8 September, 2024


TGTE Launched ‘Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter’

The Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam launched Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter today. Aspiring to take the Vaddukoddai Resolution forward as the TGTE moves towards realizing its goal, and taking inspiration from Britain’s Ma’gna Car’ta, the Freedom Charter of the African National Congress (ANC) as well as the Palestinian National Charter, the Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter “will enshrine the ‘Freedom Demands’ of the people.” the Prime Minister Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran said. The Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter finalized today (18) after three day International Conference.

We publish below the statement in full;


  1. Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran - Prime Minister TGTE

    We, the people of Tamil Eelam, have an inherent right to self-determination. Subject to Genocide at the hands of successive Sinhala national governments and as an essential measure of protection we wish to establish our own independent and sovereign State of Tamil Eelam.

  2. The creation of an independent and sovereign State of Tamil Eelam remains the only viable option to lead a life with security, dignity and equality, both individually and collectively.
  3. For over six decades we have struggled, through both non-violent means and armed resistance, to protect ourselves from state sponsored Genocide. We demand the international community organize a referendum to enable us to exercise our right to self-determination and also take all measures to bring to justice the perpetrators of Genocide against the Tamil people.
  4. The North-East of Sri Lanka is our traditional homeland and will be the territory of the State of Tamil Eelam. The maritime and aerial limits of Tamil Eelam will be established according to international laws.
  5. The independent state of Tamil Eelam will embrace wholeheartedly the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all international human rights and humanitarian treaties and conventions.
  6. A Constituent Assembly, elected by the people, shall draft the Constitution. The Constitution will avoid any concentration of power in one authority or person and enshrine the independence of the Legislature, the Executive and Judiciary. Tamil Eelam shall be a Republic adhering to the laws enacted by a Parliament of elected representatives chosen through direct voting by the people. The people shall have the right to recall their elected representatives.
  7. No religion shall be given the foremost place in Tamil Eelam. The freedom to worship and the cultural right to practice religious traditions shall be ensured.
  8. Tamil Eelam will prohibit capital punishment.
  9. The state of Tamil Eelam shall guarantee Constitutional protection of individuals, families and communities from any form of discrimination on the basis of religion, ethnicity, language, caste, gender or sexual orientation.
  10. The rights of all minority groups in Tamil Eelam will be respected and safeguarded. The distinct identity of Muslims will be recognized. They shall have the right to participate in formulation of their role in Tamil Eelam. Whenever the hill country Tamils choose to settle in Tamil Eelam, citizenship rights will be extended to them forthwith and the state shall implement special programs for their welfare.
  11. All freedom fighters shall be honored as national heroes. All those who sacrificed their lives shall be honored as martyrs. The welfare of the families of the martyrs and cadre shall be the responsibility of the state. All civilians who lost their lives during the freedom struggle shall be remembered through a national monument. May 18 will be established as a National Day of Mourning and November 27 will remain as the National Maaveerar Day.

Foreign Policy

12. Tamil Eelam shall maintain close relations with all nations that have democratically elected governments.  Expressing solidarity with the people of India and to foster peace and security in the Indian Ocean region, Tamil Eelam will forge a special relationship with India.

Economic Policy

13. The economic policy of Tamil Eelam will be shaped with the needs and resources of the people of Tamil Eelam in mind and to cultivate global cooperation as well as recognizing the significant role of the Tamil diaspora.

Language Policy

14. Tamil, Sinhala and English shall be the official languages of Tamil Eelam.

Education Policy

15. Education shall be compulsory and free for all.

Health Policy

16. Health will be a fundamental right and all citizens will have access to free healthcare.

Development Policy

17. Development includes economic as well as social, human resource and cultural development in a sustainable way. An important goal of development policy would be to create social equity and minimize disparities.

18. Some of the objectives of development projects in Tamil Eelam will be to ensure that all citizens have:

– their own shelter;

– basic livelihood

– adequate nutrition, especially for children, pregnant mothers and the elderly

– protection from infectious diseases

Environment Policy

19. Land, water and space resources within the territory of Tamil Eelam will be conserved. Large-scale reforestation projects, especially of the Palmyra resource destroyed during the war, will be undertaken as a priority.

20. Emphasis will be given to renewable energy forms such as solar, wind and wave. All non-renewable resources will be used cautiously keeping in mind the needs of future generations.

