6 February, 2025


Sri Lanka; Playground For Anti Muslim Forces

By Latheef Farook

Latheef Farook

Latheef Farook

Around four years ago, today’s hate campaign pitting the majority Sinhalese community against the island’s minority Muslims, was unheard of.

However, today Sinhalese minds were  poisoned against Muslims to  such an extent that racist    such as Jathika Hela Urumya, JHU, are even justifying  attacks and killing of Muslims and the burning and the destruction of  their residential and commercial property  causing billions of rupees of loss  for no valid reason.

Now the question is who brought Islamophbia to the island to the detriment of the country.

The hate Muslim campaign or the persecution of Muslims  has all the hallmarks of  Israeli conspiracy while the carnage at Aluthgama, Dharga Town ,Beruwala and the surrounding areas has all the hallmarks of a combined conspiracy of Israelis, India’s Rastrriya Swayamsevak Sangh, RSS, and Myanmar’s  fascist saffron robed thug  Ashin Wirathau’s  969 Movement.

Reiterating this, Sinhala daily Divaina, in its 5 July edition, has accused Israel’s front Norway of being behind this religious violence in the island.

 Wirathu - Gnanasara

Wirathu – Gnanasara

In the immediate aftermath of the defeat of the LTTE in May 2009, Muslims who have suffered immensely during the ethnic war expected their grievances will be dealt with and the country, learning lessons from the disastrous ethnic war, will move ahead towards a better future for all communities.

However this dream was shattered as the racist neo fascist elements which dominate the government had their own agenda to promote the majority Sinhalese and subjugate the minorities. Thus began a program of Sinhalisation in almost every possible field, writing off minorities as if they don’t exist while establishing close ties with regional and international forces known for their hostility towards Muslims.

As a result anti Muslim forces, with their own agendas, began entering the country with government blessings, turning the island into a playground for harassment and carnage of Muslims besides boosting racist elements here.

When it became clear that the Sri Lankan government has started establishing closer ties with Israel, I predicted that “it is matter of time before a vicious campaign pitting the innocent Sinhalese against Muslims begins”.

This is Israeli agenda worldwide and Sri Lanka is no exception.

In an article which I wrote more than three years ago I warned that the Israeli presence in the island would be disastrous. This is what I predicted;

“The island’s growing ties with Israel have become cause for serious concern especially within the discriminated Muslim community which fears that this may spell out disaster for them.

This fear emanates from Israel’s long record of hostility towards Muslims and its crucial role in the United States led western global campaign demonizing Islam and Muslims under the guise of fighting a so called war on terrorism. It becomes still worse because a small minority of racists remain in influential positions in the government while Muslim parliamentarians remain subdued and ineffective under a political system which provides for a democratically elected dictatorship with absolute power and no accountability.

The Israelis have entered Sri Lanka like midnight thieves and began spreading their tentacles in the media, government, business sector and other areas besides cultivating politicians as they always do.

In the recent past ministers, top officials and private sector officials, tourists and many others have started visiting Israel while Israel’s entrepreneurs began investing in many sectors indicating the flourishing relations.

The   question is what is the guarantee that the Israelis will not use the Sinhala racists to whip up hostility against Muslims? All what the Israelis do wherever they go is to carefully screen and pick up racist elements to unleash violence against Muslims and create communal turmoil.

It is matter of time that Sri pays the price for the folly of allowing the Israelis here.

Citing an example I pointed out what happened to Muslims in India. According to New Delhi based fortnightly Milli Gazette of 1-15 December 2009, Hindu extremist organizations get lot of money from Israel via Europe to kindle communal riots against Muslims. Indian Home Ministry disclosed that in 2008 alone RS 7877 crores were received by Hindu organizations which were used for subversive activities in the form of riots, bomb blasts and creating circumstances detrimental to Muslims. The report added that “investigation give credence to the belief that Hindu terrorists are poisoning the socio-political atmosphere in India and Israel is helping them through financial help”.

Now the question is what is the guarantee that the Israelis would not do the same thing in Sri Lanka. Is there a dearth of extremists in Sri Lanka?  Can the island afford to take this risk especially at a crucial time in its history like now when all communities in the island are looking forward to a   future which would, if not prosperity, at least ensure peace? Thus concluded my article.

Where do we strand today?

Knowledgeable Muslims were shocked that President Mahinda Rajapaksa who had been the president of Sri Lanka Palestine Peoples solidarity committee allowed Israelis into the country. The Israelis even managed to persuade President Rajapaksa to visit Israel. This speaks for the success of Israelis in Sri Lanka.

During the past few years innocent Sinhalese minds were systematically poisoned under a very well planned and executed hate campaign. In this campaign Buddhist monks and Buddhist temples were used, mosques were attacked, Muslim dress code condemned followed by violent attacks on mosques and business establishments threatening their very existence.

In their drive to propagate hatred towards Muslims, Buddhist monks who are in the forefront in this campaign, even told blatant lies to misguide the Sinhalese. For example one Buddhist monk, addressing a public gathering, said that” Muslims always spit three times on the food or drink which they serve to non Muslims”. This, he said, is the teaching of the Quran”.

The persecution of Muslims came into open with the destruction of a Muslim shrine in Anuradhapura under the watchful eyes of the police. The government failed to bring the culprits to book indicating its support to this hooliganism. Predictions were that, if the racist elements were allowed to continue their hate Muslims campaign it is likely that Sri Lanka may become yet another Myanmar.

Today the predictions have been proved with the attack on Muslims and the destruction of their properties in and around Aluthgama, Dharga Town and Beruwala on 15 and 16 June 20145 by well trained professional thugs. Now the question is who these thugs are?

Many suspect that Israel’s intelligence service Mossad trained this “ racist killer squad”, dispatched to Israel with great publicity for so called agricultural training, enjoys overt and covert state patronage as accused by many even in the government circles.

In the midst of this  Sri Lanka also started secretly cultivating relations with the Indian anti Muslims RSS and its deceptive fronts such as BJP,VHP.Shiv Sena,Bajran Dal and the like whose main agenda is to eliminate Islam and crush Muslim in their drive to turn India into a Hindu Raj

The savage  unleashed on the unarmed and harmless Muslims in Aluthgama, Dharga Town, Beruwala and the surrounding areas on 15 and 16 June under the cover of curfew by the Sinhala Zionist Bodu Bala Sena saffron robed thugs have all the hallmarks of violence often unleashed on Indian  Muslims by RSS since 1947.

These forces began visiting Sri Lanka

For example a professor from Manipal University in India, invited by a government institute, condemned outright all Indian political leaders from Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru to Manmohan Singh and hailed  Narendra Modi , then BJP prime ministerial candidate, as the only solution to India’s ills.

Ending the discussions, he said; I had come here to warn Sri Lanka of the danger the of Wahabi terrorism. He said Wahabi terrorism is not a problem yet, but it is spreading fast and it can be a serious problem in about five years. Therefore unless Sri Lanka takes precaution Wahabi terrorism is bound to become serious and Sri Lanka could become the transit point for Muslim terrorists.

When I challenged him to prove this allegation he ran away saying“I am getting late”. These are the so called RSS intellectuals.

Perhaps the government wanted to send  a message to the  then prime ministerial candidate Modi, known for his  intense hatred towards Muslims and  his crucial role in the  February 2002 Godhra massacre of Muslims, that “we are with you in  the hate Muslim campaign

In the midst there comes the BBS’ alliance with Burma’s blood thirsty fascist Monk Ashin Wirathu, responsible for slaughtering thousands of Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims. This alliance forebodes death and destruction of the Muslim community in Sri Lanka. Muslims fear that this extremely dangerous alliance has all the ingredients to turn the island into a killing field from which it may never recover.

It was in this background there came the killing of Muslims and the burning of their properties in and around Aluthgama. The question is whether Aluthgama is the beginning or the end of this hate Muslim campaign which has all the ingredients to turn the island into a living hell.

