By Ramya Chamalie Jirasinghe –
As citizens of Sri Lanka we know only two facts about the Nameless Dying Woman in Saudi Arabia. One, that she is a Sri Lankan. Two, that in a few days she will die a horrific, gruesome death as stones are hurled at her head (the informal news going around is that the execution is to take place on the 4th of December). All the rest that we have been told by the media and the spokespersonnel of the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) of Sri Lanka are mere crumbs of information that we are supposed to uncritically accept as the real story.
We have been told that the woman refuses to be identified as she does not want to cause distress to her family in Sri Lanka. We are supposed to believe this.
We have been told that the MEA has hired lawyers and is in the process of conducting a legal appeal and that diplomatic discussions are going on. We are supposed to believe that this is the best solution and the only option. Yet as the Don Manu column of the Sunday Times of Sri Lanka pointed out last week, a legal appeal will never save this woman’s life.
Therefore there is a third fact that the leadership of this Sri Lankan State and its representatives are well aware of. The Nameless Dying Woman, for all matters and purposes, is already dead. She is a Nameless Dead Woman.
As a citizen of Sri Lanka, I and numerous others (and possibly the conveniently silenced-annonymized family of the Nameless Dead Woman), demand the right to know the following from the leaders of the Sri Lankan State:
1. We would like to see documentary proof of your diplomatic demarches to the Saudi Arabian Government. We want to see whether the highest level of diplomatic negotiations have taken place over this case (legal appeals will be useless in this case).
2. We would like to know if you tapped your friends in high places. The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, the U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy and Human Rights, Tom Malinowski, are all, after all, close supporters of our Government, and we all know that the only hope that this woman has lies in a negotiation that takes place, if done with finesse and strategy, initiated at the highest levels.
We would like to see what diplomatic strategies you have used, since we now have the advantage of being aligned with the leader of the liberal global order. As the leaders of this Sri Lankan State, have you turned to them when a woman who is part of the source of Sri Lanka’s largest foreign exchange earnings is about to be executed?
Or would you rather not deal with an unpleasant and inconvenient issue of a Nameless Dead Woman, when there are bigger issues at stake?
3. Finally, will you phase out Sri Lankan women from travelling to Saudi Arabia as blue collar workers (some countries such as Indonesia that also depend on the remittances of unskilled workers have had the integrity and self-respect to do that on behalf of their disadvantaged citizens)? Will you do the same without giving us meaningless bureaucratic spiels on how you plan to further educate these women and train them?
Most importantly, will you be the first government in Sri Lanka to have a clear framework to safeguard and protect rights of the gullible victims, the unskilled workers from Sri Lanka; the men and women who pay with their lives to keep this country afloat?
As for the Nameless Dead Woman, my only hope is that if the leadership of this country is not willing to pull out all stops to save her life, that when the time comes, on the 4th of Decemebr, for her brain to be beaten to pulp with rocks, that she would have lost her mind before that.
B Mackka / December 3, 2015
The death sentence is one that can be pardoned by the King of Saudi Arabia unlike the case of Rizana where it was partly in the hands of the parents of the deceased child.
So instead of having a cacophony of voices critical of KSA which may not elicit the desired result may cool heads prevail.
The President, FM need to take this up at the highest levels with KSA and US as suggested by the Ms Ramya.
Native Vedda / December 3, 2015
B Mackka
“The President, FM need to take this up at the highest levels with KSA and US as suggested by the Ms Ramya.”
Why cannot we send in our brave commandos to rescue this poor woman? The gallant army of this island once rescued 200,000 men and woman from the clutches of most evil LTTE terrorists.
Hope they mount a secret commando operation before 4th December this year. We are right behind the armed forces.
Sinhala_Man / December 3, 2015
You are brilliant, wise and realistic “Native Vedda”.
Our government will definitely follow “B Mackka’s” probably quite sincere advice. So, we sit and wait.
Do so few people really understand what evil rulers Saudi Arabia has? Let us wait in hope, but that poor woman is doomed.
That from a rather low-brow paper that publishes sensational news, and they’d stopped accepting comments about two days ago, but you sense the outrage there more than in our own country, and not too many irrelevancies there!
At least Ramya Jirasinghe is not so naiive: “We are supposed to believe this.” she’s said. B Mackka, I doubt your politeness working on those monsters in KSA. They won’t be reading either this or that Daily Mail account, so don’t blame us when the inevitable happens. Then, at least, can we please have the Ambassador, Azmi Thassim, sacked:
Funlover / December 3, 2015
Let’s have some Kekille type justice. Let’s get Assme Thassim down to Sri Lanka and stone him in front of the Hambantota fish market. Probably it will serve no purpose to give him a chance to explain what he has done to dissuade the Saudi quadrupeds from proceeding with their abhorred Judeo ritual.
sam / December 3, 2015
Native Vedda – There is at least one solution to the problem!
Who says saudi women have no power?? Its whom you know that matters not what you know.
8 th october: Saudi woman posts video of husband sexually abusing maid – and now faces jail (its been taken out of utube but is on another site)
comment: In Saudi law if you expose someone privacy in any kind of media you will face one year in a jail. She should complain him in the court. However, they did not do any thing for this woman in the news she still tweet from their house(she is Dr. from a famous family in saudi). whereas the man is facing both jail and shame.
do not trust media tomuch. I am Saudi girl and I know what going on
10th Sept New Delhi
pretty nepali Housemaids supplied Hindians (after earthquake at nepal)
Saudi diplomat accused of rape in India claims immunity, files complaint.
