14 February, 2025


The Bishop & CMS Fiddle While St. John’s College Jaffna Burns

By S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole

Prof S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole

It has become a common pattern for institutions to hide internal scandals in the mistaken belief that the exposure will ruin the institution’s good name. On the contrary, such sweeping of scandals under the carpet is what allows rogues to thrive and convert the institution into their private mafia. Our CMS and the Diocesan Bishops fiddle like Emperor Nero while our institutions burn.

With the Church it has to be different because it is supposed to command moral authority. Unfortunately, it fails to do so. It is perhaps even worse. Here is what Cristian Mendoza Ovando, (“What kind of transparency for the Church?” Church, Communication and Culture, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2020) says of the need for transparency in Church:

“Operational transparency can help citizens see that action is being taken on their behalf and the process is in place. It can help restore an organization’s reputation especially if, from time to time, corruption scandals appear and it seems that little or no effort is made to eliminate them. 

“The challenge is to disclose not only the specific actions in place but also to show all the problems present in a certain institution.

“Society in general expects transparency from the Church. There is an expectation of transparency, and a deliberate sense of trust needs to be increased across the Church. Moreover, the goal of corporate transparency is to keep up with the moral authority of an institution, … The Church, whose mission is mainly spiritual, when she loses moral authority, [has] almost nothing left that legitimates her action in the public square.
Transparency plays a key role for preserving moral authority, as no one would make their corruption transparent.”

(The above is a quotation I extracted from my wife Dushyanthi Hoole’s letter to Bishop Dushantha Rodrigo, written as one of the small minority of elected members of the Church’s Standing Committee. She has demanded Transparency from the Church).

Indeed, as Cristian Ovando says no one is prepared to expose the corruption at St. John’s College Jaffna, just as Panini Edirisinhe has a sustained exposure of corruption at the illegally appointed OBA Board of the St. Thomas’ Colleges. By ignoring him the Church has successfully managed to persuade people to ignore him, allowing the cancer within the Church to grow.

Subsequent to my article of 07 April 2022 I have received numerous complaints against the CMS and the school administration. I have heard complaints from Old Boys in Colombo but few from the parent OBA, OBA Jaffna, even though I live in Jaffna. This is because there is fear of being persecuted for any sign of dissent.

I will cite a deceased gentleman, The Rev. Father Samuel Chandrasekeran Crispus, who invariably sat next to me at Standing Committee meetings in an unspoken bond between the dispossessed. When I asked him if he would second a motion complaining against the horribly written Tamil Liturgy, he begged off – “Aiyoh, they already give me little. If I seconded this, even the little that is given to me would be stopped.” The poor man’s words remain a testament to how the Church operates like a Mafia. According to his nephew Jerome Rasiah who heads Sri Lanka’s YWAM (Youth with a Mission), Fr. Crispus had been promised to be made Archdeacon of Jaffna and was subsequently not.

St. John’s College Jaffna

St. John’s is one of the older CMS (Church Missionary Society) Schools. My entire schooling was in the CMS; grade 5 to University Entrance was at St. John’s. The school’s focus was academic. Extracurricular activities were there but never overshadowing the academic. We always produced high numbers to the university and those numbers were a measure of how good we are. There was always a clamour for admissions, including from Hindus. In fact, besides academic training, it was reckoned that Johnians were trained to be gentlemen, speaking English and being well-mannered.

After Mr. S. Thanapalan our principal died, the school has been downhill. I was slow to recognize this. Believing this dream that ours is a great school, I put my son at St. John’s. Unfortunately, I had to leave suddenly because of an arrest warrant instigated politically, and I needed a school leaving certificate for him to enrol in the US. That certificate I had to edit at least twice for English because producing it in the US would have created the impression that his training is useless if that is the English from the school.

During that momentous year in Jaffna my wife worked as Voluntary AL Chemistry teacher when the school had just started English medium. Her experience was that the students had been given extra-curricular activities during her class time without any intimation to her, and there were no students coming to class or had been sent to some place like Anuradhapura on some activity without telling her that her class had been cancelled. Likewise, my second daughter was asked by the Principal to engage with students in English conversation. On the first few appointed evenings no one was there because the students had some games on. She gave up because every missed class meant wasted trishaw fare for her with no benefit to anyone. We like others did not talk about these problems to sustain the good name of the school, and that made correction impossible. It was a grave mistake.

Today we have husband and wife as Principal of St. John’s and Chundikuli which we refused to hand over to the state. I was thrilled, especially because the Chundikuli Principal is a convert and I saw her as fulfilling our raison d’être to go private so that the schools would nurture Christian values. Alas, today the Principals rarely come to church, preferring to sleep at home on Sundays. They are a bad example to their wards.


Homosexual rape of a minor is never consensual. It is illegal. It plagues all mission School hostels. A very senior medical doctor from Trinity College broke down saying no one stood up for those exploited like him. My own father believed living in a hostel was growing up to be independent. A brother of mine sent to St. Thomas’ Gurutalawa described it as a terrible experience with rape by groups of predators, and our father was clueless about it. St. John’s hostel also was like that, but no gang rape like at Gurutalawa. So too our scout movement.

Once I had to tell our then Bishop that unless he acted on a 2-month-old complaint from St. John’s with a recording of the principal’s homosexual advances, I had no choice but to report it to the police as required by law. The Bishop then said he is beginning an enquiry under a judge. Although that is what he told me, it appears that a woman lawyer was involved. The finding was never released. Was he found guilty? We do not know. The Principal retired prematurely and now volunteers with boy scouts. But he remains a priest, trusted by the faithful who do not know his antecedents.

In the story headlined “These Men Say the Boy Scouts’ Sex Abuse Problem Is Worse Than Anyone Knew,” Time magazine (1 June 2019) says;

“Within Scout headquarters, the list was known as the ‘P Files’ or ‘Perversion Files.’ In January, a child abuse expert hired by the Boy Scouts to analyze the files testified that she found 12,254 boys had reported experiencing sexual abuse at the hands of at least 7,800 suspected assailants between 1944 and 2016. Academics who research child sex abuse tell TIME that number is likely a gross underestimation. Many boys were likely intimidated or shamed out of reporting their assailants, who often held influential positions in local churches, schools, or businesses.”

Will the Church ever talk about these problems? Or will we continue to protect our name at the expense of boys who grow into adults and still cry?