Latest comments

  • 17

    You are a muslim when:

    1. You refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to liquor.
    You may be a Muslim

    2. You own a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can’t afford shoes.
    You may be a Muslim

    3. You have more wives than teeth.
    You may be a Muslim

    4. You wipe your b u t t with your bare hand, but consider bacon unclean.
    You may be a Muslim

    5. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide.
    You may be a Muslim

    6. You can’t think of anyone you haven’t declared Jihad against.
    You may be a Muslim

    7. You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry explosives in your clothing.
    You may be a Muslim

    8. You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs.
    You may be a Muslim

    9. You have nothing against women and think every man should own at least four.
    You may be a Muslim

    10. You believe islam is religion of peace and kuffar provokes violence
    You may be a Muslim

    11. You find this offensive or racist and don’t put a Like on h343.
    You may be a Muslim.

    We needs BBS to fight against wahabi Muslims. Long live BBS.

    • 12

      SPUR – Melbourne

      “You have more wives than teeth. You may be a Muslim”

      This is an interesting observation. Could you let me have their contact details. I admire these Muslims who are blessed with more than 32 wives and still alive.

      Love to learn how they manage.

      • 7

        What else can we expect from a kallathoni vedda?

        • 6

          mechanic, aka para-mechanics,

          “What else can we expect from a kallathoni vedda?”

          The Vedda Tribe


          The Illegal Boats, Hora Oru and Kallathonis are the Para-Sinhalese, the Para-Tamils , the Para-Muslims and the other Paras including the so-called Patangios.

          Not only Sinhala are Patras, the Buddhism they got is Para-Buddhism as well. same for Tamils and Hinduism.

          Unfortunately, the Para-Sinhalese Buddhists believe in the lies and imaginations of Para-monk Mahanama of Mahawansa notoriety.

    • 5

      So tell us, where did you train to write this BS that denigrates Muslims? Of course your ignorance shows well, but then those who train Hasbara (Israel’s paid servants who lie or try to insult those who criticize Israel, or speak the truth about it) rely on ignorant people, to spew their propaganda. I am sure this article makes their heads spin. Israel has been exposed for what it is. A lying, deceiving nation, that pretends to be a victim, while it continues a violent military occupation against the Palestinians. Israel steals their lands, bulldozes their homes, steals and control Palestinian water, leaving them suffering for decades, and yet has found a way to control the American congress, and get the most aid from the US, and of course US weapons that are used on unarmed Palestinians.
      You write utter rubbish, and insulting Islam, Muslims, and trying to poison minds here is typical zionist tactics to distract the world from the brutal crimes of Israel against helpless civilians, condemned by the world.
      Americans today are opening their eyes to the brutal crimes against children, with the horrific burning death of a young kid, and the brutal assault of his American cousin which was caught on tape.

      Latheef Farook is absolutely right. The US has been in bed with Israel, and cannot get rid of this parasitic nation. The leaders who have invited them into our nation, are playing with fire, and has invited the Devil into our nation. Israel plays dangerous games, they bribe politicians, pay for campaigns, and get them to do their bidding. Sri Lanka will be child’s play. Israel is one of the most disliked nations in the world for good reason.
      It would be STUPID for Sri Lankans to associate with this rogue nation, or perhaps the Rajapakasa’s aspire to be yet another one.

    • 6

      Lateef Farook and the like cause more damage to Muslims in the country by their 24×7 unsolicited “advises and solutions” – springing to action in indiscriminate writing as champions of Islam. About an year ago, I read in these pages comments warning Farook and other Muslims not to widen the issue in the already angry minds of the Sinhalese.

      Aluthgama and Beruwala may well have been responses to Farook and friends constantly opening old wounds. Better judgement would have seen these are best allowed to heal by other means.

      Once again, he pours scorn on the Israelis, Jews, Burmese. He want us to believe Muslims in the world are absolutely innocent. This time around he brings in the Indian RSS and the Hindus – probably for good measure in his own convoluted thinking– and charges they are in the pay of Western Imperialism. Farook, supposed to be a low level journalist in some Arab country, should know RSS has been around from the early 1930s – long before foreign funds and NGOs made the scene.
      Does Farook expect the Indians to go to sleep while his favourite Pakistani ISI burn Mumbai with plans for similar carnages elsewhere. Does not Farook know the Pakistani government is in no position to improve the quality and standard of life for Pakistanis after 60 years of coming to being. They are day in and day out plotting to destroy India and its agricultural and industrial progress. The Pakistanis are using willing collaborators from the Lankan Muslim community to destabilise South Indian security entities – a plan to which the late Minister Ashraff fell hook, line and sinker. Not for summa – but millions of dollars which Ashraf has invested in Real Estate in London.
      His successors are not going to lie done gaping. They are in the action as well – in different ways.

      “Now the question is who brought Islamaphobia to the island to the detriment of the country” asks our learned Professor. Was he fast asleep when the local Muslims were annoying the rest of the population with the unnecessary noise pollution at dawn, irritating behaviour when Sri Lanka plays Cricket against Pakistan and then the final Bomb –the Halal racket that broke the flood gates of widespread anger by other communities.

      It did not require the wise warning of Farook to the Muslims or the Government about Israel. It was Farook’s Muslims who thought they were in a Friday noon picnic after their prayers at Kollupitiya in Colombo as hundreds of their screaming hordes converge opposite the US Embassy at Galle Road carrying insulting and provocative posters against the USA, Israel and the Jews. This well may be the work of a few misguided youth amongst them acting on the instructions of their Wahabi paymaster. It may be the graduation ceremony of young Muslims out of the dozens of secretive Madrasas in Colombo and around to be brought to annoy the American embassy. The patience of the Americans and the Israelis certainly has a limit. So don’t blame the Israelis supporting some extremist Sinhala Buddhist activists. You sowed the wind and now you are left to harvest the whirlwind.

      This warning by the wise man to the Government that the Israelis will act in Lankan soil was not necessary. Many knew it was coming due to the excesses of the Muslims all over the country in the belief they are winning for Islam that Conquest of the World by Muslims.

      My dear Man, the War on Terrorism by the Western countries is very real. It was there in the background in bits and pieces. And after that Great Islamic Victory in the long-planned deranged assault on WTC and elsewhere in New York, Western countries now work and share information on the growing scourge of that conspiracy to Islamise the world – by any means. Think about it – all those frontline countries that backed Al Qaeda attack the USA – Iraq (Saddam Hussein), Libya (Gaddafi), Afghanistan (Bin Laden) are now consigned to the dustbin of history. Many regimes in the Saharan Arab countries are all history now. Iran, Syria and several others are in the list. Iran, having the capacity to realise what can be their fate, has turned a new leaf and is ready to cooperate to work towards world peace. The scheming Pakistanis, as usual, will play ball with both sides and try to survive. But they will eventually be exposed – like that great disgrace of hiding OBL under the very nose of the Pakistani security apparatus – while assuring the world they know nothing about it. That is, I suppose, a sample of Islamic honesty the world has got accustomed to for centuries.

      “ Israelis have entered Sri Lanka like midnight thieves and began spreading their tentacles in the media, government, business sector and other areas besides cultivating politicians as they always do” It is provocation and blatant lies like this that brings to local Muslims enemies – old and new. Israelis came forward openly during JRJs time. But that was sabotaged by that yet another crooked Muslim Minister ACS Hameed during his time as Foreign Minister. He mislead JRJ we will lose the Arab tea market if we allow the Israeli’s embassy status here. But India was stronger and wiser. There has been an Israeli diplomatic presence there for long despite the fact there are over several hundred million Muslims in secular and tolerant India.

      Mr. Farook, please limit your hatred of BJP’s Modi Government – that has several senior men and women from the Muslim community as its frontliners. The Official Spokesman for the BJP Government today is a Muslim – Syed Akbharudin. So please be careful with your ignorant pettiness.

      “In the recent past ministers, top officials and private sector officials, tourists and many others have started visiting Israel while Israel’s entrepreneurs began investing in many sectors indicating the flourishing relations” What’s wrong here, Sir? Are you aware the Saudi Royalty, your Wahabi masters, cohort with American Jews and the Zionist Lobby 24×7 in the interest of their investments, which by the way, are not in Dubai or any Arab country – but in Jewish-Israeli controlled US and West European banking system. How’s that for hypocracy?

      “The question is what is the guarantee that the Israelis will not use the Sinhala racists to whip up hostility against Muslims?” Like with many Muslims here Farook over estimates the importance of his community. Farook is also one of those here who thinks the sun revolves around the Muslim community and the world 24×7 has nothing else to do than thinking and being frightened of them. What nonsense is this?

