By Lukman Harees –
“You fight for your rights when your rights are being denied. When the building is on fire, you don’t stand by and let the building burn down and say we’ll fight the fire another day.” – Richard Gilbert
Many have argued that the rise and institutionalisation of Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism in post-independent Sri Lanka bear much responsibility for today’s ethnic conflicts between the majority Sinhalese state and the minorities. Ironically, the competition among the Sinhala ruling classes, for acquiring state resources and political capital, has turned nationalism into the ruling ideology and the state ideology of Sri Lanka. Many commentators on Post-colonial Sri Lanka curiously had also commented on the ‘minority’ complex of the majority Sinhalese , according to Nira Wickramasinghe, an author in history (2006). She says that ‘the three Constitutions of post- independence Sri Lanka, helped demarcate and define a majority from within the citizens pitting them against non- Buddhists and non- Sinhala speaking minority communities…(placing) minorities in a somewhat dependent and subaltern situation’.
Thus, to understand the mad monk phenomenon, and the oft proved state patronage , which we have been witnessing in recent times, we need to understand these ground realities and therefore any attempts to find ways to achieve reconciliation and share power will not bear results without adequately addressing them. A book written by B.H. Farmer in 1963 , a distinguished geographer, ‘Ceylon –A Divided Nation’ spoke volumes of the times which followed after Independence. He wrote : ‘’…Since those saddening days of 1958 Ceylon has had its share of trouble…..The truth, though unpalatable may be to some, is simply that nobody unacceptable to the present Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism has any chance of constitutional power in contemporary Ceylon.”. Then ,in the first four sentences of the last paragraph of the book, he concluded “Ceylon is indeed a divided nation. The reader may be inclined to form the conclusion that it was always so, and that optimistic views on national unity held in Ceylon at the coming of independence, and repeated by commentators in other parts of the world, rested on illusion or ignorance.. Certainly, given the historical traditions of the Sinhalese and their particular national complexes, and given the history which set down in their midst the particular minorities that have come to exist in Ceylon, trouble might have been foreseen. But need it have been as violent as in fact it was?”
If this was true in 1963, it has been proved unequivocally in the past 60 years and being proved even now. Gota’s alleged links with BBS/ Gnanassara and MR Regime’s reluctance to condemn the thuggish behaviour of these mad monks and apologize to the Muslims should only be seen in that light.
Is BBS – Sinhala Ravaya types therefore an ‘’out of the ordinary ‘ phenomena in Sri Lankan history? A cursory glance of history therefore shows that it is not so. All agree that Buddhist philosophy eschews violence; yet particularly in Sri Lanka, what we witness has been Sinhala Buddhism, whereby some Buddhist monks and especially Buddhist political elites have used Jathaka Kathaa (tales) dealing with Buddha’s reincarnated lives and Buddhist mytho-history –the Mahawamsa to celebrate and justify violence. The most fundamental belief providing the basis for Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism is that Sri Lanka has been preserved for Sinhalese Buddhists, and minorities live there only because of Buddhists’ tolerance, which sentiment obviously makes Sinhala Buddhists a privileged lot , marginalizes those of other religions and ethnic groups, and justifies Sinhalese Buddhist super-ordination and minority subordination. Although not all Sinhalese Buddhists are nationalists, the sentiment is sufficiently embedded whereby Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism, aided by political Buddhism, has been undermining majority –minority relationships and attempts at devolution of power and conflict resolution have virtually ended in near failure. These hate groups now coughing animosity at the Muslims and also at Christians, also operate from this ideological platform and draw inspiration from a Sri Lankan role model Anagarika Dharmapala and the dreaded face of Buddhist Terror Wirathu in Myanmar.
Social Analyst Dr. Jayadeva Uyangoda has argued that “Sinhalese Buddhism has made no significant contribution to the evolution of a non-violent social ideology. On the contrary, the Sinhalese Buddhist historiographical tradition and ideology inherent in it supports ethnic political violence”. We have seen in post-independence Sri Lanka that Buddhist leaders and Buddhist monks have been campaigning for policies that exacerbated ethno-religious violence . We saw how the Sinhala Buddhist nationalist monks bearing majoritarian attitudes played a decisive role in forming a Sinhala chauvinist government in 1956 introducing the ‘Sinhala Only’ bill, Bandaranaike assassination, in the abrogation of the Bandaranaike- Chelvanayagam pact and even in the scuttling of a new Constitution in 2000 by Chandrika government . Post- Independence governments bending over backwards in pacifying the inner cravings of the Saffron clad class led to the just aspirations of the minorities being swept under the carpet and using them for political gains because of the immunity enjoyed by them among the Buddhist people.
Therefore BBS and the likes are but an extension of this tradition. These mad monks and dogs of hate with the state at the other end of the leash, cashing in on certain inner fears of the Sinhala Buddhist people and making them see ghosts in every corner should make us understand the underlying reasons for them to shoot at the next target – The Muslims and the Christians, after the Sinhala Army ( according to BBS) has successfully exterminated the Tamil ‘threat’ .
This series of racist attacks in Aluthgama for example, by outside BBS thug gangs under he very supervision of the Police and STF, has brought down the Muslim community in terms of their lifestyle and economy – and many see these incidents as a direct attack on the Muslim economic base which has direct and indirect negative effects on the country’s economy as a whole. It is relatively easier to build houses and shops, but it is a utopian task to mend broken hearts and ease the pain of the victims ,who have also lost three of their sons to bullets and many of whose families have been injured, when the government which is supposed to protect everyone failed to act in an even handed manner. Instead they sought to protect the hate groups and whitewash them. It was a mini localized version of the Black July of 1983, when the Tamils pogrom happened instigated by Sinhala Nationalist elements of that time, who had the tacit support of the then JRJ government . Drawing parallels between 1983 riots and 2014 Aluthgama riots may not be fair, but few similarities can be identified.
According to accounts published by his own close collaborators, Prime Minister Premadasa himself advised JR Jayewardene of the unavoidable consequence of there being riots in Colombo if this was allowed. However, JR Jayewardene made his own calculations about the opportunity that he had before him to divert the attention of the country away from him. He quite deliberately allowed the funerals to take place in a manner that would bring about what we know today as Black July. It was a calculated action to take advantage of a situation for his own political survival. (AHRC).
JRJ did not apologize to the Tamils in July 1983 and neither did MR in June 2014. Further, although 1983 riots started as a spontaneous reaction by Sinhalese mobs gathered at the Colombo cemetery where the bodies of the soldiers were to be buried, later it surmised that it was part of well-knit plan to attack the Tamils joined by elements associated with the Sinhalese political activists actively involved in the organisation of the riots. Also, during the early stages of riots, it is alleged the local police officers and military stood by doing nothing and even connived in the looting. Aluthgama Anti-Muslim riots and its’ aftermath too had similar features. In this video produced by JHU, ( click here) at 11.35-11.40 minutes, a Sinhala youth says that the ‘Police told us it is OK to attack these places, but said don’t set fire to them.’ This shows the collusion of the Police in these attacks.
Although BBS wanted to show this as their reaction to an alleged attack on a Bikkhu by few Muslim youth, subsequent events however showed that this was but part of a well-orchestrated plan to hit at the economic base of the Muslims and instil fear into their hearts. In 1983, JRJ simply did not listen to Premadasa and Sirisena Coorey to refrain from bringing the bodies to Colombo; but JRJ decided to do so and the result was history. MR too did not want to listen to his Ministers such as Rajitha, Vasudeva, Dilan ,Hakeem or Rishard and apparently gave in to Gotabaya’s advice to give a free reign to BBS, The result was history too and proved the contention that objectives are same.
