By S. V. Kirubaharan –
“Assassination makes only martyrs, not converts” Alphonse de Lamartine, French writer, poet and politician 21 October 1790 – 28 February 1869
With deep sadness and grief I write on the assassination carried out by the Sri Lankan military intelligence on a Tamil activist, a French citizen in Paris, France – Nadarajah Mathinthiran alias Parithi, nom de guerre Regan.
There is no doubt that this assassination was carried out by the Sri Lankan military intelligence which is directly under the Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his brother Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the Defence Secretary.
Last Thursday, 8 November 2012, Parithi left his office located at 341 rue de Pyrenees in the 20th arrondissement of Paris, at 9.00 pm (21.00 hrs). The assassin, who must have known Parithi’s daily movements precisely, was waiting outside his office. He cold-bloodedly opened fire on Parithi, killing him on the spot. Parithi’s colleagues who were with him were stunned at what they witnessed.
Parithi joined the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam – LTTE in 1983. He was injured in battle in 1988 and left the LTTE. Being an LTTE combatant he had participated in many battles against the Sri Lankan security forces.
He sought political asylum in France in 1990 and worked as an accounts clerk, living with his wife and daughter. In 2004, he became a full time activist and was in charge of the Tamil Coordinating Committee – TCC in Paris. He consistently supported the struggle for the right to self-determination of the Tamil people.
In 2004, during the so-called “peace time”, Parithi went to Sri Lanka. He was threatened and followed by the Sri Lanka intelligence service on his arrival at Colombo Airport until he went to the French embassy in Colombo and made a complaint. The French embassy in Colombo is well aware of this incident.
However, in April 2007, due to strong anti-LTTE lobbying, Parithi and thirteen other members of the TCC, were brought to justice by the French authorities. As a result, Parithi served a prison sentence until 2010. His re-appeal is still pending in the courts.
On leaving prison, he saw the devastated Tamil diaspora, shocked and grieved by the Mullivaighzhal massacres of May 2009. Parithi continued to serve the Tamil cause.
Last year, in October, there was an assassination attempt on him by a few mercenaries working with the Sri Lanka military intelligence. This attack took place a few yards away from where Parithi was assassinated last Thursday. During that incident, the attackers used batons and swords, but Parithi being an expert in martial arts, escaped this attempted assassination with a few injuries. During this incident two other colleagues of his were also injured.
The way last Thursday’s assassination took place proves that killings carried out by the military intelligence in Sri Lanka, have now moved to European capitals as well.
In the recent past, the Sri Lankan government transferred a few Sri Lankan military intelligence officials to European countries. Located outside Sri Lankan embassies, they maintain surveillance on Tamil activists who are working round the clock in foreign countries. It is believed that Pakistani military intelligence officials assist them.
Many of us have personally seen in Paris, especially in the La Chapelle/Gare du Nord area, many Urdu-speaking men in gangs following Tamil activists and observing the movements of Tamils who go shopping there.
One of the electronic media has said of Parithi that, “Two weeks ago, the French legal proceedings sanctioned him a 10 months probation period that would have put him under close monitoring with restricted movement, including electronic monitoring. This term was to commence on Friday, and had it commenced, it would have been difficult for anyone to assassinate him, the legal sources further said.” (Excerpt)
If this is the case, this could be one of the clues to who the assassin is and how he knew about impending electronic monitoring of Parithi, due to start on the following day?
At the same time, geopolitics also plays a major role in this assassination. We cannot ignore the fact that, in the UN UPR review on 1 November 2012, 100 recommendations were rejected by Sri Lanka. One of the strongest of these (129.63), was made by France, and recommended that Sri Lanka:
“Create a reliable investigation commission consisting of professional and independent investigators to identify, arrest and prosecute the perpetrators of the Muttur murders – France.”(Excerpt from the draft report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review – A/HRC/WG.6/14/L.14 –)
Also one cannot ignore the speech of Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe in the same UPR process in which he said: “…At the same time, we were not complacent but tried our utmost to prevent and forestall acts of destabilization from within and outside the country. There are still some elements that support the LTTE’s cause of dismemberment and separation of our island nation. We are aware of these initiatives and will defeat them by our ongoing strategy of re democratization, reconciliation, reconstruction and development.” (Excerpt from Sri Lanka Minister, Mahinda Samarasinghe speech in the UN UPR session on 1 November 2012)
During the UPR process on Sri Lanka, delegates were surprised to hear the Minister, Mahinda Samarasinghe pass the Sri Lankan military off as saints.