      ““Knowledgeable Muslims were shocked that President Mahinda Rajapaksa who had been the president of Sri Lanka Palestine Peoples solidarity committee allowed Israelis into the country. The Israelis even managed to persuade President Rajapaksa to visit Israel. This speaks for the success of Israelis in Sri Lanka”. Mahinda Rajapakse rarely leaves room for anyone to credit him with some rational thinking or astute political action. This is one instance where he proved all of us wrong. While being friends with the Palestinians, he had the foresight to also see what Israel can do for our own good. He was taking a lesson here from the Indians and was not prepared to swallow all the “guli” the Muslims and Arabs were feeding him with.

      “During the past few years innocent Sinhalese minds were systematically poisoned under a very well planned and executed hate campaign. In this campaign Buddhist monks and Buddhist temples were used, mosques were attacked, Muslim dress code condemned followed by violent attacks on mosques and business establishments threatening their very existence” Come! Come! Prof. Farook. The Sinhalese reacted when they have had enough of your nonsense. As to the Muslim dress code for women, where was this before the 1980s for the “thousand years Muslims are said to have been in the Island”

      Who, Mr. Farook, is the Manipal U Professor you speak of. When was this Talk and where was it? Please confirm to verify your obviously trumped up prejudicial charges? At any rate, he has the freedom to be critical of Indian leaders from Gandhi to Dr. MMS and praise Narendra Mody, if he has his facts right. Surely you are not going to issue that medieval Islamic Fatwa on him for this – are you?

      In your known intellectual and journalistic standards you should be careful noting “These are the so called RSS intellectuals” There are many globally respected and honoured intellectuals given in to an established RSS inclination who write and speak English excellently – something which you still are not able to do to perfection.


      • 7


        “About an year ago, I read in these pages comments warning Farook and other Muslims not to widen the issue in the already angry minds of the Sinhalese.”

        Sinhala/Buddhists are angry 24/07/52.

        They are angry at minorities as they see them still alive and kicking in this “Sinhala/Buddhist” kingdom, one nation, one country,…. as they have exclusively defined. How dare the minorities make fuss, demand dignity, equality, safety, ….. under the majoritarian rule?

        Being majority the Sinhala/Buddhists believe they have the divine right to wipe out the other people,rape their women folks, destroy their property, grab land and still remain the victims. The also believe they have the divine right to kill and maim their fellow Sinhala/Buddhists simply because the Sinhala/Buddhists are angry.

        Are they relieving their bottled up anger of 450 years of colonialism?

        Soon the Sinhala/Buddhist minds will get very angry if they believed/found out you have a quality sex life with your partner.

        • 2

          Did Native Veddah read excerpts from the judgement where the Indian Supreme Court rejected a Sharia Court order stating it violated fundamental rights of individuals. Imrana, a young girl married girl (U.P) was raped by her Father-in-Law. The Sharia Court that went into the Case found Imrana guilty and ordered she henceforth treat the offending beast as her husband. The wise men of the Sharia Court also ordered her marriage dissolved and that she cannot live, according to Muslim law, with her husband as she was raped by another man. The Indian SC ruled the fatwa cannot be enforced by any legal process or by the Dar-ul-Qaza or for that matter anybody. The SC said this Sharia Court violated basic human rights and that this Fatwa punished the innocent. It maintained Islam has no right to punish the innocent. It maintained religion cannot be allowed to be merciless to the victim and that faith cannot be used as a de-humanising factor.

          This is the Sharia some of our ignorant Muslims are trying to impose on their own here. They seek legal validity to these medieval set of laws from the deserts of Arabia that have their origins in the Stone Age.

          Fortunately, for Indian Muslims they have the benefit of a robust,
          independent and assertive legal system in their country – protecting all. Their Courts and judges are free and looked upon by all Indians as dependent to uphold justice and the law. Not the type of judges functioning as mindless State goons – such as the ones we have the misfortune to inherit today.


          • 5


            My Elders have made me aware of what has been happening among the Muslims and Hindus in India and elsewhere.

            Many people are angry about lot of things that has been practised in this world.

            Sinhala/Buddhists need no reasons nor encouragement to be angry. They are natural born irrational beings. They rage on a 24/7/52 basis.

            The problem lies with them and not with others. They need mass anger management therapy. This anger comes from their arrested development. As death wish they are trained to be angry (similar to Kamikaze nationalists or suicide bombers)all the time and believe that being angry is the only way they could hold on to their mythical origin, culture, traditions, land and false pride in an increasingly fascistic state.

            Please examine or revisit the Sinhala/Buddhists past, specially that part of their behavioural problems.

          • 2

            “”This is the Sharia some of our ignorant Muslims are trying to impose on their own here. They seek legal validity to these medieval set of laws from the deserts of Arabia that have their origins in the Stone Age.””

            In 1502 the Turks (a relative of Genghis Khan) invaded the north of India and brought in Sharia Law to run trade in an orderly manner. They captured from west to east except Sikkim, Nagaland, Nepal. The northern Indian is more Muslim than Hindu and just like the Sihala Buddhist a Lying race. At the same time 1498 the Portuguese slave traders and crusaders had landed at Cochin and ruled Goa until 1975.
            They destroyed almost all Hindu temples in the north and with the same stone built the mosque- fundamentalist

            (The Mughal emperors were Central Asian Turko-Mongols from modern-day Uzbekistan, who claimed direct descent from both Genghis Khan (through his son Chagatai Khan) and Timur. At the height of their power in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, they controlled much of the Indian subcontinent, extending from Bengal in the east to Kabul & Sindh in the west, Kashmir in the north to the Kaveri basin in the south. [25] Its population at that time has been estimated as between 110 and 150 million (quarter of the world’s population), over a territory of more than 3.2 million square kilometres (1.2 million square miles).[3])

            • 0

              Our friend Javi will concede the science of jurisprudence has
              gone through tremendous changes all over the civilised world to the better since 1502. The laws followed in the Central Plains of Asia/Asia minor then cannot apply to the 20/21st century. Even Turkey has borrowed from Western Law to enrich its own.

              To say North India today is more Muslim than Hindu is wishful
              thinking and not consistent with reality on the ground. UP and the 3 new States, MP, Bihar, Odisha, Rajasthan all have Hindu majorities. The exception is Kashmir, whose demographic pattern was changed from a large Hindu population to a pre-dominantly Muslim one due to conflict, forced conversions, threat, intimidation etc., The new Indian PM is already looking into the question of the forced eviction of half a million Kashmir Pundits as a matter of priority of the BJP Govt.


              • 1

                Hello Kettikaran,
                How many Hindus know their faith?? On the partition eg Gujarati Patel can be either Hindu or Muslim. Among the Hindus only Brahmins matter while the others ??? therefore the genuine conversions. Their mosques built with same stone has left its timeless mark (go see for self after reference of course) Like our very own Mahinda Percy, Soloman Banda, Julius Jayawardena all turned Sihala Buddhist. Pity you have not lived with the crowd to know this.
                Kashmir has had a special policy and no one can resettle there in lines with channel islands.Because of the partition,2 wars, special treatment to education elsewhere the pundits have resettled.
                North Indian attitudes are more in line with mughal /Muslim than anything to do with Hindu.When Modi goes on religious pilgrimage he has to come south or go to Rishikesh and get hooka/moksha Holi. There are no ancient temples in the north- Hindi is a derivative of Persian and nearest synonym comes from Pakistani Urdu again Persian. Crusaders/Traders have always left a mark :Language Religion and that is your Tamil problem.
                The naked fakir changed the name of Iranian to Gandhi on a affidavit at London for the price of 1 shilling and forced Indira to marry him.
                It is vast country and one has to live in the north for decades educating.
                Though India has not signed the refugee treaty it gives refuge to Tibetans (china takeover), Afghans(Russian takeover) etc with no issue like the J.Tamil issue Why So??

                • 0

                  From time immemorial when Hindus did not benefit from the high educational levels they do now, they learnt of the Hindu faith in various cultural forms at village level. The teachings in the form of dance, song and drama teaching the Ramayana and Mahabaratha at village level is now considered a cultural treasure that moved into countries like Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia and so on. To suggest Hindus do not know their religion is calculated mischief to irritate. I concede, however, Hinduism is so ancient and vast very few people know everything of the faith known as Sanatha Dharma.