Citizenship Policy

21. Citizenship will be extended to all those born in the homeland or descended from those born in the homeland. Provisions will be made for obtaining citizenship through naturalization and also for holding dual citizenship.

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  • 2

    ‘Some of the objectives of development projects in Tamil Eelam will be to ensure that all citizens have:- their own shelter;- basic livelihood- adequate nutrition, especially for children, pregnant mothers and the elderly- protection from infectious diseases’

    So you are going to spend the millions of dollars you are no longer donating to the LTTE terrorists to improve life in the Vanni? When did the diaspora spend a cent on the Tamils of Sri Lanka? It is easy for these clowns to sit comfortably in Ontario and make grand pronouncements. Do they think that a minority of 12% of the population of Sri Lanka will ever get a third of the land mass and two thirds of the coast?

    • 2

      Support for untenable “Grand Ealam Project” is actually even lower than 12%.

      Cos’ not all Tamil Sri Lankans support this ridiculous, extreme Tamil ethno nationalistic idea.

      But, then again LTTE die-ass-pora lunatics have no regard for will of the people.

      PS: When 300 000 Tamil refugees escaped through VP’s gates of hell in Vanni. Soldiers gave away their daily food rations to fellow Tamil Sri Lankans. In a true display of brotherhood and humanity.

      These LTTE rump monkeys have done nothing to support innocent, poor Tamils of Vanni. Except sending money to VP. So that, VP could kidnap Tamil kids for frontline duties. And have them brutalized.

      There is only one thing that matters to them. Tamil Ealam Project. At all costs. While they live in relative comfort in Toronto.

    • 0

      I don’t think the Diaspora should spend any money until the occupying Sinhala thugs who are the main impediment to the development of Tamil Eelam are made to leave by influencing the West to put pressure on GOSL. Already the Sinhala thugs are stealing the doors and windows and any valuables in the abandoned houses and do you want the Diaspora to spend money and let the Sinhalese to steal further?

      The Sinhala government is still claiming the Tamil areas as part of Sri Lanka, therefore they must spend money for the development of Tamil Eelam also. After all, the foreign countries are not giving aid only for the Sinhalese even though they go around begging the world. The greedy Sinhalese even refused to share the Tsunami foreign aid with the mostly affected Tamil victims.

      • 2

        But then who destroyed these valuables to the ground? The LTTE spared nothing. They cultivated the north east land with landmines. One uneducated man became the destruction and nightmare for Tamils and the TGTE is trying to take it forward. Once again it’s the Tamils who are going to suffer…

      • 1

        Ravi, So you guys still need West to clear the ground to place your cradle? Dream on man, till the leaches suck the blood out of your kind!

    • 0

      So you call it a Tamil Eelam and expect muslims and Sinhala people to have equal status

    • 0

      Why if they spend, do you want Rajapaksha to take credit of that?

    • 2

      Will any of these pompous fools ever return to live in SL? After surviving for so long on donations collected on behalf of prabha now that he’s dead they just need another cause to keep the $$$ rolling in.

  • 1

    Tamil, Sinhala and English shall be the official languages of Tamil Eelam.

    LOL :-)

    • 2

      If that is not enough.

      “The rights of all minority groups in Tamil Eelam will be respected and safeguarded. The distinct identity of Muslims will be recognized”.

      Do Muslims have an inherent right to self-determination too? Inside Tamil Ealam?

      Muslims were subject to Genocide at the hands of Talented Mr. VP. TGTE’s eternal national leader.

      As an essential measure of protection Muslims of Tamil Ealam wish to establish their own independent and sovereign State. Inside Tamil Eelam.


      • 1

        We know how the Eelamites treated the Muslims of Jaffna. THAT was ethnic cleansing.

    • 1

      This must be one of the high points and one that includes the Sinhala-speaking people in the Composite whole. Methinks it is a signal to the minorities within they have a place in the uniting exercise.


      • 0

        You think anything consistent to within the walls of your brain, nothing but think in a compost hole.

    • 0

      The barbaric language Sinhala should be removed.

      • 1

        This comment is not acceptable Ravi, people who speak that language may behave barbaric, but no language is barbaric. I was really happy to see such fair minded charter. Then it will be no different that we are calling srilankan chauvanist for their glorified false stand of sinhala only, if you choose to stand in similar fashion

      • 0

        Useless, still the barber lives there to shave your dangling dongles.

