By Rajitha Bandara Gunawardena –
It is now the fashion and trend when one finishes cursing the Rajapaksas’ to turn on the leader of the opposition Ranil Wickremesinghe. He is useless they say, ineffectual, has overstayed his welcome, has doubtful sexual preferences, has no children, takes advice only from his friends, you name it Ranil is it.
Has anyone stopped to think of the alternative? Let’s assume the mantle was given to Karu Jayasuriya. He has gone over to the opposition held office as a minister proved more that ineffectual in the role and hasn’t had even the self-respect to go into oblivion when virtually chased out by the President. He has crawled back to his beginnings and resumed innocuous office as something or the other in the opposition. He was also taken back by this much maligned leader of the opposition.

So look closely at yourselves people of Sri Lanka. Blame yourselves just as much as you blame the leader of the opposition!
Sajith Premadasa has the following of the masses they say. He is relatively young and has his father’s charisma say others, with a faint air of desperation. The reality is that he has too many skeletons in his cupboard for his escapades in Yala during the regime of his father and his penchants for thuggery are still not forgotten by those who know.
Sajith Premadasa to gether with the Dayasiri Jayasekeras’ and all others of his ilk would have if given the mantle turned the UNP into a bunch of thugs. Trying to beat the masters of thuggery at their own game would have been just what the Rajapaksas’ wanted!
Don’t you critics’ understand? The single reason why the UNP hasn’t deteriorated further (I do admit to deterioration) and gone down to a level that would have been unrecognizable to those firmly committed to, it is Ranil Wickremesinghe.
All allegations of homosexuality and the daily insults heaped on him by the TV station run by the Maharaja organization have had no effect. The man doesn’t have to do this! He is wealthy in his own right and to insinuate that he is holding this post just to travel “first class around the world” is nothing but balderdash concocted by those who have desires and standards of this nature. Ranil Wickremesinghe has enough private wealth to travel many times around the world in style without having to undergo all these daily insults and allegations.
Look carefully. He has said no to those with doubtful credentials. He has allowed others up to the maximum level that is suitable to them and stopped them there, before the Peter Principle kicked in. No one has been able to buy him or blackmail him into submission, or to change his mind.
The opposition of this Country led by Ranil Wickremesinghe has been steadily and methodically exposing the shenanigans of the Rajapaka regime to the outside world. Think again people, is there anything else they could have done? What is the use of preaching to the converted in the drawing rooms of Colombo 7? They constitute too small a majority to make any change in an election. Furthermore they are too firmly ensconced in their comfort zones to do anything but pass a pseudo intellectual comment or two while sipping their single malt whiskeys!
The Majority of the Country has been totally brain washed by the war victory and the so-called supremacy of a lazy bunch of cultivators over the hard working industrious but mislead Tamils of the North. The Tamils made a mistake by thinking that terrorism would give them a shortcut to power. There are no shortcuts to power and route they were following before Prabhakaran came on the scene hard work, accumulation of wealth and the top positions in companies of the day would have given them what they wanted and more. They were but a short distance away from gaining economic dominance of the Sinhala people when the shortcut beckoned!
The abovementioned work ethic of the Sinhala race has found ideal release in the newly formed strata of society….the three-wheel driver. This specimen finds some money most often his mothers provident fund or a nest egg carefully saved over the years by that very prudent financial manager (the Sri Lankan Housewife) and makes a down payment on one of those infernal machines introduced to this country by a person whom I considered a motor enthusiast! Have you ever wondered why many three wheelers have slogans such as “Amma Buduwewa!” on the rear? The reason being the aforesaid contribution provided by the mother to her beloved male child!
I digress but only to try and establish my point, that it is a waste of time trying to convince the majority of the voters in this Country to worry about economic well being or good governance. The mistake of acknowledging a high level of literacy (the mere ability to read) for intellectuality or even the ability to think and reason, has been the main reason.
The mediocre education curriculum probably introduced by the colonial rulers who just wanted clerks or “followers of orders” from the local populace has produced a majority that is only worried about keeping his neighbor down and doing better that him and expecting all free handouts and economic largesse from the Government. What they have forgotten is that the Government is no longer colonial and with all their faults at least the Colonial rulers had respect for the rule of law and took some responsibility for the well being of the people.
Since the Colombo 7 people don’t care and the majority is too busy pursuing their own narrow minded and artificial standards, I repeat what is the use of trying to stir any action from them?
The only hope is to expose these thugs for what they are to the International community and hope that after the international community finishes in dealing with those who provide fossil fuels to them, that they will turn their eyes towards the blatant misrule and open robbery that is being conducted under the guise of a democratic system of governance.