                  Javi deliberately misleads as he writes “North Indian attitudes are more in line with mughal /Muslim than anything to do with Hindu” It is true Hindus lost many of their cultural features because of the Sword and death threats from the Mughals – a Qaranic insistence. But they were not lost entirely.
                  Sanatha Dharma, as a religion – and Hindu culture survived many centuries of the Sword.

                  “There are no ancient temples in the north”??? You show more learning and intelligence in your comments than this un-necessary drivel. Dwarkanath, Kedrinath, Jagannath, Dwarkanath are all in what goes as North India. There are thousands of them.

                  “Hindi is a derivative of Persian and nearest synonym comes from Pakistani Urdu again Persian” Surely, my friend, Pakistan is 60 years old and Persian supercedes Islam. What is your point, if there is one at all.

                  Hindi is derived from Sanskrit and Pali – both traditions older than Islam. Many pre-Islam Arabs were Christians of the Holy Roman Empire, if you care to admit.

                  ”Language and Religion – that is your Tamil problem” If you are trying to provoke in your Muslim madness you are wasting time. Tamils have a proud and religion. Besides, they have defined and uncontested areas of ancient habitation. Is your problem you are pathetically lacking in both.

                  “The naked fakir changed the name of Iranian to Gandhi on a affidavit at London for the price of 1 shilling and forced Indira to marry him” You pitiful creature. The naked Fakir is a derogatory expression to Mahathma Gandhi. The man who cheated and married Indira is Feroze – a half Parsee-half Muslim.
                  Deception is second nature there.


                  • 1

                    Go learn your subject of history of indian architecture by percy brown before trying to contridict me about with your english language spoof.

                    You sound a villager who has heard about religion. In missionary schools when they taught english and sihala as second there was no buddhism or hinduism. They were many a uni student in India who were born hindus but did not know their religion- but just one line of prayer because they did not know sanskrit.
                    Check out the classical languages of India classification before getting in your ambude.
                    Tamil as proud- that is your cotte problem that has brought disaster to the island not with Brahmins of TN.
                    You are puta madre cabeze- the brits knew what the pedo was upto and the series of the naked fakir is also on CT.
                    You sound like O ff the nutt off your butt ltte terrorist or there about

              • 1

                My education about temples and hinduism is direct from RSS not some offshot cotte. Have you seen NaMo does not pay attention to the the naked fakir- the naked fakirwas rightly shot at centre point nagpur by RSS priest- Om Tat Sat. Dont bring y ou r socialfuck stories when I has seen the real and touched it- You dont even speak marathi to know who and what Sivaji stood for.
                We rule you beg the world and trouble everybody but end up despised stupid jaffna tamil.

          • 1

            Oi talle thel Wiggie is respected because he is from Colombo and obviously speaks all three languages like us.
            As much as we despise Goo`ta we hate the JT audacity., When douglas carries on removing soil and the Tsunami the north would submerge in less than 50 years like Bangal is due.
            That would be a blessing for the people of the island- no more JT f-off you drug smugglers and gun trotting terrorist from fishing villages.

        • 1

          Hey man you are another gutless being who takes Sinhala name and abuse Sinhalese and don’t have the guts to put your name. You must be ashamed of your name as I would be with what bloody Muslims are doing right around the world. You are talking about Muslims been peaceful, just look and hear if you have brains that there are 23 wars around the world as now and all that is involved the bloody Allah’s Muslims because Allah has told MuhaMAD to kill people and they are continuing even killing Muslims including babies, sick and old. Just read the following from the Quran and then comment, if I am wrong prove it as I have given evidence from your “BLOODY” book of killing. Quran is book of killing.

          “Peaceful religion” world has ever seen even though Quran says:

          1. Quran (8:12) – I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

          2. Quran (2:191-193) – And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing…but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)” .

          3. Quran (2:216) – Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.”

          4. Quran (4:95) – Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,-”

          5. Quran (9:5) – So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them.”

          6. Quran (9:73) – O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination.”

          7. Non-believers are even compared to vile animals. Verse 7:176 compares unbelievers to panting dogs” with regard to their idiocy and worthlessness. Verse 7:179 says they are like cattle” only worse.

          • 1

            You got your ambude in a twist.
            If you go and live in Bush family underpants you will know what is Jewish/Islamic axis of evil and Al-CIAd.
            It is the head of the crusade which now even the christian don’t want to know except fascist like Ian Presley

          • 0

            Hey man you are another gutless being who takes Sinhala name and abuse Sinhalese and don’t have the guts to put your name. “
            Sinhalease don t put their name because they don’t know their true name.

          • 0

            rohana, you should not be an ignorant. We being Sinhala, our forefathers have acknowledged that our ancestors were from Bihar ,mostly closer to present day Nepal and our early generation were idolaters, who believed in myths as of today, the same pattern is continued under the Buddhism label. As knowledge grows and more and more knowledge of truth is acquired a true person will not be ashamed on telling the truth. We have understood the Koran teaches in many places which is full of sense such as Lord says that do not transgress,do not kill the unbelievers unless the unbelievers (pagans and idolaters) do start first, if the unbelievers start attacking you then you (beleivers ie believers in One God) then there are verses in the Koran saying No compulsion in religion, which shows that Islam did not force people to convert. Now the scholars of Islam have declared the ISIS, Al Qaeda and other Muslim sounding terrorist organization as evil and also these terrorists are known as dogs of hellfire. After analyzing the Islamic scholars condemnation of these so called islamic jehadi groups as lowly creatures compared to dogs of hellfire, I began to acquire more knowledge about Islam and what it all about. So truly speaking, there is absolutely no question that the Koran is the book of guidance to the entire humanity. so we should not put all eggs in one basket. Fortunately knowledge of science, mathematics, medicine, aviation, music, culinary delights, cleanliness (male circumcision, using water to clean, not wiping the fecal discharge, sitting while urinating and washing thereafter, paper making and other sciences were given to the world by the early Muslim scholars. Now its established fact the Avicenna, The father of modern medicine is a Muslim whose real name is Ibn Sina. We should talk sense and be civilized. Just a few heretics did the terrorism does not make any deficiency in Islam. So acquire knowledge before we declare unethical stuff.

          • 0

            rohana said rightly as the quoted from the Quraan all correct. Believers in One and Only God and Not believers. So there is no harm. Idolaters are non-believers.

      • 0

        Kettikaran, writing essays does not solve anything. Look at Iraq, Libya,Egypt, Afghanistan full of nothing but idiotic Muslims. US, UK and the EU duped one Muslim against Muslim against another. Even installed a westernised Muslim Barrack Obama as the President of USA! Muslims must beg Allah to put more sense so that they can stop living in the past with outdated and inconvenient attires and mix with society. Religion is in the heart but hatred will not get you anywhere

        • 0

          If reader Lanka is a Muslim he is a good and peaceful Muslim. And yet a helpless one where the vociferous minority have hijacked the
          mainstream. How I wish the return of the days I saw our Muslims – the pious and peaceful ones they were in the decades gone by.


    • 11

      You are a Para-Sinhala Buddhist when:

      1. You refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to meat and eggs. You may be a Para-Sinhala “Buddhist”

      2. You own a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can’t afford shoes. You may be a Para-Sinhala Buddhist.

      3. You have more boys and hookers than teeth. You may be a Sinhala Buddhist Monk or Politician.

      4. You wipe your b u t t with your bare hand, but consider meat unclean. You may be a Sinhala Buddhist

      5. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and riots. You may be a Sinhala Buddhist

      6. You can’t think of anyone you haven’t declared War against the Citizens of Lanka, the Land of native Veddah. You may be a Para-Sinhala Buddhist

      7. You consider television news dangerous,and tell lies, but routinely carry petrol in your clothing. You may be a Sinhala Buddhist

      8. You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off burning buildings , houses and killing people, citizens.. You may be a Sinhala Buddhist.

      9. You have nothing against women and think every man and monk should be able to rape women. You may be a Para-Sinhala Buddhist

      10. You believe Buddhism is religion of peace provokes violence You may be a Sinhala Buddhist

      11. You find this offensive or racist and don’t want to acknowledge 1815, 1938, 1977, 1981, 1983 and 2014 Sinhala Buddhist riots and killings, You may be a Sinhala Buddhist.

      Sinhala Buddhists need BBS to fight against Muslims as per the needs of Norway, Israelis, Western Christianity and local Para-Sinhala.