Therefore the Way forward for the Muslims is to consider Aluthgama Disaster as a wake-up call, and charter their future course based on their due rights under the Constitution, rather than blindly relying on the magnanimity of the government in power. Muslims should not allow the government to use them as a punching bag, but learn lessons from their Tamil brethren, and also from this debacle that government will only stand by them only to the extent that it will serve their vested interests. Tamils are yet to get their aspirations fulfilled despite LLRC recommendations and the censure from the international community. Still, Tamils stood up for their rights and therefore the world is listening to them and therefore they cannot be shoved aside by the governments in power. In this context, it is just wishful thinking that Muslim community interests will be seriously looked at , by the governments appeasing the Sinhala Buddhist nationalists, if they do not stand up and b counted. One of the gravest follies they did was to take a back seat expecting their right under the sunny Sri Lanka to be a given and not speak effectively on behalf of the just aspirations of their Tamil brethren . This reminds of the poem written by Martin Neimoller who wrote about the dangers of the silence of bystanders in the face of oppression.
“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality” – JFK
If the future generation of Muslims and minorities are to live in a Sri Lanka as equal, dignified citizens, then the mind-set of the present generation of leaders should also change. The rights of minorities to be considered as equals can only be achieved if the leaders infuse a sense of self-respect, specially in the young ones without making them cow down to the machinations of these nationalist majoritarian forces. They should be taken out of the minority inferiority mind-set and taught to be proud of their history, so that the minorities will start to demand what is due to us as a matter of right and not bow down before the government in power as if they are favours in return for their votes.
It is true that Muslims have shown and should continue to show, an amazing sense of restraint and patience in the midst of these well- orchestrated campaign to provoke them into rash action and to tarnish their image citing non-existent Jihadi cells. It is important that all efforts are taken to build bridges among communities so that these viruses cannot corrupt good relations. However, that alone is not sufficient. The Muslim leaders whether political and religious should not put the community back to sleep saying that action has now been taken to stop the violence. What is the guarantee that there will not be a repeat July 1983 or June 2014 with a government using these mad monks as pawns to instigate the peaceful Sinhala people against them? Obviously, non-violence forms of struggle should be the way forward. It is also imperative to note that vulnerable minority communities should forge alliances between themselves – Tamils , Muslims and Christians, and also with the greater progressive sections of the Sinhala Buddhist people , to fight against the breakdown of law and order in Sri Lanka, to fight corruption , to fight for social justice , and also to fight the scourge of racism and petty hatred . These dogs of hate roaming about in the name of Sinhala Buddhist nationalism, should be leashed and confronted without allowing them to eat into the dignity and self-respect of the minorities. Towards this goal, the approach of the present Muslim political leadership to appease the government and to compromise the community interests for petty or for short term gains and develop cowardly attitudes like ‘ get inside houses, do not come out, Police will safeguard you’ should stop and build self confidence in the community and ability to create an environment where they can live as equal ,dignified citizens.
In his Foreword to Farmer’s book quoted at the outset, Lord Soulbury had expressed his dismay on the Sinhala-Tamil conflict as follows: “Needless to say the consequences have been a bitter disappointment to myself and my fellow Commissioners….Nevertheless – in the light of later happenings – I now think it is a pity that the Commission did not also recommend the entrenchment in the constitution of guarantees of fundamental rights, on the lines enacted in the constitutions of India, Pakistan, Malaya, Nigeria and elsewhere.”. Perhaps in any subsequent amendment of Ceylon’s constitution those in authority might take note of the proclamation made by the delegates at the African conference which met in Lagos two years ago: ‘Fundamental human rights, especially the right to individual liberty, should be written and entrenched in the constitutions of all countries’. Nevertheless the reconciliation of Tamils and Sinhalese will depend not on constitutional guarantees but on the goodwill, common sense and humanity of the Government in power and the people who elect it.” (bolding mine)
This constitutional guarantees will therefore only remain in paper for the ‘other’, , if they do not confront these dogs of hate and assert themselves in the political, social, and public domain that minorities are not pushovers and it is the obligation of the government to protect their rights to practice their religion and culture, which are also human rights under UDHR.
Nass / July 6, 2014
Muslims are at cross road in Lanka today, neither Arab countries nor Muslims nations in Asia could help us in this difficult situation. It is our wisdom should prevail to cope this type of situation. It is tiny minority of people that make this trouble and we should be cleaver enough how to counter them . It should be noted that many Sinhalese spoke against BBS after Aluthgsma incident and we should work with them to sort it out this racism . It is more effective than any other method. It is more viable than any other methods:
Monks, academics and leaders of Sinhalese must be approached to sort of this issues:
Local and national communal harmony awareness programmes and talks could be a starting point in this directions:
Lankan constitution is just in paper and does not have any meaning. Practically people to people contact should be established. That is the way forward in this situation:
Please propose some such mechanism
Banda / July 6, 2014
Since you have mentioned about an approach to sort out issues, I thought of mentioning my two cents worth of suggestions.
Get it right. All most all Sinhalas and Tamils do not like Muslim extremists. More they see hajabs and niqabs they know extremists are active in Sri Lanka. You’re wrong to think only a minority back BBS.
This is my suggestion. The riot is over. Sri Lanka Muslims must learn Sri Lanka history and ethos and learn to respect it not denigrate it. They must embrace traditional Sri Lanka Islam and shun Thowheed teaching and their way of living. Hijabs and niqab is banned in France. And last week, European Court upheld that French full veil ban. Soon many EU countries would follow suit.
Sri Lanka Muslims must reject confrontational instructions by mullahs of Wahhabis, Salafis, Deobandis, Mawdudists and other Thowheeds. Otherwise, Muslims in Sri Lanka will have to face the wrath of the majority. Inevitably, that’ll lead the majority to boycott their businesses. I have already noticed, ‘No Limit’ in Maharagama has less business than usual.
Thiru / July 7, 2014
Lukman Harees,
Thank you for an very enlightening article on Sinhala Buddhist nationalism and its effects on Sri Lanka since independence.
A must read for anybody who wants Sri Lanka to be a peaceful and civilized democracy.
whywhy / July 7, 2014
History shows,well over the past fifteen centuries,
Buddhist leaders endorsed violence and war on many
occasions.Many sorts of Buddhist traditions from
ancient to the present have used religious images
and rhetoric to support armed conquest throughout
history.Even before the birth Of Prophet Muhammad
Jihadists were in action in Buddhism.Search the
history.There are some racist rowdy guys masquerading
in this forum raving and ranting their vitriol as if
Muslims are the inventors of Jihad.Buddhist soldiers
in the sixth century China were awarded the title of
“Bodisatwa” after killing their adversaries.In the
17th century Tibet,Dalailama the 5th, sanctioned a
Mongol ruler’s killing of his rivals.In today’s
Thailand,Buddhist soldiers carry out their duties
undercover,as fully ordained monks armed with guns.
whywhy / July 7, 2014
History shows,well over the past fifteen centuries,
Buddhist leaders endorsed violence and war on many
occasions.Many sorts of Buddhist traditions from
ancient to the present have used religious images
and rhetoric to support armed conquest throughout
history.Even before the birth Of Prophet Muhammad
Jihadists were in action in Buddhism.Search the
history.There are some racist rowdy guys masquerading
in this forum raving and ranting their vitriol as if
Muslims are the inventors of Jihad.Buddhist soldiers
in the sixth century China were awarded the title of
“Bodisatwa” after killing their adversaries.In the
17th century Tibet,Dalailama the 5th, sanctioned a
Mongol ruler’s killing of his rivals.In today’s
Thailand,Buddhist soldiers carry out their duties
undercover,as fully ordained monks armed with guns.