Meanwhile it is essential to maintain the main opposition party the UNP, as a party that people with honor and dignity, respect for the law and decent moral standards will vote for, when the opportunity arises.
In my view the current leader of the opposition has done this job admirably, in the current circumstances.
Before the insults fly let me assure the protagonists’ that I have last been face to face with Ranil Wickremesinghe around 10 years ago, I have received absolutely no payment for this piece but I am related to him as most of us are in this small Island community.
So look closely at yourselves people of Sri Lanka. Blame yourselves just as much as you blame the leader of the opposition!
Related posts;
What is Wrong With Ranil? Did The UNP Win Because Of John’s Charisma Or John’s Smile ? By Uvindu Kurukulasuriya
The UNP’s Leadership Struggle; Ranil,Sinhala-Buddhist Racism and Rosy By Uvindu Kurukulasuriya
Taraki / July 26, 2013
Ah! yes Ranil the great democrat and protector of human rights, who signed a draft peace agreement that VP chose to make final; who removed checkpoints and barriers while VP smuggled in aircraft and edged so close to Trinco that even the US started issuing warnings. If only Ranil had won that General Election, there would have been Tamil Ealam covering a third of the country and two thirds of the coast. And once obtained it would NEVER have been retrieved. How much happier Lanka would have been if Ranil had his way.
Koththu Rotty / July 26, 2013
I have to say Aney Appochchey many times
after reading this man or woman with a
big ego and evidently a small head. Not too
sure whether there is anything betweeen
the ears either.
Appoachchi or Poyichchi, the debate is not about
English. It is about RW and the way he has taken
the people for a ride. It hurts. Doesn’t it.
You seem one who wants to remain dressed all the
time, going to sleep in your two/three piece suit.
One day you will have to undress. Don’t do it inside
a glass house you damn fool!!
To mediocrities like you, any nonsense is good enough
to show what appears to be your prowess. Go at least
to a night school and learn some English.
Potta Baba / July 26, 2013
Who gave Aney Appochchi the mandate
to pour scorn on all and sundry who
comment on CT? Probably psycopaths
do not need I suppose. It takes fools
also to make this world. So let the
vermin live and die.
gamini / July 26, 2013
A Sage has never been discovered in his own country. If Ranil Wickremasinghe had accommodated LTTEers as KP, Karuna, Pillayan, Daya Master, Nirmalene under the UNP giving all comfort and position ignoring the masses. Not initiated action Legal or otherwise against Rape and Murder but allow them to go scot free because they are UNPers. Rob State funds and property for the family as has been happening in the UPFA. Waste Public funds on projects to boost his image that has no advantage to the masses. Clear Colombo by sending the poor shanty dwellers without providing alternate accommodation by the thousand overnight. Beautify Colombo raising the price of bread to Rs. 65/-. Remove the CJ dejure to appoint a crony in her place and continue to persecute her. Openly flout democracy and the Constitution to consolidate his power. Bribe and Coerce MPs to a UNP govt. Rig election after election to show his popularity. Interfere with the Judiciary making the CJ down, servile sycophants thereby deny the freedom of Law and Order to the Nation. Look after the Military well in return for RW’s security. I wonder what the above critics of RW have to say. These are the very Buggers who helped to install MR and now are blaming RW for not overthrowing MR. They believe RW can just remove MR without them lending a hand to RW to change MR. These are only arm chair critics, who expect RW to do the job on his own with the Party supporters possibly not venturing to vote for him at elections. These critics are critical of RW maintaining discipline in the Party. I believe they prefer RW to allow anyone to do what they want like MR allowing his Party members to kill, rape and rob. Is this not what the society wants to be put right with change? How can RW effect a change without disciplining the Party first, before the country? When he does so, these critics blame him, calling him dictatorial. What a set of Jokers? The truth is RW is a strict disciplinarian and a strong leader, although his critics try to vilify him as a weak person. On the contrary can MR take disciplinary action against the wrong doers in his govt. for murder, rape and robbery? No. He can not, as then he would be finished. So MR has to tolerate everything because he is weak and he has to allow others to do as they please in order to cover his own short comings, which is not an issue for RW as he is straight forward and honest.
Jayantha / July 27, 2013
Well said Gamini.
Only an uneducated, uncultured Pimpiyas do these type of work. Buying opposition Parliament MP’s like Prostitutes from Peoples stolen money.
Only uncultured Pimpiyas do these type of work and Govern the country.
But he already has got the ” Nambu Nama” “Honorary Pariah Medal” in the International arena.
Very soon he will get it in Sri Lanka also.