Native Vedda / December 3, 2015
These are old news.
You haven’t told us how best to deal with this problem given that is at the eleventh hour.
If you got any sane idea, you think you have, why were you sitting on it until now?
sam / December 3, 2015
Unfortunatly, i cannot disclose my self or have the permission . but we do assist Philippine women in another rich Arabic nation. I don’t talk shop and I know its the way out because it is being done for over a decade- its all discreet via a woman of royalty in that Arabic nation.
Just imagine Assad was eye surgeon at NHS and his wife a banker at old street- what is their fate today?? folk want the pipe treatment.
good luck. but remember the saudi oil will not be there after 7 years for them to boast.
sam / December 3, 2015
“If you got any sane idea, you think you have, why were you sitting on it until now?”
Bad logic rules the world not your stupid rational head.
protest and content is for politicians.
Cameron is a distant relative of the Queen so they listened.
There are new rich billionaires all commoners – the stinking rich- royalty does not listen to them.
hope you appreciate and don’t behave like your friend Velala Anglican Sumane malli.
This is something folk should have worked out after the last beheading- lazy as usual never prepared. (of course the muslim men who run the export are the stumbling lot)
alkohilawatte / December 3, 2015
Native vedda,
you are still around. Thought you would have perished in some jungle. The good woman should be pardoned and yakkos like you should be stoned to death as you are a disgrace to all SL. RIP
Dan Fernando / December 5, 2015
I dont want to insult Meeharakas, but people like you. Please change your fodder and come back to CT- if you really want to discuss matters of real concern.
maalumiris / December 4, 2015
NV, It’s heartening that you have not lost your sense of humor and can even apply it to this woman’s desperate situation
I applaud your humanity
tika / December 5, 2015
Something Bad Inside demala `maalumiris ` even rarer than hen’s teeth no?
soma / December 4, 2015
Why not send one of your suicide brigades. Still ISIS is no match for the capability your boys displayed for 30 years.
Native Vedda / December 4, 2015
“Why not send one of your suicide brigades.”
Whose suicide brigades were they.
They were once the darlings of Premadasa and Rajapaksa, both happily exchanged their pride for the services of the suicide brigades.
If and when the next invasion takes place you will be looking for those suicide brigades to kick them back to whence they come. I have no doubt that your gallant army would be looking for somewhere to hide. Unfortunately there won’t be VP’s bum to protect them nor any women folks to hide behind because they are in those medieval kingdoms working their butts off to feed their family.
What are you going to do about the “Bomber Gap”? Will you fill the gap yourself or send Somawansa, Dayan, Gota, and other smart patriots to seek refuge in their mother country Tamilnadu?
Your boys are not my boys. You should keep them wherever they are since may need them to serve your future needs.
Ajith / December 4, 2015
Our brave soldiers did not rescue 200, 000 civilians. Instead they killed over 50,000 and rescued senior LTTE members and sent them to abroad after paying ransam to Mahinda & Co.
Lanka Watch / December 4, 2015
Native Vedda – this is not a joking matter. The govt. must take a serious approach to save this woman from stoning to death, which form of torture is not acceptable to Sri Lankans. Govt. should also approach USA to mediate in this case and if all efforts fail
Govt must severe diplomatic relations with KSA, as they do not want to follow the normal norm, dealing with such cases. Jail her
for life if the case is serious but do not stone her to death.
Amarasiri / December 3, 2015
RE: he Leaders Of This Country & A Nameless Dying Woman
Ramya Chamalie Jirasinghe
Right Now we need results. That means stopping this killing by the Devils.
So, do this.
Send your letter to all media outlets in Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia The West, the West everywhere. Make these devil followers look stupid.
Your Highness the King of Saudi Arabia and the State of Sri Lanka,
RE: Stoning to Death the Sri Lankan Maid-Was that Allah’s Will?
Peace be Upon You and upon Mankind.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia claims it bases its Laws based on Gods, Allah’s Law, which you call Sharia Law. We want to point out to the Sri Lankan Govt., and the Saudi Arabian authorities that, while we respect their laws, we want Saudi Arabia to apply God’s Law as stated as claimed and given in the Holy Quran, and the Sri Lankan Govt. to make that request to the Saudi Govt.
The Holy Quran says 100 Lashes, which you have correctly prescribed for the man.
However, you have prescribed death by stoning for the women. Nowhere in the Holy Quran, a punishment by stoning is proscribed. Given below is what Allah has prescribed. By Stoning the women to death, you are going against Allah’s Laws, and are now following Satans’s Laws.
“This is a chapter We have sent down and made obligatory. We have sent down clear revelations in it so that you may take heed: flog the male and the female adulterers and fornicators (الزانية والزاني) one hundred times. Do not let compassion for them keep you from carrying out Allah’s law if you believe in Allah and the Last Day – and ensure a group of believers witnesses the punishment.” (Qur’an 24:2 )
We urgently request that, you correct the error by the Judges who are ignorant of the Quran and deceived by Satan.
Please remember that the Satan is deceiving and cunning. The Satan also deceived Prophet Mohamed in the verses Quran 53:19 and 53:20.
“Have ye thought upon Al-Lat and Al-‘Uzzá
and Manāt, the third, the other?