Message from Johnians

After my article on 07 April 2022, two loyal Johnians approached me and thanked me. They gave me information in addition to the many scandals in the Church I had touched on. I judge them to be loyal to the school and men of integrity. So I give here what they tell me because I believe them, and the data is verifiable if you, the reader, are skeptical.

Primarily they say that St. John’s College is in very bad form. When it comes to Grade 1 admissions, choices in Jaffna in order are 1) St. John Bosco’s, 2) St. Benedict’s 3) Hindu Primary, 4) St. Patrick’s. St. John’s is far behind. As in all institutions in deterioration, the head surrounds himself with stooges to spy on the others and get his work done.


There is worrying diminished demand now for admissions to St. John’s. Grade 1 usually had three grades, A, B and C with 35 students each. We have had only 82 students to fill these 105 places.

For grade 6, after the Year 5 Scholarship Exam, there are 60 new places (on top of the three classes that come up from Grade 1). Based on testing, only 40-45 new applicants could be offered places but only 17 paid the fees and joined. Several Johnian students who did well in the Grade 5 Scholarship exam have asked the Principal for their school leaving certificates to go to Hindu College and the Principal has refused. I am aware of other loyal Johnian parents who want to move to Hindu College. One reason they cite is the high fees at St. John’s when it is a free ride at Hindu College.

Short of students, the Principal has now asked people who applied and were rejected to come and do another admissions test because of the empty classrooms. The “donation” to join St. John’s is Rs. 200,000 which a government servant (whose children are usually the most likely to enter the university) with say 3 children can ill afford. Previous Principals offered a break to those who cannot afford it but now no breaks are offered. Instead we are presently building memorial halls and a swimming pool.

Even at a higher level there is a problem. My student at Peradeniya was offered a prestigious place on the St. John’s Advisory Board and has been functioning. His son recently did very creditably in the Year-5 Scholarship exam and had applied to go to Hindu College. The Principal had asked him not to move the son. My student’s response is this: When Medicine is far more competitive than Dentistry for university admission, the Principal’s request is like asking him to give first preference to Dentistry and second to Medicine.

We are bleeding good students. The Old Boys with their funds from abroad are pushing the school towards new buildings and a swimming pool when the priority should be the recruitment and retention of good teachers and students. As they say, the tail should not be wagging the dog. For that we need strong participatory management. We lack that.


Jaffna has always held discipline high. In this regard the two Johnians point to Mr. Paramanathan Rubenthiran, a Member of the OBA Executive Committee who is a close friend of the Principal’s. He unnecessarily interferes in school. In the past 3 days he has gone drunk to the school library and said good morning to a teacher there. When the teacher did not respond as expected, the inebriated Rebenthiran assaulted him. I deliberately did not use the word “allegedly” because the assault is on CCT Camera record. The matter was raised with teachers insisting on a police complaint since Rubenthiran has previous complaints of a similar nature. Two days later, there is still no complaint made to the police with the recording as agreed.

Supervision of the St. John’s Principal

The Principal too needs supervision. St. John’s is an assisted school with salaries paid by the government. As such attendance records need to be sent to the Ministry of Education. Teachers including the Principal are entitled to 21 days’ leave. Staff who took a few days more receive a salary cut for the leave above the limit. That is right and as should be.

However, in his own case the Principal comes to work as late as 10:00 am. His fingerprint-based attendance record shows him taking 80 days off one year. His leave report to the Ministry for 2020 and 2021 shows under 7-10 days’ leave. That report had been returned by the Ministry saying he cannot certify his own leave report. The then Manager, the Archdeacon of Jaffna Sam Ponniah, thereupon certified the attendance ignoring the discrepancy with the fingerprint machine. The Principal’s leave report and the Bishop’s Jaffna representative, the Archdeacon, endorsing that misreporting made the story spread like wildfire in the school.

After I reported that he comes to work at 10:00 AM, the Principal immediately began coming at 7:25 AM. The school office closes at 3:30 pm so he cannot claim to be working after hours to set off his late arrival.

The school has insisted that certain teachers live on school property. A teacher was asked to resign if he did not live in the quarters assigned when he complained of the assigned quarters having snakes. He resigned. Another teacher who has a British Council award for using English immediately asked for 2 years’ leave when the present Principal was appointed and resigned upon being refused.

All that might be excused except that the present Principal who is expected to live in his official quarters or one of the four empty bungalows on campus, lives with his wife who is Principal of Chundikuli. The two Johnians claim that the two principals each claim the Rs. 10,000 allowance for a domestic helper, whereas there is only one servant working in the Chundikuli Principal’s bungalow. They say the two Principals hold that it is an entitlement. The point I make is that with good supervision these allegations can be put to rest or corrections insisted on.

However, the Principal is centralizing powers in his hands. He had already begun getting rid of other influences like the OBA by not holding the AGM for two years by not giving a date. Although he is merely the OBA Patron, he sets the dates for the AGM and attends the meetings, sitting at the Head Table and telling the President what to do during the meeting. The OBA is not independent in suggesting improvements.

The CMS is chaired by Thanja Peiris, a Chundikuli Old Girl and close family friend of the two Principals. The first job to be rid of these problems as seen by the CMS is to get rid of the Principal’s supervision. So for the first time the CMS has appointed Mr. Dhanan Senathirajah as Manager when all previous managers have lived in Jaffna and supervised the principal diligently. Mr. Senathirajah goes as “Dr.” Senathirajah based on his “doctorate” from St. Andrews International University whose website mentions no earned doctoral programme.

By this appointment of a busy man from Colombo who is the Chief Operating Officer of World Vision, the close and careful supervision of the St. John’s Principal has been eliminated.

(Note: A reader told me that Senathirajah and Thanja Peiris must have done well at the A. levels because they got into Law College. If true they would have done a proper LLB degree. Even today one can get into Law College with 3 A. Level passes. In their time O. Level was enough and retiring clerks did law at the Law College. Indeed, to this day Parliamentarians have no minimum requirement for entry. Law College was intended as a production line for Proctors as opposed to Advocates when that distinction was there.)

The CMS’s is a terrible model for a school built on academic reputation. It is not in Ms. Peiris’ reputational interest or of the other CMS Members who did not go beyond school to ask if Mr. Senathirajah ever entered the university system. Most of our Bishops, if not all, are in a similar situation (I believe that of our previous Bishops still living, Kumara Ilangasinghe has a B.Sc. degree and Kenneth Fernando a BA degree from the national university system).