He said during the aforementioned speech, “From May 2009 to October 2012, the Army has constructed 4,652 permanent new houses; 6,171 semi-permanent houses and has renovated 7,454 houses, through their initiative and efforts. It has constructed 73 schools, renovated nearly 500 old school buildings and has constructed 23 school playgrounds…”
Now we understand why Sri Lanka is portraying the military as saviour and saints! It is so obvious that they are trying to disguise their real intentions, on the one hand, their colonisation programme on the island and on the other hand their international programme of repression.
All these indicators are enough to prove that Sri Lankan State terrorism has spread to a European capital, Paris and there are fears of impending similar incidents in other European countries. The assassination of Nadarajah Mathinthiran alias Parithi/Regan was organised and carried out by the Sri Lankan military intelligence probably with the help of Pakistan’s intelligence. We understand that Pakistan’s official who worked in Colombo has been posted to Paris, France in the recent past.
The international community has grappled with finding solutions to state terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. These countries also had elections, but democracy and rule of law never prevailed.
Today it is the same with Sri Lanka. What is the response of the International Community, when it clearly sees Sri Lankan state terrorism is on its door step?
I take this opportunity to convey our heartfelt condolences to Parithi’s wife, daughter, parents and others.
“Those grieving Parithi can consider his assassination to be a step forward towards Tamils’ destiny”
Gosh / November 14, 2012
One way or the other, it looks like the SIS boys got things done !! nice. one less douche to ponder about !!
Navin Weeraratne / November 14, 2012
This is more likely another stunt by the LTTE diaspora itself to get attention. I do not believe the GoSL to have the competence or resources to get away with a cold blooded murder in France. Nor for them to really care enough about this particular guy who in reality is an already convicted terrorist! He is likely to be more of a liability for the LTTE diaspora. They, unlike the GoSL,are also far better trained and skilled at underground activities in Europe than the GoSL!
That said, I can only wish that the French identify who carried out the murder, so that we can all see where the truth lies. As for Mr. Kirubaharan’s article – what a pathetic effort at generating a conspiracy… Wouldn’t be surprised if it was he himself who pulled the trigger!
Navin Weeraratne / November 14, 2012
Only just noticed Mango’s comment above… How am I not surprised…
Dilan / November 14, 2012
Soon after we read your comment, we found in the Sri Lankan news agency that Nadarajah Mathinthiran alias Parithi was not killed. He alive.
What a wonderful thing done by the Sri Lankan millitary intelligence and Sri Lankan embassy in France.
Rajapaksa need more people like you because they waiting to……… few more.
Fawlty / November 14, 2012
Dead terrorist is good news- any day, any where, any time.
Native Vedda / November 14, 2012
Fawlty says:
“Dead terrorist is good news- any day, any where, any time”.
Why haven’t you killed Weerawansa, Somawansa, ……………….KP, Karuna,………
If we go by your stupid logic then who is going to kill the members of the terrorist state Sri Lanka?
Don Quixote / November 15, 2012
Only a matter of time before all those guys are “fixed” in one way or another, just wait and see !
Perera / November 14, 2012
What about State terrorism?
Do you wish the same to them as well?
Mango / November 14, 2012
@ Perera:
It was better for GoSL if Mathinthiran had remained alive. Why? Because Mathinthiran, after his release from prison for extortion etc was trying to regain control of the Paris LTTE. This would’ve meant endless months of conflict which would’ve benefitted GoSL.
Also, the fact that the French police arrested two suspects a few days after the hit shows that their network of informants within the Paris Tamil community was working efficiently. You can safely assume that the French secret police has lots of Eelamish persons on their payroll.