Read Buddhist military actions in Tibet,China,Korea,
Japan,Mongolia,Thailand and recently Burma and SRI
Lanka.These fellows are trying incessantly to bring
examples from Pakistan,Afganistan and some Arab
countries as if history revolves only around these
countries and their religion.Take a look at a passage
in MAHAVAMSA in which a Buddhist monk comforts the
King Dutugamunu for killing evil”unbelievers”;the
monk explains that the act carry no more weight than
killing animals.Now,Animal lovers and super super
human beings of a section of holy holy Sinhala
Buddhists,come out with your comments!
Amarasiri / July 6, 2014
Lukman Harees –
“You fight for your rights when your rights are being denied. When the building is on fire, you don’t stand by and let the building burn down and say we’ll fight the fire another day.” – Richard Gilbert
“Many have argued that the rise and institutionalisation of Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism in post-independent Sri Lanka bear much responsibility for today’s ethnic conflicts between the majority Sinhalese state and the minorities. Ironically, the competition among the Sinhala ruling classes, for acquiring state resources and political capital, has turned nationalism into the ruling ideology and the state ideology of Sri Lanka.”
1. Yes, fight for your rights, but identify and punish the culprits, not the innocents.
2. Para Sinhalese Buddhism and Chauvinism was based on the lies and imaginations of Para-monk Mahanama of the 5th Century. Most of the Para-Sinhalese believe that in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.
The Para-Sinhala masses are brainwashed in School at in the in temples as children, and grow up believing all the lies. The Para-Sinhala Buddhist politicians make use of these lies to get elected, and maintain their hegemony.
In order to maintain their hegemony, these use the Sinhalese Buddhist chauvinism. Their target is the 70% Sinhala Buddhists.
So All the Sinhala Buddhist Chauvinist politicians need is 70% of the Sinhala Buddhists to vote for them, to get 49% of the Sinhala Buddhist votes. Then add a few percent other votes, and they get a majority.
What is Buddhism? What is Sinhala Buddhism? What is Sinhala Buddhist Racism?
Who are the Para-Sinhalese in the Land of native Veddah Aethho?
The Vedda Tribe
Jim softy / July 6, 2014
IT is the quran which teaches hate; Rad and see why a muslim stabbed and killed a pregnant woman.
A Muslim who stabbed a pregnant Romanian prostitute to death was jailed for at least 29 years today.
Farooq Shah, 21, plunged a knife into Mariana Popa’s chest while riding his bicycle along a stretch of road notorious for sex workers.
Miss Popa, 24, had been in Britain for just three weeks and was trying to earn the money to support her family when she was stabbed in Ilford, Essex.
She staggered into Chicken & Pizza 4U in Ilford Lane and collapsed in a pool of blood as her killer rode away on his bike.
The mother-of-one was six weeks pregnant with her second child when she bled to death.
CCTV footage showed Shah waiting on the forecourt of a BP garage close to where prostitutes were working on Ilford Lane late on October 28.
mike / July 6, 2014
JimNutty, it appears you have been patronizing the red light districts. No wonder you are very knowledgeable in these areas! Stop being a RACIST.
Jim softy / July 6, 2014
where is the racist part when a Islamic extremist stabbed a woman because she used prostitution to earn her bread and butter.
You are talking like a stupid donkey.
I apologize for intelligent donkeys.
Marwan / July 6, 2014
Jim Softy my ass, how can a man who committed a crime and received a sentence as punishment, have anything to do with Islam or Muslims, just because he happened to be an adherent of that faith? No saying that if it happened in a ME country that practices Sharia Law, he may have received the Capital punishment, not just 26 years in jail. But that is besides the point. Just think, how much of horrendous crimes are getting committed in SL by Sinhala Buddhist folks under influence of illicit brewed stuff, on a daily basis? The most recent of which, Father killing his two children, on grounds of wife having illicit affair in ME. There are just too many to report and I can go on and on. Surely we cannot contribute all of those crimes to Buddhist teachings. You have such a warped mind that you cannot even think straight anymore. Another statistic of BBS ideology brain dead victim.
Satina / July 6, 2014
Nothing of what you state is said in the Quran. First read and understand the quran before you blaspheme.
Prostitution is wrong anywy and it not the only way but a sin way to make a living. All religions say this.
ron gee / July 6, 2014
JAPRAPASSA is charged with killing his pregnant GF in a lime pit when he was around 20-22 !
What do U say to that ‘softy’ ?
It’s time for U to get hard and be a Real man, Jim !
s.sundaram / July 6, 2014
very commendable and sensible article. several ideas for the future are put forward by u and other writers in CT and all ideas have to be collected, summarized and documented and disseminated among the muslims. there has to be a paradigm shift in the political approach of muslims in the future keeping in mind the realities exposed in this article. they may have to discard the self seeking politicians and support a selfless forward looking new leadership.i thing the days of finding security through supporting will not work. muslims will have to think about ‘muslims in 2040’, formulate a future framework for muslims using futurological perspective approach.
Jim softy / July 6, 2014
READ HOW MUSLIM MINORITY 1400 YEARS AGO, AND IN EVERY COUNTRY DESRTEROYED MANY CULTURES AND CIVILIZATIONS. IN SRI LANKA ALSO MUSLIMS ARE A MINORITY. but, in the world muslims boasts that they are 1.8 billion laugh at Christianity. In Sri Lanka, with a handful of sinhala buddhists they PLAY THE “MINORITY – CARD”.
Muslims wiped out complete civilisation in Egypt Parsees from Persia,Buddhists from Afghanistan & Maldives, Sikhs from Lahore, Sindhis from Sindh,
Kashmiri pandits from Kashmir, Hindus & Buddhists in Bangladesh, Christians and Hindus from several Islands of Indonesia
But the real enemies to defeat are the disturbing emotions and attitudes that lie hidden in the mind. Buddhism’s Jihad” is purely an internal spiritual war against the inner foes. Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha was born into the warrior caste and often used military imagery to describe the spiritual journey. Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha was the Triumphant One, who defeated the demonic forces of unawareness, distorted views, disturbing emotions, and impulsive karmic behavior.
In Saudi Arabia there is no Church, Synagogue, Buddhist nor Hindu Temple is allowed. Wahhabism (pseudo Salafism) is NOT a religion of tolerance. Wahhabism provides the fundamental base for Jihadism which causes unending strife and misery. It is not Iran that should be bombed. In Iran there are still Jews living there and praying in their Synagogues. Muammar al-Gaddafi respected Christian and Jewish religions and their Churches, Synagogues in Libya but American, English, French, Saudi and Qatari financed terrorists destroyed Churches, Synagogues recently. Buddhist Temples including Bamiyan Buddha statues have survived in Islamic countries for centuries, but they could not survive under the Wahhabism.
Washington and London are protecting Wahhabi extremists. In Syria Christians and their Churches were safe before the Westerners began sending their Wahhabi fanatics to kill innocent Syrian civilians.
In Bosnia and Kosovo, under the guise of reconstruction aid”, Saudi Arabia, Kuwaiti, and other Wahhabi organizations have demolished and removed major Islamic monuments (survived attacks by Serb and Croat militias) which were created by Muslims with an Islamic culture and tradition stretching back to 14th century long before Ibn Abd al-Wahhab made his 18th century alliance with the warlord Ibn Saud who founded the Saudi dynasty – House of Saud.
In post- Muammar al-Gaddafi Libya,Wahhabi Jihadists bulldozed several Libyan Sufi mosques (including the Tripoli’s Al-Shaab Al-Dahman mosque) and Sufi graves (including the tombs of Libyan Sufi scholars Abdullah al-Sha’ab, Abdel Salam al-Asmar and of soldiers who fought Spanish colonialists). Wahhabi Jihadists also burned down several historic Sufi libraries in Libya recently.
Since the start of the Arab Spring uprising by Wahhabi Jihadists, many Sufi sites have been attacked in Egypt, Mali and Libya by armed Wahhabi Jihadists.