      • 1

        amASSiri the altar boy, copy-cut zero

      • 1


        12. You eat fish, meat and chicken everyday, but you eat only cracked eggs to avoid killing – then, you are a devout Buddhist.

    • 1

      You copied this from a famous newspaper in Australia (DT).

      Please give the source.

      Well said anyway!!

    • 4

      Shame on you Melbourne a clear racist,a xenophobic pls don’t bring your small-mindedness to adult conversations like this. It is pathetic, that you live and enjoy the grace of another nation. While enjoying their hospitality, equality, integration to the society as a non native Aussie, that you have the audacity to disgrace a group of our own brothers who has been living here generation after generation – from 11th century AD.
      The fact you can write in English doesn’t hide your ignorance, lack of basic human qualties. And you live in Melbourne perhaps. Yes, narrow minded of expats like you brought us 30 years of destruction and parents without kids without their parents, wives without husbands, a country that has lost its social order despite their class, creed or race. But the majority of people of Lanka, remained graceful, humane and compassionate. And they are resilient. You guys are hindrance to national harmony, you Diaspora want to realize the sinhala Buddist utopia as the cost of blood sweat and tears of other peoples kids. Dont put us Sane, decent Buddhist Sinhalese to shame by your bigotry.
      Mr Farook, how much I would like to see this as a Israeli conspriracy, I can’t accept your thesis. They may be trying to court our government. But I don’t see there is a direct relationship they have with SL muslim community and their connection with the known extremist gps around the world. For India it may be true because they have interest in the country as India have one of the very early ethnic group of firs of Ashkenazi Jews (the Cochin Balck Jew community) whome they are afraid of being threatened by extremist factions. India is a country that is very frequently has communal violence. Israel or Neo-con war hawks has no geopolitical interest in Sri Lanka.
      What happened in Aluthgama is totally upon our GOSL. They only use this stance only to solidify their international support for sure. But, agenda fits our leaders temporal bogey man. In other words two birds in one stone. Our people too are historically easy rile up with xenophobic . and we are so gullible. When given the initial push and everything else operates on its own, by riling up nationalistic fervor the wheel of destruction will turn in perpetual forward destructive motion.
      My belief is GO-SL is trying to stuck a code with Modi’s anti-muslim stance, and to exploit the sour Pak-Indo relationship to avoid him supporting the Tamil-nadu pressure to support LTTE or Tamil causes.

    • 3

      Shame on you SPUR Melbourne a clear racist,a xenophobic pls don’t bring your small-mindedness to adult conversations like this. It is pathetic, that you live and enjoy the grace of another nation. While enjoying their hospitality, equality, integration to the society as a non native Aussie(at least in name), then you have the audacity to disgrace a group of our own brothers who has been living here generation after generation – from 11th century AD.
      The fact you can write in English doesn’t hide your ignorance, lack of basic human qualities. Yes, narrow minded of expats like you brought us 30 years of destruction and parents without kids without their parents, wives without husbands, a country that has lost its social order despite their class, creed or race. But the majority of people of Lanka, remained graceful, humane and compassionate. And they are resilient. You guys are hindrance to national harmony, you Diaspora want to realize the sinhala Buddist utopia as the cost of blood sweat and tears of other peoples kids. Dont put us Sane, decent Buddhist Sinhalese to shame by your bigotry.
      Mr Farook, how much I would like to see this as a Israeli conspiracy, I can’t accept your thesis. They may be trying to court our government. But I don’t see there is a direct relationship they have with SL Muslim community. Pls place the blame where its due, not scapegoats. They are aware that in SL still not yet political Islamic extremism is not existing though religious Islamic extremism is turning its heads now for sometime. Their connection with the known extremist gps around the world is not established yet except for sporadic ISI funded individuals. For Israeli gov to have a vested interest in defeating Indian Muslim gps because India has one of the very ancient ethnic minority group of Ashkenazi Jews (the Cochin Jew community), and their safety. Plus, India is known to have by extremist factions. state that is frequent with state sponsored communal violence. In any angle we look, Israel or Neo-con war hawks has no geopolitical interest in Sri Lankan Muslims.

      What happened in Aluthgama is totally upon our GOSL, Extremist Budddist factions, and JHU, and JFF. Thanks to our egoistic nationalistic fervor roused by politicians to exploit. They must have used this stance only to solidify their international support for sure. But, agenda fits our leaders temporal bogey man theory. In other words two birds in one stone. Our people too are historically easy to rile up with xenophobic . rhetoric, we are so gullible. When given the initial push and everything else operates on its own, the wheel of destruction will be put in perpetual motion.
      My belief is GO-SL is trying to stuck a code with Modi’s anti-muslim stance, and to exploit the sour Pak-Indo relationship. and stop Modi from supporting the Tamilnadu pressure to support LTTE or Tamil causes. GL must be the chief architect that theory just like many of his failed diplomatic logis. It may work for Modi but Losing strategy internationally, and domestically.

    • 1


    • 1

      (CNN) — Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama has made a renewed call for Buddhists in Myanmar and Sri Lanka to cease violence towards the countries’ Muslim minorities, in an address delivered on his 79th birthday.

      Speaking before tens of thousands of Buddhists, including Hollywood actor Richard Gere, the exiled Buddhist leader implored the faithful in the majority-Buddhist countries to refrain from such attacks.
      “I urge the Buddhists in these countries to imagine an image of Buddha before they commit such a crime,” he said in the Indian town of Leh.
      “Buddha preaches love and compassion. If the Buddha is there, he will protect the Muslims whom the Buddhists are attacking.”

      Rising Buddhist nationalism in both countries, spearheaded by movements led by extremist monks, has led to communal violence targeting Muslims in recent years.

      I urge the Buddhists in these countries to imagine an image of Buddha before they commit such a crime. The Dalai Lama on anti-Muslim violence in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. Outbreaks of anti-Muslim violence have also occurred elsewhere in the country. Curfews were introduced in the second-largest city, Mandalay, last week after rioting left two dead and 14 injured.

      Curfew imposed after deadly clashes between Buddhists, Muslims in Mandal
      Human rights groups said that extremist monks helped incite last week’s violence, and were present in the rioting mobs.

      In Sri Lanka last month, four people were killed in nights of religious violence in which Buddhist mobs attacked Muslim neighborhoods around the southwest town of Aluthgama.

      Witnesses told CNN the rioting began after a rally organized by the far-right Bodu Bala Sena (Buddhist Power Force) group, at which the group’s leader, a monk, gave an inflammatory speech against Muslims.

      The Dalai Lama, who has lived in exile since 1959, has previously spoken out about the violence perpetrated by Buddhist nationalists.
      In May last year, he made comments at a U.S. university decrying the violence in Myanmar, and he has written to Aung San Suu Kyi, a renowned Burmese pro-democracy campaigner and fellow Nobel Peace Prize winner, calling for a halt to the violence, his staff said.

      The Dalai Lama was speaking before the audience in Leh to confer Kalachakra, a process intended to empower tens of thousands of his Buddhist followers to reach enlightenment, his office said

  • 9

    Dear Mr Farook

    You cast the net too wide for searching for scapegoats. They are an unlikely combination for your accusation to be meaningful. You must first look at the obvious factors. The first and foremost is Sinhala fanaticism and supremacy. While extremist were few, the large majority gave complicit support for what took place and continue to do so.

    The Muslims were a minority who supported the rise of this extremism against the Tamils. When they were hit, their first reaction was to point out that they stood against the Tamils. They were supine stooges of the Sinhalese. Their leaders ate crumbs at the tables of petty Sinhalese dictators and rejoiced in doing so.

    The Muslims also took to a Saudi Arabian sect which had nothing to do with Islam. Many Islamic scholars have pointed out that the dress habits now taken to by women in particular are not mandated by Islam but are in imitation of the peculiar slavery of women by Saudi Arabians. The Muslims have isolated themselves from the rest of society and will continue to be a problem. No point in blaming the Israelis and the RSS. You are deluding yourself and hoping that others will accept your delusions. You must change back to the way Islam was in the old days in Sri Lanka for the good of everyone. Militant Islam will not sit well in South Asia.