Time to light a candle for Col Parithi, no?
Ponuthurai / November 14, 2012
If Sanjana Hattotuwe says something good about Dayan, doesn’t mean that it is another doctorate to him. This pure rubbish.
There are many common things between Dayan and DBS Jeyarajah.
Both are arch enemies of LTTE and double tongue. Both are paid by unknown factors.
This was the reason Dayan was fired by His Majestic and Holy government of Rajapaksa from UN. Dayan was re-hired on a special assignment which we read and listen presently in independent media.
Why we should read DBS Jeyarajah article when the latest news about investigation of assassinated Nadarajah Mathinthiran is available in many electronic media.
If one asks Varatharajahperumal, ex-chief minister of NE provincial council, he will relate hundreds of stories about Dayan manipulative tactics and double standard.
Varatharajperumal is a living witness for Dayan’ chractierstics.
This is the write time for Varatharajahperumal to write an article about Dayan which will open the eyes of the people who believes that Dayan Jeyatilkake is a diplomatic cor.
Rajapaksas should give him one Star more than what it was given to Sarath Fonseka. He is such smart manipulator and hidden worker.
It was a mistake for me to say, you are worried. Sorry I didn’t know that you are a seasoned supporter of killers like Premadasa, Chandrika and now Rajapaksas.
Well and good, you put the blame on diaspora about preventing truly democratic, pluralist politics.
Do you know the period, when Tamils were finding their nest in the west? It was only after horrible 1983 riots.
What your His Majestic and Holy government is doing on your so called 13 amendment?
As Varathrajaperumal said that is the best tool you are using to fool the international community, for how long?
Is it true, presently you are in consultation with legal experts in Europe? Preventation is better than cure.
Don’t forget, the very best and effective LTTE commanders are presently working with your His Majestic and Holy government , helping the military intelligence. I am sure you aware of many things concern to this affair.
Mango / November 14, 2012
That’s a remarkable collection of words. Why don’t you re-arrange them so that they make some kind of sense.
Here’s an example someone talking rubbish, like you.
“Mathinthiran’s daughter Saarrah also implied the Sri Lankan government’s responsibility in the murder, saying:
“There are chances that it was the Sri Lankan government… [because] the two hooded men knew full well how to shoot.”
Ponuthurai / November 14, 2012
Dayan, don’t be selective.
You have not answered many concern and question raised in the comments.
Mango / November 14, 2012
@ Ponuthurai; Thank you again for the compliment of confusing me with Dr Dayan Jayatilleka, but I’m not him. :) :)
Let’s see how ordinary Frenchman are reacting to Mathinthiran’s assassination.
“It’s always good to have one less of the rabble.”
«Une canaille de moins, c’est toujours bon à prendre…»
“Once again, imported terrorism and crime because of the laxity of our politicians”
«Et encore une fois du terrorisme et de la criminalité importée au cause du laxisme de nos politiques»
“This man must be regretting not remaining behind bars …. but anyway, we have one less terrorist to monitor and thus reduce state spending.”
«Cet homme peut regretter de ne pas être resté derrière les barreaux …. mais nous, nous avons un terroriste de moins à surveiller et réduisons ainsi les dépenses de l’état.»
Has JHU propaganda finally made an impact with the French public?
As I said before, whoever’s responsible for this hit, GoSL wins.
Ponuthurai / November 14, 2012
Seven Star genera, what is the wrong with Mathinthiran daughter’s stament?
You better consult Kelanya King Mervyn de Silva.
Mango / November 14, 2012
@ Ponuthurai :
Mathinthiran daughter’s statement is an insult to the highly-trained, combat experienced, ex-LTTE cadres. She says .’..it was the Sri Lankan government… [because] the two hooded men knew full well how to shoot.”
Is she saying that only GoSL-trained operators knew how to shoot and that the Tigers couldn’t shoot a garage door at five feet? This is a slur on the LTTE’s combat training. What about the LTTE’s own strict and extensive shooting training?
You should be protesting at Saarrah Mathinthiran’s disgraceful slur on the shooting skills of her father’s comrades-in-arms, or better still start a libel case against her. Bruce Fein is free and is offering discount rates.
