By Malinda Seneviratne –
Meanwhile in a parallel universe
In all elections people talk of the floating vote. The undecided. Those who may be swayed one way or another. In some elections the floating vote can decide an election. Naturally, come election time all kinds of theories are floated about the floating vote. Some say it has expanded and some say it has contracted. Some say ‘won’t count this time’ too. No one seems to have succeeded in putting a finger on the floating vote. But in a parallel universe, the floating voter has a voice. Let us listen.
I am an intangible. I am talked of as though I am someone’s playing. A commodity. A bargain. No one wants to listen to me. No one wants to acknowledge that I have grievances too. In fact I have aspirations as well.
Right now I am in a bit of a quandary. Things are moving back and forth at such a speed that it is hard to figure out whether someone else is moving, whether I am being jostled this way and that by the traffic or if I am standing still while the political world does its usual election-time somersaults.
I am supposed to be sitting on the fence. I am supposed to be right there in the middle. Neither here nor there. I am supposed to be up for grabs. My problem is that the fence is not staying in one place. If this side is identified by who is located there and that side by who is on the other side, it’s gotten really confusing of late. Here today, gone tomorrow: that’s how things have been the past few days. ‘I won’t budge,’ someone says and the next moment he’s jumped and keeping jumping up and down in glee with his new found friends jumping with him too. Makes me dizzy to watch these things.
And then there’s the line. Forget politicians and who-what they may represent. There’s also track record. Then there’s the package, promises that is. I’ve been looking this way and that and I am totally confused. I can’t believe that some people can stand with some other people, considering what they’ve said about one another. I can’t believe the promises made when there’s the past is littered with broken pledges, mandates re-interpreted for personal benefit and manifestos turned into toilet paper.
The one good thing about being a floating voter is the ‘floating’ part of it. Our people can fly. We can rise above the gooey stuff that is made of periodically auctioning off non-existent resources, promising the undeliverable and solemn-faced acknowledgment of error and begging forgiveness for crimes of omission and commission. From up here I can see a bunch of nitwits bickering at each other. From up here I can see there’s blue and green on one side and blue and green on the other side too. From up here I can see rogues and sycophants on both sides of the shifting, vaguely-demarcated political divide.
From up here I ask myself, ‘do either of these jokers deserve my vote?’ From up here I can see that one of the biggest lies in these situations is the claim ‘lesser evil’ for EVIL is a word embossed on the membership card one gets the moment one assumes that despicable identity ‘politician’.
I concur with my brother who said ‘I’m fed up of seeing the same bullshit over and over being quoted, re-quoted, edited, re-edited, mixed, re-mixed, compared, contrasted and conflated until none of it makes any sense at all.’
So here’s to you Mrs Robinson: ‘anyway you look at it you lose’.
Going to sleep. Wake me up sometime in late January 2015, ok?
*Malinda Seneviratne is the Chief Editor of ‘The Nation’ and his articles can be found at www.malindawords.blogspot.com
AVB / December 19, 2014
I could see Malinda is changing , in a good way. His last two articles are different… Good on you mate..
Leelagemalli / December 19, 2014
But dont you think that he should also take the responsiblity of the societal destruction made by politicians of current day ?. MS’s chatu articles often paved the way highly abusive politicians to materialize what they thought was right. MS as an editor of govt paper could help opening the eyes of the mesmerised power mad men. Instead, this man MS and nations HYPOCRITE number 1 -Dayan Jayathilake sat with doggy Rajas.
Sulaiman / December 19, 2014
Mali boy says now “I can’t believe that some people can stand with some other people, considering what they’ve said about one another.”
How is it that he never thought about this when the UNP members crossed over and joined Mahinda despite criticising him earlier? Why didn’t Mali boy talk about this then?
O wily Mali, it is clear that you cannot convince people to vote for MR, are you now trying to get them to abstain?
Kirru Yakka / December 19, 2014
Which way are you floating these days Malinda?
Amarasiri / December 19, 2014
Malinda Seneviratne Medamulana MaRa Shill and white-washer,
RE: The Floating Voter Weighs Options
“In all elections people talk of the floating vote. The undecided. Those who may be swayed one way or another. In some elections the floating vote can decide an election.”
In this election, the Voters, the people are NOT floating. It is the Politicians and the Money being thrown at them, the Peoples Money, by the Medamulana MaRa and his cronies that are floating.
*Malinda Seneviratne is the Chief Editor of ‘The Nation’ and Shill of Medamulana MaRa and his articles can be found at http://www.malindawords.blogspot.com
Acumen / December 19, 2014
Mr Senevirathne is a master tactician.
He is now advocating the voters especially the UNP vote bank to abstain from voting which will be beneficial to his Master.
He should go back and read the latest revelations by JHU General Secretary Patali Champika Ranawaka on how the present regime balances the debt and losses of their fancy spending by taxing the common men through indirect taxation and loading up the profitable state organizations. Then he will have no hesitation to recommend whom to vote.
dcn / December 19, 2014
Malindas article above is not very neutral. The floating voer would make good decision after he/she compares with what he is expectations are for next 6 yrs and the option available for CHANGE.
Le for CHange.
PSTharman / December 19, 2014
“I am supposed to be up for grabs”……? You must have slipped into reality mate whilst dreaming about your ‘parallel universe’. Of course you couldn’t help? You must have been working on the laptop you ‘grabbed’. We all know which side your wind blows in your floating world. You couldn’t hide that, could you?
And btw, Going to sleep??? Really???. We know you’re joking, but we are laughing for a different reason buddy :D
Try to have a happy Christmas, this time
Ajith / December 19, 2014
You don’t need not to float if you answer “Yes” to the following?
1. Are you satisfied with the current position of the rule of law?
2. Do you think that the justice system is working according to law?
3. Do you think that there is freedom of speech?
4. Do you think there is no corruption in this administration?
5. Do you think that only one family should rule the country and that family only should rule this country?
punchinilame / December 19, 2014
MALINDA – Without writing nonsence as usual, can you see anything
floating in these numbers – a floating claymore mine?
Registered Voters for 2013 = 14,762,168, broken up into 22 Districts as detailed below:- (Source: slelection.gov.lk)
Colombo 1,552,734 Gampaha 1,590,076 Kalutara 881,814 Kandy 1,031,980 Matale 373,315 N.Eliya 520,767 Galle 809,882 Matara 608,524 H`tota 455,398 Jaffna 516,989 Vanni 241,935 Batticola 358,205 Amparai 456,942 Trinco 251,690 Kurunega 1,248,987 Puttalam 540,706 A`pura 625,740 Polonaru. 303,192 Badulla 609,965 Moneraga. 332,764 R`pura 795,759 Kegalle 644,803 Total: 14,762,168
Ex Pat / December 20, 2014
This is my way of looking at it , if you are swinging voter.
Well the Genie got rid of Prabakaran the evil one, that was our primary wish, and it was granted . Now we need to somehow put the bloody Genie back into the bottle ! simple as that.
Kiri Yakka / December 20, 2014
Aney Malinda Malli. Wake up Wake up. The Nation Needs you.
The Nation needs to know whom to suck up to – the Nation recognize your expertise in this.
You should not let the Nation down like this.