The Wahhabis, and the British, supported the warlord Ibn Saud and legitimized the warlord Ibn Saud and his fight against the Ottoman Empire. Since then the House of Saud always supports Britain and its allies including USA and Israel. When the House of Saud took control of the Holy Places in Arabia from the Ottoman Empire with British support , they destroyed 15 centuries of Islamic heritage, including the desecration of the tombs of the wives and companions of the Holy Prophet, in the iconoclastic imposition of Wahhabism. The iconoclastic Wahhabi House of Saud gradually destroyed several holy shrines, including historical places of Islam from the Prophet’s house in Mecca and companion Ayoob Ansari’s house in Medina and turned them into apartments buildings and hotels. They also turned the site of the Prophet’s wives’ houses into a parking lot.
The Wahhabi-backed House of Saud took full control of the Hijaz, Mecca and Medina, in 1924 and established the modern state of Saudi Arabia, with Wahhabism as its official religion. Since then the House of Saud has promoted Wahhabism as normative Islam throughout the Islamic world. The House of Saud was consolidated on massive oil wealth and has spent huge sums of money building Wahhabi mosques, publishing Wahhabi literature and funding Wahhabi organizations world-wide. Today, with Wahhabi control of the Holy Places intact, virtually every aspect and corner of modern Islam has been penetrated by Wahhabi influence through the agency of the House of Saud.
Through the control of the Hajj – the beating heart of Islam – and through their vigorous publication and propaganda means, almost all the Muslims are infected with Wahhabism to some extent.
Present Zionist and Wahhabi doctrines foresee the fall of Iran, Belarus, and, ultimately Russia and China, after the fall of Damascus, to the combined forces of NATO and the Saudi- and Qatari-backed Wahhabis, who make up a large portion of the anti Syrian movement.
Sufism is an entirely indigenous Islamic resistance movement to fundamentalism an throughout South Asia including Sri Lanka for several centuries, the spiritual tradition of Sufism is vigorously present. Across Pakistan, the religious tenor has been correspondingly radicalised: the tolerant, Sufi-minded Barelvi form of Islam is now overtaken by the rise of the more hardline and politicized Wahhabism. Remember Sri Lankan cricketers were ambushed in Lahore by armed Wahhabi Jihadists.
Wahhabi ideology of Islam reached Sri Lanka in the 1940s, but was not accepted by Sri Lankan Muslims. Later oil rich Saudi Arabia greatly began to penetrate Sri Lanka’s adherents to Islam in 70′s., With the increased funding by the Saudi Arabia with their petro dollars, Wahhabi followers have increased and are now responsible for the sectarian clashes that are slowly increasing among Sri Lankan Muslims especially in the Eastern Province. It is sadly true but there is a rising trend of Wahhabi Jihadism in Sri Lanka. Wahhabis are trying to take the peaceful Islamic community in Sri Lanka down the path of extremism and violence.Wahhabi fundamentalism has advanced so quickly in Sri Lanka partly because the House of Saud has financed the building of so many madrasas,The Wahhabis have already created deep divisions in among Sri Lankan Muslims and have formed gangs that intimidate moderate Muslims who speak out against Wahhabi fanatics. Like the Christian fundamentalist groups using NGOs to convert innocent poor families to Christianity, Wahhabis help poor Muslim families by providing cash and other material benefits to convert the innocent poor Muslim families into their cult. By building churches and madrasas all over the world to harvest the poor souls is truely very clever idea. Wahhabis even use Sri Lankan Government Cultural and Religious Affairs Departments to continue their nefarious activities.
Wahhabis claim that moderate Sri Lankan Muslims do not know anything of Islam and only themselves are the real scholars of Islam. But Wahhabis preach only dawah” of hatred, terror and murder. To understand the deranged mentality of Wahhabis look at the fitna” the Wahhabis have caused in Pakistan. The Government authorities must investigate every Wahhabi school and propagandist in the Eastern Province to make sure they are not preaching things that are inimical to Sri Lanka. Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaida, Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba and other Wahhabi terrorist groups. Saudi Arabia spends 87 billion US dollar per year to spread Wahhabism world-wide. Scholarships are offered to our Muslims youths to go to Wahhabi institutions in Saudi Arabia and Egypt. But those who completed their Wahhabi studies returned to Sri Lanka and propagate Wahhabism.
Wahhabis have infiltrated Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC). Almost all the participants and staffers in the Muslim section of Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation are Wahabis and use the State radio to propagate Wahhabism. Not only Wahhabis run private unlicensed radio stations in the Eastern Province, also armed Wahhabis often attack mosques and leaders of the Sufi sect.
Wahhabism in Srilanka is headquartered in Kattankudi is a new politico-religious movement that is sweeping the Eastern province of Sri Lanka with more than sixty Muslim Wahhabi organizations helping in propagating the movement throughout Sri Lanka and has raced ahead and taken control of the Jihadist and Al Fatah groups in Sri Lanka under their wings. Wahhabism is imported and planted in the midst of peace-loving Muslims in Sri Lanka, mostly through the lavish inflow of Saudi money pumped into Sri Lanka has overtaken other Islamic organizations by threats, intimidation and coercion.
Remember Colonel Lateef was gun down by the prominent Wahhabi militant `Police` Faiz in Oddamavadi. CIA introduced Wahhabism in Sri Lanka through Saudi Arabia as a means of countering the growing support for Iran and Sufism among the Sri Lankan Muslims since CIA had calculated that Wahhabism would be an effective rival theology to prevent the spread of Iranian influence in Sri Lanka.
Clashes between Sufis and Wahhabi Muslims in Kattankudi and in Oddamavadi occured on a regular basis due to the conflict of beliefs between both religious theologies. In October 2004 similar clashes occurred in Kattankudi and more than 200 homes of Sufi followers were burnt down by Wahhabi Jihadists.
One of the Sufi leaders Abdul Payilvan died in Colombo was buried at in Kattankudi the next day. Wahhabi Muslims observed a hartal and demanded the removal of the body from the burial grounds. Wahhabi Muslims claim Kattankudy soil is sacred and bodies belonging to those who preach views contradictory to Wahhabism should not be buried there. Wahhabis demanded that the body of Abdul Payilvan, who is from Maruthamunai in the Ampara district, should be exhumed and buried elsewhere.
Wahhabis had dug up the buried body of another Sufi Muslim from Mosque burial grounds and dumped the body on a local road as an act of protest. Kattankudi Police recovered the body, re-buried it in the original burial ground and guarded burial ground for few days.
In Kattankudi, the hatred between Wahhabis and Sufis has widened in the last few years and has grown in intensity, left many injured, and caused damage to several houses and vehicles.
P Jainul Abedin – a powerful Wahhabist preacher from Tamil Nadu – is leading the Wahhabi Jihadism in Kattankudi.
Organisations like the Saudi-funded Centre for Islamic Guidance cropped up in the early 1990s, Firdous said.
A more recent 2009 clash in the south-western Muslim coastal town of Beruwala reflects similar religious tensions between a popular Sufi sheikh and a nearby Wahhabi congregation.
Saudi agents have successfully penetrated Sri Lankan Muslims social fabric and have managed to defeat the Sufism in their game. Due to the training afforded by the House of Saud now the Wahhabis have prevailed over the Sufis. The Muslims in Sri Lanka have been subdued due to the Wahhabi influence while Buddhists have been agitating for the release of Rizana Naffek – teenage housemaid from Muthur who was sentenced to death by a Wahhabi Sharia Court in Saudi Arabia.