Wuliangguobinjiu / November 14, 2012
Hope you dont mind I noted your comment and from experience I suggest dont be put off.
Don’t worry about “Sanjana Hattotuwe” or any piece of crap who tells you that you are writing gibberish because it’s a ploy to side track you and have a laugh- they are the general “arty farty”. As a matter of fact they are trying to replace the Bard Shakespeare who had an IQ of 220 which no man in the world has been able to match. The Jewish folk have a very high I.Q. especially verbally. Jew Einstein had 170. Sri Lanka is nowhere at 90% below 70.Get anyone of them to have a debate with an englishman you can be sure they would be laughed at. I have read a Chinese who graduated at oxford in 1940 and he returned home to teach English and write books “he says I can make an englishwoman laugh at any time and he does it every time- today the Chinese are reading him once again because he comes out with classic oxford oldies of his own.Did Sri Lanka have even one like him NO.
This is a town site not a global site like Yahoo which I have been using for some time and still do. When the article is about immigrants in the US or EU within 6 hours there are around 20K posts. How does one comment/respond to another comment? Now what most intelligent folk are interested in is “constructive criticism” and there are generally red necks who barge in with comments like grammar etc. which we ignore because we have multicultural input. This site is not a school of English site- period.
Don Quixote / November 15, 2012
Agreed on your opinion of Dayan and I also have the same opinion of that Sanjana person .
Dr Dayan Jayatilleka / November 15, 2012
At least Sanjana Hattotuwe writes and publishes stinging criticisms of the Establishment under his own name, while living in Colombo…unlike you cowardly lot…:))
Wuliangguobinjiu / November 15, 2012
Name;nam;name:First try asking a Butcher for the Name of his
favourite Pig?? OMG!
Inside us there is something that has no Name,
that something is what We Are.
Dr Dayan Jayatilleka / November 15, 2012
It is DBS Jeyaraj, not DBS Jeyarajah. The fact that you got that wrong, twice, indicates something…You don’t read much, do you?
sunil / November 14, 2012
Dear Kirbaharan,
Any live lost is a devastation for their love ones. it is true to the “Parithi” too. How ever all of LTTE supoters are guilty for supporting LTTE and giving money to kill thousands people in Sri Lanka.
Mango / November 14, 2012
Those ageing zeros of the TGTE (Transsexual Government of Tamil Eelam) are now demanding ‘independent (international) investigations’ in France to investigate Mathinthiran’s early demise.
I guess the French state is now waking up the threat posed by these disparate unassimilable elements in their body politic. The Frenchies are already fighting Islamic nutjobs, and the last thing they’ll expect is whining of ungrateful Eelamist nutjobs.
David / November 14, 2012
Mango alias ……
You prove that you are an uncultured baberian.
Mango / November 14, 2012
@ David,
Thank you for the kind compliment. I appreciate it.
Look, they’ve finally lit a candle</b for Nadarajah Mathinthiran, alias Colonel Parithi of the Paris branch of the LTTE.
David / November 14, 2012
Do you like to join a night school?
It is obvious that you have sexual problem.
Are you divorce or separated or other problems?
Ponuthurai / November 14, 2012
Manckey eats Mango too.
I think Mango has no other work than winding up people.
Are you on unemployment befit?
Ponuthurai / November 14, 2012
Monkey eats Mango too
I think so called Mango has no other work than winding up people. Are you sleeping with you laptop?
Are you retired or on unemployment benefit?
Mango / November 15, 2012
Thank you for concern, which is appreciated. I’m sorry to disappoint you lads, but I’m fine. Obviously these home truths must be annoying to read, no?
Looking forward to meeting you both at the next Maaveerar Naal on 27th Nov. I’ll be at the entrance with a collection box. We can share a few Lion lagers and toast the good times while watching “Operation Ellalan” the movie.
Silva / November 14, 2012
S. V. Kirubaharan is right in indicating about Pakistanis in Paris.
Do read the news item. Well done Kirubaharan.