    • 0


      WE will support you to Get your dreeeeeeem Come true.

      so JEYALALITHA, KALAENJAR KARUNANIDHI, SSEMAN, AND OTHER CLOWNS will not have any voice in south india and you can HOOK the MALABAARI State Kerala also.

      “Tamil Eelam will forge a special relationship with India.”




      “Sinhala and English shall be the official languages of Tamil Eelam”.

      HOW COME as THERE Are NO sinhaleese settaled in South India,

      But you have to be careful about I S I [ RAW ].

      do not try what PIRAPAh THambi did to RAJIVe.

    • 0

      Include Portuguese, Konkan and Malayalam much related to Jaffna in the past.

    • 0

      Siva Sankaran Sarma

      “Tamil, Sinhala and English shall be the official languages of Tamil Eelam.


      Indeed it is LOL.

      Why wouldn’t the stupid Tamils follow their Sinhalese brethren enforcing Tamil only language policy? Outrageous, an act of treason on the part of TGTE.

      Why should the Tamils learn Sinhala and English? Why should they even have a language policy in the first place?

      They must be very stupid indeed.

  • 0

    HA! HA!HA!………..Look at him! A prisoner of the eelam.
    Condemned by every word he utters,
    By rights he should be taken out and hung
    For the cold bloody murder of the tamil kind…..
    This guy is very irrational and that’s all there
    is for that.

    His head is full of Cow dung and nothing but trash
    He sounds a very exasperating, infuriating and
    agitating brat…

    Hear them down in foreign land at every forum that
    they can, speaking nothing but eelam, that they
    can’t have……………

    Please try to imagine the famous song ‘ Why can’t the English’from ‘My Fair Lady when trying to stomach thee few lines! and finish it with your own ending.

    • 0

      There were sick minds that laughed when the ANC was in its infancy.
      We have others living amongst us dangerously, who cannot read the signs


      • 0

        You couldn’t read the sign that they are blind as well for you are the one really seeing blind.

        • 0


          “You couldn’t read the sign that they are blind as well for you are the one really seeing blind.”

          You forgot, braille and braille technology can help the blind.

          • 0

            Sangyou vedda, don’t know whether Songuva the Blind Pilot can read the braille or just scratch his balls in the moon.

      • 0

        It’s the bloody sick who’s mind have to be drilled and olive oil that has to be injected to will agree the TGTE and its Sickos’

    • 0

      mohamed fazly ilyas

      You should be worrying about the BBS who is trying to screw your women wearing that black burka. Why worry about TGTE? There should be a limit for flipping your hat. By talking against the TGTE the BBS is not going to let your women in black go free.

      • 0

        it’s an internet forum. people comment anonymously. the screen names don’t necessarily point to a real person they seem to point to.

      • 0

        In that case you are much free to keep your slot machine greased, wait for BBS they will tease you in a thunderape.

      • 1

        Ravi, when the BBS comes to screwing about my community women or for that matter the religion for dress or code of ethics, then i’ll worry and respond. Meanwhile, i am not the kind not stir a hot,but melting pot by infusing unwanted air.

  • 1


    I find Foreign Policy of the “Charter” specially comical.

    1. “Tamil Eelam shall maintain close relations with all nations that have democratically elected governments”.

    Talented Mr. VP’s now dismantled, yet excellent administration in the Vanni would not have qualified for relations with TGTE’s Tamil Ealam under this “Charter”.

    2. “Expressing solidarity with the people of India and to foster peace and security in the Indian Ocean region”

    While overtly expressing solidarity, covertly TGTE will plot to asassinate elected leaders of India, Sri Lanka etc?

    3. “Tamil Eelam will forge a special relationship with India”

    Then use that special relationship as a platform to promote Tamil Nadu’s separation from India proper eventually. Realize Great Ealam?

    We are all really thrilled by TGTE “Charter”. Very good luck to you Mr. Rudrakumar.

    Please pray that SL Intelligence Services will not manage to grab you from somewhere. Before you fully implement your fantasy “Charter”.

    • 0

      Ben Hurling

      “Then use that special relationship as a platform to promote Tamil Nadu’s separation from India proper eventually. Realize Great Ealam?”

      TGTE persevere to establish Tamil Eelam. India will annex Sinhala Eelam.

      A neat idea. A cunning idea from TGTE.

      An idea whose time has come.

      • 0

        And eventually the Greatest Natives out of the punnakku natives could establish their ancestral dream land along the borders sandwiched between heladiva and helaeelam borders.