The House of Saud pretending to be the leaders of the Islam promote their Wahhabi ideology world-wide. The result has been the birth of al-Qaida, Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba and other Wahhabi terrorist groups which are killing Sunni and Shia Muslims alike in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Wahhabism has been taking roots in Maldives from the days of Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. Abandoning its tolerant, syncretic brand of Islam, Maldives now moves towards an intolerant Wahhabi society.
al-Qaida, Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba are overseen by the CIA and Mossad who want to destabilise countries that are not friendly to them. Because the House of Saud depends on the Americans for its security it always obeys American orders. The constant demonization of Iran and now the war against Syrian leader Bashar Al-Assad confirms a perception that Western Countries have joined with the Wahhabis in the Wahhabis’ war on the Shia. Wahhabi Jihadism remains a long-term security risk to the civilized world. In particular, through the spread of Wahhabi education in tens of thousands of religious schools world-wide, the practitioners of Wahhabism are breeding tens of millions of youth who are certain to remain outside the productive economy, and as a consequence, seethe with resentment and anger against the rest of society.
Even the forced exodus of the Hindu Pandit community from the Kashmir Valley in India during the early 1990s, and the destruction of several Hindu and Sikh temples by the Wahhabi Jihadists in Kashmir, failed to slow down the volume of laudatory coverage of what were portrayed Wahhabi Jihadists as freedom fighters battling cruel Indian Army in Jammu and Kashmir State by the Western media. The Kashmir Model” of using the language of democracy and human rights to win Western support, even while adhering to a contrary policy in practice was widely used to topple Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi. Wahhabis hated Muammar al-Gaddafi for the fact that he ruled Libya, with no quarter given to Wahhabi demands as the imposition of Sharia law or the banning of women’s dress other than the abaya. After Muammar al-Gaddafi was defeated and killed, Wahhabi Jihadists who took over Libya as a result of huge help from Nicholas Sarkozy and David Cameron have lost no time in imposing a Wahhabi version of Sharia law in Libya and in killing and jailing those who disagree with their extremist world-view. Fortunately for them, Western media channels that were once filled with news about Libya under Muammar al-Gaddafi are now silent about the immense human rights violations taking place in Libya after its liberation” in 2011.
Seeing the success of such a pitch in Libya, Wahhabi Jihadists against the Syrian leader Bashar Al-Assad, have begun cultivating the Western media and public opinion, the way the Wahhabi Jihadists in Kashmir used to do in the 1990s.
So extreme has the identification with such elements become, that even the largest Western media outlets accept without question such facts” as that Syrian leader Bashar Al-Assad bombed his own troops and facilities in order to blame it on the insurgents.” Since the armed uprising by Wahhabi Jihadists began in Syria several thousand members of the Syrian security forces and their family members have been killed by the Wahhabi insurgents, who themselves have lost thousands of their own.
However, those relying on Western media are told that every such death has been caused by the Syrian security forces, ignoring the deadly violence that is being unleashed in Syria by groups of armed Wahhabi mobs.
Today in Syria, women can dress as they please. Were the Wahhabi Jihadists to take control, this freedom might soon be replaced with the obligation to wear the full veil. Already in Egypt and in Tunisia, the secular ethos of the country is rapidly giving way to Wahhabism.
While Western countries are opposed to Wahhabi Jihadism and Sharia law in their own countries, in the Arab countries they favor Wahhabi Jihadism over those who are secular. The result is a galloping Wahhabism and its Sharia law across the Arab countries.
Since the Western countries subterfuge to destabilise Sri Lanka, by surreptitiously supporting the LTTE failed, now the Western countries will promote Wahhabi Jihadism to cause strife and trouble to destabilize Sri Lanka . Wahhabi followers – al-Qaida, Taliban, Lashkar-e-TaibaTaliban and other Wahhabi terrorist groups – have caused untold misery in several countries including Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Sri Lanka appears to be their next target. The Sri Lankan government must take immediate strict measures to control Wahhabi organizations and ban them. Wahhabis have already built several illegal Mosques in Sri lanka using Saudi Arabia’s petro dollar. The overwhelming peace loving Muslims of Sri Lanka will extend their support to the government in this matter. As the Wahhabis are even capable of starting ethnic riots between the peaceful Sinhalese and the Muslims, the Sri Lankan government must not be lethargic on this matter.
Wahhabism and Saudi Arabia’s ruling House of Saud have been intimately and permanently intertwined since their births. Unlike Islam in other Muslim countries, however, Wahhabism treats women as third class citizens, imposes the veil on them, and denies them basic human rights such as: driving cars; the freedom of traveling within the country or leaving it without permission or Mahram-a relative male chaperon, the interaction with men who are not related to them in order to maintain a complete separation of the sexes; and until a few decades ago denied them public education and banned them from Radio & Television.
Wahhabism created the Saudi monarchy, and the House of Saud spread Wahhabism. One could not have existed without the other. Wahhabism gives the House of Saud legitimacy, and the House of Saud protects and promotes Wahhabism. Wahhabism is highly self-centered and extremely intolerant of progressive ideologies, other religions, and other Islamic sects such as Shiism and Sufism. It despises Arab Nationalism with a great deal of passion, yet it promotes Saudi” nationalism, despite the fact that any nationalism is considered a violation of Islamic theology due to the concept of Islamic Ummah (nation”).
Wahhabi Islam has already penetrated every nook and corner of the Muslim world. It is right time that like minded Muslim scholars join together and put an end to its spreading further in the interest of protecting the younger generation. What is causing a big concern is that these Wahhabis concentrate much on brain washing the youths. This is a dangerous trend and the Sunnath Jamath Moulvis and followers should take a serious note of this. More than the illiteracy prevailing in the Islamic community, its backwardness, unemployment etc, what is the serious problem confronting the whole Muslim society is Wahhabism.
There are NO SECTS in islam, indeed Koran specifies God’s dislike of schism in very clear terms. Muslims” have taken it upon themselves to create various sects, each claiming others are wrong, this defeats the whole concept of ummah”. Sects are clearly a human trait as Judaism & Christianity are also plagued with this divide, and at any rate all people who believe in One God should be part of one Ummah”, instead we all seem to worship our Egos/parents religion/history rather than God.
Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha’s period saw not only urbanisation, but also the beginnings of centralised states.The successful expansion of Buddhism depended on the growing economy of the time, together with increased centralized political organization capable of change. Buddhism had seen a steady growth from its beginnings to its endorsement as state religion of the Maurya Empire under Ashoka Maurya (304BCE–232 BCE). It continued to flourish another 4 centuries and spread even beyond the Indian subcontinent to Central Asia and beyond to China.
Ashoka Maurya banned Vedic sacrifices as contrary to Buddhist benevolence, Buddhism began its spread outside of its Magadha homeland. The succeeding Shungas reinstated the sacrifices. They also built the large Sanchi stupa next to a Shunga capital. The overall trend of Buddhism’s spread across India and state support by various regional regimes continued.The consolidation of monastic organization made Buddhism the center of religious and intellectual life in India. Pushyamitra the first ruler of the Sunga Dynasty built great Buddhist topes at Sanchi in 188 BCE. The succeeding Kanva Dynasty had four Buddhist Kanva Kings.
The decline of Buddhism in India is the result of the hostility of the Brahmans. The gradual expansion in the scope and authority of caste regulations shifted political and economic power to the local arena, reversing the trend of centralization.The caste system gradually expanded into secular life as a regulative code of social and economic transactions. In ancient times, the four varnas were primarily a categorization scheme and the Vedas did contain prohibitions regarding intermarriage. There were, however, large numbers of castes probably originally tribal lineage groups.