Taraki / July 27, 2013
Many of the crimes that MR is accused of were also committed by JRJ’s government of which Ranil was a senior member. Why didn’t the upright man resign on principle? How can Ranil be ‘straight forward and honest’ when he almost handed the Tigers their Eelam on a plate? Isn’t that foolishness?
Having said that, my opinion is that Ranil would be the best leader during a time of peace like the present.
gamini / July 27, 2013
Taraki, do not talk Cock. RW was a Junior Minister in JRJ’s govt. Thanks to his vision he opened vistas for Tertiary Education for all those who could not enter Universities. Almost a 95% of the youth to benefit. There was no corruption to the magnitude it is now under MR ever before. However I concede Corruption and violence commenced under the UNP after Premadasa took office. Yet I blame JRJ for not controlling the ’83 riots although he delivered this Nation to modern times. This black mark will always will be with him no matter it was an emotional incident where thirteen Police Officers were butchered by the ruthless LTTE. At least now take your blinkers off and see straight without being cockeyed.
Taraki / July 27, 2013
Gamini, your blind devotion to the UNP has given you a distorted view of history. I am sure the thousands of unemployed Arts graduates are eternally grateful to Ranil for his ideas. A pity he couldn’t implement gold chains for farmers. You are trying to make a mirror by polishing a brick – it can’t be done.
Sun / July 28, 2013
Gamini @ very same people attacked RW not considering him being then a young MP, just ignore when Namal Rajapapkse behaves criminal – this is the paradoxal mentality of our people.. this is the sad truth.
Sun / July 28, 2013
But I dont think that JRJ murdered their people hiring DIGs ? if yes please add some examples from the past.
MR has for sure hired that Vaas Gunawardhana for murdering not only the muslim Businessman lately found shot dead earlier the Lasantha´s murder. There are enough evidences to believe so upto this date.
patriot / July 27, 2013
Tell us Gamini, how much you pay for a loaf of bread in Suffolk? How much a supermarket worker is paid there? Can one get even a cleaning job? And after paying for food and other basics like lodging, heating and etc, how much is such a man left with? Nothing.
Do you know that 80% of Sri Lankans live in villages.They do not live to eat but eat to live. And rice not bread is their staple diet. In fact they eat rice for all three meals every day. Two kilos of rice is sufficient for a man, his wife, two kids and the dog for the whole day. Today a kilo of rice starts from Rs.40.
‘Clear Colombo by sending the poor shanty dwellers …’ No wonder idiots like you who live in the cold basements do not know that apartments are being built to accommodate shanty dwellers. And in the meantime cash is being paid for them to rent temporary lodgings. What you former colombian wallah wants is shanty dwellers to continue to live in those takaran sheds and poo and pee to canals. It seems, you English speaking WOGs don’t like poor live in better homes. No wonder your hero is in a precarious situation.
Average man in Sri Lanka votes for MR for he had ushered peace. We are eternally grateful to MR for we can travel everywhere day and night freely now. Would the UK who spoon-fed terrorist LTTE to divide the county for decades and since tries so hard to frame war crime charges on MR attend CHOGM otherwise. Yet idiotic commentators like Gamini who lives in cold basements in the UK writes as if rape and murder as an everyday affair in Sri Lanka.
Gamini says Ranil is a strict disciplinarian and a strong leader’. Has he forgotten that Ranil had handed over a third of the land mass and two third of the coast line to Pirapakaran through a so-called peace agreement without Pirapakaran firing a shot. Imagine Ranil came to power in 2005, the peace agreement would have continued. But we never wouldn’t know when a human bomb would explode and be a victim for it. May be this would be two countries by now. Even then, that wouldn’t have ended the war.
Not just Ranil signed a sham peace with terrorists but also forced his party to accept Federal as the solution to the so-called ethnic problem. But he has changed it after MR waged a war a win it. He now says ‘Unitary’ should be the form of government. What backbone-less man (woman).
gamini / July 27, 2013
Taraki I have no blind devotion to any political party, neither my view on History is distorted as yours or of the Humbug Patriot’s who try to compare bread prices in Suffolk to what our poor has to pay. He is of the opinion that our poor have three square meals of rice in the villages and the urban poor he cunningly avoids who constitute more than 30%. If only he knows how even the poor in the villages are finding difficult to make ends meet while the Political brats are enjoying night races in their duty free Lamborghinis.