These are the exalted gharāniq, whose intercession is hoped for.”
which had to be corrected, Quran 53: 21-23.
“Have ye thought upon Al-Lat and Al-‘Uzza
And Manat, the third, the other?
Are yours the males and His the females?
That indeed were an unfair division!
They are but names which ye have named, ye and your fathers, for which Allah hath revealed no warrant. They follow but a guess and that which (they) themselves desire. And now the guidance from their Lord hath come unto them.”
We respectfully request that you review the current stoning penalty given by the Judges to the Sri Lankan Maid.
Should Saudi Arabia be known as the Land of Double Standards and the Land that Follows Satan?
Peace be upon you.
Ramya Chamalie Jirasinghe and The People of Sri Lanka.
sam / December 3, 2015
“Make these devil followers look stupid. “
Bad logic rules the world
Saudi Arabia’s ambassador has warned of “potentially serious repercussions” of a breakdown in relations with the UK and complained of a lack of “mutual respect”. highlight and click on it
Amarasiri / December 4, 2015
“complained of a lack of “mutual respect”
Yes, the Devil has been complaining about that for some time, and the Saudi Arabian Wahhabi are not much different. They have no respect for life and freedom.
Show them respect the way one would respect the Devil, Satan, Iblis.
sam / December 4, 2015
Amarasiri ,
as an american put it they will understand knife gun grenade when they leave their hole .
I believe him because that is how they were driven to the northern tip of Africa- the present day french speakers Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia. just Granada was retained with new islam by the queen Isabel.
Amarasiri / December 4, 2015
Ramya Chamalie Jirasinghe
95% Saudi women got AIDS from their hubbies Dec 2, 2015
Given this, it is cleat that the Saudi men have had sexual relations outside marriage, Can you ask the King to give 100 Lases to each and every Saudi Husband with AIDA, and then stone the,m to death?
Why not?
Double Standards?
Satan wants Double Standards?
JEDDAH — About 80 Saudi women were diagnosed with AIDS in 2014, Sanaa Filimban, AIDS program director in the Ministry of Health, has said. “It was a shock to many women. Most of them did not ever leave the Kingdom and 95 percent of the patients contracted the disease from their husbands through sex,” he said.
The ministry participated in the International AIDS Day, celebrated every year on Dec. 1, by raising awareness of the disease through workshops and lectures.
Filimban said the ministry has set up 48 centers for AIDs checkups and consultancy in the Kingdom. Out of them, 36 will be stationary and 12 mobile, he said.
She added that confidentiality of the patients is paramount in AIDs centers.
“We deal with the women by giving them numbers. We don’t call them nor record their names to protect their privacy. Only their doctor knows their names for administrative reasons,” said Filimban. She added there are 21,761 AIDs patients in the Kingdom.
“Of them 6,334 are Saudis and 15,427 non-Saudis. In 2014, the program recorded 1,222 new patients. Of them 364 are Saudi men, 80 Saudi women and 778 non-Saudi women,” said Filimban.
She also said the Kingdom recorded its first AIDs patient in 1984. “Statistics show that 3 percent of the recorded patients are children and the rate of contracting AIDs through breastfeeding from an infected mother is also 3 percent. There is one Saudi woman with AIDs for every four Saudi men with AIDs. Saudi patients aged 15 to 49 constitute 81 percent of the total number,” said Filimban.
She added only 2 percent of the patients contracted the disease by taking drugs through syringes.
“AIDs is usually transferred through men and women during unprotected sex. In developing countries where most people have protected sex, homosexual sex is the most common way of contracting the disease,” said Filimban.
She added there are other ways of contracting the disease mainly by using infected equipment such toothbrushes, razors, tattoo tools. Patients can also contract the disease by going through an organ implant surgery in which the organ implanted was infected with AIDs.
Meanwhile, Prof. Tawfiq Bin Ahmed Khoja, director general of the Executive Board of GCC Health Ministers, said the rate of HIV cases among GCC citizens ranges between 0.15 and 1.95 for every 100,000 people. “This is the lowest rate in the Arab region,” he pointed out.
Khoja said the number of HIV cases among GCC citizens increased in recent years as a result of unhealthy lifestyle followed by some groups of people and lack of knowledge about the dangerous impact of the disease.
“Increasing foreign travel, important social transformations in major cities, rising use of drugs through injection and presence of a large number of expatriates from different countries are other reasons for the growing HIV cases in the GCC,” he added.
Khoja said health ministries in the member countries have taken a series of measures to contain the contagious disease, including stoppage of blood import, increasing public awareness through the spread of moral and religious values and explaining methods to protect against the virus. “We also provide HIV-positive patients mental and social care,” Khoja said.
Rajash / December 3, 2015
It is a shame that the “Miracle of Asia” need to send their citizens to such countries to toil as maids to earn a meagre wage to support their families back in Sri Lanka. They work like dogs in locked up houses.
Inevitably when ever they get a rare opportunity to relase their stress they risk this sort of punishment of being stoned to death.
Having said that when in Rome behave like Romans
Nirmala N / December 3, 2015
[Edited out]
Rajash / December 4, 2015
Nirmala N
[Edited out]
were you volunteering to throw the first stone.
zero / December 4, 2015
its passion fruit for you.