    Also, give up the fence sitting habit and join hands with the other minorities. They have a cause against the Mahavamsa mentality of the Sinhalese. Generations of Sinhalese have been perverted through the infusion of that mentality for things to change in Sri Lanka except through radical means. The Sinhalese have effectively dismantled democracy. The courts do not function. The police are pliant servants of power.The Tamils must continue their struggle for self-determination through peaceful means. This they are doing. The Muslims must also fight for their rights instead of believing in their leaders who like rats sit under the table of Rajapoxes for whatever is thrown down to them.

    • 5

      Ponkoh Sivakumaran,

      Spot on! He had it coming. L Farook journalist I presume is the mughal breed who are in the Iranian blend of journalism playing into the religious ghettos. This gives Saudi and UAE charities the opportunity to bring in strict rules and conflict.

      In a way you cant blame him too because he has grown up from the 60’s when S L has been for Palestine Israel intermittently.

  • 4

    Ponkoh Sivakumaran,

    Well said, you are absolutely right in your view.

  • 7

    Farooq latiff is making many un substantiated allegations and reaching his own conclusions about a nexus between the BBs and some of the Hindu right wing groups of India and Isreal. These are purely a figment of Latiff’s imagination and nothing else. Some Eelam Tamils believe that the Muslims in Srilanka and Tamilnadu are Tamil Muslims as they speak Tamil and supposedly practice a Tamil centric Islamic culture.

    It may be true with Tamilnadu and South Indian Muslims that they are ethnically Tamil or Dravidian ie Malayalee, Telugu ,Kannada etc. However in Srilanka the situation is different.

    Despite the Tamil blood the Muslims of Srilanka have flourished at the expense of the Tamils by manipulating the Sinhalese against the Tamils. All what the Muslims in Srilanka want is a perpetual conflict between the Tamils and Sinhalese so that they can thrive at the expense of both of them.muslims put the pigs to shame in breeding and lately they have resorted to converting the poor Sinhalese Buddhist to Islam . They also marry Tamil and Sinhalese women in order to convert them to Islam and then use them as breeding machines. Although as a Tamil Hindu and an LTTE supporter I fought tooth and nail against Sinhala racism I find my self unable to support the Muslims like many of my Tamil brethren at this juncture. I am a Hindu who believes Budhism and Buddha dharma are part of the greater Hindu philosophy. Further more Buddhism is a tributary of our own religion Hinduism and Hindu dharma.

    At least budhist and Hindus practice what they preach but in the case of Muslims they do not practice what they preach for some examples read what the spur Melboure has to say on this matter. I will also add to that long list of hypocracy some more of my personal observations about Muslims . Muslims women cover their head but not what they have in their groins they use that to breed liberally. While Muslims cover their women up and keep in their harems they go about raping and abusing non muslim women . They reason that kaffer women ( non believer) can be abused.

    There is no international conspiracy here in Srilanka why the Muslims are in Conflict with the Budhist as suggested by this writer the truth is srilankans of all creed have had enough of these muslim hanky panky . I will urge the one billion Hindus the world over to unite with our co – religionists the one billion Buddhist the world over to eradicate this Islamic menace starting with the Srilankans Muslims the thoppy piraddys. I shed no tears for them. I have no choice but to support budubala sena as I support the shiv sena. Let the Hindu and Buddha dharma triumph over the dark clouds over our mother land. Srilanka is the mother land of the two Dravidian races the Tamils and Sinhalese. Long live Buddha dharma in this resplendent island side by side with the Hindu dharma.

    • 6

      Oi,kallathoni fisherman

      you are firstly a bigot from a village katu like the over glorified jaffna and a terrorist ltte.
      down under had no problems in the 60’s because it followed immigration principals and you had no blood group to call it home. the forced mistake it made was signing the refugee treaty unlike india.
      listen to peter tosh – you are in Australia but you are black man.

      lankan muslims in the north were forced to grunt under the gun so they went against a ruthless fatty terrorist – sensible.

      sure muslims are a stupid block vote and a drain on democracy but ain’t you cotte’s the same even in the west? eg. boris johnson gets 34 seats and passa is booed! two getto boys- muslim and hindu.

      `I have no choice but to support budubala sena as I support the shiv sena.¬
      Badi Badi Chod Mat!!Chal Nikal Le!!

      `I will urge the one billion Hindus the world over to unite`

      Hindu has never had a leader its the roaming priest who presents it to the west. You village terrorist gaand pe lath.

      During 83 colombo riots which jaffna terrorist hijacked to get out to the west I personally witnessed how the caste conscious Hindus and how decent rich/poor muslims helped their tamil friends with their movable property and lives. Alavi Moulana was one figure who went out of the way

      So then how is your funder the terrorist douglas, karuna et al? ?

      Hanuman Ki Jai

  • 5

    Tell us the name of the monk who said “Muslims always spit three times on the food or drink which they serve to non Muslims. This, is the teaching of the Quran” and where it was reported. Look Latheef, we know Koran carry far sinister verses than that.

    Latheef talks about “… harmless Muslims in Aluthgama, Dharga Town, Beruwala and the surrounding areas.” Of cause there are traditional Muslims and they want to live in peace with Sinhala Buddhists. The president of a traditional Muslim organisation ACTM, Mr. MCA Hameed says; “We do not believe in propagating Islam with a sword or a gun. That’s against Islam and we have been a peaceful community of Muslims” but “we are now helpless in the wake of the Thawheed-backed Jihadi groups.”

    Those three that blocked the road and attacked Ven. Ayagama Samitha and his driver on the Poson Poya day do not belong to such a peaceful Sufi sect. They are Wahhabi Thowheeds and definitely a part of a conspiracy.

    They are the Thowheed that delivered a loud-speaker amplified taped sermon that compared traditional Buhari Thakiyya to a Buddhist Temple, the Kandhoori to a Dansal and the arches erected at the entrance to the mosque to a Vesak Pandal for everyone in the village of Mahagoda to hear. Thowheeds degraded both Sufis and Buddhists equally.

    Sufis complained to police on that hate sermon. But arguments between Sufis and Thowheeds had ended up killing two and maiming forty. Many other Sufi mosques and Sufi throughout Sri Lanka were attacked after that. But Latheef talk about harmless Muslims.

    Ven. Kirana Wimalajothi says that many moderate Muslims even have complained to BBS that the rate Thowheed are expanding there will be extremists in Sri Lanka in the calibre of Talibans soon. Read today ‘Sunday Lakbima’. I remember Ven. Gnanasara also mentioning the same thing at a meeting in Horana early 2013.

    I haven’t read it, but if Latheef says that a professor from Manipal University said “unless Sri Lanka takes precaution Wahabi terrorism is bound to become serious and Sri Lanka could become the transit point for Muslim terrorists”, I say it would be pure stupidity on our part to set aside such warnings as mere allegations. Whether Mossad trained or not there is a truth in what BJP, VHP, Shiv Sena, Bajran Dal and the like has been warning us.

    What more proof than the Sunday Times report on August 16, 2009. It says a number of Muslim home guards had deserted their unit with weapons to join Thowheed for a “Jihad” against traditional Muslims.
    Let’s make no mistake jihadists are potential mujahids. Anyone can see what they do in Iraq right now.

    Now the riot is over. Sri Lanka Muslims must learn Sri Lanka history and ethos and learn to respect it not denigrate it. They must embrace traditional Sri Lanka Islam and shun Thowheed teaching and their way of living. Hijabs and niqab is banned in France. And last week, European Court upheld that French full veil ban. Soon many EU countries would follow suit. Who knows it would be a trend.

    Sri Lanka Muslims must reject confrontational instructions by mullahs of Wahhabis, Salafis, Deobandis, Mawdudists and other Thowheeds. Otherwise, Muslims in Sri Lanka will have to face the wrath of the majority. Inevitably, that’ll lead the majority to boycott their businesses. I have already noticed, ‘No Limit’ in Maharagama has less business than usual.

  • 0

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    • 1

      idiot navin, go back to school

  • 4

    Dear Latheef Farook –

    Around four years ago, today’s hate campaign pitting the majority Sinhalese community against the island’s minority Muslims, was unheard of.

    However, today Sinhalese minds were poisoned against Muslims to such an extent that racist such as Jathika Hela Urumya, JHU, are even justifying attacks and killing of Muslims and the burning and the destruction of their residential and commercial property causing billions of rupees of loss for no valid reason.