Pusyamitra Sunga (185 BCE to 151 BCE) was hostile to Buddhism, he burned Sūtras, Buddhists shrines and massacred monks. The Hindu Saivite ruler Shashanka of Gauda (590–626) destroyed the Buddhist images and Bo Tree, under which Siddhartha Gautama is said to have achieved enlightenment. But a steady decline of Buddhism in India set in during the later Gupta era and under the Pala Empire. Chinese monks traveling through the region between the 5th and 8th centuries CE, such as Faxian, Xuanzang, Yijing, Huisheng, and Song Yun, began to speak of a decline of the Buddhist sangha, especially in the wake of the White Hun invasion. By that time, Buddhism had become especially vulnerable to hostile rulers because it lacked strong roots in society as most of its adherents were ascetic communities.
In 711 Muhammad bin Qasim conquered the Sindh, bringing Indian societies into contact with Islam, succeeding partly because Dahir was an unpopular Hindu king that ruled over a Buddhist majority and that Chach of Alor and his kin were regarded as usurpers of the earlier Buddhist Rai Dynasty – a view questioned by those who note the diffuse and blurred nature of Hindu and Buddhist practices in the region, especially that of the royalty to be patrons of both and those who believe that Chach himself may have been a Buddhist. The forces of Muhammad bin Qasim defeated Raja Dahir in alliance with the Jats and other regional governors.
Many instances of conversion of stupas to mosques such as at Nerun as well as the incorporation of the religious elite into the ruling administration such as the allocation of 3% of the government revenue was allocated to the Brahmins. As a whole, the non-Muslim populations of conquered territories were treated as People of the Book and granted the freedom to practice their respective faiths in return for payment of the poll tax (jizya). They were then excused from military service or payment of the tax paid by Muslim subjects – Zakat. The jizya enforced was a graded tax, being heaviest on the elite and lightest on the poor.
The Gupta Empire period was a time of great development of Hindu culture but even then, in the Ganges Plain, half of the population supported Buddhism and the five precepts were widely observed. The Hindu rulers and wealthy laity gave lavish material support to Buddhist monasteries. After the Guptas, the Shaivite kings of Gujarat (as well as Nepal and Kashmir) also patronized Buddhist monasteries, building a great center of Buddhist learning at Valabhi. The Buddhist emperor Harsha and the later Buddhist Pala dynasty (8th to11th Centuries ) were great patrons of Buddhism but it had already begun to lose its political and social base.
With the surge of Hindu philosophers like Adi Shankara(788 – 820), along with Madhvacharya and Ramanuja, three leaders in the revival of Hindu philosophy, Buddhism started to fade out rapidly from the landscape of India.
By the 10th century Mahmud of Ghazni defeated the Hindu-Shahis, effectively removing Hindu influence and ending Buddhist self-governance across Central Asia, as well as the Punjab region. He demolished both stupas and temples during his numerous campaigns across North-Western India, but left those within his domains and Afghanistan alone. Hindu and Buddhist statues, shrines and temples were looted and destroyed by Mahmud of Ghazni and many Buddhists had to take refuge in Tibet.
Decline continued after the fall of the Pala dynasty in the 12th century and the gradual Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent. The Buddhism of Magadha was finally swept away by the Islamic invasion under one of Qutb-ud-Din’s generals Muhammad Bin Bakhtiar Khilji, during which many of the Viharas and the famed universities of Nalanda and Vikramshila were destroyed, and thousands of Buddhist monks were massacred in 12th century.
Muhammad attacked the north-western regions of the Indian subcontinent many times. Gujarat later fell to Muhammad of Ghor’s armies in 1197. Muhammad of Ghor’s army was too developed for the traditional Indian army of that time to resist.
In 1197 the capital, Bihar, was seized by a small party of two hundred horsemen, who rushed the postern gate, and sacked the town. Further, the slaughter of the shaven-headed Brahmans,” as the Muslim chronicler calls the Buddhist monks, was so complete that when the victor searched for a competent person to explain the contents of the library not a soul was alive.
A similar fate befell upon the other Buddhist institutions, against which the combined intolerance and rapacity of the invaders was directed. The monasteries were sacked and the monks were slain, many of the temples were ruthlessly destroyed or desecrated, and countless idols were broken and trodden under their foot. Those monks who escaped the sword fled to Nepal, Tibet, and South India to avoid the consequences of war and Buddhism was finally destroyed and those areas then came under these Muslim rulers.
Although the Mithila rulers were Shaivite Hindus, they continued the Pala patronage of Buddhism and offered strong resistance against the Ghurids. They stopped, for example, an attempted drive to take Tibet in 1206. The Sena king (a Hindu) installed defensive garrisons at Odantapuri and Vikramashila Monasteries, which were imposing walled citadels directly on the Ghurids’ line of advance.
Nalanda escaped the fate of Odantapuri and Vikramshila monasteries. When the Tibetan translator, Chag Lotsawa Dharmasvamin (Chag Lo-tsa-ba, 1197 – 1264), visited northern India in 1235, he found Nalanda damaged, looted, and largely deserted, but still standing and functioning with 70 students.
A Tibetan monk called Dharmaswamin visited Nalanda in 1235, nearly 40 years after its sack, and found a small class still conducted in the ruins by a 90 old monk, Rahul Sribhadra. Weak and old, the teacher was kept fed and alive by a local Brahmin, Jayadeva. Warned of a roving band of 300 Turks, the class dispersed, with Dharmaswamin carrying his nonagenarian teacher on his back into hiding. Only the two of them came back, and after the last lesson (it was Sanskrit grammar) Rahul Sribhadra told his Tibetan student that he had taught him all he knew and in spite of his entreaties asked him to go home. Packing a raggedy bundle of surviving manuscripts under his robe, Dharmaswamin left the old monk sitting calmly amidst the ruins. And both he and the Dharma of Sakyamuni made their exit from India.
Many Buddhist monks fled Bihar and parts of northern Bengal, seeking asylum in monastic universities and centres in modern-day Orissa, southern Bangladesh, Arakan on the western coast of Burma, southern Burma, and northern Thailand. The majority, however, together with numerous Buddhist lay followers, went to the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal, bringing with them many manuscripts from the vast monastic libraries that had been destroyed.
Buddhism was in a strong position in Kathmandu at the time. The Hindu kings of the Thakuri Dynasties (750 – 1200) had supported the Buddhist monasteries, and there were several monastic universities. Since the end of the tenth century, numerous Tibetan translators had been visiting these centres on their way to India, and Nepalese masters from them had been instrumental in the revival of Buddhism in central and western Tibet. The early Hindu rulers of the Malla Period (1200 – 1768) continued the policies of their Thakuri predecessors.
The Musalman invaders sacked the Buddhist Universities of Nalanda, Vikramshila, Jagaddala, Odantapuri to name only a few. They raised to the ground Buddhist monasteries with which the country was studded. The monks fled away in thousands to Nepal, Tibet and other places outside India. A very large number were killed outright by the Muslim commanders. How the Buddhist priesthood perished by the sword of the Muslim invaders has been recorded by the Muslim historians themselves.
In 1215, Genghis Khan conquered Afghanistan and devastated the Muslim world. In 1227, after his death, his conquest was divided. Chagatai then established the Chagatai Khanate, where his son Arghun made Buddhism the state religion. At the same time, he came down harshly on Islam and demolished mosques to build many stupas. He was succeeded by his brother, and then his son Ghazan who converted to Islam and in 1295 changed the state religion. After his reign, and the splitting of the Chagatai Khanate, little mention of Buddhism or the stupas built by the Mongols can be found in Afghanistan and Central Asia.
Timur was a 14th-century warlord of Turco-Mongol descent conqueror of much of Western and central Asia, and founder of the Timurid Empire destroyed Buddhist establishments and raided areas in which Buddhism had flourished.
In Tamilnadu and Kerala, Buddhism survived until 15th to 16th century, as witnessed by the manuscript of the Manjusrimulakalpa. At Nagapattinam, in Tamil Nadu, Buddhist icons were cast and inscribed until this time, and the ruins of the Chudamani Vihara stood until they were destroyed by the Jesuits in 1867.