These are the pundits who come forward to justify the MR Chinthanaya after duping the masses promising rice from the moon. It is the UNP with all it’s faults that settled hundreds of thousands of landless families in the NCP to form the back bone of Agriculture. It is the UNP again that provided water for cultivation for all the farmers by diverting the Mahaweli. It is the UNP again that installed a series of Hydro power Stations to supply electricity to all Industries and households. It is the UNP that built Flat dwellings in the urban areas for the poor and thousands of housing units for the villagers through Gam Udawas. They never threw overnight the poor shanty dwellers out to make shift tenements promising them dwellings later. If one is to go by the promises of MR who promised a salary increase of Rs2500/-, this promise of providing houses also will be not different. As claimed by the patriot how a family and a dog can survive on two kgs of rice per day, without considering other costs that goes to make a meal is like how Bandula Gunawardene said a family can live with an income of Rs. 2500/- per month. What brains these these people have to understand the plight of the poor.
Whatever said and done as I have said before it is the UNP that has done for the masses in this country and what the SLFP led govts from the time of Banda has been doing was trying to break up the UNP and it’s backbone of support from the masses. Today under MR it is no different buying UNP MPs having an unlawful two third majority in the Parliament, MR still fears the UNP.
These Pseudo Patriots yet sing that RW gave two thirds of the sea front and one third of land mass to the LTTE. When RW asked if so why did VP sabotage RW, they have no answer. Ask yourself as to what happened to MR who has to have the NPC election in September trying to drop the 13th Amendment after himself promising devolution before, has to proceed now with the 13th intact? What MR is trying to do with the 13th is like the Sinhala proverb, ‘ Ugurata Horen Beheth Bonda Hadanawa Wagey’. Like trying to swallow medicine cheating the throat. Any way let us see how he will perform this act of taking the medicine unless he shoves it up from his posterior with the help of Wimal and Champika. So you Patriots can help them, but remember to take a large container of butter along.
Taraki / July 28, 2013
Calm down man, you have missed my final comment, which was ‘Having said that, my opinion is that Ranil would be the best leader during a time of peace like the present’.
Somaweera / July 28, 2013
Astray dogs like you who lick the leftover bones by the Rajapakshas say “..We are eternally grateful to MR for we can travel everywhere day and night freely now..”!!! What concocted balderdash is this? The number of whitevanned innocent people in this country by the Rajapakshas exceed 6000! The number of peasants who got their kidneys vanished are in the Millions region now! And now the Rajapakshas have come to the west and there is great water pollution and people are agitating and crying for pure water! They built an airport in their home town and now since its commissioning only a handful of plans arrived. The harbor has seen only a single ship for a whole month for two years! Is this what you are eternally grateful for Rajapakshas? You are a filthy cockroach who has sold your sorry soul to Rajapakshas to receive some blood money from them! That is why you write this rubbish. Really it is a waste of time writing to fools like you whose brains are cadmium affected and unable to understand anything that is happening in the world!
Anton / July 26, 2013
I am a strong supporter of the UNP. I have no real preference be it Ranil, Karu, Sajith, Ravi or anyone else.
However, we have to face it that Ranil is an ineffective leader. Losing 22 elections ( the the up coming elections as well) – there is a problem. Lets face it. There is a problem. I feel Ranil should be graceful and step down as the leader. However he should remain in the party. Let the UNP elect another leader. It is time up for a change.
These days, people are are blasting the opposition more than the government. They curse the government for it crazy and dictatorial rulings and in the same breath, the blast the UNP for it spinless leadership.
It is people like Tissa, Malik, Daya who should speak to Ranil and say enough is enough. Remember that a democrazy functions well only with a strong government and a stronger opposition.
gamini / July 27, 2013
Anton, you contradict yourself when you say you have no preference on any,but venture to run down RW saying that he has lost 22 elections and even confirming the upcoming election that is yet to come. So you demand RW should step down. Although you claim to be a UNP supporter are not different to the jumping kind who have similar sentiments. We all know how the 22 elections were held by both CBK and MR wielding power and misusing all State resources not allowing to reflect the true will of the masses. This was proved beyond doubt when RW allowed SF to contest who was held in awe by the majority. Why are the real UNPers wanting for RW, is because he has proved to be honest and Sincere as a Leader and definitely he will uphold Law and Order equally to all, as he does not favour any, like MR who saves murderers, rapists and rogues to survive. Therefore the clarion call at the moment is for someone like RW and not for testing out catchers like Dayasiri who have no Principles.
patriot / July 27, 2013
Real UNPers are becoming like dodos.
Wan Dept / July 28, 2013
patriot, And the patriots are shifting to the gutters of the Araliyagaha den for living!
Taraki / July 27, 2013
There are often references to the elections that Ranil lost. Can anybody list these 22 elections?
Wan Dept / July 28, 2013
“..There are often references to the elections that Ranil lost. Can anybody list these 22 elections?..”