Native Vedda / December 4, 2015
Have you heard anything from Black and Decker, Dyan, Siva Sankaran Sarmass, Weerawansass ……… and other tough men who may have opinion or two that might help the government solve this life or death problem?
soma / December 4, 2015
You are making use of this grave moment to push your main agenda. Shame.
Native Vedda / December 4, 2015
“You are making use of this grave moment to push your main agenda”
Which is…..
Bobby / December 4, 2015
that’s because it is no different from sinhala killing sinhala JVP.
they may be drinking kassipu.
Rajash / December 4, 2015
perhaps those you named are of the opinion one or two Sri Lankan maids getting stoned to death is a small sacrifice for the 7billion USD they earn for Sri Lanka.
Miracle of Asia Dont wnat upset the Saudi Arabian Apple Cart
tika / December 4, 2015
“”7billion USD””
Who is gullible?
are you working for a job agent??
Single woman Housemaids to Arab nation bring in $ 7 billion?
India and Pakistan ban only single women housemaids so that should be followed.
Rajash / December 4, 2015
i should have added that I am quting that figure from a post in CT
what is the exact figure?
Nirmala N / December 4, 2015
What is this word tika. This not a English word. Do not use alien words when you make comments in English. Did you have chicken tikka after your G & T and got mind went on to use the Gujarati word tika.
Don’t use Indian words anymore. We hate India.
Whatever my pained feelings are on this, I would like give you a pat for your tireless effort.
I love you and God bless you.
tika / December 5, 2015
“What is this word tika. This not a English word. “
Villager, So you kept on mugging the English language like a parrot??
Neither is `loot` but it is in the Cambridge dictionary
now find out its origin.
Today we talk of English `curry` which is also in the dictionary.
English is a language composed of several languages where German is its main component not Latin because the bard did not like the southerners.
Go back to your cage at the London temple than displaying your carnal desires
tika / December 5, 2015
Honestly I don’t know and don’t have access.
Perhaps someone in the ladies club of Colombo would be able to get those figures and act on it. Then it becomes easy to ban `single woman`for ME countries like Hindia and Pakistan.
So perhaps they could negotiate for couples to go.
I know of many expat Europeans who have been to ME had Lankan servant boys then brought them across to EU when they completed got them their residency and the family to EU who are doing well.
Thiru / December 3, 2015
Shame on heartless Sri Lankan leadership, and the barbarian Saudi Arabian regime and society:
This is the society that produced ISIS barbarians too.
Sri Lanka was barbaric towards Tamils in the war against LTTE, and Saudi Arabia is still to be civilized in general.
Pacs / December 3, 2015
tell the woman is a tigress Terrorist link. Easy solve the problem.
Vibhushana / December 3, 2015
Well, it turns out stoning to death is not Sharia law.
Stoning to death however is recommended in the Old Testament.
Sylvia Haik / December 3, 2015
These are all medieval cultures. In the 15th century, Europeans used to insert a wooden spike into the body and burn people alive as punishments. Islam is supposedly safeguarded by Saudi Arabia caught in a rut and these barbaric cultures haven’t changed. In fact these are public executions and the moronic Saudis appear to enjoy the gruesome spectacle.
By the way thank you Ramya Chamalie Jirasinghe for a brilliant article. I hope our leaders act with vigour as a pardon is possible. Recently the British Prime Minister appealed to the Saudis to not carry out the punishment of 360 lashes for the crime of brewing alcohol.
If our Muslim leaders have any clout left they would intervene on behalf of this non-Muslim woman but unlikely as they did not intervene on behalf of Muslim Rizana Nafeek who was in fact innocent.
Native Vedda / December 4, 2015
Sylvia Haik
“These are all medieval cultures.”
Is it?
“In the 15th century, Europeans used to insert a wooden spike into the body and burn people alive as punishments.”
In this island, police and armed forces do carry on such practices not because they consider these are punishments, but they derive sadistic pleasure out of every act of torture. And they seem to be creative at what they do, torture methods are improvised every now and then, resourceful, relentless in their pursuit of pleasure, …….
There have been cases of burning cigarette butts being inserted into vagina, testicles being crushed in drawers, s loan pipe being used as sleeves to insert barbed wires into anus, needles being inserted into p***s, men are usually beaten up with sand-filled pipes while hung upside down naked, chilly treatment, …………… All of which has/had official sanctions.
For you to pick points on Saudi medieval culture sound hollow. First put your house in order then lets talk about their culture. Isn’t is taking hypocrisy to the dizzying height?
Lankan / December 4, 2015
Native Vedda,
You are going at a tangent here.
We are talking about the barbaric legal system
of Saudi Arabia, not any surreptitious practices
of Sri Lankan police or armed forces, which would
obviously be illegal.
Sima / December 4, 2015
“You are going at a tangent here.”
Here is why none in the west seem to like the Moro Haik,
We think too much and feel too little.- Charlie Chaplin
The popularity of fools is an undeniable fact. The world hates a man who is too smart in his dealings with his fellowmen. Anyone can run over the names of his friends and associates in his mind and verify this fact for himself, that those we like are not those we respect for distinguished ability and those we respect for distinguished ability are not those we like, and that we like a stupid servant because he is more reliable, and because in his company we can better relax and do not have to set up a condition of defense against his presence. Most wise men choose to marry a not too smart wife, and most wise girls choose a not too smart husband as a life companion.
