bloodbath of other communities.”
        Go ahead, prove it.
        My comment was clearly to diffuse any provocation aimed at instigating Sinhalese.

        • 1

          “Don’t be provoked, Sinhalese.” Why Sinhalese only? Real victims are Tamils again.

    • 5

      It appears you are really sick. When people are mourning you are talking rubbish as usual. Evidence will show it is a terrorist attack by initiated by Gota.

      • 3

        Umberto Gui
        What rubbish? How could telling the truth is rubbish.
        Evidence has already shown that the government is behind it. There is more. I shall write another comment about it. You will see then.

  • 2

    What a pity that Makandure Madush has not even been thought of by anyone to be the master mind behind this attack. Only the drug mafia has a score to settle with the Catholic church in Sri Lanka.

    • 4

      Yeah, if Makandure Madush was not in police custody in Dubai, the government and the Police would have certainly credit the incidents to his account.

  • 9

    Dumbass government knows that an attack would be carried out soon. Yet they remained silent.

    Under this government both the Muslims and Christians are attacked, and Christians killed too.

  • 4

    This is a barbaric attack on Sri Lankan people. Hope the injured make a speedy recovery, families of the victims have also suffered a permanent loss, hope that they can draw strength and fortitude to go though this tough time with the help of their friends and family. Hope Sri Lanka catches the perpetrators of this attack and in time perhaps move forward, stronger than before.

    • 0

      Hope the ruthlesskillers will be bombef too
      They should be wiped out and all places muat be checked

  • 6

    Condolences for those who lost loved ones. It is s very critical time for Sri Lankans. The timing and selection of locations indicate it is a calculated attack to incite violence between groups in Sri Lanka and destroy the country’s international appeal for tourism and foreign investment.
    Sri Lankans need to be VERY VIGILANT and level-headed, if they are to survive this attack on our nation.
    Our politicians have already created a situation where their in-fighting has landed the country in the economic doldrums. We should not let them destroy our country. When we are divided the victors are foreigners – be it India, China or the West.
    Dismantling of the intelligence services, demoralizing the police and tolerating religious fundamentalism (regardless of religion) are all contributors to this tragedy.
    The short term impact is obvious – economic, even more distrust among different groups of people, and the ramping up of a security state. Long term, it might lead to the rise of a stronger executive president, where a re-traumatized people want a strong man to clean up the mess created by weak coalition governments and plethora of impotent provincial councils.
    Tamil diaspora should realize that hurting the Sri Lankan ecnomy is NOT going to get them more political power within Sri Lanka, or the coveted “Ealam”. It will only bring more misery and mayhem for the poor Tamils living in the North, and to a lesser extent the East.
    Islamic fundamentalists should realize that the majority of Sri Lankans will only turn more anti-muslim, if it is found that they were behind these attacks. ISIS or islamic fundamentalists in Asia will be fighting a losing battle in South Asia, where the overwhelming majority is not muslim, and thus do not have popular support.

  • 11

    It is time to release absolutely right Gnanasara thero, apologize and pay him a hefty compensation.

    • 3

      So where did that come from….Tel Aviv?

    • 6


      people like gnanasera created bhuddhist extremists who went after muslims and created the muslim extremists.Some people never learn from past mistakes.Who created prabhaharan?SWRD.Who swelled the LTTE from 50 to 5000 within a yr.JRJ.

      • 1

        Gnanasara thero is the one who has brought to attention of growing Muslim problem in Sri Lanka. Low life scum Prabakaran was influenced by JVP and scum lunatic Chelvanayagam but he was funded and trained by MGR and Indira.

        • 1

          “Gnanasara thero is the one who has brought to attention of growing Muslim problem”

          can you tell me what were the specifics of the so called muslim problem he was hollering about?Did he mention that they were planning bombings?Have you such a short memery that because of that idiot and his protector gota we had the aluthgama riots?When that took place and the muslim men put their women and children in the mosque and surrounded what happened.The army and STF in plain clothes opened fire on them and 2 died.Then i knew that militancy will begin among the muslim youth and if you see my comments at that time i predicted it.Once you lose confidence in the police and government to protect you ,your mind will turn to your own armed force to do that job.Gnanasera was hollering in aluthgama the police and army was sinhalese and they can do anything they want which they did subsequenly in kandy,ampara.


          as for prabhaharan when he was a child he was listening to the elders talking about how a priest in a hindu temple was burned alive in panadura in the 1956 riots.Prabhaharan’s father was the chief trustee of a temple at that time and it must have gone deep into prabha’s psyche because he said why are the tamils not fighting back.Well when he grew up he showed the tamils how to fight back.