Why? Aren’t you a lazy moron who want to mudsling Ranil without shedding a drop of sweat? You are a pathetic joker! It is not Ranil who got lost but the stupid you and the people of this country who are living in the stone age! The overdraft at BC of PB Jayasundara has exceeded Rs. 89000 million and the government has advised all its arms to stop any new projects because the regime has no money now and hit the rock bottom! Thousands of people who voted for the foolish Rajapakshas and their criminals in Ragama and Weliveriya areas have had their ground water polluted by the toxic emissions from Halyes and DSI pollution factories. The best areas in the whole of the country for living before this regime of rogues came to power now have become killing fields of life! The police and the provincial politicians and administration are covering up the matter and bringing in water bowsers to hoodwink the people! This incident alone is enough to understand the criminal, corrupt and utterly moronic nature of the ruling buffalos and their herd of brainless politicians and to forthwith demand the stepping down of the regime! Are you all waiting for Ranil to do all these things for you while you are evading your own responsibility and singing byla?
Taraki / July 29, 2013
Wan Dept,
1. I was asking out of interest, that’s all. Many people accuse Ranil of losing many elections but cannot list them.
2. You haven’t read my posts properly, one of which ended by praising Ranil ‘Having said that, my opinion is that Ranil would be the best leader during a time of peace like the present’
3. You call me a ‘lazy moron’ and a ‘pathetic joker’ etc. Let’s see if you are man enough to apologise.
4. No, I thought not.
Wan Dept / July 29, 2013
“..Many of the crimes that MR is accused of were also committed by JRJ’s government of which Ranil was a senior member. Why didn’t the upright man resign on principle? How can Ranil be ‘straight forward and honest’ when he almost handed the Tigers their Eelam on a plate? Isn’t that foolishness?
Having said that, my opinion is that Ranil would be the best leader during a time of peace like the present..”
What you have written is full of contradictions, also considering the timber in other comments by you. Anyway if you consider Ranil to be a fitting leader for the country at present I apologize you.
Taraki / July 29, 2013
Thank you. I was referring to two different situations. At a time of war and terrorism Ranil would have been a disaster for the nation. In a time of peace, he would end nepotism, thuggery and political murders, and restore democracy.
Johann Gunasekara / July 27, 2013
The war was won by all, not just PA or MR, so victory belongs to all. As long as the UNP keeps playing down the victory over terrorism, MR will stand tall in the eyes of the masses and he will keep using it for political leverage. However brilliant Ranil may be, he must be able to appeal to the masses, and win over their hearts. He lacks the common touch, is only comfortable among his peers and very off-putting, traits of an introvert. By your own admission, even though related, you last met him TEN years ago, and this whilst in opposition, what chance would you have if he was President…zilch I say.
The UNP is not RW’s private business, he must go and so must Karu and Sajith. This will open the doors to the return of the dissidents who must be sick of MR&Co, but with no alternative they will continue to sit tight, call them opportunists or mercenaries that’s the name of the modern political game in SL
gamini / July 27, 2013
Johann Gunasekara, your suggestion reflects well in an old Sinhalese proverb. ‘Kahi Gaani deela Hotu Gaani gannawa wagey’. That is to get rid of MR and get anyone else without principles who are willing to compromise with corruption, other than RW. If you want a man with PR who can hoodwink the masses by grabbing children off mothers standing by, for photographs, then you have MR for that job. We all know that RW does not have PR, but the present requirement is to be Honest and maintain Law and Order. When all this fan fare of false War Victories thanks to the US and the Indians and Development does not appease the hunger of the masses, will see RW through.
Johann Gunasekara / July 27, 2013
False war victories?…pull out your head and shake off the sand Gamini, cos you live in a world of denial. If you get 3 out of 20 in anything you wouldn’t be called brilliant! that’s what RW and the UNP under him get’s for success. If you expect the so called ‘hungry masses’ to carry RW on their shoulders to Temple Trees you are a dreamer… Lead from the front, take on the corruption and lawlessness by getting on the streets…not from safety of his bullet proof Benz, courtesy the tax payer.
gamini / July 27, 2013
Johann Gunasekara can you kindly explain to the readership here why the LTTE buried all their heavy artillery without fighting with them? Why did the LTTE decamp their strong hold Kilinochchi that had bunkers for cover to avoid an onslaught from the Forces to expose themselves on the sea front? Were they promised with undertakings from a third party a way out, which helped our Forces to eliminate them and MR taking the credit for it now? If there was no fight for their strong hold Kilinochchi, are you serious there was a war to wrest the other areas? Where were the land mines laid if not to protect the LTTE strong holds? Get a list of the casualties of the Forces side from Jan 2007 to May 2009, for a cross check with their families to be made for you to understand this great War.