        • 0


          In the ensuing pandemonium we will eject both Tamils and Sinhalese out of our ancestral island.

          Please do pack your bags.

          • 0

            Soory, I am not one of the Abhorigins.

    • 1

      Why should the intelligence services grab him even if they could ( in the USA?), now that he has probably ensured — with this toxic garbage– the re-election of the incumbent?

      • 0

        i don’t read a garbage anymore in that Dayan. at least it guarantees the rights of its potential minorities in writing, whereas this very aspect has been the debate for than half a century in some other system. it’s all over the local media that it’s democratically ensured and officially proven that this land belongs to one ethnicity. you good guys don’t seem to have a voice louder than racism and fascism does. so it’s time that people think about what you have been suggesting in your public appearances?

        this guy didn’t have to ensure the re-election of the incumbent. neither do i buy that computer gilmart explanation for the last time.

        the moment this guy gets grabbed could be the moment the us navy seals officially enter the local air space? because war crimes allegations are on both sides, according to the homegrown LLRC.

      • 1


        The idea that SL’s intelligence agents can grab a US citizen who abides by US laws is a preposterous fantasy of many Sinhalese.

        By the way, I saw Rudra a couple of weeks back at a funeral of a Washington area Tamil matriarch; the lady’s family is related to the Loganathan family by marriage (“World Bank” Loganathan’s daughter lives in this area, and your friend Ketheesh’s niece is an Assistant Attorney General of the US).

        I didn’t talk to him because a funeral is not the right place to talk politics, and I saw less than a handful of people talk to him. I know that the TGTE and Rudra are hardly popular even within the Tamil Diaspora. It is foolish for the Sinhalese people to make the TGTE out to be something big; opinion makers like you should make that clear to the Sinhalese masses, rather than arguing that whatever the TGTE says strengthens the Rajapaksas.

      • 1


        Grabbing Rudra is probably way out of our league.

        Sri Lanka is not Israel. We have no God Father watching over us.

        Rudra may not even be worth the trouble.

        PS: Sri Lanka should go about all guns blazing, in building a just society. Where rule of law is supreme. Where all are equal. That will be the death knell for Rudra and others of his ilk.

    • 1

      Ben Hurling

      “I find Foreign Policy of the “Charter” specially comical.”

      You have your share of clowns and why would you stop the stupid Tamils having theirs? That would really amount to discrimination. Being a Sinhalese yourself you are accustomed to treating the minorities the way you have done in the past.

      No wonder you are at it again.

      • 1

        Native Vedda,

        Guilty as charged.

        I have had a few hearty laughs at the expense of our monority brethren.


        • 0

          …cheer all the way with a wet middle finger….

  • 0

    Just wait mia mia doc reaction….I will follow him. I mean rajapakse licker call Dr rajathi raja rajasinge narendiran mahathayaa….

    • 1


      I am indeed honoured by the title bestowed, although it is meant to be insulting. My only regret is that you are not fit to bestow such a title even as an insult on an undeserving and inconsequential person like me! I am witnessing Muthu’s Koothu ( dance) and Parttu ( song) in CT- both very much short in taste!

      I have already commented on this bombastic, but hollow, irrelevant and stupid ‘ Freedom Charter’ , in response to Usha Sri-Skanda- Raja’s earlier presentation. I was not intending to comment on this presentation, until I read your comment. This comment is to satisfy your craving for my views.

      Dr. RN

    • 0

      Jungle Muttu follows to intake DRN’s burritos, funny.

    • 0


      “I mean rajapakse licker call Dr rajathi raja rajasinge narendiran mahathayaa….”

      Come on, You can do better than this.

  • 0

    Watch out. KP being such a master. Was picked up without any resistance.dont try to be too smartwitout your knowledge you will end up ib a cell. Take care

  • 1

    Does this man Rudra…., realise that his utterences from outside Sri Lanka are not doing any good for the Tamil people already on the Island. Instead of alienating the Sinhala people and dividing the Country further, he should be doing more towards reconciliation and the Welfare of the Tamil people still living in the North and East of the Island. What he is trying to achieve is only Self-aggrandisement!

    • 0

      ..and talk in a jungle dais like the old Pol Pot.

      • 0


        “and talk in a jungle dais like the old Pol Pot.”

        What exactly did you mean by jungle dais?