  • 9

    Maybe it is time that laws are enforced on religions to denounce violence or murder in the name of god.

    • 4

      That will be against the fundamental rights of Muslims, who believe every sentence in the Koran which instigates Muslims to commit violence on non-Muslims. Muslims shout from roof tops about violence on them, but remain silence for their crimes.

    • 0

      Ad .

      “Maybe it is time that laws are enforced on religions to denounce violence or murder in the name of god.”

      Are they killing in the name of God, or in the name of the Devil, Satan, Iblis,?

      However, this tragedy, may be geopolitical if not religious ideologically based.

      The Wahhabi-Salafies and their clones are killing in the Name of Satan, Devil, per prescient Hadith of Najd.

      Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted


      How to debate with the so called Wahhabi-Salafiyyah who follow the Satan.

    • 0

      Ad ,

      “Maybe it is time that laws are enforced on religions to denounce violence or murder in the name of god.”


      SADHGURU DESTROYS Zakir Naik’s SHIRK Branding


      Two questions to destroy the Heaven . No body. What do you do with good food, white gown ladies and virgins?


      A yogi lone warrior fighting the army of believers..

  • 2

    It is pretty sure, ………….So-called world Powers have already claimed we are behind it.

  • 1

    There is no point in speculationg. However, there is a strategic reason to ask who are the likely perpetrators.
    In my view, the most likely perpetrators who have the means and the access to arms are the drug cartels. The arms cartels and then the drug cartels are the best orgnized. Sri Lanka had recently become a center for trans-shipment of drugs.
    But the recent assault on the drug lords of Sri lanka, with Madusha arrested in Dubai etc., created a situation intolerable to the drug lords who are much higher up than Madusha and others.
    They need a chaotic government so that they can carry on in their business. The attack on churches and tourist hotels is to divert attention and make it look like xenophobic religious extremism. But those xenophobic groups do not have the capacity, funds and resources to organize this coordinated attack stretching from Batti to Colombo. This is not their style.
    The drug lords do have the capacity. The attacks are in the South. The North has been spared probably because there is more military presence and more
    surveillance. So while the TNA is shouting against the army, it is getting the benefit.

  • 2

    So far, no messages of sympathy/condolence from leaders of the Maha Sangha have been reported.
    Most other leaders, of religious/ethnic groups in Sri Lanka and abroad have expressed same, including national leaders.

    • 2

      Don’t utter rubbish.
      Many prominent Buddhist priests, including the Chief Prelate of Asgiriya offered solidarity and requested people to be calm.
      It is not their fault for the news of their condolences/concerns published late. Besides, it was on news too.

  • 0

    EU already has said it is Religious related Terrorism and need a Security council resolution. So, it is part of Militant buddhism in Asia. This shows that the UNP govt should be no more. That is supporting INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY to wreck Sri lanka.

  • 1

    In the blast at the Zion Church @ Batticaloa ,in the heart of the Town, the head of a mutilated body of an identified Muslim has been found.What is a Muslim doing in a Church? Also ,I AM TOLD THAT a Muslim with his fez cap was seen at a Ther festival in Batticaloa Town on the 18th April.What is Muslim doing at a Hindu Tamil ceremony?
    The hotel blasts? Like in Alice in Wonderland this is getting curioser and curioser!

    • 1

      You are told too many things, and most things can be malicious gossip being spread.

  • 4

    It’s our country being attacked by interested parties Muslim terrorists it is time to unite and stand together to protect our country from Muslim extremists this is not the time to talk politics and attack each other let’s be united irrespective of party politics and protect our motherland

  • 2

    The PM in his news briefing stated that the Government had information but had not taken adequate steps to prevent this incident.

    We the people ought to hold the Minister of Defense who is also the Minister for Law and Order totally and completely responsible for this attack. It happens the President is the subject Minister who has proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that he is illiterate, incompetent, inept imbecile on whose hands the blood of those who died and are injured lie.

    What is also interesting are his comments prior to Auruda holidays that something was going to happen during the new year season alludes to, post facto, that he was referring to these attacks?!!!

  • 2

    The Government of Sri Lanka MUST NIP THIS IN THE BUD and make sure this poison does not spread, and lead to ethnic violence once again. We have had enough of that, we have lost too many lives, and our economy was devastated. We are just recovering from the affects of that war, and this will be a setback for tourism, and foreign investments. Sri Lankans who are involved in these terrible attacks, or conspiring to devastate this country, MUST be given the harshest sentences if found guilty.

  • 2

    19A is working well to look after our Nation and its Inhabitants.

    Thanks Sobitha , Dr Ranil, Mangala Samaraweera ,Mr Rajitha and even Mr Sirisena,,

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