Sun / July 28, 2013
And apart from what Gamini added, I would like to know from you, why have not the US and India made YET genuine efforts to interview Gota, Shavendra Silva and SF ? Why UN brought watered down UN resolutions against Srilanka, if they are interested in the genuine numbers of civlian death in the last phase of the war ?
Nimal / July 28, 2013
“..Lead from the front, take on the corruption and lawlessness by getting on the streets…not from safety of his bullet proof Benz, courtesy the tax payer..”
What pathola talk is this? Tell me a single occasion even a remotest family relation of yours has got on to the streets for protest! While you all live and enjoy in the comfort zones of your own you want Ranil to die for you! Get lost and don’t talk vadi bana! This is a democracy and no where in its constitution there is a clause requiring Opposition Leader to “get down to the streets” to change the government. The proper constitutional way of changing the rule is by vote and to vote for the right type of person is not the sole responsibility of Opposition Leader but the duty of the general masses! All these protests, marches, agitations, strikes etc. are meant just to inform the masses of the unsuitability of the present government to continue and reminding them and registering in their minds the necessity of electing an another government that reflect their aspirations. But here you comes along and preach about suicidal measures which JVT did in the past and destroyed thousands of lives. What kind of poorly informed and misleading people are you?
Dr M L Najimudeen / July 27, 2013
Mr Ranil Wickramasinghe is highly reputed both at national and international level and no one can match him. His rivals both inside and outside can cast all aspersions but no one will tell that he is a corrupted person. He had not earned a single cent as commission. He has a vision.
He is the only leader got a degree from Sri Lanka.
Unfortunately he cannot win the votes in Sri Lanka. All the people should work hard for him. Definitely there is no substitute for him at present
Sun / July 28, 2013
I am fully in agreement with you in this regard.
All these commentators attack RW for every ill performance of the rulers. This is not at all correct. Expect yours and Gaminis, I think all others just add their comments without seeing the gravity of the problems that the country faced during the last 3 decades. War is not started in 2005, very same magic man -MR was in each of the previous government, not just as little simon, but being close the top leadership.
punchinilame / July 27, 2013
We arm chair critiques can make comments but the Voter will decide when the time comes, whether false patriotism or bread counts, IF there be a free and fair election. A change is in the offing, and MRs media men will not even go for a hoaxed Opinion Poll knowing the trend!
mohamed fazly ilyas / July 27, 2013
Mr. Bandara, As a youngster, i have followed the rise and fall and the rise and fall and the fall and the fall of RW ever since the day he came into politics on the piggyback of his uncle JR on the aftermath of the great great 1977 sweep of an election when the masses as usual blindly give the ‘ tonic ‘ of the 2/3rd mantra to ageing old fox who did every thing but only could not turn a man into a woman or vice versa.
The iron grip of the 2/3rd was gradually was used to weaken the opposition ( by the many commisions and legal cases to deprive many of the proven, tested and seasoned politicians to lose their civic rights and some sent to political wilderness, not withstanding the failed effort to impeach a the Chief Justice of the time.
The most absurd mistake and the blind error created by not condoning or taking any effort to stem the Black July riots ’83 and the mayhem caused to the minority was the most serious crime ever committed and eventually led to bloodbath for over thirty years. There is no one today in the ruling party or the opposition who can sincerely say that they are sorry for the loss to the masses of all religiuos entity.
The UNP and its seniors and juniors fell one by one to the bullet and bombs of the terrorist along with some able opposition leaders of the time and distinguished officers of the four forces and many able bodies servicemen.By chance of fate or default this Gentleman you call RANIL became the leader of the opposition whilst being seated all those years in a cosy office and a smile which hid his true inner failure as a politician.Apart from a mere two year stint that he was the PM and a period which saw nothing erstwhile to blabber about, but very cunningly held a truce with terrorist until someone somewhere pulled the rug from under his feet.
The many string of failures at countless elections and the defections of his members to the opposition, which gave pep to other minor parties and even communists and minorities to jump over the fence and once again give that 2/3 tonic to the ones ruling roost with a coalition of a kind.
Is there any politician, past and present in the World of politics who is calling himself a leader of a party or opposition yet holding on to a position after all these failures!
True, your reasons given on those available to take the mantle of leadership is arguable, as one jumped shipped and is back, another is trying to impress upon his late peers, the others are mere jokers with one foot on the ground and the other very near to the grave just counting the days and enjoying the benefits of being a politician and hood winking the masses. All these weakenesses are the creation of just the man called RW at the helm of the UNP. He has due to his inept and lackadaisical attitude driven the country into an abyss which will need a leader who will appeal to only to the voter bank of the UNPers but who could lure are existing party members and those of the grass roots and the would be voters in the coming years.