        • 0

          That’s 57’s cryptic sign, only Polpot knows.

  • 1

    If I may suggest an important correction to the Charter?

    “We, the people of Tamil Eelam, have an inherent right to self-delusion.

    .. and I have a question about the involvement of minorities in formulating Tamil Eelam.

    Rudrakumaran says: “The rights of all minority groups in Tamil Eelam will be respected and safeguarded. The distinct identity of Muslims will be recognized. They shall have the right to participate in formulation of their role in Tamil Eelam.”

    What about the rights of Sinhalese (e.g. Dr Brian Seneviratne) who want to participate in formulation of their role in Tamil Eelam?. Are they to be denied their inalienable right to make complete idiots of themselves? Why only favour Muslims?

  • 0

    A beautifully drafted charter. But, it is not worth the paper it’s written on. TGTE’s diplomatic battle to win Tamil Eelam is a desperate slogan of some desperate members of the Tamil disapora. Tamils would have achieved something equivalent to Tamil Eelam had Prapaharan supported Rajiv Gandhi when he landed the IPKF in North East Sri Lanka. Tamils have missed the bus and will be stranded for ever.

  • 1

    Most of the 21 clauses in the Charter, have “We” in front?.

    Obviously this must be the reference to the Daspora Tamil population of Srilankan Origin. who have elected Mr Rudrakumaran as their Prime Minister by exercising their universal franchise. Right?.

    As our inhabitants understand, all these Tamils are now citizens of Canada, Britain, , US , Australia , Norway, France and Switzerland.

    What about the Tamils who are still inhabitants in Lanka?.

    Does this charter encompass them too?.

    Since the TNA is recognised by the West as the sole custodians of the remaining Tamil population in Srilanka.shouldn’t this chater be counter signed by Mr Sambandan or at least a power of atorney of the calibre of Mr Sumanthiran?

    Especially when the implimentation of the clauses like Reforestation,granting Dual Citizenship or reverse Citizenship to the whole Diaspora, have severe implications with regards to population density, natural resources like water and the Ozone layer besides so many other Environmental issues?.

    • 0

      K.A Sumanasekera

      “have severe implications with regards to population density, natural resources like water and the Ozone layer besides so many other Environmental issues?.”

      I hate to agree with you.

      However if you are genuinely concerned about these trivial Western values you should enforce castration procedures on Sinhalese breeding,similar to that is practiced in China. Even one child is too many.

    • 0

      Ozone has nothing to do with rehabilitation. Ozone holes occur over Lanka for uncivics like you who puff Ganja from your backs over the innocent populace.

  • 1

    Nelson Mandela of the ANC and Arafat of the PLO were acknowledged by the whole world and won the Nobel Peace Prize. They also led their own people in South Africa and Palestine.

    I did not personally know both of them on a personal basis although I have visited South Africa and Lebanon many times since 1968. However I have known Rudrakumar since he was a poor college student in Texas in 1985. And he was not even supportive of the LTTE at that time. lol.

    Rudrakumar is no Mandela, Tutu or Arafat. He cannot hold a candle to them. Period. If he dares go to Jaffna he will not even be given nomination by the TNA to even contest the elections of the provincial council or Municipal Council. Even if he receives a nomination he will lose the elections very badly.

    He cannot even visit Canada or return to the United States.

    So what are the Tamil diaspora talking about? Or what the Sinhalese being so concerned about this so called Prime Minister appointing MP’s and Senators?

    Are their elections soon for the TGTE since it is 4 years after KP and Rudrakumar founded the TGTE together with the Rev. Chandrakanthan brothers and Paul Willems the burger boy from Holland!!!!!!!

    Having said that, the Sinhala War criminals and especially the 4 US citizens will not escape from justice as the US and UN will and have decided to pursue relentlessly immaterial of some of the dysfunctional Tamil diaspora associations. The empty vessels make the loudest noise playing into the hands of the Sinhala State Terrorist.

    Donald Gnanakone
    Tamils For Justice

    • 1

      Uncle Donald,

      Despite your misgivings Rudra claims he was elected through universal franchise of the diaspora.

      In your shoes, I would not insult my own PM. LOL!

  • 0

    Dayan Jayatilleka in an interview published on May 10th 2013, quotes Lee Kwan Yew’s statement made in 2010, “Sri Lanka’s rulers think that by defeating the Tigers, they have defeated Tamils. Tamils are a community that cannot be defeated though the LTTE can and has been defeated”. If LKY is wrong, I choose to err with him like DJ.