Some of our clergy with unrecognized Serampore BTh degrees manage to sneak into postgraduate Sri Lankan programs. A word is in order. Postgraduate degrees in Sri Lanka are deteriorating as academics are paid a part of the postgraduate fees their students pay. So clergy without a recognized bachelor’s degree are admitted to postgraduate programs. And if university lecturers graduate a person doing a thesis, it counts for their professorship. It is therefore win-win. The student pays and gets a degree. The Lecturer gets paid and earns his professorship. There is little value any more to local postgraduate degrees.

The Bachelor’s degree and entering the university to earn it, on the other hand, are competitive and difficult to manipulate. Especially for Tamils, given standardization, the bachelor’s degree is an unshakeable foundation of claims to scholarly achievement.

Church administrators who did not enter the university will not emphasize this aspect of scholarly attainment.

Accounting and Taxation

The second piece of information from the Johnians is about the Principal’s salary. The point being made is that in a service-oriented job as Principal there is no market pressure to pay huge wages. Here is what the Principal of St. John’s is paid based on his recent pay sheet:

Gross Salary                                                Rupees 86,630.00

GB Allowance (Governing Board)          Rupees 160,000.00

NSB Pass Book (GB, 23%)                          Rupees 36,800.00

Domestic Helper                                        Rupees 10,000.00

Entertainment                                              Rupees 5,000.00

Special allowance                                       Rupees 5,000.00

Total                                                              Rupees 303,000.00

In addition, he is paid a monthly fuel allowance of Rs. 10,000 to 15,000, Rs. 2,500 for telephone and issued free quarters which he is yet to avail of. It is believed that the Chundikuli Principal and all the Vice Principals at the two schools receive a similar package; and that the Chundikuli Principal as a senior hand with over a decade as Principal gets a lot more than Rs. 303,000 a month.

Unhappy teachers complain that they get only Rs. 250 as a Board of Governors allowance without change while the Principals get an automatic 10% increase. As the basic salary is from the government and not taxable, is the much larger BG allowance tax free? Previously everyone signed the pay sheet and saw the Principal’s emoluments. With the new Principal his details have been removed from the pay sheet.

Recently the government issued Rs. 5000 for its employees and the tutorial staff who get their salary from the government also received it. The non-tutorial staff complained that they too have cost-of-living challenges. The Principal said that there is no money, and he could give only Rs. 2500. The customary Christmas bonus of Rs. 25,000 to all staff was slashed to Rs. 8,000 pleading lack of funds. The staff, tutorial as well as non-tutorial, were enraged when, after claiming lack of funds, the Principal went and bought himself a Toyota Primio for Rs. 10 million. The CMS is fast asleep, probably hiding behind Trust Funds having stipulated expenses as I was told when I complained that the Archdeacons were assigned Rs. 10 million each for cars. The truth is that trust conditions when inappropriate for the times can be altered with court permission.

The point being made is that such an attractive package is usually only for one of two reasons: either 1) the urgent need to attract someone we badly want who is ensconced in a comfortable position elsewhere; or 2) the market commands the package. Neither condition exists in Jaffna.

In Jaffna the official principal’s salary is Rs. 86,630 from the government. When the St. John’s and Chundikuli Principals are offered a package that is 4 times as much (with allowances), it is very suspicious as to whether friends are being rewarded at Church expense. And tax free too?

The idea of our Church administration is to spread around these exploitative rewards so that those who dispense such rewards can also grab a little for themselves. The archdeacons had been approved Rs. 10 million for a car. The previous Bishop also had a similar car which like retiring government officials he was allowed to take home with him. While that is a clean break in government, I am told that the diocese has accepted the responsibility of maintenance. I was on the Standing Committee and never shown the paperwork. Long retired Bishops also were given vehicles.

The Church seems to be there for everyone to take a bite out of.

So the Hillwood Principal in Kandy was also bought a car for Rs. 10 million say the Johnians. The previous Johnian Principals had declined a car and made do with the old car from Principal Thanapalan’s time. The previous car from Hillwood, in very good condition, was offered on generous terms to St. John’s (Rs. 6 lakhs) but St. John’s under the previous Principal felt it was not a justifiable expense. Yet, the Chundikuli Principal bought herself a car. Now her husband has also bought one. The Chundikuli car idles while the St. John’s car is driven the 100 yards from Chundikuli to St. John’s.

I am reminded that Sir Ivor Jennings of Peradeniya had an old jalopy that he drove himself and walked across the street to Senate House from the VC’s Lodge while the first national VC, Sir Nicholas Attygalle, upon becoming VC, bought himself a Mercedes Benz and had himself driven using an official chauffeur over the 100 yards across.

How do we even justify asking the people to contribute to the Church where many members are very poor but the Rs. 20 billion in investments are used liberally to shower the top rung church administrators with high value gifts and privileges?

The St. Patrick’s College Rector on a government salary (and no CMS allowances like at St. John’s) contributes Rs. 20,000 of his monthly salary to employ a non-cadre teacher to give a good education to his wards. Is that not why the Roman Catholic schools like St. Benedict’s known in my time as a chickencoop for socially underprivileged children, tower over St. John’s today? They have no memorial halls, tennis courts and swimming pools but true to their mission they impart education and high Christian values.

The Bishop and the CMS must wake up from their slumber, stop fiddling, and give their whole attention to resuscitating our collapsing schools, staffing them with people who know education, and stop shutting out good students who cannot pay Rs. 2 lakhs for admissions.

*Ratnajeevan H. Hoole, Vice President, Old Boys’ Association, St. John’s College, Jaffna.

Latest comments

  • 12

    An eagle even when it seeks to fly high, has its eye on the carrion. What it ventures to expose, is much to the annoyance if not to the disgust of the intended spectator. What level of perversion!

    • 12

      I will try to explain all this to you if you stop being anonymous, dearly beloved, but cowardly, Express22.
      Why do you not reveal who you are?
      May I also ask you this? Isn’t it owing to your own perversion that you’ve been reading all this? Have you also been guilty of the sort of “gang-rape” that is spoken of in this article?
      Why not also look here?
      The window for comments has, unfortunately, closed there. I was wanting to pour my blessings without stint there on Vijaya Lekamge whose contact details I don’t have. Study what he has written. Doesn’t he have true goodness, saintliness and virtue as you cannot even dream of achieving?
      They have also closed here:
      I was wanting to tell Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam something more about his good teachers. How boring to read only about the bad! It is only Beelzebub in his most perverse mood, and you, who will pleasure in such filthy evil.

