16 January, 2025


Our Three-Pronged Strategy For The Year Ahead

By Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran

Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran -PM - TGTE

Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran -PM – TGTE

On this momentous occasion when the world is engaged in the delight of welcoming a New Year full of hope, I bring warm and sincere New Year greetings of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) to all Tamil brethren.

The New Year dawning on January 1 and the Tamil New Year that follows two weeks later marked by ‘thai ponkal’ are important moments in the lives of all Tamils. As the first month in the Tamil calendar, ‘thai’ ushers in the Tamil New Year and the time for renewing hopes.

Let us welcome 2014 as the year that will bring a life of freedom and prosperity to the people of Tamil Eelam and indeed to all Tamils living around the world!

On this day we can also look back on 2013 as the year when the Tamil Eelam freedom struggle made some significant strides.

The Sri Lankan state remains further isolated in the international political arena through the efforts at the UN Human Rights Council and the events coinciding with the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting concluded in Colombo in November 2013.

All the genocidal acts committed on innocent Tamils by the Sinhala regime have been exposed to the world last year with even more dramatic evidence.

2013 can be denoted as the year when the people of Tamil Nadu, and particularly the student population, rose up in strength as a formidable force and giving new hope and confidence to the search for justice by the Eelam Tamil Nation.

It was the year when the historic Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter was promulgated as a restatement of the nationhood of the Tamil people while emphasizing their inherent right of self determination and sovereignty.

It was also the year when the our brethren in the Tamil homeland drew worldwide attention in the manner they took part in the Northern Provincial Council elections and utilized their democratic franchise to express their rejection of rule by the Sri Lankan state.

Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE)elected its parliament for the second term and convened its inaugural sessions in December 2013.

While the Sinhala regime dreams of a state of permanent subjugation of the Tamil people and a total cover up of all of its War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide, we are witnessing that the deceit and duplicity of the Sinhala State are being revealed as each year passes since the 2009 massacre of Mullivaaikkal. Therefore, it behooves us all to take the necessary steps in 2004 to further isolate the Sri Lankan state in the world arena and to march forward towards freedom of the Tamil Nation.

I wish to reiterate the three-pronged strategy of the TGTE for the year ahead as outlined in my 2013 Maavirar naal message. We shall work resolutely in harnessing the support of the international community for the establishment of an independent state of Tamil Eelam, we shall undertake all necessary measures to obtain justice for the genocide committed by the Sinhala state against the Tamil people, and we shall rebuild a state of prosperity among the people of our homeland.

Furthermore, during 2014, the TGTE intends to take steps towards building the Tamil Diaspora into a vibrant and strong community.

During the inaugural sitting of the TGTE Assembly in December 2013, a series of working sessions were held in order to prepare our work plan for 2014. Based on the outcome of these sessions and the input of several resource personnel, we have been discussing a number of creative and structural changes within the TGTE.

We intend to release to the public on ‘thai pongal’ day several aspects of TGTE’s plans for 2014, including its Cabinet and other structures related to thematic, country-wise and policy formulating working programs.

On this New Year Day we appeal to all Tamils spread across the world to join hands with us in the task of moving our Tamil Eelam freedom struggle forward.

The thirst of all Tamils is Tamil Eelam!

Latest comments

  • 14

    Keep dreaming. Tamil Eelam is a non-starter. It has been so for 2000 years. Better try for Eela Nadu or Toronto Nadu.

    • 9

      “The thirst of all Tamils is Tamil Eelam!”.

      Thank you for having the courage to be honest. At last Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran.

      What was that “Peace Process Carnival” all over the world all about? When your real goal was Tamil Ealam all along. Did you try to hoodwink the world and end up losing Ealam War IV?

      Thanks to your honesty, at long last, we know all your other preposterous charges against Sri Lanka are just pretexts. To achieve your real goal. An ethnically cleansed, pure, Tamil only Ealam. A lofty racist dream. Nicely sugar-coated in human rights etc.

      Now that we know where you stand clarly, Sri Lanka must respond to blatant Tamil racism accordingly.

      Multi-ethnic, multi-religious & multi-lingual Sri Lanka will prevail. That is the point of departure.

      You are welcome to waste your time though.


      • 4

        Very true… This is the true colours of TGTE. USA, Canada, UK and EU must understand the real colours of these people (Tigers)and Bogus HR violations at the last stage of terrorist war..

    • 2

      This new three pronged strategy is sure to succeed. In the event that it doesn’t, he can always add another prong.

  • 11

    Not a single woman in his cabinet.And he talks of discrimination.

  • 1

    male chauvinistic TGTE vs male chauvinistic GOSL.Who will win?Not 50% of the population anyway regardless of who wins.

  • 10

    The thirst of TGTE is blood!

    • 3

      of course the blood of those who have Tamil blood on their hands

      • 1


        Those who seek more bloodshed shall witness more bloodshed indeed. But not the kind they would anticipate similar to what their brethren experienced in the past. The bloodlust will drown your ilk in blood. However I doubt whether you have the balls to be in the front.

        • 2

          I didn’t say we have another war. What I want is the war criminals sent to the gallows

  • 9

    Your TGTE did not conduct any elections in Canada because no Tamil filed any nomination.

    When are you coming to Toronto? Or will you and your TGTE discard Canada where more Lankan Tamils live after Sri lanka?