    Contingent on certain developments, DJ adds “I think it would make almost certain that we will see a Tamil Eelam carved out by external forces in our lifetime”. He says further that with a more hawkish leader in SL, “We will be broken the way that former Yugoslavia and Sudan were broken”. This is DJ’s prescience.

    With similar insight Rudrakumaran appears forewarned and forearmed.

    • 0

      Chankyan, If what you assume is what Lee Kwan Yew quoted was correct, i agree. because in the inception after Singapore got Independence he came across some Rabid and communal minded rebellious tamil indivduals who would have put a spoke into the wheels of development he had inciting a false communal card for them to gain material wealth and fame. He, wisely and meticulously put them where they had to be and Singapore grew and grew to be a great multi- ethnic and a great vibrant nation.
      I salute this great visionary and lament the opportunities our leaders missed.

  • 0

    Now I am convinced that Tamils cannot coexist as a minority in SL. If I have right to vote in referendum, I favor separate state for Tamils. Human life and their physycological well being are much more important than land boundaries or history.

  • 0

    when I read this article, I also like this Imaginary Land. Hevens should be secondary to this land.

    Every thing is perfect.

    • 0

      Jim, i see a ‘Rudra in a wonder(ful)land’! you just imagine the natives!

  • 1

    clauses 7, 10 and 14 are far better than what sri lanka is definitely going to be.
    respects from a hitherto non cessationist!

    0. will you also later bring in a 1956, 1972, 1978 like changes and sponsor a 1983 like ritual? will there be a 2/3 majority catch in your constitution and policies?
    1. will your govt documents have a sinhalese translation side by side everywhere? or is it the same equal rights as in current SL?
    2. will your citizens have rights to state in public their opinions if they didn’t agree to your honoring of LTTE?
    3. can anyone in your land say they LTTE were ethno fascists and autocrats who monopolized the tamil cause, in their opinion?
    4. can people still write admiring those good minority of the sinhalese people while they are your citizens?
    5. can i be hold a dual citizenship from both your land and remaining sri lanka? :D

    hope you go on with a diplomatic and pacifist campaign. wish you all the best. both sri lankan archaelogy and bodu bala sena are displeasing to the core. who knows i will also be evacuated from my home when they find some old statue around in my neighborhood or because i am not a sinhala buddhist to whom this land now mythologically belongs.

  • 0

    The TGTE has outlined its positions well and formulated Policy quite thoughtfully. However I differ violently on two matters. Free eduction and free health services for all. After more than 60 years of free education at what level of competence do the students stand? Has the system produced the men and women to generate enough wealth to make education even half free.

    Why do we need Tamil Eelam if there be no way of getting out of this populist maelstrom? We can as well stay on with the twin millstones. From where will we get investible surplus after financial profligacy? Lee Kwan Yew’s words of wisdom – “Successive British governments seemed to assume that the creation of wealth came about naturally, and that what needed government attention and ingenuity was the redistribution of wealth”. TE proponents have to demonstrate their capacity for unpopular but rational decisions, instead of proudly exhibiting parental birthmarks.

  • 0

    This document is an important. It should eventually lead to a constitution in which following guarantees provided among others.

    The Republic of Tamil Eelam should be an independent, sovereign, democratic, unique and indivisible state.

    The Republic of Tamil Eelam should have no territorial claims against, and should seek no union with, any State or part of any State.

    The sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Tamil Eelam should be intact, inalienable,indivisible and protected.

    The Republic of Tamil Eelam, in order to maintain peace and to protect national interests, may participate in systems of international security.

    Eelam Tamil nationality should be the right of every Eelam Tamil and shall be the basis of his/her citizenship.

    A Eelam Tamil is any person born to a Eelam Tamil father or mother.

    Every Eelam Tamil has the right to own property throughout Iraq. No others may possess immovable assets.

    Owning property for the purposes of population change shall be prohibited.

    The Tamil language and English language should be the two official languages of Tamil Eelam. The right of people to educate their children in their mother tongue, such as Sinhalese, Malay, should be guaranteed.

    • 1

      Have you ever visited the planet earth?

      • 0

        Intimately very often, next time with you.

    • 0

      Peter Drummonds ;

      were you, or are you a DRUMMER OR TOM TOM BEATER??.