      • 14

        Excellent article exposing the culprits, by hiding behind the church shield & enjoying all the benefits. It applies to our former archdeacon as well, who did nothing but enjoyed the public funds. Prior to covid, I use to use the college grounds in the mornings. I find a football or cricket ball idling under the mango trees. No 1 is accountable, as funds are flowing in from the old boys. During the covid, where the school didn’t function for more than 3 terms at all. The school requested for the full term fee to be paid by each parent. So 1 like Martin Luther has to stand up against these wrong doings

        • 13

          The discipline & the values of St. John’s is all lost. St. John’s has 6 grades in each class. Starting from A to F. While I was studying, after grade 6 only we had C. There are many schools around jaffna has closed. Due to they don’t have the minimum student cadre to run a school. Because St. John’s has opened their doors for who ever pays money… St. John’s has become a tax levying institution, to fund these big crocodiles to run premios & so on. I tried to get a library membership to my children from grade 1. I was told my the librarian, that in his last 10 years service, not a single student had a library membership. It made things more worse, where a teacher is advising me to put my children in other libraries. Once I happened to sit in an interview panel. An applicant who had been in St. John’s from grade 2 to ALs had mentioned, he can’t understand English. When I inquired, so how do you follow the assembli6, he said, the assemblies takes place in tamil. Since there is no other Christian boys school in the vicinity, I’m clueless

        • 9

          When the school requested for the all term fee to be paid in full, I went & spoke to the principal. I was told by the principal that a average auto man is paying the full term fee & why I couldn’t. I told him that I didn’t come to speak on behalf of the auto man’s son. I came to speak my problem, where no activities took place & school is asking full term fee.. For which he replied that he do not have any authority to decide on it & I should talk to the governing body. When I took it to the governing body, the chairperson never responded. After the Bishops intervention she responded & the same was reported to my office. Im highliting this as if any 1 stands up against the wrong doings of the Cms, they would be subject to revenge. Either the children or the parent.

    • 11

      Also, you can read here about my only biological brother:
      Like you, he too appears eminently respectable, but cheats and relishes in performing evil in the face of the Lord God.
      What I write would be cowardly if I didn’t reveal myself.
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)
      For you, I will do something more: 6.844501, 80.975258
      Those are the co-ordinates of my Bandarawela bedroom. Test it out for yourself, Express22. See for yourself by entering after placing in the google browser. If you are in touch with your spiritual brother, Gota, give it to him. He could annihilate me with a missile that he has bought with money stolen from us; I rather doubt his doing it, because he will know that I’m just a harmless old drudge; not worth spending all that money on.
      He may stab me with a knife. In any case, I must die once, and only once,
      never to rise again.

    • 5

      Eagles are birds of prey essentially, carrion is incidental.
      Vultures thrive on carrion.

      • 6

        Dear SJ,
        You’re as sharp as ever!
        I’m pretty tired today. I think that I must sleep now and start driving nails into the coffins of crooks tomorrow – the last day for comment?
        I’m the only guy who can testify to some things that happened in the S. Thomas’ Schools. By extension they may explain how so many things have gone wrong with the Anglican Church, then its schools, and then education in all the humbler 10K schools in the island.
        There are some connections. And those failings in the education we imparted must surely expose why we have so regularly been stuck with kakistocracies .

  • 31

    Hoole’s articles on the Anglican church are so full of hatred and venom that it is an embarrassment to call him a Christian. When I read them I don’t know whether to be shocked or saddened. He is very bitter because the Anglican church does not recognise him by allowing him into its administration. This, his latest offering, has been spewn out because of his fury that Dhanan Senathirajah was appointed as Manager of St John’s College, Jaffna, because he himself was angling for the position God forbid!! In his jealousy he has demoted Senathirajah from National Director aka head of WV, SL, to Chief Operating Officer! What a sorry state of affairs.

    Talking of false academic qualifications, Hoole’s own wife flaunts the title “professor”. Would be very interesting to know which university accorded her this honour!! This man is to be pitied more than censored, in the circumstances. Act like a Christian Hoole, you are a sad sad apology for one.

  • 22

    Probably Gotabaya made you a Captain in his murderous army, I wonder. Captain with a K suggests Nazi leanings on your part.

    I am writing to address your comments on my wife — you are furious that a woman can be a professor, aren’t you?

    She was Professor of Chemistry at Michigan State University. It is a major research university in America, if you have not heard. When offered a position at higher pay she accepted the position of Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at the same university.

    She earned her PhD under Nobel Laureate George Olah’s supervision in a total of three years. That is considered super fast.

    I think the problem with you misogynists admiring Nazi military titles is that you cannot stand the sight of qualified women.

  • 20

    Post Script
    Kaptain. Heil Hitler!

    Are you one of those Pastors? They are invariably against qualified women who are alien to their world.

    As an exercise please visit Scholar.Google.Com and enter “Dushyanthi Hoole.” You will learn not to ask stupid questions as you did about a highly qualified woman.

    I ask whether you are a Pastor because I see several Pastors styling themselves Doctor and what not. The world of Pastors is an esoteric world that is difficult to penetrate. I wanted to learn more.

    So on my trip to the US in December I got my children to do some investigations for me. They got me made into a Minister of a real church with the licence to solemnize a marriage anywhere! I can marry you free in case you are single and envy accomplished women. It will be official and free for you. And it will liberate you from your male-chauvinist piggery.

    I was not happy with being Pastor because Pastors are a dime dozen now. Just hold a prayer meeting with 5 friends and you are Pastor. Who wants to be that kind of Pastor?

    So I set my children to work again. And voila, they got me made into a Doctor of Divinity. It was not free. I paid $10, that is Rs. 2000 in December and Rs. 3,300 today. My doctor of divinity degree grows in value by the day!

    Sieg Heil, Herr Kapitan.

    Pastor Dr. S.R.H. Hoole

    PS: I can help your wife become a “Pastor Doctor” overnight. It sure will be worth my paying for it. It will be a cleansing experience for your ego.

  • 16

    I am offended by the phrase “Hoole’s own wife,” by Herr Kapitan.

    I have only one wife, my wife, my dear Dushyanthi. I do not have my own wife and other people’s wives the way some do.

    The English language level of Herr Kapitan seems that of the Anglican Liturgy.