Please read the following
Maldives had been settled by people from the nearest coasts, like the group today known as the Giravaaru. It is unlikely that the Giraavaru islanders were the only early settlers in the Maldives. The Giraavaru people were just one of the island communities predating Buddhism and the arrival of a Northern Kingly dynasty and the establishment of centralized political and administrative institutions. Prince Koimala from India or Sri Lanka entered the Maldives and became the first king from the House of Theemuge. Maldives was settled by successive waves of migration from India and more importantly Sri Lanka, had a vibrant Buddhist and Hindu culture.
The ancient Maldivian Kings promoted Buddhism and the first Maldive writings and artistic achievements in the form of highly developed sculpture and architecture are from that period. The conversion to Islam is mentioned in the ancient edicts written in copper plates from the end of the 12th century AD. Over the centuries, the islands have been visited and their development influenced by sailors and traders from countries on the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. Until relatively recent times, Mappila pirates from the Malabar Coast harassed the islands.
The Maldives were not always Islamic. Maldives was converted to Islam in the year 1153 AD by Abul Barakat Yoosuf Al Barbary – a Muslim from Maghreb (North Africa) . When Abul Barakat Yoosuf Al Barbary visited the Maldives the reigning king was Sri Tribuvana Aditiya. The first King of the Theemuge dynasty King Sri Mahabarana was his maternal uncle. Sri Tribuvana Aditiya ascended the throne around 1138 AD. After conversion to Islam he adopted the name Muhammed Ibn Abdulla. He sent missionaries to various parts of the Maldives to spread Islam. The first Friday Mosque to be built in Malé and the Dharumavantha Rasgefaanu Miskiy at Malé were commissioned by Sultan Muhammed Ibn Abdulla.
After arrival at Malé Abul Barakat Yoosuf Al Barbary stayed in Maldives for several days. He was a Hafiz, a person who could recite the entire Holy Quran from memory. According to Thangeehu Kurevunu Dhivehi Raajjeyge Thaareekhuge Thanthankolhu (Researched excerpts from the History of the Maldives) the Hafiz succeeded in converting Maldivians to Islam after much effort and endeavour. His first efforts to proselytise did not meet with success. However his relentless perseverance turned out to be a tremendous service to the nation as Maldivians finally embraced Islam. The first convert was the king himself, who was followed by his wives and children and members of the court. After the people embraced the Islamic faith the Buddhist temples and idols were destroyed. Archaeological excavations carried out in Maldives at various times this century confirm the fact that there had been Buddhist temples in Maldives during the 12th century AD..
Even after Maldivians adopted Islam Abul Barakat Yoosuf Al Barbary stayed in the Maldives to teach Islam to the people. He died during the reign of Dharumavantha Rasgefaanu (Muhammed Ibn Abdulla). According to historian Hassan Thaajuddheen, he was laid to rest at the shrine at Medhuziyaaraiy in Malé.
The popular title attributed to Sultan Muhammed Ibn Abdulla, which is Dharumavantha Rasgefaanu implies that the Sultan was a pious and kind-hearted person who was generous, especially to the weak and poor. During his reign he strengthened adherence to the rules and principles of Islam, established laws of governance and destroyed the symbols of Buddhism. It is said that a long time after Abul Barakat Yoosuf Al Barbary’s death, the Sultan left on pilgrimage to Mecca and did not return.
The 16th century saw the colonization of the islands by the Portuguese and the 17 years of Portuguese rule is referred to in Maldive history as the dark night of Portuguese Christian rule.” It is claimed that the seas ran red with blood” as the Portuguese attempted to convert the citizens to Christianity. The return to power of native rulers saw an Islamic revival, the adoption of the Arabic-style script, Thaana, and the visit to the islands of religious scholars who became the chief advisers to the sultans. Under their influence, the Kingship came to be seen as an institution created by Allah and held according to His wishes. Thus, correct religious practice on the part of the king (sultan) was seen as an essential justification of his right to rule and religious scholars were an essential part of the court. The Maldives was fairly unaffected by the British rule (the Raj) in the rest of South Asia and it wasn’t until 1887 that the country became a protectorate” of the British; however, the British did not significantly interfere with the running of the state. Full independence was gained in July 26, 1965.
Until recently, the people of the Maldives practiced a type of folk Islam which was influenced by Buddhism. They recited the Qur’an in the style of Buddhist chanting, the earlier mosques resembled Buddhist temples and the architectural designs of the mosques had a mix of Buddhist and Islamic influences, many Maldivian had had Hindu or Buddhist type names alongside Muslim ones and Dhivehi was written in a Brahmi based scrip[t. Now, the Maldives has been destroyed by these fundamentalist elements and now Maldives is so far gone that it look as it will never return back to its former glory. Had Hinduism and Buddhism still continued to exist in Maldives even after the arrival of Islam and Hindus and Buddhists had been able to coexist peacefully alongside Muslims, then the Maldives would have been a very different place now.
Similar to the Afghan Islamic Taliban’s destruction of the priceless Buddhist and other historic artifacts in 2001, in February 2012, a group of Islamic extremists forced their way into the National Museum in Maldives and attacked the museum’s collection of Pre-Islamic sculptures, destroying or severely damaging nearly the entire collection about thirty Hindu and Buddhist sculptures dating from the 6th to 12th centuries.
The scene took place at the Maldives’ National Museum where the destruction occurred. A group of five men who were a part of an Islamic Extremist group targeted artifacts dating from the Pre-Islamic era in Maldives. Of those destroyed, many Buddhist and Hindu relics were smashed and broken to pieces making them merely unrecognizable. Pieces destroyed, specifically included the Bohomala sculptures, Hanuman statues, and the a sculpture of the Hindu water god, Makara. The two five faced statues from Male were also brutally damaged. This five-faced male was the only remaining archaeological evidence of a Buddhist era in Maldives and it too was destroyed, completely destroying any true history of the country. In addition an 11th century coral stone of the Lord Buddha was also wiped out. The museum staff were emotionally distraught and upset that any evidence of a Buddhist existence in Maldives was completely destroyed and torn down heartlessly. They stated that all their 12th century statues were lost which were made of coral and limestone. There is no way to restore them because they were very brittle and this makes it very difficult to remake, one of the staff members said. The Adhaalath Party, a Maldives Islamic group, who supports the newly elected President Mohamed Waheed, stated that the constitution does not allow idols anywhere in Maldives.
Anyone with such ridiculous levels of intolerance, lack of respect or sensitivity for others are pure scumbags. Such acts are crimes against humanity, in that they should not be considered isolated incidents. They should be considered in conjunction with what happened at Bamiyan, the destruction of medical texts (considered anatomically correct pictures blasphemous) and the fact that humanity itself suffers grave losses due to such acts. This is not the mindset of the humane, these people will not only continue to destroy human cultural heritage, they will attempt to irradicate all aspects of human culture, art, science, religion, past, present and future that doesn’t fit into to their disgraceful, shallow, backward, medieval world view. Worse still, these goals are intended due only through the subjugation of the rest of humanity. The whole of the world should unite against such barbarism, including ESPECIALLY, the moderate muslims of the world in total unison.
Wahhabism has been taking roots in Maldives from the days of Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. Abandoning its tolerant, syncretic brand of Islam, Maldives now moves towards an intolerant Wahhabi society. Recently two Maldives MPs – Dr Afrasheem Ali & Aishath Velezinee – were killed by Wahhabi Jihadists.
Wahhabi” essentially identifies a rather narrow and bigoted interpretation of Islam.
The Wahhabis are
(1) Extremely intolerant of others” who do not share their specific religious beliefs;
(2) Opposed to difference and pluralism;
(3) Against civil rights;
(4) Extremely anti-secular.