    • 0

      Peter drummonds, You are one of a ‘pissu double ‘

  • 1

    It is heartening to see Health is given top priority too in Eelaam PM’s Charter.

    It says Health is a fundamental right and health care will be free for all citizens.

    Does the PM envisage any action to remedy the people who suffered injuries and subsequent health problems by the past actions of PM’s supporters?.

    Has he taken any action to pay compo and on goung medical care for the famous Tamil journo in Toronto who suffered serious injuries at the hands of the LTTE supporters when the PM was an advisor to the Leader Prabkaran.?.

    Or has the PM delegated it to the leader of the Canadian Eelaam chapter?.

    • 0

      Sir, It is very frightful that the ‘puss’ PM has not mentioned about self defence policy and safeguarding of honor of TGTE natives!ARE they going to be lambs for slaughter if a ‘Dutugemunu’ arises from the South!

  • 0

    Haha ha ha !!! Stop it you’re killing me Hee hee hee ! By the way which planet are you from ???

  • 1

    IT is stupidity to try and divide Sri Lanka. Yes there are issues for the minorities in SL. This has to be addressed and an equitable solution has to be found. Holding Tiger Flags and asking for equal rights also will not work. So if the Tamils and Muslims need equal rights first they themselves have to recognize that they are Sri Lankans and want a united Sri Lanka and not a divided Sri Lanka, then they can ask for equal rights. As long as there is support for the division of the country Tamils and Muslims in Sri Lanka will not have peace.

    I challenge TGTE leaders to openly say that there should be no division of Sri Lanka and no LTTE flag carrying processions and go to Sri Lanka under the United Nations Flag and sit across the Presidents desk and negotiate then there will be change. Can TGTE leaders accept this challenge?

    • 0

      mr .lankan where are from …. WAKE UP

      from 1956 tamils who live in srilnaka asked equality & sovereign with in the srilanka democratic way until 1987

      im not agree what LTTE did.. dont not trying change the PAST


      • 0

        Chola, equality and sovereign to gether with humanity was there for all srilankans’ to share.But like ‘Oliver.. i need some more..’and more was the issue for a few disgrunting tamils that has led them to see through a barrel.
        I yet know many tamils’ who want to live in peace rather trying to reach the rainbow of an eelam.

        • 0


          ” equality and sovereign to gether with humanity was there for all srilankans”

          i really love your joke, these days even majority they dont have humanity & equality

          i never be rainbow lover or Eelam dreamer or day dreamer like you my dear friend


          • 0

            Cholar… see, you missed out to important words in my first sentence …. equality……….’ TO SHARE. Thus misread the meaning of the reply. This is the trouble with you ignorant type.
            This is God’s Land.. he has let this to us and depart without it when our time comes. Not me, not you nor the bloody blood thirsty separative individuals, greedy land grabbers,the seekers of wealth and fame and the high mighty rulers of this land now and the future can lay permanent claim to it. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust. that’s all we are worth.

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    I think, Mr. Rudrakuman should incoporate and register this TGTE and should sell shares to everybody. I am sure, it will be a good profitable venture which we can trust about good dividends.

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      Jim, it has already started happening perhaps under another alias organisation..that’s how they can snatch a fool’s gold, lest they face the wrath of the FBI/CIA/IRS etc., for unaccounted wealth.

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    Kosala – Great comment.

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    12 Foreign Policy – To maintain good relationship with India. AND if any Prime Ministerial Candiate goes off step, NEED TO MURDER HIM by sending a suicide cadre to India.

    Clause 15- Can Rudra specify the meaning “free for all” ? the ALL
    Clause 16 – Heath, free to all Citizens? Who are these All Citizens/

    Where is this eelam going to be? In the outter space or in the space station??
    Nominate Ravi the Secretary for Defence as future HR Organisations need to be kept busy.

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      Keep you attitude and MR regime for next four years, and your grandson may apply visa to this imaginary land if he is willing to travel.

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    Are these Really True? What did LLTE do? Fools, “Madus” and “Modays” BEWARE.

    ‘No religion shall be given the foremost place in Tamil Eelam. The freedom to worship and the cultural right to practice religious traditions shall be ensured.
    “Citizenship Policy”

    21. Citizenship will be extended to all those born in the homeland or descended from those born in the homeland. Provisions will be made for obtaining citizenship through naturalization and also for holding dual citizenship.”

    Comments on Sri Lanka Constitution.