    Read what Amarasiri Posted on the Shoora Council IGP Ckallenge, given below.

    Dear Shoora Council,

    “National Shoora Council (NSC) – an alliance of national level Muslim organisations in Sri Lanka has urged those concerned of an Al-Qaeda presence in the country to lodge complaints with the IGP without demonizing the Muslim community.”

    Very good Move, BUT The IGP is a liar as well, on behalf of the State and Racist Sinhala Buddhists.

    Challenge and Expose. Challenge and Expose. Go after the Truth. Truth is a Process, says Colombo Telegraph.Truth is what Buddha, Jesus and Mohamed taught.

    Yes. Challenge them to Prove that the Sun goes around the Earth as well.
    Translate into Sinhala and Tamil and point out Amarasiri’s points, given below, clearly.
    What we see is a Norwegian-Israeli- Western Christian Fundamentalist Conspiracy against Sri Lanka, Sri Lankan Muslims, and Sri Lankan Sinhala Buddhists. Why this conspiracy?

    1. Norway, in Collaboration with the LTTE and the Christian West Failed in an East Timor style division of the country, to Eelam.

    2. With about 35% of the Tamils being Christian, converting the balance 65% Hindus to Christianity will not be a bog challenge for the Christian Fundamentalists and the Christian NGO’s like the World Vision.

    3. In Sri Lanka, it is the Sinhala Buddhists (70%) and Muslims (9%), whether Tamil, Sinhala or English speaking, who do NOT want the country divided and want a unitary state. Division of Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah, will make it easier for for the Christian Fundamentalists to carry on their unethical conversion and finally turn the whole country, divided or not into a Christian Country. As a Christian Country, Lanka will follow the dictates of the Christian West, and will not tow the line of the Chinese or Indians, who wants to be independent of the Western Imperialism..

    4. The Christian fundamentalists were being attacked by the Fundamentalist Sinhala Buddhists for a ling time, based on unethical conversions. The Christian Project started with the Portuguese in 1505. The Christian West wanted the Christian attacks by Buddhist deflected. So the Sinhala Modayas, were brainwashed with lies and fed more lies, so that the Muslims can be made to be a target. This started around 2011/2012 period, and gave breathing room for the Christian Fundamentalists to continue their conversions.

    5. BBS and other racist groups were funded by Norway, Israel, Christian West and and other trouble makers, who wanted to take advantage. The Sinhala Buddhists being Sinhala Modayas fell into this trap an false flag operation as willing participants , and destroyed the harmonious relationship between the Sinhalese Buddhist and Muslims that was built over 1,000 years as neighbors. This will give relief for the Christian Fundamentals to continue the unethical conversions. Muslims do not do unethical conversions.

    6. To kill another stone, to remove the Support SRi Lanka has from Muslim Countries. What better way to achieve this than attacks on the innocent Muslims in Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

    So, it is very true Sinhala Buddhist are Modayas..Fools… Remember, even if there were no Muslims, the Christian West had plans for Lanka, to turn Lanka into a Christian Country… ask the Portuguese..

  • 3

    Why all over the world, muslims have problems ?

    Ongoing fighting in the city of Bambari, Central African Republic over the past few days has resulted in 50 casualties, mainly among Christian and Muslim militia members.

    The recent death toll began to escalate Monday, when a mainly-Christian militia group attacked Bambari, located about 236 miles northwest of the CAR capital of Bangui. According to the Associated Press, 18 members of the predominately Muslim village were killed in the attack. Subsequent backlash from Muslim youth in the town have contributed to the growing death toll count of 50.

    Ibrahim Alawad witnessed Monday’s gruesome attack by the Christian militia, also known as the “anti-Balaka.” He described that violence and the reprisals that took place afterward. “Some had been cut to pieces, some had their hearts cut out. I saw about five children and six women.”

    “After that the youth of the Muslim area went there. They killed about 10 anti-Balaka.”

    A member of the African Union Force added to Press TV that he too witnessed bodies that had been “mutilated and burnt by the assailants.”

    The ongoing, vengeful attacks between Christians and Muslims in the country could be symbolic of a possible genocide, similar to the genocide that took place in Bosnia in the 1990’s

  • 4

    where ever there muslims are, there is violence and killings

    Radical Sunni Muslims are facing jail for attacking a group of Shi’ites in what is believed to be the first case of Muslim sectarian violence on the streets of Britain.
    Violence broke out on London’s Edgware Road, a well-known Shia area, on May 10 last year during a protest organised by radical preacher Anjem Choudary calling for jihad in Syria.
    Two men were beaten to the ground with placards and wooden sticks. One was so badly injured he had blood streaming down his face after being kicked in the head as he lay helpless on the floor.
    Ginger-haired Jordan Horner, 20, part of the Sunni sect, attacked a man after calling him a ‘kuffir’, or non-believer.
    Other members of the Sunni group including Mohammed Almagir, 34, Mirza Ali, 38, Mohad Uddin, 36, and Kamran Khan, 29, also joined in.
    Alex Chalk, prosecuting, told the Old Bailey that the group were shouting ‘Shias are kuffirs. They are the enemy within. They are evil’ as they carried out the attack.
    He said: ‘This is a case about sectarian violence in west London.
    ‘On Friday May 10, 2013, these defendants attended an unauthorised anti-Shia march advertised on Twitter.
    ‘The protestors, several of whom were carrying banners bearing inflammatory anti-Shia slogans, passed along Edgware Road – an area well known for its established Shia community.
    ‘They were carrying placards calling for jihad in Syria and were publicising their intention to march to the Syrian Embassy.
    ‘Shortly after the marchers turned around at the Marble Arch end and retraced their steps northwards, violence broke out.
    ‘Two men were assaulted with fists and flagpoles. One was beaten on the ground, and the other, Fahad Fahad, was left with blood streaming from a wound to his head.’

  • 2

    Well done Modi!

    His new junior minister for agriculture is Sanjeev Balyan. He personally saved Hindus from Muslims in 2002 in Gujarat. Like Gnanasara, he was blamed for inciting violence against Muslims. But truth prevails!

    Thank you Modi. When will SL have its own Modi?

    • 0

      Tomodaya, The Lord of the World, Sarwabaladhari Dewiyan wahansey, is The Creator. People should show mercy to one another not to despise each other. Among the Sinhalease there were most honorable people who were civilized and understood the characteristic of human nature. We should not be hate mongers. Unfortunately we find even the so called educated folks talking nonsense like the illiterate ones. You better go the net and discover how the early Muslim scientist brought you all what knowledge about. I being a Sinhala, love the Muslims and became to love Islam through a Muslim Healer to treated a Buddhist Monk who was disabled for almost ten years, after a failed surgical operation at a famous private hospital. When I first came to know this doctor who displayed the true Islamic character who made the monk to walk again. Learn Islam with an open mind.

  • 1

    Author Lateef ridiculously fixated with Israelis. Israel may have issues with its immediate Arab neighbors, but they couldn’t care less about Muslims, especially Sri Lanka’s muslim community.

    If there is a growing anti-Muslim feeling amongst non-Muslims, then it’s due to R.Bataudeen’s and Hakeem’s hidden agenda(s). Their main hidden agenda is to Islamize SL and radicalize (wahabize) innocent muslims. Other allegations against those two are: producing false birth certificates and IDs to non-Sri Lankan citizen Muslims, settling muslims in Wilpattu national park, interfere with Law college entrance exam results, etc.

    Remember if Muslims have something or lots of things in common with someone else, then it’s with Jews/Israelis.

  • 1

    Muslims are free to relocate to their homelands in the Middle East, if they can’t handle Sri Lanka. Why do Muslims want to live under Kuffir laws in Sri Lanka and the West, when they can practice Sharia 24/7 with their ISIL brothers in Iraq and Saudi Arabia?

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      Isn’t there an open invitation from the ISIL ‘Caliph’?

      Those who cannot show tolerance to other faiths should go there post-haste. ‘My god is bigger than yours’ does NOT carry much weight in Sri Lanka.

  • 2

    Please watch this…. One will get goose bumps listening to the vocabulary of this thug disguised as a monk in the sacred robe ..


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    et’s make no mistake; Thowheed ideology or Islamic fundamentalism is clearly taking root in Sri Lanka. To understand it, one only has to go around Sri Lanka to perceive it. Scholars could analyse how Muslims in Sri Lanka have transformed their religion from moderation to extremism.