We think too much and feel too little.- Charlie Chaplin
Native Vedda / December 4, 2015
“We are talking about the barbaric legal system of Saudi Arabia, not any surreptitious practices of Sri Lankan police or armed forces, which would obviously be illegal.”
I take it that though we have the best legal system in this island we don’t really mean to implement it in its entirety.
In effect there is not much difference between what we do in practice and what Saudi legal system prescribes. Saudi legal system is at least open and honest about what it intent to do compared to what we do in practice.
Even petty criminals are uncertain whether they would leave remand custody alive.
The net effect is barbarism in both system.
Here the punishment is meted out while in custody before a legal process being conducted by a learned judge. Practical legal system I suppose.
“You are going at a tangent here.”
I can’t help it when hypocrisy mean nothing in this island.
Lankan / December 5, 2015
Native Vedda,
That’s still a wild diversion of the subject of this article, comparing the legal systems of Sri Lanka and Saudi Arabia!
Best to not go off track and start arguing about the same old
things which have no relevance here..
Anyway, while people are having their little exchanges here, hopefully
someone is still trying to save the poor woman from this extreme cruelty.
Native Vedda / December 4, 2015
Sylvia Haik
We can understand why these medieval Muslims are actively destroying heritages of their country, including Buddha of Bamiyan statue in Afghanistan however what I find it difficult to understand is as to why Sinhala/Buddhists politicians and armed forces did destroy Jaffna library?
Do you find any differences between medieval Muslims and Sinhala/Buddhists?
How do you describe the burning of 90,000 books and old ola manuscripts, medieval cultures, barbaric cultures, moronic spectacle, …… ?
Are you still looking for choice of phrases?
Sylvia Haik / December 4, 2015
Native Vedda You such a pillock for thinking that not commenting on the burning of books in Jaffna and other artefacts meant I approved it. Over the years mankind had done the most despicable things and they won’t stop even now. Soon after Saddam Hussein was removed, his supporters entered hospitals and smashed up all the life saving equipments. What good did that do except that those same idiots felt their absence when they were injured themselves.’off with the old and on with the new’. You are equally stupid if you think they are equal to the wanton destruction of the ancient Bamiyan statues that cannot ever be replaced.
Native Vedda / December 4, 2015
Sylvia Haik
“You are equally stupid if you think they are equal to the wanton destruction of the ancient Bamiyan statues that cannot ever be replaced.”
Sorry, I missed your point. Could you elaborate on it so that people like me can be enlightened.
Sima / December 5, 2015
Moros Haik,
welcome slug.
“Soon after Saddam Hussein was removed, his supporters entered hospitals and smashed up all the life saving equipments.”
“his supporters”
were you holding the candle to say His Supporters??
good to see the snail looking for investment possibilities at Lanka leave the house of hordes.
Salma Junaideen / December 5, 2015
Muslim politicians and muslim CSOs appealed in the case of Rizana . I do not know how you get the impression that Muslims didn’t intervene and they are intervening in this case too without knowing the identity of the woman. We yet do not know whether this maid is a Tamil, Sinhalese or a Muslim and we are concerned because she whatever nationality will be subjected to this horrendous punishment.
This girl is a Sri Lankan, why are you bringing in ethnicity into this. See CT articles, Muslims have appealed and in fact Muslims were part of the group that took the initiatives to appeal irrespective of religion /race. They even spearheaded the online petition.
k.soysa / December 3, 2015
Vibhushana, yes stoning is mentioned and another reader in this list has dealt with it adequately. However, if we take the Old Testament AND the New Testament seriously enough, the world will be a much, much better place !!
K.Aanaga / December 3, 2015
It is a pity that every time a Srilankan is “Sentenced to death” by what ever means it may be, we make a hue and cry. We appear to be self centered. I understand that so many other nationals too have been beheaded and stoned to death for various crimes. The so called UN and USA and even Srlanka did not make a positive effort to stop this Crime Of The Saudi Government for fear of antagonizing them . USA in particular will not raise even a finger against Saudi as they are well ‘oiled’. It is high time that all nations whose citizens are employed in Saudi get together and make a consolidate effort by agreement to to put a stop to this Cowardly act. All such case may be deported to their country of origin to face a TRIAL if the have committed a Crime. In this particular case both accused are from Srilanka and therefore such a move may not be difficult. I wonder whether any westerners have been treated with stones?
tika / December 4, 2015
“by what ever means it may be, we make a hue and cry. “
A nation of greedy racist send women outside to bring the $$$
Kala thela (fattened on womans labour from tea the $$$ and murder)
“USA in particular will not raise even a finger against Saudi as they are well ‘oiled’.”
stupid 2016 the Americans are the largest exporter of Gas in the world and the saudis nor the Russians can do anything about it- Go fetch.
SLOTH stay on the tree and don’t come down.
Adrian / December 3, 2015
If these savages carry out this sentence, the first thing the GOSL should do is recall the ass…. Wahhabi who is our ambassador there and replace him with a Christian. Maybe the new Chistian ambassador wii tell these gold plated camel jockeys the narrative in the Bible where when the woman who was taken in adultery, Christ invited those who were without sin to cast the first stone. Would Allah the most compassionate sanction this barbarism?
tika / December 4, 2015
“”Maybe the new Chistian ambassador wii tell these “”
The Arabic rule of Portugal for 800 years of sex slavery was solved by the nuns Cloak and dagger style.then came New World..