  • 2

    [Edited out]

    • 0

      Well Done “FAT FUK” couldn’t get 2 words out, try harder next time

  • 7

    PM “Our Three-Pronged Strategy” – cant you make this into Four-Pronged Strategy . In case one fails.
    This is the Modayas of Tami Elam

  • 8

    Rudrakumaran does not know the basics of Tamil culture! The Tamil New Year is in April – not two weeks after January 1. He needs to check the Tamil Nadu gazette. If he do not know your basics of Tamil culture – its time to jettison him. He can’t even refute Michael Robert’s latest salvo at the Tamil diaspora. That task is left to those Tamils who remain in Sri Lanka! Rudrakumaran could not even hold elections to the TGTE in Canada because no one was really interested in his madness – except that Usha of course.

  • 8

    Adey madeyan – the Tamil new year is April 14. January 14 is the farmer harvest festival in honour of the Sun God – the real one – Suryan, not Prabhakaran who surrendered to the army only to be shot dead.

  • 7

    Keep out of tamilnadu unless you want to precipitate the third world war. If you want to solve the problem start with the question of how the LTTE turned into a fascist organization. Who were these great intelligent tamils who were going to drink someones blood and make slippers out of their skin? Savages!

  • 7

    Not worth wasting my time on a dreaming loony.

  • 7

    TGTE Vampire grinding or gnashing his teeth, rubbing his palm for an Alladin to happen…………But nothings happening.

  • 1

    why it has to be always a three-pronged?

    MR is also devising a three-pronged strategy for the Humans Rights Comission March deadline.
    Ranil had a three-pronged stratgey to win the election.
    Obama had a three prong-strategy for his Obamama care that is limping along.

    Three Pronged strategy never works.
    Because they never focuss on the other important strategies a 4th strategy and a 5th Straegy and so on.

    So lets stop with nice sounding phrases and be realistic

  • 6

    In Hindu calender the “dates” of SANKRANTHI fall on middle of the English months. According to the Hindu astrology, these Sankranthis are the dates the SUN enters every RASHI!(Zodiac Signs)

    Makara Sankranthi is in January 14th and it is celebrated by Hindus/Buddhists/Sikhs/Jains all over India. This is not the harvest festival because no one get paddy or fresh rice in January.

    Mesha Sankranthi is in middle of April. That is also celebrated by Hindus/Buddhists/Sikhs/Jains.

    During the time of Makara and Mesha sankranthis notable climate changes happen.

    These Sankranthis have nothing to do with TAMIL or with any other languages!

    • 0

      What relevance this has. Mokkan education is good for you. There is free education in Sri Lanka

  • 1

    LTTE Proxy Sambandan couldn’t get even a seat in the Vellala delegation which went to see the President in the New Year , while this PM Mr Rudrakumaran has gone from strength to strength…

    The PM seems to be on the verge of even fulfilling his boss Prabkaran’s dream of Tamil Eelaam , not only in the North but the whole Diaspora world…

    Is Sambandan going to fade away just like a nobody , after serving the LTTE cause for three decades?.

    Would the TGTE PM at least consider him for a honorary Senator post in his Eelaam, to adorn his epitaph…

    • 1

      K.A Sumanasekera

      “LTTE Proxy Sambandan couldn’t get even a seat in the Vellala delegation which went to see the President in the New Year”

      Was it a Michael Jackson concert that Sambandan should be worrying about not getting a front row seat?

  • 1

    Hai folks wait and see which is reality and which is gimmick. It will take its course. Sri Lankan Government is sending signals through Some countries that they wanted to engage with Diaspora Tamil organizations. Especially they are worried about TGTE and its advisory committee. Tamil Eelam is Inevitable.That`s why GOSL is rushing and colonizing thugs, criminals and their families (from south)
    to North and East of Tamil home land. When UN go for Referendum they will also consider the borders (before 1948), demography and land grabbing for colonization schemes after 1948. Last sixty years of
    oppression by successive Governments of Sri Lanka against Tamils will
    lead to a separation. World have the evidence of War crimes, Crimes against Humanity and all kind of Genocides.

    Sri mahela

    Sri Mahes

  • 5

    one yr of dreaming.. and still he has to wake up and see reality ! god bless you man.

  • 4

    Mr. Visvanathan Rudrakumaran, PM -TGTE:

    I like to suggest to you to spend at least five minutes of you time on a daily basis to the following Three-Pronged Strategy For The New Year.

    1. From where have I come and who I am.
    2. Why I am here.
    3. Where I am going from here.

    In contemplating on the above Three-Pronged Strategy, please also remember you are HUMAN BEING on this Planet Earth. If you do this in this New Year, I guarantee you would be a very useful and successful HUMAN BEING on this Earth. Don’t you think it is a much BETTER than to be a “PRIME MINISTER” of a TRIBAL OUTFIT.?

  • 1

    When is he contesting the next election for prime minister TGTE?Tamils can’t afford to waste any more time by having a guy who can’t deliver the goods and now is talking about three pronged strategies etc.Less talk and more results is what tamils are asking i believe.If you can’t deliver say so and get out of the job so that someone else can do it.When that person also fails kick him out.Tamils should not allow themselves to be taken for a ride anymore.Say thanks for the ride and get out of the car.

  • 2

    I want to send money to help fulfil this Tamil-eelam Dream.

    PM has not given address to send money.

  • 1

    If the readers think carefully, what this CLOWN – PRIME MINISTER wants is to ruin Tamils living in North.

    His future plan is to Tamil women have illegitimate white Children for Tamil women.

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