    Even a gullible would not accept Sri Lanka Thowheeds are peace lovers. No matter where they are, Thowheeds are act the same. Thowheeds are jihadists and Jihadists are mujahids. And Mujahids fight to anchor what Muhammad said as Allah said to the letter or the 7th century Muhammad’s cult everywhere.

    Since the end of the war, it is clear that Thowheed have been using the ongoing peace and political stability in Sri Lanka to extend their foothold in the country. The extent that Thowheed or Muslim fundamentalism spread to Beruwala Aluthgama area can be ascertained from the taped sermon that Wahhabi Thowheed delivered the day after the annual tandoori (feast) at 150 year old Buhkary Thakiyya of traditional Quadri Sufis on 23rd July 2009.

    That loud-speaker amplified taped sermon by Thowheed compared traditional Buhari Thakiyya to a Buddhist Temple, the Kandhoori to a Dansal and its arches at the entrance to the mosque to a Vesak Pandal. Everyone in the village of Mahagoda heard it. Wahhabi Thowheeds had degraded both Sufis and Buddhists with equal ferocity. One could say, more than Ven. Gnanasara’s speech.

    Sufis complained to police. But police hadn’t arrested the Thowheed hate monger. So, ideological arguments continued between Thowheeds and Sufis. It ended up killing two and maiming forty. And many fights followed mosques were and burned damaged throughout Sri Lanka.

    As a result of the Thowheed campaign, a number of Muslim home guards had deserted their unit in the East with weapons to join Tawheed for a Jihad” against traditional Muslims. Want proof? Google, the Sunday Times dateline, August 16, 2009 from its archives. Is it not Thowheed who started a conversion campaign immediately after 33 year war? Ven. Gnanasara’s BBS is the Buddhist response to Thowheed expansion their extremist 7th century cult.

    We see all kinds of geezers that wants to ban BBS but none of them talk banning Thowheed groups like Thowheed Jamath. Yet, secretary to Sri Lanka Thowheed Jamath, Abdul Razik had deliberately made an unprovoked and derogatory remarks on Buddha on 13th April 2013. Razik said, the Buddha had eaten human flesh and ‘triple gem’ means just stones at a meeting in Maligawatta. Before that Hakeem said yellow robed monk are terrorists.

    Mr. Tariq Mahmud, President, National Shoora Council, I sincerely hope what I have given above is proof enough to show that jihadists are living among us in Sri Lanka. And Jihadists are mujahids who lurk in the shade waiting to join organisations like ISIS, Al Qaeda or whatever. Google and read what British Jihadists who joined ISIS had to say.

    Latheef Farook an extremist anti Buddhist writer to CT wrote; a professor of Manipal University had hailed Narendra Modi, then BJP prime ministerial candidate, as the only solution to India’s ills.” Farook says as professor also said that Wahabi terrorism is not a problem yet, but it is spreading fast and it can be a serious problem in about five years. Therefore unless Sri Lanka takes precaution Wahabi terrorism is bound to become serious and Sri Lanka could become the transit point for Muslim terrorists.”

    I fully agree with the professor; Sri Lankans are sitting on a time bomb.

  • 2

    The beauty of Islam is Muslim kill each other in millions.

    This is the Ramadan period. Over 100 mosques have been demolished world wide in this Ramadan making it the best ever.

    Facts are facts.

  • 2

    What an idiot you are. You think these tunes that we heard are effective any more? You all are now scared as all of a sudden Sinhalese have opened their eyes and ears and they can have hope to protect Sinhala Nation, race and Buddhism. I know it is scary for Muslims as you can’t do what you want to do any more as you have been doing in the last five years. You can’t buy people Sinhalese in these groups as you have done with our “Kudu” PM Dimu and few Ministers. It is scary isn’t it? No wonder all of a sudden Thambiyas are coming out with all sorts of reasons of racism and minority etc. Where were you when LTTE killed and chased out hambayas from the North and East? Were you guys scared of LTTE to oppose or write to Western Embassies? Where were you when Muslims killed Muslims in Beruwala last year?
    If you are not a racist and fair minded person you should start with the cause of this problem not the reaction. First I would like you to go to Babile Road Gampola and see for yourself what your bloody Mullahs have done in the name of your Allah. But I don’t think you have the guts as then you will have to admit to Muslims provocations and intimidation of Sinhalese. Then why don’t you talk about who started this Aluthgama issue? Are you scared to accept that it stated because of 3 Muslim hambayas attacked a Buddhist monk? How about if Sinhalese attacked a bloody Mullah? This would have never gone any further if someone accepted the root cause and produced those 3 idiot hambayas to police and apologised to the monk on behalf of Muslim community. Don’t you think that is the right way to do it? I don’t know whether you have the brains to think rationally or is it because you hambayas wanted to have this riot to show the world how Sinhalaya treating the innocent minority Muslims? Go to Akurana and see what hambayas have done illegally to that city? That is OK as it is only poor minority Muslims and according to their believes of Allah.
    At least if you think we are first and foremost “Sri Lankans” and then comes our believes, which is personal and private and must keep it to ourselves. Must learn to respect others no matter who they are or what they believe in. It is simple as that. Then none of these problems will arise. But Muslims around the world can’t do it, because they are the “Peaceful religion” world has ever seen even though Quran says:
    1. Quran (8:12) – I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”
    2. Quran (2:191-193) – And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing…but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)” .
    3. Quran (2:216) – Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.”
    4. Quran (4:95) – Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,-”
    5. Quran (9:5) – So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them.”
    6. Quran (9:73) – O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination.”
    7. Non-believers are even compared to vile animals. Verse 7:176 compares unbelievers to panting dogs” with regard to their idiocy and worthlessness. Verse 7:179 says they are like cattle” only worse.

    The what about the screaming of Mosques at 0430 in the morning disturbing the babies, children who goes to school, old and sick and working people who are trying have a rest. Why do the Sinhalese who has lived in these areas for many centuries have to suffer for these Allah’s screams?

    Latif or any reasonable minded person, I am waiting to prove I am wrong.

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    There is strong evidence that our Lord Budhdha ate human flesh when he was given by a devotee. If so why should
    We worry about others eating animal flesh and kill non Budhists.

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      Hey pure Buddhist or gutless person who don’t have the guts to put his name. Don’t talk rubbish through your back side, show us these “Strong evidence” you are talking about or else shut that smelly mouth. Anyone can say that you are a “pig” and there are “strong evidence” and does that mean you are a bloody “Shit eating” pig? We can also say Allah is the Devil in disguise and there are “strong evidence” for that. Does that mean it is true. From what MuhaMAD has done and if MuhaMAD is to believe about Allah, then it could to be true (see above 10 quotes from Quran). So, don’t be a fool also don’t let the whole world think you are an idiot even though there are “Strong evidence” to say that from what you are saying.

    • 4

      Simple now have a look of the picture of the two Wirathu – Gnanasara. They are communicating in English the Englishman’s language- the bridge.

      As soon as they get what they want they revert into their yakkage idioma and abuse the English folk.

      The Lying Race under Passa is turning out to be turn-coats and use & throw.

      While Gnanasara is looking for prominence at any cost to the island and its people.
      Killing means nothing for them of the forces with the experience of the tamil war where unarmed civilians were murdered.

  • 4

    1, you may.be a para sinhala buddhist when you allow chicken slaughter while protesting for cattle slaughter. 2, you may be a para sinhala buddhist when you humiliates the muslims but seek ‘collections’ for vesak dansal. 3, you may be a para sinhala buddhist when you claim to be a vegetarian but greedy of wattalappan made with eggs. 4, you may be a buddhist when you order closure of beef stalls to mark vesak but not fish stalls. 5, you may be a para sinhala buddhist when u send yo wives to wash the toilets of muslim arabs while causing atrocities to muslims. 6, you may be a buddhist when you beg for donations and loans from middle east while humiliating their religion. 6, youay be a buddhist when you bow down even to a rapist/ criminal/ thug for the simple sake of saffron robe. 7. you.may be a sinhala buddhist when you believe any filth or lie uttered by saffron robed thugs. 8. you may be a buddhist when your heart boils of jealousy when other communities climbs up.

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    Ha ha! the lying race’s 8 fold path where they belch and fart

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