Go read reconquesta- before you talk of christian.
k.soysa / December 3, 2015
Ramya, I have repeatedly and over the last two or three decades decried sending women to the Middle East, specially to Saudi. But the consideration for the (1) women and (2) the Sri Lanka government is the very extensive income (by our standard) when they are in the M.E. The irony is, they say they have no income that is adequate for them to do all the many extraordinary undertakings from their earnings and so prefer to work as domestics in Saudi than in Sri Lanka where their salary will be less but they have access to their family and are much safer. In the absence of domestics, the Sri Lankan Middle Class pay around Rs. 1000/ per day to Tamil estate women to work in their homes in Colombo and the cities, thus depriving the estates that brought in all the “very valuable foreign exchange” till the advent of JRJ and thereafter. The largest foreign income was derived from the estates in the past to replace with income that is tainted with almost slave labour of our precious women !!!! Can anyone see the irony, the terrible irony?? It takes guts to change this but it CAN BE CHANGED. Look at Indonesia, Kenya where the tea industry now surpasses that of Sri Lanka. Their women do not work in Saudi and get ‘stoned’.
One last comment: I see that some woman has filed a F.R case against restrictions placed by the government to work abroad. Can you see the irony and the funny situation we are in !!??
Chandra Karu / December 3, 2015
1. There is no difference between ISIS, Saudi Arabia and most muslim dominated countries. ISIS is also beheading, burning people alive and throwing people from buildings. They are interpreting the Koran as written. Islam is violent and needs to reform. Sri Lankan politicians should take necessary steps to make sure that Muslims don’t ever become majority, if they it will be like Saudi Arabia etc. and will not tolerate Buddhists, christians and others like we have tolerated muslims.
2. We should ban Sri Lankans from going to Saudi Arabia. It is better to beg in SL.
Amarasiri / December 3, 2015
Chandra Karu
“1. There is no difference between ISIS, Saudi Arabia and most muslim dominated countries. ISIS is also beheading, burning people alive and throwing people from buildings. They are interpreting the Koran as written. Islam is violent and needs to reform. “
Quran is contaminated by the Devil, and need reform. However, stoning to death os NOT in the current Quran. Looks like the Devil Missed that part.
Why not send the following to the Saudi authorities.
Your Highness the King of Saudi Arabia and the State of Sri Lanka,
RE: Stoning to Death the Sri Lankan Maid-Was that Allah’s Will?
Peace be Upon You and upon Mankind.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia claims it bases its Laws based on Gods, Allah’s Law, which you call Sharia Law. We want to point out to the Sri Lankan Govt., and the Saudi Arabian authorities that, while we respect their laws, we want Saudi Arabia to apply God’s Law as stated as claimed and given in the Holy Quran, and the Sri Lankan Govt. to make that request to the Saudi Govt.
The Holy Quran says 100 Lashes, which you have correctly prescribed for the man.
However, you have prescribed death by stoning for the women. Nowhere in the Holy Quran, a punishment by stoning is proscribed. Given below is what Allah has prescribed. By Stoning the women to death, you are going against Allah’s Laws, and are now following Satans’s Laws.
“This is a chapter We have sent down and made obligatory. We have sent down clear revelations in it so that you may take heed: flog the male and the female adulterers and fornicators (الزانية والزاني) one hundred times. Do not let compassion for them keep you from carrying out Allah’s law if you believe in Allah and the Last Day – and ensure a group of believers witnesses the punishment.” (Qur’an 24:2 )
We urgently request that, you correct the error by the Judges who are ignorant of the Quran and deceived by Satan.
Please remember that the Satan is deceiving and cunning. The Satan also deceived Prophet Mohamed in the verses Quran 53:19 and 53:20.
“Have ye thought upon Al-Lat and Al-‘Uzzá
and Manāt, the third, the other?
These are the exalted gharāniq, whose intercession is hoped for.”
which had to be corrected, Quran 53: 21-23.
“Have ye thought upon Al-Lat and Al-‘Uzza
And Manat, the third, the other?
Are yours the males and His the females?
That indeed were an unfair division!
They are but names which ye have named, ye and your fathers, for which Allah hath revealed no warrant. They follow but a guess and that which (they) themselves desire. And now the guidance from their Lord hath come unto them.”
We respectfully request that you review the current stoning penalty given by the Judges to the Sri Lankan Maid.
Should Saudi Arabia be known as the Land of Double Standards and the Land that Follows Satan?
Peace be upon you.
Chandra Karu and The People of Sri Lanka.
Thiru / December 3, 2015
The barbarians in Arabia created the concept of Allah, and not the other way about.
Amarasiri / December 3, 2015
“The barbarians in Arabia created the concept of Allah, and not the other way about.”
The Concept of Allah was spewed by Abraham, and he spewed Judaism, and Christianity and Islam.
They got Satan, Iblis into the mix.
Bible says Stone to death. Satan was awake.
Quran says, 100 Lashes, and Satan was sleeping.
Asterix / December 4, 2015
for F**ks please don’t promote more of satanic verses – it is to their advantage as we know from anti advertising.