In my opinion, there are just two members who could, if by any chance entice the voters and the masses to bring about a change its Rosy Senanayake and Sujeeva Senasinghe. The first has the charisma and of course the name as names spell magic with the voters and the latter has all the ability to lead a political force.
Are you laughing at me ! me a diehard follower of the UNP and whose ancestors too were UNPers! I will forgive you because i too am a miserable peace loving citizen and idiot who has his faith on the Elephant Party!
When on a sinking ship with the Captain fast asleep and there would be the first mate and chief officer trying to save the passengers, it is to the the latter duo that the survivors will look forward to.
This Country need an able opposition entity. Those who weakened it for mere greed and gains are responsible to GOD and the masses.You were given mandate on trust, you failed and now the chance has come again to repent, rectify and reconcile your trust with the People, for the People, as you too are people.
One reaps what one Sows………..no matter when, where or
Don / July 28, 2013
Another [Edited out] of Ranil has come forward to defend him
Romesh / July 28, 2013
Don, Hay brat matimoola! Whom are you defending then? Your grandmother?
Don Quixote / July 30, 2013
Maybe it takes one to recognize another ?
shankar / July 28, 2013
“Let’s assume the mantle was given to Karu Jayasuriya. He has gone over to the opposition held office as a minister proved more that ineffectual in the role and hasn’t had even the self-respect to go into oblivion when virtually chased out by the President.”
The author is misrepresenting the facts here.Yes,karu did cross over with 16 others,but he was not chased out by MR as claimed by the author.In fact MR tried his darndest through intermediaries to try to make him change his mind about leaving,but karu had made up his mind firmly after the tongue lashing he got from MR.He was abused in filth for appointing grama sevekas on merit basis when he was the minister of public administration in the MR regime.Is that wrong trying to bring in a system of meritocracy into th public administration?Look at what it has descended to now with uneducated rapists and thugs everywhere playing havoc in the local administration levels.The only qualification that you require now to get a job in the local administration is to be a hanger on of MR and his hambantota clan.
Take the case of Laksman kadirgamar when he took over as foreign minister.He also did what karu tried to do but was stopped by MR,remodelling the foreign service into a merit based one successfully culminating in the recognition of the LTTe as a terrorist organisation and its proscription all over the world.If CBK had stopped that and made him pack the foreign service with her hangers on then it would have descended to what it is now,losing our credibility with the rest of the world more and more every year.
Romesh / July 28, 2013
Shankar, What nonsense are you talking about? This Karu modaya frog leaped into the lap of the corrupt king swallowing the deteriorated rope given to him by Mara that he would be made Prime Minister. This power greedy poor soul who could not see the true nature of corrupt MR which even a kindergartener would see crossed over promote his personal dreams. How can this type of a buffalo can rule a country? He has the same level of matimol intelligence as Shankar does!
shankar / July 28, 2013
Romesh,MR offers the PM post to everyone.Nobody takes him seriously.He offered it to fonseka too which was politely declined.The PM’s post reminds me of the nobles who had to wash the english kings backsides.Only a person of noble birth could touch the king,so the lucky one was selected by the king carefully,though if i was living at that time i would have gladly become a peasant than do that task.I don’t know what happened with our kings who probably might not have washed their backsides at all.So pea brain romesh,don’t think karu crossed over to get a position like that and start judging others by your IQ standards.
when rathnasiri wickremanayaka was the prime minister at that time,i don’t think anyone knew whether he existed,and even now i don’t know the name of the present one who was i believe was for months in hospital in the US and nobody even felt his absence.
Whenever senior parliamentarians are going to die they will be given the post of prime minister,so that they can boast that they have also been a prime minister like DS,SWRD,Sirimavo,Dudley.
There must have been a lot of shit going on in the UNP for 65 MP’s to have crossed over.Ranil seems to specialise in chasing people out of the UNP into the SLFP.His uncle was the chief recruitment officer for the LTTE and the nephew now seems to be the chief recruitment officer for the SLFP.