    • 11

      Please, Jeevan, I’m getting tired of all this grandstanding by you guys in Jaffna.
      The time is now 01.34 am on Wednesday, the 13th. Could you please listen to at least the first two minutes of this 8 minute video in English:
      I’ll get back to all this, and to that Professor, tomorrow; no later today, when the sun is up.
      Good night!
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

      • 5

        Dear “Jaffna Man”, also known as Professor Jeevan Hoole:
        I am submitting this as a “Reply” to the above; strangely, this is exactly a day after you were given that link to a Professor Tim Wilson Essay Writing video.
        Tim is gay. Please listen to these ten minutes of Tim discussing “being gay” with a younger gay man, who clearly isn’t his husband.
        It’ll leave you a bit confused. And this?
        I can’t find all the relevant videos which I have heard, from Tim. We will never get conclusive answers to these questions is what I feel.
        Yes, Tim has a husband, is what I understand!
        Now, there are many things about how YouTube works, which I don’t understand. Please see if this is Tim discussing Plato.
        Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

        • 4

          Professor Tim Wilson speaking in “broken Russian”; pleading for an end to the the Ukraine War.
          My polyglot Belgian neighbour, who “rescued” the Gurutalawa School in 2007, also knows some Russian. He said that neither Tim nor he is really fluent; the two are equally good (or equally bad!) in their Russian. But the message was intelligible.
          These interesting asides are preventing me from what ought to be my primary effort; telling you about BoG cheating!

          • 2

            Time to be more circumspect.
            There’s a lot of Bold, that I have created below this
            . Will undo.

  • 11

    This comment was meant for the article
    An Open, Transparent Church: Bishops, Please Not The Crooked Ways Of The Sinhalese State
    but comments have closed there so I am posting here because it is as relevant here.

    Part 1 of 2
    The Maturity of Ven. Sam Ponniah
    His appointment as Archdeacon Jaffna some 5 years ago shows there is no merit considered in Church appointments.

    It was September 2019. I was flying high after successfully challenging Sirisena’s dissolution of Parliament. The Constitution said then that Presidents and MPs cannot be dual citizens. There was no such restriction for the Election Commission where I was.
    Here is the relevant Tweet:

    Dr. Asanga Welikala@Welikakaa: Good governance depends on difficult customers like Ratnajeevan Hoole: Elpitiya PS – Hoole disputes date of election (dailymirror.lk)
    Ven. Samuel Ponniah: Hmmm… An American citizen u mean…
    Dr. Asanaga Welikala: What’s the relevance of that fact in this particular case?
    Ven. Samuel Ponniah: Should not the enforcer of election rules be subject to the laws of the country?
    Dr. Asanga Welikala: The law does not say anything about the citizenship of members of the Election Commission.

  • 10

    Part 2 of 2
    This poorly read archdeacon who had been suspended from Pilimatalawa Seminary for violating rules on liquor and had problems with his grades, then proceeded to argue on twitter with my children.

    I filed a formal complaint with Bishop Dhilo Caanagasabey under Chapter 42 of our Constitution, (Rule 6, second Bullet “libel or slander.”) and Chapter 43, Rule 1 c.: “Wrong-doing as a Priest and Archdeacon licensed by the Bishop.”

    I wrote “I am, in addition to being a public servant, also a church official as a member of the Standing Committee. Ven. Ponniah has publicly ruined my reputation and done me untold damage. He continues making puerile comments on twitter arguing with my children and not keeping up the dignity of his office.

    The Bishop who had promoted man beyond his capabilities ignored my complaint. That is the status of the law in our Church.

    I learn that Ponniah is going to America for postgraduate studies. As I stated, unmerited church appointments are the foundation for future rewards like his trip to America.

    • 4

      Jaffna Man, aren’t you being uncharitable in certain respects?
      Sam Ponniah must have been in the Theological College at Pilimatalawa 20 years ago. Getting drunk occasionally is something many young people have done. I haven’t, but I have plenty of other faults.
      You must be willing to forgive ; however, in my case, I insist that there must first be repentance . Now that means not enjoying the fruits of deceit. Past Board of Governors Members are given two free Royal-Thomian cricket match tickets, in the best stand. “Ordinary Old Boys” like me would have to queue from mid-night on the appointed day to purchase their tickets. I never go. Unaffordable.
      If Mithra Edirisinhe avails himself of free tickets, that will also be considered cheating by me!
      Panini Edirisinhe

    • 4

      I have never been to any country outside Asia.
      Even at this age, I think that I will learn much from a trip to England, America, or Germany. Surprised at that last? Both my daughters sing beautifully. They have certified that none of “us” – me and my six siblings – can sing.
      However, since adolescence I have loved Beethoven. He’s still Number One for me. Youtube has many mysterious ways – like God, and its owner, Google; do you know the three “Omnis”? Anyway, I’m grateful that YouTube Classical Music has no adverts. Now, more and more, I’m getting addicted to Beethoven, Schubert (poor man who died, aged 32, of syphilis), Bach, Brahms, Mozart. Oh, I know, pretty conventional stuff.
      OBA guys can’t fathom how “a Thomian” (I increasingly shun the identity, “Thomian”) can prefer to listen to Beethoven to “being seen” at the Royal-Thomian.


  • 13

    If what has been written has a fair correspondence to the truth, there is much to be both shocked and saddened, to put it mildly. No one has attempted denial, and to attack the author by innuendo against his wife only makes matters worse. The author has served in senior positions in several universities, besides ours, and also on the University Grants Commission and the Elections Commission. He deserves to be taken seriously and, if he is wrong, to be criticised for getting his facts wrong.

    I will comment on one particular issue raised above, which is discussed at some length in C.S. Lewis’ Surprised by Joy. What Lewis found most objectionable about his school Wyvern was the hierarchical system of bullying (it was a boarding school) under a system of ‘bloods’ and ‘fags’. He reflected:
    “And what Christian in a society so worldly and cruel as that of Wyvern, would pick out the carnal sins for special reprobation? Cruelty is surely more evil than lust and the World at least as dangerous as the Flesh.”
    That is a thought which helps to keep our balance in such matters.

    • 0

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      For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

      • 3

        Qh, dear why?
        Dear Moderators, let readers know that all that I was doing here was praising Dr Rajan Hoole. Was it too fulsome? May be.
        I may also have taken a few pot-shots at Anglican priests.
        The time is 12.05 pm. Good Friday three-hour service must be just be over. Parishioners must be congratulating the priests on a fine marathon service.
        Ah, yes, now I remember! Never mind! I’ll tell readers later. Can’t take risks with this. I must tell readers that I haven’t been using “bad language”.
        Panini Edirisinhe

  • 6

    I am a Catholic. I occasionally worship in the Anglican Church because my friends worship in the Cathedral on Buddhaloka Mawatte. The service is beautiful and ORDERLY.