R K / December 3, 2015
Our women bring most of the 7 billion dollars to the country without which the cannot move. But at cost. Who is really bothered about their unimaginable suffering. We must seriously think of not sending the females to west Asian countries. But someone has to come up with some practical suggestions. Politicians in the higher echelon cant think of this. Cant we get rid of corruption which is costing billionms of dollars for which these poor women toil. Another is unwanted waste. Take for instance the many sojourns round the globe by VVIPS and their entourage.The losses of Sri Lankan Airlines and Mihin. What a collosal loss in Dollars. Oh POOR LANKAN WOMEN HAS TO SUFFER
tika / December 3, 2015
” 7 billion dollars to the country without which the cannot move.”
Nothing new its the heritage of independent sinhala nation.
All threes races – sinhala, tamil and muslim have a heritage from using Tamil women on the estates as garbage but they are still the major export item- tea.
You can’t solve the problem because you created it-
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. A.E.
All three races are `terrorist sympathisers` like the giant neighbour so getting help from the west especially Cameron is only a distant dream.
R K Raghavan / December 3, 2015
Shall we start a campaign to fight for the justice for the Sri Lankan women in the middle east. Get some funding from the Sri Lankan government and let us start an International NGO.
You are good at writing reports and I can do the running around. We too can make some money out of this venture.
My expertise are invaluable for such a project. Whilst helping these women, we can also fight against Wahabism.
Let us meet without delay to plan our next move.
Amarasiri / December 4, 2015
“Our women bring most of the 7 billion dollars to the country without which the cannot move. But at cost. Who is really bothered about their unimaginable suffering. We must seriously think of not sending the females to west Asian countries.”
Why? Who is responsible for the plight of the women from the Miracle of Asia?
1. Sinhala Buddhism
2. Tamil Hinduism
3. Sinhala Christianity
4. Tamil Christianity
5. Islam, Muslims
and the Politicians they elected.
Now We have Sinhala only and Tamil only, and have 300,000 housemaids in Saudi Arabia and hardly anybody can speak in English or Arabic.
However, the good thing is that they are literate in Sinhala and Tamil.
In the meantime our universities provided loads of Arts and sociology graduates, with low IQs, and the brighter science, engineering and Medical graduates went West, and are doing well. Taiwan, with about the same population as Sri Lanka has been producing well over 25,000 Engineers every year ans Sri Lanka produced that many non-engineers.
43% of the MPs in parliament have not passed the GCE O L. One guy claimed 2/2 =0.
The average IQ of the population dropped.
The Muslims followed the Devil, the Wahhabi, and became stupider, The Sinhalese Buddhists the BBS and Sinhalese Ravya…all Para from India.
In the meantime the Maids suffer, toil get stoned and send $7 Billion every year to keep the country afloat.
Was that the Plan of Sinhalese Only , by the Sinhala Buddhists?
Enlightened Buddha, where are you?
cholan / December 3, 2015
It is the right time west and civilized countries do their best to sent these Arabs and Islamic nations back to 4th century…
Modern rules..regulations…laws are not suitable for these fanatic Muslims ……
What is the education of Saudi King?
Many Saudi Ambassadors in the west never gone beyond Maddrasa ..religious school
Let these Muslims live in their way minus modern..communication…transport ….equipments…social media…currency…trading..banking.. etc etc..
Well they can get milk and honey by doing prayers 6 time a day…….
Japan has opened a biggest Mosque in Tokyo …will Saudi allow a Japanese Shinto Buddhist temple in Jeddah?
Lalitha / December 3, 2015
Stupid sharia (ille) law. Saudis are barbarians.
Paul / December 3, 2015
I feel sorry for the Saudis. How many more women do they have to stone to death before the world accepts that Islam is a religion of peace?
tika / December 4, 2015
did you not promote the Muslims during the skirmish down south??
aren’t you enjoying the peace of change in government.
The Americans promote Islam by taking over your land and calling it a Muslim state.
eg creating the all weather porkistan , bungledesh.Then the Arabs build the mosque.
take care where you live- never know when the time comes.
Priya / December 4, 2015
Where are the cry babies like Fazel Mohammed,Hilmy and Izeth.
They are always mourning about the injustice and human rights violations all the time. However they are stony silent when something grossly inhuman like this related Islam is taking place.
Guys,a poor woman far away from home in an emotional vulnerable state has had consensual sexual intercourse. Is it a crime?. In any civilised country no one will think about punishing her.She hasn’t committed anything criminal.. She might loose her marriage and be humiliated mostly. She may even be muslim but I don’t care about her ethnicity.You may argue she would have known the laws of the country.
However, whatever the way you look at it, this punishment is too harsh and barbaric. Please accept that.
This Saudi(?Sharia) law is medieval. It does not go with the modern free world. Some one who had kept nine wives has preached to stone women who commit adultery and the rest of the Muslim world are scared to raise their objections against the injustice because it is believed to be a divine order(I have my strong doubts about the degree of divinity). These fools also believe when they die for the religion they are rewarded with 72 virgins in the heaven. These blind believers who cannot think rationally,act blind and deaf when atrocities committed like this according to their medieval scripts. But they are up in arms against for any other trivial matter related to any other faith. These hypocrites are the worst and the silence of them and the West who benefit from their oil rich money are the main reasons for these countries to carry out these out dated barbaric practises without any hindrance.
soma / December 4, 2015
There is a conspiracy between the government and the media in keeping this “nameless”.
Colombo Telegraph
Either you are complicit or incapable.
Sima / December 4, 2015
If so what is your issue?
Do you have the wherewithal to make a phone call to the king of Saudi to release her?
just be happy you have a PC because political correctness will only make matters worse.