Romesh / July 29, 2013
shankar matimola, you seem to be the chief recruiting officer for the stupid despot Rajapaksha. These 60 odd crossed-overs are the indication of the general mongol and corrupt nature of the general buffalos in the country you included who translate claimed >90% literacy rate in the country as intelligence but in fact Sri Lankans are one of the most low IQ and currupt nations in the world. All the bastards who have attacked Ranil and UNP here are of that low cast denomination and poor intelligence. Now your cardboard hero KJ after being fucked out by MARA shamelessly crept into UNP again and this ungrateful brat ran against Ranil for leadership obviously mislead by the conspirators like you in the Sajith team. What happened ultimatley? He was a victim of conspiracy. You idiots wanted to demolish the Dy. leader post of KJ in order to give that Booruwa Sajith more clout against Ranil. Now what? The stupid buggar fucked off into oblivion along with Sajith booruwa and the other herd of donkeys in the party. He stoned down his own party head quarters togther with the herd of donkeys like you and that too back fired. All this is the story, immorality and nature of the stupid loonies like you and Ranil as far aloof and dignified to be touched by your kind of donkies! Dream on stupid monkey!! Ranil is the next leader of this country!!!!
shankar / July 29, 2013
“These 60 odd crossed-overs are the indication of the general mongol and corrupt nature of the general buffalos in the country”
romesh buttpirate,you were the guys who selected these fellows and gave them the nominations.When they won on the UNP ticket they were great guys,but when they crossed over they became corrupt buffalos for you.When they were in the UNP if you had criticised them then we can understand that you are genuine,but now that they have crossed over hurling insults at them sounds like sour grapes to me.
Anyway these guys have contested on the UPFA ticket too and won.To win on the UNP as well as the UPFA ticket is quite surprising because being longstanding UNP’ers they are still able to get the vote from the SLFP’ers too.
” Now your cardboard hero KJ”
I,am not a Karu supporter.I merely put the record straight because i felt the author of this article had done some injustice to him in twisting the facts quite cleverly.
” mislead by the conspirators like you in the Sajith team.”
I’am not a Sajith supporter too.In fact i’am not even a UNP supporter or SLFP supporter or TNA supporter.I will support anyone who will contribute towards the country regardless of what party they belong to.
If you allow the rank and file members to vote for the leader they want and give that vote at least 50 per cent share of the total vote,I will be happy to support that person whether it is ranil,Sajith or karu or rosy or anyone else.Why don’t you do that instead of this childish arguments about who should be the leader which will go on till the cows come home and in the meantime you will keep on losing elections and MP’s to the other side.Dimwits like you cannot see the big picture,that is the big problem we are facing without an effective opposition for the country with only leadership tussles all the time.Once and for all put it to rest by giving the rank and file a say also in who should be their leader without controlling the party like it is a family party.Once the leadership issue is put to rest once and for all permanently then very one can get behind that person and concentrate on the real issue which is ousting mahinda.Once all the UNP members have had their say the losers will have to take it on the chin and just get behind the winner,to oust mahinda.
“The stupid buggar fucked off into oblivion along with Sajith booruwa and the other herd of donkeys in the party.”
I think the herd of donkeys are UNP’ers like you who will not allow a proper democratic way of electing the leader.Why do i call you donkeys?Because you are obsessed with having the leader that you want than in leading the country.One of the reasons that so many have crossed over could be because they feel that the UNP had no future and that languishing in the opposition is a waste of time.As you keep on losing elctions this crossovers will only increase.Mahinda is not a fool to take the rotten apples from you.He will be only selecting people with potential who can win the elections for him and he will be sidelining those in the SLFP who are not that popular or are strong CBK supporters in order to accommodate these ex-UNP’ers.
Kiri Yakka / July 28, 2013
Spot on Bro !
well said
Romesh / July 28, 2013
Kiri Yakka,
Bravo! Plug your nose deeper into the asshole of Karu!!!
Muliyawaikkal / July 29, 2013
Ranil the future president.
Peter Perera / July 29, 2013
UNP and SLFP are sides of the same coin. Both parties consist of uneducated ,useless ,selfish ,dirty politicians.
RW is the proto type of his classmate Anura Bandaranayake.
Both are always losers.
If UNP wants to win they need to find a new face as SLFP brought CBK in 1994.
No matter what People loose all the time.
Now UNP needs to change their name as UGP(United gay party)
Deshapriya / July 29, 2013
oh my! if this is the case I am outta here!!! where is the Australian High Commission? are they still looking for middle-aged rice eaters?
thiscantbhappening / July 29, 2013
Delusional Ranil backers including Ranil and his WC members must think their head is only for cutting hair !… there is a huge disparity between what they think and voter opinion/reality.
Never in the world has a politician been elected on “he is clean” he is a gentleman,he is different etc tags… all that’s good if the politician connected with the electorate,is respected by the voter,generated voter enthusiasm.
Having a very thick skin since 1994 alone is not a political attribute,has not helped the UNP or Country.