    Lord Bishop Dushantha Rodrigo has all the powers to set things right if what Professor Hoole says is true. That is what is so good in the catholic way of bishops being vested with authority. How were Tamils allowed to call God without holiness? Is that not blasphemy? Has the Bishop no authority to stop this? Why is he allowing unqualified friends to be appointed to the CMS Board and to write prayers? In my mind Anglicans always were highly educated and I am beginning to doubt that.

    What is the Bishop doing? If he is doing nothing, I would assume that Mr. Hoole is truthful. In that case the Bishop must crack the whip. Unpleasant though it is, it is his job. He must punish the wrong-doers. We have faith and order. God-given freedom should not be used to behave like wild asses. When friendship is the only consideration in church appointments, it is the beginning of the end of the church.

    The Bishop’s silence is doing the church no good.


    • 7

      Dear dulanja randika,
      I agree with almost all of what you say.
      You’ve hit the nail on its head: Dushantha is doing next to nothing. I regard him as essentially a decent man.
      From April Fools Day onward I’ve been giving priority to issues pertaining to the Anglican Church, and the schools run by it.
      I know what I have to say; I interrupt my stream of comments to see if the points made by us have caused others to re-think. Yours does that, so thanks.
      The time is 21. 50 pm. I will stop for lunch (sic) now. Then continue. What you say causes modifications in what I say subsequently. Thanks for the positive feedback.
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela.

  • 4

    Some very serious allegations against current and former St. john’s principals by Prof Hoole.
    The allegations against a former principal ( Gnanaponraja ? ) are especially severe.
    How much truth is in these allegations ? Prof Hoole is someone who at different times stood up to the govt, LTTE and EPDP. He deserves respect and our ear.
    On a side note I was a little miffed by his talk about “ Christian “ values in our schools.
    Don’t the other faiths have values ?

  • 3

    2: Very serious allegations. I also think he meant Christian values in terms of the school (which supposed to teach “Christian values”) rather than disparaging other daiths
    3: More than values, these serious allegations must be investigated or prosecuted. The laws are very clear and strict. There is no time limit for any one to bring it. Retrospective provisions are in place in Sri Lankan penal code.
    4: There are also ‘other’ allegations, for example:
    “The Old Boys with their funds from abroad are pushing the school towards new buildings and a swimming pool when the priority should be the recruitment and retention of good teachers and students.”
    5: Some of the allegations are true. Others I do not know.
    6: By the way I am not in the Executive Committee for the year 2022/2023
    7: Some of these allegations if true, are serious crimes. If Jeevan Hoole got to know about them others would have too.
    We talk so much about our school and take pride in it. Wonder why there is so much silence on this subject ?
    8: Current hit song is – we don’t talk about Bruno, no no
    9: As Hoole pointed out, any main solution is with CMS management, something we (or the majority of us) have no say on.

  • 3

    10: Nothing to do with CMS. This is about the abuse of minors, and the alleged involvement of a then SJC principal. If true, it’s a matter for the law and police should be involved. Anyone who knows anything should have gone to the authorities directly.
    CMS does not have power or know how to deal with issues of this kind.
    There were more discussions in these forums when a group of old boys had a belly dancer at a gathering than now !!
    11: Also, churches are good at hiding or not revealing sexual abuses by priests.
    12: (this is for situation) please do not take it as faith bashing… Just commenting on the leadership of churches and history
    13: There is also conflict of interest in Hoole’s side. He had Anticipated of The manager post which was justifiable.
    It was given to Dhananjayan. My understanding is Hoole and the principal would have had ego clashes or any manager at that, hence a person residing in Colombo.
    14: Some of these are long time changes.
    6-7 years ago one SJC upper school boy told me: நீங்கள் இருந்த காலம் போல் இல்லை, இப்ப படிப்பிற்கு முக்கியத்துவம் கொடுப்பதில்லை. ஆனால் அண்ணா, இப்பவும் discipline அந்தமாதிரி (better than all other schools).
    What I heard is that old boys originally only wanted to set up scholarships at SJC in 2009, but the principal wanted them to just give all the money but not do any monitoring of it.

  • 2

    15: Oh, on that. Agree totally.
    I only know there was nothing like that in scouts at our times to my knowledge. But we know the hostel stories on that one senior and one master.
    BTW, one friend here who was at St Thomas hostel had also told me it was bad.
    16: Interesting. One should also note that his article mentions several names for the lesser allegations but only mentions a “former principal “ for the most serious ( abuse ) allegation.
    If he was sure of his facts the name would have been there.
    17: Makes sense
    18: If I’m correct( correct me if I’m wrong) school account and church account together. Even oba needs to send any project money into tbat common account and principal and church decides where to and when to spend. This made overseas fundraiser go angrey as money can be diverted to different need even though it was raised for different need. We all know no transparency in school/ church account and spending
    19: There is one Sethukavalar in Global Alumni Whatsapp group doing the Audits for SJC. We can’t have KPMG or Cooper for it cos you need to pay all the assets as their fee
    20: As far as I know church accounts and school accounts were totally different. Completely different oversight as well.

  • 2

    In UK as well there are historic abuses and no doubt at present as well. But recently with extensive police checks and rigorous training etc it is difficult not to get caught.
    One bishop was sent to jail for ignoring an allegation. Another was suspended for not taking action soon enough. We are trained to spot abuse of any kind. Even if I get slight suspicion of something I have to report it immediately to the authorities. Not even allowed to make any inquiry into it. Responsibility is to report.
    I dont think there are any such safeguards in place in Srilanka yet.
    Therefore, if there are any allegations the right way forward is for the …
    21: Under normal circumstances yes, but this guy is an academic who has some credibility that’s why I was concerned.
    On the other hand Niranjan mentioned that he has some conflict of interest so the welfare of the school and community might not have been his only motivation.
    22: Well there are murmurs from others as well. He is the first person to write to a paper.
    23: Totally agree. If there is smoke there is likely to have fire. Rumours do not always come for no reason

    • 2

      Dear rita_ranjan,
      Great input from you. I intend saying a lot about gay activity. Takes time!
      Somebody must work out a way in which the thoughts in my head get put on almost automatically in this box that i see before me.
      It’ll be somewhat slow work relying on my fingers straying this way and that on the keyboard.
      Panini Edirisinhe

  • 7

    Excuse me for sharing my nostalgia.
    Rev. J. T. Arulanantham was a devout Principal of St. John’s. It is he who elevated an average school to its glory. Prior to him, St. Patrick’s was the premier school.
    St. John’s sent 52 of our students to the University, in 1960.
    One day, a teacher from a training college entered our school, on assignment. I was walking past. He asked me, ‘Is there no school today? ‘There is.’ I replied.
    He exclaimed., ‘I have never been to a school, so quiet!’. We were so disciplined.
    Alex Thambirajah, Jevan’s English teacher was my classmate, University batch mate, and later a colleague on the school teaching staff.
    Things started slipping from early 70’s.
    The excuse was that there was not enough funding. No. It started when those who did not have our training and tradition became Principals.