Either you are complicit or incapable.”
no you are omniscient and omnipotent
ramona therese fernando / December 4, 2015
That ambassador must have got radicalized by now! Not a chance for that poor woman, with his unbelievable comments. He was supposed to represent and care for Lankans, but ends up glorifying the first Wahhabi notion. God knows what kind of jihad he will bring back to our Island!
Native Vedda / December 4, 2015
“There is a conspiracy between the government and the media in keeping this “nameless”.”
If the woman was your wife, daughter, mother, sister, aunt, grandma, niece, sister in law, daughter in law or your mistress ……….. would you still want CT, other media or the government to publish it?
pacs / December 4, 2015
How did Arabia become Saudi Arabia??? any one answer
sinhalese buddhist / December 4, 2015
let’s call a spade a spade. Killing a woman by stoning, but only flogging the man involved is unfair! After all, if the adultry conviction is correct, then both were guilty.
Secondly, our spineless diplomats! Hiding behind the “break no laws in foreign lands” BS. If an American woman was in this plight, they would rush US diplomats to meet with the king and strong arm them for releasing or commuting the sentence.
Where’s our “human rights defender” Mangala Samaraweera? HE’s so articulate on human rights, but yet so silent on this occasion?
Shame on Saudi Arabia and her society for condoning barbaric punishment such as death by stoning, and chopping off body parts.
Shame on those muslims who don’t have the guts to stand up against the abuse of their religion by extremists.
Shame on the Sri Lankan government for not taking a moral stance and exert pressure to commute her sentence.
One woman stands to die because she had sex with a man who is not her husband.
What about all those married Saudi men, who routinely have sex with or rape their maids? How about those who go to Bahrain and Dubai to have sex with prostitutes from Eastern Europe? Or the numerous Saudi “princes” who run around the world buying sex from poor women and men? When will they be stoned?
Are these acts of infidelity condoned by Allah?
shankar / December 4, 2015
a barbaric country.May allah bring misery on the bastards.Already started with oil at half price compared to an year ago.
and we have to always listen to “Allah is all powerfull,allah is mercifull” mercifull indeed. phew.bollocks
MR / December 4, 2015
You don’t need to go to Saudi but go to Kaththankudi and Kalmunai in eastern province to see how Wahhabism works.
Zaneera Farook / December 5, 2015
Please elaborate your comments and tell us how it works and how does it impact on the lives of Muslim men and women and non muslim women and men. It will be good to tell us the whole story instead of leaving matters for imaginations
Zaneera Farook / December 5, 2015
“You don’t need to go to Saudi but go to Kaththankudi and Kalmunai in eastern province to see how Wahhabism works.”
Please elaborate your comments and tell us how it works and how does it impact on the lives of Muslim men and women and non muslim women and men. It will be good to tell us the whole story instead of leaving matters for imaginations.
According to Islam there must be 4 witnesses to adultery if she or he is to be punished. This is almost impossible. That is why the Saudies, even if they are in this sort of relationship do not face trial.
But what this poor nameless maid has done is to confess he “crime”. Wonder whether this confession was take by coercion. Were the lawyers present. These are some of the questions that we have.
However if we are going to appeal to his highness to forgive her whether we like it or not, we need to be humble and beg him to save this woman. I hope the Saudi embassy will not read CT as at this moment however frustrated we are, we cannot afford to get angry as otherwise we might not reach our objective.
tokka / December 6, 2015
“According to Islam “
All religions undeniably are an `emotion`- Christianity, Islam, Judaism, from the same stone- all 3 are complementary to each other in their action.
What differentiate the biped from the animal is Human Dignity.-
When you have the knowledge that we humans have an animal heritage then you will understand as to why we have to behave as beast and not like the dove or deer with a sweet temper, patient and content like a cow, and sing like a lark, or dress like a parrot/peacock.
It’s human dignity that makes us civilized and different from the animal.
cholan / December 4, 2015
Send only Muslims maids to Saudi Arabia land of fanatics ..ban Sinhala and Tamil women going to Saudi ..
Even the poverty Bangladesh banned Bengali women going to Saudi as housemaids..
Indonesia the biggest Muslim country in the world will soon impose ban their women going to Saudi..
This is a shame in 21st century …
If they like to follow their book(?) why the hell they need a place in United Nations and other international organizations?
Saudi Arabia already destroyed Maldives Islands with their fanatic ideas..
soon Malaysia will be destroyed by these fanatics where religious intolerance has gone out of control…
ISIS is fully funded and encouraged by Saudis …but Arabs are flocking to west seeking asylum …Hungary has fully fenced their boarders ..and Muslims are shivering in winter cold ..why not guardian of Islam Saudi Arabia take these people ?
sinhalese buddhist / December 5, 2015
Salma and Zarina
Thank you for your participation in this discussion. It’s heartening to see muslims stepping forward to condemn this barbarism. I wish there were more muslim men -especially those who have been quite vocal and prolific on CT- speak to this issue. I am yet to see any of them commenting on CT on this issue.
A question for the 2 of you: do you think stoning to death and chopping off body parts is acceptable as punishment? Do the muslim religious leaders in Sri Lanka support such punishment? Would you like Sri Lankan muslims to be subject to such laws within Sri Lanka?
I appreciate your attempts to engage the racists and bigots on CT.