    Not much different except that this will be Christian Tamil State Funded by Norway and the Christian West. Instead of Sinhala Buddhist hegemony, it will be Tamil Christian Hegemony.

    Tamil Hindus, beware, they will convert the rest of you to to Christian Myths.

    Muslims, beware, they will wither chase you again or make you convert to Christians and believe in their Myths.


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    keep dreaming rudra!

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    Have anyone seen the Elam Passport, can Sinhalese come in a boat and apply refugee status in Elam, can SL export their products to your country, what are the main products Elam is exporting to other countries (terrorism, suicide bombs, cyanide capsules, bra bombs etc.)are you going to send high commissioner to SL, when Elam is going to hold CHOGM

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    Good and sensible.

    Don’t do the mistakes of SL in 1948, 1956, 1972, 1977, 1983 and 2009.

    Promising constitution but no land to implement it. India will not allow any Tamil nation. SL will not allow free flow of water to Tamil areas because all rivers start from their areas. Colombo Tamils will need special areas in the north east with all facilities. Tamil Elam will also need a strong army, navy and airforce. Most importantly a very strong counter insurgency force. Beef production must be allowed in Tamil Elam because that is food for some people there. Good relations with Pakistan will be needed to safeguard interests of Eastern Province of Tamil Elam citizens.

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    Hello Prime Minister Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran. you must consult a specialist brain surgeon to treat your mental disorder.
    our so called fantasy land is not existing in this world.Sri Lanka own to Sinhalese.Due to poverty at Tamilnadu,tamils illegally migrated to Sri Lanka.All past PM s of Sri Lanka had a soft corner for this poor people.When Colonials rules Sri Lanka ,they use this poor people for their slavery ,when real Sinhalese oppose.In return they built catholic missionaries to help low cast Tamils to avoid so called high cast tamils mistreat.
    Now that era is past. Tamils live all around the Sri Lanka mingle with Sinhalese .They live a very peaceful life among sinhales than in Jaffna.In Colombo we all studies in one school. we sinhalese learn, taught Tamil language in school as well as tamil studied in Sinhala or english medium.
    What LTTE did was put all nations in very uncomfortable position.They damaged/ harmed the relationship between these two nationalities.The high cast tamil politicians who come to SL parliament by the vote of tamil public get settled in Colombo. Neglect their elctrolate and did nothing to up lift their livelihood.When the next election turn up they again go to Jaffna and beg for their vote. Mislead poor tamil public saying Sinhalese people not allow to develop jaffna.
    That misleading made tamils to develop hatred against Sinhalese.Gradgually this hatred developed and later on tamil youths found they are cheated by their political leaders.They killed almost all high cast political leaders.At the end power taken by the lunatic called Prabakaran who has never done a salaried job or business till 30 years. He ruined all the north and ruined the generation of tamil youths.Trained them to kill people and force them to committed sue-side without surrender while his two children are studying in England from the money ,which earned by robbing all government banks in jaffna.
    He did not like peace talk offered by all SL governments that 2 decades.Because uneducated Prabakaran did not know what is negotiation. Due to his attitude 1000 s died from both nationalities.Young tamil kids kidnapped from school and trained them to killed and brain washed against their parents will.
    In the same time tamils, who illegally migrated to western countries.saying it is not safe to live in SL, due to the terrorism ,who successfully won political asylum.So as far as the terrorism is going on they have a good chance of having ,governments free welfare benefits.
    So they like to this terrorism to carry on forever and collecting money from all tamils ,monthly and had a luxury life in their and send half of it to feed the terrorism in Sl.
    Now the terrism is eradicated and most of child soldgers are rehabilitated by the SL governmrnt. President mahinda spend millions of dollars to develop Jaffna ,more than developning other areas of the country to win the heart of tamil youth. Actually he did it succesfully. Anyone can see it who visited Jaffna and other part of the north.Built Hi ways,start the railway , which was ruined by LTTE. Restart the educational exchange programmes , restart the Jaffna university.
    Now these morons again try to ruin the peaceful living tamils enjoy in Jaffna and North.
    Watch this link by one child solder [Edited out]
    There are so many like this.
    One last thing to say to this mental disorder PM.Why do you not ask India to declare a separate homeland in Tamilnadu, which has 1000 times more thamils lives in more than 2000 years.
    Please leave our tamil youths live in peace with sinhalese , Muslims,burgers Males. chettys and all.

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