    • 2

      One of Rev. J. T. Arulanantham’s sons taught me at Gurutalawa. Vijayan may not have actually been one of my classroom teachers, but I learnt a lot from him. He joined the Foreign Service.
      Another, Paranam?, was a Pediatrician, married to Shanthi, daughter of the next Principal, Poornampillai; she was an English teaching colleague of mine, and they had two children who as kids were known as “Nini” and “Anji”. Shanthi and I trained some teachers in an External Teaxher Training Course in Badulla (ESTEPEX). She helped me along, in my work. I was relatively unqualified. It was later that I entered the University.
      My elder daughter got Tuberculosis, despite the BCG that all kids are given. Param, and a Mrs Katugaha treated her – 90 injections and tablets for 15 months.
      Where are they now?
      Panini Edirisinhe

      • 2

        What some of these observations of ours indicate is what a privileged little coterie we were, at that time.
        It was this sort of imbalance that led to the Sinhala Buddhist reaction where Private Schools were taken over in 1962 (or may have been the previous year).
        The two Uva S. Thomas’ schools drew heavily on S/B who were the products of State Schools. That may be why it was that Staff Representatives on the BoG had to be Christians. the OBA Representative could have any religious status. That may have been safer. All Old Boys were among those who had climbed up in society.
        I hope that you sense the complexities?
        How did some schools [included a few Buddhist Schools, one Muslim (Zahira, Maradana), but no Hindu Schools] remain private? I know, but explaining that will take too long.

        • 2

          See this:
          It’s impossible for me to work out the ramifications of that. I know that my two grand-daughters are in an expensive private International School in Malaysia. My son-in-law’s employers pay the school fees because my daughter is not working.
          When necessary, we have been making sacrifices. The last four of my daughter’s eight years with HSBC Bank were as Branch Manager. She gave up when the babies were born. The kids (now 8 and 6) were at CMS Ladies’ College, Colombo – in the Sinhalese Class. They didn’t like it because the teachers were dinning stuff into them all the time; they wanted to learn, they said.
          In their Malaysian School they study Chinese and Malay. Lankan International Schools teach French and German! One European language would do, surely.

          • 2

            Correction: My younger daughter, Avanthi Natasha, worked twelve years at HSBC; eight as a teller, four as a Branch Manager.
            My younger sister, two years younger than I, worked at DFCC Bank for almost thirty years. Profitable job, that! She retired at age fifty-five, and got a pension. Poor thing! I don’ t think that her pension has increased at all since 2005.
            That pension of hers is still more than six times what I get currently. I think that when I also retired from government service, in frustration, around 2004, my initial pension was c. Rs 15,000/= per month.
            Gota increased it by Rs 5K four months ago. Haven’t you sensed how grateful I am to him.

    • 5

      I was shocked when my children said, that students just walk out of the class room while a teacher is teaching & vise versa. When I attended a prize giving last time, it was so noisy no decipline at all. The qualification to enter SJC, is money. So pathetic

  • 2

    What I’m now going to do, is to submit two comments (this is the first) as a sign post.
    Responding to those will be all right. Below that I want to place a few more comments. The first will be at the bottom, the others will be placed as “Replies” to that. Please don’t interrupt that sequence.
    What I’m hoping is that the moderators will understand and allow this. It’ll look as though I’m being allowed to “tell my story”. Of course, all those plans may be wrecked by some people who are, I suspect, trolling. They are doing so to help “The Establishment”; but they are probably acting without the blessings of “The Establishment”.
    Yes, confusing!
    I’ve had an email from Rev. Philip Selliah Nesakumar, Headmaster of S. Thomas’ College, Gurutalawa. He was one of the “villains of 2020”. I’ve replied it cordially, but it ought not to change the story of the “Cheating at the Elections to the BoG of S. Thomas’” dealt with here:
    There are four other articles by me on S. Thomas’, starting March 17, 2016

    Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

  • 4

    Going through all this will be unspeakably tedious for the average reader. However, it ought to be mandatory for all those who pretend to be talking authoritatively on this subject. That is to say the Bishop, and those of its fifteen members who have been asked by the Bishop to “look into these matters unnecessarily raised by that pest, Panini Edirisinhe”.
    At the end of the day, one receives no thanks, but I’m human enough to wish some people will say, “Thank you”.
    I want to see free and fair elections held in 2024, not to get on to the Board itself. If I end up there, in my dotage? Well, I shall accept, and do my best for four years.
    Please, first look at this, April Fool’s Day article by John Devadasan:

    Then this by Dr Jeevan Hoole, dated 7 April 2022:
    That’s what you’ve got to study.
    Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela NIC 483111444V

  • 15

    First, as a Sri Lankan Tamil and a Christian, I am proud of the author Prof. Hoole for his courageous writings.
    Prof. Hoole is an honest, well- educated ,and a true Christian (Anglican).
    The author writes the truth about the present situation in the church.
    The Church and the community need a person like Prof. Hoole to voice out for justice.
    My question is this.
    Why the church is neglecting or ignoring an intellectual person like Prof Hoole. “The author has served in senior positions in several universities, besides ours, and also on the University Grants Commission and the Elections Commission”.
    Very sad to note that the Anglican Church in Sri Lanka doesn’t recognize Prof Hoole and his potential for the betterment of the community. I would say boldly one thing that the church is afraid of Prof Hoole for keeping him in the committees or giving responsibilities because he always challenges the relevant authorities when they make mistakes. He can’t tolerate certain things that happening in our church. He doesn’t care whether you are a Bishop, Archdeacon, Principal, president of the country, or Minister of parliament whoever you are, he writes against them in order to bring the truth.
    We must give our full support to the person like Prof Hoole.

    • 6

      All that praise of Professor Hoole is seconded by me.
      I’m sure the dishonest and the humbugs, tremble and despoil themselves when they hear his name.