Pakistanis charged with kidnapping two Tamils in France
Colombo, Daily Mirror, 14 November 2012 – Four Pakistanis have been charged with kidnapping and beating up two Tamils after being stopped on the motorway heading south from Paris at the weekend.
The four were charged and denied bail on Tuesday night in the Paris suburb of Bobigny.
They and their alleged victims were picked up by police on the A6 motorway just north of Lyon on Friday night.
Although they showed signs of having been assaulted, the two Tamils, 25 and 32-years-old respectively, were jailed in a Lyon police station pending charges, according to a police source who blamed the mix-up on language difficulties.
All six were later transferred to Bobigny and the Tamils freed.
The four Pakistanis have been charged with unlawful detention, assault, use of a weapon and premeditation and an investigation has been launched.
Paris has an established Tamil community and a growing Pakistani one.
Last week Nadarajah Mathinthiran, an activist who supported the separatist Tamil Tiger movement, was shot dead on a street in the capital.(RFI)
San / November 14, 2012
Why worry! The easy answer is:
Just like the LTTE is bribing UN, European and the USA officials to influence them to talk against Sri Lanka, we can easily put the blame on the LTTE again, as hiring his own people to carry out such killings in order to create bad image for a good government of this country and his friends like good Pakistan and that and this! Easy!
Native Vedda / November 15, 2012
It is just like the army Major beating up himself and confessing to his crime. Apparently the Major was trying to bring disrepute to Mervyn family and the country.
Brilliant idea only Tamil/Sinhalese capable of such great projects.
Kandiah / November 18, 2012
Gook Joke!
This is should be recorded in the guines book of record.
Do you read news papers?
Mango / November 15, 2012
China has just released its latest long-range, armed drone, the Wing-Loong 1. It’s cheaper than the US Reaper drone and Gota was pictured looking very interested during a briefing given by its chief designer. US drones have already proved very effective at taking out its terrorist enemies from the White House’s “kill list”, so why not Sri Lanka, also? With extra fuel tanks, it could get to Norway and back.
Dr Dayan Jayatilleka / November 15, 2012
Hey, why are all these guys shyly ducking the question: did or did not Paridi participate actively in the massacre of 145 innocent men, women and children, many of whom were worshippers, in Anuradhapura in 1985?
Wuliangguobinjiu / November 15, 2012
Ducky ducky quack quack ;)
Presumably it was all analysed by the French and proved to be freedom fighter in defence/offence there his indefinite stay.
The present is abhorred by all and sundry his unproven past by the opposition SL regime is jumping the gun.
French courts have a function and are guided by the nation’s ethics which other cultures, especially diplomats must respect.
Let the investigation and court process continue transparently for the world to witness so that the French seem to provide justice.
Native Vedda / November 15, 2012
Dr Dayan Jayatilleka asks:
“did or did not Paridi participate actively in the massacre of 145 innocent men, women and children, many of whom were worshippers, in Anuradhapura in 1985?”
Though it is a good question it should be directed to KP. However you never accepted your role in the alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity. Nor have you admitted that there was indeed a need for an indepentent investigation into allegations. On the contrary you were/are proud of being the man who saved Sri Lankan perpetrators from the gallows.
You never admitted the insanity of EPRL backed by IPKF with which you had a close relationship.
Have you ever disclosed what your role was in Premadasa’s kitchen cabinet which went on to kill an estimated 130,000 innocent Sinhala youth?
This is the time for you to confess before you jump ships.
Sinnathurai / November 16, 2012
This is first time I have seen an article in the Colobo Telegrapah with more than 150 comments.
Does this author S. V. Kirubaharan qualified for an award from GT?
It is well writen and his prediction was good.
Now Sri Lanka and their pro-government people have started attacking the French news papers (The Island) and the French government.
Wuliangguobinjiu / November 16, 2012
They asked me what did I know
So strange, they let me go
But more they try
The stronger our bond grows
To get ready
Cry freedom, sweet freedom
I know that I know, cry freedom
Cry freedom, sweet freedom …
Respect Scotland Referendum.
Mango / November 28, 2012
Was Col Parithi …
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