To them the sole purpose of the state/politics is to serve their exclusive and bigoted interests.
With the aid of oil revenues and the socialization of returning foreign workers, the Wahhabi distortion of Islam has spread widely in the last thirty years. In the Arab world, in South Asia, and in East Asia, Islamic workers and Islamic institutions have received aid from Saudi Arabian sources (usually private individuals and foundations) that have slowly embedded Wahhabism in many Muslim societies.
The objective of Wahhabism is to revive the ritual and conceptual purity of Islam by seeking to eliminate the inclusion of culturally inspired practices under the rubric of religion. Yet its obsession with what is permissible and what is not has made it and its practitioners extremely intolerant of difference and otherness. This growing intolerance of the other has moved the practitioners of Wahhabism so far from the central peaceful and pluralistic principles of Islam that Wahhabism has become an ugly and ruthless caricature of a faith that, according to its foundational text (The Holy Qur’an), was sent as a mercy to humanity.
When Prophet Muhammad established the first Islamic state in Medina, people of other faiths were free to practice their religions and had the same rights as Muslims in religious as well as political matters. But today in Saudi Arabia, the only Wahhabi state in the world, Christians and Hindus have very few rights and are prohibited from religious practice. They are not even allowed to celebrate their festivals openly. While Wahhabis today continue to fund the construction of mosques in India and in the West, they remain staunchly opposed to the construction of any temple or any church in Saudi Arabia. This is not only intolerant but also hypocritical.
But we must pause before we judge Wahhabism as an Islamic byproduct. Wahhabism is a global condition and not some Islamic initiative unleashed upon the rest of the world. From the world’s oldest democracy to the world’s largest democracy one can see the festering of Wahhabi movements, sowing seeds of hatred, bigotry, and intolerance against others” and seeking to capture the state to make it an instrument of hate.
Snowden Edward Asange / July 6, 2014
jimbo..CTRL C CTRL V OR CUT N COPY doesn’t make u look good.. write it up..IF u have a brain to think.. to show your smartness… if not all will consider u a jackass with so much time in ur hands to waste, put that to proper educating Gandassara and ur ilk who need to be educated… along with the masses..who r taken for a ride by the ruling elite for a packet of “BUTH”
Spring Koha / July 6, 2014
you are supposed to write a comment germane to the subject article – not an aimless ramble that ends up sodomising your own fictitious self!
Amarasiri / July 6, 2014
Muslims wiped out complete civilisations
Posted on July 3rd, 2014
Jim Softy, ala Lorenzo, aka Nalliah Tambiah??? aka Avatars
Nalliah Thayabharan
July 1st, 2014
Nalliah says: and you say the same thing. So are you an Avatar of Nalliah, Lorenzo and others??
Muslims wiped out complete civilisation in Egypt Parsees from Persia,Buddhists from Afghanistan & Maldives, Sikhs from Lahore, Sindhis from Sindh,
Kashmiri pandits from Kashmir, Hindus & Buddhists in Bangladesh, Christians and Hindus from several Islands of Indonesia
Wickramasiri / July 6, 2014
Jim Softly, Useful comment though you have not quoted the source. Lukman Harees will do well to examine the other causes for the conflicts in Sri Lanka between Muslims and Sinhalese alongside the collusion of Government and the BBS/Ravaya Buddhist priests in attacking Muslims.
Fathima Fukushima / July 6, 2014
49 mosques have been destroyed in Iraq yesterday alone.
Why no one is concerned?
Why always blame non-Muslims. We should first blame ourselves before we Muslims kill us to extinction. Most Muslim countries in the world are in a deep mess.
I am no muslim / July 6, 2014
Who cares who blame whom. Allah willing, a perfect plan by Americans to reduce their breeding.
Amarasiri / July 7, 2014
I am no muslim Moda Para-Sinhala Buddhist,
“a perfect plan by Americans to reduce their breeding.”
Their next target Lanka, the Land of native Veddah, populated Mostly by Sinhalese-Buddhists.
Norwegians, Israelis, Christian fundamentalist West are their proxies. They have bribed and recruited the BBS and their cronies.
Raja Jarapaksa think that the Sinhala Buddhists are modayas, and by attacking Muslims they can be more Buddhist than Buddha.
Even though good fraction of the Sinhala Buddhists are Modayas, not all are Modayas.
The battle is between the Sinhala Buddhist Modaysa Vs. the Sinhala Buddhists.
The christian West is waiting in the wings. Remember the Portuguese Christian Project of 1505? Coup of 1960? Vietnam 1961 Diem Catholic President ,East Timor?
LTTE , EElamn,
There are many Sinhala Moda Buddhists Left.
Justice / July 6, 2014
“This constitutional guarantees will therefore only remain in paper for the ‘other’, , if they do not confront these dogs of hate and assert themselves in the political, social, and public domain that minorities are not pushovers and it is the obligation of the government to protect their rights to practice their religion and culture, which are also human rights under UNHR.”
A state that fails to protect it’s own citizens against it’s own military and armed police/STF is a FAILED STATE, in its RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT its citizens(R2P)
In this context no matter how robust the constitutional guarantees are, will ONLY work if there is a will to implement, by the powers might be.
Only way to protect the minorities in SL is to disarm and down size Srilankan military and create a small elite representative armed force with external supervision by UN or similar body.
The law and order should be a provincial issue for the provinces to implement via local authorities/local police forces etc,under a federal constitution, just as in US .
It’s about time the world takes notice of SINHALA BUDDHIST FASCISM and DEFANG them by stripping them of the ability to have an armed forces, which only has one purpose that is to terrorize it’s own citizens(Be it majority or minorities).
If there is no international will to overhaul the Srilankan state, then the alternative should be to let the minorities decide by a referendum among minorities whether they want an independent state or join Indian Federation as a 30th state.
Marwan / July 6, 2014
Jim Softy gone mad. What historical events that happened in the rest of the world ‘by Muslims to Muslims’ is not relevant, when the subject in this case is what happens to minority Muslims by Buddhists. It is common knowledge that copy-paste is only a two step process, and that is what you have done. This must be a real waste of bandwidth to just keep this load of rubbish on-line, which has surely been picked up from Islamophobic web-sites. Even if all of this was true, many are still reverting to Islam today because of its beautiful teachings, and in a strange way, many are looking strangely at the Buddhism dished out by our local monks gone mad.
ela kolla / July 7, 2014
another para muslim joker is trying to put the blame elsewhere and hide atrocities committed by them
whywhy / July 7, 2014
Where are you Podiyan? Come inside,it’s too hot
reply to ele kolle / July 7, 2014
oh ele kolla and the company, you are still alive! All what you write is the same thing. Boring stuff!If you don’t know to comment about the articles discussed, why don’t you use your time to do something valuable like finding out why you are in this world and what happens to you after death etc and protect yourself from the hell fire which is more important than writing rubbish? May your Creator guide you to the right path before you die! By the way who created you? A stone? The Sun? or anything else? Find out the truth please.
Native Vedda / July 7, 2014
reply to ele kolle
“By the way who created you?”
Probably Sinhala speaking Demela parents.
ela kolla / July 8, 2014
stinky vedda, go back to your cave
ela kolla / July 8, 2014
you are the mother of all crap n rubbish….minority [Edited out]
Ruwan Uduwerage-Perera / August 1, 2014
As a Buddhist by choice of Sri Lankan descent I see no place for nationalism of any kind and to misquote the teachings of Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha to support such is a corruption of the tenets of Buddhism which are rooted in Love and Compassion for ALL.
Whether Atheist, Agnostic, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Muslim or for that matter anything else Sri Lanka was not merely tolerant but cherished all. Let the peoples of this beautiful island return to the peace that once existed between these differing communities for we are all one Sri Lankan’s.