  • 10

    Only Sam Ponnaiah said that Prof. Mrs Dhusyanthi Hoole got highest votes because of her title. What a funny statement is this.
    Professor Hoole has written everything in public so some old boys who supported the present principal, say that they have to hide them from each other and cover them with bedsheets. What to do? No body can’t question it. Because the facts are true.
    I learn that SJC accountant is given much priority by the principal than the other staff. She is not only the accountant but also the administrative officer at SJC. Everyone speaks and laughs about it. Hiding the details of his allowances and keeping the accountant on his head as the principal are not good sign for the institution.
    I heard that Jason Jeyakularajah is behind the principal and searching for the two loyal Johnians
    Who have shared the details to Prof Hoole. Instead of wasting time on it,
    I would advise Jason Jeyakularajah to focus on the content of the article and bring justice for the betterment of the school. There are some serious issues raised by the author.
    Many poor students are leaving the school because the parents are crying and struggling to pay for the school fees. In this situation, the principal is consulting with the lawyers to send the letter of demands to the parents for school fees.

  • 11

    Question to Bishop Dushantha Rodrigo
    Samson (Samson Gnanakaran Ponnuthurai an Anglican of a few Generations), complained in Colombo Telegraph, against St. John’s. This is not about that, but the process. When he was stalled by the Principal, he met you when you came for confirmation and put his complaint to you. You had asked him to write and he emailed you and Thanja Peiris from his office.

    Samson is a manager at DFCC Bank. Thanja’s response, as he told me, was to ask him how he had used his office email. Samson did not reply her as it is not her job. Two weeks later he had a query from his regional manager asking whose son was at St. John’s who had complained. The matter went no further.

    What was the purpose of the Church in going to the bank management, when the issue was Samson’s complaint? Was it not to put Samson in trouble for complaining to you? It is time for you to be proactive and not laidback. You are fast earning the name “Do Nothing Bishop.” Continuing to ignore problems is asking for an explosion. Remember ignoring our Liturgy for 3 years?

    Stop fiddling. Lead us

    • 5

      I was shocked when my children said, that students just walk out of the class room while a teacher is teaching & vise versa. When I attended a prize giving last time, it was so noisy no decipline at all. The qualification to enter SJC, is money. So pathetic

    • 1

      Bishop is “leading a vigil for the nation” at the cathedral. Rich. So what about justice in the church?

      Where is justice when a legitimate complaint against St. Johns results in CMSs Thanja Peiris counterpunch to your employer that you used the office email to file it? And when people without qualifications are put in charge of anything important in the church? When for years Thamils are allowed to blaspheme calling God unholy? When vigil pictures show Sam Ponniah demonstrating for justice after falsely tweeting that Dr. Jeevan Hoole is illegally on the Election Commission?

      Where is justice when teacher Vinoth had to flee St. John’s and join us in North America after accusing the principal of sexual harassment under the guise of counseling, while the accused stays an ordained clergyman working with boy scouts? This coverup was by the then Bishop himself.

      Bishop Dushyantha has no real interest in justice. He was probably persuaded to come to the vigil by the Church’s leftists who elected him, who run the church. Weak Thamils stooge for them for their profit.

      • 1

        It is my belief that Bishop Dhilo Canagasabey covered up for the Principal.

        After promising me that the inquiry would be under a retired District Judge, why was it given to a young female Buddhist lawyer who probably does not share the church’s teachings on sexuality?

        Crucial evidence was the 9 minutes’ audio-recording of the Tamil conversation between the principal and teacher Vinoth. Did the inquiring officer understand the nuances of Tamil in the recording? When the Principal pleads with the teacher to be his confidant, sharing everything? When the teacher replies that he respectfully holds the principal high and does not want to come down like that?

        Now it is privately whispered that it was some unusual counselling the Principal was trying out, and it is difficult to find definitive fault! Only the naïve will fall for that, without asking how the principal fits as counsellor to the teacher.

        Why the sympathy for the priest? Will Bishop Dhilo publicly renounce bisexuality as antithetical to the Christian faith and order?

        Recall Virgin Mary’s words: “He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly.”

        Did the Church forget the lowly teacher? And lift the mighty?

  • 5

    Dear Jeevan

    Certain old boys of St John’s agree with your arguments about the institution and I thought I should communicate.

    You are described by one esteemed Christian that you are truly a ‘Prophet of the Old Testament’- telling it in ‘black and white’ without fear or favour. But with caution of ‘not mentioning the names’! Which I know can be argued otherwise?

    This note is my own personal note! Ie: I observe a big gap in the ‘sharing of resources’ ( investments of the Church). While those in positions of leadership in schools, churches, they are relatively well looked after to keep them ‘to serve’! What about clergy who with sacrificial commitment come to ministry, and receive ‘meagre’ stipend, which we all know is our cultural attitude. That induces most of them to ‘appropriate/ misappropriate’ funds from projects in their care.

    The gap reflects the ‘gulf between the rich and the poor’- and my point is to ‘reward all workers of the church ( lay and ordained) with a fair ‘income’. For Eg: JDCSI Late Bp D J Ambalavanar made an intentional effort to make ‘clergy of BD to receive a graduate teacher’s stipend’- citing it as reason to increase at every time announced. Hence Church quota was increased accordingly- 1/3 of a congregation’s income as a standard in concept.

    • 3

      Regarding incentives, perhaps a Thomian can confirm this. I recall hearing that in JR Jayawardene’s time the Warden who would have been Ilangakoon started a staff incentive scheme of Rs. 2.50 for a teacher who turns up in class or something like that. As a result some students took a “a hat collection”, raised Rs. 3 and gave it to the teacher saying “Sir, here is Rs. 3. Please go back to the staff room now.” Can discipline ever be worse than that?

      St. John’s discipline may be relatively good even if students walk out of class while the teacher is teaching.

  • 3

    Dear Panini, I hope CT will permit me to respond to your comment about a person being a saint. It is exactly what the Bible teaches about sinners who repent and trust in the Finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross,when He died for to pay the penalty of our sins.The Lord Jesus comes into our lives and God the Father, sees the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son, in our livess. Every sinner who repents and trusts the LordJesus Christ as his or her saviour is a saint. The Corinthian church had the biggest sinners of any church in the New Testament.However,when Paul starts his letter, to them,he refers to them as santified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints. I who deserves to go to hell, am santified in the Lord JesusChrist. Love Vijaya Lekamge

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